The FDA cover-up that led to the approval of the Pfizer vaccine

by Jon Rappoport

May 25, 2021

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As I’ve been documenting for the past year, the COVID experts have been contradicting themselves six ways from Sunday. As charlatans, they’re abject failures. They can’t keep their own story straight.

Thanks to an alert reader, I’ve come across a new blockbuster.

BY THEIR OWN STANDARDS, the FDA should never have allowed the Pfizer COVID vaccine to be shot into a single arm. The Agency’s Emergency Use Authorization was a crime—according to their own data.

Here we go.

The document, posted on the FDA website, is titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products; Advisory Committee Meeting; FDA Briefing Document Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.” [1]

It is dated December 10, 2020. The date tells us that all the information in the document is taken from the Pfizer clinical trial, based on which the FDA authorized the vaccine for public use.

A key quote is buried on page 42: “Among 3410 total cases of suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 in the overall study population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group [who received a saltwater shot].”

Those shocking numbers have never seen the light of day in news media.

The comparative numbers reveal that the vaccine was not effective at preventing COVID-19. It was certainly not 50% more effective than no vaccine at all—the standard for FDA Emergency Use Authorization.

To make all this clear, I need to back up and explain the theory of the vaccine clinical trial.

The researchers assumed the SARS-CoV-2 virus was spreading everywhere in the world, and during the clinical trial, it would descend on some volunteers.

The billion-dollar question was: how many people receiving the vaccine would become infected, vs. how many people in the placebo group?

If it turned out that FAR FEWER people getting the vaccine became infected with SARS-CoV-2, the vaccine would be hailed as a success. It protected people against the virus.

But as you can see from the numbers above, that wasn’t the case at all.

So now we come to the vital weasel-phrase in the FDA document I just quoted: “suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 [cases].”

“Well, you see, we can’t say these were ACTUAL COVID-19 cases. Maybe they were, maybe they weren’t. They’re in limbo. We want to keep them in limbo. Otherwise, our clinical trial is dead in the water, and we’ll never get approval for the vaccine.”

What does “suspected cases” mean? It can only mean these people all displayed symptoms consistent with the definition of COVID-19, but they’re unconfirmed cases because…their PCR tests were negative, not positive.

However, if their tests were negative, why would they be called “suspected cases” instead of “NOT CASES”?

Something is wrong here. The FDA is hedging its bets, muddying the waters, obscuring facts.

By FDA/CDC rules, a case of COVID-19 means: a person has tested positive, period.

That’s the way cases are counted.

These several thousand volunteers in the Pfizer clinical trial were either COVID-19 cases or they weren’t. Which is it?

The official response to that question is obvious: the FDA decided to throw the data from all those suspected cases in the garbage and ignore them. Poof. Gone.

Why do I say that?

Because if the FDA had paid serious attention to the several thousand “suspected cases,” they never would have authorized the vaccine for public use. They would have stopped the clinical trial and undertaken a very deep and extensive investigation.

Which they didn’t.

This is called a crime.

“But…but it’s not that simple. This is a complex situation. It’s a gray area.”

“No. It isn’t. If you were running a clinical trial of a new drug, and a few thousand people in the trial, who were given the drug, nevertheless came down with the disease symptoms the drug was supposed to cure, wouldn’t you cancel the trial and go back to the drawing board?”

“You mean if we were being honest? That’s a joke, right? We’re not honest. Don’t you get it?”

Yes. I get it. You’re criminals. Killers.

But wait. There’s more. The FDA document also states: “Suspected COVID-19 cases that occurred within 7 days after any vaccination were 409 in the vaccine group vs. 287 in the placebo group.”

That’s explosive. Right after vaccination, 409 people who received the shots became “suspected COVID cases.” This alone should have been enough to stop the clinical trial altogether. But it wasn’t.

In fact, the FDA document tries to excuse those 409 cases with a slippery comment: “It is possible that the imbalance in suspected COVID-19 cases occurring in the 7 days post vaccination represents vaccine reactogenicity with symptoms that overlap with those of COVID-19.”

