Utopia: the dream and the psyop that will never die

Utopia: the dream and the psyop that will never die

The goal of all mind control

by Jon Rappoport

June 16, 2015

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

“Whether it is to be Utopia or Oblivion will be a touch-and-go relay race right up to the final moment. . . . Humanity is in ‘final exam’ as to whether or not it qualifies for continuance in Universe.” (Buckminster Fuller, Critical Path, 1981)

“I do know that technologically humanity now has the opportunity, for the first time in its history, to operate our planet in such a manner as to support and accommodate all humanity at a substantially more advanced standard of living than any humans have ever experienced. (Buckminster Fuller,” Grunch of Giants, 1983)

“There are people who see a vision of utopia as clearly as they see a summer afternoon. They will never give up that vision. They are unaware that, parallel to their dream, a utopia psyop is running, like an endless television program, diverting the gullible.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Almost a century ago, Buckminster Fuller was writing about the abundance that technology was bringing to the human race. He was writing about how more and more would be done with fewer and fewer resources.

He was indicating that technology had ushered in an era where the basics of survival—food, clothing, and shelter—could be made available to all humans on the planet.

He was suggesting that technology (automation) was going to make industrial production expand vastly—while also, inevitably, throwing huge numbers of people out of work. He argued that work wasn’t an essential. People could be granted the basics of life, and left to their own devices—the most important of which would be the choice to educate themselves through free and open schools.

One obvious question that emerged out of Fuller’s work at that time, and later in Critical Path and Utopia or Oblivion: who would implement a system whereby every human on Earth would be guaranteed the fundamentals of survival? And how?

There are blithe and glazed-over people who believe the governments of Earth will present the gift.

This is like saying the old mafia will stop forcing shop owners to pay protection. This is like saying lifelong con men will turn over a new leaf and serve soup at kitchens for the poor. This is like saying Al Capone will go to work for the FBI. This is like saying a group of war mongers, who sleep well at night after decades of ordering the deaths of millions of people, will give away their criminally gained fortunes to restore stolen land to millions of Third World people.

This is like saying the same breed of government officials, after 50 years of sending a few trillion dollars into the poorest communities of US cities (did the bulk of it ever arrive?), with no more to show for it than more crime, more poverty, and more drugs, will recover their senses and figure out a way to give the essentials of survival to every American.

And this is also saying that 10 or 20 successive generations of Americans, having received those essentials of survival, gratis, will be motivated to build dynamic and innovative communities, embracing the uniqueness of every individual.


If future governments ever attempted this far-reaching plan, their true goal, as now, would be fostering stifling dependency, passivity, obedience, robotic allegiance and mind control.

In the 1940s, heads of major corporations began to see what Fuller was predicting: more and more automation; the ability of technology to engender greater production utilizing fewer resources; eventual vast unemployment, as automation took over; and therefore, the specter of a shrinking planetary consumer base.

At that point, the mega-corporations had a choice. They could continue to manufacture products for a consumerist society, based on whatever items populations could be convinced to buy—while ignoring the future handwriting on the future wall.

Or these corporations, some of them, could turn their attention to manufacturing, very cheaply, the essentials of survival, and selling those products to billions of people. They could turn their attention to true agriculture for the people. They could turn their attention to the herculean task of creating thriving local economies across the planet…and they could find a way to make profit through these enterprises.

Very small increments of profit on each sale, spread over billions of people.

A Utopian fantasy? Apparently; because we know which directions the mega-corporations chose.

They are still choosing to remain blind to their own future—a shrinking consumer base, and assembly lines operating at a fraction of their potential.

It’s all well and good to imagine a salvational public force that will drop, from the clouds, utopia on the masses; but that force does not exist.

It’s all well and good to hope for a vast “revolution” in “mass consciousness” that will inevitably bring about utopia; but mass consciousness is an ideological veneer that peels away and decays on the vine.

It’s far better to think about what can be done to invent/liberate self-determined economies in which billions of people can find work, and avoid having to live in medieval conditions that cause chronic illness and early death.

Exit From the Matrix

When you do think about that, you quickly discover that power-elites are bent on keeping grotesque poverty alive.

At the same time, they invent altruistic charities that deliver “help” to the suffering. They award themselves citations for courage and humanity. They promote vaguely utopian futures. They co-opt the dreams of the young. This is their psyop and their cover story.

Let’s send in a few thousand heroic and heraldic doctors to deliver (toxic) drugs and (toxic) vaccines to the population. Of course, the actual and only cure is nutritious food, establishing basic sanitation, reducing overcrowding in cities, cleaning up the water supply, and returning stolen growing lands to the people…but we won’t touch all that…we’ll just look good and conceal our real program: continued conquest.”

Events, circumstances, and trends have a way of returning to the individual.

Each and every individual.

That is when, thrown back on his own resources, he discovers deeper layers of his own power. If he chooses to.

This dimension does not begin in the physical world. It is in the individual mind and imagination. Its cardinal quality is unpredictability.

No systems control it.

Its prerequisite, come hell or high water, is freedom.

Most people quit the field at that point. They seek a pale simulacrum, a cartoon of what they can really achieve.

