RED ALERT: WHO Pandemic “Treaty” is now an “Agreement”

This makes all the difference in the world! We’ve been fooled

May 13, 2024

(To join my email list, click here.)

I’ll give you the bottom line. A TREATY needs the signature of the US President plus a 2/3 vote of approval in the Senate.

An AGREEMENT only needs the President’s signature, and America is committed to go along with the document.

I’ve been communicating with a media person at the World Health Organization (WHO). It took several exchanges to clarify what’s going on here.

What we’ve been told is the WHO Pandemic Treaty is actually labeled an Agreement.

This is dire.

To read the rest of this article and comment on it, click here.

(Episode 65 of Rappoport Podcasts — “The looming cloud of Medical Dictatorship” — is now posted on my substack. It’s a blockbuster. To listen to this podcast, go here. To learn more about This Episode of Rappoport Podcasts, go here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails here.

France is burning; a key conversation in the dark; liberals only

by Jon Rappoport

July 12, 2023

(To join my email list, click here.)

My spying organization, Feral Dogs, Inc., successfully implanted pick-up nano-transmitters in the brains of key meta-ministers of France in 2015…

And we collected this conversation between two arch-aristocratic types in the wake of the recent explosion of protests across France, after the police shot and killed a teen, Nahel M:

—Why didn’t we have massive riots when jihadists committed murders in the streets a few years ago?

Because we weren’t supposed to.

And what about our importing of huge numbers of African migrants, who create no-go zones in their neighborhoods? We can’t integrate these people into French society. It’s impossible. They come here, and then they blame us for everything.

That’s the plan.

The plan?

To put France into chaos.

Oh. I see.

You get it now?

Yes. Well, that’s a relief. But still, the whole country’s burning. I don’t want to breathe bad air.

Get an oxygen device. One of the small ones. They work quite well.

Is Macron going to deploy the Army and crack down?

He’s awaiting orders.

I remember, a few years, one of our people suggested importing migrants from countries who hated the migrants that were already here. You know, to get them to wipe each other out. What happened to that?

We tried a pilot project. It failed. Some of them did kill each other, but they all directed their hatred at France, the French government, and the French people.

Is anyone reporting on the mass looting now?

Very few media outlets are stressing it. If migrants are raiding high-end shops and stealing shoes and handbags…that doesn’t say POLITICAL PROTEST. It just says THEFT. It’s counter-productive.

Can’t we just give everybody in France money?

It would cause deflation. Or inflation. Or both.

What is the EU saying about France burning down?

Not much. They have their own scandal at the moment. Bribes, payoffs. And I think the Germans would like to see France reduced to ashes.

We’re all supposed to be cooperating.

The only thing we all agree on is the destruction of Europe. Kill it off and rebuild it. We’re basically doing a rerun of the fall of the Roman Empire.

Except we’re importing the Visigoths this time.

The collapse is faster that way.

Can’t we find jobs for all these African migrants?

To read the rest of this article and comment on it, click here.

(Episode 48 of Rappoport Podcasts“What Is Robert Kennedy Really Doing? Is his Presidential campaign on the level, or is it just an illusion?” — is now posted on my substack. It’s a blockbuster. To listen to this podcast, click here. To learn more about This Episode of Rappoport Podcasts, click here.)

BOOM! My new novel, THE GRID LAID OVER THE WORLD has been released! To learn more, click here.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

To read Jon’s articles on Substack, click here.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails here.

New Podcast: The War in the Ukraine; How It Came to This

Tracing the death of PEACE

by Jon Rappoport

October 18, 2022

(To join our email list, click here.)

Support my work by subscribing to my substack, and listen to this and all my podcasts, and read premium articles. It’s a mere six bucks a month. The yearly cost is only $60. Come on board. For the cost of a few soggy diner pancakes, a gallon of Biden gas, and microwaved fries at an airport where the flight is late, you can access miles of unique information and writing.

Many analysts have weighed in on the “situation” in the Ukraine; the background on the war; Putin’s motives; who’s carrying out clandestine ops; who’s right and who’s wrong, etc.

In this podcast, I’m doing something different.

I’m going to explain what happened to the idea of PEACE.

I’ll trace the death of PEACE and how THAT happened.

Because, make no mistake about it, among all the self-serving motives and political maneuvering, there WERE once millions of people in America who genuinely wanted peace over war.

“Oh yes, I vaguely remember that…”

Why aren’t we seeing massive protests against US involvement in the Ukraine now? Very few people are even asking that question, and fewer still are providing answers.

If you don’t think the PEACE question is important, notice that we have war hawks all over the place who are quite willing to walk up to the brink of nuclear annihilation these days.

The answers I’m going to provide in this podcast explain why I’m on substack writing about CULTURE. The lunatic changes and reversals that have been happening in the culture account for WAR NOT PEACE.

Culture is where the action is. That’s where the action has been for the past 60 years. It changes minds. It dissolves minds.

And yes, for those of you who want dots to connect, there are dots. Key names, places, groups.

