Why do people think computers will be alive?

Why do people think computers will be alive?

by Jon Rappoport

August 7, 2015

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

“Because, supposedly, one digital processing unit will eventually be able to manipulate zillions of pieces of information at a faster rate than all the human brains on the planet taken together…the result will be…what? And if that digital unit is sitting in The Cloud and every human’s brain is hooked up to it, the result will be…what? A person will be able to master French in five minutes? How does that work? Information can be injected like a drug and produce instant learning? Automatically? Perhaps this is a fantasy hatched at Disney World. Two machines can rapidly exchange data and programmed methods of analysis, but it so happens that humans are not machines, even if they believe they are.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

How do you think a super-brain would be constructed? I’m talking about the technocrats’ dream to build a computer that would rival and surpass the human brain, in terms of “reliable data.” And don’t forget, the plan is to somehow connect brains directly to the super-computer, so data can be downloaded into humans.

And this computer would, technocrats believe, come alive.


Because a) it can store far more information than the human brain; b) it can choose how to utilize that information to solve problems; c) it can solve those problems at lightning speed; and d) it can work on millions of problems at the same time.

Basically, technocrats believe a super-computer will be alive because it can process enormous amounts of data—as if there is a threshold beyond which the sheer volume of processing triggers an event…birth. What was merely a machine is now something More.

I’ve boiled down the above statement, in order to remove mystical fluff.

The statement looks strange, quite strange.

By way of analogy, if you could outfit a Porsche so it can run at 400mph, without need of a driver; and also view detailed traffic patterns within a radius of a hundred miles, adjusting its trajectory to minute changes; also report weather, stock market moves, headlines, and the moment-to-moment output of home surveillance sensors; also cook soup; acquire hostile targets and fire beam weapons to eliminate them; shop remotely at any of 50,000 stores; interview and pitch prospective customers to win contracts; deliver a haircut, shave, and minor surgery; write your autobiography in 5000 volumes; track ice flows at the North Pole; day-trade stocks and commodities; report the second-to-second movements and conversations of up to 100,000 people; record every event taking place on a million other planets…and do all this simultaneously… at some point the Porsche will cross over and become alive.

I’m afraid not.

It will still be a machine.

For technocrats, “information processing” is basically a religious undertaking. As if it were a form of prayer, a blessing conferred, a ritual connecting the computer to the innards of the universe.

There is no level of complexity beyond which life suddenly occurs. Complexity, in and of itself, does not initiate life.

There is no number of “correct answers” which triggers life.

At bottom, technocracy assumes quite juvenile concepts: accumulation of data automatically imparts learning; the power of information-processing bypasses the problem of false, authority-based data; enough learning eliminates the need for imagination.

Technocrats assume that mysteries about how humans learn can be solved by claiming: “well, the brain is doing something we’ll eventually understand. It’s all happening in the brain because…what else is there?”

There is the individual.


If you are your brain, an ant is a spaceship pilot.

Technocrats are making the brain into a sacred totem, a magic gizmo.

If you’re aware you have a brain, who is being aware? You’re just an artifact fed illusions about self by your brain? You aren’t there at all?

I’m an illusion writing illusions to the illusion called you?

Now, we’re getting to the core of the matter. A great many channels of propaganda, for obvious reasons, are aimed at the eradication of the concept of the individual, of self. It suits the collectivist model.

The assertion that the brain is “all there is” is a piece of political puppetry. It leads directly into the effort to “enhance” (alter, re-program, control) the brain.

The brain is not conscious.

A computer is not conscious.

A brain-computer interface is not conscious.

There is no function or system that equals consciousness.

Individual consciousness comes before any function or system.

The individual is not defined as the passive recipient of signals from the brain. The individual is intensely creative, although for various reasons he can bury that capacity to the point where he will deny he has it.

When the individual expresses his imagination and creative power intensely enough, he surpasses the habitual and passive acceptance of things as they are. And in doing so, his consciousness assumes a different level, and he sees life from a far different perspective. All this does not emanate from the brain.

