Would the US government let Jesus cure COVID?

by Jon Rappoport

December 9, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

In the 1990s, I watched a federal trial in a Los Angeles courtroom. The defendant was charged with selling medical drugs without a license.

The defendant was prepared to argue that a) the substance he was selling was naturally produced in the body and b) it was effective.

The prosecution moved to exclude such testimony, on the grounds that it was irrelevant.

The judge agreed. Therefore, the trial was nasty, brutish, and short. The defendant was found guilty and sentenced to prison for several years.

This is how the federal bureaucracy operates. “Do you have a government-issued license to heal? No? You’re a criminal.”

I believe that if Jesus of Nazareth were walking the Earth today, in the United States, he would be arrested on the same grounds.

This would be particularly so if he were curing COVID.

(Of course, as I’ve been proving for more than a year, the virus, SARS-CoV-2, doesn’t exist. Therefore, COVID doesn’t exist. For the most part, flu-like illness, and other traditional lung conditions, have been repackaged and relabeled “COVID.” So Jesus would be curing those lung illnesses.)

Imagine this extreme case: in a stadium packed with 50,000 ill people who have been diagnosed with COVID, Jesus waves his hand and cures all of them in a few seconds.

Now he is threatening the profits of many companies, to say nothing of the power of the government, which backs the vaccine-drug monopoly to the hilt.

So Jesus is arrested. He is put on trial. He opts to defend himself without an attorney. He tells the court that curing COVID is no crime.

The prosecuting attorney objects. “Your Honor,” he says, “whether or not this man has cured COVID is beside the point. He has no license to practice medicine. That is why we are here today. We are simply establishing that a) he was practicing medicine and b) he has no government-issued license. That is the scope of this proceeding.”

The judge agrees. The verdict is decided. Guilty.

Of course, on another front, the major media, who depend for their existence on pharmaceutical advertising, take the ball and run with it. The networks and major newspapers seek out “experts,” who emphatically state that what a man calling himself Jesus of Nazareth “performed” in the stadium was mere hypnotism. It was all a placebo effect. Whatever sudden “remissions” may have occurred are just temporary. Tragically, COVID will return.

Not only that, these 50,000 people have effectively been sidetracked and diverted from seeking “real care from real doctors.” With vaccines, with antiviral drugs, they would have stood a chance of surviving and living long normal lives.

Other media pundits send up this flag: “Many of those present in the stadium were bitter clingers to their religion. They refuse to accept science. They are living in the past. They favor superstition over real medical care. In fact, they are threatening the whole basis of modern medicine, since other confused and deluded Americans may now turn away from doctors and seek snake-oil salesmen and preachers for healing.”

From the highest perches of political power in this country, the word quietly goes out to the media: don’t follow up on those people who were in the stadium; don’t try to track them; don’t compile statistics on their survival rates; don’t investigate whether they were cured; move on to other stories (distractions); let this whole madness die down.

But among the citizenry, an awareness spreads: the government is controlling healing through its issuance of licenses. That’s how the government is essentially protecting one form of “healing” and enabling it to become an all-encompassing cartel.

What would be the alternative or the adjunct to licenses?


Contracts are agreements entered into by consenting adults, who assume responsibility for the outcomes. In the case of healing, a contract would specify that people have a right to be wrong.

Let’s say two consenting adults, Jim and Frank, agree to allow Frank to treat Jim for his arthritis with water from a well on Frank’s land.

The two men acknowledge that no liability will be attached to the outcome. In other words, whether Jim get better or gets worse, no one is going file a suit. No one is going to go to the government for redress of wrongs.

The well water may be wonderful or it may be completely useless. Both men understand and acknowledge that. But they exercise a right to try the treatment, because they are free.

Immediately people say, “This is ridiculous. Water can’t cure arthritis. Frank is cheating Jim. Jim is a victim. He needs to see a doctor. He needs to go on arthritis drugs.”

No, Jim doesn’t have to do anything. He is free.

To put it another way, Jim has the right to be right or wrong. It’s his decision, which is beyond the scope of any authority.

If government tries to remove that right from all of us, it is essentially saying it knows what is correct, it knows what is true, it knows what we need and require, and it’s going to give it to us even if it has to shove it down our throats. Does that sound like freedom to you?

If a man calling himself Jesus of Nazareth lived in the United States today, and if he went around curing COVID, he would be arrested. He wouldn’t be charged with blasphemy or treason. He would be charged with something much simpler and more mundane: practicing medicine without a license.

And he would be convicted and sentenced.

Because the government, in its throne of corruption, wants to protect its proprietary and illegitimate and criminal interests.

“If we kill you with the COVID vaccine, it’s within our right, because we ARE practicing medicine with a license.”

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Pfizer smoking-gun secret document: their deadly COVID vaccine

Awakening from the trance

by Jon Rappoport

December 7, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

CORRECTION: After publishing this article, I discovered that the gigantic Pfizer list of medical conditions was apparently not a report on logged cases of adverse events, but instead a complete list of conditions that Pfizer would be monitoring, in order to see whether they popped up on their radar as reactions to the COVID vaccine.

Why would Pfizer publish this extraordinary list? Because as they state, these medical conditions have been associated with severe COVID-19 “and vaccines in general.” In other words, vaccines in general, historically, have carried enormous risk and dangers over an incredibly wide area of medical conditions. This is a key confession.

Further, if you read the full secret Pfizer document, you will come to Table 7, which does list a number of categories of adverse reactions, all of which WERE reported in the first three months of the Pfizer vaccine rollout. This IS stunning.

In the secret document, Pfizer does list 1,223 deaths occurring after just three months of the vaccine rollout. This should have been sufficient to cause a complete halt to the vaccination program.

Finally, Pfizer admits that in the first three months of the vaccine rollout, it logged a staggering 42,086 cases of adverse reactions. And as far as I can determine from the Pfizer document, these 42,086 cases represented a total of 139,888 adverse events. In other words, in many cases, there were reports of multiple adverse events.

Journalist Celia Farber just wrote an explosive article on the Pfizer secret document. You should read it (and her addendum, here). She deserves our thanks and gratitude. And here you can also read the document itself.

In short, the Pfizer document (which was never supposed to see the light of day but was disclosed as part of a FOIA suit) describes the adverse effects from just the first three months of injections with the company’s COVID vaccine:

158,000 adverse events, 1,223 deaths. In a half-sane world, this would have been more than enough to halt all injections and cancel the vaccine.

I’ve queried two attorneys. They both looked at the Pfizer document and state they believe it’s authentic.

The appendix of the Pfizer document is the most astonishing section. It’s beyond astonishing. It lists all the types of vaccine adverse events Pfizer logged—again, in just three months of injections.

Page after page after page after page of types of adverse events. Each type of event cast in medical language, the language of the dead. The proponents of this technical-ese speak, as it were, from beyond the grave. They’re super-educated brainwashed zombies. It’s as if they’re listing and counting abstractions in an academic board game.

The abstractions raise no concerns. In the document, no one is waving red flags. They’re all medical bean counters, keeping their books with precision.

Make no mistake, these are the people who are operating the levers of society on a day-to-day basis, maiming and killing with a confident attitude that indicates they are beyond reproach. The very notion of reproach is foreign to them.

Civilization is drowning. It’s drowning in a giant lake of TECHNIQUE. The uses to which technique is put have become irrelevant. Just follow procedure. Carry out assigned tasks. Pass along information. Report on results. And then you will have achieved immunity from blame.

Or resist and rebel no matter what. These are the stakes. This is the war.

Get ready. Buckle up. Logged by Pfizer, covering the first three months of COVID vaccination, here is the corporation’s list of types of vaccine adverse events, as published by Celia Farber:


5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports


1p36 deletion syndrome; 2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria; 5’nucleotidase increased; Acoustic neuritis; Acquired C1 inhibitor deficiency; Acquired epidermolysis bullosa; Acquired epileptic aphasia; Acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus; Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; Acute encephalitis with refractory, repetitive partial seizures; Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis; Acute flaccid myelitis; Acute haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis; Acute haemorrhagic oedema of infancy; Acute kidney injury; Acute macular outer retinopathy; Acute motor axonal neuropathy; Acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy; Acute myocardial infarction; Acute respiratory distress syndrome [Note by Celia Farber: “that sounds like ‘Covid 19’.”]; Acute respiratory failure; Addison’s disease; Administration site thrombosis; Administration site vasculitis; Adrenal thrombosis; Adverse event following immunisation; Ageusia; Agranulocytosis; Air embolism; Alanine aminotransferase abnormal; Alanine aminotransferase increased; Alcoholic seizure; Allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis; Allergic oedema; Alloimmune hepatitis; Alopecia areata; Alpers disease; Alveolar proteinosis; Ammonia abnormal; Ammonia increased; Amniotic cavity infection; Amygdalohippocampectomy; Amyloid arthropathy; Amyloidosis; Amyloidosis senile; Anaphylactic reaction; Anaphylactic shock; Anaphylactic transfusion reaction; Anaphylactoid reaction; Anaphylactoid shock; Anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy; Angioedema; Angiopathic neuropathy; Ankylosing spondylitis; Anosmia; Antiacetylcholine receptor antibody positive; Anti-actin antibody positive; Anti-aquaporin-4 antibody positive; Anti-basal ganglia antibody positive; Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody positive; Anti-epithelial antibody positive; Anti-erythrocyte antibody positive; Anti-exosome complex antibody positive; Anti- GAD antibody negative; Anti-GAD antibody positive; Anti-ganglioside antibody positive; Antigliadin antibody positive; Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody positive; Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease; Anti-glycyl-tRNA synthetase antibody positive; Anti-HLA antibody test positive; Anti-IA2 antibody positive; Anti-insulin antibody increased; Anti-insulin antibody positive; Anti-insulin receptor antibody increased; Anti-insulin receptor antibody positive; Anti-interferon antibody negative; Anti-interferon antibody positive; Anti-islet cell antibody positive; Antimitochondrial antibody positive; Anti-muscle specific kinase antibody positive; Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein antibodies positive; Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein associated polyneuropathy; Antimyocardial antibody positive; Anti-neuronal antibody positive; Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody increased; Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive; Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive vasculitis; Anti-NMDA antibody positive; Antinuclear antibody increased; Antinuclear antibody positive; Antiphospholipid antibodies positive; Antiphospholipid syndrome; Anti-platelet antibody positive; Anti-prothrombin antibody positive; Antiribosomal P antibody positive; Anti-RNA polymerase III antibody positive; Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody test positive; Anti-sperm antibody positive; Anti-SRP antibody positive; Antisynthetase syndrome; Anti-thyroid antibody positive; Anti-transglutaminase antibody increased; Anti-VGCC antibody positive; Anti-VGKC antibody positive; Anti-vimentin antibody positive; Antiviral prophylaxis; Antiviral treatment; Anti-zinc transporter 8 antibody positive; Aortic embolus; Aortic thrombosis; Aortitis; Aplasia pure red cell; Aplastic anaemia; Application site thrombosis; Application site vasculitis; Arrhythmia; Arterial bypass occlusion; Arterial bypass thrombosis; Arterial thrombosis; Arteriovenous fistula thrombosis; Arteriovenous graft site stenosis; Arteriovenous graft thrombosis; Arteritis; Arteritis



