Open letter to patriots everywhere


by Jon Rappoport

November 25, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

In the modern secular church of fakers, they tell us anger is wrong, outrage is wrong, acceptance in hypnotic sleep is what we must aim for.

Always bow to “smooth transitions.” When there is disagreement, swallow your bile, give in, make peace with tyranny. The pain will only last for a little while. Then you will reach a higher understanding.

The authorities and their minions of the press have the final word. Our job is to fit ourselves into their scheme of things.

WE must be flexible. THEY can be inflexible.

If these rules seem backwards and upside down, that is OUR problem, not THEIRS.

This is the position of our would-be masters.

I realize your attention is focused on the election and vote-fraud right now. But I want to comment on the disaster we’re all facing these days:

The COVID restrictions. Lockdowns—de facto in-house arrest. Limits on public gatherings. Economic devastation.

Cutting to the bottom line: There is NO state of emergency that justifies sweeping away Americans’ basic freedoms. No war, natural or manmade disaster.

NO emergency can override the meaning and spirit of the Constitution.

There is a line that can’t be crossed for any reason. Otherwise, an official or legislature or court could, armed with an excuse, cancel the Constitution.

That’s exactly what’s happened. COVID. It’s diabolically clever, because officials will say: “You can’t make a choice about how to live your life, because what you do affects other people. If you carry the virus and live out in the open, you’ll infect those around you. Therefore, you must obey the commands we lay down…”

You must agree to in-house arrest, if a gangster governor deems it necessary. You can’t go to church. Your children can’t go to school. You have to shut down your business. You can’t earn a living. You need to go on the public dole.

The infernal logic of this is inescapable, once you allow the crossing of the Constitutional line. Then, freedom is gone. The United States is gone.

I’ve spent the past nine months proving that COVID is a medical and scientific fraud. There is no emergency or great danger. But even if there were, that bright line from freedom to slavery cannot be breached. Or we all go down.

Instead, we have to rise up. We have to live life, work, move forward. WE HAVE TO OPEN UP THE ECONOMY OURSELVES, every which way we can, regardless of orders from governments—federal, state, or local.

Protests? Yes. But more than that, we go back to work.

All over this country, we stand on our natural and Constitutional freedoms. We don’t give in.

Our government is based on the consent of the governed. WE decide. We aren’t property of the State. We aren’t products shaped by the State. We weren’t born to be medical patients all our lives.

No one said this would be easy. We aren’t living in easy times. It does no good to park ourselves in a swamp of complaining about what should be and spin our wheels.

Again: WE OPEN UP THE ECONOMY EVERY WHICH WAY WE CAN. We FIND a way. We barter and trade, if necessary. I’m told that, during the Depression of the 1930s, local citizens in America created 3000 currencies. Their own forms of money.

It’s an option. There are many options, if people think and plan. Right now (and I receive reports), there are pockets all over the country where the economy is wide open. People are ignoring government mandates. And they’re not wearing masks or distancing.

What about the political Left? They seem to want the COVID restrictions. They want to obey political dictates. They are willing to submit to governors’ edicts. They bow down and believe and accept the statements of public health officials as if they were written in stone.

What was written in stone, with a war just past, was the Constitution. And that law of the land has remained visible, despite all attempts to erase it.

“The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.” Thomas Paine, 1776.

Should we be sidetracked and tricked and bedeviled now, by these politicians and their official experts, we will find ourselves in a new world not of our making; surely not a world matching our desires.

Instead, we will be nothing more than units and numbers, organized to fit into slots, our labor harvested for purposes beyond our control, in a new normal no free human can tolerate.

We are being told to walk on a road that leads to that place.

As strong as the State seems, this is an illusion, because if enough of us refuse—millions of us—we will win. The State and its machinations will be exposed as just another tyranny, in a long line of tyrannies that fell and failed.

Be free. Live free. If there is Rescue From Above, isn’t it possible the Rescue is waiting to see, first, whether we show the courage that signals we will use that help?

