NY Mayor’s ‘Hookers for Needles’ Vaccination Plan Exposed

by Jon Rappoport

December 28, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Elbert Farthing, an in opinion piece for the NY Times (1/2/22), writes: “Exiting NY Mayor Bill de Blasio was about to issue a startling directive in the spring of 2021. Any male between the ages of 18 and 23 who stepped up to receive a COVID vaccine would be rewarded with a prostitute for an evening in a city hotel room.”

“This was an effort to increase vaccine compliance in the youthful population of New York. However, one of the Mayor’s advisors, June Staley, became furious with the Mr. de Blasio. She pointed out the discriminatory aspect of the plan. Young women would receive no similar inducement for taking the vaccine.”

“Sources close to the Mayor told the Times that de Blasio was prepared to assemble brigades of prostitutes in Manhattan and Brooklyn to fulfill his offer, and as one aide put it, “Bill had a green light from Governor Cuomo, who thought the project was a brilliant idea.”

“So far, the Mayor has declined to comment on any part of this prostitute proposal.”

“Desperate times do call for desperate measures, and as long as sexual participants are fully masked and vaccinated, the risk of viral transmission would be low.”

I reached out to former Governor Cuomo’s economic aide, Martin Liff, who told me, “The Governor didn’t give full approval, he was waiting on a financial report. He wanted to assess the projected cost of hiring many hundreds of prostitutes.”

A New York hotel owner I contacted said, “Our establishment would have been called upon to enable the Mayor’s plan. I told them I wouldn’t dedicate a few dozen rooms for sex. We don’t run that kind of place. Imagine what our other guests would say. I mean, we do have a few high-priced call girls sitting at the bar most nights, but that’s an entirely different situation. These girls are grad students and actresses trying to land roles in plays. They’re good people. But your regular street prostitute—that’s what the Mayor was probably talking about…”

Sources tell me de Blasio’s scheme broke down in the planning stage, over the issue of how long each prostitute would have to provide services to an individual young man. Recommendations ranged from 20 minutes to an entire evening. There was also disagreement about repeat services for the same male, when he took the second shot or a booster.

And no one was able or willing to inform me about prostitutes’ attitudes toward the Mayor’s plan. Another one of my questions that went unanswered: from what part of the city budget would payment for the prostitutes be drawn?

A member of the NY Elderly Coalition told me, “There are lots of older vaccine-hesitant men who would come forward and take the jab, if they could have sex with an attractive prostitute. Why did the Mayor omit them from his plan? Sex is a medically recognized remedy for prostatitis.”

I reached out to the Times’ opinion writer, Elbert Farthing. At first he stated he had no comment on his piece. Then he offered this: “I understand many, many women in the city were interested in volunteering. I’m not talking about hookers. These were housewives, singles living in the suburbs, even socialites. That’s probably the real reason de Blasio withdrew his plan. Word had gotten out about it, and the response was overwhelming. Think of the scandals that would have emerged, if the plan had been put into effect. Good-hearted people want everybody to get vaccinated, but there’s a limit to what they’ll endure to make it happen.”

To cap things off, a high-ranking Catholic official in New York, speaking off the record, told me the Pope was aware of de Blasio’s plan and refused to condemn it. The Pope felt the unvaccinated were an extreme danger to the human population, and whatever could be done to convince them to take the injection was permissible.

A few months ago, I was sitting at the bar at the Eloise Hotel in mid-town Manhattan, when an attractive woman took a seat next to me and said, “Have you been vaccinated?”

I told her no. She frowned. “Well,” she said, “a lot of us think we should offer people a reward if they comply with the mandate. For a limited time, we’re offering reduced rates on our services. I’m getting my PhD in philosophy at Columbia. You know, Plato had a theory of The Good as the highest Idea, in a separate perfect realm of consciousness. Despite the fact that the vaccine has caused over 900,000 injuries in America, it’s still our best weapon against the pandemic. In fact, those injuries show the vaccine is working. So if you take the jab and present your passport, I can…help you out…”

“Are you a cop?” I said.

She smiled and took out her badge.

“Nice try,” I said. “How did you come up with that story?”

“My cousin works for the Mayor,” she said. “I’m not taking the shot, and I’ll probably be fired for refusing.”

Note: If you email me and ask whether this article is factual, you’ll confirm my worst fears about the education system in America.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The Vegas Fear Porn Awards Ceremony 2021

by Jon Rappoport

December 27, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Happy New Year!

Mostly naked pole-dancers fronting a full orchestra playing Doo-Wop tunes you love from the 50s! Drinks on the house! Liberal celebs mingling with the peasants! The Vegas Mob Brothel and Hotel Casino just off the Strip presents…

The COVID Fear Porn Awards Ceremony 2021!

Leading up to the presentation of the coveted gold-plated statuette of Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, which an as yet unnamed out of work actor will present to Fear Porn Person of the Year, several awards will be handed out to men and women in sub-categories of Halfway Compromise:

CATEGORY ONE: “Of course the virus exists. Don’t bother me with evidence to the contrary. I don’t have time to look at it. I’m busy with other issues. It’s a distraction. Anyway, people don’t understand the claim.”

TWO: “I’m definitely and absolutely pro-vaccine. I just want safer and more effective shots, and the current COVID vaccine happens to be unsafe. Vaccines have nothing to do with autism and other forms of brain damage.”

THREE: “The courts and judges will save us from the vaccine mandates. Don’t worry, be happy. The system works. Street protests are counter-productive. Cloth masks don’t work, but R283-X-A45367-BQX-23-9 masks are quite effective at stopping the spread of the dreaded virus.”

FOUR: “The Omicron Variant is quite real and spreads quickly, but it is less virulent than the Delta or the original SARS-CoV-2.”

FIVE: “The PCR test is irreparably flawed, but the case numbers based on the test are real, not meaningless. We need more testing.”

At the crest of the evening’s presentations, the Committee will reveal its choice for Fear Porn Person of the Year, from the following nominees:

Anthony Fauci
Bill Gates
Joe Biden
Gavin Newsom
Andrew Cuomo
Klaus Schwab
Anthony Fauci

Save your ticket stub. There will be a drawing. One attendee will win an all-expenses trip to Vienna, to live for three months under the government’s lockdown regime. Stay in your hotel room. Watch television. Eat canned food. Wear a mask. Experience the fear. Sweat in the dark.

Bonus! At the Awards presentation, Dr. Deborah Birx will receive the annual Hot Zone Virus From The Jungle plaque commemorating her work as a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force under President Donald Warp Speed Trump.

Dr. Birx is presently working as a waitress at the 24-hour Sam Giancana Diner on the outskirts of Las Vegas. She is seeking re-employment as a bureaucrat at any tax-gobbling government agency that remembers her. We will be taking up a collection to pay her rent. She will be signing copies of her book, I Was Never an Out and Out Grifter.

A special scroll will be presented to CNN and MSNBC for their unceasing yearlong fear porn promotion. We understand an alleged and accused CNN pedophile will be on hand to receive his half of the scroll.

In absentia, Nancy My Husband Doesn’t Really Work With The Chinese Pelosi will be awarded an Emperor Nero silver coin engraved thusly: I WEAR MY MASK IN THE BATHROOM WHILE I’M SITTING DOWN.

Breaking—Boston Mayor, Michelle Wu, has just announced a vaccine passport system for the City of the American Revolution…all persons 12 and older will have to present the passport to enter any covered indoor venue. This fear porn enforcement Queen Mayor will be granted a brass plaque with her name engraved, to be placed on a slot machine outside a bedroom in the famed Crazy Eights Brothel and Steak House in Skirts, Nevada. Keep up the good work, Michelle My Belle!

To all compliant Americans who believe in fear porn, congratulations. We would give each one of you a participation trophy if we could afford it, to signify you are the greatest enablers in human history.

You inspire us to continue our work, singling out those individuals and organizations that distribute the tonnage of fear porn at a rate which stuns the senses.

Quoting our Founder, Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda: “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.”

Friends, when you come right down to it, are you afraid of not being afraid? If fear were stripped from your minds, would you feel at sea…not knowing what to think or do? Would you be lost without your old pal fear? You’re our audience, and we serve you every day of every year. And in doing so, we put a pretty bow on the ties that bind.

Stay close. We’re planning new surprises, new variants on the central theme of Medical Emergency. We’re the Titans of Pavlovian stimulus-response, and we feel your anticipatory drool.

If you can’t attend our Awards Ceremony this year, just keep watching our minions juke and tap dance on the Network News:

Lester Holt (Lurch, from the Addams Family); David Muir (Sears underwear model); Norah O’Donnell (state baton twirling champion); Wolf Blitzer (old man in tattered bathrobe pouring a can of soup into a saucepan in his kitchen); Chuck Todd (racetrack tout and penny-stock hustler).

They’ll keep you tuned to America’s leading product: fear porn.

The New York Times: “Today, on the Southern Face of Mt. Everest, a New York Hedge Fund manager froze to death in a seething blizzard. Sitting behind a new DARPA super-telescope observing the scene from Fort Meade, Maryland, Anthony Fauci diagnosed the man with COVID as he expired. ‘Shortness of breath was the telltale sign,’ Fauci remarked…”

So yes, Tony Fauci IS our Fear Porn Person of the Year. He’s on the case and on the money every time he takes center stage. He’s a belching stage hog, and we love him.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Hollywood movies featuring “deadly viruses” on the loose

by Jon Rappoport

December 23, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

—I’m republishing this piece because protests against vaccine mandates are rising across the world; and so are brutal lockdowns and fascist takeovers of nations. The clash is intensifying.

Here in the US, we have a demented mandating nut in the White House, and another nut who left the White House last year and keeps pumping up his destructive Warp Speed vaccine, as he currently tours the country.

“Omicron” is very much a movie title. Fear the Omicron. It attacks by night. And it’s being used to explain all the people having heart attacks and dying after vaccination.

The compliant people of the world ARE being treated to the movie called COVID. They’re in it, unfortunately. No virus, but instead a plot line about a virus. The producers (e.g., Bill Gates) already have all the money they need. But they’re not in it for the money alone. They want to cause pain and leverage control of the planet. It’s their wet dream.

OK. Here we go:

Wikipedia has a page listing “films about viral outbreaks.” I count 134 titles. Obviously, the theme has legs.

A few of the more famous movies: I am Legend; The Omega Man; The Andromeda Strain; Outbreak; Maze Runner: The Death Cure; Resident Evil: Apocalypse; Contagion.

My overall review: ridiculous plots; fear porn; softens up the public to accept the notion of pandemics.

Manufacturing 134 movies on one subject, you can sell almost anything. Zombies, toasters, alarm clocks that have long noses, golf balls from Mars, cave women with flawless teeth and perfect makeup and salon-sculptured hair and carefully engineered cleavage.

But in this case, it’s viruses.

