COVID: is the virus real?

by Jon Rappoport

August 10, 2020

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SARS-CoV-2. The woo-woo virus.

People who can think and follow a line of reasoning should have a shot at considering the questions:

Did researchers actually discover the virus?

Did their proof fall short?


If someone says that, during the full moon three weeks ago, the moon suddenly turned gold, and then a strange squadron of giants passed across it, on their way to the ocean, do you think it might be a good idea to find out whether, three weeks ago, there was a full moon? Might that be a basic starting point?

That’s what I’m doing. Checking up to see whether there was a full moon.

A rational researcher, at the CDC, if one actually existed, would say, upon hearing of a possible outbreak in the city of Wuhan: “Let’s see the proof that a new virus is responsible, is the causative agent.”

What kind of proof would he be asking for?

First, he would want to know, “Do researchers there have an actual biological specimen of this new virus? Do they have the real thing?”

And if the answer came back yes, he would reply, “We’re sending in one of our Wuhan people so he can confirm that.”

But how would the confirmation work? You can’t just lay a specimen of a virus on a table and shine a light on it.

There is a traditional method of observation. It’s called an electron microscope photograph (an EM). Certain established procedures exist for obtaining an EM from a patient’s tissue sample. The CDC scientist would want to make sure the Chinese scientists had carried out this process correctly.

Rough sketch: From a patient’s tissue sample, you take a small bit and spin it in a centrifuge. The material settles out in layers. Knowing which layer (by density) you’re looking for, you remove a bit from that layer, look at it under an electron microscope and photograph it. If you’ve found a new virus, you should see many identical particles of it in the photo—and, obviously, it should be something you’ve never seen before.

The rational CDC scientist—if one actually existed—would say, “Let’s have a look at the Chinese EM.” He wants to confirm there are many identical particles of the new virus in the EM.

But there is more. And here is where the rubber meets the road and the failure factor is very high. I need to back up a bit to explain.

When a clinical trial of a new drug is done (and here I’ll make a gigantic leap and assume it’s done correctly), is it carried out on one patient?

Is the result of giving the drug to a single patient then extrapolated to mean everyone will react the way this one person did? Of course not. That would be absurd. In clinical trials, sooner or later, researchers are dealing with a large number of volunteers. A thousand or more.

So, in the case of a new coronavirus, in China, the rational CDC scientist would say: “I want to see electron microscope photographs derived from a thousand patients who have been diagnosed with the new epidemic disease. I want to see those photos side by side. I want to see whether many particles of this same new virus are in all the photos.”

I myself ask, where are these photographs? Where are the completely necessary photographs? Because the Chinese scientist would tell his CDC counterpart, “Oh, we didn’t carry out the EM procedure on a thousand patients. We carried it out on one. Two. Maybe three. I’m not sure.”

At which point, this fantasy rational CDC scientist would blow his stack. He would say, “You’re declaring a new global epidemic based on two or three photographs from two or three patients??”

Consider this potential scenario—which explains why researchers only did the EMs on two or three of the patients. If someone actually performed the electron microscope work on 1000 patients diagnosed with the new disease, he might find a maybe/possible indication, in the photographs, of a new coronavirus in four patients. AND IN NONE OF THE OTHER 997 PATIENTS.

At which point, in Wuhan, they would shrug and say, “Well, wow, that didn’t work out. What a flop. Our hypothesis of a new disease based on a new coronavirus collapsed. We should have been able to see lots of the same new virus in the photos from ALL 1000 patients, or at least the overwhelming percentage of them. And we didn’t. Back to the drawing board. Let’s see. What’s the primary sign of the new disease? Pneumonia? Come to think of it, about 300,000 people in China die of pneumonia every year. How about we look at some studies on the air quality here in Wuhan? I think my colleague down the block has a pile of them. Let’s walk over there. Anybody have a searchlight so we can see the street through the fog of deadly pollution? Let me get my oxygen tank and breathing helmet.”

And that would be the end of that.

Back in Atlanta, the fantasy rational CDC scientist would say to his colleagues, “That Chinese outbreak wasn’t a virus. How about we spend the afternoon going through some of our own studies on vaccines? I know the fraud is rampant. Let’s get it out in the open.”

Sure. Happens every day over at the CDC.

Of course, I could be wrong. Maybe someone has done electron microscope photographs CORRECTLY derived from 1000 patients diagnosed with the new epidemic disease, in ONE LARGE COHERENT HONEST STUDY. LET’S SEE THE PHOTOS. SHOW THEM TO ME. We’ll have a few non-conflicted experts analyze them. Then we’ll demand another complete and honest study of 1000 patients, as confirmation.

Otherwise, don’t talk about science. There is no science going on.

Talk about fakery. And liability. And prison.

I write this piece for those who ordinarily have their heads on straight, when it comes to understanding the basics of HEALTH—but now, because of the “coronavirus epidemic,” are drifting back into the medical model: FIXATION ON GERMS.

A correct reading of suppressed medical history reveals that the hypothesis of “one disease, one germ” is a modern con, moving down a blind alley at midnight. And when you add “one vaccine” to the formula, you get an even greater degree of lunacy.

But you also get a trillion-dollar commercial success.

