Shark week on TV came and went

I was too busy growing my scorpions, and omitted reporting on it

by Jon Rappoport

August 11, 2022

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For NoMoreFakeNews Readers who haven’t yet visited my substack page, here’s a sample of what I’m doing over there. What follows below is the Lite version. At substack, every day, I’m DESTROYING REALITY—the reality nobody wants, except for the demented ones.

It’s my self-appointed task, and frankly, nobody does it better. I take the odd jobs. And I go all in.

—Several TV channels, back there in the mists of time—July—went wall to wall with shark shows and promos.

I have a theory. Scientists have found a way to pipe those shows to sharks around the world, and then the big fish swim close to shore and attack swimmers. Some of those sharks have Swiss bank accounts, and they pocket fees from media networks.

Also, just like the word “recession,” “great white shark” is being redefined. They can be much smaller than the beast in Jaws. So there are many more of them (for TV). I have to take a look at my tabletop aquarium. I may have a few buzzing around in there.

The shark shows feature lots of boat crews. These crazy guys drop fish in the water to attract sharks in order to film them. The guys go underwater in metal cages and wait for the monsters to bang against the bars. The guys fly in helicopters above shore lines and look down and speculate about why the sharks are coming ever closer to beaches:

Seals, otters, climate change, systemic racism, gender dysphoria.

For some reason—maybe it’s in the sharks’ TV contracts—the great whites open their mouths VERY wide, exposing all their teeth, when they’re going after six little trout the boat guys dropped overboard as bait. Seems very inefficient. Nature doesn’t usually operate that way.

I watched a show that ran footage of hundreds of fins poking up above the waterline close to a beach. I suspect those fins were plastic forgeries. Especially since the show’s host was doing his stand-up about 20 feet into the water.

I’m fascinated by the shows, because they raise a question. Is the viewing audience rooting for the guys or the sharks? In the larger scheme of things, is the audience rooting for the heroes or the monsters?

You could take this out to: Are most people willing to sacrifice humans for the sake of the environment, even if it means massive depopulation?

I know people who would choose the environment in a second.

Maybe this is behind all those shark shows: Nature is coming to get us, and we should let it.

It has a certain appeal, especially for people who’ve given up on the human race. They’re like the fish who swim along quietly with sharks, eating the big beasts’ leftovers.

Would you die to save one giant redwood?

Would you?

Lots of people say they would. I wonder what they’d do if they had to die in the water by great white attack.

I actually believe it’s possible for individual humans to rise to a level where they can make friends with the wildest of beasts. But short of that, a long slithering crocodile coming out of a river can take off a leg and a crotch before you can punch in 911 on your cell.

Generally speaking, I’m not a worshipful fan of Nature. For instance, take the rainforest, which I rightly call the jungle. I know that when you get down in there and you’re fighting your way through the undergrowth, you encounter an astonishing variety of life. But viewed from the air, as you’re flying over it, you see it marching all the way out to the horizon. There’s a paralyzing SAMENESS to it, as if one football-field-sized chunk has been exactly replicated, over and over and over. As if Nature said, “Ah, the hell with it, you get the idea. I’m just going to copy that original piece a million times and lay each piece next to another and multiply the whole ‘army’ on and on until you humans do something with it…”

Humans eventually obliged. Indeed, they did some crazy shit with it. But the basic notion of intervention made sense. Otherwise, we’d still be living in a whole world of nothing but jungle.

Many people SAY they want that. They’re all cuddly with the idea. But if you dropped them down into the middle of a dense patch, with the prospect of living out a whole life of 60 years or so there without let up, I think you’d have lots of conscientious objectors.

I’d put up one of the great Rembrandt self-portraits against a giant redwood any day of the week.

And one of those blunt tropical trees that spreads out horizontally in all directions with twisted roots above the ground? Versus, say, the Chrysler Building in New York? I’ll take the Chrysler.

I’ll go all in with the Brooklyn Bridge against any square mile of jungle anywhere in the world.

Now if it was a choice between a fantastic black leopard picking his way through foliage in Southeast Asia, and, say, the entire corner of 8th St. and Sixth Avenue in Manhattan, I’m taking the leopard.

So I’m a mixed bag. It’s case by case.

Great white shark, or the crazy TV guys in the boat filming the beast? Theoretically, it might be a draw. But I do have species-biased loyalties. I’ll pick the guys. As long as I don’t have to sit in a bar and listen to their stories.

A koala bear in a tree or Klaus Schwab? The cute koala, hands down.

Which would I prefer? Great white ate Bill Gates, or Bill Gates ate the great white? See, I think Bill DID eat the great white. That’s why he’s the way he is. So turnabout is fair play. Maybe next year, we’ll see that turnabout explode on screens during shark week. The ratings would go through the roof. Both sides would pause the war in the Ukraine and watch.