And yes, the war IS a gateway to further economic destruction, the precursor to a Globalist takeover of nations. I’ll also comment on that.

But the main event, which has become virtually invisible in society today, is the much-maligned desire for peace. That desire has been made so radioactive in this culture, you would think a blanket protest against needless dead bodies on battlefields is a sign of mental illness, if not treason.

Well, that’s what you’re supposed to think.

I’m going to challenge all the “reasoning” which has brought us to this point.

Which has convinced millions of people to now accept roles as walking talking lunatics.

Join me in this vital podcast.

— Jon Rappoport

PS: Many people have developed an insatiable appetite for journalism that connects dots. That’s fine. But there are other levels of dot connection. For instance, the nooks and crannies in the mind and psyche where the bubbling brook of cultural messages flows and clots and gathers—leading people to buy new views of reality. Synthetic reality. Crazy reality. I’m walking that investigative road these days. And this podcast is a prime example of what I’ve found.

PS2: Some of you might be thinking, “Hmm. Peace. That idea doesn’t really move my adrenaline. It’s kind of boring. Now if Jon were taking about how the CIA secretly promotes war, I’d be more interested.” My comment: You want a “covert op?” HOW DO YOU THINK PEACE GOT TO BE BORING? That’s a hell of an op. It took a massive amount of planning and execution. In the process, there was a monumental clash of agendas—and the wrong agenda won. I’ll explain in the podcast.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

To read Jon’s articles on Substack, click here.

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

US helps build Russian war machine

by Jon Rappoport

September 30, 2022

(To join our email list, click here.)

Recently, I have been presenting evidence, from the work of the prodigious researcher, Antony Sutton, that modern Russia was, to a significant degree, established by Americans.

One—and not the only—vector of Sutton’s work was: technology transfers from the US to Russia. His proof was voluminous and specific.

The Russians needed lots of help. They were behind the curve.

Was this help part of a conspiracy? I believe the answer is sometimes yes and sometimes it was just business. Sales, money, profit, greed.

However, during the Cold War, with Russia as America’s enemy, US companies making money from supplying vital technology, which was used to build a war machine in the USSR…we’re talking about deception, crime, traitorous actions.

Today, I just want to publish one of Sutton’s tables, naming the high points of semi-conductor transfers. This vital tech enables the creation of a modern military force.

Two US companies are mentioned: Control Data Corporation (CDC—not the public health agency) and Continental Trading Corp (CTC). CDC as such no longer exists. I find several current companies with names that might or might not be the CTC Sutton refers to.

Here is his devastating chart. It comes from his book, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy.

People who are applauding the current wall to wall bashing of anything Russian ought to know a little thing called history—especially hidden history—counts, and tells its own story.

1951: Semi-conductor developed in Santa Clara Valley, California. From this point on Soviets import chips and then manufacture on a laboratory scale.

1971: “Computer in a chip” development. Soviets still unable to mass produce even primitive semi-conductor devices.

1973: Control Data Corporation (CDC) agrees to supply Soviets with a wide range of scientific and engineering information including construction and design of a large fast computer (75 to 100 million instructions per second is fast even in 1985) and manufacturing techniques for semi-conductors and associated technologies (See Chapter Five).

1977-80: Soviets acquire technology for a semi-conductor plant through the Bruchhausen network and Continental Trading Corp. (CTC). The CDC agreement gives Soviets sufficient information to set up a purchasing and espionage program. CDC told the Soviets what they needed to buy.

1981-82: Commerce Department lax in enforcing export control regulations. U.S. Customs Service makes determined efforts to stop export of semi-conductor manufacturing equipment.

1985: Soviets establish plant for semi-conductor mass production. Soviet military equipment based on this new output.

1986: U.S. taxpayer continues to support a defense budget of over $300 billion a year. Without these transfers Soviet military could not have been computerised and U.S. defense budget reduced.

(Episode 25 of Rappoport Podcasts — “Ebola Blood; Hot Zone Jungle Viruses Reincarnated; Fauci’s Role: Human sacrifice is a morbid thread that runs through history. This is a story of SCIENTIFIC human sacrifice.” — is now posted on my substack. It’s a blockbuster. To listen, click here. To learn more about This Episode of Rappoport Podcasts, click here.)

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

To read Jon’s articles on Substack, click here.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Naming names: US built war capability for Russia—leading to the deaths of American soldiers

by Jon Rappoport

September 22, 2022

(To join our email list, click here.)

Continuing to present the extraordinary research of the late Antony Sutton—

Today’s Sutton excerpt comes from his 1986 book, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy.

As usual, the detail is shocking. So are the names of the men.

The question is why: why are these men doing this?

Are they bankrolling and supplying both sides of a war for the money? Is because they want to make both sides equal, in hopes that a standoff will avert a global catastrophe?

My position is clear. I’ve stated it before.

When you can fund and supply two enemies, you’re already thinking about the aftermath, when the conflict will diminish or end. You’re planning to build an organization that will “manage the peace.”

