The CIA: long-range planning for a drugged and debilitated society

by Jon Rappoport

July 4, 2015

(To join our email list, click here.)

“Long ago, I interviewed John Marks, author of Search for the Manchurian Candidate, the book that exposed the CIA’s MKULTRA mind-control program. He told me that in 1962, when MKULTRA supposedly ended, the CIA actually transferred the program to its Office of Research and Development, where it went completely dark. A CIA representative told Marks there were a hundred boxes of material on the ‘new’ MKULTRA, and he, Marks, would never see any of it, no matter how many FOIA requests he made.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

“Plans for guiding the world can be formed and launched a long, long time before we see the results. Don’t assume cause and effect are merely and only short-term. That’s an unwarranted idea.” (The Underground)

Drugs to transform individuals…and even, by implication, society.

Drug research going far beyond the usual brief descriptions of MKULTRA.

The intention is there, in the record.

A CIA document was included in the transcript of the 1977 US Senate Hearings on MKULTRA, the CIA’s mind-control program.

The document is found in Appendix C, starting on page 166. It’s simply labeled “Draft,” dated 5 May 1955.

It begins: “A portion of the Research and Development Program of [CIA’s] TSS/Chemical Division is devoted to the discovery of the following materials and methods:”

What followed was a list of hoped-for drugs and their uses.

I’m printing, below, the list of the 1955 intentions of the CIA regarding their own drug research. The range of those intentions is stunning. All statements are direct quotes from the “Draft” document.

Some of my comments gleaned from studying the list:

The CIA wanted to find substances which would “promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness.” Serious consideration should be given to the idea that psychiatric medications, food additives, pesticides, and industrial chemicals (like fluorides) would eventually satisfy that requirement.

The CIA wanted to find chemicals that “would produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way.” This suggests many possibilities—among them the use of drugs to fabricate diseases and thereby give the false impression of germ-caused epidemics.

The CIA wanted to find drugs that would “produce amnesia.” Ideal for discrediting whistleblowers, dissidents, certain political candidates, and other investigators. (Scopolamine, for example.)

The CIA wanted to discover drugs which would produce “paralysis of the legs, acute anemia, etc.” A way to make people decline in health as if from diseases.

The CIA wanted to develop drugs that would “alter personality structure” and thus induce a person’s dependence on another person. How about dependence in general? For instance, dependence on institutions, governments?

The CIA wanted to discover chemicals that would “lower the ambition and general working efficiency of men.” Sounds like a general description of the devolution of society.

As you read the list yourself, you’ll see more implications/possibilities.

Here, from 1955, quoted verbatim from the Agency document, are the types of drugs the MKULTRA men at the CIA were looking for:

* Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public.

* Substances which increase the efficiency of mentation and perception.

* Materials which will prevent or counteract the intoxicating effect of alcohol.

* Materials which will promote the intoxicating effect of alcohol.

* Materials which will produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way so that they may be used for malingering, etc.

* Materials which will render the induction of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness.

* Substances which will enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called “brain-washing”.

* Materials and physical methods which will produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use.

* Physical methods of producing shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of surreptitious use.

* Substances which produce physical disablement such as paralysis of the legs, acute anemia, etc.

* Substances which will produce “pure” euphoria with no subsequent let-down.

* Substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced.

* A material which will cause mental confusion of such a type that the individual under its influence will find it difficult to maintain a fabrication under questioning.

* Substances which will lower the ambition and general working efficiency of men when administered in undetectable amounts.

* Substances which promote weakness or distortion of the eyesight or hearing faculties, preferably without permanent effects.

* A knockout pill which can surreptitiously be administered in drinks, food, cigarettes, as an aerosol, etc., which will be safe to use, provide a maximum of amnesia, and be suitable for use by agent types on an ad hoc basis.

* A material which can be surreptitiously administered by the above routes and which in very small amounts will make it impossible for a man to perform any physical activity whatsoever.

That’s the list.

The Matrix Revealed

At the end of this 1955 CIA document, the author [unnamed] makes these remarks:

“In practice, it has been possible to use outside cleared contractors for the preliminary phases of this [research] work. However, that part which involves human testing at effective dose levels presents security problems which cannot be handled by the ordinary contactors.

“The proposed [human testing] facility [deletion] offers a unique opportunity for the secure handling of such clinical testing in addition to the many advantages outlined in the project proposal. The security problems mentioned above are eliminated by the fact that the responsibility for the testing will rest completely upon the physician and the hospital. [one line deleted] will allow [CIA] TSS/CD personnel to supervise the work very closely to make sure that all tests are conducted according to the recognized practices and embody adequate safeguards.”

In other words, this was to be ultra-secret. No outside contractors at universities for the core of the experiments, which by the way could be carried forward for decades.

A secret in-house facility.

Over the years, more facilities could be created.

If you examine the full range of psychiatric drugs developed since 1955, you’ll see that a number of them fit the CIA’s agenda. Speed-type chemicals, which addle the brain over the long term, to treat so-called ADHD. Anti-psychotic drugs, to render patients more and more dependent on others (and government) as they sink into profound disability and incur motor brain damage. And of course, the SSRI antidepressants, like Prozac and Paxil and Zoloft, which produce extreme and debilitating highs and lows—and also push people over the edge into committing violence.

These drugs drag the whole society down into lower and lower levels of consciousness and action.

If that’s the goal of a very powerful and clandestine government agency…it’s succeeding.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The individual vs. collective mind control

The individual vs. collective mind control

by Jon Rappoport

June 28, 2015

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

“Inside the mind, there is a landscape of reality. Its purpose? Maintaining personal stability. Society’s programmers feed that landscape, they provide it with more material to confirm that the overall portrait of reality is correct.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Under a big lie, the truth is the great shocker. I’ve been writing about one of these truths for years, and I always measure the reaction or lack of reaction.

I’m talking about the mass of mainstream evidence that, in the United States, every year, the medical system kills 225,000 people. This is a conservative assessment.

I point out that the death toll, when extrapolated to a decade, is 2.25 million Americans.

When I’ve presented these figures to mainstream reporters, doctors, scientists, some independent reporters, the response is:


Whether I’ve communicated through writing or in person, it’s as if I haven’t said anything at all.

There is a blank space, a hiatus, a fracture in time.

It’s as if I’ve been remarking on the weather…and who cares about the weather.

It’s quite stunning.

But of course, there is a split-second reaction: “No, that couldn’t be true.”

There are several supporting “reasons” for assuming the medically caused death-numbers couldn’t be true, and these reasons also flicker for a moment on the screen of the mind:

“If that were true, I would have heard about it.”

“If those figures were true, everything I’ve heard about doctors helping people, saving people, giving them the best care…I’d have to rethink all that.”

“No group could be killing that many people.”

I would call those and other similar “reasons” normal and average reactions.

Beyond them, there is something else going on. The person on the receiving end of the data is doing a scan, so to speak. A scan of…

His basic conception of reality.

This inner conception, structure, landscape encompasses many subjects and areas.

It offers great stability, on a subconscious level.

