Vaccination: how the West invades the world

cc: to Bill Gates by Jon Rappoport June 8, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) “A great wave of missionaries brings a fairy tale to the Third World. These outsiders are the priests in white coats. They offer medical treatments for problems they can’t possibly solve. The self-generated delusions of the doctors about […]

COVID-19: a movie on the screen of life

by Jon Rappoport June 5, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) Recently, a report on the COVID-19 crisis was leaked from the German Interior Ministry. The report states quite definitely that the whole threat has been overblown. It was a “false alarm.” World media have taken very little notice. As reveals (see […]

COVID-19 and Riots: the operational connections

by Jon Rappoport June 4, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) The COVID-19 operation was fraying badly: Protests against the lockdowns were expanding. The public-health measures (distancing, isolation, masks) were being attacked from all sides, as unnecessary, useless, overbearing, and unscientific. Many mainstream researchers, doctors, and even public health officials were exposing the […]

Contact tracing in the circus of robots

“Hi Hank. So glad your deli is finally open. I’ll have the Fauci baloney on rye with apocalypse sauce and extra Birx pickles on the side…you know, the sandwich with the tiny microchip in it…” by Jon Rappoport June 1, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) So I chose a state at random […]

The “hot zone” theory of new frightening diseases

by Jon Rappoport May 28, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) Remember? There was a 1994 book by that name— and then “experts” began piling on—it went something like this: “Out of the deep dark rainforests of Earth (cue sounds of native drumming), as a result of modern plane travel, viruses we’ve never […]

COVID-19 vaccination: what the plan looks like

by Jon Rappoport May 26, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) “Despite Moderna’s cheery press release this week, the clinical trial results for its groundbreaking COVID vaccine could not be much worse.” “The vaccine, developed and championed by Anthony Fauci and financed by Bill Gates, used an experimental mRNA technology…” “Three of the […]

Moderna and the COVID vaccine: what kind of lunacy?

by Jon Rappoport May 22, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) “It’s completely correct to say that NIAID will reap a profit on the Moderna/NIAID vaccine. There are 6 NIAID scientists who work for Dr. Fauci, each of whom would get $150,000/year indefinitely as their reward. So that’s $900,000 to his subordinates every […]

Virtual epidemic, virtual culture, prince of darkness

by Jon Rappoport May 18, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) I assume very few of my readers are interested in pro football, but bear with me. This one is too good to pass up. Joe Buck, the number-one FOX NFL announcer, has wandered off the reservation… USA TODAY—“Joe Buck: If NFL games […]