I don’t care how many contemporary molecular biologists are working in labs, amplifying invisible slivers of who knows what molecules into view, and calling them viruses; it’s a con. They’re all working in the dark, massaging RNA or partial decaying microbes or cellular debris or exosomes or pieces of random genetic sequences or whatever…

The history of human health shows that upgrades in public sanitation, hygiene, and improved nutrition have done more for people than all the laboratory voodoo and “germ-fighting” pharmaceutical interventions ever invented laid end to end.

You want germs? No one knows how many there are. From various estimates, we could be talking about thousands of trillions to the thousandth power. Maybe more. If an infinitesimal fraction of the critters caused serious disease no-matter-what, we’d not only all be dead, we’d be dead on dead on dead.

To begin to understand how overblown all these modern epidemic duds are, let’s go to the animals. Farm animals. Pigs. A headline blares: A MILLION PIGS SLAUGHTERED. African Swine Fever Virus was discovered, and in order to stop the contagion, death was rained down on the pigs. On the farm. On the giant factory farm. So a question arises:

Do you seriously think humans sat down next to each of the million pigs and tested him/her for the Virus? Drew a blood or tissue sample?

Twenty pigs “tested positive” and they killed the rest as matter of course. They always do.

But wait. What are the conditions on this massive million-pig factory farm? Let’s see. Pigs living in their own urine and feces, crowded next to one another, nose to butt, sprayed with toxic chemicals, eating chemical-laced feed—under high stress, never living the kind of existence they were designed for. Think they’re going to get sick? Think some kind of minimally reliable test might find a virus or two living and replicating in their bodies? Do you seriously think those viruses matter, contrasted against the OBVIOUS immunosuppressive ENVIRONMENT?

As the number one germ hunter of all time, Louis Pasteur, was reported to have confessed on his deathbed: it’s not the germ, it’s the terrain—meaning, it’s the body and its strength and vitality and resiliency—THAT should be the central focus of the healing profession. Building up health.

One problem. There’s no money in it. There’s no control over the population in it.



How are viruses discovered and identified in the first place?

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

121 comments on “COVID: is the virus real?

  1. Opie Poik says:

    Inoculate yourself against the state.

    But don’t I need a license from the state for that?

    Oh, oh. The hypnosis is complete.

    Let the Holocoronadomor commence! It’s for the children.

  2. Brett Morgen says:

    Awesome, thank you Jon. Being rational and asking for the actual science of the “pandemic” is a big no-no. You need to spread fear and hysteria nonstop like ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Drudge, and twitter.

    Not spreading enough lies and fear?? You’re banned!

    • RegretLeft says:

      Flicker of hope: some of the LOCAL network affiliates do some real reporting: Local Fox News in FL reported on the labs returning 100% positive CV-19 tests – state officials were discomfited for a few days; also local CBS station in FL reported on the much commented on 33-yr old nurse who died of CV – turned out to be acute kidney infection. Both quickly down the memory hole … but entirely so? … do reports like that contribute to “only 42% ” want the vaccine ?

  3. Piksil says:

    “COVID: is the virus real? ”

    Of course it’s real, I’ve seen pictures of it on the news, ever since it started! Obviously it’s real or they couldn’t have pictures. Pictures don’t lie. They’re even in color!

    And people are getting sick with it, and some even die. It’s the worst thing ever, in the history of the world. Re-scheduled baseball games have been cancelled, the rest of the season is uncertain….oh, the horror! (Please give those players that have ‘tested’ positive their privacy as they try to deal with the situation in these difficult times!)

    And hospitals are soooooo full they’ve had to ban visitors, as well as lay off staff, because there are sooooo many patients that they can’t fit any more people in the buildings. (And they need the parking lots for refrigerator trucks.)

    And now it’s starting to affect children, so that we can worry about opening schools and letting children go there to learn…something. If those children go to school and get the virus (it’s real because I saw the picture on the news), where will they go if the hospitals and parking lots are full?

    We can only hope, pray, and trust that Bill Gates and Tony Fauci come up with a vaccine. Soon. Like warp-speed soon. It’s the only way we are going to get back to normal. Except more testing. Because we are all in this together. But we should stay six feet apart. And wear a mask. (You can make one out of an old tee shirt.) Even the CDC says don’t wear a mask. Even the CDC says wear a mask. They’re scientists!

    Of course it’s real.

    • scooter says:


    • Thebarren says:

      okay thus was the best use of sarcasm I’ve seen in some time and I laughed through its entirety. Thank you , Canadian inmate

    • Madness says:

      Please Piksil, they might think you are serious just look at this poor soul here…

      FOR THE NEW ONES READING HERE, apart to read back Jon’s post, these two books are must to understand what is going on – while the virus legend is fake – follow the money.

      The history behind the pandemics and vaccination, free to read:

      The short, free version of THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW for what really kills and make you sick:


    • TS says:

      This I would ask, and not just of yourself. My supervisor’s 80 something year old mother was hospitalized this past Friday, diagnosed with the virus. Granted, she has a-fib issues but something made her sick to be admitted in the first place because if not, she obviously would not be there, to begin with. Her condition grows worse and so the thought in my mind is that there must be ‘something’ that expedites the death (which I hope not, in her case) that would not have been the case if there weren’t some illness currently circulating.I just wonder what it might be, then.