Translation: You see, a number of clinical symptoms of COVID-19 and adverse effects from the vaccine are the same. Therefore, we have no idea whether the vaccinated people developed COVID or were just reacting to the vaccine. So we’re going to ignore this whole mess and pretend it’s of no importance.

Back in April of 2020, I predicted the vaccine manufacturers would use this strategy to explain away COVID cases occurring in the vaccine groups of their clinical trials.

It’s called cooking the data. It’s a way of writing off and ignoring COVID symptoms in the vaccine group—and instead saying, “The vaccine is safe and effective.”

And the FDA document, as I stated above, just puts an impenetrable cloud over all the volunteers in the Pfizer clinical trial by inventing a category called “suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 cases,” and throwing those crucial data away, never to be spoken of again.

I’m speaking about them now. Any sensible person, looking at them, would conclude that the vaccine should never have been authorized.

Unless fraud, deception, profits, and destruction of human life via the vaccine were and are the true goals.

Finally: When you have “suspected cases,” and their ultimate status depends on doing a test, you do the test. You do it as many times as you need to, until it registers positive or negative. Then each “suspected case” becomes an actual case or no case at all.

Perhaps these “suspected cases” in the clinical trial were tested, and many of them came up positive, revealing they were actual COVID cases—but the researchers lied and covered up the fact that they were tested.

Or if you really don’t want to know whether “suspected cases” are actual cases, you don’t test them. You leave them in a convenient limbo and park them, never to be seen again.

Either way, the situation is patently absurd. By official standards, the PCR test decides whether a person is a case or not a case. Just do the test. Saying “we don’t know” is nothing more than a con and a hustle.

I’d love to hear the researchers try to talk their way out of this one. Here is how the conversation might go:

“So you’re saying these several thousand suspected COVID cases couldn’t be adjudicated one way or another?”

“That’s right. Their PCR tests were ‘indeterminate’.”

“That says something devastating about the test itself.”

“Well, sometimes you just can’t tell whether it’s positive or negative.”

“I see. And this ‘indeterminate’ result occurred in SEVERAL THOUSAND suspected cases.”

“I guess so, yes.”

“You know, you could have done something else with these suspected cases. A different test. You could have taken tissue samples and looked for the virus itself in a more direct way.”

“No. That wouldn’t work.”

“Why not?”

“Because…the actual virus…”

“Because no one has been able to come up with a specimen of the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus.”


“So tell me—what does that indicate? I’ll tell you what it indicates. You can’t prove the SARS-CoV-2 virus exists.

“I have to go. I’m late for a meeting.”

“You’re late for more than just a meeting. Is it true a person becomes a virologist by cutting out a coupon from the back of a comic book and mailing it to a PO Box in Maryland?’

“Absolutely not. That’s outrageous.”

“What then?”

“The PO Box is in Virginia.”



The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

59 comments on “The FDA cover-up that led to the approval of the Pfizer vaccine

  1. Pisces says:

    “You mean if we were being honest? That’s a joke, right? We’re not honest. Don’t you get it?” That’s funny and accurate.

    It is so embarrassing (for them) that it’s almost not funny… but I laughed when I read the quote above and the ones at the end of the article. Cleverly put, Jon!

  2. Sean says:

    Another great catch!

    Let me see, if I do a criminal act, I get to pay for it. Rightfully so.

    If the FDA or CDC and the rest of it does a crime, they should too.

    I am so good with that.

    Shut it down for ever!

  3. Paul says:

    [any sensible person]:
    “…would conclude
    that the vaccine
    should never
    have been authorized.

    Unless fraud, deception,
    profits, and destruction
    of human life
    via the vaccine
    were and are
    the true goals.”

    [slippery gray tardy Langley weasel]:
    “You are correct, sir.
    Yeah, sooo…”

  4. Arthur Danu says:

    A smoking gun, of the many smoking guns, already pointed out by you in regards to the COVID-FRAUD on this website.

    Will it change anything?

    Will it change anything?

    Will it change anything?

    That’s the song I sing, in the land of the largely unliving!

  5. Dr. W! says:

    Ha, Ha, Ha! – “The PO Box is in Virginia.”