And this structure is suddenly threatened. All of it.

And that must never happen.

Therefore, on a conscious level, the person appears to notice nothing. There is no visible reaction.

Imagine something like this: a landscape composed of tall buildings, offices, government centers, corporate headquarters, media broadcasts beaming out into streets, mountains of conventional data about politics, economics, social conditions—all this and more sitting in the subconscious of a person. And then…

There is an intrusion. A single disruptive intrusion. A fact that shakes the whole structure in the mind, like an earthquake.

Alarms go off. “Reject that fact! Reject it! It’s false! It has to be false! Maintain stability!”

“Stability being restored. The structure is intact. Standards are being rebooted. Normality is being reasserted. Resume standard operations.”

The big truth is neutralized.

Hypnotherapist, Jack True, with whom I did much research in the late 1980s, once put it to me this way in an interview: “A person will do everything in his power to maintain his ‘inner landscape’, because it protects a core of passivity.”

One important power is the power to reject. Reject with no compromise. In the active person, this is a prelude to more discovery, more knowledge, more insight.

In Adjustment Team (1954), Philip K Dick wrote:

“You were supposed to have been in the Sector when the adjustment began. Because of an error you were not. You came into the Sector late — during the adjustment itself. You fled, and when you returned it was over. You saw, and you should not have seen. Instead of a witness you should have been part of the adjustment. Like the others, you should have undergone changes… something went wrong. An error occurred. And now a serious problem exists. You have seen these things. You know a great deal. And you are not coordinated with the new configuration.”

What I call the Reality Manufacturing Company wants everyone to have the same inner configuration.

That is the basis of collectivism at the deepest level.

“The people” or “the collective” is a convenient term for “every INDIVIDUAL.”

This has been lost in translation. It has been garbled, distorted, just as the proprietor of an old-fashioned carnival shell game distorts the audience’s perception with sleight of hand.

Are “the people” one group? Well, that’s the ultimate Globalist formulation.

However, from the point of view of the free individual, things are upside down. It is HIS power that is primary, not the monolithic corporate State’s.

From his point of view, what does the social landscape look like?


I’m not talking about organizations that are actually streamlined to produce something of value. I’m talking about organizations that PLAN MORE ORGANIZATION OF LIFE.

If you want to spend a disturbing afternoon, read through (and try to fathom) the bewildering blizzard of sub-organizations that make up the European Union. I did. And I emerged with a new definition of insanity. OTO. The Obsession to Organize.

OTO speaks of a bottomless fear that somewhere, someone might be living free.

People tend to think their own power is either a delusion or some sort of abstraction that’s never really EXPERIENCED. So when the subject is broached, it goes nowhere. It fizzles out. It garners shrugs and looks of confusion. Power? Are you talking about the ability to lift weights?

And therefore, the whole notion of freedom makes a very small impression, because without power, what’s the message of freedom? A person can choose vanilla or chocolate? He can watch Law&Order or CSI? He can buy a Buick or a Honda? He can take a trip to Yosemite or Disney World? He can pack a lunch or eat out at a restaurant? He can ask for a raise or apply for a better job with another company? That’s it? He can swim in his pool or work out at the gym?

He can take Prozac, or Paxil, or Zoloft?

Mostly, as the years roll by, he opts for more cynicism and tries to become a “smarter realist.” And that is how he closes the book on his life.

Every which way power can be discredited or misunderstood…people will discredit it and misunderstand it.

And then all psychological and physiological and mental and physical and emotional and perceptual and hormonal processes undergo a major shift, in order to accommodate to a reality, a space in which the individual has virtually no power at all.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t include this one: “power=greed.” Mountains of propaganda are heaped on people to convince them that having individual power to make something happen is the same as committing crimes against humanity.

Globalism=collectivism=Glob-consciousness. We’re all one Glob. We exist in that great Cheese Melt.

Even the radical Left of the 1960s, who rioted at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, because they believed the nominee, Hubert Humphrey, and his allies wouldn’t stop the war in Vietnam…even that radical force on the Left eventually gave in and morphed into romantic sentimentalists who came to love the State under Clinton and Obama.

Sooner or later, it comes down to the question: does the individual conceive of himself as an individual, or as part of The Group?

Shall the individual discover how much power and freedom and imagination he actually has, or shall he cut off that process of discovery at the knees, in order to join a group whose aims are diluted and foreshortened versions of consciousness and freedom?

The individual answers these questions overtly, with great consideration, or the questions answer and diminish him through wretched default.

Consider this,…

The Surveillance State is a robot camera. It captures everything, based on the premise that what isn’t Normal is dangerous.

The cartels of the world become the cartels of the mind.

At the outbreak of World War 2, the Council on Foreign Relations began making plans for the post-war world.

The question it posed was this: could America exist as a self-sufficient nation, or would it have to go outside its borders for vital resources?

Predictably, the answer was: imperial empire.

The US would not only need to obtain natural resources abroad, it would have to embark on endless conquest to assure continued access.

The CFR, of course, wasn’t just some think tank. It was connected to the highest levels of US government, through the State Department. A front for Rockefeller interests, it actually stood above the government.

Behind all its machinations was the presumption that planned societies were the future of the planet. Not open societies.

Through wars, clandestine operations, legislation, treaties, manipulation of nations’ debt, control of banks and money supplies, countries could be turned into “managed units.”

Increasingly, the populations of countries would be regulated and directed and held in thrall to the State.

And the individual? He would go the way of other extinct species.

For several decades, the pseudo-discipline called “social science” had been turning out reams of studies and reports on tribes, societal groupings, and so-called classes of people. Groups.

Deeply embedded in the social sciences were psychological warfare specialists who, after World War 2, emerged with a new academic status and new field of study: mass communications.

Their objective? The broadcasting of messages that would, in accordance with political goals, provoke hostility or pacified acceptance in the masses.

Hostility channeled into support of new wars; acceptance of greater domestic government control.

Nowhere in these formulas was the individual protected. He was considered a wild card, a loose cannon, and he needed to be demeaned, made an outsider, and characterized as a criminal who opposed the needs of the collective.

Collective=robot minds welded into one mind.

As the years and decades passed, this notion of the collective and its requirements, in a “humane civilization,” expanded. Never mind that out of view, the rich were getting richer and poor were getting poorer. That fact was downplayed, and the cover story–”share and care”—took center stage.

On every level of society, people were urged to think of themselves as part of a greater group. The individual and his hopes, his unique dreams, his desires and energies, his determination and will power…all these were portrayed as relics of an unworkable and deluded past.

In certain cases, lone pioneers who were innovating in directions that could, in fact, benefit all of humanity, were absorbed into the one body of the collective, heralded as humane…and then dumped on the side of the road with their inventions and forgotten.

In the planned society, no one rises above the mass, except those men who run and operate and propagandize the mass.

In order to affect the illusion of individual success, as a kind of safety valve for the yearnings of millions of people, the cult of celebrity emerged. But even there, extraordinary tales of rise and then precipitous fall, glory and then humiliation, were and are presented as cautionary melodramas.