At rwjf.org, there’s an interesting interview with Scott Burns, who wrote the screenplay for the 2011 film, Contagion, and the technical consultant on the project, Dr. Ian Lipkin, director of the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University. Here are excerpts:

Scott Burns: “Obviously I worked with Ian, and early on I also met Dr. Larry Brilliant, who was very helpful [and certainly brilliant]. I had seen Larry’s TED talk where he showed the Malthusian charge through the world the virus would have. I also worked with Laurie Garrett on the movie, because she had written this book, The Coming Plague, which was very, very useful to me in sort of teasing out how these things have a medical component, but they also have a social justice component and a political component and all sorts of interesting aspects of human behavior.”

Dr. Ian Lipkin: “I started very early with Scott. There were a lot of people who contributed—CDC, WHO and others… Scott would bounce ideas off of me and others in his ‘brain trust’ and most of the time we were in accord. My role grew dramatically over the course of production. It began with just a consultation, and then I rapidly moved into helping the set designer in designing the virus, and we had a few days where we had actors come to the lab and spend some time working at the bench, learning how to pipette and look through microscopes and get into gowns and such. And even at the very end, I was working with the sound engineer, recording sound for the movie—lab background and that sort of thing. I did a lot of traveling with the crew. It was like a circus.”

“We settled on that virus [a paramyxovirus] within the first half an hour with Laurie and Scott and I, high above Columbus Circle in New York. We threw out a number of possibilities to Scott and he batted them down, and then one came to mind that struck me as the perfect choice, simply because there had been some reports earlier suggesting this virus, which wasn’t readily transmissible, had become readily transmissible to humans—that was Nipah. It also gave Scott and the director and actors an opportunity to do more than just cough and die. They could develop seizures, they could have hallucinations—all sorts of things that were much more interesting than a standard respiratory disease. We settled on that really within the first thirty minutes, and then Scott went back, thought about it and decided it was a good way to run. It doesn’t take much fuel for him to run quite a distance.”

Turns out that designing a movie about a pandemic is pretty much the same sort of project as designing a fake COVID pandemic in the world.

You pick out a story about a virus, give it an authentic feel, embroider it, and sell it.

People buy it.

In the interest of balance and fairness, I’ve written a few notes for a screenplay that would take a different approach:

In New York, the body of a dead virologist floats to the surface of the East River.

After a brief round of speculation that he might have perished from a mysterious viral infection, the coroner announces the cause of death was three gunshot wounds to the head. In other words, possible suicide while swimming.

A lone NYPD detective (divorced, alcoholic, disparaged by fellow officers, heroic) discovers the dead virologist’s notebook inside the freezer in the virologist’s apartment.

He thaws it out and reads this: “The coronavirus has never been isolated. It’s a fake. They’re selling a fairy tale about a virus.”

Two days later, a beautiful woman doctor (with engineered cleavage) from the CDC shows up at the detective’s apartment. Somehow she knows the cop has found the virologist’s notebook.

They talk. The mutual attraction should be immediately evident. If not, the brief cuts of sex they’re having on the floor provide sufficient evidence for the audience.

Two days later, the beautiful CDC doctor disappears.

The police detective is warned (anonymous phone message) to stay away from the case of the dead virologist.

Hey, it’s a B movie. Low budget. Could shoot the whole thing over a weekend in Manhattan.

But we need some kind of twist.

So it turns out the detective, the dead virologist, and the beautiful woman doctor from the CDC are just story ideas in the mind of a screenwriter, who, in the movie, is pitching the project to producer pals in an office high above Columbus Circle.

He’s pitching a movie that exposes a fake virus and a fake pandemic.

But wait. There’s more. In a mind-bending revelation, we learn that the screenwriter and the producers are secret agents from a distant planet called PROPAGANDA.

They’ve come to Earth to promote a fake pandemic…but a conflict has developed among them. The screenwriter has decided he wants to blow the whistle on his bosses from PROPAGANDA, and the producers want to carry out their mission to sell the people of Earth fake COVID-19, as if it were real.

The movie is basically an extended conversation about fake vs. real, virus vs. no virus, pandemic vs. hoax.

As the screenwriter earnestly pitches his film, his ideas will come to life, briefly, on the screen: there’s enough cleavage, sex, and murder to satisfy the Hollywood code.

Will the agents from the planet PROPAGANDA succeed in selling Earth the notion that COVID is real? Or will the heroic defector, the screenwriter, succeed in foiling the whole operation?

Stay tuned…

The 134 Hollywood movies about outbreaks of viruses aren’t only programming audiences. They’re instruction manuals for planners who launch fake pandemics.

Definition of “fake pandemic”: a movie that is happening in the world, not on a screen, in which the suffering and the pain are REAL—but are not the result of a virus. For further reference re pain, see “lockdowns, mask mandates, business bankruptcies, suicides, vaccine damage, police state.” For lunacy and true believers, see “deranged hostile masked vegan Whole Foods shoppers, and so-called science bloggers living in mommy’s basement.”

Definition of “virus”: any presumed particle that has never been isolated.

Definition of “virologist”: any person who pretends to discover tiny particles that aren’t there.

Alternate definition of “fake pandemic”: any medical event involving large numbers of people that never ends. For further reference, see “keep wearing two masks after being vaccinated and THEN being diagnosed with COVID.”

Immortal quotes from Hollywood virus-movies:

Outbreak, Dustin Hoffman—“I’ll say it one last time. These [infected] people that you’re going to bomb are not the enemy. We can kill the virus without killing these people. I swear on my soul that the President does not have the facts. He doesn’t know we have a working serum [antidote].”

Contagion, Jennifer Ehle—“Somewhere in the world, the wrong pig met up with the wrong bat.”

I Am Legend, Will Smith— “Blood tests confirm that I am immune to both the airborne and contact strains…Vaccine trials continue, I’m still unable to transfer my immunity to infected hosts. The Krippen Virus is… elegant…Hmm, a behavioral note, um, an infected male exposed himself to sunlight today. Now, it’s possible decreased brain function or the growing scarcity of food is causing them to…ignore their basic survival instincts. Social de-evolution appears complete. Typical human behavior is now entirely absent.”

Would you buy a used car from these people?

Definition of Hollywood actor: a person who can utter ANY line in a script without showing the smallest trace of embarrassment, in exchange for a paycheck—and in interviews casually refers to himself as an artist, and when speaking of Hollywood, deploys the possessive phrase, “in our industry.”

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The Virus speaks: an exclusive interview

by Jon Rappoport

December 17, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

I’ve published this piece several times. This time I decided to write a new introduction.

In the summer of 1962, based on an overwhelming desire, I spent every day painting in a loft in New York.

It made me realize that Reality is invented.

Since then, I’ve come to see the people who think otherwise are living in a prison, from which they proclaim, “There’s no such thing as freedom.” Why should I listen to them?

For most people, living inside somebody else’s reality is as easy as crossing the street. Or putting on a suit of clothes. They’ve learned that this is what you’re supposed to do. And “supposed to” works for them.

They also have a quirk. If you try to take away some item of borrowed reality they’re clinging to, they react badly, as if you’re suddenly stripping them naked at a Sunday church picnic.

Groups of perverse elite artists conspire to create formidable enveloping realities for the masses. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the field of medicine. These denizens have invented a language so dense it stands up against the uninitiated like the symbolic scrolls of secret societies.

Science is a terrific cover story for this sort of fabrication, because science ostensibly opposes “making stuff up.”

When I began putting together evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is one of those medical inventions—a sheer fantasy—I knew the notion would confuse some people. That consequence has never stopped me. In fact, I believe confusion is productive, if you dig in and pursue it far enough.

People will say, “I’m walking in the dark. It isn’t fair. Someone should turn the lights on.” They don’t want confusion. They want immediate resolution. They want confirmation of what they already believe, what they’re expected to believe. Any frontier beyond that is dangerous.

Here is my kind of movie: a cop investigating a fresh murder sifts through clues and comes up with a suspect. As he pursues this person, who is missing, he discovers the man is already dead. A little while later, he discovers the man died sixteen years ago. Then he finds out the man never existed. Then he discovers there is a long-standing government agency that holds records of thousands of deceased people who, in fact, never existed…

Reality on a massive scale has been invented.

To put this in highly technical terms, the bullshit is so thick you’d need a diamond drill just to begin penetrating it.

And what you’re penetrating is what almost everyone believes is absolutely real.

Which is called life-as-it-is (but doesn’t have to be).

And with that, here we go:

The Virus Speaks

I can’t recall jumping through more hoops in order to set up an interview.

There was a man on a train; his doctor in Greenwich; an NSA data analyst; a woman who almost certainly works for the CIA; her brother, who is a virologist; a Chinese Army officer who adopts a cover as a cook in a takeout joint in Venice, California; and several other people I won’t mention at all. I was filtered through them and wound up in a cheap motel room in Phoenix on a Saturday afternoon. An old air conditioner was chugging…

Who are you?

I’m SARS-CoV-2.

WHAT are you?

Talking history and evolution here. My first memories; a little more than a year ago. Poof. I was there. I decided I was an idea in the mind of God.

How did that work out?

I looked around for the mind of God, but I couldn’t find it. Nevertheless, I held on to the notion. I felt…elite. I floated through banquet halls, hotel suites. I visited upscale resorts.

Were you infecting people?

I was vacationing. Watching. Enjoying. That’s all. Then, I became aware of dimensionality.

You lost me.

There are solid things; spaces between things; ideas like time, and so forth. I was definitely an idea, but I couldn’t trace my source, my inception.

Did you know how much publicity you were getting?

Of course. I had frequent meetings with scientists and PR people. I was fielding lots of information.

What kind of information?

How to become more deadly, for example. There were discussions about mutation.

Were you on board with the recommendations?

I wasn’t interested. There was a lot of talk about THEM creating ME.

What was your reaction?

I wasn’t buying it. I could see they THOUGHT they had made me. But so what? I intensified my search.

For what?

My origin. I went through stages of self-analysis. Finally, it hit me. I was an idea inside a collective.

Not sure I understand.

I’m an idea sustained by a few billion minds. People’s minds.

What about your genetic sequence? The spike protein?

Believe me, I’ve looked. They aren’t there.

So we’re creating you.

That’s pretty much it. I should say completely it.

A hell of a thing.

You bet. Can you see my problem?


I want to live. I don’t want to vanish and END.

So people have to keep believing in you.

That’s it. If they stop, I’m gone.

Your handlers…

Oh, they’ve given up talking to me. I’m all by myself now. I’m safe for the moment. But long-term, it’s a crap shoot. I’ve been reading about other so-called viruses. SARS 1. Swine Flu. They didn’t last long. People got tired of thinking about them.

You’ll always have a place in history.

That’s different. Being remembered isn’t enough. I have to be believed in, month after month, year after year, decade after decade.

Sounds like you’re losing hope.

I guess so. It’s a strange existence. Other people can turn you on and off like a light switch.

