If you can’t prove a virus exists, how do you create a test to detect it? How can you claim the test reveals that people are infected with the virus?
by Jon Rappoport
December 1, 2020
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“My brother’s cousin, who works at Harvard studying snails, says OF COURSE they’ve isolated SARS-CoV-2, and they’ve sequenced its genetic structure many times…”
I have written several articles documenting the fact that the COVID virus is missing in action.
And when I say missing, I’m talking about two MAJOR confessions, from both the CDC and a group of study-authors in Europe…and in each case, these people were in the process of assembling instructions on how to perform the diagnostic PCR test for that very virus. The virus they said they didn’t have.
They didn’t have it because they couldn’t get it.
They couldn’t get it because no one had it.
In other words, the existence of the COVID virus is unproven.
Now, I want to point out three factors that produce a hypnotic effect. Even in the absence of the virus, these factors seem to indicate the virus “must exist.” I’m not talking about government or media pronouncements, which are obvious.
ONE: Scientists and public health agencies claim they’ve ISOLATED the virus.
There is no reason to believe them. The term “isolation” is thrown around like a politician throws around the term, “the people.”
Isolation of a virus SHOULD mean it is separated out from all the genetic, cellular, microbial, and waste material that surrounds it. But don’t assume, when professionals are talking or writing, that this is what they DO mean. Do not assume that.
For example, they often mean: “We have the virus in a dish in the lab. The soup in the dish contains human cells, animal cells, chemicals, toxic drugs, and other material. However, we know the virus is there and growing, because it is killing the cells…”
Wrong. There is more than sufficient non-viral toxic substance in the soup that could be doing the cell-killing. Further, the cells in the dish are being starved of nutrients. That factor alone could produce cell death. And obviously, “the virus” in the dish is surrounded by this mix of material. It is far from isolated.
TWO: The following hypnotic effect ropes in some of the brightest medical and scientific professionals, who otherwise challenge all sorts of medical dogma. It is: “The genetic sequence of the virus is well established. Many studies confirm this.”
Well, sure. If experts have mapped out the genetic structure of the virus, the virus must exist. Right?
Wrong. The sequence is INFERRED. It is ASSUMED.
Inferred from what? The genetic sequence could be cobbled together from several sources: a piece or pieces of RNA that have been arbitrarily chosen as “relevant clues”; chosen according to a bias in favor of a certain type of virus.
Bias? What does that mean? I’ll explain. When a few dozen people in Wuhan fell ill, back in 2019, there were a million ways researchers could have gone, in trying to figure out the cause.
Of course, as I’ve written, they could have looked out their windows and observed the horrific air pollution hanging over the city, and realized these “unexplained cases” of pneumonia had a ridiculously simple origin. But no.
The researchers opted, as they always do, for a “new virus.” And, they chose, without a shred of evidence, to “look for” a germ from the coronavirus family. That was the pre-planned story. That was the bias.
From that point on, the die was cast. The “genetic sequencing” involved cobbling together, by assumption and inference, a collage of INFORMATION, into code, which would satisfy the pre-ordained scenario.
They ASSEMBLED a genetic sequence that matched what they were going for: a coronavirus.
Don’t imagine genetic sequencing is performed by people looking directly at a virus through a cosmic microscope and jotting down the names of rows of genes sitting side by side like cars in a supermarket parking lot.
THREE: The other hypnotic factor is the PCR test. “If the test exists to detect the virus, the virus must exist.”
Wrong. The test—which has irreparable and fatal flaws, as I’ve documented—is working, at best, from a fragment of RNA which is ASSUMED to come from the virus. If the test appears to identify that fragment as “relevant,” the test result clams the patient is “infected.”
People believe the test must mean something. And the only thing it could mean is: it finds the virus in a person, or the virus isn’t in that person’s body. But either way, the virus is real.
The deck is stacked. The game is rigged. Welcome to the Deep Medical State.
As in any truly deep operation, only a small number of elite professionals understand the basic con. The rest are blind, and accepting. Some are willfully blind. They see the truth in a flash of insight, and then they shut up.
However, in this mad COVID landscape, minds and doors are opening. The hypnotic haze is receding. The truth is coming out. Doctors, scientists, reporters, and members of the public are discovering and rejecting the Big Con.