That organization will have to be large. Very large. Which is exactly what you want. It will take on the shape of something like global governance—as much governance as you can create and impose.

Which is really what you wanted all along.

Which was why you funded and supplied both sides in the first place.

Which is why you’re called Globalists.

(And I’m not just talking about the United Nations. That’s merely one piece of a much larger “management” structure.)

OK. Now here is the Sutton excerpt:

“Although the military output from [Soviet] Gorki and ZIL was well known to U.S. intelligence and therefore to successive administrations, American aid for construction of even large military truck plants was approved in the 1960s and 1970s.”

“Under intense political pressure from the deaf mute blindmen, U.S. politicians, particularly in the Johnson and Nixon administrations under the prodding of Henry Kissinger (a long-time employee of the Rockefeller family), allowed the Togliatti (Volgograd) and Kama River plants to be built.”

“The Volgograd automobile plant, built between 1968 and 1971, has a capacity of 600,000 vehicles per year, three times more than the Ford-built Gorki plant, which up to 1968 had been the largest auto plant in the USSR.”

“Although Volgograd is described in Western literature as the ‘Togliatti plant’ or the ‘Fiat-Soviet auto plant,’ and does indeed produce a version of the Fiat-124 sedan, the core of the technology is American. Three-quarters of the equipment, including the key transfer lines and automatics, came from the United States. It is truly extraordinary that a plant with known military potential could have been equipped from the United States in the middle of the Vietnamese War, a war in which the North Vietnamese received 80 percent of their supplies from the Soviet Union.”

“The construction contract, awarded to Fiat S.p.A., a firm closely associated with Chase Manhattan Bank, included an engineering fee of $65 million. The agreement between Fiat and the Soviet government included:”

“The supply of drawing and engineering data for two automobile models, substantially similar to the Fiat types of current production, but with the modifications required by the particular climatic and road conditions of the country; the supply of a complete manufacturing plant project, with the definition of the machine tools, toolings, control apparatus, etc.; the supply of the necessary know-how, personnel training, plant start-up assistance, and other similar services.”

“All key machine tools and transfer lines came from the United States. While the tooling and fixtures were designed by Fiat, over $50 million worth of the key special equipment came from U.S. suppliers. This included:

1. Foundry machines and heat-treating equipment, mainly flask and core molding machines to produce cast iron and aluminum parts and continuous heat-treating furnaces.

2. Transfer lines for engine parts, including four lines for pistons, lathes, and grinding machines for engine crank-shafts, and boring and honing machines for cylinder linings and shaft housings.

3. Transfer lines and machines for other components, including transfer lines for machining of differential carriers and housing, automatic lathes, machine tools for production of gears, transmission sliding sleeves, splined shafts, and hubs.

4. Machines for body parts, including body panel presses, sheet straighteners, parts for painting installations, and upholstery processing equipment.

5. Materials-handling, maintenance, and inspection equipment consisting of overhead twin-rail Webb-type conveyors, assembly and storage lines, special tool ‘sharpeners for automatic machines, and inspection devices.”

“Some equipment was on the U.S. Export Control and Co-Corn lists as strategic, but this proved no setback to the Johnson Administration: the restrictions were arbitrarily abandoned. Leading U.S. machine-tool firms participated in supplying the equipment: TRW, Inc. of Cleveland supplied steering linkages; U.S. Industries, Inc. supplied a “major portion” of the presses; Gleason Works of Rochester, New York (well known as a Gorki supplier) supplied gear-cutting and heat-treating equipment; New Britain Machine Company supplied automatic lathes. Other equipment was supplied by U.S. subsidiary companies in Europe and some came directly from European firms (for example, Hawker-Siddeley Dynamics of the United Kingdom supplied six industrial robots). In all, approximately 75 percent of the production equipment came from the United States and some 25 percent from Italy and other countries in Europe, including U.S. subsidiary companies.”

“In 1930, when Henry Ford undertook to build the Gorki plant, contemporary Western press releases extolled the peaceful nature of the Ford automobile, even though Pravda had openly stated that the Ford automobile was wanted for military purposes. Notwithstanding naive Western press releases, Gorki military vehicles were later used to help kill Americans in Korea and Vietnam.”

“In 1968 Dean Rusk and Wait Rostow once again extolled the peaceful nature of the automobile, specifically in reference to the Volgograd plant. Unfortunately for the credibility of Dean Rusk and Wait Rostow, there exists a proven military vehicle with an engine of the same capacity as the one produced at the Volgograd plant. Moreover, we have the Gorki and ZIL experience. Further, the U.S. government’s own committees have stated in writing and at detailed length that any motor vehicle plant has war potential. Even further, both Rusk and Rostow made explicit statements to Congress denying that Volgograd had military potential.”

“It must be noted that these Executive Branch statements were made in the face of clear and known evidence to the contrary. In other words, the statements can only be considered as deliberate falsehoods to mislead Congress and the American public.”