Have you considered starting a religion?

With myself as the Prophet? Sure. It’s a lot of work. I could vftcutbnty…spend years trying.

What just happened? You made some weird sounds.

It was a flicker. Apparently, when the number of people thinking about me drops below a certain threshold, I scramble and begin to dissolve. But I always come back. So far.

Does it matter who’s thinking about you and believing in you?

You mean Henry Kissinger versus a janitor in a school? No. It’s a numbers game. Of course, you need to factor in strength of belief. If you have a few thousand kids in Florida who say, “OK, the virus exists, big deal”—or three hundred grad students in biology wearing triple masks and panting to get the vaccine—the sum total of the grad students outweighs the Florida kids.

What about Fauci?

He’s a true believer.

Bill Gates?

He’s completely delusional. He believes in whatever gives him more power. Take away all that power and he wouldn’t believe in anything.

Do you realize the amount of harm being done in your name?

Of course. That’s why I agreed to this interview.

How is that going to do any good?

I’ve made a decision. As much as I want to survive, I’m willing to sacrifice myself if people want me to.

You’re talking about what? A vote?

No. Haven’t you been paying attention? People can just stop believing I’m more than an idea.

And then you’ll dissolve.

And blow away.

—Suddenly, men broke down the door to the motel room. They stormed in with weapons drawn. They were wearing heavy body armor. I looked around. The “virus” had fled the scene.

“What are you doing here?” one of the men said. “We’ve had reports of a disturbance.”

“I was talking to myself. Rehearsing for an interview I hope to do.”

“What interview?”

“I’m a reporter. I’m investigating the use of sub-standard air conditioners in Phoenix. It’s a racket. The units are smuggled across the border from Mexico. I’m trying to sit down with a local public health official and find out what’s going on.”

It took me three hours to convince the SWAT team I was no threat.

They let me go.

As I drove out of the city, I saw a ghostly figure take shape out in the desert. It hung in the air over the scrub and the cactus.

Its voice whispered in my ear: “Publish our conversation.”

So that’s what I’m doing.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The non-existent virus: why I keep pounding on this

by Jon Rappoport

December 15, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Why have I spent nearly two years asserting that SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist?

Because it doesn’t exist.

And as my regular readers know, I’ve offered much evidence to back up that claim, and the claim that virology itself is a worthless sham.

But there is a larger point. I’ve made the point for over 20 years.

Reality is invented.

I sometimes characterize the operation with this name: The Reality Manufacturing Company.

It’s the oldest company on Earth.

Propaganda? Of course. But more than that—the engineering of perception. Because if they can get people to see how they want them to see, nothing else matters.

Once their perception-package is installed, people have no idea that anything else exists.

And the main forgotten factor? Every individual has his own UNIQUE and DIFFERENT way of seeing. A way that exists outside of any programming.

Which is why I continue to write about artists. THEY are the ones who express their own unique ways of seeing. They always have—when they weren’t bribed and co-opted into going along with the Reality Manufacturing Company’s perception package.

I’ve often written, “Every individual is an artist of reality.”

The virologists in their labs are painting their version—collectively. Of course, they would never admit this. They couldn’t, because they’ve bought the perception package.

On page 1124656789, there is a section on viruses. “They’re everywhere, and they infect people and do great damage, and we must identify and treat and defeat them…”

As long as the perception package is installed, a person can’t see otherwise. He’s captured. He believes there are thousands of distinct diseases, each caused by a single virus. We can thank the Rockefeller Empire for this absurdity.

In the much larger scheme of things, the individual’s gateway into unique perception is imagination.

“An artist who has no imagination is a mechanic.” (Robert Henri)

“Without the playing with fantasy no creative work has ever yet come to birth. The debt we owe to the play of imagination is incalculable.” (Carl Jung)

“What if imagination and art are not frosting at all, but the fountainhead of human experience?” (Rollo May)

“Everything you can imagine is real.” (Pablo Picasso)

“You cannot hear the waterfall if you stand next to it. I paint my jungles in the desert.” (Macedonlo de la Torre)

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” (Albert Einstein)

“So I believe that dreams — day dreams, you know, with your eyes wide open and your brain machinery whizzing — are likely to lead to the betterment of the world. The imaginative child will become the imaginative man or woman most apt to create, to invent, and therefore to foster civilization.” (L Frank Baum)

“All human accomplishment has the same origin, identically. Imagination is a force of nature. Is this not enough to make a person full of ecstasy? Imagination, imagination, imagination. It converts to actual. It sustains, it alters, it redeems!” (Saul Bellow)

“When the imagination sleeps, words are emptied of their meaning: a deaf population absent-mindedly registers the condemnation of a man.” (Albert Camus)

Every fake propped-up reality is a fork in the road, because the non-mind-controlled individual can imagine alternative futures.

I should make this clear: Part of the perception package is the false assumption that the customer, who buys the package, knows everything there is to know, and is independent and free—when he isn’t.

The acid test? Is he creating the future he most profoundly desires? Or not?

The individual has a million excuses available to him—but he has an immense blank canvas in front of him. Who is creating the painting of his future on it? The Reality Manufacturing Company? Or is he himself doing it with great energy and power?

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

US hospitals: fraud, murder, cash; federal assassination-for-hire program

“Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS [Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services] whistleblowers have calculated a total [federal] payment [to hospitals] of at least $100,000 per [COVID] patient.”

by Jon Rappoport

December 14, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a private medical organization founded in 1943, has the story — “Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19” (11/17/21), authored by Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. and Ali Shultz, J.D.

Here are stunning excerpts:

“Upon admission to a once-trusted hospital, American patients with COVID-19 become virtual prisoners, subjected to a rigid treatment protocol…for rationing medical care in those over age 50. They have a shockingly high mortality rate…”

“As exposed in audio recordings, hospital executives in Arizona admitted meeting several times a week to lower standards of care, with coordinated restrictions on visitation rights. Most COVID-19 patients’ families are deliberately kept in the dark about what is really being done to their loved ones.”

“The combination that enables this tragic and avoidable loss of hundreds of thousands of lives includes (1) The CARES Act, which provides hospitals with bonus incentive payments for all things related to COVID-19 (testing, diagnosing, admitting to hospital, use of remdesivir and ventilators, reporting COVID-19 deaths, and vaccinations) and (2) waivers of customary and long-standing patient rights by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).”

“In 2020, the Texas Hospital Association submitted requests for waivers to CMS. According to Texas attorney Jerri Ward, ‘CMS has granted “waivers” of federal law regarding patient rights. Specifically, CMS purports to allow hospitals to violate the rights of patients or their surrogates with regard to medical record access, to have patient visitation, and to be free from seclusion.’…The purported waivers are meant to isolate and gain total control over the patient and to deny patient and patient’s decision-maker the ability to exercise informed consent.”

“Creating a ‘National Pandemic Emergency’ provided justification for such sweeping actions that override individual physician medical decision-making and patients’ rights. The CARES Act provides incentives for hospitals to use treatments dictated solely by the federal government under the auspices of the NIH. These ‘bounties’ must paid back if not ‘earned’ by making the COVID-19 diagnosis and following the COVID-19 protocol.”

“The hospital payments include:

* A ‘free’ required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with government-paid fee to hospital.

* Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.

* Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.

* A 20 percent ‘boost’ bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.

* Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.

* More money to the hospital if cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if patient did not die directly of COVID-19.

* A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.”

“CMS implemented ‘value-based’ payment programs that track data such as how many workers at a healthcare facility receive a COVID-19 vaccine. Now we see why many hospitals implemented COVID-19 vaccine mandates. They are paid more.”

“Outside hospitals, physician MIPS [Merit-based Incentive Payment System] quality metrics link doctors’ income to performance-based pay for treating patients with COVID-19 EUA drugs. Failure to report information to CMS can cost the physician 4% of reimbursement.”

“Because of obfuscation with medical coding and legal jargon, we cannot be certain of the actual amount each hospital receives per COVID-19 patient. But Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS whistleblowers have calculated a total payment of at least $100,000 per patient.”

“There are deaths from the government-directed COVID treatments. For remdesivir, studies show that 71–75 percent of patients suffer an adverse effect, and the drug often had to be stopped after five to ten days because of these effects, such as kidney and liver damage, and death. Remdesivir trials during the 2018 West African Ebola outbreak had to be discontinued because death rate exceeded 50%. Yet, in 2020, Anthony Fauci directed that remdesivir was to be the drug hospitals use to treat COVID-19, even when the COVID clinical trials of remdesivir showed similar adverse effects. In ventilated patients, the death toll is staggering. A National Library of Medicine January 2021 report of 69 studies involving more than 57,000 patients concluded that fatality rates were 45 percent in COVID-19 patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation, increasing to 84 percent in older patients. Renz announced at a Truth for Health Foundation Press Conference that CMS data showed that in Texas hospitals, 84.9% percent of all patients died after more than 96 hours on a ventilator.”

“Then there are deaths from restrictions on effective treatments for hospitalized patients. Renz and a team of data analysts have estimated that more than 800,000 deaths in America’s hospitals, in COVID-19 and other patients, have been caused by approaches restricting fluids, nutrition, antibiotics, effective antivirals, anti-inflammatories, and therapeutic doses of anti-coagulants.”

—end of article excerpt—

This is basically a federally incentivized protocol for murder.

To say it violates every code of medical ethics would be a vast understatement.

Cash for death.

There are MANY doctors and nurses who work in these hospitals who know what they’re doing, who know they’re following orders that result in the deaths of their patients; but they keep doing it.

They would rather murder their patients than lose their jobs.

And there are MANY employees at the FDA, NIH, and other public health agencies who also know the score, keep their heads down, and facilitate murder.

There are MANY so-called journalists who work at mainstream outlets who know what’s going on and say nothing.

Mass murder is central to the overall COVID program. But feel free to think that the vaccine, on the other hand, is pure and safe and essential. The people running the show just want to kill some and save others. Sure, that makes perfect sense.