    Any person who done the deeper studies – beneath the fanfare of the ‘Lame Dream Media,” knows – that is – they unequivocally KNOW. And just what pray tell Dr.W! do they know? They know that all of the statistics gathered by the ‘epidemiologists’ in reference to so -called health care speak very loudly for themselves! Beyond that, … .

    • Dr. W! says:

      Please note, the preceeding post had an error! It ought to have read: “Any person who has done the deeper studies – … .” As a youngster I was taught that if you make a mistake, then do what you can to correct the mistake. Also, ‘If you mess up, then fess up.’ Apparently, those behind this entire ‘plot’ did not have that same sort of an upbringing, or maybe they did but morality and ethics wouldn’t buy that shiny new convertible sports car. When I have referred to “deeper studies,” it is a reference to those actions which took place 100 and more years ago here in the USA. Many readers are aware that around the same time of the installation of the bad old u.s. fed. reserve system a campaign to wipe out any and all other approaches to healing that existed then, ensued. Osteopathy made it through, however that group was forced into including both pHarma drug concoctions and surgery. Neither were a part of Dr. Andrew Taylor Still’s original teachings. One other profession endured all of the onslaughts and persists to this day – non-surgical and drug free. (P.S. This commenter worked his tail off to learn, and to learn what seemed most important. And, to learn it for keeps. The only coupons involved were for discounts – mostly on foods!_)

  6. george says:

    “modern” medicine is based on a religious belief: ‘scientific materialism’. This fake belief says that there is no consciousness. Not at cell level, not at atom level not at macro level. All life is functioning based on chemical and physical laws.

    But that was proven wrong even in 19th century. The life does not follow physical laws. It breaks second law of thermodynamics = entropy law.

    Quantum physics also shows that there is something, intelligence or consciousness at subatomic level.

    Why this is important? Because if there is intelligence at cell level than the cell can decide which particle to allow inside, which protein to make. it does not make sense for a cell to let a virus inside and to execute the program. Complete paradigm shift.

    That is why modern medicine, agriculture destroys everything. They cannot understand life. They are a death cult.

    Read ‘Bruce Lipton’ for a detailed explanation.

    • Liz says:

      Totally agree with you George. I’d like to recommend Dr. Mae-Wan Ho’s work, just in case you don’t know her. Her understanding on life, Water, consciousness is very unique. I’d say she is truly a maverick among these so-called scientists. : ) Lee

      You could start from here:

    • DL says:


      So people literally now think 1) viruses, invaders, are flying around in the air 😆 and 2) that this particular coronavirus was released from a lab.

      So much propaganda. It’s fear-based.

      Viruses are not contagious, the only way a lab virus would escape a lab is via vaccination. It can fly through the air all it wants… though I’m not sure how it will go far considering viruses have no wings. If viruses were out to kill us, humans would be extinct! So funny, non-living viruses know how to bypass all of our body’s defense mechanisms? Really? Seriously? C’mon people…start thinking a bit more about this..

      Regardless, the lab hypothesis is a lie to fearmonger through conspiracy that viruses are contagious…

      Check out a site called from Jeff Green, where I learned how viruses are really made in our own bodies by our cells when our poor little bacteria can’t quite do the job of debreding any damage/toxin, etc. The viruses our cells make have our own DNA/RNA so they are not compatible with others peoples’ DNA and so not contagious. Viruses are site specific, to wherever the toxin/pollutant/med/drug/vaccine, etc. is causing damage. Coronaviruses, influenza viruses, etc. in the respiratory areas, hepatitis viruses in the liver, polio viruses in the spinal cord, etc. Where ever the toxins are too much and need to be rid of. If the first line of viruses made by the cells isn’t quite enough, another is made, ever so slightly different, called a variant, to continue with cleansing us of the toxin. Jeff Green explains it soooo well. I started with his page of articles. He puts so much time into even answering comments/questions! Then I read the 5 newsletters. The interview Alana Fournet does with Jeff-she explains/summarizes his points very well. And the podcast ‘Viral Misconceptions’ I think covers a lot. It is amazing what our God-given bodies are built to do for us!!! Big Medicine, Big Pharma, Big Gov’t, viscou$ cycle of keeping people $ick and in need of med$ and vaccine$.