This could happen to you. You would be exposed. You would suffer the consequences. Let others take the fall. Keep your mind blank. Do nothing unusual. Shorten your attention span. Disable your own mental machinery. Then you’ll never be tempted to stand out from the mass.

The onrush of technocracy gears its wild promises to genetic manipulation, brain-machine interfaces, and other automatic downloads assuring “greater life.” No effort required. Plug in, and ascend to new heights.

Freedom? Independence? Old flickering dreams vicariously viewed on a screen.

Individual greatness, imagination, creative power? A sunken galleon loaded with treasure that, upon closer investigation, was never there to begin with.

The Plan is all that is important. The plan involves universal surveillance, in order to map the lives of billions of people, move by move, in order to design systems of control within which those billions live, day to day.

Exit From the Matrix

But the worst outcome of all is: the individual cannot even conceive of his own life and future in large terms. The individual responds to tighter and control with a shrug, as if to say, “What difference does it make?”

He has bought the collectivist package. His own uniqueness and inner resources are submerged under layers of passive acceptance of the consensus.

And make no mistake about it, this consensus reality, for all its exaltation of the group, is not heraldic in any sense. The propagandized veneer covers a cynical exploitation of every man, woman, and child.

Strapped by an amnesia about his own freedom and what it can truly mean, the individual opts for a place in the collective gloom. He may grumble and complain, but he fits in.

He can’t remember another possibility.

Every enterprise in which he finds himself turns out to be a pale copy of the real thing.

The deep energies and power and desire for freedom remain untapped.

Yet a struggle continues to live. It lives in the hidden places of every individual who wants out, who wants to come back to himself, who wants to stride out on a stage.

Freedom and power again. The shattering of amnesia.

In this stolen world.

A new stage play:

The extinct individual returns.

Petty little hungers and obsessions become great hungers.

Dominoes of the collective begin to fall. The stinking structure collapses, a wing here and a wing there, and the robots open their eyes.

The vast sticky web called “the people” begins to disintegrate in roaring cities and in the mind.

A new instructive message appears on billboards and screens: “normal=crazy.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Utopia: the dream and the psyop that will never die

Utopia: the dream and the psyop that will never die

The goal of all mind control

by Jon Rappoport

June 16, 2015

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

“Whether it is to be Utopia or Oblivion will be a touch-and-go relay race right up to the final moment. . . . Humanity is in ‘final exam’ as to whether or not it qualifies for continuance in Universe.” (Buckminster Fuller, Critical Path, 1981)

“I do know that technologically humanity now has the opportunity, for the first time in its history, to operate our planet in such a manner as to support and accommodate all humanity at a substantially more advanced standard of living than any humans have ever experienced. (Buckminster Fuller,” Grunch of Giants, 1983)

“There are people who see a vision of utopia as clearly as they see a summer afternoon. They will never give up that vision. They are unaware that, parallel to their dream, a utopia psyop is running, like an endless television program, diverting the gullible.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Almost a century ago, Buckminster Fuller was writing about the abundance that technology was bringing to the human race. He was writing about how more and more would be done with fewer and fewer resources.

He was indicating that technology had ushered in an era where the basics of survival—food, clothing, and shelter—could be made available to all humans on the planet.

He was suggesting that technology (automation) was going to make industrial production expand vastly—while also, inevitably, throwing huge numbers of people out of work. He argued that work wasn’t an essential. People could be granted the basics of life, and left to their own devices—the most important of which would be the choice to educate themselves through free and open schools.

One obvious question that emerged out of Fuller’s work at that time, and later in Critical Path and Utopia or Oblivion: who would implement a system whereby every human on Earth would be guaranteed the fundamentals of survival? And how?

There are blithe and glazed-over people who believe the governments of Earth will present the gift.

This is like saying the old mafia will stop forcing shop owners to pay protection. This is like saying lifelong con men will turn over a new leaf and serve soup at kitchens for the poor. This is like saying Al Capone will go to work for the FBI. This is like saying a group of war mongers, who sleep well at night after decades of ordering the deaths of millions of people, will give away their criminally gained fortunes to restore stolen land to millions of Third World people.

This is like saying the same breed of government officials, after 50 years of sending a few trillion dollars into the poorest communities of US cities (did the bulk of it ever arrive?), with no more to show for it than more crime, more poverty, and more drugs, will recover their senses and figure out a way to give the essentials of survival to every American.

And this is also saying that 10 or 20 successive generations of Americans, having received those essentials of survival, gratis, will be motivated to build dynamic and innovative communities, embracing the uniqueness of every individual.


If future governments ever attempted this far-reaching plan, their true goal, as now, would be fostering stifling dependency, passivity, obedience, robotic allegiance and mind control.

In the 1940s, heads of major corporations began to see what Fuller was predicting: more and more automation; the ability of technology to engender greater production utilizing fewer resources; eventual vast unemployment, as automation took over; and therefore, the specter of a shrinking planetary consumer base.

At that point, the mega-corporations had a choice. They could continue to manufacture products for a consumerist society, based on whatever items populations could be convinced to buy—while ignoring the future handwriting on the future wall.

Or these corporations, some of them, could turn their attention to manufacturing, very cheaply, the essentials of survival, and selling those products to billions of people. They could turn their attention to true agriculture for the people. They could turn their attention to the herculean task of creating thriving local economies across the planet…and they could find a way to make profit through these enterprises.

Very small increments of profit on each sale, spread over billions of people.

A Utopian fantasy? Apparently; because we know which directions the mega-corporations chose.

They are still choosing to remain blind to their own future—a shrinking consumer base, and assembly lines operating at a fraction of their potential.

It’s all well and good to imagine a salvational public force that will drop, from the clouds, utopia on the masses; but that force does not exist.

It’s all well and good to hope for a vast “revolution” in “mass consciousness” that will inevitably bring about utopia; but mass consciousness is an ideological veneer that peels away and decays on the vine.

It’s far better to think about what can be done to invent/liberate self-determined economies in which billions of people can find work, and avoid having to live in medieval conditions that cause chronic illness and early death.

Exit From the Matrix

When you do think about that, you quickly discover that power-elites are bent on keeping grotesque poverty alive.

At the same time, they invent altruistic charities that deliver “help” to the suffering. They award themselves citations for courage and humanity. They promote vaguely utopian futures. They co-opt the dreams of the young. This is their psyop and their cover story.

Let’s send in a few thousand heroic and heraldic doctors to deliver (toxic) drugs and (toxic) vaccines to the population. Of course, the actual and only cure is nutritious food, establishing basic sanitation, reducing overcrowding in cities, cleaning up the water supply, and returning stolen growing lands to the people…but we won’t touch all that…we’ll just look good and conceal our real program: continued conquest.”

Events, circumstances, and trends have a way of returning to the individual.

Each and every individual.

That is when, thrown back on his own resources, he discovers deeper layers of his own power. If he chooses to.

This dimension does not begin in the physical world. It is in the individual mind and imagination. Its cardinal quality is unpredictability.

No systems control it.