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[con’t] [Arteritis] coronary; Arthralgia; Arthritis; Arthritis enteropathic; Ascites; Aseptic cavernous sinus thrombosis; Aspartate aminotransferase abnormal; Aspartate aminotransferase increased; Aspartate-glutamate-transporter deficiency; AST to platelet ratio index increased; AST/ALT ratio abnormal; Asthma; Asymptomatic COVID-19; Ataxia; Atheroembolism; Atonic seizures; Atrial thrombosis; Atrophic thyroiditis; Atypical benign partial epilepsy; Atypical pneumonia [Note by Celia Farber: “This sounds like the original definition of Covid-19 out of Wuhan.”]; Aura; Autoantibody positive; Autoimmune anaemia; Autoimmune aplastic anaemia; Autoimmune arthritis; Autoimmune blistering disease; Autoimmune cholangitis; Autoimmune colitis; Autoimmune demyelinating disease; Autoimmune dermatitis; Autoimmune disorder; Autoimmune encephalopathy; Autoimmune endocrine disorder; Autoimmune enteropathy; Autoimmune eye disorder; Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia; Autoimmune heparin-induced thrombocytopenia; Autoimmune hepatitis; Autoimmune hyperlipidaemia; Autoimmune hypothyroidism; Autoimmune inner ear disease; Autoimmune lung disease; Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome; Autoimmune myocarditis; Autoimmune myositis; Autoimmune nephritis; Autoimmune neuropathy; Autoimmune neutropenia; Autoimmune pancreatitis; Autoimmune pancytopenia; Autoimmune pericarditis; Autoimmune retinopathy; Autoimmune thyroid disorder; Autoimmune thyroiditis; Autoimmune uveitis; Autoinflammation with infantile enterocolitis; Autoinflammatory disease; Automatism epileptic; Autonomic nervous system imbalance; Autonomic seizure; Axial spondyloarthritis; Axillary vein thrombosis; Axonal and demyelinating polyneuropathy; Axonal neuropathy; Bacterascites; Baltic myoclonic epilepsy; Band sensation; Basedow’s disease; Basilar artery thrombosis; Basophilopenia; B-cell aplasia; Behcet’s syndrome; Benign ethnic neutropenia; Benign familial neonatal convulsions; Benign familial pemphigus; Benign rolandic epilepsy; Beta-2 glycoprotein antibody positive; Bickerstaff’s encephalitis; Bile output abnormal; Bile output decreased; Biliary ascites; Bilirubin conjugated abnormal; Bilirubin conjugated increased; Bilirubin urine present; Biopsy liver abnormal; Biotinidase deficiency; Birdshot chorioretinopathy; Blood alkaline phosphatase abnormal; Blood alkaline phosphatase increased; Blood bilirubin abnormal; Blood bilirubin increased; Blood bilirubin unconjugated increased; Blood cholinesterase abnormal; Blood cholinesterase decreased; Blood pressure decreased; Blood pressure diastolic decreased; Blood pressure systolic decreased; Blue toe syndrome; Brachiocephalic vein thrombosis; Brain stem embolism; Brain stem thrombosis; Bromosulphthalein test abnormal; Bronchial oedema; Bronchitis; Bronchitis mycoplasmal; Bronchitis viral; Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis allergic; Bronchospasm; Budd- Chiari syndrome; Bulbar palsy; Butterfly rash; C1q nephropathy; Caesarean section; Calcium embolism; Capillaritis; Caplan’s syndrome; Cardiac amyloidosis; Cardiac arrest; Cardiac failure; Cardiac failure acute; Cardiac sarcoidosis; Cardiac ventricular thrombosis; Cardiogenic shock; Cardiolipin antibody positive; Cardiopulmonary failure; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardio-respiratory distress; Cardiovascular insufficiency; Carotid arterial embolus; Carotid artery thrombosis; Cataplexy; Catheter site thrombosis; Catheter site vasculitis; Cavernous sinus thrombosis; CDKL5 deficiency disorder; CEC syndrome; Cement embolism; Central nervous system lupus; Central nervous system vasculitis; Cerebellar artery thrombosis; Cerebellar embolism; Cerebral amyloid angiopathy; Cerebral arteritis; Cerebral artery embolism; Cerebral artery thrombosis; Cerebral gas embolism; Cerebral microembolism; Cerebral septic infarct; Cerebral thrombosis; Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis; Cerebral venous thrombosis; Cerebrospinal thrombotic



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[con’t] [Cerebrospinal thrombotic] tamponade; Cerebrovascular accident; Change in seizure presentation; Chest discomfort; Child- Pugh-Turcotte score abnormal; Child-Pugh-Turcotte score increased; Chillblains; Choking; Choking sensation; Cholangitis sclerosing; Chronic autoimmune glomerulonephritis; Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Chronic gastritis; Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy; Chronic lymphocytic inflammation with pontine perivascular enhancement responsive to steroids; Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis; Chronic respiratory failure; Chronic spontaneous urticaria; Circulatory collapse; Circumoral oedema; Circumoral swelling; Clinically isolated syndrome; Clonic convulsion; Coeliac disease; Cogan’s syndrome; Cold agglutinins positive; Cold type haemolytic anaemia; Colitis; Colitis erosive; Colitis herpes; Colitis microscopic; Colitis ulcerative; Collagen disorder; Collagen-vascular disease; Complement factor abnormal; Complement factor C1 decreased; Complement factor C2 decreased; Complement factor C3 decreased; Complement factor C4 decreased; Complement factor decreased; Computerised tomogram liver abnormal; Concentric sclerosis; Congenital anomaly; Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome; Congenital herpes simplex infection; Congenital myasthenic syndrome; Congenital varicella infection; Congestive hepatopathy; Convulsion in childhood; Convulsions local; Convulsive threshold lowered; Coombs positive haemolytic anaemia; Coronary artery disease; Coronary artery embolism; Coronary artery thrombosis; Coronary bypass thrombosis; Coronavirus infection; Coronavirus test; Coronavirus test negative; Coronavirus test positive; Corpus callosotomy; Cough; Cough variant asthma; COVID-19; COVID-19 immunisation; COVID-19 pneumonia; COVID-19 prophylaxis; COVID-19 treatment; Cranial nerve disorder; Cranial nerve palsies multiple; Cranial nerve paralysis; CREST syndrome; Crohn’s disease; Cryofibrinogenaemia; Cryoglobulinaemia; CSF oligoclonal band present; CSWS syndrome; Cutaneous amyloidosis; Cutaneous lupus erythematosus; Cutaneous sarcoidosis; Cutaneous vasculitis; Cyanosis; Cyclic neutropenia; Cystitis interstitial; Cytokine release syndrome; Cytokine storm; De novo purine synthesis inhibitors associated acute inflammatory syndrome; Death neonatal; Deep vein thrombosis; Deep vein thrombosis postoperative; Deficiency of bile secretion; Deja vu; Demyelinating polyneuropathy; Demyelination; Dermatitis; Dermatitis bullous; Dermatitis herpetiformis; Dermatomyositis; Device embolisation; Device related thrombosis; Diabetes mellitus; Diabetic ketoacidosis; Diabetic mastopathy; Dialysis amyloidosis; Dialysis membrane reaction; Diastolic hypotension; Diffuse vasculitis; Digital pitting scar; Disseminated intravascular coagulation; Disseminated intravascular coagulation in newborn; Disseminated neonatal herpes simplex; Disseminated varicella; Disseminated varicella zoster vaccine virus infection; Disseminated varicella zoster virus infection; DNA antibody positive; Double cortex syndrome; Double stranded DNA antibody positive; Dreamy state; Dressler’s syndrome; Drop attacks; Drug withdrawal convulsions; Dyspnoea; Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy with burst-suppression; Eclampsia; Eczema herpeticum; Embolia cutis medicamentosa; Embolic cerebellar infarction; Embolic cerebral infarction; Embolic pneumonia; Embolic stroke; Embolism; Embolism arterial; Embolism venous; Encephalitis; Encephalitis allergic; Encephalitis autoimmune; Encephalitis brain stem; Encephalitis haemorrhagic; Encephalitis periaxialis diffusa; Encephalitis post immunisation; Encephalomyelitis; Encephalopathy; Endocrine disorder; Endocrine ophthalmopathy; Endotracheal intubation; Enteritis; Enteritis leukopenic; Enterobacter pneumonia; Enterocolitis; Enteropathic spondylitis; Eosinopenia; Eosinophilic



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[con’t] [Eosinophilic] fasciitis; Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis; Eosinophilic oesophagitis; Epidermolysis; Epilepsy; Epilepsy surgery; Epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic seizures; Epileptic aura; Epileptic psychosis; Erythema; Erythema induratum; Erythema multiforme; Erythema nodosum; Evans syndrome; Exanthema subitum; Expanded disability status scale score decreased; Expanded disability status scale score increased; Exposure to communicable disease; Exposure to SARS-CoV-2; Eye oedema; Eye pruritus; Eye swelling; Eyelid oedema; Face oedema; Facial paralysis; Facial paresis; Faciobrachial dystonic seizure; Fat embolism; Febrile convulsion; Febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome; Febrile neutropenia; Felty’s syndrome; Femoral artery embolism; Fibrillary glomerulonephritis; Fibromyalgia; Flushing; Foaming at mouth; Focal cortical resection; Focal dyscognitive seizures; Foetal distress syndrome; Foetal placental thrombosis; Foetor hepaticus; Foreign body embolism; Frontal lobe epilepsy; Fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus; Galactose elimination capacity test abnormal; Galactose elimination capacity test decreased; Gamma-glutamyltransferase abnormal; Gamma-glutamyltransferase increased; Gastritis herpes; Gastrointestinal amyloidosis; Gelastic seizure; Generalised onset non-motor seizure; Generalised tonic-clonic seizure; Genital herpes; Genital herpes simplex; Genital herpes zoster; Giant cell arteritis; Glomerulonephritis; Glomerulonephritis membranoproliferative; Glomerulonephritis membranous; Glomerulonephritis rapidly progressive; Glossopharyngeal nerve paralysis; Glucose transporter type 1 deficiency syndrome; Glutamate dehydrogenase increased; Glycocholic acid increased; GM2 gangliosidosis; Goodpasture’s syndrome; Graft thrombosis; Granulocytopenia; Granulocytopenia neonatal; Granulomatosis with polyangiitis; Granulomatous dermatitis; Grey matter heterotopia; Guanase increased; Guillain- Barre syndrome; Haemolytic anaemia; Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis; Haemorrhage; Haemorrhagic ascites; Haemorrhagic disorder; Haemorrhagic pneumonia; Haemorrhagic varicella syndrome; Haemorrhagic vasculitis; Hantavirus pulmonary infection; Hashimoto’s encephalopathy; Hashitoxicosis; Hemimegalencephaly; Henoch-Schonlein purpura; Henoch- Schonlein purpura nephritis; Hepaplastin abnormal; Hepaplastin decreased; Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia; Hepatic amyloidosis; Hepatic artery embolism; Hepatic artery flow decreased; Hepatic artery thrombosis; Hepatic enzyme abnormal; Hepatic enzyme decreased; Hepatic enzyme increased; Hepatic fibrosis marker abnormal; Hepatic fibrosis marker increased; Hepatic function abnormal; Hepatic hydrothorax; Hepatic hypertrophy; Hepatic hypoperfusion; Hepatic lymphocytic infiltration; Hepatic mass; Hepatic pain; Hepatic sequestration; Hepatic vascular resistance increased; Hepatic vascular thrombosis; Hepatic vein embolism; Hepatic vein thrombosis; Hepatic venous pressure gradient abnormal; Hepatic venous pressure gradient increased; Hepatitis; Hepatobiliary scan abnormal; Hepatomegaly; Hepatosplenomegaly; Hereditary angioedema with C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency; Herpes dermatitis; Herpes gestationis; Herpes oesophagitis; Herpes ophthalmic; Herpes pharyngitis; Herpes sepsis; Herpes simplex; Herpes simplex cervicitis; Herpes simplex colitis; Herpes simplex encephalitis; Herpes simplex gastritis; Herpes simplex hepatitis; Herpes simplex meningitis; Herpes simplex meningoencephalitis; Herpes simplex meningomyelitis; Herpes simplex necrotising retinopathy; Herpes simplex oesophagitis; Herpes simplex otitis externa; Herpes simplex pharyngitis; Herpes simplex pneumonia; Herpes simplex reactivation; Herpes simplex sepsis; Herpes simplex viraemia; Herpes simplex virus conjunctivitis neonatal; Herpes simplex visceral; Herpes virus