      • Piksil says:


        Sorry to hear about your supervisor’s mother, and hope for the best.

        I was diagnosed a-fib/flutter 2 1/2 years ago. Put on medication and blood thinners. Everything was ‘controlled’ by the meds, and was fine according to the doctors. Not to me however. I kept feeling worse.
        Until about a year ago. I told my wife that I just didn’t feel right, and I thought it was the medicine. ( “but you MUST take it” she’d say.)
        In the ER several times. Finally an ER doc said to stop the meds. Heart rate improved, but symptoms did worsened.
        In the ER several more times. Finally found something else, and had heart procedure. Fixed that problem, but symptoms continued, and have gotten worse. I see a neurologist tomorrow.

        Sorry for that long drawn out story, but the point is: I think the a-fib/flutter was a symptom, not the cause of whatever is wrong in my case. And it seems that most doctors today treat symptoms, and don’t try to eliminate the cause. (And by treating symptoms, sometimes those treatments result in other symptoms.)

        There are so many things we are exposed to that are proven to cause illness….pollution, toxic food additives, fluoride, etc. We live in a soup of toxins here in the US. One can do a quick search and find a litany of research of what each individual toxin can do to a human. Show me one study done on the effects of glyphosate, fluoride, MSG, and cell phone use. Or, diet soda, antibiotics, and dirty electricity. Or soy formula and 6 vaccines by age 2 while wearing flame retardant diapers in a moldy house. (We know how each of those things are not good for us, but we don’t know just how bad combinations of those things can be or are, because they haven’t been studied.)

        In my case, I had Hong Kong Flu in early ’69 (only ‘flu’ I’ve ever been diagnosed with). I think that’s a big ‘ol red flag regarding my condition, but I’m not sure if it’s indicative of what’s making people sick (EMF/EMR), especially the elderly. Not to be stereotypical, but many elderly don’t have as much technology (EMF/EMR) as younger folks.
        It may not be that at all, and just a toxic overload. Too much soup.

        I’ve come to the conclusion that the only thing ‘contagious’ is yawning. ‘Viruses’/exosomes are our friends, our pets, our warriors, our ServPro cleanup crews.

        Again, I hope she can get out of the hospital, quickly.

      • Eli35 says:

        TS, Here is what I see from lots of research and reports from the experts who are brave enough to speak out: Fear of this “terrible thing” makes people want to be hospitalized (or their family members hound them into going to the hospital) for what they would easily have recuperated from at home. Once in the hospital, fear multiplies. Bring on the toxic antiviral drugs. Anxiety causes shortness of breath. Bring on the respirator (hospital gets more money that way) and it’s extremely easy, and common, to kill someone with a respirator. I hope this woman survives her hospital “treatment.” It seems to totally depend on whether it’s one of the hospitals involved in raking in money and pumping up numbers, or one of the smaller hospitals where there is actual interest in helping people recover from whatever ails them. The nurses and doctors on the front lines who are speaking out tell this story over and over. There are hospitals with zero recovery rate, and hospitals with zero death rate.

        • TS says:

          Thank you. The story is that in July she had shoulder impingement surgery which went well and was in rehab. My boss’ aunt and uncle were taking her to her sessions. They became sick, themselves, and she contracted whatever, from them. She is currently being treated for pneumonia. I am nervous because we work in a building with about 500 plus and (my brother and I) and live under the same roof with our 84 year old father. So you can understand my angst.

          • Eli35 says:

            TS, I hope for the best for her. And for you — I’d say keep reading Jon’s articles. They are an excellent antidote to the fear that is under most other media rocks these days. It will help you know that you, your brother and your father will all be fine because there is no boogie man out there (only a story about one.)

          • Haniel Adhar says:

            It was mold.

      • tony bonn says:

        god only knows but it is not a virus. viruses do not kill or harm nor are they communicable or contagious. from how many ailments is an 80 year old woman susceptible? your logic is full of superstition. i have noticed a lot of you people showing up lately. did george send you?

      • jeanette says:

        One thing they don’t do when admitting people to hospital is bathe them. If there was a chemical exposure ie. poisoning then that is still being absorbed into the skin for the duration of their stay. If the technicians are looking for an infectious agent they will never suspect a poisoning.

    • Jock says:

      You trying to out do Jon? Nice writing style.

      And I thought only we Scots did sarcasm to that level.

      • Piksil says:


        No, not at all. I wish I had half of the critical thinking skills Jon obviously has! (I bought the 9/11 story at first)

        Maybe it’s the bit-o-Scottish blood I’ve got in me that fuels the sarcasm. (If it ends up being passive-aggressive, I guess that’s the Irish or German coming out. Couldn’t be the English. No way. lol)

        I just hope that people see the sarcasm in general, and don’t think it is directed at them…..unless they’re one of the main players in this hoax.

        Even though I didn’t buy this plandemic from the start, Jon and this site have provided more useful information than I would have gathered alone, and that’s been very reassuring (and helpful in some cases).

  4. Lynn says:

    Your logic would make perfect sense in Rational World. However, don’t live there. We live in Clown World, where black is white, down is up, and legitimate questions are conspiracy theory.

  5. Donna Guillaume says:

    Thank you so much. Your clear writing is a lifesaver to me. I’m not trained as scientist, but I am educated in using one’s mind and consciousness.