Its prerequisite, come hell or high water, is freedom.

Most people quit the field at that point. They seek a pale simulacrum, a cartoon of what they can really achieve.

They substitute, if anything, a longing for utopia, for a force that somehow will deliver it.

The world, more and more, is dedicated to a fog that obscures the individual. The world claims he is an extinct delusion, a momentary construct of the evolutionary past; perhaps necessary at one time, but no longer useful.

The world (by which I mean the current tonnage of propaganda) insists that only through mass consciousness can we ascend to a higher level.

Translation: Collective passivity is the goal.

Utopia is always presented as a collective enterprise. That is no accident.

Why would the independent, powerful, and intensely creative individual have any place in it?

And that’s the whole point of utopian psyops. They exclude the unique individual.

“People of Earth, listen. We, your leaders, have a great message. We can bring you all to a new level of living. We now have the means. We can emerge as One into a shining future. Together. Your only task, and it is simple, is to surrender the thing that has kept Utopia from emerging all these centuries: your fantasy that you are individually separate. That is the sickness. That is psychological problem. We have discovered the mental illness. It is called UDD. Uniqueness Delusion Disorder. Fortunately, we can now diagnose it and treat it. The result is, all your anxiety will lift and disappear. You will finally find the state of mind toward which you have been groping. We are so close. Help us over the last barrier…”

That is where the “mind pioneers” intend to take us.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Not everything is “predictive programming”

Not everything is “predictive programming”

by Jon Rappoport

March 15, 2015

The term “predictive programming” is used to describe film and literature that portray dystopian futures, predict these futures…but are covertly aimed at preparing audiences to accept those futures.

Under that definition, any science fiction novel or film could be casually classified as mind control programming.

There is a deeper point to be made here. Science fiction, among its effects, stimulates the imagination of its readers or viewers.

That is a good thing for people who know they have imaginations. They can take off on their own and conceive of other possibilities. They can view reality from a wider perspective. They can examine present trends and institutions and see how provincial, corrupt, and limiting they actually are.

However, if a person doesn’t really know he has his own imagination… almost everything he takes in from the world contains a component of mind control programming.

That’s the deeper fact.

The solution isn’t trying to stem the tide of futuristic films and novels. The solution is becoming more aware; in particular, it’s becoming more aware that imagination can and does entertain unlimited scenarios.

The solution is becoming familiar and intimate with one’s own imagination.

Without that step, a person is only half of what he could be.

Shapeless fear of what is coming at us from media, from Hollywood, turns into just another hopeless version of trying to escape from the world.

Just as the fear of germs (which are everywhere and can never be contained) is non-productive, whereas building up the power of the immune system is the key…in the same way, trying to nullify the flood of media is non-productive.

The answer to images and portents of dystopia is the cultivation of one’s own imagination, which is far larger and more flexible than those manufactured portents.

Exit From the Matrix

And if you want to take this out to society as a whole, the solution involves a kind of education that is relatively rare: exposing the young to the scope of their own imaginations.

Of course, in places where various fundamentalisms rule, such an approach would be considered sinful. And these are the places where people are most phobic and hateful about “predictive programming.” In other words, they’re sealing their own fate.

On a scale from one to 100, where 100 represents the imagination operating at theoretical full capability, the entire power of all predictive programming would stand at about four.

To put it another way, as a person accesses and deploys his own imagination to greater degrees, the influence of predictive programming decreases drastically.

In my collection, Exit From The Matrix, this is my strategy: dozens of imagination exercises that, when practiced, blow the larger elite movie called Reality away in the wind.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

The passive android and the creative force

The passive android and the creative force

by Jon Rappoport

March 9, 2015

Asymmetric warfare in the arena of the mind is the only way to get out of the hatchery where androids are cultivated and made. You attack the stasis, the rest points, the places where the machinery of the mind is absolutely sure things are what they’re made out to be. You come at those skyscrapers from all sorts of unconventional angles.

That’s what the surrealists did. They interrupted the eternal Hum of the skyscrapers of the mind. They were crazy, but they were heroes.

Most people don’t want to know about these things. They want to accept what’s handed to them, or they want to poke holes in the consensus, but they don’t want to invent something entirely different. No, that’s too much. The preacher or the scientist or the educator or the doctor might not like that. God might not like that. The universe might be offended. There are all sorts of figureheads who might be offended. These figureheads represent fundamentalisms. Reduced-down views of the world. Stupidly simple. Hypnotically simple. That’s how the game works.

You convince people that anything important is terribly simple. You keep boiling the soup and boiling the soup down until it’s almost nothing, and then you point to it and say, “There, you see? That’s what it’s all about. That’s all it is.” That’s what hypnotism is. The boiling down. The reduction. The old man in the sky sitting in a big chair combing his beard—and his cousin, the guy who wouldn’t agree and who was therefore suddenly the embodiment of evil. You boil it all down to that.

Then you hand that story to someone who’s there at the circus watching the elephants and the almost-naked beautiful lady standing on the elephant’s back and dreaming he could meet that lady somewhere quiet and, for once, experience pleasure in his blood. But that will never happen, because he’s got the story now, the good and the evil, the reduction, and he’s a goner. He’s an android in the garden of delights, shut out, waiting for the sun to go down, waiting for the dark curtain.

There are hundreds of ways to turn humans into android-like creatures. Humans will do it to themselves without any outside help. They’ll induce their own trance at the drop of a hat…while still remaining quite active, quite normal, quite average.

You can drag an android to water, but you can’t make him drink. And that’s the whole point. He won’t invent something. He won’t jump into his own imagination and invent something. He’ll just stare at the water and notice the pretty little reflections, including his own, and he’ll hang around hoping for something important to happen.

Mechanical thought is the big feature of the android mind. The connections may be sophisticated, but they’re quiescent. Pieces are hooked up to other pieces of ideas, but with no creative ambition or force involved.

Take a chance? Not on your life.

No dice.

This, by the way, is how freedom dies. It just sits there and becomes a hard old stone, because a person won’t move and fly off that platform to invent something quite, quite different and new.

And all the while he’s shouting about how he wants his freedom. But he doesn’t want it. He wants the stone and the shadow in the hard dirt. He wants some kind of weird zero that’s reduced even further down to an absolute zero. That’s the subconscious of the android.

The Matrix Revealed

DARPA, the tech and mind-control arm of the Pentagon, is now embarked on yet another new project: how to insert images directly into the brain. No chips, no implants, no holograms sitting in space. That’s old hat.

Instead, beam signals directly into the visual cortex.

Of course, a lot of this is sheer PR science-hype, geared to get their hands on government cash for contracts. But it does show you where they want to go.

And human androids are the perfect target, because they’ll buy any image, as long they’re not creating it. Doesn’t matter where it comes from: the television set, the computer screen, the newspaper. They’ll take it in and eat it for lunch.

Theoretically, you could eventually outfit one of these passive good citizens with a complete wall-to-wall series of pictures—a movie—that would constitute his daily experience.

Riots in the streets, bombings, lootings, but all he’s seeing are rainbow gardens and cotton-candy machines and pink balloons and naked virgins.