Whether you believe the COVID operation was designed to wreak economic destruction, or whether the devastation was an offshoot managed and directed by lunatic politicians, the effect is the same—and the giant X painted across the Constitution is apparent to those who can see. We are living in a post-Constitutional America. That has been the case for a long time, but the violations are so egregious now, no one who is a patriot can look away without betraying his principles.

We are in a tunnel. We are carrying the light. Around us are sheep and doomsayers and hostile actors. They have redefined freedom in Orwellian terms to mean obedience. They now see privation and isolation as consecrations to a new cause: allegiance to a phantom germ.

That America could be brought down in such a preposterous way is evidence of how far this country has traveled from its origins. Its founding ideas.

Our enemies want to destroy those ideas. They attack them from all sides. They say justice never existed here, and they will bring it about now.

But all they know is destruction.

We will outflank them if we have the will.

So let us have the will.

“There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.” John Adams, 1772.

The night appears long, but we can end it.

We are the cure.

This is the war.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

161 comments on “Open letter to patriots everywhere

  1. Larry C says:

    Sidney Powell’s Defense Fund.

  2. LeA says:

    You and David Icke are the ones to listen to along with the very few brave doctors and ex vaccine directors.
    You are very appreciated by many!
    I was physically pushed off my apt. elevator in Toronto because the male said his wife was pregnant and he “wouldn’t take the risk”.
    I’ve not worn a mask since day one of the by-law in Toronto that states,
    “Exceptions include people who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons, or children under two years old, or those who require accommodation with the Ontario Human Rights Code.
    Proof of a medical condition is not required.”
    Now the so called “pregnant” woman accompanying the male was wearing a mask also thus making her fetus work hard for oxygen.
    I had my “I am unable to wear a mask” sign I wear in all indoor places, including the apt building I live in.
    I can say, “I have one lung” or I can say nothing.
    People never read the small print.

  3. Pft says:

    Constitutional Democracy with individual rights and independence have been replaced by Communitarianism where the Common Good usurps individual rights and we are interdependent and not independent. They tried to implement this with a Constitutional Convention in 1975 after the Nixon coup but failed, but they implemented it with Continuity of Government and FEMA (now DHS), and the Patriots Act sealed our fate. Elections are now controlled by Silicon Valleys Voting Machines since 2000, so not only is the Constitution scrapped but Democracy is nothing but an illusion. Next phase is turning people into cattle and trading them on commodities markets as Social Impact Bonds where everyones actions are digitalized and data analyzed to
    Assess value. No value, no UBI, no life.

    Happy Thanksgiving, might be the last one with real turkey. Fake meat is your future under the Great Reset which will be announced in January in Davos

    • Jim S Smith says:


      We were NEVER a “constitutional DEMOCRACY”. We WERE a Constitutionally-ordained “Representative Republic”.

  4. Pisces says:

    I assume when most of us think of the word “war” we usually think of a state of declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations, fought with loud weapons.. but the desired benefits of a war can be achieved without using loud weaponry, if one side can trick their enemies and control their behavior, just by using mind tricks, fear tactics and psychological pressure, to make them surrender, before they even realize they’re in a war. That’s their tactic during their “Covid Operation”.

    Instilled mindset of a “normal person” is that their government is working hard to find a cure to protect them from a new virus that’s killing the masses, when in reality, it’s their “friendly” enemies who are taking away everyone else’s freedom using a fake story of the “new virus” just to gain more control of every part of our lives. That literally is a war against humanity. It’s a silent war against us. They already openly admitted that they want to reduce the world population (using vaccines, etc.) but people are blinded by their trust for authority figures that they look up to. It’s funny and sad at the same time that so many people see Bill Gates, Fauci and other criminals as heroes!

    • Jim S Smith says:

      Are we an avid reader of Sun Tsu?

      – “A general who can win a war without fighting, is the greatest general.