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[con’t] [Herpes virus] infection; Herpes zoster; Herpes zoster cutaneous disseminated; Herpes zoster infection neurological; Herpes zoster meningitis; Herpes zoster meningoencephalitis; Herpes zoster meningomyelitis; Herpes zoster meningoradiculitis; Herpes zoster necrotising retinopathy; Herpes zoster oticus; Herpes zoster pharyngitis; Herpes zoster reactivation; Herpetic radiculopathy; Histone antibody positive; Hoigne’s syndrome; Human herpesvirus 6 encephalitis; Human herpesvirus 6 infection; Human herpesvirus 6 infection reactivation; Human herpesvirus 7 infection; Human herpesvirus 8 infection; Hyperammonaemia; Hyperbilirubinaemia; Hypercholia; Hypergammaglobulinaemia benign monoclonal; Hyperglycaemic seizure; Hypersensitivity; Hypersensitivity vasculitis; Hyperthyroidism; Hypertransaminasaemia; Hyperventilation; Hypoalbuminaemia; H ypocalcaemic seizure; Hypogammaglobulinaemia; Hypoglossal nerve paralysis; Hypoglossal nerve paresis; Hypoglycaemic seizure; Hyponatraemic seizure; Hypotension; Hypotensive crisis; Hypothenar hammer syndrome; Hypothyroidism; Hypoxia; Idiopathic CD4 lymphocytopenia [Note by Celia Farber: “sounds like ‘AIDS’ except Fauci re-defined AIDS in 1993, after the ‘Amsterdam Surprise’ as only occurring when HIV was ‘present’ so all thousands the non HIV, ‘idiopathic CD4 lympho-cytopenia’ cases were excluded, creating a tautological definition that came to be ‘HIV/AIDS’.”]; Idiopathic generalised epilepsy; Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia; Idiopathic neutropenia; Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; IgA nephropathy; IgM nephropathy; IIIrd nerve paralysis; IIIrd nerve paresis; Iliac artery embolism; Immune thrombocytopenia; Immune- mediated adverse reaction; Immune-mediated cholangitis; Immune-mediated cholestasis; Immune-mediated cytopenia; Immune-mediated encephalitis; Immune-mediated encephalopathy; Immune-mediated endocrinopathy; Immune-mediated enterocolitis; Immune- mediated gastritis; Immune-mediated hepatic disorder; Immune-mediated hepatitis; Immune- mediated hyperthyroidism; Immune-mediated hypothyroidism; Immune-mediated myocarditis; Immune-mediated myositis; Immune-mediated nephritis; Immune-mediated neuropathy; Immune-mediated pancreatitis; Immune-mediated pneumonitis; Immune-mediated renal disorder; Immune-mediated thyroiditis; Immune-mediated uveitis; Immunoglobulin G4 related disease; Immunoglobulins abnormal; Implant site thrombosis; Inclusion body myositis; Infantile genetic agranulocytosis; Infantile spasms; Infected vasculitis; Infective thrombosis; Inflammation; Inflammatory bowel disease; Infusion site thrombosis; Infusion site vasculitis; Injection site thrombosis; Injection site urticaria; Injection site vasculitis; Instillation site thrombosis; Insulin autoimmune syndrome; Interstitial granulomatous dermatitis; Interstitial lung disease; Intracardiac mass; Intracardiac thrombus; Intracranial pressure increased; Intrapericardial thrombosis; Intrinsic factor antibody abnormal; Intrinsic factor antibody positive; IPEX syndrome; Irregular breathing; IRVAN syndrome; IVth nerve paralysis; IVth nerve paresis; JC polyomavirus test positive; JC virus CSF test positive; Jeavons syndrome; Jugular vein embolism; Jugular vein thrombosis; Juvenile idiopathic arthritis; Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy; Juvenile polymyositis; Juvenile psoriatic arthritis; Juvenile spondyloarthritis; Kaposi sarcoma inflammatory cytokine syndrome; Kawasaki’s disease; Kayser-Fleischer ring; Keratoderma blenorrhagica; Ketosis- prone diabetes mellitus; Kounis syndrome; Lafora’s myoclonic epilepsy; Lambl’s excrescences; Laryngeal dyspnoea; Laryngeal oedema; Laryngeal rheumatoid arthritis; Laryngospasm; Laryngotracheal oedema; Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults; LE cells present; Lemierre syndrome; Lennox-Gastaut syndrome; Leucine aminopeptidase increased; Leukoencephalomyelitis; Leukoencephalopathy; Leukopenia; Leukopenia neonatal; Lewis-Sumner syndrome; Lhermitte’s sign; Lichen planopilaris; Lichen planus; Lichen sclerosus; Limbic encephalitis; Linear IgA disease; Lip oedema; Lip swelling; Liver function test abnormal; Liver function test decreased; Liver function test increased; Liver induration; Liver injury; Liver iron concentration abnormal; Liver iron concentration



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5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports

[con’t] [Liver iron concentration] increased; Liver opacity; Liver palpable; Liver sarcoidosis; Liver scan abnormal; Liver tenderness; Low birth weight baby; Lower respiratory tract herpes infection; Lower respiratory tract infection; Lower respiratory tract infection viral; Lung abscess; Lupoid hepatic cirrhosis; Lupus cystitis; Lupus encephalitis; Lupus endocarditis; Lupus enteritis; Lupus hepatitis; Lupus myocarditis; Lupus myositis; Lupus nephritis; Lupus pancreatitis; Lupus pleurisy; Lupus pneumonitis; Lupus vasculitis; Lupus-like syndrome; Lymphocytic hypophysitis; Lymphocytopenia neonatal; Lymphopenia; MAGIC syndrome; Magnetic resonance imaging liver abnormal; Magnetic resonance proton density fat fraction measurement; Mahler sign; Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue; Manufacturing materials issue; Manufacturing production issue; Marburg’s variant multiple sclerosis; Marchiafava-Bignami disease; Marine Lenhart syndrome; Mastocytic enterocolitis; Maternal exposure during pregnancy; Medical device site thrombosis; Medical device site vasculitis; MELAS syndrome; Meningitis; Meningitis aseptic; Meningitis herpes; Meningoencephalitis herpes simplex neonatal; Meningoencephalitis herpetic; Meningomyelitis herpes; MERS-CoV test; MERS-CoV test negative; MERS-CoV test positive; Mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis; Mesenteric artery embolism; Mesenteric artery thrombosis; Mesenteric vein thrombosis; Metapneumovirus infection; Metastatic cutaneous Crohn’s disease; Metastatic pulmonary embolism; Microangiopathy; Microembolism; Microscopic polyangiitis; Middle East respiratory syndrome; Migraine-triggered seizure; Miliary pneumonia; Miller Fisher syndrome; Mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase increased; Mixed connective tissue disease; Model for end stage liver disease score abnormal; Model for end stage liver disease score increased; Molar ratio of total branched-chain amino acid to tyrosine; Molybdenum cofactor deficiency; Monocytopenia; Mononeuritis; Mononeuropathy multiplex; Morphoea; Morvan syndrome; Mouth swelling; Moyamoya disease; Multifocal motor neuropathy; Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome; Multiple sclerosis; Multiple sclerosis relapse; Multiple sclerosis relapse prophylaxis; Multiple subpial transection; Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children; Muscular sarcoidosis; Myasthenia gravis; Myasthenia gravis crisis; Myasthenia gravis neonatal; Myasthenic syndrome; Myelitis; Myelitis transverse; Myocardial infarction; Myocarditis; Myocarditis post infection; Myoclonic epilepsy; Myoclonic epilepsy and ragged-red fibres; Myokymia; Myositis; Narcolepsy; Nasal herpes; Nasal obstruction; Necrotising herpetic retinopathy; Neonatal Crohn’s disease; Neonatal epileptic seizure; Neonatal lupus erythematosus; Neonatal mucocutaneous herpes simplex; Neonatal pneumonia; Neonatal seizure; Nephritis; Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis; Neuralgic amyotrophy; Neuritis; Neuritis cranial; Neuromyelitis optica pseudo relapse; Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder; Neuromyotonia; Neuronal neuropathy; Neuropathy peripheral; Neuropathy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa syndrome; Neuropsychiatric lupus; Neurosarcoidosis; Neutropenia; Neutropenia neonatal; Neutropenic colitis; Neutropenic infection; Neutropenic sepsis; Nodular rash; Nodular vasculitis; Noninfectious myelitis; Noninfective encephalitis; Noninfective encephalomyelitis; Noninfective oophoritis; Obstetrical pulmonary embolism; Occupational exposure to communicable disease; Occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2; Ocular hyperaemia; Ocular myasthenia; Ocular pemphigoid; Ocular sarcoidosis; Ocular vasculitis; Oculofacial paralysis; Oedema; Oedema blister; Oedema due to hepatic disease; Oedema mouth; Oesophageal achalasia; Ophthalmic artery thrombosis; Ophthalmic herpes simplex; Ophthalmic herpes zoster; Ophthalmic vein thrombosis; Optic neuritis; Optic



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5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports

[con’t] [Optic] neuropathy; Optic perineuritis; Oral herpes; Oral lichen planus; Oropharyngeal oedema; Oropharyngeal spasm; Oropharyngeal swelling; Osmotic demyelination syndrome; Ovarian vein thrombosis; Overlap syndrome; Paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infection; Paget-Schroetter syndrome; Palindromic rheumatism; Palisaded neutrophilic granulomatous dermatitis; Palmoplantar keratoderma; Palpable purpura; Pancreatitis; Panencephalitis; Papillophlebitis; Paracancerous pneumonia; Paradoxical embolism; Parainfluenzae viral laryngotracheobronchitis; Paraneoplastic dermatomyositis; Paraneoplastic pemphigus; Paraneoplastic thrombosis; Paresis cranial nerve; Parietal cell antibody positive; Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria; Partial seizures; Partial seizures with secondary generalisation; Patient isolation; Pelvic venous thrombosis; Pemphigoid; Pemphigus; Penile vein thrombosis; Pericarditis; Pericarditis lupus; Perihepatic discomfort; Periorbital oedema; Periorbital swelling; Peripheral artery thrombosis; Peripheral embolism; Peripheral ischaemia; Peripheral vein thrombus extension; Periportal oedema; Peritoneal fluid protein abnormal; Peritoneal fluid protein decreased; Peritoneal fluid protein increased; Peritonitis lupus; Pernicious anaemia; Petit mal epilepsy; Pharyngeal oedema; Pharyngeal swelling; Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta; Placenta praevia; Pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis; Pneumobilia; Pneumonia; Pneumonia adenoviral; Pneumonia cytomegaloviral; Pneumonia herpes viral; Pneumonia influenzal; Pneumonia measles; Pneumonia mycoplasmal; Pneumonia necrotising; Pneumonia parainfluenzae viral; Pneumonia respiratory syncytial viral; Pneumonia viral; POEMS syndrome; Polyarteritis nodosa; Polyarthritis; Polychondritis; Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type I; Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type II; Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type III; Polyglandular disorder; Polymicrogyria; Polymyalgia rheumatica; Polymyositis; Polyneuropathy; Polyneuropathy idiopathic progressive; Portal pyaemia; Portal vein embolism; Portal vein flow decreased; Portal vein pressure increased; Portal vein thrombosis; Portosplenomesenteric venous thrombosis; Post procedural hypotension; Post procedural pneumonia; Post procedural pulmonary embolism; Post stroke epilepsy; Post stroke seizure; Post thrombotic retinopathy; Post thrombotic syndrome; Post viral fatigue syndrome; Postictal headache; Postictal paralysis; Postictal psychosis; Postictal state; Postoperative respiratory distress; Postoperative respiratory failure; Postoperative thrombosis; Postpartum thrombosis; Postpartum venous thrombosis; Postpericardiotomy syndrome; Post-traumatic epilepsy; Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; Precerebral artery thrombosis; Pre-eclampsia; Preictal state; Premature labour; Premature menopause; Primary amyloidosis; Primary biliary cholangitis; Primary progressive multiple sclerosis; Procedural shock; Proctitis herpes; Proctitis ulcerative; Product availability issue; Product distribution issue; Product supply issue; Progressive facial hemiatrophy; Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; Progressive multiple sclerosis; Progressive relapsing multiple sclerosis; Prosthetic cardiac valve thrombosis; Pruritus; Pruritus allergic; Pseudovasculitis; Psoriasis; Psoriatic arthropathy; Pulmonary amyloidosis; Pulmonary artery thrombosis; Pulmonary embolism; Pulmonary fibrosis; Pulmonary haemorrhage; Pulmonary microemboli; Pulmonary oil microembolism; Pulmonary renal syndrome; Pulmonary sarcoidosis; Pulmonary sepsis; Pulmonary thrombosis; Pulmonary tumour thrombotic microangiopathy; Pulmonary vasculitis; Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease; Pulmonary venous thrombosis; Pyoderma gangrenosum; Pyostomatitis vegetans; Pyrexia; Quarantine; Radiation leukopenia; Radiculitis



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5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports

[con’t] [Radiculitis] brachial; Radiologically isolated syndrome; Rash; Rash erythematous; Rash pruritic; Rasmussen encephalitis; Raynaud’s phenomenon; Reactive capillary endothelial proliferation; Relapsing multiple sclerosis; Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis; Renal amyloidosis; Renal arteritis; Renal artery thrombosis; Renal embolism; Renal failure; Renal vascular thrombosis; Renal vasculitis; Renal vein embolism; Renal vein thrombosis; Respiratory arrest; Respiratory disorder; Respiratory distress; Respiratory failure; Respiratory paralysis; Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis; Respiratory syncytial virus bronchitis; Retinal artery embolism; Retinal artery occlusion; Retinal artery thrombosis; Retinal vascular thrombosis; Retinal vasculitis; Retinal vein occlusion; Retinal vein thrombosis; Retinol binding protein decreased; Retinopathy; Retrograde portal vein flow; Retroperitoneal fibrosis; Reversible airways obstruction; Reynold’s syndrome; Rheumatic brain disease; Rheumatic disorder; Rheumatoid arthritis; Rheumatoid factor increased; Rheumatoid factor positive; Rheumatoid factor quantitative increased; Rheumatoid lung; Rheumatoid neutrophilic dermatosis; Rheumatoid nodule; Rheumatoid nodule removal; Rheumatoid scleritis; Rheumatoid vasculitis; Saccadic eye movement; SAPHO syndrome; Sarcoidosis; SARS-CoV-1 test; SARS-CoV-1 test negative; SARS-CoV-1 test positive; SARS-CoV-2 antibody test; SARS-CoV-2 antibody test negative; SARS-CoV-2 antibody test positive; SARS-CoV-2 carrier; SARS-CoV-2 sepsis; SARS-CoV-2 test; SARS- CoV-2 test false negative; SARS-CoV-2 test false positive; SARS-CoV-2 test negative; SARS- CoV-2 test positive; SARS-CoV-2 viraemia; Satoyoshi syndrome; Schizencephaly; Scleritis; Sclerodactylia; Scleroderma; Scleroderma associated digital ulcer; Scleroderma renal crisis; Scleroderma-like reaction; Secondary amyloidosis; Secondary cerebellar degeneration; Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis; Segmented hyalinising vasculitis; Seizure; Seizure anoxic; Seizure cluster; Seizure like phenomena; Seizure prophylaxis; Sensation of foreign body; Septic embolus; Septic pulmonary embolism; Severe acute respiratory syndrome; Severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy; Shock; Shock symptom; Shrinking lung syndrome; Shunt thrombosis; Silent thyroiditis; Simple partial seizures; Sjogren’s syndrome; Skin swelling; SLE arthritis; Smooth muscle antibody positive; Sneezing; Spinal artery embolism; Spinal artery thrombosis; Splenic artery thrombosis; Splenic embolism; Splenic thrombosis; Splenic vein thrombosis; Spondylitis; Spondyloarthropathy; Spontaneous heparin-induced thrombocytopenia syndrome; Status epilepticus; Stevens-Johnson syndrome [Note by Celia Farber: “This, SJS, can result in the skin coming off the body altogether, from the body’s attempt to rid itself of poison.”]; Stiff leg syndrome; Stiff person syndrome; Stillbirth; Still’s disease; Stoma site thrombosis; Stoma site vasculitis; Stress cardiomyopathy; Stridor; Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus; Subacute endocarditis; Subacute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; Subclavian artery embolism; Subclavian artery thrombosis; Subclavian vein thrombosis; Sudden unexplained death in epilepsy; Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis; Susac’s syndrome; Suspected COVID- 19; Swelling; Swelling face; Swelling of eyelid; Swollen tongue; Sympathetic ophthalmia; Systemic lupus erythematosus; Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index abnormal; Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index decreased; Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index increased; Systemic lupus erythematosus rash; Systemic scleroderma; Systemic sclerosis pulmonary; Tachycardia; Tachypnoea; Takayasu’s arteritis; Temporal lobe epilepsy; Terminal ileitis; Testicular autoimmunity; Throat tightness; Thromboangiitis obliterans; Thrombocytopenia; Thrombocytopenic purpura; Thrombophlebitis; Thrombophlebitis migrans; Thrombophlebitis



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5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports

[con’t] [Thrombophlebitis] neonatal; Thrombophlebitis septic; Thrombophlebitis superficial; Thromboplastin antibody positive; Thrombosis; Thrombosis corpora cavernosa; Thrombosis in device; Thrombosis mesenteric vessel; Thrombotic cerebral infarction; Thrombotic microangiopathy; Thrombotic stroke; Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; Thyroid disorder; Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin increased; Thyroiditis; Tongue amyloidosis; Tongue biting; Tongue oedema; Tonic clonic movements; Tonic convulsion; Tonic posturing; Topectomy; Total bile acids increased; Toxic epidermal necrolysis; Toxic leukoencephalopathy; Toxic oil syndrome; Tracheal obstruction; Tracheal oedema; Tracheobronchitis; Tracheobronchitis mycoplasmal; Tracheobronchitis viral; Transaminases abnormal; Transaminases increased; Transfusion-related alloimmune neutropenia; Transient epileptic amnesia; Transverse sinus thrombosis; Trigeminal nerve paresis; Trigeminal neuralgia; Trigeminal palsy; Truncus coeliacus thrombosis; Tuberous sclerosis complex; Tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome; Tumefactive multiple sclerosis; Tumour embolism; Tumour thrombosis; Type 1 diabetes mellitus; Type I hypersensitivity; Type III immune complex mediated reaction; Uhthoff’s phenomenon; Ulcerative keratitis; Ultrasound liver abnormal; Umbilical cord thrombosis; Uncinate fits; Undifferentiated connective tissue disease; Upper airway obstruction; Urine bilirubin increased; Urobilinogen urine decreased; Urobilinogen urine increased; Urticaria; Urticaria papular; Urticarial vasculitis; Uterine rupture; Uveitis; Vaccination site thrombosis; Vaccination site vasculitis; Vagus nerve paralysis; Varicella; Varicella keratitis; Varicella post vaccine; Varicella zoster gastritis; Varicella zoster oesophagitis; Varicella zoster pneumonia; Varicella zoster sepsis; Varicella zoster virus infection; Vasa praevia; Vascular graft thrombosis; Vascular pseudoaneurysm thrombosis; Vascular purpura; Vascular stent thrombosis; Vasculitic rash; Vasculitic ulcer; Vasculitis; Vasculitis gastrointestinal; Vasculitis necrotising; Vena cava embolism; Vena cava thrombosis; Venous intravasation; Venous recanalisation; Venous thrombosis; Venous thrombosis in pregnancy; Venous thrombosis limb; Venous thrombosis neonatal; Vertebral artery thrombosis; Vessel puncture site thrombosis; Visceral venous thrombosis; VIth nerve paralysis; VIth nerve paresis; Vitiligo; Vocal cord paralysis; Vocal cord paresis; Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease; Warm type haemolytic anaemia; Wheezing; White nipple sign; XIth nerve paralysis; X-ray hepatobiliary abnormal; Young’s syndrome; Zika virus associated Guillain Barre syndrome.