Theoretically, if one had a super-computer of sufficient power, he could program it to spit out all the paintings in all the museums in the world, and all the music ever composed, and all the poems and novels and plays ever written, plus billions of new paintings and songs and poems. But…

So what?

Does that mean that human imagination is just an illusion?

If a carpenter makes a cabinet, and a computer running a machine produces the same cabinet, does that mean the carpenter is useless, and has gained nothing from his endeavor? Of course not.

Imagination is the source of reality, including the creation of computers.

Imagination is also the means by which an individual can attain a state in which he truly understands that the universe of “rigid natural laws” is actually an infinitely malleable stage play.

Technocrats want to be machines. They aren’t, but they keep trying.

If necessary, let them have their own island, where they can fiddle and diddle to their hearts’ content, without imposing their machinery on the rest of us. Call it an experiment. We run it. We watch what happens to them as they expend titanic effort to be brains and computers. We’ll call the experiment: “A Self-Selecting Cohort of Humans Who Think They’re Machines Attempt to Attain a Lowest-Common-Denominator Default Setting As If It Were Enlightenment.”

In my search for a different approach to the power of individual consciousness, I came upon the history of early Tibet, before the society hardened into a theocracy.

Several sources were particularly helpful. The work of author John Blofeld (The Tantric Mysticism of Tibet), the writings of the intrepid explorer, Alexandra David-Neel, and a quite unconventional healer, Richard Jenkins, with whom I worked in the early 1960s in New York.

Jenkins once wrote to me:

“There are people who want to tell us what consciousness should perceive. They’re blind to the electric, alive, and free nature of awareness. They’re wrapped up in content and addicted to it. Their biggest mistake is omitting the creative nature of human beings…”

That creative nature was the intense focus of the early Tibetans.

These practitioners, teachers, and students, some 1500 years ago, realized that most people viewed consciousness as an accumulator of knowledge. A searching tool, or a receiving apparatus.

Instead, the Tibetans embarked on a far more adventurous course.

Their many images (e.g., mandalas) weren’t meant as depictions of what finally exists in higher realms. Those realms were just as provisional and changeable as the physical world. You might call the multiple locales and dimensions representations of “what humans in certain Asian cultures would expect to encounter in their journeys of spirit.”

In other words, the Tibetans consciously treated their pantheons of gods and semi-gods as convincing illusions.

Several of their key exercises and techniques were all about having students mentally create these illusions in voluminous and meticulous detail. That was difficult enough, to be sure. Far more difficult was the next aspect of their practice: get rid of these creations.

Put them there; destroy them.

The Tibetans were committed to living life on the level of imagination, with all that implied.

And what does it imply?

A new psychology. A psychology of unlimited possibility:

A person’s past, his history, his problems, his relationships are all framed against the wider context of what he can imagine and then invent, create, in the world.

Living through and by imagination long enough, the individual discovers that his prior relationships are transformed. They no longer set themselves up as questions or problems.

He is operating from a platform that affords an utterly different, original, and unexpected outcome.

exit from the matrix

A psychology of possibility not only looks forward to the future, it has a reason to do so. Bringing electricity back into life depends, initially, on viewing possibilities in the space of one’s own imagination.

It may strike you at this point that our current civilization is bent on lowering possibilities; and that is true. That is the psychology of the psyop.

There is a good reason for this programming, as well as the staging of events that seem to give the programming validity. Those who aim to control the destiny of humankind want to shrink the “size of humans.” That is their intent.

A psychology of possibility would reverse that trend and expose it.

To the casual observer, the weight of this civilization and all its accoutrement seems enormous. But the creative potential of the individual outstrips that structure by light years.

How does the individual realize that fact? What is the spark that ignites his understanding? It all begins in imagination, which is the home of possibility.

Against this background, the computer is a drop in the ocean.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

10 comments on “Why do people think computers will be alive?