    • Ming the Merciless says:

      My parents taught me not to *pay* attention to people acting stupid and/or obviously foolish [no matter how ‘funny’ or tempting it might be…to join them in their little Lake of Fire], period.
      Such behavior is simply for avoiding and shunning.
      They’ll get theirs soon enough. Monkey see; monkey don’t.

  5. Tae Ling says:

    I heard the greatest response yet in Freddy’s in Fairbanks Alaskas. When a maskless elderly, rather portly lady was harassed by a doo (doo)-gooder in the check out line. He loudly proclaimed ” YOU DONT HAVE A Mask ON” to which she calmly replied “well no and I don’t have any underwear on either, so what”
    Cheers!! we are winning

    • Kia Kaha says:

      Clever, very unique. It brought out her creative genius to play! Good for her, bold, memorable, repeatable, shocking, yet put a smile on somebody’s face for sure. 🙂

  6. Jim S Smith says:

    Well, well.

    Even my “conservative” state has now knuckled under pressure: Apparently, our “dear ‘ol governor” has made a “Stage II” pronouncement that in ALL shared/common areas, all who are present in them must wear a mask! – Several employers are even threatening their employees with losing their “certificates” (necessary for those specific jobs) for failing to wear their mandated face mask on the job if caught.

    I guess the next step then, is to start fining/punishing businesses who do not force all of their customers/clients to similarly “mask-up” while shopping? ? ? – Gee! AND I thought I was living in a staunchly conservative state.

    Go figure!

  7. Jomsvikings says:

    Americans simply don’t care about being locked down or the drocacian business restrictions or being forced to wear a mask, etc. There are no protests over these issues nor lawsuits being filed from every small business that’s being destroyed. You’ll see now & then a few people protesting in front of state capital buildings with their “we’re against mask mandates” signs but the politicians don’t take them seriously. Lol.

    We’re a nation of apathy – call us the Obedient States of America. Lol. In fact, many people love the lockdowns and want more! I met a fellow out on the running trails last spring who said he was empathetic with the lockdowns. You see, this gentleman proceeded to tell me that he had to commute 45 mins one way to work – an hour and a half a day driving per day to & from work and stuck in bad traffic many times. Well…along comes the shutdown and he gets to work from home. He said his life has changed dramatically – no long commute to & from work. He says he gets more sleep and gets to sleep in and has more time for excercise (he’s a runner). He said he doesn’t know if the pandemic is real or not but doesn’t care one way or the other, instead hoping for more lockdowns & restrictions so he can continue to work for home.

    There are probably millions more people out there like this fellow who for the first time in their careers get to work from the comfront of their home.

    There’s also the free stuff the government uses as bait to control people from protesting and being too angry. Look at new stimulus package that Congress hopes to pass this December that again has all kinds of free stuff; bailouts, paycheck protection and even another twelve-hundred bucks for most everyone!

    And most people will cave in to the pressure from the tyrannical governments and take the vaccine & receive their immunity certificate administered after two doses are given.
    When faced with not being able to Fly, use public transportation, no attending sporting events or concerts, not able patronage business (i.e. “no shirt, no shoes, no immunity passport- no service.”).

    This is the future of America: “Conform or be cast out” (from the famous “Rush” song). We’re a doomed nation – a nation of obedient clones. A nation of no more freedom or Liberty!

    • Jim S Smith says:

      The protests are there. We are just not hearing much about them, that’s all.

      The “silent treatment” is also one of the “media’s” favorite tricks to keep the public in the dark.

  8. Mac says:

    ” In the modern secular church of fakers, they tell us anger is wrong, outrage is wrong, acceptance in hypnotic sleep is what we must aim for. ”
    The missing thing really, allowing ourselves to be talked out of wholeness, when strong energy is natural. We’ve been trained away from it, not taught that anger is good, and to then think, convert anger to calm determined use with what matters. Instead taught to ignore, divert to weak or useless distraction. Then others direct the future, instead of us. Also reminds me of quote Jon used five or ten articles ago from Gary Spence on arguing. Good truth, similar premise.