This is my problem with television. The networks know very well how to send their numbers soaring. But they back off.

My production team has put in a proposal to Sea World in San Diego. Capture a great white. A really huge one, not a renamed barracuda. A slathering monster. Dump it in a giant pool at Sea World. Keep it there. Have staff members feed it a few hundred pounds of meat from the ends of poles every day. (This is all broadcast to a global audience 24/7 without let up.) Train this shark to sit up and beg for food, bob for apples, turn somersaults. The works.

Finally, the beast is domesticated.

A trainer can ride it around the pool. He can pet its mouth and clean its teeth. He can administer castration drugs without objection. What a show.

And then one day…just like humans who have been subjected to endless mind control reeducation…the shark blows his top. He shakes off all his programming.

My production team has scripts prepared for that day. We have a voice-over narrator who will explain to the viewing audience—as the shark is wreaking havoc in the bloody pool and leaping out into the stands where the onlookers are sitting paralyzed, waiting to be munched—the narrator will describe the way mind control works and what happens when it reaches a limit.

The narrator will explain why a society based on individual freedom with responsibility, as opposed to State tyranny, avoids such a horrific outcome.

It’s an object lesson in, let’s call it social studies.

I think it’ll have a beneficial impact.

Don’t you?

For example, people might rethink the recent Los Angeles arrest of two traffickers who possessed 150,000 fentanyl pills, capable of killing several million people. After charging the duo, the DA released the traffickers on their own recognizance.

The public’s PASSIVE ACCEPTANCE of such an outrageous prosecutorial action surely speaks to the influence of mind control and entrainment and programming.

Or to put it another way—individuals fear what the State would do to them if they put aside their fear.

Shark week brings up many interesting thoughts. That’s why it’s so majestic.

Don’t forget to visit my substack page. Jaws are opening and closing there every day.

(Episode 18 of Rappoport Podcasts — “Busting Fake Reality: The Job of the Century; The Knight’s Journey” — is now posted on my substack. It’s a blockbuster. To listen, click here. To learn more about This Episode of Rappoport Podcasts, click here.)

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

To read Jon’s articles on Substack, click here.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

9 comments on “Shark week on TV came and went

  1. Paul says:

    “At substack, every day, I’m DESTROYING REALITY—”



  2. Thomas Frey says:

    I don’t believe for a second that anyone in D.C. or running for D.C., isn’t already bought and paid for.

    The snakes promise what we want to hear, then do nothing of the sort when they get there.

    Same shite, different day.

  3. alison Cline says:

    Jon, Absolutely fabulous writing. How you are able to put a point on the latest weekly insanity is what I love. You keep me entertained no end. I wish I had such a grasp on words to play with as you do. Never stop. Stay with us. We need you.

  4. Mark Stepnoski says:

    Actually, there already is a movie similar to the one you proposed toward the end of your article; however, instead of great white sharks it involves killer whales, and it’s called “Blackfish.”

    • Moss says:

      And a few counterparts to Blackfish are Saving Luna (a documentary about a relationship formed between a young male orca and a town in the area near Vancouver), and The Lighthouse of the Orcas (a drama about an autistic boy who is reconnected to his emotions through orcas in Patagonia).

  5. Ninsuna says:

    I knew a fantasy/SciFi artist named Ron Walotsky years ago (God rest him). He told me a story about attending an art class in NYC long ago when Salvadore Dali came to lecture.

    Dali was standing in the front of the class with a shabby-looking man he had brought in from the street. His first words to the class were: “Do you see this man? HE can paint better than Rembrandt!”

    Just thought of that when you mentioned Rembrandt. Not everyone has been a fan, apparently. Sounds like Dali would have chosen the redwood, haha.

  6. William R Hall Jr says:

    There is something fishy going on in Syracuse NY

    We might be getting a Killer Whale!

    Due to a surplus of funds from Federal Pandemic Aid and strong tax collections City Hall has voted 9-8 to build an aquarium in the inner harbor of Onondaga Lake.

    Opponents to the aquarium say the 85 million dollars would be better spent on fighting the increasing lead poisoning from pipes and paint in existing homes.

    Since it is Federal Pandemic Relief money why not give each taxpayer an aquarium of their own. They can use them to raise scorpions.

    • Jim S. Smith says:

      Then they would no longer be Aquaria, now would they?

      More like Terraria at that point.


      I’ll take the Empress Scorpion over there, please!

  7. Moss says:

    Ah, the sharks. The lions. The leopards. The hornets and the scorpions. The spiders and the snakes. All things bright and beautiful? If there were none of them we might be overrun with…fill in the blank. Maybe instead of one Gates, one Fauci, etc., there’d be millions upon millions.

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