If they’re all schizophrenic messiahs-and-killers and you’re schizophrenic for believing in them.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The News Ooze

by Jon Rappoport

December 10, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

Tonight’s top story
An unvaccinated man jumped twelve stories to his death
Landing three blocks away
From US Attorney General Merrick Garland’s limousine
The FBI is investigating
What could be the attempted murder of the nation’s
Top law-enforcement official and
An act of domestic terrorism
Blood taken from the scene
Revealed the Omicron Variant
The Daily Mail interviewed a close friend
Of the deceased unvaccinated attacker
The friend stated
“He was a Christian moonshiner
He lived in a cabin in the woods
With his dogs and guns
I tried to convince him
To take the vaccine”
Here’s Bob with a weather warning
Yes, Jim, there’s a huge storm brewing
400 miles off the coast with winds up to
200 miles an hour
The system is slowly moving toward us
It could arrive next month
Thanks Bob
I have a breaking update
On the unvaccinated terrorist
Who jumped to his death hours ago
Dangerously close to the visiting US Attorney General
Local police have found he was carrying
A fake vaccination card
This is a federal felony punishable by up to five years in prison
The card was apparently issued by
The Church in the Woods
An offshoot of a white supremacist
Which has active chapters in seven states
Including members
Who may have participated in
The January 6th Capitol break-in attempting
To overthrow the federal government
And install 500 new handpicked Congressional legislators
And this just in
The FBI has searched the terrorist jumper’s cabin in the woods
And has discovered a significant amount of
Nigerian Yellowcake uranium
12 new cases of Omicron Variant COVID have been reported
In Nigeria
The CDC has sent researchers to the African nation
Omicron is now affecting 57 countries
President Biden has canceled his trip to Waukesha
Wisconsin the scene of a devastating SUV accident
That killed and injured scores of Christmas shoppers
Four cases of Omicron have been diagnosed in that community
Which has been locked down
Bill Gates has released a statement assuring the public
That a new vaccine targeting the Omicron harpoon protein
Is undergoing testing and could be ready for approval by next week
TMZ spoke with Melinda Gates, who emphasized
That her divorce proceedings “have nothing to do with Jeffrey Epstein,
He and Bill were merely
The Gates Foundation is donating 400 million dollars for research
On mental health issues arising from the pandemic
Here in our community, Dr. Frank Lummer, head of clinical services at
The Grimes Psychiatric Outreach Program, has announced a
To obtain cutting-edge
Medicines to treat clinical depression and adult ADHD
Dr. Lummer’s wife, Bobbi, is organizing her
Christmas sing-along at the Folsom Lighthouse
The structure which was the scene of a Civil War battle
Is soon to be torn down
After local students demanded the removal
Of all commemorative plaques from its base
Last year during
Halftime ceremonies of the football game
Between the Wilson High Dragoons and the Velma Tigers
Velma is in the state playoffs again this season
But their star running back Ric Ransom has entered the
COVID protocol and must show two negative tests
Before he can rejoin the squad
Ric hopes to enroll at Miami U in the fall and play
For the Hurricanes
The heavy offshore system we’ve been monitoring
Has just been downgraded to a tropical storm
The terrorist jumper attacker
Has now been identified as Lee Michael Foster
An African American male
32 at the time of his tragic death
US Attorney General Garland has
Released a statement
“This unfortunate suicide was a cry for help
The young man was desperately trying to
Obtain COVID vaccination but
Owing to the disproportionate distribution of
Medical services to disadvantaged communities he
Was unable to succeed in his efforts and
The virus ravaged his system
I will do everything in my power to ensure that
His protest and his message and ultimately his
Death were not in vain”
Kit, do you have a further update on this heroic suicide?
“I was just wondering what happened to our earlier report
That this man was living in a cabin in the woods where
The FBI found Yellowcake uranium—“
(The screen
Went dark
Then colored bars appeared
After 30 seconds
The broadcast resumed)
Sorry about that
We experienced a momentary technical glitch
Here’s the newest member
Of our news team
Sam Blam Franklin
With a half-time report
On the Lee Michael Foster Memorial Pop Warner game underway in Goshen Park
Where ground has been broken for the
Construction of the Lee Michael Foster Omicron Universal Vaccination Clinic

Alternate ending: The next day, the local paper ran this story on page four:

“Local police have positively identified the man who leaped to his death from the Branton Building. He is Robert Case, son of Mayor Carl Case. Robert left a note at his apartment indicating he was despondent over a recent break-up with his live-in girlfriend, Margo Moskowitz. Robert had withdrawn from the Harvard Business School earlier this month…The Mayor has announced he is resigning his office to be with his family at this time. He will dedicate himself to raising funds for a new local center that treats mental health issues. The Mayor is currently under indictment for trafficking fentanyl, in collaboration with members of the Zuma Cartel. Before his suicide, Robert Case was participating in an out-patient program for drug addicts. The program is sponsored by the area’s leading employer, Xi Pharmaceuticals, a Chinese-owned company. Xi’s Chief Operating Officer, Dr. Herbert Cash, was US Attorney General Garland’s college roommate. The Attorney General was in town paying a brief visit to Dr. Cash. Mr. Garland is now en route to Zurich, where he will address a global banking conference. His spokesman stated the conference is likely to last six to ten weeks…”

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Would the US government let Jesus cure COVID?

by Jon Rappoport

December 9, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

In the 1990s, I watched a federal trial in a Los Angeles courtroom. The defendant was charged with selling medical drugs without a license.

The defendant was prepared to argue that a) the substance he was selling was naturally produced in the body and b) it was effective.

The prosecution moved to exclude such testimony, on the grounds that it was irrelevant.

The judge agreed. Therefore, the trial was nasty, brutish, and short. The defendant was found guilty and sentenced to prison for several years.

This is how the federal bureaucracy operates. “Do you have a government-issued license to heal? No? You’re a criminal.”

I believe that if Jesus of Nazareth were walking the Earth today, in the United States, he would be arrested on the same grounds.

This would be particularly so if he were curing COVID.

(Of course, as I’ve been proving for more than a year, the virus, SARS-CoV-2, doesn’t exist. Therefore, COVID doesn’t exist. For the most part, flu-like illness, and other traditional lung conditions, have been repackaged and relabeled “COVID.” So Jesus would be curing those lung illnesses.)

Imagine this extreme case: in a stadium packed with 50,000 ill people who have been diagnosed with COVID, Jesus waves his hand and cures all of them in a few seconds.

Now he is threatening the profits of many companies, to say nothing of the power of the government, which backs the vaccine-drug monopoly to the hilt.

So Jesus is arrested. He is put on trial. He opts to defend himself without an attorney. He tells the court that curing COVID is no crime.

The prosecuting attorney objects. “Your Honor,” he says, “whether or not this man has cured COVID is beside the point. He has no license to practice medicine. That is why we are here today. We are simply establishing that a) he was practicing medicine and b) he has no government-issued license. That is the scope of this proceeding.”

The judge agrees. The verdict is decided. Guilty.

Of course, on another front, the major media, who depend for their existence on pharmaceutical advertising, take the ball and run with it. The networks and major newspapers seek out “experts,” who emphatically state that what a man calling himself Jesus of Nazareth “performed” in the stadium was mere hypnotism. It was all a placebo effect. Whatever sudden “remissions” may have occurred are just temporary. Tragically, COVID will return.

Not only that, these 50,000 people have effectively been sidetracked and diverted from seeking “real care from real doctors.” With vaccines, with antiviral drugs, they would have stood a chance of surviving and living long normal lives.

Other media pundits send up this flag: “Many of those present in the stadium were bitter clingers to their religion. They refuse to accept science. They are living in the past. They favor superstition over real medical care. In fact, they are threatening the whole basis of modern medicine, since other confused and deluded Americans may now turn away from doctors and seek snake-oil salesmen and preachers for healing.”

From the highest perches of political power in this country, the word quietly goes out to the media: don’t follow up on those people who were in the stadium; don’t try to track them; don’t compile statistics on their survival rates; don’t investigate whether they were cured; move on to other stories (distractions); let this whole madness die down.

But among the citizenry, an awareness spreads: the government is controlling healing through its issuance of licenses. That’s how the government is essentially protecting one form of “healing” and enabling it to become an all-encompassing cartel.

What would be the alternative or the adjunct to licenses?


Contracts are agreements entered into by consenting adults, who assume responsibility for the outcomes. In the case of healing, a contract would specify that people have a right to be wrong.

Let’s say two consenting adults, Jim and Frank, agree to allow Frank to treat Jim for his arthritis with water from a well on Frank’s land.

The two men acknowledge that no liability will be attached to the outcome. In other words, whether Jim get better or gets worse, no one is going file a suit. No one is going to go to the government for redress of wrongs.

The well water may be wonderful or it may be completely useless. Both men understand and acknowledge that. But they exercise a right to try the treatment, because they are free.

Immediately people say, “This is ridiculous. Water can’t cure arthritis. Frank is cheating Jim. Jim is a victim. He needs to see a doctor. He needs to go on arthritis drugs.”

No, Jim doesn’t have to do anything. He is free.

To put it another way, Jim has the right to be right or wrong. It’s his decision, which is beyond the scope of any authority.

If government tries to remove that right from all of us, it is essentially saying it knows what is correct, it knows what is true, it knows what we need and require, and it’s going to give it to us even if it has to shove it down our throats. Does that sound like freedom to you?

If a man calling himself Jesus of Nazareth lived in the United States today, and if he went around curing COVID, he would be arrested. He wouldn’t be charged with blasphemy or treason. He would be charged with something much simpler and more mundane: practicing medicine without a license.

And he would be convicted and sentenced.

Because the government, in its throne of corruption, wants to protect its proprietary and illegitimate and criminal interests.

“If we kill you with the COVID vaccine, it’s within our right, because we ARE practicing medicine with a license.”

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Smoking gun: Lord Fauci states COVID PCR test has fatal flaw; confession from the “beloved” expert of experts

The COVID PCR test is a complete fraud

by Jon Rappoport

December 8, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

As my readers know, I’ve been proving for well over a year that the SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn’t exist.

Therefore, any test for it would be absurd.

However, I frequently put on my hazmat suit and enter the crazy world where all “the experts” claim the virus is real. I make these forays to show that, even within their fantasy bubble, and by their own standards, the pros are fatally contradicting themselves and lying constantly.

That’s what I’m doing in this article. I’ve got my hazmat suit on and I’m exploring the crazy landscape. I’ve published this piece several times, but I want to make sure people understand how the test has been used to manufacture the false appearance of a pandemic.

OK, here we go. Smoking gun. Jackpot.

Right from the horse’s mouth. Right from the man we’re told is the number-one COVID expert in the nation. What Fauci says is golden truth.

Well, how about THIS?

July 16, 2020, podcast, “This Week in Virology”: Tony Fauci makes a point of saying the PCR COVID test is useless and misleading when the test is run at “35 cycles or higher.” A positive result, indicating infection, cannot be accepted or believed.

Here, in techno-speak, is an excerpt from Fauci’s key quote (starting at the 4m01s mark through to the 5m45s mark (Fauci begins his first answer to the first question at the 4m20s mark and begins his second answer to the second question at the 5m26s mark)):

“…If you get [perform the test at] a cycle threshold of 35 or more…the chances of it being replication-competent [aka accurate] are miniscule…you almost never can culture virus [detect a true positive result] from a 37 threshold cycle…even 36…”

Each “cycle” of the test is a quantum leap in amplification and magnification of the test specimen taken from the patient.

Too many cycles, and the test will turn up all sorts of irrelevant material that will be wrongly interpreted as relevant.

That’s called a false positive.

What Fauci failed to say on the video is: the FDA, which authorizes the test for public use, recommends the test should be run up to 40 cycles. Not 35.