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—Unless we rebel, someday this list will be engraved on a large memorial, and it will be framed in positive language, as an unparalleled achievement, as the introduction to the new genetically engineered human race.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

A pandemic of the vaccinated

And to keep the REAL pandemic going, we must have vaccine mandates and passports and crackdowns on the unvaccinated

by Jon Rappoport

November 23, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Daily Mail, November 18, 2021: “Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said waning immunity from the initial shots is leading to a rise in severe cases among immunized Americans. ‘What we’re starting to see now is an uptick in hospitalizations among people who’ve been vaccinated but not boosted’…”

NY Times podcast, November 12, 2021; Fauci states: “They are seeing a waning of [vaccine-induced] immunity not only against infection but against hospitalization and to some extent death, which is starting to now involve all age groups. It isn’t just the elderly.”

Translation: The vaccine is severely injuring and killing MANY people, but of course we’re calling those injuries and deaths “COVID-19 disease.” Also, our solution to this catastrophe is piling on MORE injections (boosters), which will hospitalize and kill even MORE people.

The dailyexpose.uk has the much deeper story:

“The public are being repeatedly lied to by elected officials, unelected advisors, and the mainstream media, with all of them claiming that the world is currently experiencing a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated. This could not be further from the truth.”

“But the lie has now been used to justify locking down the unvaccinated in Austria, and locking the unvaccinated out of society in Australia.”

“Now Germany is about to follow suit, Scotland is about to ban the unvaccinated from pubs and restaurants under the advice of a qualified nutritionist posing as a Pandemic expert who goes by the name of Devi Sridhar, and the authorities and media in England have gone into overdrive on the advice of the ‘nudge unit’ to sway the population into supporting a lockdown for only the unvaccinated.”

“But it all makes absolutely no sense because official Public Health data shows that over the past three months… two-thirds of Covid-19 hospitalisations [people who get very sick from the shot] have been among the fully vaccinated, and a frightening 91% of Covid-19 deaths [people who die from the shot] have been among the fully vaccinated, and projections shows things are about to get a lot worse.”

“…in the week beginning November 6th a total of 773 Covid-19 hospitalisations [people injured by the shot] were confirmed in Scotland. Of these 137 were among the unvaccinated population, whilst 363 were among the vaccinated population.”

“…the fully vaccinated accounted for the majority of hospitalisations [in Scotland] between October 16th and November 12th, and again by taking into account hospitalisations as far back as August 23rd we can see that things have been getting progressively worse for the fully vaccinated by the week.”

“In the week beginning August 21st the vaccinated accounted for 68% of hospitalisations, but fast forward to the week beginning November 6th and we can see that the vaccinated accounted for 73% of hospitalisations.”

“The worst week so far for the vaccinated however, in terms of hospitalisations, came in the week beginning October 16th which saw the vaccinated population account for 79% of Covid-19 hospitalisations [people injured by the shot].”

“[In Scotland]…the fully vaccinated accounted for the overwhelming majority of Covid-19 deaths [deaths from the shot] between October 9th and November 5th 2021. But by also taking into account the number of…deaths by vaccination status as far back as August 14th we’re able to see that things are getting significantly worse for the fully vaccinated population by the week…”

“…the week beginning August 14th the vaccinated accounted for 78% of deaths, but fast forward to the week beginning October 30th and we can see that the vaccinated accounted for 85% of deaths.”

Switching from Scotland to England: “The latest Public Health England technical briefing on Covid-19 variants of concern has been published and it reveals that up to the 12th September 2021, 74% of all alleged Covid-19 deaths since August 2nd 2021 [people killed by the shot] have been among the vaccinated population, confirming the UK is currently experiencing a pandemic of the vaccinated.”

But don’t worry, be happy. The solution—endless toxic boosters—will surely save the day. And by “save the day,” I mean tens or even hundreds of millions of lives will be ruined and ended.

And by “save the day,” I also mean the news media will cover all this up and continue to promote an alternative fantasy of a universe, in which the vaccine is a rescuing rainbow and the unvaccinated are terrorists.

There’s magic at work here. If you believe what the news media are telling you, then you’ll remain vibrant and healthy (if you take the vaccine and all the boosters). If you don’t take the vaccine, you’re doomed. It’s really quite something. Those talking news heads are elves from the forest. With every word they utter, they cast powerful spells.

That’s why the really smart people trust the news and embrace the elves.





The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

COVID vaccine: missing key

Where’s the wiggle?

by Jon Rappoport

November 18, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

—In the US alone, reported COVID vaccine injuries have topped 600,000. The well-known Harvard Pilgrim study concludes you should multiply the number of reported vaccine injuries by 100 to arrive at a true number—

In any field where information is vital, the omissions are often worse than the lies.

In this article, I point out one such glaring omission, when it comes to the safety of COVID vaccines.

Tracking vaccine injuries and deaths through reports to databases is one avenue; another avenue would be direct studies of people who have been vaccinated.

Proper studies have not been done. Omission.

This would be a proper study: For starters, based on what MANY clinicians are seeing, develop/confirm true markers for: blood clots, including micro-clots; specific heart dysfunctions; miscarriages; menstrual cycle disruption; infertility; toxic effects on cells (e.g., the presence of graphene oxide); the appearance of the spike protein in cells, in areas of the body where the protein should not appear.

Enroll, in a modest pilot study, 1000 people who have received one of the RNA COVID vaccines. Run tests on these people (blood, tissue, pictures) looking for these markers.

I’m NOT talking about a few photos of one patient’s blood. I’m talking about a full study of 1000 people, for starters.

You would think such a study has already been done, because only sheer ignoramuses or criminals would fail to realize that, when you inject people with substances, you should discover the effects BY STUDYING THE EFFECTS.

Somebody suffers a blow to the head, you take a picture of the head and look at the effects. Somebody injects a person with liquid containing 10 ingredients, you run tests to find out what negative consequences may have occurred.

Unfortunately, most people are so hypnotized by the IDEA of medical science, they assume that if a study hasn’t been done, it doesn’t need to be done.

Lab workers all over the world will torture test animals, by injecting them with larger and larger doses of a compound in a new cosmetic, to discover the dose that kills the animals. But doing harmless tests on people who have received a new vaccine is out of the question.

To gain insight on the scientists who refuse to run the tests I’m proposing on vaccinated people, these are the same scientists who say, “Yes, a number of people died after vaccination, but there is no evidence the injection caused those deaths.”

What they mean is, “We didn’t look to see whether the vaccine caused the deaths, and furthermore, we don’t know how to establish causation. We’ve never worked that out.”

Which is like saying, “The chemical that entered the river from a pipe in the factory? We haven’t done sufficient studies on the chemical to determine whether it causes cancer. Therefore, the 96 plaintiffs with cancer who are suing the company have no case. Causation cannot be proved. It will never be proved, because we will never study the chemical.”

There is another factor at work. Many people who are interested in scandals are only interested in the details of overt crimes. “They shot him and buried his body in a landfill? Are there pictures of the decaying corpse? The killer was married to the victim’s sister? Was she in on it?”

“Clinton and Monica in a little room off the Oval Office? Did you see the photo of the stained dress?”

If you tell these people the biggest scandal in a situation is OMISSION— what DIDN’T HAPPEN, WHAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE, BUT WASN’T—they fade out and walk away.

Ask these people the following question: Which would you prefer? LOOKING at one microscope photo of one drop of blood from one vaccinated person that might show a wiggling line that might be a live organism? Or KNOWING that the absolutely essential safety study of a vaccine that has been injected into 3.6 billion people has never been done?

“Let me see the picture. I want to see the photo. Where’s the wiggle?”

This article is for the people who give the other answer.

And for scientists who know that mass maiming and killing also involve a crime of omission.

“We know the vaccines are safe because we didn’t study the people who got the vaccine.”

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Fifteen million Jews, the vaccine, and the conscience to refuse

by Jon Rappoport

November 17, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

In the US alone, reported vaccine injuries have soared past 600,000.

The well-known Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare study concluded that, in order to obtain a true number for such injuries, you would need to multiply the reported figure by 100.

First, it was two shots. But then the format was changed. There would be a booster. Then, not just one booster, but at least two. And for months, experts have suggested that the program will evolve into yearly shots.

On top of that, proof of vaccination is now demanded. The passports. The government, of course, controls these passports, which allow vaccinated persons to participate in ordinary social life. Those without passports are confined, restricted, in a form of slavery. And the passport will be revoked if a person doesn’t line up for all required boosters.

In other words, this has been a step-operation, with the individual’s rights constrained and eaten into, progressively, over time—finally resulting in his complete capture by the State.

And so I refer you to the story of Joseph in the Old Testament. The real story. It holds a valuable lesson.

As you recall, Joseph was the favored son of Jacob. Joseph’s jealous brothers sold him into slavery. While imprisoned in Egypt, Joseph revealed his ability to interpret dreams.

He was eventually brought before the Pharaoh, who needed someone who could tell him what his troubling dream meant: seven starving cows ate seven well-fed cows; seven dead ears of corn ate seven plump ears.

Joseph told the Pharaoh there would be seven years of plenty in the land, and then seven years of famine. Therefore, the Pharaoh should immediately store up grain.

When the terrible famine hit, Joseph, who was now the Pharaoh’s vizier, dealt with the MANY hungry people who came to buy bread. In exchange for the bread, Joseph first demanded that the people sell their possessions to the State; then, their property; and finally themselves. AS SLAVES. A step-operation.

When next we learn of the condition of the Jews in Egypt, in the story of Moses, the Jews are slaves. Do you suppose this turnabout had something to do with Joseph’s “solution” to the famine and the anger it raised in the population?

Of course, the Bible story focuses on Joseph reuniting with his brothers and his father, all of whom who believed he died.

The story passes no judgment on Joseph, who put a population into slavery to the State.

Those of the Jewish faith must consider this tale from Genesis, because it is parallel to what is happening now: a Globalist elite is bent on capturing the population degree by degree, with its “solution.”

In Genesis, after the famine was over, the Egyptians, who continued to farm grain, were planting government seeds on government land, and they had to turn over a fifth of their crop to the Pharaoh. There was no privately owned land.

If that doesn’t ring any bells, what will?

Jews today are being betrayed by their leadership, who are aligned with the State. Jews are being told “the best medical minds” have decided the vaccine is safe and effective and only wild conspiracy theorists believe otherwise.

So as usual, it falls to the conscience and common sense of the individual to ignore the official word.

The lying, criminal, murderous official word.

It falls to the conscience of Jewish parents to protect their children against the shot, no matter what. And to protest against the mandates and the passports.

How long did Moses and his people wander in the desert? 40 years? Given that extreme ordeal, can modern Jews work up the courage to say no to a destructive vaccine and an enslaving mandate?

Or do modern Jews actually believe God wants them to take the shot?

Because unless I’m mistaken, the religion of the Jews is centered on the One God. That is its whole point. That was its whole point, when Jews declared, not many gods, only one.

Of course, DOCTORS are quite adept at playing God. So perhaps the leadership councils of the Jewish faith should come out and switch their allegiance. WE NOW PRAY TO DOCTORS. WE NOW MUST HAVE THE PERMISSION OF DOCTORS. WE MUST HAVE NO IDOLS THAT SUPERSEDE DOCTORS.