  7. Paul says:

    As to yesterday’s article:

    HOR Appropriations Subcommittee

    Dr. Francis Collins just said he would like a fast-tract study on ALS, via treatment with mRNA.

  8. Brad says:

    This is absolutely the most explosive information to date that outlines in detail the crimes against humanity by an organized criminal network comprising the FDA – CDC and in this case Pfizer. However when I took a look at page 47 of the FDA document linked I did not see a table with the figures cited. There is a link in this document “list of figures” page 4 that will show figures listed from pages beginning on page 30. I did not see this incriminating data but that doesn’t mean that I haven’t found the precise page it is listed, or?

  9. Lisa H says:

    This has been one entire charade. Thank you Jon. Sharing and infuriating one lib at a time.

  10. Maxwell says:

    Now more than ever it’s important to understand the economics of vaccines. Traditional systems of vaccine procurement and distribution are rapidly giving way to vast public–private supply chains. Despite annual revenues approaching US$1 trillion, the industry has been unable to reverse a declining rate of profit and finds itself in a perpetual state of crisis. In Fall/Winter of 2019 all stocks of Big Pharma companies were in steep decline. This changed dramatically in Spring 2020 as we know.

    The experimental gene therapy mRNA drugs are set to become the most lucrative drugs in medical history. Pharma depends on its “blockbuster drugs” to remain profitable and appealing to investors. It is not an exaggeration to say that without these “blockbuster drugs” the Pharma industry implodes.

    Draw your own conclusions.

    • DEZ says:

      Good. If this is how a criminal organisation works without robust agency management better off without them and far safer.

    • Paul Revere says:

      “The experimental gene therapy mRNA drugs are set to become the most lucrative drugs in medical history.”

      ONLY because of government purchases, on the backs of – missing the approval of – taxpayers. I pray that, eventually, people will begin to hold their governments responsible for mass murder.

  11. rebellious earthling says:

    The constant confusion and contradictions are all designed to be accelerants to the FEAR. This is fortunate for the psychopaths in charge because they’re all idiots, as the conveniently-dead Kary Mullis made clear. I don’t doubt they got their “degrees” from the back of a comic book.

  12. Joshua says:

    Don’t put words into the manufacturers mouth. They do not say these vaccines are safe and effective. They say they don’t know if they are either safe pr effective right on the insert info sheet.

    • Jimmy says:

      Go get your second shot and sit over in the corner and be quiet, people with brains and common sense are talking.

    • Paul Revere says:

      The vax insert I saw was essentially blank. It lacked even the merest reference to the Nuremberg Code, requiring fully-informed consent BEFORE humans participated in ANY experiment. Hang ’em all, even the ones who claim they were “just following orders.” They’re mass murderers, and they’ve killed far more people than any nutcase loose with a gun. Include the criminals who ramped up the cycles on the PCR tests until Biden was installed as Resident.

  13. joe says:

    thank you for explaining it so well. these medical tyrants must be put to sleep if you know what I mean.

    • Tim_2A says:

      Good thinking, Joe!

      A serious operation
      requires a serious plan.

      (Mr. Phelps, this mission, should you choose to accept it…)

      *WTP have got to:

      DRAG ((ALL OF)) THE

      (which are manned by people who are most likely ‘innocent,’
      ‘private contractors,’
      but that
      still might be
      the toughest part),

      WE, THE PEOPLE (*WTP),

      (A good location would be
      The Statue of Liberty,
      from the torch!)

      After they’ve
      each successively
      been left
      swinging up there,
      for a couple months
      (at least),

      so that their friends,

      like the rats,

      the carrion birds,

      and those

      who are working for
      the gov-vax-ocracy

      can ‘mourn’ them
      (and as they
      collect themselves
      some creepy
      we sweep **them up,

      Then, WTP drag down and
      collect the trash that’s left,
      and pulverize ‘it.’


      catapult the grinder,
      and the remains,

      an actively
      erupting volcano.

      (We need to be careful
      in doing that, though,
      as the volcano
      might get sick.

      We’ll need to mask up,
      make some trial runs,
      and do some
      double-blind studies,
      for safety’s sake.