“…Up to 1968 American construction of Soviet military truck plants was presented as ‘peaceful trade.’ In the late 1960s Soviet planners decided to build the largest truck factory in the world. This plant, spread over 36 square miles situated on the Kama River, has an annual output of 100,000 multi-axle 10-ton trucks, trailers, and off-the-road vehicles. It was evident from the outset, given absence of Soviet technology in the automotive industry, that the design, engineering work, and key equipment for such a facility would have to come from the United States.”

“In 1972, under President Nixon and National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger, the pretense of ’peaceful trade’ was abandoned and the Department of Commerce admitted (Human Events, Dec. 1971) that the proposed Kama plant had military potential. Not only that, but according to a department spokesman, the military capability was taken into account when the export licenses were issued for Kama.”

“The following American firms received major contracts to supply production equipment for the gigantic Kama heavy truck plant:

* Glidden Machine & Tool, Inc., North Tonawanda, New York — Milling machines and other machine tools.

* Gulf and Western Industries, Inc., New York, N.Y. — A contract for $20 million of equipment.

* Holcroft & Co., Kovinia, Michigan — Several contracts for heat treatment furnaces for metal parts.

* Honeywell, Inc., Minneaspolis, Minnesota — Installation of automated production lines and production control equipment.

* Landis Manufacturing Co., Ferndale, Michigan — Production equipment for crankshafts and other machine tools.

* National Engineering Company, Chicago Illinois — Equipment for the manufacutre of castings.

* Swindell-Dresser Company (a subsidy of Pullman Incorporated), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania — Design of a foundry and equipment for the foundry, including heat treatment furnaces and sine;ting equipment under several contracts ($14 million).

* Warner & Swazey Co., Cleveland, Ohio — Production equipment for crankshafts and other machine tools.

* Combustion Engineering: molding machines ($30 million). Ingersoll Milling Machine Company: milling machines.

* E. W. Bliss Company”

“Who were the government officials responsible for this transfer of known military technology? The concept originally came from National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger, who reportedly sold President Nixon on the idea that giving military technology to the Soviets would temper their global territorial ambitions. How Henry arrived at this gigantic non sequitur is not known. Sufficient to state that he aroused considerable concern over his motivations. Not least that Henry had been a paid family employee of the Rockefellers since 1958 and has served as International Advisory Committee Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, a Rockefeller concern.”

“The U.S.-Soviet trade accords including Kama and other projects were signed by George Pratt Shultz, later to become Secretary of State in the Reagan Administration and long known as a proponent of more aid and trade to the Soviets. Shultz is former President of Bechtel Corporation, a multi-national contractor and engineering firm.”

“American taxpayers underwrote Kama financing through the Export-Import Bank. The head of Export-Import Bank at that time was William J. Casey, a former associate of Armand Hammer and now (1985) Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Financing was arranged by Chase Manhattan Bank, whose then Chairman was David Rockefeller. Chase is the former employer of Paul Volcker, now Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank. Today, William Casey denies knowledge of the military applications (see page 195), although this was emphatically pointed out to official Washington 15 years ago.”

“We cite these names to demonstrate the tight interlocking hold proponents of miltiary aid to the Soviet Union maintain on top policy making government positions.”

“On the other hand, critics of selling U.S. military technology have been ruthlessly silenced and suppressed.”

“For two decades rumors have surfaced that critics of aid to the Soviet Union have been silenced. Back in the 1930s General Electric warned its employees in the Soviet Union not to discuss their work in the USSR under penalty of dismissal.”

“In the 1950s and 1960s IBM fired engineers who publicly opposed sale of IBM computers to the USSR…”

—end of Sutton excerpt—

In the current climate of “cancel anything Russian,” supporters of that campaign ought to be calling for the cancellation of Americans indicted in Sutton’s work.

But of course, how many people know what Sutton discovered?

The widespread ignorance is no accident.

(Episode 24 of Rappoport Podcasts — “OPERATION PERMANENT LANDSCAPE: How the Planners Are Installing a Present and Future of Fake Viruses, Deadly RNA Injections, Fear, and Medical Slavery for Planet Earth” — is now posted on my substack. It’s a blockbuster. To listen, click here. To learn more about This Episode of Rappoport Podcasts, click here.)

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Anti-Russia? Try this on for size

by Jon Rappoport

September 21, 2022

(To join our email list, click here.)

The prodigious author and researcher, Antony Sutton (1925-2002), wrote about hidden men behind momentous events.

In 1999, Kris Millegan, researcher and head of TrineDay publishers, wrote:

“Antony C. Sutton, 74, has been persecuted but never prosecuted for his research and subsequent publishing of his findings. His mainstream career was shattered by his devotion towards uncovering the truth. In 1968, his Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development was published by The Hoover Institute at Stanford University. Sutton showed how the Soviet state’s technological and manufacturing base, which was then engaged in supplying the North Vietnamese the armaments and supplies to kill and wound American soldiers, was built by US firms and mostly paid for by the US taxpayers. From their largest steel and iron plant, to automobile manufacturing equipment, to precision ball-bearings and computers, basically the majority of the Soviet’s large industrial enterprises had been built with the United States help or technical assistance.”