    I’m 80 years old, but my terrain is healthy. I live a very active life, but so many folks in my contact profile are afraid. How do I answer, “But x number have died”, etc, etc? It is my understanding that you can’t die from an unidentified virus or any virus, for that matter. It’s all the biology of your terrain and your body’s ability to keep an unknown “germ” from upsetting your microbiome.

    Anyway, I read your emails before anything else in my inbox.

    Thank you for your valuable contribution to reason and sanity.


  6. zdb says:

    How do we stop this crazytrain of govt/corporate fascist attack on everyone of us trying to make a living?

    • Madness says:

      You can stop it only if people enough wake up.
      They don’t have the power 99% vs 1%. The problem is their successful brainwashing. In fact we can’t know how successful it was but after making a scene on a plane about mask-wearing and watching the reactions I am afraid that only 10% knows and brave enough, around 60% you don’t know they might know but cowards or they might don’t know what to think. And around 30% are ignorant but aggressive to the score capable to even attack you. Doesn’t look good.

      Read what is happening in Melbourne as will happen here and there, too.

      They play blame-games. They don’t rely on their own power but slowly take away our freedom using us to do. Turning this group against that group, young against elderly, mask-believers against those who resist and so on.

      I thought that we should print and distribute articles about the truth with proof as social media doesn’t work any more, neither youtube. But my problem is when I give advice (user’s manual) how to handle a pet to keep it healthy, they just won’t read or hardly any. People don’t read if it is longer than 1-2 sentences. So what to distribute? COVID IS HOAX WAKE UP? It is not like showing the proof.

      The other key to their power is the grid of 5G. It must be stopped. And people must learn to live without their toys like cell phones or anything what makes possible to follow them and to target them.

      Behind our backs they have new laws, laws they allow them to do whatever they wish even remove your ‘positive’ child from your home to ‘quarantine’. How you go after the child? How do you know what will happen with the child? You still have the level of trust that they just try to protect the child?
      Then watch the WHO about it…

  7. bleak says:

    How can they be so corrupt? Money? Fear of reprisal? Are they just sick bastards? YES to all three.

    New “low” in those who say they want/will get a “vaccine” (I will put that word inside quotation marks until my last breath)

    Yesterday, there was mention of a “new virus” called “SFTS” and I thought that was IT. But today, nothing.

    Is it real? Is it another Chinese psyop attack which was suppressed because it would conflict with Gate’s “vaccine” agenda and the already planned attack by those behind this attack? Am I hallucinating? I wish lol.

    Sooo expect another attack to win more “hearts and minds.”

    • Madness says:

      Never mind, they went back to the good old, now there are reports of different kind of plagues there.

  8. AnnieM says:

    “it’s the terrain—meaning, it’s the body and its strength and vitality and resiliency—THAT should be the central focus of the healing profession. Building up health.” Yes, this is absolutely correct.

    There are excess deaths (compared to previous years) world wide. Something is causing these excess deaths and they seem to be coincident with this specific illness, indicating that there probably is a single (set of) cause(s) and not just air pollution here, lack of sanitation over there, and bad diets somewhere else. We need to figure out how to combat this illness that is killing people.

    You’re spending a lot of verbiage claiming that there is no proof that this specific virus caused this illness. OK, fine. If it isn’t the virus, then what is it? How do we prevent and/or cure it?

    • JA says:


      My interpretation of your comments makes me think you are determined to drink the “kool-aid”.

      It isn’t just Rappaports’ articles telling you what a hoax has been perpetuated on the whole world…..let your fingers do the walking….

      Along with Rappaport sending you to links to help you understand his position, posters here also have supplied other pertinent information through links.

      I think one of the best things that ever happened to my family: way back when, my mother bought the book “The Poisoned Needle”. Needless to say HER kids were NOT vaccinated, their kids were not vaccinated, and their kids kids are not vaccinated to date.

      That book can still be called up on your computer. Back then Big Pharma did not have their diabolical hold on the health industry so doctors were still able to tell the truth about the hell that vaccines were wreaking on the population.

      Your question what is it and what is the prevention/cure. Alas, there is no vaccine/cure for LIES!

      • AnnieM says:

        No way I can respond to all of you since none of you supplied sources for your “statistics”, you conflict among yourselves, you conflict with what Jon says in this article, you conflict with what Jon has said in previous articles, and just in general responded to what you think I said with the tenets of your belief instead of actually comprehending. Looks like this blog is for blind believers rather than thinkers and researchers. No way I’m even going to try get in the way of your belief.

    • scooter says:

      The average mortality rate in the U.S., for January-June, is around 900,000. The number of deaths this year in the first 6 months, even with the conflated number counting, is 740,000. Government statistics, not mine.

    • From Elsewhere says:

      Wrong! Official stats compared 2020 first six months to 2019 and guess what? 5% FEWER total deaths! With all the efforts of WHO to blow up numbers, the ”infected” still stand to 0,27%, including ”cured” cases.

      First they pushed for ”The Vaxine”, now they push for ”several doses”. Extra $$$ for Covid cases in hospitals, versus flu cases.