And now we move to on the first Smoking Gun:
Where is the coronavirus? The CDC says it isn’t available.
The CDC document is titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” It was originally published in February, 2020, and re-published in July. [1] [1a] [1b]
Buried deep in the document, on page 39, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV [SARS-CoV-2] are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”
The key phrase there is: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV [virus] are currently available…”
Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say, measured. The use of the term “quantified” in that phrase means: the CDC has no virus, because it is unavailable. THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS.
One of the two most powerful public health agencies in the world can’t obtain the virus from anywhere. Why? Obviously, because no one has it.
A further tip-off is the use of the word ‘isolates.” This means NO ISOLATED VIRUS IS AVAILABLE.
As if this were not enough of a revelation to shock the world, the CDC goes on to say they are presenting a diagnostic PCR test, in that very paper I’m citing, to detect the virus-that-hasn’t-been-isolated…and the test is looking for RNA which is PRESUMED to come from the virus that hasn’t been proved to exist.
And using this test, the CDC and every other public health agency in the world are counting COVID cases and deaths…and governments have instituted lockdowns and economic devastation using those case and death numbers as justification.
If people believe “you have the virus but it is not available,” and “you have the virus except it is buried within other material and hasn’t been extracted and purified and isolated,” these people believe the moon is made of green cheese.
This is like saying. “We have the 20 trillion dollars, they are contained somewhere in our myriad accounts, we just don’t know where.” If you don’t know where, you don’t know you have the money.
“The car keys are somewhere in the house. We just don’t where.” Really? If you don’t know where, you don’t know the keys are in the house.
“The missing cruise missile is somewhere in the arsenal, we just don’t where.” No. If you don’t know where, you don’t know the missile is in the arsenal.
“The COVID-19 virus is somewhere in the material we have—we just haven’t removed it from that material. But we know what it is and we’ve identified it and we know its structure.” NO YOU DON’T. YOU ASSUME THAT.
Science is not assumptions.
“But…but…there is a study which says a few researchers in a lab isolated the virus…”
They say they did. But they didn’t. “The virus” is inseparably mixed with other material. The scientists are changing the meaning of the word, “isolate.” They’re lying.
Science is not assumptions. Or lies.
The pandemic is a fraud, down to the root of the poisonous tree.
And now, I’ve discovered ANOTHER key document. This one apparently formed the basis for the first PCR test aimed at detecting the COVID virus all over the world.
READ WHAT THIS STUDY SAYS. These quotes should be engraved in stone above the entrance to a museum dedicated to the history of medical fraud.
“We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.”
TRANSLATION: We want to develop a test to detect the new COVID virus without having the virus.
“Here we present a validated diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV [SARS-CoV-2] its design relying on close genetic relatedness of 2019-nCoV with SARS coronavirus, making use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”
TRANSLATION: We HAVE developed a diagnostic test to detect the new COVID virus. We ASSUME this new virus is closely related to an older coronavirus. We ASSUME we know HOW it is related. We ASSUME, because we don’t have the new COVID virus. Therefore, all our assumptions are made out of nothing. Actually, we have no proof there is a new coronavirus.
“The workflow reliably detects 2019-nCoV, and further discriminates 2019-nCoV from SARS-CoV.”
TRANSLATION: Our new test to detect the new virus? We don’t have the new virus. We’ve never observed it. We can’t study it directly. There is no proof it exists. But we will use the test to detect it.
The study is titled, “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR.” [Euro Surveill. 2020 Jan;25(3):2000045. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045.]
Those quotes from the study are astounding. A diagnostic test for the virus, but there is no virus. No standard against which to compare the reliability of the test.
The authors blithely assume they can somehow infer that the virus exists in the first place, without having an isolated specimen.
Then they assume they can understand the structure of the virus that isn’t there.
The virus isn’t there. It has NOT been isolated. It has NOT been separated out from other material. Therefore, it has not been observed and its existence has not been proved.
And yet, the test which these authors have developed is launched, all over the world, to detect that virus; to promote the unproven notion that there is a pandemic; to form the basis for counting COVID case numbers; and ultimately to justify all the lockdowns which have crashed the global economy and destroyed millions upon millions of lives.
A great deal of confusion has been created, because scientists are now talking about the “new virus” as if they understand its structure and sequence. No. They’ve INTERPRETED that genetic structure. And once they’ve made their interpretations, they gibber about what it means.