Here is a telling Antony Sutton quote from his book, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy (1986):

“By using data of Russian origin it is possible to make an accurate analysis of the origins of this equipment. It was found that all the main diesel and steam-turbine propulsion systems of the ninety-six Soviet ships on the Haiphong supply run [to the North Vietnamese] that could be identified (i.e., eighty-four out of the ninety-six) originated in design or construction outside the USSR. We can conclude, therefore, that if the [US] State and Commerce Departments, in the 1950s and 1960s, had consistently enforced the legislation passed by Congress in 1949, the Soviets would not have had the ability to supply the Vietnamese War – and 50,000 more Americans and countless Vietnamese would be alive today.”

“Who were the government officials responsible for this transfer of known military technology? The concept originally came from National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger, who reportedly sold President Nixon on the idea that giving military technology to the Soviets would temper their global territorial ambitions. How Henry arrived at this gigantic non sequitur is not known. Sufficient to state that he aroused considerable concern over his motivations. Not least that Henry had been a paid family employee of the Rockefellers since 1958 and has served as International Advisory Committee Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, a Rockefeller concern.”

If you think such traitorous actions could never have occurred, I point you to another researcher, Charles Higham, and his 1983 classic, Trading with the Enemy.

Higham focuses on World War 2. The men behind the curtain Higham exposed are in the same basic group that Antony Sutton exposed.

Higham, Trading with the Enemy:

“What would have happened if millions of American and British people, struggling with coupons and lines at the gas stations, had learned that in 1942 Standard Oil of New Jersey [part of the Rockefeller empire] managers shipped the enemy’s [Germany’s] fuel through neutral Switzerland and that the enemy was shipping Allied fuel? Suppose the public had discovered that the Chase Bank in Nazi-occupied Paris after Pearl Harbor was doing millions of dollars’ worth of business with the enemy with the full knowledge of the head office in Manhattan [the Rockefeller family among others?] Or that Ford trucks were being built for the German occupation troops in France with authorization from Dearborn, Michigan? Or that Colonel Sosthenes Behn, the head of the international American telephone conglomerate ITT, flew from New York to Madrid to Berne during the war to help improve Hitler’s communications systems and improve the robot bombs that devastated London? Or that ITT built the FockeWulfs that dropped bombs on British and American troops? Or that crucial ball bearings were shipped to Nazi-associated customers in Latin America with the collusion of the vice-chairman of the U.S. War Production Board in partnership with Goering’s cousin in Philadelphia when American forces were desperately short of them? Or that such arrangements were known about in Washington and either sanctioned or deliberately ignored?”

Getting the picture?

War, what is it good for? With the same elites backing both sides, it’s good for business. It’s good for creating chaos and destruction. It’s good for launching new global organizations, in the aftermath; organizations that exert a level of control and reach that didn’t exist before. It’s good for launching organizations like the United Nations and the European Union and the World Trade Organization—dedicated to Globalism, which in turn is dedicated to planned civilization, in which the individual is demeaned and the group is All.

Freedom is demeaned; and dominance by the few over the many is hailed as peace in our time.

(Episode 24 of Rappoport Podcasts — “OPERATION PERMANENT LANDSCAPE: How the Planners Are Installing a Present and Future of Fake Viruses, Deadly RNA Injections, Fear, and Medical Slavery for Planet Earth” — is now posted on my substack. It’s a blockbuster. To listen, click here. To learn more about This Episode of Rappoport Podcasts, click here.)

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Communism, or Con-umism?

by Jon Rappoport

August 25, 2022

(To join our email list, click here.)

I have no objection to calling what’s happening to America now a Communist takeover.

But you could use other names:



The Corporate State.



The Great Reset.


The Syndicate.




The names don’t matter.

What does matter is the common denominator: more and more power in fewer hands at the top, and less and less power everywhere else.

Which reveals the obvious response and solution: radical decentralization of power along all lines.

Starve the beast.

But there’s a catch. When you correctly identify that common denominator, you’re also saying the answer is in your hands.

Because you participate in the decentralizing.

Otherwise, decentralizing doesn’t happen.

You can’t set up new power centers by saying SOMEBODY ELSE HAS TO DO IT.

That doesn’t work.

That would be con-umism.

It leads to the biggest takeover of all.

If you took all the energy people expend telling themselves and rationalizing how SOMEBODY ELSE HAS TO DO IT, you could run all the industry in the world with it.

Thus ends today’s lesson in Political Science 101. “Political” comes from the Greek “polis,” which means “city-state,” “community,” and not the predatory community at the top of the national/global food chain.

(Episode 20 of Rappoport Podcasts — “Crisis at the Southern Border Exploding Now: The Black Lives Matter Connection and How George Soros, Mexico, and China Are Engineering This Crisis to Destroy America” — is now posted on my substack. It’s a blockbuster. To listen, click here. To learn more about This Episode of Rappoport Podcasts, click here.)