“Sh’ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad.” “Hear O Israel, the doctor our doctor, the doctor is one.” Say it. Bow the head and bend the knee and say it. The new prayer.

Or find your soul and your conscience and your God and throw off the chains of your slavery.

If you’re a Conservative Jew or a Reform Jew, you’re going to have to wake up from the chapter you and your rabbis added to the Old Testament. It’s called SUBURBAN LIFE. It mainly involves new temples designed by talentless architectural morons and the eternal building funds maintained to pay for those temples. I know; I was steeped in that neighborhood “culture” as a child. Fortunately, my parents had moral spine, but that’s a different story for a different time.

To you 15 million Jews: there are two swords. One is wielded by the doctors. The other is wielded by your God. Make your decision and your choice.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Open letter to a billion Hindus: the slaughter of newborn calves is basic to all vaccine research—including the COVID vaccines

by Jon Rappoport

November 12, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

I’m republishing my recent article about the ongoing slaughter of millions of newborn calves, because it occurred to me that your faith holds that cows are sacred, and should be protected from harm.

I doubt you would knowingly use a product who existence is based on the killing of cows.

Read on.

—Murdering millions of newborn calves for vaccines and other medical research—

Cc: vegan Hollywood celebrities and animal rights advocates who are taking the COVID vaccine

In my recent series of articles on the murder of aborted live human infants for vaccine research, I made no mention of animal research.

Now I will.

The product is called Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS). It is used all over the world.

How is it obtained?

Slate News: “FBS, as the name implies, is a byproduct made from the blood of cow fetuses. If a cow coming for slaughter happens to be pregnant, the cow is slaughtered and bled, and then the fetus is removed from its mother and brought into a blood collection room. The fetus, which remains alive during the following process to ensure blood quality, has a needle inserted into its heart. Its blood is then drained until the fetus dies, a death that usually takes about five minutes. This blood is then refined, and the resulting extract is FBS. Millions of fetuses are slaughtered this way.”

Think about that.

—Medical research, vaccine research, and a blood-soaked landscape. The murder of living human infants for their tissue; the murder of newborn calves for their tissue.

Slate: “FBS is also special because it is a universal growth medium. You can take almost any cell type, toss it into a petri dish with FBS, and the cells will grow. The use of the serum is extensive, with FBS being cited in more than 10,000 research papers…”

Was FBS used in the development of COVID vaccines? Yes and no statements proliferate.

However, if you take the research and development back far enough into the virology lab, the answer would be an unqualified yes.

Cell cultures in dishes are starting points for all vaccines. Virologists believe they are isolating viruses in those dishes. The purported viruses are the reasons, in the first place, for all vaccines—including COVID.

Those cell cultures in dishes need a substance that promotes the growth of the cells. Enter Fetal Bovine Serum as that substance.

In medical literature and news media, you’ll find many euphemisms and generalities that obscure the murdering of newborn calves. Animal-derived products; serum; organisms in development; growth factor; universal medium; humane treatment.

“Don’t tell the children.” In this case, everyone is supposed to be a child kept in ignorance.

And medical murder is supposed to be a special scientific procedure. Separate, remote, sanitized.

It is—until people find out what’s actually going on.

The devil is in the details.





The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

A billion Catholics, COVID vaccines, and the duty to refuse injection

Unless fear and comfort are the true pillars of the Church

by Jon Rappoport

November 8, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Let me start by saying, everybody acts from faith. Faith in something, no matter what it is.

A billion Catholics are not the Vatican.

The Vatican, through the Pope, has made its position clear: take the COVID vaccines.

But then there are the consciences of a billion of the faithful.

In prior articles in this series (archive here), I’ve made it clear that COVID vaccines have, in fact, relied on a fetal-tissue cell line, HEK 293, for testing, and the cell line was originally obtained via an abortion.

Moreover, the evidence points to an abortion in which the infant was delivered from her mother’s womb, alive, and then was killed by a doctor removing her kidneys for fetal tissue. Infanticide. Murder.

Does it matter whether the abortion and the murder were committed yesterday, or in a room in a hospital in the Netherlands, in 1972? Are a billion Catholics willing to say, “It was so long ago, it doesn’t have meaning anymore”?

Is that a reasonable position of Faith?

My understanding is this: Catholics believe Jesus commanded the founding of His Church, which is their Church. Does that count now? Is it wrong to contemplate what He would advise? As opposed, for example, to what Anthony Fauci would advise?

I also understand the Pope, in telling Catholics to take the vaccine, was not claiming to speak from a position of infallibility. Doesn’t that leave the door open to the consciences of the billion members of the Church?

Is it archaic to speak about conscience? Is religious membership really an elaborate charade, a social stage play?

Suppose a high member of the Vatican said to the world: “There are many medical experiments that are used to develop and test vaccines and drugs. In these experiments, which have been performed for a hundred years, doctors remove an infant from his mother’s womb, ALIVE, and then take his kidneys or make a hole in his skull and vacuum out his brain, or cut out his heart. These killings are very real. Those of our faith should think deeply about whether they want to receive the medicines and vaccines associated with these murders…”

What would happen?

Suppose this esteemed member of the Vatican made this announcement, replete with details, every day for a month?

What would happen?

Suppose this esteemed priest decided to keep making the announcement until sufficient members of the congregation, worldwide, stepped forward, visibly, and made their voices heard and refused the vaccine?

What would happen?

As some people are reading this, they will answer, “This esteemed priest would be murdered.”

Yes? And? So?

Don’t the sacred vows of a priest go beyond loyalty to this world? Isn’t his conviction to his faith a thing larger than his life on Earth?

Would you expect or want a priest, who serves as a pipeline to God for his congregation, to be a materialist, a person inextricably bound to his comforts and duties here?

If by joining the Church as a member, a person comes closer to God, is he asked to pay no price for that gift? Is he asked to incur no risk in his life?

The Church is, in fact, founded on matters of life and death. That is where faith encounters a reckoning. And this is true of all religions.

But at their most profound pinnacle of teaching, where “the outer garments” are cut away, religions guide the individual soul to come to his own decision about what his faith means, and how far he will go in standing with it.

One person, a billion people.

The Power is always there.

One step across the threshold.


George Fox, the fiery 17th century preacher who founded the Quakers movement in England, traveled the countryside exhorting thousands of people to find Christ and God for themselves: “Why should any man have power over any other man’s faith, seeing [that] Christ Himself is the author of it?”

At the time, there were laws forbidding “unauthorized worship.” Fox constantly broke them. He was frequently arrested—at least twice for blasphemy, and on one of those occasions it was suggested he should be sentenced to death. Parliament intervened on his behalf.

He performed many healings and wrote a book listing and describing them. The book disappeared, and no copies ever surfaced.

Thinking about George Fox and his courage as background and example…

Now, in 2021, should believers grasp a destiny that outdistances the fear of being banned from Facebook; being “attacked” online for expressing an opinion about an election audit; being fired from a job; being “canceled” for telling a joke?

Has the need for security and comfort expanded to such a degree that people of faith are willing to abandon their beliefs on a moment’s notice?


If today you picked a few thousand people of faith and sent them back to the time of Moses, to live as Egyptians under the Pharaoh; it’s quite possible that when God loosed the 10 plagues against them—“water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children”; the Pharaoh would simply say: “The only adverse effects are minor pain and swelling at the injection site and transient fatigue”; and these people would believe him.

How much faith is required in order to open one’s eyes?

And having opened them, to have a voice and make that voice heard?

And to endure against the consequences, because faith is not ultimately invested in material things?


Book of Revelation: “And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter; The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks…”

For those who believe these words, the majestic scope of these words, who take them as truth—

What will they do now?

Will they sit still, or will they rise up and take action?

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Murdering infants to obtain fetal tissue for vaccine research

An interview with AnnaMaria Cardinalli

by Jon Rappoport

November 4, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

For my recent series of articles on the murder of infants to obtain fetal tissue for vaccine testing and research, I gained key information from investigative reporter AnnaMaria Cardinalli’s article, “Catholic Conscience and the COVID-19 Vaccine,” in Crisis magazine.

AnnaMaria agreed to do an interview on this and related subjects. The interview speaks for itself—and it should provide people a VERY fundamental reason for rejecting the COVID vaccine.

Q: It seems you’ve lived at least several lives side by side. You’ve earned a lofty worldwide reputation as an operatic contralto and classical guitarist; you’re a licensed private investigator; you carried out extensive research for the US military in Afghanistan; you own a private security firm; you donate all your earnings to a Catholic order which wants to start an orphanage for exploited children. And I’m not covering all the bases. It’s rather mind-blowing. Before we dive into the subject at hand, can you speak to this variety and achievement?

A: Ha! Your question is very flattering and I’m hardly at issue here, but I’ll be happy to answer. The variety of work I’ve been involved in is so wildly unlikely that I could have never sat down and come up with it as a plan! The one factor underlying all it is my incredible fortune to have been raised soundly in the Catholic Faith by my mom, so despite my own many failings, I knew enough to put my life completely at the disposal of God’s will from an early age. I find utterly astounding the adventures on which He’ll lead a soul when He’s given that freedom. Making music was always my personal hope, but the rest came as a natural consequence of responding to circumstances around me with whatever capacities I had the ability to respond. That’s the very definition of responsibility (“response ability”), and a real means by which God guides our lives, don’t you think?

Q: In your wide range of experiences, did medical issues ever pop up on your radar?

A: Medical issues arose in two ways. On one hand, when I worked for the FBI and was embedded with the Joint Special Operations Command In Iraq, I received truly fantastic, cutting-edge training in a collateral duty as a Tactical Operational Medic. Later, in Afghanistan, I participated in medical missions to help assess rural tribal community needs—particularly the medical needs of women and children. Through these military experiences, I found a passion for emergency medicine. I recently re-certified as an EMT to better assist my community’s current medical mission to the homeless (sosvan.org), and I continue to pursue more advanced certifications.

On the other hand, I do not approach the issue of the cell line origins as a practitioner or any sort of medical expert, but as an investigative journalist, simply seeking out the facts and holding them to the light of common logic. My thinking is that the factors necessary to understand the nature of what we put into our bodies must be, at least on a basic level, accessible and comprehensible to the general population, and one need not be a medical expert to grasp them. Otherwise, how could most of us make an informed decision? We can’t allow clear, critical truths to be obfuscated by the statement, “You’re not an expert. You wouldn’t understand.”

Q: How did you become interested in the very specific origin of the fetal cell line, HEK 293? What made you think it might be important?

A: I was led to interest in HEK 293 via a long path. My experience in Afghanistan imparted to me a particular investigative focus on Human Trafficking. I’ve written and worked extensively on the issue, and the more I learn, the more I am overwhelmed by its prevalence, both internationally and on our own soil. In recent years, while the China Tribunal brought the harvesting and sale of organs belonging to unwanted citizens into clear focus overseas, the Planned Parenthood expose by David Daleiden [more on that expose — covered by investigative journalist Celia Farber, here and here] and others brought the same practice to light in the US. Both these developments solidified the trafficking issue in my mind not only as one of forced labor or sexual exploitation but of the complete commoditization of the human person—the viewing of the human being as a mere collection of occasionally useful parts, lacking any other value. This should frighten every person, regardless of their faith background or lack of one, because history shows us over and over again that it’s when we fail to recognize our common humanity that atrocities prevail.