      Yes, I buy the official story, with all the ICU documentaries (why not for other ICU patients, why only Covid ICU patients?), with all the #StaySafe influencers…

      I was hoping the majority of real professionals will spit out the crooks from their ranks, but I fear I was wrong to expect that self-esteem act of solidarity and justice.

    • Piksil says:


      There is no “it”.

      People die all the time, for multiple reasons, not just ‘it’. Have been dying ever since I was a kid. Maybe even before, from what I’ve read.

      Not the same number of people die worldwide year after year. (That would be boring, and probably cost some people their jobs.) If fewer people died one year, would we have an ‘undemic’? Look at how the numbers ‘spiked’ after the lockdowns. Look up what isolation, depression, and fear can do to a person’s immune system, their terrain.

      Rick from AZ has posted on more than one occasion a list of Jon’s posts with subject/title, and direct links. Jon has pointed out numerous times that there is not one cause of death, but many different causes. And maybe not the same in every case of ‘covid’ death. Multiple causative factors have been discussed, with some direct links to others’ research.

      Rejecting germ theory is one way to help fight this syndrome. Rejecting ‘Covid-19’ is another way. Avoiding those that promulgate both is yet another.

      We live in a highly toxic world, chemically, energetically, and psychologically. Working to avoid and clean up from these toxins is the best thing we can do.

      Robert Young stated that dis-ease is 95% toxins and 5% genetics, and I tend to believe him.

      I know it’s tough to try and re-learn or unlearn a philosophy that’s been (and continues to be) pounded into us for so long, and look at things from a new perspective.
      I used to think FOXNews was always right.

    • Donald says:

      Hi AnnieM
      I know its a confusing place to be right now.
      My first ponit would be to confirm what we know is ‘truth’ ( i very much dislike using that word) which hasnt been handed down to us from the media or WHO or CDC who don’t appear to have our best interests at heart.
      Admittedly, this is difficult because information is based on beliefs and trust that the source is reliable.

      Firstly…how do you know there are excess deaths?

      From a UK point of view. 2017 had equally as many deaths since it seemed it was a poor year for respiratory illness and mortality. Now if that was indeed the case, why didn’t we have a pandemic or closures or social distancing or masks then?

      Other than what we are being told is ‘true’ at this time – is there anything in our environment that could point to us that more people are dying?
      (I don’t know that answer because I don’t have a global view of what is happening – only that we are being told more people are dying – do we trust the source of that info?
      I’m in the sciences and I don’t.
      It’s not that I inherantly disbelieve the information. It is that it makes no sense.
      I understand that the fabric of reality is manipulable. Without accepting this point we are all open to being played.
      I hope that helps

      • Donna Guillaume says:


        Check out Dr. Zach Bush. Just a quick tip of the iceburg: at a 2017 environmental conference, there’s a video of him lecturing and pointing to a map of poluted areas of the world. #1 was Wuhan, China. He also, early on, pointed out that doctors were seeing virus symptoms that were similar to cyanide poisoning. Put the two together…

    • Donald Sutherland says:

      Hi AnnieM
      I know it’s a confusing place to be right now.

      My first point would be to confirm what we know is ‘truth’ ( I very much dislike using that word) which hasn’t been handed down to us from the media or WHO or CDC who don’t appear to have our best interests at heart.

      Admittedly, this is difficult because information is based on beliefs and trust that the source is reliable.

      Firstly…how do you know there are excess deaths?

      From a UK point of view – 2017 had equally as many deaths since it seemed it was a poor year for respiratory illness and mortality.
      Now if that was indeed the case, why didn’t we have a pandemic or closures or social distancing or masks then?

      Other than what we are being told is ‘true’ at this time – is there anything in our environment that could point to us that more people are dying? (I don’t know that answer because I don’t have a global view of what is happening – only that we are being told more people are dying – do we trust the source of that info?)

      I’m in the sciences and I don’t.

      It’s not that I inherently disbelieve the information. It is that it makes no sense from a scientific view.

      A reductionist point of view can almost prove anything but an integrative philosophy is harder to establish.

      This is the reason why ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and ‘Disorientation’ philosophy is regularly used so the population is nudged into grasping onto one solution to the problem.

      I believe Jon talks about this regularly. It is not one problem one solution but that is the easy sell. Terrain theory is disregarded because it’s impossible to sell one vaccine or one solution to the problem. In a dirty ocean it would be impossible to find one vaccine to solve all the medicinal, physiological (or if fish had psychological illnesses ;)) that we are sold the sea living creatures have.

      I have a tonne of research under my belt and I understand that the fabric of reality is manipulable.

      Without accepting this point we are all open to being played.
      I hope that helps

    • AK in VT says:

      Hi Annie

      Perhaps the excess deaths are a cause of a better economy over the last three years and people living a little longer than normal. Now those people who might have died sooner (under poorer living conditions, perhaps poverty in America, or at least health poverty) were going to die anyway because of years of toxins, mediocre health and poor diets. We did well keeping them alive a little longer than perhaps they would have.

      Sad, but we all are going to physically die sometime. Medicine, food, and health are meant to keep us alive a little longer. Now that the economy has been wrecked, the average life expectancy will drop to Obama levels or even lower even if everyone suddenly tried to get all back to “normal.” The damage has been done and now we must focus on quality of life even more as it will be shorter for many.