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

To read Jon’s articles on Substack, click here.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

An economic pattern anyone can grasp

by Jon Rappoport

August 1, 2022

(To join our email list, click here.)

This is a companion piece to my article running right now at substack. I suggest you read both.

Here we go:

You take a rundown city neighborhood; high crime rate, poverty, buildings boarded up, rats, roaches, broken streetlights; and you buy up the whole area at a bargain basement price.

You tear down everything and you put up new buildings and you clear out all the residents—and you bring in new renters and owners. Now you’ve got nice apartments and cafes and art galleries and bike paths.

This is called gentrification.

Then you enact bullshit claims about a pandemic, you lock that neighborhood down, businesses close, many renters and owners go broke and move away. Decay sets in. The crime rate rises. Illegal immigrants are bused in and placed in empty buildings.


THEN you do exactly what you did the first time. You buy up the whole distressed neighborhood at rock-bottom prices AGAIN, and you rebuild.


It’s profitable economics as it’s practiced these days.

I’ll present you with a good example. NEW YORK CITY. Pretty much all of it.

Go out on the streets of New York and document all the changes. Hopefully, you’ll make a deal for a 10-page photo-spread in Vogue Magazine.

You’ll need a big glossy media outlet to give you lots of space every year for an annual update. The up and the down and up of the Lower East Side, the Upper West Side, Soho, the Village, etc.

Pump, dump, and pump again.

On and on.

Just like the stock market.

—Actually, this whole method of economics is based on the notion that you’re never going to find major paradigm-changing breakthroughs. You have to keep cycling through the tearing down and building up, because nothing new is really on the horizon.

And by new, I mean, for instance, a new source of energy. Such an abundant supply that it changes the game forever.

Which brings us to this question: has such a source already been discovered, and is it being hidden?

Is it in one or more of the several thousand patent applications which the US Patent Office has sequestered in limbo?

If so, and if such technology is real and valid, what economic model would best support it—assuming you could bring it to market.

Yes, bringing it to market is the rub. But I believe there are ways to accomplish it.

I hope to have more on these issues in the near future.

One thing I’ll say for now. The idea of abundant energy for everybody for free is misguided. There is no free lunch. Think, for example, of all the streets and roads and highways in America. People tend to take them for granted. Some people claim they’re there for everybody’s use—at no charge. Those people have never heard of taxes.

Stay tuned—and go to my substack page and read about JFK’s vision of abundant energy.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

To read Jon’s articles on Substack, click here.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

From COVID to Global Control: bait and switch

by Jon Rappoport

July 19, 2022

(To join our email list, click here.)

“One new reality is global interconnectivity and the fact that all challenges must be addressed on the basis of ‘togetherness.’ Thus the most crucial factor in accepting the new reality and confronting its opportunities and risks is our willingness to develop shared norms on all levels.” (Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum)

The above quote is a glimpse of the switch in the bait and switch.

First, in early 2020, there was a narrative, a story about a virus, and the selling of that story, and the selling of all the (ruinous) restrictions which would have to be put in place, in order to “curb the spread.”

Then came what you could call “transitional language”:

In order to be prepared for the next pandemic, we need early warning, on a global scale; and THIS means a much greater level of cooperation among nations.

You know, that sort of talk.

It included: We have to be able to identify human carriers of a virus before they develop symptoms, because they’re silently spreading a killer.

It included: These pandemics are never going to stop. With massive international travel, the transport of goods across national borders, with deadly viruses escaping from rain forests…we have to create a PERMANENT global society, with proper controls, which can withstand and survive the onslaught of these devastating germs.

Transitional language.

From the bait (a story about a virus), the con moves to the switch (a permanent global control grid).

Is there some sort of picture of what the control grid will look like? Just a sketch?

Why yes, there is.

We need to look to the nation which has garnered the most praise for its handling of the “pandemic crisis.” Praise from elite global players like the World Health Organization and the UN and Bill Gates.

Of course, I mean China.

China is the elite model. It locked down 50 million citizens overnight, at the beginning of 2020. And it’s doing it again.

But there’s more.

Much more.

I call your attention to a stunning article in The Atlantic. “The Panopticon Is Already Here” (September, 2020), by Ross Andersen.

Here are significant excerpts:

“Artificial intelligence has applications in nearly every human domain, from the instant translation of spoken language to early viral-outbreak detection. But Xi [Xi Jinping, president of China] also wants to use AI’s awesome analytical powers to push China to the cutting edge of surveillance. He wants to build an all-seeing digital system of social control, patrolled by precog algorithms that identify potential dissenters in real time.”

“China already has hundreds of millions of surveillance cameras in place. Xi’s government hopes to soon achieve full video coverage of key public areas. Much of the footage collected by China’s cameras is parsed by algorithms for security threats of one kind or another. In the near future, every person who enters a public space could be identified, instantly, by AI matching them to an ocean of personal data, including their every text communication, and their body’s one-of-a-kind protein-construction schema. In time, algorithms will be able to string together data points from a broad range of sources—travel records, friends and associates, reading habits, purchases—to predict political resistance before it happens. China’s government could soon achieve an unprecedented political stranglehold on more than 1 billion people.”