“My brother Bobby called me again today and warned me that I’ve been sitting on my couch for six months, but he’s crazy. I’ve been living at Disney World, seeing the sights, riding the rides.”

He even has an adoring wife and two well-behaved children. They sprang up out of nowhere one day. He thought he was a loner living on the fringe of the city, but it turns out he’s a responsible family man.

Food stamps, welfare, disability. It’s a wonderful life.

Mickey Mouse is the President of the United States, Donald Duck is the Vice-President, and Goofy is the head of Homeland Security. The people have spoken. What more could they want?

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

First principle of mind control: the invisible

First principle of mind control: the invisible

by Jon Rappoport

March 7, 2015

This article is a prelude to my collection, Exit From The Matrix. I invite you to read about the unique contents of the collection here.


There are certain obvious facts about mind control that are not emphasized.

Controlling the mind…what does that entail? What does it really mean?

For one thing, it means limiting the capacity of the mind, so that it remains unaware of certain vital things.

“Remains unaware”=“blocked off from.”

A person who is blocked off from certain truths ABOUT HIMSELF will remain unaware of those truths.

And most importantly, he will deny that he is blocked off. Of course. What else would you expect?

“I’m not blocked off from anything. That’s ridiculous. I know about myself.”

If a person has been subjected to mind control, by external programming, or ultimately by programming he himself has installed, he will naturally claim he’s not under mind control.

The most important form of mind control limits the innate POTENTIAL OF A PERSON, LIMITS HIS CAPACITIES, LIMITS HIS PERCEPTION, LIMITS HIS POWER.

That’s what mind control is all about, at the core.

But…that person won’t perceive that his innate power has been limited. He won’t consciously know it. He’ll deny it.


In the abstract, let’s say that a person has a certain kind of power; we’ll call it X.

But he’s blocked off from realizing that fact.

If you begin talking to him about that power X, his response will be:

“Well, maybe some people have that power, but I don’t.”

Or: “Nobody has that X power. It doesn’t exist. It’s a fantasy.”

Or: “Who cares about that X power? Why would anybody want it? I’m happy with what I have.”

These are all forms of denial.

As an exaggerated example, let’s say that, out of a population of 10 billion people, only 100,000 are using both hands. Everybody else is using only their right hands.

You talk to one of these right-hand-only people about “the left hand,” and he says: “Well, maybe a few people have the talent to use their left hands, but I don’t. Hell, using the left hand is probably just a fantasy. Nobody can do it. And anyway, why should anyone want to use his left hand? What good would that be? I get along fine using my right hand…”

Mind control. Unaware. Blocked off.

That person doesn’t see his own limitation. The limitation is invisible to him.

He might say, “Well, when I was a child, I can remember a few times when I used my left hand. It was a fantastic feeling. But after I turned sixteen, I couldn’t use my left hand anymore. It’s something for kids. It goes away. Then you have to learn reality. You’re only going to use your right hand. Get used to it. That’s life. That’s what growing up means. That’s what adulthood means. No more fantasies. No more nostalgia…”

Where do these “right-hand-only” people come from?

They come from every corner and stratum of life. Some use religion, some use economics, some use their own artificial sense of deprivation, some even use science to bolster their “right-hand-only” idea.

Something in them is lurking below the surface:

They don’t want anyone to stand out from the “right-hand-only” group, the mass, the swamp, the collective. Because the presence of someone who is separate could trigger alarm bells:

An individual with power and his own singular creative vision can exist—he is “using-both-hands.”

These collectivists want you to believe you’re just a drop of water in the great ocean, and you’re like everyone else.

Membership in their club is free. At first. Then you have to surrender everything you have, everything you are, everything you could be.

In their ritual of joining, people are presented a sword on which is inscribed: “I’m good because other people think so.”

The collectivists of this world carry water for their masters, who in turn find bigger and better manipulators to serve. It’s a cacophony of madness, envy, and immolation posing as success.

Exit From the Matrix

Creative power is what I’m talking about here. Imagination and creative power. Those are the “both-hands” people. They invent, they don’t parrot.

In their world, one person doesn’t live in the shadow of another. The creator finds his own way.

We are supposed to think limitation by committee is a viable concept. This is a surpassing fairy tale that assumes the proportions of a cosmic joke.

What are the limits of individual creative power?

The Matrix is every form and fashion and venue and person that tries to limit creative power.

Whereas the free individual with power can and does exceed those limits.

The free individual with creative power knows what the individual is, as distinct from the group, and how distinct from the group the individual can actually become.

Not as a cold lifeless being, but as a dynamic powerhouse pursuing his creative goals.

The truth, if we could see it that way, is that such individuals gain a new relationship to the world. They bring energy to it, they bring innovative ideas and inventions and new startling kinds of beauty. Not because they are in thrall to humanity, not because they feel compelled to serve.

And what they create spills over its borders and ignites the imaginations of those ready and able to respond.

There is no ceiling on creative power.

No ceiling.

Exiting the Matrix is all about imagination, and creative power.

The power to invent new realities.

New futures.

Some people know they have that power and are using it every day. Other people have had glimpses of it in themselves. And others deny it and claim they don’t even understand what it means.

“Imagination? Creative power? Maybe a few people have it. Hell, it’s probably just a fantasy. It doesn’t really exist. And what difference does it make? I don’t need those things. I’m doing fine. I know what I am. I’m not unaware. I’m not blocked off…”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

Intelligence ops: inventing a parallel universe

Intelligence ops: inventing a parallel universe

Trial balloons

Moving targets

by Jon Rappoport

March 3, 2015

“Do you want to manufacture Time? Jump on the elite bandwagon and earn your stripes as an elite propagandist. Past, present, and future are yours to shape, infinitely elastic and malleable.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

In my latest collection, Power Outside The Matrix, I’ve included a long section titled, “Analyzing Information in the Age of Disinformation.”

I invite you to read about Power Outside The Matrix at

Oxford Dictionary defines a trial balloon as “a tentative measure taken or statement made to see how a new policy will be received.”

That’s a bland description. The measures taken aren’t always tentative. In fact, some may be quite aggressive: criminal prosecutions of the innocent; drone strikes; pronouncements of fake epidemics; bills curbing freedom; wars.

In other words, all intelligence ops and important government/corporate actions always include the trial-balloon aspect.

A war going on overseas? Analysts at home are put to work assessing public reaction, levels of public resistance, and so on.

Depending on their verdict, new propaganda strategies are launched to gain public support.

These strategies constitute moving targets for independent minds who are trying to figure out what’s going on.

The last Iraq war was variously promoted as: a necessary and relevant reaction to 9/11; an invasion to disable Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction; an effort to topple an evil dictator and liberate the Iraqi people; a continuance of the mission to spread democracy around the world; a geo-political action to prevent destabilization of the Middle East; and even George W Bush’s revenge for an earlier dastardly effort to assassinate his father.

Reveal the fraudulent basis of any one of these claims, and a new one would pop up.