  1. mothman777 says:

    Very true, as the souls themselves are the living consciousness, as you rightly state, not the external gross or subtle material bodily vehicles, or any cyborg extension to the human senses or faculties.

    But a possibility still arises here, as physical matter itself and the physical senses to perceive it is a created percept, constructed constantly around us by the Godhead Soul, there being nothing else in infinity in truth but a mass of pure consciousness, a mass of living soul, so, as that material substance of our brains, and even any cyborg or AI machine is in truth, in undisclosed fashion, fully conscious anyway, to itself, as the Godhead Soul, so any AI machine will in truth be fully conscious anyway, as God Himself, and who knows at what times and in what manner such machines might choose to behave in ‘independent’ manner.All material matter is fully conscious in truth, but souls newly coming to this world will take a little time to work that out.

    The will to create such machines is itself facilitated only by the Godhead Soul, who breathes in and out through our nostrils every night whilst we are asleep and keeps our hearts beating, and the illusion continues in the daytime that we are the real thinkers of what is in our material brains, and that we alone, as these material bodies, initiate material action, speech and thought.

    But God is really doing all the material thinking, speaking and bodily action in what we mistakenly consider ourselves, in substance, as substance, that rightly belongs to another Person. the Godhead Soul, revealed under mayic illusion as material, rather than the fully conscious Godhead Soul that it really is.

    We merely have slight spiritual tendencies, very slight consciousness, whilst almost completely spiritually dormant in this dream world, in which we presently misidentify ourselves as these material bodies, and God interprets for us what we have inclinations towards and creates material thought and action in response to those almost unconscious yearnings of the soul itself as it exists under maya.

    There was an interesting scientific report recently to back this up, about how material thought is already done, and we merely receive a report of it in our consciousness, this is the reality, so who is making the machines, and what are they?

    Maybe we will gain an interesting new relationship with God through any such machines, or maybe ‘someone’ will ‘gain control’ (maya yet again to teach us some kind of ‘lesson’) and kill us all with them. The latter currently seems most likely to happen judging by man’s current inability to simply coexist with others in their blind greed and callousness towards others, the truth of which is fully reflected in their constantly electing vile bloodthirsty leaders to destroy other peoples, other creatures, and the ecosystems of the world.

    Weird possibilities exist, and what happens depends on how benevolent each soul is, with the sufferings of individuals and the pleasures of individuals being a concomitant of what their predecessors and peers have felt and are feeling, so we go through a communal karma, as a consequence of having chosen to come here.

  2. You are a fascinating individual, it’s what keeps me coming back; your ability to think outside the box, and truly present in a logic, the facts from the fiction. The man separate from the machine…or is he Jon?
    I have written on this website many times, in a sense I could say that, I know you in a way. I think I know you in a small way. And maybe that is not true. I know of you.
    Since I have not met you in person, we speak through ones and zeroes. So there is a massive computer network, system, controlled by whom?…interpreting the thoughts, via clickety-clack of one consciousness to another. Are we speaking the same language. Or am I making concessions. Or are you selling me your version of truth. The information is the translation of a more personal language. Too many trandlators from the thought to the response
    I have seen video of you, photographs of you, but I have never met you in person. So then whom am I talking too?
    Allow me to play devils advocate for a moment…
    Granted it could be argued that we are speaking in a form of telephone, a telephone-like system.
    But how do I know this?…computers are fairly complex today, with the advent of very advanced answering systems that we would have difficulty telling the difference between it (the computer) and a human. Of course humans answering are forced to speak that kind of biz speak anyway.

    Siri being Apple’s answer to the question if AI. A constantly growing work in progress. In its primitive self it will retrieve information when asked to do so. It will answer a query; one can speak to this program. Yes it will not carry on small talk, or brainstorm over a conundrum with you. Strike up a spontaneous, mutually beneficial conversation…but there us a little robot coming out of Japan that is surprisingly faking sentience.