“China is already developing powerful new surveillance tools, and exporting them to dozens of the world’s actual and would-be autocracies. Over the next few years, those technologies will be refined and integrated into all-encompassing surveillance systems that dictators can plug and play.”

“China’s government could harvest footage from equivalent Chinese products. They could tap the cameras attached to ride-share cars, or the self-driving vehicles that may soon replace them: Automated vehicles will be covered in a whole host of sensors, including some that will take in information much richer than 2-D video. Data from a massive fleet of them could be stitched together, and supplemented by other [Alibaba] City Brain streams, to produce a 3-D model of the city that’s updated second by second. Each refresh could log every human’s location within the model. Such a system would make unidentified faces a priority, perhaps by sending drone swarms to secure a positive ID.”

“An authoritarian state with enough processing power could force the makers of such software to feed every blip of a citizen’s neural activity into a government database. China has recently been pushing citizens to download and use a propaganda app. The government could use emotion-tracking software to monitor reactions to a political stimulus within an app. A silent, suppressed response to a meme or a clip from a Xi speech would be a meaningful data point to a precog algorithm.”

“All of these time-synced feeds of on-the-ground data could be supplemented by footage from drones, whose gigapixel cameras can record whole cityscapes in the kind of crystalline detail that allows for license-plate reading and gait recognition. ‘Spy bird’ drones already swoop and circle above Chinese cities, disguised as doves. City Brain’s feeds could be synthesized with data from systems in other urban areas, to form a multidimensional, real-time account of nearly all human activity within China. Server farms across China will soon be able to hold multiple angles of high-definition footage of every moment of every Chinese person’s life.”

“The government might soon have a rich, auto-populating data profile for all of its 1 billion–plus citizens. Each profile would comprise millions of data points, including the person’s every appearance in surveilled space, as well as all of her communications and purchases. Her threat risk to the party’s power could constantly be updated in real time, with a more granular score than those used in China’s pilot ‘social credit’ schemes, which already aim to give every citizen a public social-reputation score based on things like social-media connections and buying habits. Algorithms could monitor her digital data score, along with everyone else’s, continuously, without ever feeling the fatigue that hit Stasi officers working the late shift. False positives—deeming someone a threat for innocuous behavior—would be encouraged, in order to boost the system’s built-in chilling effects, so that she’d turn her sharp eyes on her own behavior, to avoid the slightest appearance of dissent.”

“If her risk factor fluctuated upward—whether due to some suspicious pattern in her movements, her social associations, her insufficient attention to a propaganda-consumption app, or some correlation known only to the AI—a purely automated system could limit her movement. It could prevent her from purchasing plane or train tickets. It could disallow passage through checkpoints. It could remotely commandeer ‘smart locks’ in public or private spaces, to confine her until security forces arrived.”

“Each time a person’s face is recognized, or her voice recorded, or her text messages intercepted, this information could be attached, instantly, to her government-ID number, police records, tax returns, property filings, and employment history. It could be cross-referenced with her medical records and DNA, of which the Chinese police boast they have the world’s largest collection.”

Is China exporting this control-grid technology?

“The country [China] is now the world’s leading seller of AI-powered surveillance equipment. In Malaysia, the government is working with Yitu, a Chinese AI start-up, to bring facial-recognition technology to Kuala Lumpur’s police as a complement to Alibaba’s City Brain platform. Chinese companies also bid to outfit every one of Singapore’s 110,000 lampposts with facial-recognition cameras.”

“In South Asia, the Chinese government has supplied surveillance equipment to Sri Lanka. On the old Silk Road, the Chinese company Dahua is lining the streets of Mongolia’s capital with AI-assisted surveillance cameras. Farther west, in Serbia, Huawei is helping set up a ‘safe-city system,’ complete with facial-recognition cameras and joint patrols conducted by Serbian and Chinese police aimed at helping Chinese tourists to feel safe.”

“In the early aughts, the Chinese telecom titan ZTE sold Ethiopia a wireless network with built-in backdoor access for the government. In a later crackdown, dissidents were rounded up for brutal interrogations, during which they were played audio from recent phone calls they’d made. Today, Kenya, Uganda, and Mauritius are outfitting major cities with Chinese-made surveillance networks.”

“In Egypt, Chinese developers are looking to finance the construction of a new capital. It’s slated to run on a ‘smart city’ platform similar to City Brain, although a vendor has not yet been named. In southern Africa, Zambia has agreed to buy more than $1 billion in telecom equipment from China, including internet-monitoring technology. China’s Hikvision, the world’s largest manufacturer of AI-enabled surveillance cameras, has an office in Johannesburg.”

“In 2018, CloudWalk Technology, a Guangzhou-based start-up spun out of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, inked a deal with the Zimbabwean government to set up a surveillance network. Its terms require Harare to send images of its inhabitants—a rich data set, given that Zimbabwe has absorbed migration flows from all across sub-Saharan Africa—back to CloudWalk’s Chinese offices, allowing the company to fine-tune its software’s ability to recognize dark-skinned faces, which have previously proved tricky for its algorithms.”