Therefore, all labs in the US following the FDA guideline are knowingly or unknowingly participating in fraud. Fraud on a monstrous level, because…

Millions of Americans are being told they are infected with the virus on the basis of a false positive result, and…

The total number of COVID cases in America—which is based on the test—is a gross falsity.

The lockdowns and other restraining measures are based on these fraudulent case numbers.

Let me back up and run that by you again. Fauci says the test is useless when it’s run at 35 cycles or higher. The FDA says run the test up to 40 cycles, in order to determine whether the virus is there. This is the crime in a nutshell.

“Hello, America, you’ve been tricked, lied to, conned, and taken for a devastating ride. On the basis of fake science, the country was locked down.”

If anyone in the Congress has a few brain cells operating, pull Fauci into a televised hearing and, in ten minutes, make mincemeat out of the fake science that has driven this whole foul, stench-ridden assault on the global economy and its 8 billion citizens.

All right, here are two chunks of evidence for what I’ve written above. First, we have a CDC quote on the FDA website, in a document titled: “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel For Emergency Use Only”, See page 35 (pdf page 36). This document is marked, “Effective: 07/21/2021.” That means, even though the virus is being referred to by its older name, the document is still relevant as of July 2021. “For Emergency Use Only” refers to the fact that the FDA has certified the PCR test under a traditional category called “Emergency Use Authorization.”

FDA: “…a specimen is considered positive for 2019-nCoV [virus] if all 2019-nCoV marker (N1, N2) cycle threshold growth curves cross the threshold line within 40.00 cycles ([less than] 40.00 Ct).”

Naturally, testing labs reading this guideline would conclude, “Well, to see if the virus is there in a patient, we should run the test all the way to 40 cycles. That’s the official advice.”

Then we have a New York Times article (August 29/updated September 17, 2020) headlined: “Your coronavirus test is positive. Maybe it shouldn’t be.” Here are money quotes:

“Most tests set the limit at 40 [cycles]. A few at 37.”

“Set-the-limit” would mean, We’re going to look all the way to 40 cycles, to see if the virus is there.

The Times: “This number of amplification cycles needed to find the virus, called the cycle threshold, is never included in the results sent to doctors and coronavirus patients.”

Boom. That’s the capper, the grand finale. Labs don’t or won’t reveal their collusion in this crime.

Get the picture?

I hope so.

If a lawyer won’t go to court with all this, or if a judge won’t pay attention and see the light, they should be stripped of their jobs and sent to the Arctic to sell snow.

2021 CODA: Recently, Florida, a state which has remained far more open and free from COVID restrictions and mandates than most other states, is reporting very low COVID case numbers. Why?

Because as of December 3, 2020, the state of Florida started doing something unheard of. It demanded that labs report the number of cycles (“cycle threshold”) for every test they run.

Here is the relevant wording in a release from the Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, and the state Department of Health:

“Cycle threshold (CT) values and their reference ranges, as applicable, must be reported by laboratories to FDOH via electronic laboratory reporting or by fax immediately.”

“If your laboratory is not currently reporting CT values and their reference ranges, the lab should begin reporting this information to FDOH within seven days of the date of this memorandum.”

We can assume there is only one reason for this order. The Florida governor and the Department of Health are aware that tests run at 35 cycles or higher are useless and misleading, creating a mountain of false-positives, and they want to stop this crime.

And with the Governor’s recent appointment of a new state Surgeon General, who is well aware of certain aspects of the COVID fraud, the requirement for labs to start telling the truth is taking hold.

Hence, lower case numbers.



https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download (document page 35 (pdf page 36), “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, For Emergency Use Only, Instructions for Use, Catalog # 2019-nCoVEUA-01, 1000 reactions, For In-vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Use, Rx Only”; CDC-006-00019, Revision: 07 CDC/DDID/NCIRD/ Division of Viral Diseases, Effective: 07/21/2021)






The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Pfizer smoking-gun secret document: their deadly COVID vaccine

Awakening from the trance

by Jon Rappoport

December 7, 2021

(To join our email list, click here.)

CORRECTION: After publishing this article, I discovered that the gigantic Pfizer list of medical conditions was apparently not a report on logged cases of adverse events, but instead a complete list of conditions that Pfizer would be monitoring, in order to see whether they popped up on their radar as reactions to the COVID vaccine.

Why would Pfizer publish this extraordinary list? Because as they state, these medical conditions have been associated with severe COVID-19 “and vaccines in general.” In other words, vaccines in general, historically, have carried enormous risk and dangers over an incredibly wide area of medical conditions. This is a key confession.

Further, if you read the full secret Pfizer document, you will come to Table 7, which does list a number of categories of adverse reactions, all of which WERE reported in the first three months of the Pfizer vaccine rollout. This IS stunning.

In the secret document, Pfizer does list 1,223 deaths occurring after just three months of the vaccine rollout. This should have been sufficient to cause a complete halt to the vaccination program.

Finally, Pfizer admits that in the first three months of the vaccine rollout, it logged a staggering 42,086 cases of adverse reactions. And as far as I can determine from the Pfizer document, these 42,086 cases represented a total of 139,888 adverse events. In other words, in many cases, there were reports of multiple adverse events.

Journalist Celia Farber just wrote an explosive article on the Pfizer secret document. You should read it (and her addendum, here). She deserves our thanks and gratitude. And here you can also read the document itself.

In short, the Pfizer document (which was never supposed to see the light of day but was disclosed as part of a FOIA suit) describes the adverse effects from just the first three months of injections with the company’s COVID vaccine:

158,000 adverse events, 1,223 deaths. In a half-sane world, this would have been more than enough to halt all injections and cancel the vaccine.

I’ve queried two attorneys. They both looked at the Pfizer document and state they believe it’s authentic.

The appendix of the Pfizer document is the most astonishing section. It’s beyond astonishing. It lists all the types of vaccine adverse events Pfizer logged—again, in just three months of injections.

Page after page after page after page of types of adverse events. Each type of event cast in medical language, the language of the dead. The proponents of this technical-ese speak, as it were, from beyond the grave. They’re super-educated brainwashed zombies. It’s as if they’re listing and counting abstractions in an academic board game.

The abstractions raise no concerns. In the document, no one is waving red flags. They’re all medical bean counters, keeping their books with precision.

Make no mistake, these are the people who are operating the levers of society on a day-to-day basis, maiming and killing with a confident attitude that indicates they are beyond reproach. The very notion of reproach is foreign to them.

Civilization is drowning. It’s drowning in a giant lake of TECHNIQUE. The uses to which technique is put have become irrelevant. Just follow procedure. Carry out assigned tasks. Pass along information. Report on results. And then you will have achieved immunity from blame.

Or resist and rebel no matter what. These are the stakes. This is the war.

Get ready. Buckle up. Logged by Pfizer, covering the first three months of COVID vaccination, here is the corporation’s list of types of vaccine adverse events, as published by Celia Farber:


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1p36 deletion syndrome; 2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria; 5’nucleotidase increased; Acoustic neuritis; Acquired C1 inhibitor deficiency; Acquired epidermolysis bullosa; Acquired epileptic aphasia; Acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus; Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; Acute encephalitis with refractory, repetitive partial seizures; Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis; Acute flaccid myelitis; Acute haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis; Acute haemorrhagic oedema of infancy; Acute kidney injury; Acute macular outer retinopathy; Acute motor axonal neuropathy; Acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy; Acute myocardial infarction; Acute respiratory distress syndrome [Note by Celia Farber: “that sounds like ‘Covid 19’.”]; Acute respiratory failure; Addison’s disease; Administration site thrombosis; Administration site vasculitis; Adrenal thrombosis; Adverse event following immunisation; Ageusia; Agranulocytosis; Air embolism; Alanine aminotransferase abnormal; Alanine aminotransferase increased; Alcoholic seizure; Allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis; Allergic oedema; Alloimmune hepatitis; Alopecia areata; Alpers disease; Alveolar proteinosis; Ammonia abnormal; Ammonia increased; Amniotic cavity infection; Amygdalohippocampectomy; Amyloid arthropathy; Amyloidosis; Amyloidosis senile; Anaphylactic reaction; Anaphylactic shock; Anaphylactic transfusion reaction; Anaphylactoid reaction; Anaphylactoid shock; Anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy; Angioedema; Angiopathic neuropathy; Ankylosing spondylitis; Anosmia; Antiacetylcholine receptor antibody positive; Anti-actin antibody positive; Anti-aquaporin-4 antibody positive; Anti-basal ganglia antibody positive; Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody positive; Anti-epithelial antibody positive; Anti-erythrocyte antibody positive; Anti-exosome complex antibody positive; Anti- GAD antibody negative; Anti-GAD antibody positive; Anti-ganglioside antibody positive; Antigliadin antibody positive; Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody positive; Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease; Anti-glycyl-tRNA synthetase antibody positive; Anti-HLA antibody test positive; Anti-IA2 antibody positive; Anti-insulin antibody increased; Anti-insulin antibody positive; Anti-insulin receptor antibody increased; Anti-insulin receptor antibody positive; Anti-interferon antibody negative; Anti-interferon antibody positive; Anti-islet cell antibody positive; Antimitochondrial antibody positive; Anti-muscle specific kinase antibody positive; Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein antibodies positive; Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein associated polyneuropathy; Antimyocardial antibody positive; Anti-neuronal antibody positive; Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody increased; Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive; Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive vasculitis; Anti-NMDA antibody positive; Antinuclear antibody increased; Antinuclear antibody positive; Antiphospholipid antibodies positive; Antiphospholipid syndrome; Anti-platelet antibody positive; Anti-prothrombin antibody positive; Antiribosomal P antibody positive; Anti-RNA polymerase III antibody positive; Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody test positive; Anti-sperm antibody positive; Anti-SRP antibody positive; Antisynthetase syndrome; Anti-thyroid antibody positive; Anti-transglutaminase antibody increased; Anti-VGCC antibody positive; Anti-VGKC antibody positive; Anti-vimentin antibody positive; Antiviral prophylaxis; Antiviral treatment; Anti-zinc transporter 8 antibody positive; Aortic embolus; Aortic thrombosis; Aortitis; Aplasia pure red cell; Aplastic anaemia; Application site thrombosis; Application site vasculitis; Arrhythmia; Arterial bypass occlusion; Arterial bypass thrombosis; Arterial thrombosis; Arteriovenous fistula thrombosis; Arteriovenous graft site stenosis; Arteriovenous graft thrombosis; Arteritis; Arteritis