      We won’t need

      we already

      **’guinea pigs.’)

      In that way, they’ll get the kind of “sleep” they deserve, and we can have some peace of mind.

      They also get
      free lava sarcophagi
      and tombstones,
      what a deal!

      Haikus, for our, and ‘their’ education:

      Toxic substances:
      Evil, and profitable.
      Stop poisoning us!
      Our bodies, TEST TUBES!!
      “Emergency”?? A ‘sick’ joke!
      Generations die.
      “VACCINATE, you FOOLS!”
      Gandalf has become their tool.
      Frodo, ‘shot,’ now drools…
      CDC’s fictions:
      What?! ANOTHER depiction??
      See? Contradictions…
      Has the end arrived?
      Tactics failing, or useless?
      Freedom’s a battle.
      Where our souls reside,
      An energy filled bottle,
      A vaporous thing.
      Creator’s beauties,
      Things that we lustily seek,
      Possessed, a short time.
      The way we love life,
      It’s grasping at candle flames,
      Darkly, we reflect.

      Making a short stop,
      Aware of limitations,
      Temporal delay.

      That’s enough.

  14. Tim says:

    What they’re passing off as “science” is laughable.

    Their house(system of belief) is built on sand. The only “science” they know or adhere to is the “science of deception”. Ultimately, it’s only a self-deception—they aren’t really fooling(or attacking, torturing, and enslaving) anyone except themselves.(The great denial).
    This will become more and more clear to people, and this thing(egoMatrix) will continue to SHRINK. It can never grow, it only shrinks.
    There is something Infinitely Greater and more Effective than any illusion or false idea operating within this thing—and It never fails. That Is The Truth—and It is never fooled by anything in any way.

    • stephen langley says:

      “Ages ago I awoke and began playing marbles with the universe. In truth, I have never missed the mark.” ~ ???

  15. Duke Walters says:

    This goes back to what I have learned in the decades I have worked as a scientific software programmer. Science is mostly fake. The science that we have been taught. Science claims that their “models” are the real deal and the universe / world / nature behave that way. That is not true at all. As described here in the example of vaccines, vaccines are a model of medicine / immunology. And, yes, it is a worthy model that fits scientific methodology and scientific thought (as a model only). However, it is a model which remains unproven to this day. There are no credible, independent, scientific studies that have gone through the proper levels of scientific scrutiny, that show that vaccines work. There is no scientific evidence that organisms need priming to get them ready before they naturally catch the real disease. That is all scientific speculation. Again, science wants us to believe that their scientific models are real. For the most part, they are not.

    Unfortunately, science is a religious cult. There is no true scientific method, and there hasn’t been for a very long time. It is not what you can say, or claim, or pull out of your imagination. It is what you can prove via scientific facts and principles beyond reasonable doubt. There is very little scientific reasoning in science today. The level of corruption in science today is unfathomable.

    • CK says:

      Yes, you’re absolutely right. Big Science has become EVIL. Something radically changed in Science during the 1980s- it seems like all fields became increasingly corrupt. Much of that is due to DIMINISHING RETURNS- if you can’t make real progress, then you have to FAKE it.

  16. john-oranje says:

    It seems from these so called trials that every diagnosis,
    whether using PCR or any other so called test or clinical
    observation or whatever just goes to show that; to paraphrase Humpty Dumpty in Alice in Wonderland,
    “When I use a covid test, it means just what I choose it
    to mean. neither more nor less”.

    • Paul Revere says:

      The real purpose of these tests is to install the DARPA hydrogels in as many people as possible. Do some research on what’s being done to everyone who has undergone a “Covid test”.

  17. John says:

    My personal philosophy is to keep myself healthy with NO big pharma “help”. I KNOW from experience the Fauci/CDC/WHO HIV scam works best on those in hospital for ANYTHING.(I was partially paralyzed three days after taking the dangerous toe fungus poison lamisol-I read about the class action suits after my debacle) EVERY trick was usd to get me on HIV poison-even mind altering hospital drugs. I am sure the same tried and true techniques are used for phony covid. Like HIV, covid is harmless for most without BIG help from other afflictions. (You got diabetes, obesity, lung cancer, failing heart-only a vaccine will help your covid!) Keep yourself healthy from this madness.