    Real life is light and dark. There is much false light put around us, and fear, taking away focus from what we could make real. And real light won’t be a choice if more people don’t become serious. Total avoidance of seriousness isn’t light it’s dark. The light and dark go together, then effort means something as life is earned. Gratitude is strength by doing. Appreciate the article Jon.

    • Paul says:

      “We’ve been trained away from it,
      not taught that anger is good,
      ad to then think,
      convert anger to calm determined use
      with what matters.”


      2nd Universal Law:
      Focused Intent

  9. billy hill says:

    “Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.”
    ― Charles Bukowski

    “For those who believe in God, most of the big questions are answered. But for those of us who can’t readily accept the God formula, the big answers don’t remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. We are pliable. Love need not be a command nor faith a dictum. I am my own god. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.”
    ― Charles Bukowski

    “Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I’m not going to make it, but you laugh inside — remembering all the times you’ve felt that way.”
    ― Charles Bukowski

    “We are like roses that have never bothered to bloom when we should have bloomed and it is as if the sun has become disgusted with waiting”
    ― Charles Bukowski

    “what matters most is how well you walk through the fire”
    ― Charles Bukowski

    “We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.”
    ― Charles Bukowski

    “You have to die a few times before you can really
    ― Charles Bukowski, The People Look Like Flowers

    “The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”
    ― Charles Bukowski

    “I wanted the whole world or nothing.”
    ― Charles Bukowski, Post Office

    “there is a loneliness in this world so great
    that you can see it in the slow movement of
    the hands of a clock.

    people so tired
    either by love or no love.

    people just are not good to each other
    one on one.

    the rich are not good to the rich
    the poor are not good to the poor.

    we are afraid.

    our educational system tells us
    that we can all be
    big-ass winners.

    it hasn’t told us
    about the gutters
    or the suicides.

    or the terror of one person
    aching in one place

    unspoken to

    watering a plant.”
    ― Charles Bukowski, Love Is a Dog from Hell

    “Find what you love and let it kill you.”
    ― Charles Bukowski

    “there are worse things
    than being alone
    but it often takes
    decades to realize this
    and most often when you do
    it’s too late
    and there’s nothing worse
    than too late”
    ― Charles Bukowski

    “If you’re losing your soul and you know it, then you’ve still got a soul left to lose”
    ― charles bukowski

    “Real loneliness is not necessarily limited to when you are alone.”
    ― Charles Bukowski

    “I loved you like a man loves a woman he never touches, only writes to, keeps little photographs of.”
    ― Charles Bukowski, Love Is a Dog from Hell

    “We don’t even ask happiness, just a little less pain.”
    ― Charles Bukowski

    “What a weary time those years were — to have the desire and the need to live but not the ability.”
    ― Charles Bukowski, Ham on Rye

    “Life’s as kind as you let it be.”
    ― Charles Bukowski, Hot Water Music

    “my beerdrunk soul is sadder than all the dead christmas trees of the world.”
    ― Charles Bukowski

    “I went to the worst of bars hoping to get killed but all I could do was to get drunk again.”

    “I was drawn to all the wrong things: I liked to drink, I was lazy, I didn’t have a god, politics, ideas, ideals. I was settled into nothingness; a kind of non-being, and I accepted it. I didn’t make for an interesting person. I didn’t want to be interesting, it was too hard. What I really wanted was only a soft, hazy space to live in, and to be left alone.”
    ― Charles Bukowski

    “There’s nothing to mourn about death any more than there is to mourn about the growing of a flower. What is terrible is not death but the lives people live or don’t live up until their death. They don’t honor their own lives, they piss on their lives. They shit them away. Dumb fuckers. They concentrate too much on fucking, movies, money, family, fucking. Their minds are full of cotton. They swallow God without thinking, they swallow country without thinking. Soon they forget how to think, they let others think for them. Their brains are stuffed with cotton. They look ugly, they talk ugly, they walk ugly. Play them the great music of the centuries and they can’t hear it. Most people’s deaths are a sham. There’s nothing left to die.”
    ― Charles Bukowski