Understand that each piece of propaganda for war against Iraq was a calculated decision, and was based on an assessment of US public reaction to prior pieces of propaganda.

Each item of propaganda was a trial balloon. Float balloon A, gauge the reaction. Based on the nature of reaction, float balloon B, gauge the reaction. And so on.

The war against Iraq itself was also treated as a trial balloon at every stage of the operation. How is the public responding on day one of the invasion, day four, day 27, day 46…

It isn’t always one series of consecutive propaganda items—these bits can overlap. But you get the idea.

In intelligence groups, analysts are always there collating public and press reactions, and their conclusions are used to come up with new PR approaches. It’s a feedback loop.

The entire era of the 1960s was eventually treated as a trial balloon and examined by many analysts at think tanks and intelligence agencies and even advertising agencies.

The objective?

“What lessons can we learn that will enable us to exercise more control over the population?’

At a very important level, one lesson was: promote the idea that humans are groups, not individuals.

Judging by the enormous protests against the war in Vietnam, analysts could see there was a rising sentiment for collective action and collective thought.

How could this growing trend be channeled to produce a reduction of freedom?

One important point that was discovered: when the compulsory military draft ended, serenity (apathy) was immediately restored on college campuses. No more demonstrations. No more protests. Students suddenly focused on how they could “find a niche in the job market.”

So, lesson learned, and going forward: initiate a threat, encourage collective action, reduce the threat, bring about passivity. Introduce a new threat (real or imaginary), stimulate collective action, reduce that threat, create more apathy. On and on. Stimulus-response.

The end result? A generalized chronic apathy, plus an attitude that the individual is going extinct, and only the collective matters.

That’s a powerful dose of toxic medicine for a population.

Backing away from the entire era of the 1960s and viewing it as a trial balloon—a strategy that worked.

(Of course, during the 60s, various ops were launched with the intention to distract and dumb down the young population; among them, the flood of drugs, the Laurel Canyon hatchery of music stars, etc.)

Recently, we saw the Disneyland-measles op. Based on an absurdly small number of purported cases, a great amount of sentiment was stimulated.

First and foremost (without which the whole campaign would have fizzled), we had the Disney component.

“Happiest place on Earth…plus dire disease in children…horror story…the good turns sinister…where can we take our children for fun these days and remain safe from harm…save us…”

That was stage one.

Following from the initial imagery that transformed happiness into fear (the basis of any good horror movie), we were treated, in succession, to:

The kids who got sick weren’t vaccinated. Protect our children. They all need to be vaccinated. Without vaccination, sudden destruction spreads. Some parents are delinquent. What’s wrong with these parents? They’re anti-vaccine. They’re crazy. They’re against science. They’re uneducated morons. They’re criminals. They should be thrown in jail. Their kids should be taken away from them. We have to pass new laws making vaccination mandatory in all cases, in all places. What? You mean vaccines aren’t already mandatory? How can that be? Listen to doctors. They know the truth. The anti-vaccine crazies are pretending they’re doctors…

Moving targets. Knock one down, another pops up. One propaganda item (trial balloon) after another is launched. Public reaction is positive? Good. Float the next balloon. The public support is growing? Good. Press harder.

“Wow, this is going better than we expected. Fantastic. Let’s get a whole bunch of states to pass laws knocking out all exemptions to vaccination. Let’s double down.”

Again, this isn’t a perfectly executed machine-series of propaganda items…but it is a conscious op, and there are analysts who are gauging public reaction, blow by blow, and greenlighting new levels of pressure on the public.

Notice: the group phenomenon is at work here as well. Herd immunity must be obtained. Protect all the children through vaccination. Mothers must join the battle. The whole population is at risk. Collective propaganda. Collectivist thinking.

What any individual may decide about vaccination, based on belief, based on actual investigation… this must be discredited. The individual doesn’t count. He’s an outlier. He’s out of the loop.

Even in acknowledging that resistance to vaccination exists, government authorities and media anchors always frame the situation in terms of “a small but significant group” that opposes vaccines.

It’s never the individual. Why? Because that cuts too close to the bone. It tends to awaken the realization that freedom of choice and reason ultimately belong to the individual, not the monolithic State.

Don’t touch that hot wire. Leave it alone.

How about GMOs and Monsanto? US media propagandists occasionally admit there are groups and consumers who oppose GMOs in food, but how often do you see a featured lengthy story highlighting a single independent researcher’s conclusions criticizing Monsanto?

Again, keep the spotlight off the individual. He’s too real. Too impactful. He tends to remind people they are, in fact, individuals. Bad for business.

A drug company has committed egregious fraud by convincing doctors to prescribe a drug for off-label uses? On the network nightly news, where is the in-depth interview with a former company detail man whose job it was to visit doctors, in their offices, and persuade them to breach their Hippocratic Oath? Where is the interview with a doctor who took the bait?

Better to leave individuals out of it. Focus on groups: the company; the doctors; the patients. Less real. More abstract.

power outside the matrix

During the first stages of the “AIDS crisis,” just after HIV was announced as the single cause, a few astute researchers began taking apart the HIV hypothesis.

(Note: As a bonus, an .pdf version of my book, AIDS Inc.: Scandal of the Century, is included with the Power Outside The Matrix collection.)

HIV attacks the T-cells of the immune system? There is no evidence of high levels of HIV in those cells.

Next trial balloon (moving target): HIV actually does the most damage to the macrophages, another type of immune-system cell. No real evidence of that, either.

Wait (another trial balloon): HIV causes the immune system to attack the body in a whole cascade of deadly auto-immune reactions. No proof of that.

Wait: HIV is hiding very deep in the body, that’s why it’s hard to find much of it. But we can measure the amount of it (“viral load”) by doing the vaunted DNA test called PCR. Nonsense; the PCR doesn’t measure quantity.

One trial balloon after another; each one shot down.

But the overall effect? Many critics of the HIV hypothesis became tired, threw up their hands, exited the playing field, and sank into disgruntled apathy. Mission accomplished.

These various ops are really intelligence-agency type schemes, whether they come from the specific agencies themselves, other government bureaus, think tanks, PR firms.

For them, Reality itself is propaganda, outfitted along a time line with constant trial balloons, subsequent feedback, new and improved balloons, more feedback…a loop moving from present to future.

In other words, we are talking about the elite manufacture of the content of Time.

Propaganda isn’t merely a bag full of lies. It’s the continuing invention of a parallel universe. A parallel continuum.

And in that continuum, trial balloons and moving targets are prime instruments.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

The “dependent victim” psyop on planet Earth

The “dependent victim” psyop

The psychological operation to destroy the individual

by Jon Rappoport

February 28, 2015

“American and British feminism has amazingly collapsed backward again into whining, narcissistic victimology… Too many of today’s young feminists seem to want hovering, paternalistic authority figures to protect and soothe them, an attitude I regard as servile, reactionary and glaringly bourgeois…” (Camille Paglia, the National Catholic Review, 2/25/15)

I could have titled this piece: “What government fears: the black entrepreneur.”