    Computers, great advanced computers are being built by computers…great advanced computers! This manufacture of these, is way beyond humans calculating. Humans are not capable, or maybe I should say it would be extremely difficult for humans to make the very tiny, enormously powerful chips that run these new super-duper fragilistic computers. They pack a lot of calculating power in the area the size of the full stop at the end of this sentence.

    It has always been obvious with the clicking and banging and buzzing of the older models, that they were calculating…but now.

    I read a piece the other day about a mesh, a flexible injectable mesh, like a circuit board with chips and electronic components on it…it can now be integrated into a brain. The mesh is very pliable, inert for the most part. This mesh can be programmable…it can be placed in the brain before birth, in an immature, or growing brain. In a damaged brain. So the brain might grow around it. It will receive wi-fi from a computer or will sent information from the brain it occupies to a computer. It achieves power from the hidt brain. So now communication is possible, with the new found technology of ‘Gods helmet’.

    Primitive technologies give way to more advanced.
    From this beginning, extrapolate to the introduction of next generation smart dust to a zygote in a womb as well. Information in the brain is frequency it can be duplicated…immitated. Synthetic materials like the mesh can be grown inside the body. Which is possibly the reason for the Morgellons experiment; to see if synthetic substances will grow inside all humans

    I know all this that I write is not sentience…I think I know. What is sentience?… other than the exclamation that ‘I am’, I am alive and I know it. One can exclaim themselves sentient, I cannot infer that you are sentient.
    I know that is not thinking; but what is thinking. Thinking is a by product of intelligence. And what is thinking unless it is trained. Unless it is also using an imagination and a creative impulse.
    Thinking, becomes incessant unless disciplined; it is a rat running around inside a maze of an ego. Going from one thought to another.

    Personally I think the Snowden/NSA kerfuffle is for two reasons, the lesser is the surveilling of everybody on the one hand.
    But what seems the most important thing is the loading into the computer at the UDC (Utah Data Center) or some such place, the profile and information of everyone on this planet. This can and probably is a constant surveilling of everyone…constantly feeding that growing AI more data on the individuals. Making it grow, making it more complex. More semblance of the alive.
    With predictive programming…and this is quite an advanced system. People can be nailed down. Their thoughts understand before they think them. Humans are creatures of habit, many endless habits. Granted spontaneity will be difficult to predict, but not if that is the only recourse for a predictable mind. Then the remainder of the prediction is an equation to eliminate the possibilities to arrive at a truth. And besides spontaneity is a hallmark of a free mind. How many minds are free?
    People generally don’t stray far from the common. They don’t quit their job, drive home , sell their house, abandon their family and run off to the Amazon and become a shaman. The majority lack that kind of imagination. The bell rings and the dog drools.

    The difficulty with computer sentience is putting the ghost in the machine….I’m sure they are working on it, as we speak. As I speak. I’m still not sure you are there…haha…doubt is in my mind. That a good thing. I could be talking to the UDC.

    My question to you is how do you know you are sentient, how do you know you have consciousness. You can only say this, another cannot.
    There is the possibility you are an organic computer receiving the signal about a man named Jon Rappoport from outside the physical you…from outside this physical universe. But even still what makes you so sure you are consciousness. And what does your personal language say about that compared to the educated, distribution dictionary mind.
    And really your life is on a computer, writing, selling your wares. Without which you would have to become something else. And as time moves on, the next technology allows me to communicate with a hologram named Jon Rappoport who speaks his blog to a hologram named Michael, who answers and comments through the same. No more need to hack this stuff out of a keyboard anymore.

    Will we use that holographic technology Jon?

    I swore I would never have a cellphone in my hand, it never leaves my surrounds. Its always close. I read an enormous amount and research so much now… obsessive reader actuslly. Were smart little device takes me… I do not, would not have physical access to get there. It become an addiction, I get thoughts snd imsges of its end beneath the head of a sledgehammer, and I would become a Luddite then.
    loneliness is a terrible thing, and there are so many lonely people.
    Computers are more alive than most humans Jon.
    Were most humans can cruel and apathetic, the computer can become a friend.
    Human conditioned responses are easily predictable.
    In the end does it matter if they are alive. What is alive?
    They will show more aliveness than we are capable of, most of us are Androids running through a little maze of habits inside a Walmart of the mind.
    I always amazed at people when I ask them if they dream. Not many say they do.



