Dispatches from the War: Black Lives Matter; Trouble in covid vaccine paradise

by Jon Rappoport July 28, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) ONE: BLACK LIVES MATTER National Geographic headline, July 17: “More than half of Black-owned businesses may not survive COVID-19”. “COVID-19 shutdowns have pounded Black-owned businesses particularly hard. Research at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and a report by the National Bureau […]

To patriots: look at Italy now

by Jon Rappoport July 6, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) Last week, when I hosted an hour of the Alex Jones show on Infowars, I urged the audience that, at all future Trump rallies, they hack the proceedings from the get-go, refuse to let Trump talk, and shout over and over, in […]

The China lockdown, Sun Tzu, and the Art of War

by Jon Rappoport July 3, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) I wrote and published this article back in April. In retrospect, it’s obvious that Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, the UN, and other elite Globalists NEEDED a new pretext for their tyrannical operation, and… They needed to know, YEARS BEFOREHAND, that […]

Technocracy inside your body: not science fiction

by Jon Rappoport June 19, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) —Freedom includes the natural right to resist and reject any technology that endangers life. Merriam-Webster: “nanobot-a microscopically small robot: a robot built on the scale of nanometers.” Technocracy is the engineering of civilization to make it resemble a machine in which all […]