They substitute, if anything, a longing for utopia, for a force that somehow will deliver it.

The world, more and more, is dedicated to a fog that obscures the individual. The world claims he is an extinct delusion, a momentary construct of the evolutionary past; perhaps necessary at one time, but no longer useful.

The world (by which I mean the current tonnage of propaganda) insists that only through mass consciousness can we ascend to a higher level.

Translation: Collective passivity is the goal.

Utopia is always presented as a collective enterprise. That is no accident.

Why would the independent, powerful, and intensely creative individual have any place in it?

And that’s the whole point of utopian psyops. They exclude the unique individual.

“People of Earth, listen. We, your leaders, have a great message. We can bring you all to a new level of living. We now have the means. We can emerge as One into a shining future. Together. Your only task, and it is simple, is to surrender the thing that has kept Utopia from emerging all these centuries: your fantasy that you are individually separate. That is the sickness. That is psychological problem. We have discovered the mental illness. It is called UDD. Uniqueness Delusion Disorder. Fortunately, we can now diagnose it and treat it. The result is, all your anxiety will lift and disappear. You will finally find the state of mind toward which you have been groping. We are so close. Help us over the last barrier…”

That is where the “mind pioneers” intend to take us.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

18 comments on “Utopia: the dream and the psyop that will never die

  1. onlyonemaui says:

    UPHOLD THIS LAW…….. THE LAW OF DA LAND……..!! http://hawaiis1000friends.org/brochure.html

  2. icare2day says:

    So well stated Jon. Thank you. Who dare miss this message! We are so in the last hour and so much to share and do in the awakening.

  3. ozziethinker says:

    Jon, your timing is impeccable. The latest from “Ozzie Thinker” cuts this from the “action plan forward” perspective in the way only I seem able to project!


    Excellent post, though, incidentally, the FBI will take the “Al Capone’s” on their staff these days. The “sting” game needs lots of dirty oil.


  4. Salvador says:

    Utopian dreamers like Bucky Fuller & Jacque Fresco are the very few good guys in the so called collectivist pool. They grew up in a time when sheer evil was not roaming the planet like it is today. A time when, although corruption always existed, it was controllable, as opposed to what we have today – a vision for mass planetary genocide by the few lunatics in charge. During that time, a handshake was your word, men were men, women were women and chidren were children.

    Men like Fuller & Fresco devoted their lives to a beautiful world for all of us. Again, they just had not idea of the scale of evil that was to come, one which would ensure that a “good” collectivist idea would never be possible, nor allowed to be implemented in the world that was to come. And in their visions, I would argue, the individual would still reign supreme, just that the system they were living it would be collectivist in the sense of providing abundant resources for all. By the way, both of them lived lives that were the very essence of independence and individuality (as opposed to the globalists in charge today).

    Sadly, so few people know about these two men, men who devoted their entire lives to humanity. Men who wanted to provide abundance for the world, no different than Tesla. By the way, all three of them (Tesla included) passed the litmus test in terms of their marked integrity and humbleness along with their lack of wealth and desire for power. Once again, diametrically opposed to the supremely wealthy, power-hungry psychopathic elitist globalists of today.

    • @Salvador
      “They grew up in a time when sheer evil was not roaming the planet like it is
      – Salvador

      In fact Sal that corruption has aways run like this, today we have more of it. The Internet has opened us to the extent it reaches. We know as a greater population…of it now. We’re in the past, it was secret.
      Not so long ago a crowd could drag you onto a street, a crowd no less ethuasted that a mob outside a box store on a black Friday. And that crowd because of consensus ideaology would beat and torture and hang you in a tree, for simply walking in the white side of the street. That collectivist fervor is still here. Right at the tip of your fingers with the right motivation.
      The Robber Barons are still here; that beat the drum blind patriotism that formed the consciousness of America is still here.
      Tesla was a myopic genius. His technologies were just as oppressive as what we have at present. A consensus has propped him up to seem bigger than life. An unrequited genius.
      We have have 61 flavors of ice cream. And one version of energy, oil.
      The whole Paradigm is wrong, it is set up as a self-destruct; Bucky was banging the wrong drum, he was gullible and terribly naive. And ‘Brave New World’… in spite of his brilliance. An eccentric on the highest level, he did not point out the importance of the individual. He believed in the collective. And towed that line.

      “From now on you need never await temporal attestation to your thought. You think the truth. You do not have the right to eliminate yourself. You do not belong to you. You belong to Universe. Your significance will remain forever obscure to you, but you may assume that you are fulfilling your role if you apply yourself to converting your experiences to the highest advantage of others.”

      We are not here for others. Our first purpose is ourselves.

      • Salvador says:

        Allow me to put it a different way – sheer evil was not right out in the open for all to see, as it is today. A century ago it was indeed well hidden from the masses, as well as obviously not as well developed and far along as it is today.

        For Bucky to be as naive as he was would be completely understandable. It was a different time – again as we perceived it to be. And perception provides the basis for our behaviors, our thoughts, our actions. I do see Bucky as naive but well-intentioned, not the nefarious, collectivist-globalist mentality of the men running the planet today.