With regard to HEK 293 specifically, for Catholics like myself, it is a grave moral responsibility to examine whether any action one takes participates in, perpetuates, or encourages such evil. We are bound to inform our own individual consciences and act in accordance with them. So, when the COVID vaccine became available, I sought to find out all I could about the nature of its origins and was led right back into the human trafficking concerns that plague me. It was in this research that I came across the work of the biologist and vaccine developer Pamela Acker [author of “Vaccination: A Catholic Perspective”; more here]. Her public acknowledgement of the necessary procedure for ensuring the viability of Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK) cells coincided with what medical professionals had shared with me privately.

For me, this was enough to raise concern that warranted further investigation before taking the vaccine. Sadly, the more the matter is investigated, as it was by the courageous, thorough, and insightful author of the Gateway Pundit article, the more evidence arises supporting my worst fear—that a perfectly innocent living child, a healthy little girl, born alive and outside the womb, was killed for and by the harvest of her organs, and that this is a practice that may underlie great parts of the research industry. Believe me, I am longing to find firm and indisputable confirmatory evidence that this nightmare scenario is NOT the case. However, your in-depth coverage of the subject following the Crisis and Gateway Pundit articles seems to continually contribute direct, expert-based medical evidence of the horrifying truth. Saddening as it is, I truly appreciate what you are accomplishing.

Q: The HEK (Human Embryo Kidney) 293 fetal cell line has been used to test COVID vaccines. That makes its origin vividly important now. How did you become convinced that the evidence pointed to the removal of an alive infant from her mother’s womb, and then the killing of that infant, in 1972, in the Netherlands, in order to harvest her kidneys—which would be used to create the HEK 293 cell line?

A: I reiterate that I had to be convinced by simple logic that anyone, not medical researchers exclusively, could follow. In fact, the more specialized the language describing a medical moral issue becomes, the more it can be used to obscure the facts. I would almost laugh, if not for the gravity of the issue, at hyper-euphemistic descriptions one finds in the medical literature. It discusses, for instance, situations like the finding of electrical impulses in the cardiac tissue of the POC.

First of all, “POC?” Product of conception? What a way to talk around an issue! I’m a proud product of conception and have never met anyone who wasn’t! Electrical impulses in the cardiac tissue? With fewer keystrokes, that could be called “a heartbeat.” So, I’m a POC with intact electrical impulses in my cardiac tissue or, if anyone were looking to save on ink, “alive.” Please, though, forgive my digression.

I worked to write very carefully in the Crisis article the simple facts that concerned me about the origins of the HEK 293 cell line. Rather than try to summarize that argument in this interview and thus potentially miss a critical component—may I please direct interested readers to the article at the link below?

Catholic Conscience and the COVID-19 Vaccine

I became further convinced of the reality following the publication of the Gateway Pundit exclusive which offered some insightful analysis taking into account the recent Pfizer whistleblower revelations. I’d also like to direct anyone interested to that great article with a link below.

Exclusive: Pfizer’s Nervousness About Its COVID Vaccine’s Origins Conceals a Horror Story

It’s not that I don’t want to answer the question, it’s that I want it to be answered as accurately as possible.

Q: When I read conventional medical literature that describes research on aborted fetuses, I see no mention of taking the infant from the mother’s womb, alive, and then killing him/her. Is this a research “open secret” that is held back from the public and even many doctors? I read a 1975 federal report on medical research using fetuses. It went on for a hundred pages, and there wasn’t one reference to killing infants in the process of removing their organs.

A: I think the first issue here is the extremely removed language typical of the descriptions of these procedures that I reference above, along with its tendency to state actions separate from their obvious consequences. It’s a linguistic tendency that may well reflect the thinking and training of researchers and abortionists. In Dr. Kathi A. Aultman’s testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on March 15th 2016, which you excerpted in your incredibly revealing post of October 27th [see here; more here], the doctor describes her initial fascination with the cellular perfection of the little bodies she dissected, and explains that it was only years later that was she able to overcome her scientific dissociation to make the intellectual connection that the tiny perfect bodies were those of people whose lives she had ended.

I worry our society has removed death so far from life that we don’t even recognize it, and that is a scary thing. Our grandparents die in facilities away from home rather than with their hands held in ours. Our food arrives packaged and devoid of any reminders of the animals from which it came. Fido moves to a faraway farm, while we play immersive games where graphically taken lives merely “reset.” Therefore, unlike any generation prior to ours, most of us can go through life without regularly witnessing the reality of death, which makes for a very unnatural understanding of it—one far from the Catholic motto of memento mori. It’s an understanding that might even allow a scientist to admire a human body on which she performed a procedure that ended the function of its “cellularly perfect” organs without grasping that she was its killer.

I suspect this kind of thinking in turn produces academic writing in which it is almost impossible to see anything untoward. Perhaps most authors themselves can’t see it, aside from the presumably rarer instances of dedicatedly evil individuals who do see things clearly and actively choose to obfuscate the reality. Either way, this is why the literature will never say, as you had difficulty finding, “in the next step, kill the newborn,” even if it is the obvious consequence of the procedure described.

If the doctors involved were capable of that kind of cause-and-effect thinking, perhaps they would have to first write, “in the next step, first anesthetize, then kill the newborn.” If some of those doctors believed themselves Christians, they would have to write “in the next step, first baptize, then anesthetize, and then kill the newborn.” Even if they believed themselves merely in possession of basic mammalian instincts, they would at least have to write “in the next step, first cuddle and comfort the crying newborn, then anesthetize and kill him.” Of course, they can’t go there without recognizing the child’s humanity, so instead, the scientific dissociation of cause-and-effect remains in place.

This critical thought barrier is evidenced particularly in the literature when we see organs harvested from living children outside the womb referred to as fresh “fetal” or even “embryonic” tissue. The biomedical research companies requisitioning the tissue make the same linguistic error and it goes constantly uncorrected. No. The medical term for a delivered fetus in its first moments and days of life outside the womb is a neonate. A newborn. Most of these people went to medical school and know the difference, but they persist in the error.

Perhaps if we could only require them to accurately use the language of “fresh neonatal tissue” in their requisitions and reports, some would be unable to proceed. Requesting a “heart of newborn” for the development of whatever a researcher might be concocting in the lab might finally sound to the ears of many too much like procuring the ingredients of a witch’s brew belonging to horror fiction. It certainly makes “eye of newt” sound resoundingly tame.

Other than the issue of logic and language, however, I don’t think the practice of infanticide by vivisection is particularly secret among those working closely in the arena of biomedical research, and it’s certainly known among the abortionists who supply the needs of the industry, although I agree with you that it’s not something that doctors whose scope never intersects the arena are aware of any more than most of us are. It’s simply not brought to our attention in the media. We focus where the media points us, and there appears some decided silence on the issue.

A breakthrough in public awareness of the direct killing of living unwanted newborns for the sake of biomedical research, which, almost incomprehensibly, generated far less media attention and public outcry than it should have, occurred with the David Daleiden hearings. There many doctors and scientific procurement company representatives spoke openly of the practice, though often in the detached terms that would require careful listening. For instance, the CEO of Stem Express admitted dryly that “fetal hearts were perfused using a Langendorff apparatus.”

A Langendorff apparatus serves to preserve the functional viability of hearts ex-vivo (which means, literally, outside of a living body). That is, to specify the use of the Langendorff apparatus is to know that a heart requiring this preservation was, in fact, taken from a living body. To state the painfully obvious cause-and-effect reasoning generally left out here, the removal of a functioning vital organ from a living person (without the replacement of its function) is the direct killing of that person. No example is clearer than that of a beating heart. Ask an Aztec.

Dr. Theresa Deisher, a Stanford University School of Medicine researcher heavily involved with the use of adult stem cells, describes exactly how that killing must take place in order for the Langendorff perfusion to function. Both in her September 19th, 2019 testimony at the Daleiden trial and in a same-day interview with Lifesite News, she explained that the individuals performing the vivisection would necessarily “cut open the baby’s chest and they would take the heart out beating and drop it in a buffer with potassium. She went on to state with rare clarity, “of course, if the heart isn’t beating, they can’t get any of these cells. Nobody wants a stopped heart.” [more, here]

At another point in her testimony she explained again that, “some of the babies had to have beating hearts when they were harvested.” Logic alone dictates this fact, as she explained “once the heart goes into contraction, you can’t get it to come out of that position.” It “has to be beating and be arrested in a relaxed position” to be of use for research purposes.

Again, just with the use of basic reason, it goes without saying that not only are breathing hearts being removed, but that these procedures occur on living children outside the womb, not within it. The people doing the dissection are not opening the chest of the child in the sort of incredibly rare and highly specialized in utero surgery that might be done to repair a fetal heart condition. The cost and specialization would be astronomical and nonsensical, as they intend to destroy the child, not save it.

So, just by using the single example of hearts on the Langendorff apparatus, which is to say nothing of the “embryonic” kidney cells, (which may more accurately be called “neonatal” kidney cells) used in the COVID vaccine testing and development, I think I can answer your question by saying there is no “open secret” regarding infanticide for medical research. There is no secret at all. I am not revealing anything that is not already obvious, even to a non-expert, given to looking at the simple facts.

The shocking thing, at this point, is not that this is happening, but that we have yet to react, as a whole, in opposition to it. In fact, we accept it by welcoming into our lives the “benefits” of the tortuous murders of innocent children. If we are doing this unknowingly, then perhaps it is because we have bought into the suspension of cause-and-effect reasoning like that to which the researchers subscribe.

Your question leads me, however, to one more point, which I hope provides a wake-up point if nothing else has. Even more shocking than our acceptance of this evil is the fact that it is entirely unnecessary. We could have the same or perhaps greater benefits by other means, but we don’t pursue the course of action that has proven successful in halting unethical bioresearch before and redirecting the course of the industry.

Why don’t we do for our own species what we have succeeded in doing for animals? Most people recognize that animal advocacy and speaking with our wallets through the boycotting of unethically-produced products is genuinely critical because lab animals are innocent creatures who cannot speak for themselves. Isn’t that true of human “lab babies” too?

Also in the expert testimony cited above, Dr. Deisher made the point that using human fetal tissue for research has become more prevalent because increasing regulations on the welfare of animals have made the use of humans more convenient. More convenient! In a way, while horrifying, this is also wonderful news, because it means that animal activists successfully changed things, albeit with a terrible unexpected outcome. However, it means that we can do the same for our species too!

Does that mean that the kind of beneficial research advances which have previously come from the study of neonatal tissue need to stop? Do we have to decide on a sacrificial trade off, with improvement in the lives of those with debilitating illnesses on one hand and the murder of human babies with less compassion than lab rats on the other? Is that how science must proceed—in sanitized facilities behind closed doors that, just in case we become personally in need of its “benefits,” we prefer not to give much thought?