    “Baby,” I said, “I’m a genius but nobody knows it but me.”
    ― Charles Bukowski, Factotum

    “Nothing was ever in tune. People just blindly grabbed at whatever there was: communism, health foods, zen, surfing, ballet, hypnotism, group encounters, orgies, biking, herbs, Catholicism, weight-lifting, travel, withdrawal, vegetarianism, India, painting, writing, sculpting, composing, conducting, backpacking, yoga, copulating, gambling, drinking, hanging around, frozen yogurt, Beethoven, Back, Buddha, Christ, TM, H, carrot juice, suicide, handmade suits, jet travel, New York City, and then it all evaporated and fell apart. People had to find things to do while waiting to die. I guess it was nice to have a choice.”
    ― Charles Bukowski, Women

    “Drinking is an emotional thing. It joggles you out of the standardism of everyday life, out of everything being the same. It yanks you out of your body and your mind and throws you against the wall. I have the feeling that drinking is a form of suicide where you’re allowed to return to life and begin all over the next day. It’s like killing yourself, and then you’re reborn. I guess I’ve lived about ten or fifteen thousand lives now.”
    ― Charles Bukowski

    “I remember awakening one morning and finding everything smeared with the color of forgotten love.”
    ― Charles Bukowski, What Matters Most is How Well You Walk Through the Fire

    “People with no morals often considered themselves more free, but mostly they lacked the ability to feel or love.”
    ― Charles Bukowski, Women

    “Sex is kicking death in the ass while singing.”
    ― Charles Bukowski

    “I stopped looking for a Dream Girl, I just wanted one that wasn’t a nightmare.”
    ― Charles Bukowski, The Captain is Out to Lunch and the Sailors Have Taken Over the Ship

  10. JO says:

    That video of Alan Joyce getting a pie in his face was over three years old: May 9, 2017

    A little bit careless Jon.

  11. BS Detector says:

    7 billion times yes, Jon!

    They want a Great Reset? Let’s give ’em one: a land of the free and home of the brave, with liberty and justice for all, for a change!

  12. billy hill says:

    I named my first dog Bukowski.

    I dislike poets. I do like maya angelou and bukowski. Not sure about the spelling of her name but I bet the two of them would have liked each other. I doubt either desired labels like poet.

    Maybe someone knows someone that has committed murder (legal or illegally) and maybe explain that the rothchilds and the 1%`are probably above the laws governing the rest of us. Point out the facts are that they are the problem. If the 50 richest people in this country had 80% of their money siezed each of the 50 would still have a billion dollars to spend. The rothchilds are so wealthy no one knows what they have. They do have a section of england and huge houses- each house grows its own food. The rockefellers and the rothchilds are certaionly behind this joke of one world government and the united nations. They see the local government power as a hindrance to the slave and owner society they desire now. What small business is able to remain in operation with amazon and the closed for covid model in place.
    Phoenix is in maricopa county and they estimate 3.1 million changed hands daily in the restaurants prior to covid.blather
    The real war is the war that is going on between corporations and human beings. They are the real enemy because with personhood status they get the rights that were intended only for the citizens.
    They can live forever and do not need clean air or water and can disolve and reappear as a new “person” . They can buy and sell other “persons” and worst of all they are involved in politics.
    Before personhood there were no lobbyists anbd politics was a human being thing without black budgets.
    My fix is outlaw private schools, admission to the 1% is instant military service and after serving in the military they do the work of the social workers. They are the most deserving of the strains they have inflicted on society by destroying the unions and setting so many obstacles upon their fellow men. I would not be surprised if I am the only union member here or if none of you realize how much the unions have done for the workers including the non union workers. Who else fought the big battles for a better workplace against the governments and owners. Join a weak union or form one. blah blah

    Kill the rockefellers and rothchilds of the world before they kill you. Gates and fauci too.
    Just kidding