  18. Casey says:

    Jon, excellent find and I’d say this line from your article sums up this whole scam the best; “Either way, the situation is patently absurd.”

    The purposely ignorant, fear driven public who hang on every word coming from the corporatized establishment medical agencies, could not be more off base by thinking that men smarter than them have done all the necessary scientific leg work to know everything there is to know in this world, when its the exact opposite.

    • Paul Revere says:

      The brainwashing to “rely on experts” has been ongoing for at least 100 years, brought to you by the Rockefeller Foundation and other misanthropes.

    • stephen langley says:

      Great points. Common sense, i.e. critical thinking, has been, by design, replaced by the absurd proclamations of the expert class. Absurd owing to how utterly wrong they always are. “An ‘expert’ is someone who is paid to make you feel stupid by explaining something simple in complex terms.” Needless to say, if this deified class were to be held responsible for their prevarications there would be much less of it. When we get off our knees and claim our innate intelligence we will no more facilitate their absurdities nor find ourselves accepting their atrocities.

  19. Aussie says:

    I wish I was still on farcebook so I could post this and have it censored.

    • miker says:

      Funny, Iike to see Foogle go down…like ‘Old Testament Style.’

      ‘The truth is hate to those who hate the truth’

  20. Rick in Phoenix says:

    Jon: Thanks to an alert reader, I’ve come across a new blockbuster. BY THEIR OWN STANDARDS, the FDA should never have allowed the Pfizer COVID vaccine to be shot into a single arm. The Agency’s Emergency Use Authorization was a crime—according to their own data.

    Rick: I think that was me who was alert in this comment, referring to that FDA approval

    Jon: A key quote is buried on page 42: “Among 3410 total cases of suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 in the overall study population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group [who received a saltwater shot].”

    Rick: I missed the significance of this the first time through so I’ll restate it… ALMOST HALF of the vaxxed people got covid anyway!

    Jon: The comparative numbers reveal that the vaccine was not effective at preventing COVID-19. It was certainly not 50% more effective than no vaccine at all—the standard for FDA Emergency Use Authorization.

    Rick: Restating that this way: For FDA EUA… the vax has to be at least 50% MORE effective than nothing. The actual study show the vax was nearly NO MORE effecting than nothing… or 1816 less 1594 = about 200/1800 or about 1/10 or 10% more effective than nothing. I read earlier that the FDA Commissioner has the DISCRETION to determine FDA EUA authorization… so it would be interesting to see who that was… and what the reference is for the 50% MORE effective RULE is… and nail this criminal action down. I’ll see if I can find those links.

    Jon: So now we come to the vital weasel-phrase in the FDA document I just quoted: “suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 [cases].”

    Rick: I think that’s their CYA clause for FDA EUA.

    Jon: By FDA/CDC rules, a case of COVID-19 means: a person has tested positive, period.

    Rick: But it depends on cycles. They can move the cycles up or down depending on whether they want more or fewer cases.

    Jon: …if the FDA had paid serious attention to the several thousand “suspected cases,” they never would have authorized the vaccine for public use. They would have stopped the clinical trial and undertaken a very deep and extensive investigation.

    Rick: But FDA is not “they”… it’s the FDA commissioner who has sole authority to approve a vax for EUA… as I understand it right now. We need to establish who the FDC Com’r was in late 2020.

    Jon: But wait. There’s more. The FDA document also states: “Suspected COVID-19 cases that occurred within 7 days after any vaccination were 409 in the vaccine group vs. 287 in the placebo group.” … In fact, the FDA document tries to excuse those 409 cases with a slippery comment: “It is possible that the imbalance in suspected COVID-19 cases occurring in the 7 days post vaccination represents vaccine reactogenicity with symptoms that overlap with those of COVID-19.”….Back in April of 2020, I predicted the vaccine manufacturers would use this strategy to explain away COVID cases occurring in the vaccine groups of their clinical trials.

    Rick: If REACTO-GENICITY is indistinguishable from COVID ITSELF– then right there, I think we have a very interesting paradox.

    Jon: Any sensible person, looking at them, would conclude that the vaccine should never have been authorized.