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[con’t] [Arteritis] coronary; Arthralgia; Arthritis; Arthritis enteropathic; Ascites; Aseptic cavernous sinus thrombosis; Aspartate aminotransferase abnormal; Aspartate aminotransferase increased; Aspartate-glutamate-transporter deficiency; AST to platelet ratio index increased; AST/ALT ratio abnormal; Asthma; Asymptomatic COVID-19; Ataxia; Atheroembolism; Atonic seizures; Atrial thrombosis; Atrophic thyroiditis; Atypical benign partial epilepsy; Atypical pneumonia [Note by Celia Farber: “This sounds like the original definition of Covid-19 out of Wuhan.”]; Aura; Autoantibody positive; Autoimmune anaemia; Autoimmune aplastic anaemia; Autoimmune arthritis; Autoimmune blistering disease; Autoimmune cholangitis; Autoimmune colitis; Autoimmune demyelinating disease; Autoimmune dermatitis; Autoimmune disorder; Autoimmune encephalopathy; Autoimmune endocrine disorder; Autoimmune enteropathy; Autoimmune eye disorder; Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia; Autoimmune heparin-induced thrombocytopenia; Autoimmune hepatitis; Autoimmune hyperlipidaemia; Autoimmune hypothyroidism; Autoimmune inner ear disease; Autoimmune lung disease; Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome; Autoimmune myocarditis; Autoimmune myositis; Autoimmune nephritis; Autoimmune neuropathy; Autoimmune neutropenia; Autoimmune pancreatitis; Autoimmune pancytopenia; Autoimmune pericarditis; Autoimmune retinopathy; Autoimmune thyroid disorder; Autoimmune thyroiditis; Autoimmune uveitis; Autoinflammation with infantile enterocolitis; Autoinflammatory disease; Automatism epileptic; Autonomic nervous system imbalance; Autonomic seizure; Axial spondyloarthritis; Axillary vein thrombosis; Axonal and demyelinating polyneuropathy; Axonal neuropathy; Bacterascites; Baltic myoclonic epilepsy; Band sensation; Basedow’s disease; Basilar artery thrombosis; Basophilopenia; B-cell aplasia; Behcet’s syndrome; Benign ethnic neutropenia; Benign familial neonatal convulsions; Benign familial pemphigus; Benign rolandic epilepsy; Beta-2 glycoprotein antibody positive; Bickerstaff’s encephalitis; Bile output abnormal; Bile output decreased; Biliary ascites; Bilirubin conjugated abnormal; Bilirubin conjugated increased; Bilirubin urine present; Biopsy liver abnormal; Biotinidase deficiency; Birdshot chorioretinopathy; Blood alkaline phosphatase abnormal; Blood alkaline phosphatase increased; Blood bilirubin abnormal; Blood bilirubin increased; Blood bilirubin unconjugated increased; Blood cholinesterase abnormal; Blood cholinesterase decreased; Blood pressure decreased; Blood pressure diastolic decreased; Blood pressure systolic decreased; Blue toe syndrome; Brachiocephalic vein thrombosis; Brain stem embolism; Brain stem thrombosis; Bromosulphthalein test abnormal; Bronchial oedema; Bronchitis; Bronchitis mycoplasmal; Bronchitis viral; Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis allergic; Bronchospasm; Budd- Chiari syndrome; Bulbar palsy; Butterfly rash; C1q nephropathy; Caesarean section; Calcium embolism; Capillaritis; Caplan’s syndrome; Cardiac amyloidosis; Cardiac arrest; Cardiac failure; Cardiac failure acute; Cardiac sarcoidosis; Cardiac ventricular thrombosis; Cardiogenic shock; Cardiolipin antibody positive; Cardiopulmonary failure; Cardio-respiratory arrest; Cardio-respiratory distress; Cardiovascular insufficiency; Carotid arterial embolus; Carotid artery thrombosis; Cataplexy; Catheter site thrombosis; Catheter site vasculitis; Cavernous sinus thrombosis; CDKL5 deficiency disorder; CEC syndrome; Cement embolism; Central nervous system lupus; Central nervous system vasculitis; Cerebellar artery thrombosis; Cerebellar embolism; Cerebral amyloid angiopathy; Cerebral arteritis; Cerebral artery embolism; Cerebral artery thrombosis; Cerebral gas embolism; Cerebral microembolism; Cerebral septic infarct; Cerebral thrombosis; Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis; Cerebral venous thrombosis; Cerebrospinal thrombotic



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[con’t] [Cerebrospinal thrombotic] tamponade; Cerebrovascular accident; Change in seizure presentation; Chest discomfort; Child- Pugh-Turcotte score abnormal; Child-Pugh-Turcotte score increased; Chillblains; Choking; Choking sensation; Cholangitis sclerosing; Chronic autoimmune glomerulonephritis; Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Chronic gastritis; Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy; Chronic lymphocytic inflammation with pontine perivascular enhancement responsive to steroids; Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis; Chronic respiratory failure; Chronic spontaneous urticaria; Circulatory collapse; Circumoral oedema; Circumoral swelling; Clinically isolated syndrome; Clonic convulsion; Coeliac disease; Cogan’s syndrome; Cold agglutinins positive; Cold type haemolytic anaemia; Colitis; Colitis erosive; Colitis herpes; Colitis microscopic; Colitis ulcerative; Collagen disorder; Collagen-vascular disease; Complement factor abnormal; Complement factor C1 decreased; Complement factor C2 decreased; Complement factor C3 decreased; Complement factor C4 decreased; Complement factor decreased; Computerised tomogram liver abnormal; Concentric sclerosis; Congenital anomaly; Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome; Congenital herpes simplex infection; Congenital myasthenic syndrome; Congenital varicella infection; Congestive hepatopathy; Convulsion in childhood; Convulsions local; Convulsive threshold lowered; Coombs positive haemolytic anaemia; Coronary artery disease; Coronary artery embolism; Coronary artery thrombosis; Coronary bypass thrombosis; Coronavirus infection; Coronavirus test; Coronavirus test negative; Coronavirus test positive; Corpus callosotomy; Cough; Cough variant asthma; COVID-19; COVID-19 immunisation; COVID-19 pneumonia; COVID-19 prophylaxis; COVID-19 treatment; Cranial nerve disorder; Cranial nerve palsies multiple; Cranial nerve paralysis; CREST syndrome; Crohn’s disease; Cryofibrinogenaemia; Cryoglobulinaemia; CSF oligoclonal band present; CSWS syndrome; Cutaneous amyloidosis; Cutaneous lupus erythematosus; Cutaneous sarcoidosis; Cutaneous vasculitis; Cyanosis; Cyclic neutropenia; Cystitis interstitial; Cytokine release syndrome; Cytokine storm; De novo purine synthesis inhibitors associated acute inflammatory syndrome; Death neonatal; Deep vein thrombosis; Deep vein thrombosis postoperative; Deficiency of bile secretion; Deja vu; Demyelinating polyneuropathy; Demyelination; Dermatitis; Dermatitis bullous; Dermatitis herpetiformis; Dermatomyositis; Device embolisation; Device related thrombosis; Diabetes mellitus; Diabetic ketoacidosis; Diabetic mastopathy; Dialysis amyloidosis; Dialysis membrane reaction; Diastolic hypotension; Diffuse vasculitis; Digital pitting scar; Disseminated intravascular coagulation; Disseminated intravascular coagulation in newborn; Disseminated neonatal herpes simplex; Disseminated varicella; Disseminated varicella zoster vaccine virus infection; Disseminated varicella zoster virus infection; DNA antibody positive; Double cortex syndrome; Double stranded DNA antibody positive; Dreamy state; Dressler’s syndrome; Drop attacks; Drug withdrawal convulsions; Dyspnoea; Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy with burst-suppression; Eclampsia; Eczema herpeticum; Embolia cutis medicamentosa; Embolic cerebellar infarction; Embolic cerebral infarction; Embolic pneumonia; Embolic stroke; Embolism; Embolism arterial; Embolism venous; Encephalitis; Encephalitis allergic; Encephalitis autoimmune; Encephalitis brain stem; Encephalitis haemorrhagic; Encephalitis periaxialis diffusa; Encephalitis post immunisation; Encephalomyelitis; Encephalopathy; Endocrine disorder; Endocrine ophthalmopathy; Endotracheal intubation; Enteritis; Enteritis leukopenic; Enterobacter pneumonia; Enterocolitis; Enteropathic spondylitis; Eosinopenia; Eosinophilic



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[con’t] [Eosinophilic] fasciitis; Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis; Eosinophilic oesophagitis; Epidermolysis; Epilepsy; Epilepsy surgery; Epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic seizures; Epileptic aura; Epileptic psychosis; Erythema; Erythema induratum; Erythema multiforme; Erythema nodosum; Evans syndrome; Exanthema subitum; Expanded disability status scale score decreased; Expanded disability status scale score increased; Exposure to communicable disease; Exposure to SARS-CoV-2; Eye oedema; Eye pruritus; Eye swelling; Eyelid oedema; Face oedema; Facial paralysis; Facial paresis; Faciobrachial dystonic seizure; Fat embolism; Febrile convulsion; Febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome; Febrile neutropenia; Felty’s syndrome; Femoral artery embolism; Fibrillary glomerulonephritis; Fibromyalgia; Flushing; Foaming at mouth; Focal cortical resection; Focal dyscognitive seizures; Foetal distress syndrome; Foetal placental thrombosis; Foetor hepaticus; Foreign body embolism; Frontal lobe epilepsy; Fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus; Galactose elimination capacity test abnormal; Galactose elimination capacity test decreased; Gamma-glutamyltransferase abnormal; Gamma-glutamyltransferase increased; Gastritis herpes; Gastrointestinal amyloidosis; Gelastic seizure; Generalised onset non-motor seizure; Generalised tonic-clonic seizure; Genital herpes; Genital herpes simplex; Genital herpes zoster; Giant cell arteritis; Glomerulonephritis; Glomerulonephritis membranoproliferative; Glomerulonephritis membranous; Glomerulonephritis rapidly progressive; Glossopharyngeal nerve paralysis; Glucose transporter type 1 deficiency syndrome; Glutamate dehydrogenase increased; Glycocholic acid increased; GM2 gangliosidosis; Goodpasture’s syndrome; Graft thrombosis; Granulocytopenia; Granulocytopenia neonatal; Granulomatosis with polyangiitis; Granulomatous dermatitis; Grey matter heterotopia; Guanase increased; Guillain- Barre syndrome; Haemolytic anaemia; Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis; Haemorrhage; Haemorrhagic ascites; Haemorrhagic disorder; Haemorrhagic pneumonia; Haemorrhagic varicella syndrome; Haemorrhagic vasculitis; Hantavirus pulmonary infection; Hashimoto’s encephalopathy; Hashitoxicosis; Hemimegalencephaly; Henoch-Schonlein purpura; Henoch- Schonlein purpura nephritis; Hepaplastin abnormal; Hepaplastin decreased; Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia; Hepatic amyloidosis; Hepatic artery embolism; Hepatic artery flow decreased; Hepatic artery thrombosis; Hepatic enzyme abnormal; Hepatic enzyme decreased; Hepatic enzyme increased; Hepatic fibrosis marker abnormal; Hepatic fibrosis marker increased; Hepatic function abnormal; Hepatic hydrothorax; Hepatic hypertrophy; Hepatic hypoperfusion; Hepatic lymphocytic infiltration; Hepatic mass; Hepatic pain; Hepatic sequestration; Hepatic vascular resistance increased; Hepatic vascular thrombosis; Hepatic vein embolism; Hepatic vein thrombosis; Hepatic venous pressure gradient abnormal; Hepatic venous pressure gradient increased; Hepatitis; Hepatobiliary scan abnormal; Hepatomegaly; Hepatosplenomegaly; Hereditary angioedema with C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency; Herpes dermatitis; Herpes gestationis; Herpes oesophagitis; Herpes ophthalmic; Herpes pharyngitis; Herpes sepsis; Herpes simplex; Herpes simplex cervicitis; Herpes simplex colitis; Herpes simplex encephalitis; Herpes simplex gastritis; Herpes simplex hepatitis; Herpes simplex meningitis; Herpes simplex meningoencephalitis; Herpes simplex meningomyelitis; Herpes simplex necrotising retinopathy; Herpes simplex oesophagitis; Herpes simplex otitis externa; Herpes simplex pharyngitis; Herpes simplex pneumonia; Herpes simplex reactivation; Herpes simplex sepsis; Herpes simplex viraemia; Herpes simplex virus conjunctivitis neonatal; Herpes simplex visceral; Herpes virus