“Having set up beachheads in Asia, Europe, and Africa, China’s AI companies are now pushing into Latin America, a region the Chinese government describes as a ‘core economic interest.’ China financed Ecuador’s $240 million purchase of a surveillance-camera system. Bolivia, too, has bought surveillance equipment with help from a loan from Beijing. Venezuela recently debuted a new national ID-card system that logs citizens’ political affiliations in a database built by ZTE…”

You could call all this Lockdown, Phase 2. But of course it’s much more. It’s designed to be permanent.

It’s a control grid, the switch in the bait and switch.

Ultimately, long term, we’re dealing with the switch, not the bait.

I’ll add a few more features to the “China plan.” Under the rubric of climate change, and “limiting CO2,” worldwide of production of energy would be significantly lowered. At the individual level, this would result in energy-use quotas. Strictly enforced.

“Mr. Jones, this is your phone helper. You’re nearing the limit of your energy use for the month. I don’t want to see you incur penalties. For example, your Guaranteed Universal Income allotment could be reduced. So for the next 10 days, I’ll be turning off some of your devices. Use your computer only between the hours of 2 and 4AM. Don’t drive. Don’t cook. The heat in your apartment will be shut down between midnight and 6AM. Remember, this is being done to curb the effect of climate change. We all have to do our part…”

Then there is 5G technology, which enables the Internet of Things (IoT). All sorts of products, from diapers to chocolate bars, will contain tags so these items can talk to each other and regulate your consumption and buying habits.

But the real kicker is more-control-grid. For instance, the top-down regulation of driverless cars on roads and highways; the moment to moment choice of routes and patterns of traffic for a whole city. The ability to stop all cars in a city, or clear them off roads in a “problem area.”

Because you’d be wearing a number of items tagged with their own tiny computers, law-enforcement could calculate and decide, at any given moment, that there are too many people in a park. The people “might constitute a threat.” So an order goes out to empty the park.

And in this article, I’m not getting into the far reaches of genetic modification of humans, or brain-computer interfaces, or the medical control of the body through inserted nano-sensors.

Let me give you that Klaus Schwab quote again. You read it at the top of this piece. Read it one more time and render it into its true meaning:

“One new reality is global interconnectivity and the fact that all challenges must be addressed on the basis of ‘togetherness.’ Thus the most crucial factor in accepting the new reality and confronting its opportunities and risks is our willingness to develop shared norms on all levels.”

This is a ten thousand year war called Freedom Versus Slavery.

Like it or not, we’re up to our necks in it.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

To read Jon’s articles on Substack, click here.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The people are starving and the skies are clear

by Jon Rappoport

July 5, 2022

(To join our email list, click here.)

Let me put this on the table: Inflation IS their climate change plan.

That old broken down demented grifter, Joe Biden, said the price of gas at the pump was the doing of GAS STATION OWNERS, and all they had to do was cut the price.

The Political Left—meaning Globalists—want to limit driving and traveling and use of oil across the board. This is the limit-CO2 agenda.

But that agenda was and is a cover for enforced poverty and lower energy use.

That agenda is the Globalists’ planned future for all of us.

A decrepit country struggling to maintain any sort of functioning economy at all.

Because that country is easier to take over.

It has nothing to do with global warming and CO2, which was a con from the get-go. A way of throttling industry.

Every tyrant down through history has longed for the day when he could say to the people, “If you don’t want to starve, let me take care of you. I will. You just have to obey all my orders.”

I don’t know what the oil company CEOs are doing these days. But if they grew a pair of balls, they would find a way to deliver oil at a reasonable price, even if they had to break the law to do it and force the federal government to send in troops to stop them. THEN the public would know what’s going on. THEN the people would speak. THEN we would have something.

The problem is, the oil execs have been sucking at the federal money teat for far too long. They’ve turned into collaborators.

They don’t know how to go public and speak straight from the shoulder to the people. They only know how to do corporate speak, blown-dry air-brushed bullshit.

They’ve had it too easy.

We got a preview of corporate courage when Trump stood aside and let that worm, little Anthony Fauci, take over the country during the fraudulent pandemic. The national lockdown was declared, and big-time corporate heads did NOTHING to rebel and keep their doors open for business. They just gathered around the federal bailout trough and snorted in cash.

They STILL don’t see what’s waiting for them up the road. The Globalist plan to enforce poverty means the customers bases of those corporations will shrink and keep shrinking.

More and more, the corporations will become giant bureaucracies of the federal government.

Not ONE of these CEOs will stand up and say, “America, this is what is REALLY going on…the government is driving you into poverty. We’re not going to sit here and take it. As of today, we’re all-out rebels, but we need millions of you to support us…”

America is 10 CEOs and 10 microphones away from the beginning of a revolution.

If people could see it.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

To read Jon’s articles on Substack, click here.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.