    Rick: I agree of course but I think THEY think that there are so few of us who would plumb the depths of these FDA EUA approval studies AND understand them that they believe that they can get away with it because they will have advanced their agenda by the time we find out… and will have accomplished their mission by the time we get enough others to understand the details of this hoax. Very interesting. I’ll enjoy watching this come out in Reinhart Fuelmich’s Nurmemberg II where we prosecute that FDA commissioner and others for this trickery.

    Jon: Either way, the situation is patently absurd. By official standards, the PCR test decides whether a person is a case or not a case. Just do the test.

    Rick: Again, the PCR test involves more or fewer cycles so right there is a fraud too which you’ve pointed out and already know. And that’s on top of the fact that the inventor of the PCR test said it cannot be used to diagnose… and that inventor mysteriously died.

    Jon: Is it true a person becomes a virologist by cutting out a coupon from the back of a comic book and mailing it to a PO Box in Maryland?’

    Rick: That reminds me– as a kid I always looked forward to being able to order those X-ray vision glasses… maybe they’ll help me see the virus. Of course, the product would be a pair of cardboard glasses with little corona viruses dangling out in front so you “see” them when you look at someone. $4. I wanted the Sea Monkey too. And that submarine.

  21. Gargoyle says:

    Peter Doshi wrote about this extensively in the BMJ Opinion journal early this year. I believe he also brought it up last year as well in a prior journal piece. There is an interesting back and forth in the comments under the article in the bmj. Doshi himself engages a bit.

    Thanks for bringing this up Jon. This needs to be pounded mercilessly. It’s as “smoking gun” as we’re going to get in terms of showing Pfizer’s trial was fraudulent.

  22. BS Detector says:

    The PCR test is very good at one thing pertaining to what is called COVID-19: making cases appear.

    Here’s but one very nsimple recipe for cooking the data: Take a sample of the “suspected cases” from a group of people who experienced absolutely no side-effects following the jab from within a group who experienced a very high rate of side-effects. Give them the PCR test, thereby ensuring a high percentage of those tested will be among the placebo group, since pretty much only the placebo group reported NO side-effects whatsoever.

    Bada boom, bada bing!

  23. THX1138 says:

    “The PO Box is in Virginia.”

    Classic punchline.

  24. lamberth says:

    “You’re late for more than just a meeting. Is it true a person becomes a virologist by cutting out a coupon from the back of a comic book and mailing it to a PO Box in Maryland?’

    “Absolutely not. That’s outrageous.”

    “What then?”

    “The PO Box is in Virginia.”

    Ha, ha, that’s a good one Jon.

    Where in Virginia might that be? Well, Langley most likely. But some off-shore PO Box belonging to a shady shell-company known to the real insiders will suffice too.

    One such shady company (with red flags all over it) appears to be ‘’. A company with more vice-presidents on its staff list than worker bees in a beehive.

    This is the company that comes up with the names for our humanity-saving ‘vaccines’, including Pfizer’s COMIRNATY and AstraZeneca’s Vaxzefria. Have a look who else is on this company’s client list…

    On Wikipedia it says (bold emphasis mine): “Other brands that Brand Institute 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺𝘀 to have worked on…” and “Other 𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺𝘀 include…”.

    Kind of sounds like that FDA quote in Jon’s article, doesn’t it, “cases of suspected but unconfirmed…”.

    IMO, all just made-up garbage, not backed up by any hard evidence.

    Just make things up as you go.

    Who are the masters of deceit and false claims? And have been for centuries?

    • lamberth says:

      “This is the company that comes up with the names…”

      Should have actually said:

      “This is the company that (allegedly) comes up with the names…”.