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[con’t] [Herpes virus] infection; Herpes zoster; Herpes zoster cutaneous disseminated; Herpes zoster infection neurological; Herpes zoster meningitis; Herpes zoster meningoencephalitis; Herpes zoster meningomyelitis; Herpes zoster meningoradiculitis; Herpes zoster necrotising retinopathy; Herpes zoster oticus; Herpes zoster pharyngitis; Herpes zoster reactivation; Herpetic radiculopathy; Histone antibody positive; Hoigne’s syndrome; Human herpesvirus 6 encephalitis; Human herpesvirus 6 infection; Human herpesvirus 6 infection reactivation; Human herpesvirus 7 infection; Human herpesvirus 8 infection; Hyperammonaemia; Hyperbilirubinaemia; Hypercholia; Hypergammaglobulinaemia benign monoclonal; Hyperglycaemic seizure; Hypersensitivity; Hypersensitivity vasculitis; Hyperthyroidism; Hypertransaminasaemia; Hyperventilation; Hypoalbuminaemia; H ypocalcaemic seizure; Hypogammaglobulinaemia; Hypoglossal nerve paralysis; Hypoglossal nerve paresis; Hypoglycaemic seizure; Hyponatraemic seizure; Hypotension; Hypotensive crisis; Hypothenar hammer syndrome; Hypothyroidism; Hypoxia; Idiopathic CD4 lymphocytopenia [Note by Celia Farber: “sounds like ‘AIDS’ except Fauci re-defined AIDS in 1993, after the ‘Amsterdam Surprise’ as only occurring when HIV was ‘present’ so all thousands the non HIV, ‘idiopathic CD4 lympho-cytopenia’ cases were excluded, creating a tautological definition that came to be ‘HIV/AIDS’.”]; Idiopathic generalised epilepsy; Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia; Idiopathic neutropenia; Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; IgA nephropathy; IgM nephropathy; IIIrd nerve paralysis; IIIrd nerve paresis; Iliac artery embolism; Immune thrombocytopenia; Immune- mediated adverse reaction; Immune-mediated cholangitis; Immune-mediated cholestasis; Immune-mediated cytopenia; Immune-mediated encephalitis; Immune-mediated encephalopathy; Immune-mediated endocrinopathy; Immune-mediated enterocolitis; Immune- mediated gastritis; Immune-mediated hepatic disorder; Immune-mediated hepatitis; Immune- mediated hyperthyroidism; Immune-mediated hypothyroidism; Immune-mediated myocarditis; Immune-mediated myositis; Immune-mediated nephritis; Immune-mediated neuropathy; Immune-mediated pancreatitis; Immune-mediated pneumonitis; Immune-mediated renal disorder; Immune-mediated thyroiditis; Immune-mediated uveitis; Immunoglobulin G4 related disease; Immunoglobulins abnormal; Implant site thrombosis; Inclusion body myositis; Infantile genetic agranulocytosis; Infantile spasms; Infected vasculitis; Infective thrombosis; Inflammation; Inflammatory bowel disease; Infusion site thrombosis; Infusion site vasculitis; Injection site thrombosis; Injection site urticaria; Injection site vasculitis; Instillation site thrombosis; Insulin autoimmune syndrome; Interstitial granulomatous dermatitis; Interstitial lung disease; Intracardiac mass; Intracardiac thrombus; Intracranial pressure increased; Intrapericardial thrombosis; Intrinsic factor antibody abnormal; Intrinsic factor antibody positive; IPEX syndrome; Irregular breathing; IRVAN syndrome; IVth nerve paralysis; IVth nerve paresis; JC polyomavirus test positive; JC virus CSF test positive; Jeavons syndrome; Jugular vein embolism; Jugular vein thrombosis; Juvenile idiopathic arthritis; Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy; Juvenile polymyositis; Juvenile psoriatic arthritis; Juvenile spondyloarthritis; Kaposi sarcoma inflammatory cytokine syndrome; Kawasaki’s disease; Kayser-Fleischer ring; Keratoderma blenorrhagica; Ketosis- prone diabetes mellitus; Kounis syndrome; Lafora’s myoclonic epilepsy; Lambl’s excrescences; Laryngeal dyspnoea; Laryngeal oedema; Laryngeal rheumatoid arthritis; Laryngospasm; Laryngotracheal oedema; Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults; LE cells present; Lemierre syndrome; Lennox-Gastaut syndrome; Leucine aminopeptidase increased; Leukoencephalomyelitis; Leukoencephalopathy; Leukopenia; Leukopenia neonatal; Lewis-Sumner syndrome; Lhermitte’s sign; Lichen planopilaris; Lichen planus; Lichen sclerosus; Limbic encephalitis; Linear IgA disease; Lip oedema; Lip swelling; Liver function test abnormal; Liver function test decreased; Liver function test increased; Liver induration; Liver injury; Liver iron concentration abnormal; Liver iron concentration



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[con’t] [Liver iron concentration] increased; Liver opacity; Liver palpable; Liver sarcoidosis; Liver scan abnormal; Liver tenderness; Low birth weight baby; Lower respiratory tract herpes infection; Lower respiratory tract infection; Lower respiratory tract infection viral; Lung abscess; Lupoid hepatic cirrhosis; Lupus cystitis; Lupus encephalitis; Lupus endocarditis; Lupus enteritis; Lupus hepatitis; Lupus myocarditis; Lupus myositis; Lupus nephritis; Lupus pancreatitis; Lupus pleurisy; Lupus pneumonitis; Lupus vasculitis; Lupus-like syndrome; Lymphocytic hypophysitis; Lymphocytopenia neonatal; Lymphopenia; MAGIC syndrome; Magnetic resonance imaging liver abnormal; Magnetic resonance proton density fat fraction measurement; Mahler sign; Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue; Manufacturing materials issue; Manufacturing production issue; Marburg’s variant multiple sclerosis; Marchiafava-Bignami disease; Marine Lenhart syndrome; Mastocytic enterocolitis; Maternal exposure during pregnancy; Medical device site thrombosis; Medical device site vasculitis; MELAS syndrome; Meningitis; Meningitis aseptic; Meningitis herpes; Meningoencephalitis herpes simplex neonatal; Meningoencephalitis herpetic; Meningomyelitis herpes; MERS-CoV test; MERS-CoV test negative; MERS-CoV test positive; Mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis; Mesenteric artery embolism; Mesenteric artery thrombosis; Mesenteric vein thrombosis; Metapneumovirus infection; Metastatic cutaneous Crohn’s disease; Metastatic pulmonary embolism; Microangiopathy; Microembolism; Microscopic polyangiitis; Middle East respiratory syndrome; Migraine-triggered seizure; Miliary pneumonia; Miller Fisher syndrome; Mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase increased; Mixed connective tissue disease; Model for end stage liver disease score abnormal; Model for end stage liver disease score increased; Molar ratio of total branched-chain amino acid to tyrosine; Molybdenum cofactor deficiency; Monocytopenia; Mononeuritis; Mononeuropathy multiplex; Morphoea; Morvan syndrome; Mouth swelling; Moyamoya disease; Multifocal motor neuropathy; Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome; Multiple sclerosis; Multiple sclerosis relapse; Multiple sclerosis relapse prophylaxis; Multiple subpial transection; Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children; Muscular sarcoidosis; Myasthenia gravis; Myasthenia gravis crisis; Myasthenia gravis neonatal; Myasthenic syndrome; Myelitis; Myelitis transverse; Myocardial infarction; Myocarditis; Myocarditis post infection; Myoclonic epilepsy; Myoclonic epilepsy and ragged-red fibres; Myokymia; Myositis; Narcolepsy; Nasal herpes; Nasal obstruction; Necrotising herpetic retinopathy; Neonatal Crohn’s disease; Neonatal epileptic seizure; Neonatal lupus erythematosus; Neonatal mucocutaneous herpes simplex; Neonatal pneumonia; Neonatal seizure; Nephritis; Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis; Neuralgic amyotrophy; Neuritis; Neuritis cranial; Neuromyelitis optica pseudo relapse; Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder; Neuromyotonia; Neuronal neuropathy; Neuropathy peripheral; Neuropathy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa syndrome; Neuropsychiatric lupus; Neurosarcoidosis; Neutropenia; Neutropenia neonatal; Neutropenic colitis; Neutropenic infection; Neutropenic sepsis; Nodular rash; Nodular vasculitis; Noninfectious myelitis; Noninfective encephalitis; Noninfective encephalomyelitis; Noninfective oophoritis; Obstetrical pulmonary embolism; Occupational exposure to communicable disease; Occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2; Ocular hyperaemia; Ocular myasthenia; Ocular pemphigoid; Ocular sarcoidosis; Ocular vasculitis; Oculofacial paralysis; Oedema; Oedema blister; Oedema due to hepatic disease; Oedema mouth; Oesophageal achalasia; Ophthalmic artery thrombosis; Ophthalmic herpes simplex; Ophthalmic herpes zoster; Ophthalmic vein thrombosis; Optic neuritis; Optic