      Nix the vaccine. Find a doctor who would sign the necessary papers that said you were vaccinated and pay him well for not vaccinating you yet reporting you were. Be prepared.


      AK in VT

    • Madness says:

      A clue for the excess death apart from that many dies because of the lack of medical care, eg. a news a couple of days ago reported 40% more heart attack than usual.

      ““This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse,” was stressed at the end of the meeting. Doctors agreed that:

      Coronavirus victims did not outnumber last year’s seasonal flu deaths.
      Figures were exaggerated by altering medical protocols.
      The confinement of the healthy and the forced use of masks have no scientific basis.
      The disease known as Covid-19 does not have a single infectious pattern, but a combination of them.

      “There are crossed toxic patterns,” said Angel Luis Valdepeñas. “On the one hand, the electromagnetic contamination of fi5v-ghee, and on the other, the influence of influenza vaccination. There is an interaction and empowerment, which must be investigated”.”

    • CynthEmm says:

      There is no “it”. The world is a complex and toxic place. Illness and death depend on the health of the individual organism in response to this complexity and toxicity. There is no single cause, although FEAR has a profoundly negative effect upon humans. Personally, I’d blame the MEDIA for the excess deaths…fanning the flames of FEAR.

    • tony bonn says:

      Not only have you not proven that there are excess deaths – you don’t have a baseline and you don’t have a definition of excess, you are attempting to conflate coincidence with causation in your specious question. you are a troll.

      • Piksil says:


        You posted basically the same question 2 or 3 days ago. You got sources then. They are somewhere over the rainbow. Follow the yellow brick road. It’s all a dream.

        Uncle Henry

  9. KCT says:

    COVID is not real. The flu is just your immune system cleaning house. Germ theory is still just a theory after 100 years. But it serves Rockefeller/controller interests well.

  10. AK in VT says:

    Hey everybody,

    Bill Gates and China at it again: through legal money laundering. Stumbled across these two news stories while trying to find out VT governor’s thoughts on Covid vaccination.

    First is from Forbes about AstraZeneca pharmaceutical contracting Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products in China to manufacture its covid “vaccine.”

    Next, we have this story about how AstraZeneca has been given $750 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to produce a covid “vaccine.”

    There are many other NGOs and not for profits the Gates foundation is sending money to for vaccines, including SI (Serum Institute of India) out of India
    ( ).

    He (Bill Gates) is at it again with people of African decent as his wife, Melinda, urges that “Here in the United States, it’s going to be black people who really should get it first and many indigenous people, as well as people with underlying symptoms, and then elderly people.”
    ( )

    Spread the news. Evil man willing to profiteer off the lives of people. They say an apple never falls far from its tree:
    Bill Gates of Microsoft “fame’s” father was: Former Planned parenthood national board member and population control advocate, Bill Gates Sr

    Fortunately, some apples do get picked up and moved from their tree, but not this smiling “Chuckie.”

    Pray for all, pray for your enemies, too.


    AK in VT

    • Rachel says:

      I recently stumbled across another goal of Bill Gates to further his whole agenda. It seems that while he is busy trying to depopulate the world, he is also one of the main people focused on the Global Reset. Of course he is sick and wants ALL the world’s wealth (do other rich people realize he won’t stop when just the poor are gone?). He wants the control. You control people with digital currency and the food supply. One of the groups who will be helping to further FedCoin is the Better than Cash Alliance. It all circles around when you just follow the money (or Bill Gates-at this point a slang term for digital currency will probably be a “Gates”).

      It is all absurd, and I just keep hoping that all of Trump’s recent moves will somehow save us all. Except Gates. And he literally needs a taste of his own medicine.

      • Piksil says:


        I believe BMGF has contributed to companies involved in the AI/education restructuring (cradle-to-career) as well. Only learn enough to do the job that’s determined to be the best for the ‘student’, based on AI algorhithms. (Same with Michael Blumberg, btw)

      • Nancy says:

        I wouldn’t give Gates that much credit. I think he’s definitely on the spectrum and probably sees nothing but numbers. He is simply working to make the “good” numbers go up and the “bad” numbers go down.

        He has naturally or unnaturally lost all sense of empathy through objectification and lack of experience in the world outside of his ivory tower. He has degraded into a machine thinker and doer performing whatever his .exe file tell him to do. Not only that, but he believes that is the only true way to exist. I almost feel sorry for him. Actually, I do.

        His wife, on the other hand, just seems like a sorority princess who has achieved her dearest, darkest dream of status and power. Of the two of them, she is by far the most autonomous.

        Gates’ “programmers”, I believe, like all good sociopaths, work behind the curtain – names that may have been mentioned once or twice in the MMA, if at all.

    • Lyn P says:

      “Here in the United States, it’s going to be black people who really should get it first and many indigenous people, as well as people with underlying symptoms, and then elderly people.”

      These are the groups they want to priority kill off. Utterly horrifying what type of “people” the globe is dealing with.

  11. bleak says:

    Sorry for the double-dip, off-topic comment but THIS video is a trip. The work that went into it is astonishing. I don’t know of a better crew to share it with.

    “This Is What Mind Control Looks Like – Operation Mockingbird – (WATCH before it gets deleted)”

    • JA says:


      I hope everyone takes a look!