But the situation is much wider than that—-

Any person who comes out of an “officially designated victim-group” …and then succeeds in life on his own… and then goes one step further and refuses to identify his entire existence with his group… but instead stands as a unique individual… why, that person, at the very least, must be a criminal, if not a terrorist, right?

That’s the crux of the issue: never leave your group.

That’s how society, civilization, and culture are promoted these days.

“Groups have needs, agendas, and problems, and the solution will come from government.” That’s the all-embracing formula.

Who would invent and expand that formula? The beneficiary. Government.

The fake appearance is: victim groups are fighting for recognition and special status, and the government is pushing back—but that’s now a ruse. That’s a cover story. In fact, victim groups and government have the same goal: a relationship based on dependence. One side depends and the other side gives and protects.

The individual is out of the equation. He is portrayed as the greed-obsessed reason these victim groups exist and need help in the first place.

Banks, Wall Street, and mega-corporations are depicted as the end result of individualism, whereas the government is valiantly striving to solve this endemic problem.

In fact, government, banks, Wall Street, and mega-corporations are joined at the hip. They brush each others’ teeth first thing every morning.

Political correctness and the burgeoning movement to outlaw “offensive language” are merely tactics to: preserve groups’ separate identities; foment conflict between them; and ultimately foster their dependence on government authority.

The idea that the free and independent individual is a sociopath responsible for the existence of victims is absurd.

The truth is, you can’t get free individuals to depend on government. Only “besieged groups” can be relied on for that purpose.

In the State’s eyes, a perfect society would be composed of groups who have entirely forgotten the concept of the individual, as if it never existed.

Peter Collero, of the department of sociology, Western Oregon University, has written a book titled: The Myth of Individualism: How Social Forces Shape Our Lives:

“Most people today believe that an individual is a person with an independent and distinct identification. This, however, is a myth.”

When Callero writes “identification,” he isn’t talking about ID cards and Social Security numbers. He’s talking about an absence of any uniqueness from person to person. He’s asserting there is no significant distinction between any two people. There aren’t two individuals to begin with. They’re a group.

This downgrading of the individual human spirit is far from accidental. It’s launched as a sustained propaganda campaign, the ultimate purpose of which is top-down control over billions of people organized into groups.

“The cold truth is that the individualist creed of everybody for himself and the devil take the hindmost is principally responsible for the distress in which Western civilization finds itself — with investment racketeering at one end and labor racketeering at the other. Whatever merits the [individualist] creed may have had in the days of primitive agriculture and industry, it is not applicable in an age of technology, science, and rationalized economy. Once useful, it has become a danger to society.” (Charles Beard, 1931)

Beard, a celebrated historian, sees no difference between individual racketeering and the individual freely choosing and living his own life. In making this judgment, he becomes an intellectual/propaganda racketeer of the highest order.

“British empiricist philosophy is individualist. And it is of course clear that if the only criterion of true and false which a man accepts is that man’s, then he has no base for social agreement. The question of how man ought to behave is a social question, which always involves several people; and if he accepts no evidence and no judgment except his own, he has no tools with which to frame an answer.” (Jacob Bronowski, Science and Human Values, 1956).

Bronowski is quite sure that hearing other people’s evidence and then keeping one’s own counsel is wrong. One has to accept that evidence on its face. This is sheer idiocy. Individuals are capable of deciding, on their own, what social agreements to enter into.

Here’s what journalist Glenn Greenwald (who is gay) has written about the symbolic nature of the American Presidency. Though not making reference to the group vs. the individual, Greenwald’s remarks illustrate the degree to which victim-symbology has taken hold in the US:

“Hillary is banal, corrupted, drained of vibrancy and passion. I mean, she’s been around forever, the Clinton circle. She’s a fucking hawk and like a neocon, practically. She’s surrounded by all these sleazy money types who are just corrupting everything everywhere. But she’s going to be the first female president, and women in America are going to be completely invested in her candidacy. Opposition to her is going to be depicted as misogynistic, like opposition to Obama has been depicted as racist. It’s going to be this completely symbolic messaging that’s going to overshadow the fact that she’ll do nothing but continue everything in pursuit of her own power. They’ll probably have a gay person [as President] after Hillary who’s just going to do the same thing.”

Regardless of the fact that the State and its allies are real oppressors who contribute mightily to creating real victims, what I’m talking about here is something quite apart from that: growing numbers of people who voluntarily take on the victim-mantle and seek comfort in nests of self-promoting groups who exaggerate and distort their own claims to special status.

The State needs these people. The State wants these people. Increasingly, the State employs these people.

Edward Bernays, the father of modern public relations, wrote: “It is sometimes possible to change the attitudes of millions but impossible to change the attitude of one man.”

Bernays understood that the basis of successful propaganda is a mass audience, an audience composed of groups, not individuals.

Retired high-level propaganda operative, Ellis Medavoy (pseudonym), once told me, “There are two aspects of propaganda. There is everything you do to get people to think of themselves as group members. And then there are all the messages you send to those conditioned group members. You need both aspects.”

The Matrix Revealed

When a group assigns itself solid “victim-status,” it creates one basic rule: a member must not leave the group. Why? Because if he does, he’s claiming he is no longer a victim—and that assertion is a betrayal.

Nice and neat. A prison.

“I’m a free individual.”

“You’re crazy. There is no such thing. Now get back in the group where you belong.”

Down at the root, betrayal begins as self-betrayal. The individual gives up the ghost. From that point on, his politics don’t matter. He forgets what he could have been. He defines himself by race and religion and country and rank ideology and group. He finds words and feeling through which he can express his role in a stage play that decays him from the inside out.

Eventually, if lunatics have their way, every person on planet Earth will be designated a victim. That will be the group of groups.

It won’t matter why and how everyone supposedly turns out to be a victim. The reasons will be forgotten. People will “instinctively” sign on to the agenda.

And the management team running the world will put another check mark on their sheet of objectives:

“Earth is beginning to resemble one giant hospital/mental institution. Break out the champagne.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

Do atoms understand language?

Do atoms understand language?

Are you your brain and nothing else?

If so, mind-control programming is quite reasonable

by Jon Rappoport

February 19, 2015

“The idea that somewhere in all the stacked-up universes, there might be a little corner that isn’t made out of matter or energy, but is truly independent of, and different from, sub-atomic particles… this idea confounds people, as if it might mean the end of all existence. It might mean a return to the old myths and fairy tales of the horrific priest-classes. It might mean everything science knows will vanish in a puff of smoke. But what if it doesn’t mean any of these things? What if it means that brutal power and domination could die out? What if it means there is an adventure waiting for all of us, beyond any and all pictures of conventional reality?” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Do atoms understand language?

Why ask such a question?

Because it goes to the heart of the slow-motion car crash that conventional physics has been experiencing for the past hundred years.

The question also puts philosophic materialism into a massive dither, from which it can’t hope to recover.

Conventional physics asserts that the universe is made entirely of particles. Atoms. Quarks, wavicles.

The universe includes the human brain.

Here is a sentence: “The Roman Empire collapsed, ushering in a Dark Age, a time of unprecedented chaos.”