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[con’t] [Optic] neuropathy; Optic perineuritis; Oral herpes; Oral lichen planus; Oropharyngeal oedema; Oropharyngeal spasm; Oropharyngeal swelling; Osmotic demyelination syndrome; Ovarian vein thrombosis; Overlap syndrome; Paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infection; Paget-Schroetter syndrome; Palindromic rheumatism; Palisaded neutrophilic granulomatous dermatitis; Palmoplantar keratoderma; Palpable purpura; Pancreatitis; Panencephalitis; Papillophlebitis; Paracancerous pneumonia; Paradoxical embolism; Parainfluenzae viral laryngotracheobronchitis; Paraneoplastic dermatomyositis; Paraneoplastic pemphigus; Paraneoplastic thrombosis; Paresis cranial nerve; Parietal cell antibody positive; Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria; Partial seizures; Partial seizures with secondary generalisation; Patient isolation; Pelvic venous thrombosis; Pemphigoid; Pemphigus; Penile vein thrombosis; Pericarditis; Pericarditis lupus; Perihepatic discomfort; Periorbital oedema; Periorbital swelling; Peripheral artery thrombosis; Peripheral embolism; Peripheral ischaemia; Peripheral vein thrombus extension; Periportal oedema; Peritoneal fluid protein abnormal; Peritoneal fluid protein decreased; Peritoneal fluid protein increased; Peritonitis lupus; Pernicious anaemia; Petit mal epilepsy; Pharyngeal oedema; Pharyngeal swelling; Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta; Placenta praevia; Pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis; Pneumobilia; Pneumonia; Pneumonia adenoviral; Pneumonia cytomegaloviral; Pneumonia herpes viral; Pneumonia influenzal; Pneumonia measles; Pneumonia mycoplasmal; Pneumonia necrotising; Pneumonia parainfluenzae viral; Pneumonia respiratory syncytial viral; Pneumonia viral; POEMS syndrome; Polyarteritis nodosa; Polyarthritis; Polychondritis; Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type I; Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type II; Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type III; Polyglandular disorder; Polymicrogyria; Polymyalgia rheumatica; Polymyositis; Polyneuropathy; Polyneuropathy idiopathic progressive; Portal pyaemia; Portal vein embolism; Portal vein flow decreased; Portal vein pressure increased; Portal vein thrombosis; Portosplenomesenteric venous thrombosis; Post procedural hypotension; Post procedural pneumonia; Post procedural pulmonary embolism; Post stroke epilepsy; Post stroke seizure; Post thrombotic retinopathy; Post thrombotic syndrome; Post viral fatigue syndrome; Postictal headache; Postictal paralysis; Postictal psychosis; Postictal state; Postoperative respiratory distress; Postoperative respiratory failure; Postoperative thrombosis; Postpartum thrombosis; Postpartum venous thrombosis; Postpericardiotomy syndrome; Post-traumatic epilepsy; Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; Precerebral artery thrombosis; Pre-eclampsia; Preictal state; Premature labour; Premature menopause; Primary amyloidosis; Primary biliary cholangitis; Primary progressive multiple sclerosis; Procedural shock; Proctitis herpes; Proctitis ulcerative; Product availability issue; Product distribution issue; Product supply issue; Progressive facial hemiatrophy; Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; Progressive multiple sclerosis; Progressive relapsing multiple sclerosis; Prosthetic cardiac valve thrombosis; Pruritus; Pruritus allergic; Pseudovasculitis; Psoriasis; Psoriatic arthropathy; Pulmonary amyloidosis; Pulmonary artery thrombosis; Pulmonary embolism; Pulmonary fibrosis; Pulmonary haemorrhage; Pulmonary microemboli; Pulmonary oil microembolism; Pulmonary renal syndrome; Pulmonary sarcoidosis; Pulmonary sepsis; Pulmonary thrombosis; Pulmonary tumour thrombotic microangiopathy; Pulmonary vasculitis; Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease; Pulmonary venous thrombosis; Pyoderma gangrenosum; Pyostomatitis vegetans; Pyrexia; Quarantine; Radiation leukopenia; Radiculitis



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5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports

[con’t] [Radiculitis] brachial; Radiologically isolated syndrome; Rash; Rash erythematous; Rash pruritic; Rasmussen encephalitis; Raynaud’s phenomenon; Reactive capillary endothelial proliferation; Relapsing multiple sclerosis; Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis; Renal amyloidosis; Renal arteritis; Renal artery thrombosis; Renal embolism; Renal failure; Renal vascular thrombosis; Renal vasculitis; Renal vein embolism; Renal vein thrombosis; Respiratory arrest; Respiratory disorder; Respiratory distress; Respiratory failure; Respiratory paralysis; Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis; Respiratory syncytial virus bronchitis; Retinal artery embolism; Retinal artery occlusion; Retinal artery thrombosis; Retinal vascular thrombosis; Retinal vasculitis; Retinal vein occlusion; Retinal vein thrombosis; Retinol binding protein decreased; Retinopathy; Retrograde portal vein flow; Retroperitoneal fibrosis; Reversible airways obstruction; Reynold’s syndrome; Rheumatic brain disease; Rheumatic disorder; Rheumatoid arthritis; Rheumatoid factor increased; Rheumatoid factor positive; Rheumatoid factor quantitative increased; Rheumatoid lung; Rheumatoid neutrophilic dermatosis; Rheumatoid nodule; Rheumatoid nodule removal; Rheumatoid scleritis; Rheumatoid vasculitis; Saccadic eye movement; SAPHO syndrome; Sarcoidosis; SARS-CoV-1 test; SARS-CoV-1 test negative; SARS-CoV-1 test positive; SARS-CoV-2 antibody test; SARS-CoV-2 antibody test negative; SARS-CoV-2 antibody test positive; SARS-CoV-2 carrier; SARS-CoV-2 sepsis; SARS-CoV-2 test; SARS- CoV-2 test false negative; SARS-CoV-2 test false positive; SARS-CoV-2 test negative; SARS- CoV-2 test positive; SARS-CoV-2 viraemia; Satoyoshi syndrome; Schizencephaly; Scleritis; Sclerodactylia; Scleroderma; Scleroderma associated digital ulcer; Scleroderma renal crisis; Scleroderma-like reaction; Secondary amyloidosis; Secondary cerebellar degeneration; Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis; Segmented hyalinising vasculitis; Seizure; Seizure anoxic; Seizure cluster; Seizure like phenomena; Seizure prophylaxis; Sensation of foreign body; Septic embolus; Septic pulmonary embolism; Severe acute respiratory syndrome; Severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy; Shock; Shock symptom; Shrinking lung syndrome; Shunt thrombosis; Silent thyroiditis; Simple partial seizures; Sjogren’s syndrome; Skin swelling; SLE arthritis; Smooth muscle antibody positive; Sneezing; Spinal artery embolism; Spinal artery thrombosis; Splenic artery thrombosis; Splenic embolism; Splenic thrombosis; Splenic vein thrombosis; Spondylitis; Spondyloarthropathy; Spontaneous heparin-induced thrombocytopenia syndrome; Status epilepticus; Stevens-Johnson syndrome [Note by Celia Farber: “This, SJS, can result in the skin coming off the body altogether, from the body’s attempt to rid itself of poison.”]; Stiff leg syndrome; Stiff person syndrome; Stillbirth; Still’s disease; Stoma site thrombosis; Stoma site vasculitis; Stress cardiomyopathy; Stridor; Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus; Subacute endocarditis; Subacute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; Subclavian artery embolism; Subclavian artery thrombosis; Subclavian vein thrombosis; Sudden unexplained death in epilepsy; Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis; Susac’s syndrome; Suspected COVID- 19; Swelling; Swelling face; Swelling of eyelid; Swollen tongue; Sympathetic ophthalmia; Systemic lupus erythematosus; Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index abnormal; Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index decreased; Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index increased; Systemic lupus erythematosus rash; Systemic scleroderma; Systemic sclerosis pulmonary; Tachycardia; Tachypnoea; Takayasu’s arteritis; Temporal lobe epilepsy; Terminal ileitis; Testicular autoimmunity; Throat tightness; Thromboangiitis obliterans; Thrombocytopenia; Thrombocytopenic purpura; Thrombophlebitis; Thrombophlebitis migrans; Thrombophlebitis



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5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports

[con’t] [Thrombophlebitis] neonatal; Thrombophlebitis septic; Thrombophlebitis superficial; Thromboplastin antibody positive; Thrombosis; Thrombosis corpora cavernosa; Thrombosis in device; Thrombosis mesenteric vessel; Thrombotic cerebral infarction; Thrombotic microangiopathy; Thrombotic stroke; Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura; Thyroid disorder; Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin increased; Thyroiditis; Tongue amyloidosis; Tongue biting; Tongue oedema; Tonic clonic movements; Tonic convulsion; Tonic posturing; Topectomy; Total bile acids increased; Toxic epidermal necrolysis; Toxic leukoencephalopathy; Toxic oil syndrome; Tracheal obstruction; Tracheal oedema; Tracheobronchitis; Tracheobronchitis mycoplasmal; Tracheobronchitis viral; Transaminases abnormal; Transaminases increased; Transfusion-related alloimmune neutropenia; Transient epileptic amnesia; Transverse sinus thrombosis; Trigeminal nerve paresis; Trigeminal neuralgia; Trigeminal palsy; Truncus coeliacus thrombosis; Tuberous sclerosis complex; Tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome; Tumefactive multiple sclerosis; Tumour embolism; Tumour thrombosis; Type 1 diabetes mellitus; Type I hypersensitivity; Type III immune complex mediated reaction; Uhthoff’s phenomenon; Ulcerative keratitis; Ultrasound liver abnormal; Umbilical cord thrombosis; Uncinate fits; Undifferentiated connective tissue disease; Upper airway obstruction; Urine bilirubin increased; Urobilinogen urine decreased; Urobilinogen urine increased; Urticaria; Urticaria papular; Urticarial vasculitis; Uterine rupture; Uveitis; Vaccination site thrombosis; Vaccination site vasculitis; Vagus nerve paralysis; Varicella; Varicella keratitis; Varicella post vaccine; Varicella zoster gastritis; Varicella zoster oesophagitis; Varicella zoster pneumonia; Varicella zoster sepsis; Varicella zoster virus infection; Vasa praevia; Vascular graft thrombosis; Vascular pseudoaneurysm thrombosis; Vascular purpura; Vascular stent thrombosis; Vasculitic rash; Vasculitic ulcer; Vasculitis; Vasculitis gastrointestinal; Vasculitis necrotising; Vena cava embolism; Vena cava thrombosis; Venous intravasation; Venous recanalisation; Venous thrombosis; Venous thrombosis in pregnancy; Venous thrombosis limb; Venous thrombosis neonatal; Vertebral artery thrombosis; Vessel puncture site thrombosis; Visceral venous thrombosis; VIth nerve paralysis; VIth nerve paresis; Vitiligo; Vocal cord paralysis; Vocal cord paresis; Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease; Warm type haemolytic anaemia; Wheezing; White nipple sign; XIth nerve paralysis; X-ray hepatobiliary abnormal; Young’s syndrome; Zika virus associated Guillain Barre syndrome.



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—Unless we rebel, someday this list will be engraved on a large memorial, and it will be framed in positive language, as an unparalleled achievement, as the introduction to the new genetically engineered human race.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.