        As far as Tesla, everything I’ve come to understand about the man was that he was someone that was genuine, and wanted to give it all away – free energy – for all of us. That doesn’t sound oppressive to me. Pehaps we werent’ ready back then for it. Perhaps we’re still not ready today for it, as consciously the majority of the citizens of planet earth still seem to be, well, let’s just say less than enlightened. Utopia or Oblivion? Guess we’ll have to see. But don’t think we’ll have to wait too long as it appears whatever “it” is, it seems will be coming to our collective reality sooner rather than later…

        • @Salvador
          Yes Tesla was well intentioned he didn’t diserve his end.
          A great genius who was more that likely murdered.
          Morgan saw his ideas as dangerous.
          I speak of his technologies. What we experience today as scalar technology and microwave are his inventions…they are still very dangerous. But I am sure he would have saw that eventually.
          HAARP is really his work. He saw it as a way to move Vast amounts of electricity around the globe.

          • ozziethinker says:


            Tesla “scratched the surface”.

            I learn that the Zeta Grey Beings have a way of switching atoms “on” or “off” and can create static energy force fields based on the same principals. If only our scientists would WAKE UP!

        • ozziethinker says:

          Personally, I’d much prefer to see “pure evil” out in the open so that I might avoid or clobber it, as necessary.

          Times and “scenarios” may have changed, but influences and reactions are the same. The “blessed” people are as gutless and self-serving as ever. Someone should write a book called “Hitler’s Henchmen”. That would be enough to curdle Putin’s (the pretty face of evil) milk.

    • Gökmen says:

      Great that you mentioned Nicola Tesla.

      I’ll drop another name, Seymour Cray. The guy who invented gigahertz processors and parallel computing back in late 80’s. This guy, left silicone based processors at the beginning of 90’s, saying “they heat up too much, they are inefficient” and moved to gallium arsenide based chips. What happened? He basicly had an ‘accident’. Same year, acompany called Intel pops out, steals all his work, drip-feeds it to masses for 20 years, making huge profits, becoming basicly a cartel like Jon puts it.

      Now silicone based transistors come to an end because of nanometric production. Suddenly, all these ‘researchers’ finding out how brilliant gallium arsenide is since the year 2013.

      All those years, they were feeding things Seymour Cray invented back In 80’s and calling It ‘cutting edge technology’.

      • Ultrawoman says:

        I remember back in the Eighties reading about gallium arsenide based chips around the mid-Eighties or so in the Mercury.

    • From Québec says:

      I’m allergic to the word “collectivist” Every time I come across that word, my mind paints a picture of obedient robots controlled by Darpa or some other dark forces.

      I want a world filled with individuals who blows your mind with their imagination and creativity. I like diversity. The salt of life.

    • Ultrawoamn says:

      Evil or corruption was always there. My parents’/grandparents’ generation would have smiled indulgently, reminded me I was just a kid and reassured me this was bullshit if I were to tell them of all the stuff that went on.

      It was always there. It did not receive as much coverage as it does now.

  5. ebolainfo says:

    Reblogged this on EbolaInfo and commented:
    “Let’s send in a few thousand heroic and heraldic doctors to deliver (toxic) drugs and (toxic) vaccines to the population. Of course, the actual and only cure is nutritious food, establishing basic sanitation, reducing overcrowding in cities, cleaning up the water supply, and returning stolen growing lands to the people…but we won’t touch all that…we’ll just look good and conceal our real program: continued conquest.”

  6. aprilboden says:

    Beautifully written!

  7. Gökmen says:

    As species, we like NOT to learn from mistakes. We are hard headed, we are the best, we conquer all, we are the greatest.

    The final trap will well be the ultimate: sacrificing the whole individuality so nobody can ever learn from any mistakes at all, even If he or she want to, because It’s not even there anymore.

    knock knock, nobody’s home.

    Alan Watts, the great zen philosopher said In his talks “you can’t separate the north pole and the south pole of a magnet..the moment you detach a magnet from It’s north pole, It creates another south pole”

    So these mr Jensen’s, these scumbags, they are imagining to detach whole human race from their self, In order to exchange that with a ‘fake’ self which they also created..and looks like they’ve done the job so far.
    But we will see.

    Because I’m seeing a tide, coming to wipe these Mr. Jensen’s, who standing up on their desks and yelling-preaching “you have meddled with the forces of nature!”…well, they are the ones who let go of that ‘self’, that ‘individuality’ so long ago, that’s why they are masters at It right?

    I see there are other people, John and Jane Q’s, willing to join them. They think, they might declare themselves as ‘nature’ and stand up on their desks, yell at people If they all ditch themselves and become one, become same, agent smith’s after all.

    Yea that Is what It Is. Agent smith’s all over. They think they have It all. They conquered all. They all become the same. They are the collective.

    That IS against nature. That Is impossible.

    “You can’t detach the north pole from a magnet in order to get a whole north pole. The moment you separated north pole, It creates another south pole. This Is the nature of things, they go together, you can’t get rid of the south pole” — Alan Watts

  8. Ultrawoamn says:

    Great article!!!

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