Here’s another shocker. Not at all. Adult pluripotent stem cells, obtained with adult consent and with no need for tortuous murders, actually negate the necessity of the use of fetal organs for stem cell research, because they can be cultured into any type of body cell. This technology exists now, but its use is more costly and less common than the worn-in ease of the baby butchering business. However, like any emerging technology, the more its use expands, the lower its costs become.

We can be the drivers of the expansion of its use, by making unethical research the expensive and inconvenient option. When I was a little girl, I was horrified to learn that lipsticks were tested on mistreated lab rabbits and resolved to never condone that practice with my purchase. So did every little girl I knew. Now cruelty-free cosmetics are the expected and affordable norm. Please, if we could ban together as a caring society to save the bunnies, what should we be willing to do to save the babies?

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Open letter to a billion Catholics; cc to everyone else; here is the Pope verbatim

by Jon Rappoport

October 29, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Vatican News: “Press conference on the flight back from his Apostolic Journey in Southern Africa.”

Read these astounding words from Pope Francis:

“I would like to repeat what the Doctrine of the Church says about this: When we acknowledge international organisations and we recognise their capacity to give judgment, on a global scale – for example the international tribunal in The Hague, or the United Nations. If we consider ourselves humanity, when they make statements, our duty is to obey. It is true that not all things that appear just for the whole of humanity will also be so for our [Vatican] pockets, but we must obey international institutions. That is why the United Nations were created. That’s why international courts were created.”

Choose one of the following: The person making that statement is a) utterly naïve; b) a blind secular ideologue; c) surrendering his power and his Church to Earthly authority; d) combining his power and the power of his Church with elite Globalists; e) what?!?!

And don’t sidestep these choices with, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.”

If those words of Jesus described His ultimate position, His surrender to the authorities and His Crucifixion would have no more meaning than a man paying his taxes, albeit with a great deal more pain.

I guess the days of a Pope concealing a broad secret agenda are over. Francis comes right out in the open, as if he were a city council member supporting the local shut down of a factory smokestack, in accordance with a UN climate-change policy.

Except that’s not who the Pope is.

He’s an Argentine Jesuit with “the keys to the Kingdom.”

And to you, his followers, he’s infallible.

Unless you decide otherwise.

This would be a good time to reassess his status in your eyes.

I keep hammering on this point: Jesus served God, not the State.

The institutions the Pope insists all Catholics must obey are the State, in its widest and most powerful form.

Therefore, it makes perfect sense that he would say Catholics should line up and take the COVID vaccine, even while acknowledging fetal tissue from abortions has been used in testing those vaccines.

What’s next? A Vatican treaty with Planned Parenthood?

The Pope has cast a long shadow on attempts to gain religious exemptions from vaccination. Obviously, he and his secular partners wanted to shrink that loophole.

The diabolical plan to stick a needle into 8 billion arms, delivering an experimental genetic treatment, whose documented effects have been catastrophic…that plan can’t achieve wide success if a billion of those people—Catholics—believe the shot is founded on a sin.

The planning for the (false) pandemic had to include Pope Francis. And he was agreeable. Remarkably so.

Let’s take one more step down the rabbit hole. The reference here is a May 2021 article at The Tablet: “Pope joins global [financial] elite to plan for world after COVID.”

An unpublicized conference, “Dreaming of a Better Restart,” had already been held at the time of publication. It was sponsored by the Vatican. It took up climate change, economic inequality, and hunger.

Then we have this from the Tablet article. Buckle up: “Prominent population control advocate and supporter of Chinese Communist Party president Xi Jinping, Professor Jeffrey Sachs, led the group discussion that followed. Sachs has extolled Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road initiative, that aims to extend CCP influence across Asia to Europe, as ‘one of the most important economic development initiatives in the history of contemporary economics’. He is a frequent collaborator with Bishop Sorondo, who in a February 2018 interview said, ‘right now, those who are best implementing the social doctrine of the Church are the Chinese’.”

“Rockefeller Foundation president Raj Shah was one of the leaders of the general discussion that followed. Along with its humanitarian projects, the Foundation has for years funded worldwide contraception programmes and abortion providers. Shah worked for USAID during the presidency of Barack Obama, and before that served in a range of leadership roles in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.”

If all that doesn’t make your head spin, I can’t help you.

This is your Church. This is your Pope.

They represent Jesus on Earth.

Well, actually, the Pope is a stage magician performing a simple trick of hypnosis—otherwise known as the bait and switch.

You’re sitting at home eating dinner with the family and the phone rings. You look at the screen. There is no number printed on it. You pick up.

A voice says, “Hello, friend. I want to tell you about a special offer. Jesus in a bottle. $49.95. If you order now, we’ll send you two. And you can move to China. Or wait a year and the Chinese system will come to you. But that’s not all. As a bonus, one absolutely free abortion for a member of your family. You’re Catholic, we’re the improved Catholic Church, so give me your card numbers and your future in all of Eternity.”

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)




Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The Nazi medical plan for control of the planet; World War Two never ended

At the end of the War, IG Farben executives were put on trial and, despite the efforts of Telford Taylor, the chief US prosecutor, and assistant prosecutor, Josiah DuBois, the sentences handed out were light.

For example, Fritz Ter Meer, a high-ranking Farben executive, was tried for mass medical murder and slavery, and sentenced to a paltry seven years in jail. He was released after three years, and went on to occupy a post as chairman of the advisory board of Bayer, a corporate branch on the tree of the infamous IG Farben, which supposedly had been disbanded…

by Jon Rappoport

October 29, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

I started writing about this subject 20 years ago, when I launched NoMoreFakeNews.com.

In this article, I’ll present an overview.

In 1933, the largest cartel in the world, IG Farben, pushed Hitler over the top, enabling him to become Chancellor of Germany.

Farben was a global colossus. Pharmaceuticals, dyes, oil, rubber. It forged partnerships with Standard Oil, Dow, Dupont, Imperial Chemical Industries, Rhone-Poulenc.

US government official, Josiah DuBois, sent on a fact-finding mission to Guatemala, returned saying, “As far as I can tell, the nation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Farben.”

The brilliant Farben chemists were modern alchemists. They were researching and producing synthetics far in advance of products formulated anywhere else in the world.

Their dream was material transformation: the ability to convert any element on the Periodic Table into any other element.

Meanwhile, Hitler was obsessed with another transformation: resurrecting what he believed was the lost Aryan Master Race. Through selective breeding, the elimination of lesser and unwanted human types, and other “scientific methods,” a revival of Supermen would occur. And of course, they would then control the destiny of the planet.

Near the close of World War 2 in Europe, the leading lights of Farben and other German corporations, knowing that Hitler was a madman and a rank failure as a military strategist, decided they would have to redirect their efforts, go underground, remain invisible, and from the shadows carry on their war by other means. They were not done. Far from it. They had money, resources, brains, allies. And time.

But what would this new war look like? How would it proceed? Whose strings would they be pulling, and for what purpose?

Should they align themselves with a political movement?

There was one possibility. Socialism. Communism. It would be a convenient ruse. After all, Europe was devastated and exhausted by the War. The prevailing attitude was: “anything to avoid another armed conflict.”

If the nations of Europe could enter into a cooperative future, link hands, bury long-standing enmities, soften geo-borders, engage in free trade, eventually adopt a common currency…

Thus, over a period of decades, the European Union was created. It was what Hitler had been aiming for: a merged continent.

And Germany assumed leadership, as the strongest economic powerhouse in Europe.

All without a shot being fired.

Socialism was spreading, in one form or another, all over the world. For the invisible Nazi architects, this was further evidence they should temporarily hitch their wagon to that star. After all, what was Socialism, really? Just a label for top-down control. The Marxist ideology was unimportant. Domination of populations was all that mattered.

And yet, something was missing. A method. A means. A non-political force that could gradually envelop the world and subdue it, torture it, assert control over billions of minds.

The Farben chiefs had the solution right in front of them. During the War, they had paid a pittance to the managers at Auschwitz, across the road, to send prisoners every day to their medical facility for “tests.” Experiments. Vile grotesque experiments.

And going back several decades, the Nazi leadership had joined elite American eugenicists—the Rockefeller-Harriman forces—to investigate, promote, and utilize sterilization, abortion, medical murder to rid society of its “unfit members.” Those Nazi-American connections still existed.

A branch of modern medicine was on the rise: psychiatry. This was a perfect opportunity to introduce, through completely arbitrary diagnoses of “mental disorders,” debilitating brain-damaging drugs to whole populations. For purposes of pacification.

In fact, the whole Rockefeller model of medicine—one disease caused by one germ—a preposterous form of reductionism—was coming into its own. This meant massive numbers of drugs to treat patients.

Surely, these drugs could be made into toxic destroyers.

A plan was taking shape. A medical plan. THIS would be the invisible conquering force, flying under a politically neutral banner of “healing.”

Create, in the long run, a cradle to grave system enrolling every human, who would trudge, during his lifetime, along a bleak road of 40 or 50 disease-diagnoses and toxic treatments—each treatment giving rise to new symptoms which would be labeled new diseases, requiring treatments…

As for the rank elimination of huge numbers of people on the planet—depopulation—this was a thornier problem. How to arrange it? How to conceal it?

The choice was clear: so-called pandemics. But how would they be staged? Microorganisms, those that actually existed and weren’t mere fantasies, were notoriously unpredictable. The human body, despite all attacks against it, was strong and resilient.

There was no super-germ that could be released which would wipe out a few billion people. That was a dead end. Researchers in their labs, fabricating absurd tests for fairy-tale viruses, and failing to isolate viruses at all, weren’t a help.

But a story about a virus, a story sold with enough fervor by controlled media and cooperating governments…that had possibilities, because the solution would be a vaccine.

The invisible architects would need a whole parade of these fake pandemics, over a long period of time, in order to convince the world population that such scenarios were real.

One by one, pandemic stories could appear and be sold. And DOCTORS would be the messiahs.

COVID is of course the strongest story to date. And the vaccines will, in the long term, be the most debilitating and destructive of all shots.

But it’s doubtful COVID will be the last pandemic story. If a product is a major winner, sell a variation of it. And another.

When we look at and examine horrific events of varying dimensions—the medical experiments in the Nazi concentration camps; the infamous Tuskegee syphilis experiment; the murder of many live infants aborted to obtain their organs for research; the use of high-dose AZT to kill people diagnosed with AIDS; the vaccine campaigns in the Philippines and Kenya designed to cause future miscarriages in pregnant women; the CIA MKULTRA mind control program…

These are glimpses into an overall medical war aimed at humanity.

The alchemical program of IG Farben is now supplemented with technological advances in the fields of genetics and computer science. The envisioned transformation of humans into Brave New World androids and brain-computer hybrids are medical assaults.

The Nazi doctor, Josef Mengele, known as the Angel of Death, said: “The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”

This is the slogan of the Nazi-Rockefeller medical cartel.

The hypnotic power of The Doctor needs to be dismantled and broken to pieces.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.