Open letter to a billion Catholics; cc to everyone else; here is the Pope verbatim

by Jon Rappoport

October 29, 2021

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Vatican News: “Press conference on the flight back from his Apostolic Journey in Southern Africa.”

Read these astounding words from Pope Francis:

“I would like to repeat what the Doctrine of the Church says about this: When we acknowledge international organisations and we recognise their capacity to give judgment, on a global scale – for example the international tribunal in The Hague, or the United Nations. If we consider ourselves humanity, when they make statements, our duty is to obey. It is true that not all things that appear just for the whole of humanity will also be so for our [Vatican] pockets, but we must obey international institutions. That is why the United Nations were created. That’s why international courts were created.”

Choose one of the following: The person making that statement is a) utterly naïve; b) a blind secular ideologue; c) surrendering his power and his Church to Earthly authority; d) combining his power and the power of his Church with elite Globalists; e) what?!?!

And don’t sidestep these choices with, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.”

If those words of Jesus described His ultimate position, His surrender to the authorities and His Crucifixion would have no more meaning than a man paying his taxes, albeit with a great deal more pain.

I guess the days of a Pope concealing a broad secret agenda are over. Francis comes right out in the open, as if he were a city council member supporting the local shut down of a factory smokestack, in accordance with a UN climate-change policy.

Except that’s not who the Pope is.

He’s an Argentine Jesuit with “the keys to the Kingdom.”

And to you, his followers, he’s infallible.

Unless you decide otherwise.

This would be a good time to reassess his status in your eyes.

I keep hammering on this point: Jesus served God, not the State.

The institutions the Pope insists all Catholics must obey are the State, in its widest and most powerful form.

Therefore, it makes perfect sense that he would say Catholics should line up and take the COVID vaccine, even while acknowledging fetal tissue from abortions has been used in testing those vaccines.

What’s next? A Vatican treaty with Planned Parenthood?

The Pope has cast a long shadow on attempts to gain religious exemptions from vaccination. Obviously, he and his secular partners wanted to shrink that loophole.

The diabolical plan to stick a needle into 8 billion arms, delivering an experimental genetic treatment, whose documented effects have been catastrophic…that plan can’t achieve wide success if a billion of those people—Catholics—believe the shot is founded on a sin.

The planning for the (false) pandemic had to include Pope Francis. And he was agreeable. Remarkably so.

Let’s take one more step down the rabbit hole. The reference here is a May 2021 article at The Tablet: “Pope joins global [financial] elite to plan for world after COVID.”

An unpublicized conference, “Dreaming of a Better Restart,” had already been held at the time of publication. It was sponsored by the Vatican. It took up climate change, economic inequality, and hunger.

Then we have this from the Tablet article. Buckle up: “Prominent population control advocate and supporter of Chinese Communist Party president Xi Jinping, Professor Jeffrey Sachs, led the group discussion that followed. Sachs has extolled Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road initiative, that aims to extend CCP influence across Asia to Europe, as ‘one of the most important economic development initiatives in the history of contemporary economics’. He is a frequent collaborator with Bishop Sorondo, who in a February 2018 interview said, ‘right now, those who are best implementing the social doctrine of the Church are the Chinese’.”

“Rockefeller Foundation president Raj Shah was one of the leaders of the general discussion that followed. Along with its humanitarian projects, the Foundation has for years funded worldwide contraception programmes and abortion providers. Shah worked for USAID during the presidency of Barack Obama, and before that served in a range of leadership roles in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.”

If all that doesn’t make your head spin, I can’t help you.

This is your Church. This is your Pope.

They represent Jesus on Earth.

Well, actually, the Pope is a stage magician performing a simple trick of hypnosis—otherwise known as the bait and switch.

You’re sitting at home eating dinner with the family and the phone rings. You look at the screen. There is no number printed on it. You pick up.

A voice says, “Hello, friend. I want to tell you about a special offer. Jesus in a bottle. $49.95. If you order now, we’ll send you two. And you can move to China. Or wait a year and the Chinese system will come to you. But that’s not all. As a bonus, one absolutely free abortion for a member of your family. You’re Catholic, we’re the improved Catholic Church, so give me your card numbers and your future in all of Eternity.”

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)


Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

97 comments on “Open letter to a billion Catholics; cc to everyone else; here is the Pope verbatim

  1. Mike Burns says:


    (part of what I owe to Mr. Rappoport)

  2. Mike Burns says:

    Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich’s Prophecy on Two Popes…

    (part of what I owe Mr. Rappoport)

  3. Michaela says:

    the answer is e

    An impostor

  4. Julian says:

    I have had a deep personal interest in mythology for years. I was turned onto the psychedelic LSD when 15, and the experiences I had led me on a journey of discovery. I realized looking back that my young self had been worked on by the culture, school, to dull me to nature and have me obsessed with big smelly neon-lit concrete cities, and to also acquire a sadistic streak. This is intentional, and when I observe these suited types, I see very clearly what they are about.

    LSD showed me that matter was very MUCH energetic, and nature was infinitely alive. You may read in popularist text books on modern physics similar, but psychedelics help to take you directly to the direct experience.

    Usually people ‘coming down’ from psychedelic trips are sad they are returning to the ‘real world’, but a big part of my explorations has been inquiry into what is meant by the ‘real world’. It is a world of soul-battering oppression which in the modern era demands that you and the animal are machines, and nature is also mechanical and dead, and that intelligence is a fluke of ‘evolution’ and only the scientists and their paymasters are the ones with superior intelligence, and they can manipulate ‘matter’.

    Previous to this was the Church and State and the myth that nature was fallen, and we were born with original sin because of disobedience to ‘God’ by our first ancestors.

    In my exploration of myths I have discovered that ALL the myths which stem from a patriarchal root indoctrinate beliefs that escape from nature is the key to truth and/or ‘putting-it-right- in some future time, and this usually involved the return of a saviour, like is so in Christianity. Because remember the formula for fear-based mind-control goes: Induce FEAR, and then offer a SOLUTION.

    IE we are to feel fear and guilt for our species role in the ‘fall of mankind and nature’ but there’s proffered the promise and solution that in a future time we shall regain ‘paradise’ where there will be no more death.

    Now compare with the Cabal in control now who promise the same via their ‘bio-technology’, no less than ‘transhumanism’ and immortality. The same patriarchal theme running through.

    The only mythology that doesn’t do this is the ancient mythology of the Great Mother, Goddess. In this mythos nature is understood to be sacred. Its processes are as nature should be, birth, life, death and regeneration. That nature and spirit are not divided (in the materialist myth ‘spirit’ is discarded altogether!)

    In the Cabal’s Luciferian myth they believe, sharing the same Abrahamic Garden of Eden ‘creation story’ that Lucifer encouraged them to be ‘gods’ and to CONQUER nature. And what are we seeing? We are seeing their scientists claiming they can “back into the software of life”, and that we are “hackable animals”. These people, these ‘gods’, want nature in THEIR image, a COMPUTER!!

  5. ScuzzaMan says:

    There was a time that many still refer to as the Dark Ages. Catholics are taught that this time is a myth, a propaganda tool invented by enemies f the church.

    Nonetheless, the Catholic Church admits that during this time it handed over people to the State and the State killed them. It claims it has nothing to apologise for, in so doing, seeing as it did not kill them.

    Be that as it may, it remains that this is the obvious state to which the church longs to return; total authority over the State, with total obedience by the State, up to and including murder on demand.

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