    I am the most flawed human so dont listen to me
    As the most flawed I had to become the most forgiving and that is still hard to be .
    I have noticed a ton of comments without any proof such as biden stole the election. I fear biden more than trump but I hate trump equally. I never liked him even before he was a tv star. Common sense tells me anyone that owns two casinos and bankrupts them is not presidential material or anyone I am going to praise or expect much from them in the way of saving the nation.
    I also think that digital voting is corrupt and a perfect reason not to go to a cashless society.You get a big problem proving wrongs or screwed out of wages based upon the owners views of your compliance. blah blah blah
    Try arguing anything in a federal courtroom with all the government against you. Example or proof:
    No one needs a drivers license unless they are commercial (making money using the roads) and this has been to the supreme court with many rulings agreeing with me. I can give many examples of this with court rulings and cases. The supreme court has said no laws can limit your ability to travel. No laws can be put in place that limit your travel like insurance or registration yet think the cost to exercise your right to travel and the police state that exists to enforce the revenue they take without any laws saying they can. sheep baaahs from all equals nodding of heads.
    most of the history of america had huge taxes paid by the richest to make some ammends for the resources they took from the poorest. Now we are fucked from cradle to grave and they laugh at us for expecting some ammends.Throw away your cell phones I think I pay 13 dollars a month for my landline. I hate talking on phones and never had a cell phone -the last thing I want is to be reachable. My wife would be the only one calling me asking what I am doing. Do any of you like cell phones? A 2″ screen used to avoid converstions with strangers. What is wrong with that -plenty. How many converstions have any of you had in person with someone of different thoughts this week? No tollerance or thinking needed. Real conversations in real life with strangers really are good for a country and a person. Tollerance and freedom are connected. Anyone talk to a person that is different from your views without judging them as the enemy or calling them names?
    Friendship is difficult so is freedom but both are desirable.
    Thanks for the word or expression: hyucking it up.
    Just realized it probably stood for another word and if so it should be a new word.

    For many years I thought the navajo word yatahey*
    meant good morning or fuck you.
    It made me love the navajo because any language with a word that meant two different opposites was my type of language. Years later I was told it only means good morning and talk about disappointment. My navajo friend had explained to me that no navajo would ever say good morning and said that was the reason it had two meanings and I bought his story. It is my favorite word and I will never accept its actual meaning.
    Heres to hyucking up everything possible

    • Paul says:

      “Real conversations
      in real life
      with strangers
      really are good
      for a country and a person.

      Tolerance and freedom
      are connected.

      Anyone talk to a person
      that is different
      from your views
      without judging them
      as the enemy
      or calling them names?

      Friendship is difficult
      so is freedom
      but both are desirable.”

      I say to you billy:

      Thanks for YOUR words
      & expressions.


    • Paul says:

      “Friendship is difficult
      so is freedom
      but both are desirable.”

      Dear billy,

      I have a little Celtic blood within me.

      I hope you enjoy this sweet tune.


      This phrase means very well done, excellent, & you could not have done better.

      Enjoy…with JOY!

  13. Paul says:


    I “hear” in you, Native American blood.

    If I am incorrect, please forgive my mis-read.

    If correct, then let me sing to your Ancestors, from my Ancestors, & humbly say to you & them…

    “Thank you, for sharing with us, your Beautiful Land.”

    And so also, and especially, during this Thankful Season, I say…

    Peace & Gratitude, to you & yours!

  14. Steve says:

    It seems to me that this thing will not be solved with-out some element of scientific study. First and foremost who is behind it ? Is it the Deep State, the Republicans, the Democrats, the Russians, the Chinese…All of the above? Maybe a group of religious fanatics possibly living under a particular tree? I think the old saying… “Look to Whom You Can’t Criticize” and Use History to validate your findings, would be the first step. When you can speak your enemies name without fear of retribution then you have conquered the first step a couple more to go and you’ll be ready for the fight for all of Mankind’s Existence. This is absolutely what we face some may live thru it but it will not be n American Patriot, as it seems we are the first one’s out,(this could identify with Communism in most respects).

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