  25. Eli35 says:

    The CDC has found that for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the vaccine group shows almost no difference from the placebo group (between less than .1% difference and less than 1% difference) in these categories:

    Symptomatic covid (Pfizer: less than 1% difference between vaccine group and placebo group /between 8 and 9 people per 1,000 more cases of symptomatic covid in placebo group)

    Hospitalization because of covid (Moderna: less than .1% difference between vaccine group and placebo group / fewer than 1 person per 1,000 more hospitalized cases of covid in placebo group)

    Asymptomatic covid (this relates to the masking of unvaccinated argument) (Moderna: less than .2% difference between vaccine group and placebo group/ less than 2 people per 1,000 more asymptomatic cases in placebo group)

    All cause death (Moderna: between 1 person per 1,000 higher in placebo group and 1 person per 1,000 higher in vaccine group)
    (Death from Covid was not separated from all cause death in the trials)

    Here are the links to the CDC grade documents for these vaccines, all data above in contained here and is readily available to the public:

  26. May Hem says:

    Ha ha Aussie. Good one!

    I was under the impression that the injections had not been approved by the FDA, but licensed for ’emergency use’. Is this right?

  27. Terry says:

    The 3,000 lb. gorilla in the room not being stated is what they call a case.

    A case used to be someone with the alleged disease. They have conveniently changed that in this alleged “pandemic” to reflect someone who has tested positively to their RT-PCR test, ignoring the fact that the test was never meant to be used as a diagnostic in the first place.

    The test can be manipulated by increasing the number of amplifications to come up positive and vice versa. Fauci said, anything over 35 cycles is useless.

    They use 40 cycles and more in most tests for the virus.

    Now, however, they are cutting it back to 28 for people who have been vaccinated which is likely going to come up negative. Can’t imagine why they would do that.

    The whole thing is a sham and has been from day one. The real target is the “vaccine” which is not a vaccine but rather injectable genetic engineering. That’s the real killer as we are discovering.

  28. Mik says:

    As far as I know there are two believe systems, bechamp or pasteur. Research likely goes back further than these two.

    pasteur it a fraud that works for the establishment and sells the “invisible killer”. They do this often. Hundreds of years back it was demons causing your sickness, now it’s germs. Not much has changed, only now you visit the dr rather than a priest. They have also chucked in terrorists for good measure.

    • lamberth says:

      Mik, well said.

      It’s all just the same fear-mongering garbage.
      We don’t seem to evolve much in that regard.

  29. Alan says:

    The wording “suspected case” follows the definition by WHO and CDC: one with symptoms indicative of COVID.

    The vaccine trial study uses its own definition of a confirmed case, which is a suspected case confirmed via PCR. (Which used to be the WHO definition for confirmed cases for previous scamdemics, such as SARS1, until they invented the black magic of “asymptomatic” confirmed cases in COVID.)

    The trial protocol does call for every reported suspected case to be tested. So those “suspected but unconfirmed cases” do mean people with symptoms who test negative.

    So please do not get too excited over this piece. Though of course we know the test is fraud, and the experimental gene therapy is for an imaginary virus and designed upon its imaginary genome. And their data does show that the injection is insignificant towards preventing “disease” as we know it, once we take the PCR out of the picture.

  30. Gross QUARANTINE incompetence and yet innocent citizens are caused to suffer big time. And, let health officials prove the real “science” they rely upon, and not just their “imaginary” science! Let them prove they actually “isolated” the virus they claim to exist!

    This document can be downloaded from:

  31. Michael Rackley says:

    Bill Gates .one of his favourite books. How to lie with statistics

  32. Brian James says:

    May 23, 2019 Truth In Media: Big Pharma’s Influence Over The FDA

    Big Pharma, The FDA & Health Propaganda. The first segment of this episode, Big Pharma’s Influence Over The FDA, examines how the pharmaceutical industry exerts heavy influence over the FDA as well as the media and the medical community.

  33. CK says:

    Doshi at the BMJ pointed this out a few months ago.

    Doshi is one of the “good guys” and back in 2005, he showed that the CDC uses computer models and claims the number of annual flu deaths is 36,000 when it’s probably only 3,000!

  34. stephen langley says:

    Common sense, i.e. critical thinking, has been, by design, replaced by the absurd proclamations of the expert class. Absurd owing to how utterly wrong they always are. “An ‘expert’ is someone who is paid to make you feel stupid by explaining something simple in complex terms.” Needless to say, if this deified class were to be held responsible for their prevarications there would be much less of it. When we get off our knees and claim our innate intelligence we will no more facilitate their absurdities nor find ourselves accepting their atrocities.

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