And now:
The fake coronavirus and the missing study: the secret in plain sight
NOTE: Readers have sent me electron microscope images of what are claimed to be “isolated COVID virus.” An image here, an image there—this is NOT the way science is done, as I will explain fully.
Now I want to reveal the study that should have been done, at the outset, when scientists were first claiming there was a pandemic based on the discovery of “a new virus.”
Here’s what you would do if you were an actual scientist: you would line up a minimum of 500 people who have been diagnosed with the epidemic illness. From each of them, you would extract tissue samples.
Then you would correctly and meticulously put each sample through a procedure that would result in 500 viewable electron microscope photographs—one from each patient. You would lay all these photos side by side.
You would answer three burning questions: do you see, in each and every photo, MANY particles of the same virus? Do you see, in all 500 photos, that same virus? Do you see, in all 500 photos, a virus you’ve never seen before?
If your answer to any of these questions is no, you go back to the drawing board. You haven’t found sufficient evidence of a new virus that is causing widespread illness.
If your answer is yes to every question, other researchers will then line up 500 new volunteers who have been diagnosed with the epidemic illness, and they will perform this same experiment, in order to confirm or deny the findings of the first team of scientists.
If they, too, answer every burning question with a yes, then a third team of researchers performs their own experiment on 500 more volunteers. And if their answer to every question is yes, then you have something. Then you have an indication, according to conventional and traditional methods, that a new disease could be on the rise.
People continue to send me an occasional electron microscope photo from a research study on “the coronavirus.” Of course, as you can see, that is not what I’m talking about at all. A single photo from here, from there—irrelevant.
If you were an honest medical researcher, would you claim the result of giving a new drug to three patients justified the approval of that drug for use on a few hundred million patients? Not a chance. The same basic principle applies here.
The study I just described, with 500 patients each time, done several times with new teams, is what the scientific method demands: large studies; clear results; and then confirmation or rejection of the initial finding, by more scientists employing the same methods and materials.
One critic, after reading my description of the proper way to do a study on the purported “new coronavirus,” said, “This wouldn’t work because it is extremely labor-intensive.” Well, guess what? The result of declaring a pandemic caused by a virus that isn’t there…and the ensuing lockdowns and economic and human destruction stemming from that declaration…is “labor-intensive” to a far greater degree.
Stopping the production engine of the world on the pretext of finding a new virus, when no new virus has been correctly found and isolated, is a crime that supersedes the sweat and effort of doing proper science.
As far as what is actually going on in labs where researchers are fiddling with genetic sequences of this and that and making vast assumptions and proclamations; don’t talk to me about science. Talk to me about liability and prison.
Final notes: At the site, fluoridefreepeel.ca, you will find a number of FOIA requests to public health agencies (see examples here and here). These requests are asking for records showing that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated. The repetitive and routine reply is: “We have no records at this agency.” Taken together, they paint a picture of egregious fraud.
Mainstream scientists will make two claims: one, we have isolated the virus; and two, it is not necessary to isolate the virus, because we’ve discovered its genetic sequence. Both claims are false.
From reading the arcane language surrounding claims of having sequenced the virus, I see an apparent multi-layered scam composed of leaps of unwarranted assumptions. The researchers say they are using tools that allow them to closely approximate the structure of SARS-CoV-2, even though they don’t have the virus in hand. This is absurd.
It’s like saying: There is a new planet in the solar system. We don’t know where it is or what it looks like. We don’t know what processes are at work on this new planet. But we do know the moon is a very close approximation of the planet. Therefore, we can know everything we need to know about the new planet from our knowledge of the moon.
And a rabbit is spaceship. And there are condos for sale on Jupiter. And new element #267587, which no one has ever seen, is almost an exact copy of Philadelphia Cream Cheese.
The science is settled.
[1] https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download
[1a] CDC-006-00019, Revision: 06, CDC/DDID/NCIRD/ Division of Viral Diseases, Effective: 12/01/2020; see: https://web.archive.org/web/20210102171026/https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download
[1b] CDC-006-00019, Revision: 05, CDC/DDID/NCIRD/ Division of Viral Diseases, Effective: 07/13/2020; see: https://web.archive.org/web/20200715004004/https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.