    • Mary says:

      Yes that is hilarious, some of them did not look real. I want to smack them,for lying to us just to make the money and have their day of fame. Shame on them.

    • Rachel says:

      I like that video-it makes a strong point. Furthering that point, it is quite common throughout the literature of the media/internet, too.

      I have tried to do what minimal research I can (at least look for different authors), and so many articles are simply the same!

      I started noticing this in high school, but back then I chalked it up to newspapers being sold and fewer reporters.

      I think one of the clearest examples can be illustrated when you try and research the different Popes conspiracy (white, black). It seems that all the different info is the same info, even written out the same. Because of this experience, I have a hard time accepting certain things-I don’t know enough to know the point and make a decision about what to believe.

    • Piksil says:


      Too bad they just didn’t use the GCN correspondent from Event201.

  12. John J McFadden says:

    Are these the images / photos you’re referring to:

    • Jason X says:

      You do notice how they are mostly CGI?
      Andrew Kaufman have covered the two EM images in his video series. They are not proof of virus isolation.
      With all the world resources pooled into fighting Covid-19, I wonder why this is the best they can come up with.

      • John J McFadden says:

        “They are not proof of virus isolation.”
        Thank you.

        Do you know of any photos on the internet of another type of virus that has been isolated? Thanks again.

    • Billy Jones says:

      No, they’re not. There are three total useful photos and they could be any “coronavirus” or small particulate, so no. Not the photos he was referring to.

  13. Madness says:

    Someone wish to copy them? – THANK YOU to these guys.
    “Moment megaphone wielding anti-mask activists storm Morrison’s and demand shoppers ‘resist the new world order’ and take off their face-coverings that are ‘so bad’ for them”

  14. Monty says:

    Another excellent anology by Jon. If only this message could be made available to the masses. In the even broader picture, consider what this pandemic is being used for and where it is taking us. This video from Michael J. Matt of Remnant News discusses Covid, the new world order, Trump, and opportunities for a global reset. You won’t regret the 25 minutes of the time you give to watch this if you have not already viewed it.

  15. Hayden says:

    same old same old

  16. Mary says:

    Well, the EM test is on my list of questions if ever confronted with the nazi vaccine group, or test group. I am in my sixties,so I have my questions just in case I end up at a hospital god forbid, as if so you might as well write me off. My daughter in her forties acts more like the fearful baby boomer than me. Go figure. I think they may have tried to get something to take off, but failed. Now perhaps it is all about economic collapse, regime change. I am sick and tired of looking at people in masks, especially the children, I, at this point am not thinking too highly of my fellow, oh my god we might all die humans.

  17. Caltrop says:

    EXPOSED: World Bank Coronavirus Aid Comes With Conditions For Imposing Extreme Lockdown, Reveals Belarus President
    July 27, 2020

    Huge foreign loans are given to sovereign nations by the World Bank, IMF and the likes. But the conditions that come attached to these loans are seldom told by governments to their citizens. A recent case in Belarus has exposed the conditions laid by these agencies for loans being provided for COVID-19.

    The President of Belarus has exposed that the World Bank coronavirus aid comes with conditions for imposing extreme lockdown measures, to model their coronavirus response on that of Italy and even changes in the economic policies which he refused as being “unacceptable”.

    At the same time, he stressed that additional conditions which do not apply to the financial part are unacceptable for the country.

    “We hear the demands, for example, to model our coronavirus response on that of Italy. I do not want to see the Italian situation to repeat in Belarus. We have our own country and our own situation,” the president said.

    According to the president, the World Bank has showed interest in Belarus’ coronavirus response practices.

    “It is ready to fund us ten times more than it offered initially as a token of commendation for our efficient fight against this virus. The World Bank has even asked the Healthcare Ministry to share the experience. Meanwhile, the IMF continues to demand from us quarantine measures, isolation, a curfew. This is nonsense. We will not dance to anyone’s tune,” said the president.

    Belarus is one of the only European countries that has not implemented strict coronavirus containment measures. The no-restriction situation is such that even the non-essential services remain open. The football league of Belarus is still being played. The only restriction kind-of step that Belarus took till now is that the school holidays have been extended.

    …………….It was also revealed in an intercepted human intelligence report that Bill Gates offered $10 million bribe for a forced Coronavirus vaccination program in Nigeria. After which, an Italian politician demanded the arrest of Bill Gates in the Italian parliament. She also exposed Bill Gates’ agenda in India and Africa, along with the plans to chip the human race through the digital identification program ID2020.


    • BS Detector says:

      Where are the original references? Everything on Great Game India seems to be circular, and hence would be unconvincing to believers in mainstream propaganda, even if true.

  18. barn moose says:

    “…Louis Pasteur (was reported to have) confessed…”

    More here:

    • BS Detector says:

      Interesting, info, thanks.

      Regardless of what Pasteur thought, we now know a healthy individual is awash in “germs”, a vast majority of which are our allies. Sanitizer is the very worst thing one can use against a dangerous infection.

      • tony bonn says:

        very much so. and the point can be made even stronger with viruses. no one has ever died from a virus in all of human history. viruses are indispensable for life and health. virus are the result rather than the cause of pathology and disease.