Forget the truth or falsity of that sentence. It’s not at issue. What is at issue is the meaning of the sentence. You’re reading it now.

Do you understand it? Do you understand its meaning?

Of course you do. So do I.

But you see, your brain is made of particles that physicists would say have no comprehension of language. None. Zero.

These particles make up rocks, chairs, toothbrushes, asteroids, suns, brains. The same particles.

They have no understanding of sentences or paragraphs or books. No understanding of meaning, as expressed in language.


Understanding of language must come from somewhere else. How can it come from the brain, if the brain is entirely composed of atoms?

“Hello, atom. It rained yesterday, but today it’s supposed to be sunny, and the temperature will reach 70. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

No answer.

“Hello, atom. I find the metaphysics of Kant impenetrable. How about you?”

No answer.

Of course, physicists will dodge and tap dance and offer diverting explanations: “We’re just beginning to understand the mysteries of the brain…we’re making enormous strides…” And this one, my favorite:

“Humans are conscious and understand meaning and language, we know that. And the only place this understanding could possibly come from is the brain. Therefore, the brain is conscious…”

That’s called circular reasoning, which means you assume what you’re claiming to prove. It’s one of the first fallacies a student learns about, when he’s studying logic (if anyone studies logic anymore).

Some “experts” will make this assertion: “There is no such thing as consciousness or understanding. They’re delusions. So it’s quite all right for the brain to be composed of non-conscious atoms…”

In other words, you and I, sharing the words and sentences of this article, are completely deluded into “thinking” that we understand them. We don’t. We’re just machines made of atoms.

If you buy that argument, I’m looking for investors in my new Thorazine-cookie company.

No, I’m afraid the conscious understanding of language is quite real; and that understanding, that knowing, right here and right now, isn’t emanating from the brain, couldn’t be emanating from the brain.

Where it does come from…well, all sorts of opinions can be offered. But one thing is clear. If the whole universe is composed of atoms, and if atoms have no conscious understanding, then consciousness and understanding come from someplace else. A non-atom place.

For example…

From you.

And by you, I mean a non-material being.

Unmeasurable. Unanalyzable.

No big deal. Just the difference between a squashed collapsed view of existence and an infinite view…

Here is a statement attributed to Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, 1937 Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine:

“In my search for the secret of life, I ended up with atoms and electrons which have no life at all. Somewhere along the line, life has run out through my fingers. So, in my old age, I am now retracing my steps…”

How many other scientists would admit they, too, have come to the same crossroad? The deeper they probe, the farther they find themselves from what life is?

power outside the matrix

How many of them would say, “For the past fifty years, I’ve been quite sure everything is made out of something. Know what I mean? Everything is made out of atoms and electrons and quarks and so on. But those little particles don’t understand anything. They just move through space. Something non-material must possess the quality of being able to understand meaning. And that upsets all applecarts…”

How many scientists would say that?

Again…why does any of this matter? Well, here’s one reason. There is an enormous amount of mind-control brain research occurring all over the world. This research is based on the premise that, when it comes to humans, there is no one home. There is just the brain, and the functions of the brain can be manipulated and carved up and reduced, in order to make “the human machine function normally.”

No problem. No conscience. No guilt. It’s just tinkering with the apparatus.

Welcome to the century of the brain. Welcome to philosophic materialism taken to its obvious conclusion.

Welcome to official insanity.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

The CDC: mind control on a vast scale

The CDC: mind control on a vast scale

by Jon Rappoport

February 16, 2015

“Mind control has one basic purpose: the construction of false Reality. The embedding of false Reality to such an extent that it seems absurd to question it or even notice it. Purple and pink raccoons? Of course there are purple and pink raccoons. Why do you even bring it up? Without purple and pink raccoons, the world as we know it would collapse.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

In recent articles (see here and here), I’ve been pointing out that the current “measles outbreak” is a CDC fabrication.

On and off, since 1987, I’ve been following the CDC and its astonishing trail of lies. Lying is its business.

Here is yet another example—-

Once upon a time, the CDC claimed that roughly 36,000 people in the US died every year from the flu. Media sources parroted this figure over and over.

Lately, the CDC has chosen to change that estimate. It’s now between 3,000 and 49,000 flu deaths per year. That’s quite a loose range. Why does the CDC now waffle so egregiously?

Perhaps because they’ve been exposed…

In December of 2005, the British Medical Journal (online) published a shocking report by Peter Doshi, “Are US flu death figures more PR than science?”, which spelled out a delusion and created tremors throughout the halls of the CDC.

Here is a quote from Doshi’s report:

“[According to CDC statistics], ‘influenza and pneumonia’ took 62,034 lives in 2001—61,777 of which were attributable to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and in only 18 cases was the flu virus positively identified.”

You see, the CDC had created one category that combined flu and pneumonia deaths. Why did they do this? Because they self-servingly assumed that the pneumonia deaths were complications stemming from the flu.

This is an absurd assumption. Pneumonia has a number of causes. But even worse, in all the flu deaths, only 18 were traced directly to a flu virus.

Therefore, the CDC could not say, with assurance, that more than 18 people died of the flu in 2001.

(Note: In several articles, I erred and reported “18 flu cases in 2001” instead of “18 flu deaths in 2001”.)

Doshi continues his assessment of published CDC flu-death statistics:

“Between 1979 and 2001, [CDC] data show an average of 1348 [flu] deaths per year (range 257 to 3006).”

However, as Doshi showed from the year 2001, the CDC actually finds the flu virus in a tiny proportion of people who are estimated to have died from the flu. So the CDC range of flu deaths—257 to 3006—is much, much lower when lab confirmation is required. And confirmation needs to be required, unless hocus-pocus guesswork is sufficient.

To the overwhelming percentage of Americans, the idea that only 18 people were positively identified as flu deaths in a year is staggering.

It’s so staggering, they reject it. It must be wrong. It has to be wrong. If it isn’t wrong…

A pillar of reality collapses.

The Matrix Revealed

And we’re not just talking about a Brian Williams pillar of reality or a went-to-war-for-the-wrong-reason pillar of reality. We’re not just talking about the CIA lying or the NSA lying or the President lying.

No. We’re talking about a medical pillar collapsing.

And the medical cartel is the modern Church of Reality. It has its priests in white coats and its CDC bishops and its ceaseless propaganda about an “overwhelming concern for the well-being of humanity.”

Therefore, when many people read this, when they see that only 18 flu deaths in America were confirmed in the year 2001, it doesn’t register at all in their minds.

It’s invisible.

This isn’t “cognitive dissonance.” It’s much, much deeper. It’s “I never read that.” “I don’t remember reading that.” “18 confirmed flu deaths in one year? I never heard of that.”

Mind control par excellence.

It’s on the order of half a major city disappearing overnight and the citizens saying, “Of course, nothing disappeared. How could anything disappear?”

Going even deeper, there are two factors at work here. One, a person’s stubborn refusal to reject reality as he receives it; and two, his refusal to invent a better reality to replace the one that has just crumbled and vanished.

Those two factors underlie the success of mind control.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.