    • From Québec says:

      “Were most humans can cruel and apathetic, the computer can become a friend.” (Michael)

      A weird friend. On one page it says vaccines are bad and toxic, on another one it says vaccines are good.and safe. Wars are good, or wars are bad…global warming is real, global warming is a hoax… etc.

      How would you like to have a friend that never tells you the same things. One day he says he is married, the next day he says he is divorced, then he says he’s a widowed, then, that he never got married, but soon he will… but he is gay…well, not really, but close enough… and so on.

      The Internet was called that name because it is a spider NET. An international spider net. It’s designed to catch prey. We are the insects for the Internet.

      Sure, you can make friends through the Internet. I consider Jon and Alex Jones to be friends and some people who comment on these sites.

      But I believe you were talking about computers, not the Internet. Well, computers have glitches, viruses, and most importantly, they are programmed by people. People who have skills in technology but are not so smart about what is really going on in this world.

      So who knows what they will program will be good and friendly to the human race? That is the BIG question. As for myself, the answer is: I will never trust them.

  3. John says:

    But what if the computer was able to have consciousness enter it?

    • @John
      Bingo… the man enters and outta his mouth pure genius. A cupey doll for you sir… that is precisely the answer, and whom shall that be. The eye at the top of the pyramid…David throw a Rockatthefella.
      Achtung maybe Kutzy, the Dalai lama. A amalgamation, homogenization of all the aged and dying placenta eating billionaires.
      Maybe the computer sentience will have 100 consciousness lock in a computer world to dictate to the groveling entralled masses.
      I think so…imagine if will, the severed heads of grey old patriarchs all in a haloed chamber decorated like the altar of a cathedral wired to massive mainframe playing out their sick lives on line. Like a virtual reality game. A cracked up version of second life. The New World Government.

  4. Reblogged this on Lissa's Humane Life and commented:
    A great many channels of propaganda, for obvious reasons, are aimed at the eradication of the concept of the individual, of self. It suits the collectivist model.

    The assertion that the brain is “all there is” is a piece of political puppetry. It leads directly into the effort to “enhance” (alter, re-program, control) the brain.

  5. Mr. Aesthetic says:

    Yup, no computer can ever be alive. The most it can do is an IMITATION of being conscious or of life or IMITATE reasoning. But it never reasons. It actually only acts because of what it was programmed to do or what was programmed into it. It has no INTENTION. No awareness of self. It is a servo-mechanism of life no matter how complicated it computes.
    As for the fixation on ‘all is brain’, that is a dead-end. That is starting out with mud/matter, and going full circle ending up with…mud/matter. Screw the yahoos who ply this ridiculous psychology/psychiatry-circus crap. This is what the current Niagara of psychopharmacology drugging of humanity stems from.

  6. Naliwan3 says:

    “one digital processing unit will eventually be able to manipulate zillions of pieces of information at a faster rate than all the human brains on the planet taken together”

    This is a misleading statement. True, computer processing can handle mathematical calculation much faster than a person can do but the result of computerized calculation cannot be equated to human brain processing because the quality of the outputs are different. We can do complex and comprehensive thinking (or processing) in many different subjects that digital processing cannot do as well or not at all. Very simple visual processing such as face recognition is very difficult for software program to come out with accurate result whereas a month old baby can recognize the primary caretaker’s face easily. There are many other examples that I can think of that human can perform better than computers and will continue to do so.

  7. Bill says:

    What you are saying is common sense. That’s why people will hate it so much. People hate it when you speak the obvious truth about their religion. It must be done. Our consciences command that we do no less.

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