      • barn moose says:

        “It’s a great life if you don’t weaken.” -John Buchanan (maybe)

  19. Donald says:

    People in fear….are just that….they are people in fear.
    Just like you and me when we see the ferocious dinosaur coming around the corner.

    Ridicule, shame, blame is not going to work and you know why…because they are in fear and they are not listening to you if they believe the ferocious dinosaur is going to come around the corner.

    Then what can we do?

    How can we help people in fear? Those family members who believe that a virus i out to get them…those that believe a mask will save them.

    What I know is that when people are in fear and that fear has become normality then they are going to grasp the easiest thing possible (much like a drowning person will grab a person if they think it will save them). It’s not conscious. They really believe it’s going to save them…of course they do.

    So how can we inform them? I see this question so much on this blog

    I believe its our responsibility to act out as we see fit. Only by living our ‘truth’ will we influence those around us. Enough people that stand up and step forward and then we gain enough influence.

    • Greg C. says:

      Courage is contagious and it is the only antidote to fear. Spread it around!

    • Owen says:

      Except Don, if they really were in fear, they would not leave their homes. They are brainwashed slaves.

      • Donald says:

        Perhaps Owen

        I’m unable to judge who is fearful of who and of what and so I wouldn’t know.

        The fact that I don’t understand their choices means just that..I’m in a position of not understanding…so how can I get to a position of understanding?

        I know that people are fearful and that it’s a manipulable force up for grabs.

        I’m coming at this from a sense of empathy and love…I want all of us to be empowered to live all our lives fully and that would put an end to this propoganda.

        But empathy is a thing. Have you ever heard of the chocolate box and empathy?

        If I give you a box of that had a picture of beautiful chocolates on the outside with wonderfully chocolate advertising what would you expect would be on the inside?

        I would hope chocolates…mmmm chocolates 😉

        If you opened it I’m sure you would be surprised to see an array of beautiful crayons. Not chocolates for sure but still…amazing crayons right.

        Now, if I was to give that same box to someone else…but I ask you the question…what do you think they will believe is inside the chocolate box?
        I would hope you would say chocolates!

        We judge others by our own standards and I don’t believe that’s effective. How can we get them to a place of fearlessness?

        Everybody is in fear until they awaken. Until they realise that fear is an illusion.

  20. Marlene says:

    I am not a scientist. I have been reading this blog. Can someone explain how this article could have been written if there is no virus?

    Emergence of genomic diversity and recurrent mutations in SARS-COV2

    • glenn says:

      Viruses can be confused with cell debris, exosomes, or viruses naturally occurring with the body. What this blog has covered extensively is steps being skipped to verify that this truly a new unique virus.

      Now you may be asking how do scientists continue research and find results like mutations if what they are working with might not be Sars-Cov2?

      That is because viruses are never found in complete form. Virologists have to fill in the missing gaps of the genome. Basically they are creating a theoretical model of a virus and what it can do. Yes it can be wrong and produce results only possible in the lab experiments.

      Below is a pdf that explains the problem with viral research even better.

    • tony bonn says:

      vast ignorance has fueled a torrent of lies and some truth here and there. viruses are not harmful. everyone has them – without them you would die. anyone chasing a virus as a threat is an ignoramus.

  21. BS Detector says:

    Whether or not the virus is real and deadly to certain people, the overwhelming % of whom are even said by the propagandists to be very old and/or unhealthy, the last 3 paragraphs sum it up.

    A majority are fearing the wrong threat. But the numbers are changing as people are seeing the most ham-fisted of the propaganda for what it is.

  22. rivercity says:

    Here is a good source for driving home the point that your IMMUNITY is all important. You are not merely a vulnerable entity. Get some freaking gumption!

  23. Amanda says:

    from Rappoport’s twitter:
    Your homework for today: National Influenza Vaccine Task Force

    Looks like Trump is just a puppet and not in command of anything. He knows the flu vaccines are BS, yet there he is following big-pharma orders.

    We’re definitely at war, probably for the rest of our lives.

    • rivercity says:

      Yeah – & this was signed just before all this went down. Can’t you just see some satanic little desk-jockey in the bowels of D.C. formulating just the right doublespeak. Who signs something like this??

      • Piksil says:

        “in the bowels of D.C.”

        But you repeat yourself.

        Q: Where would one find that?

        A: It’s where all the assholes are. (Alternative: Uranus)

    • tony bonn says:

      trump is definitely a swamp creature. he may do a few decent things on occasion or mumble the right words but the big prize is coronascam and he was part of its perpetration from the very beginning. in janurary 2017, fauci “predicted” that trump would have the worst health crisis in history. whom did trump chose as his task force “czar”? the very vile and criminal dr anthony “lysenko” fauci. trump is your enemy.

    • Owen says:

      Amanda: Yes, Trump is a stooge with Q fixating minds on issues that may or not be resolved. If good people want filth and portals of filth to end, they need to regain control of the money printing presses.

  24. Dave says:

    Has anyone else noticed that when we start ‘opening up’ that ‘all-of-a-sudden’….’something new’ pops up to prevent it? Every single time. We’ve been misinformed about all this and we’ve been given deliberate ‘disinformation’ throughout this virus scare. Is this virus real? It’s a good probability that there is a virus making people sick, but it could also be a new strain of flu that goes around every year. Personally, I’m more than a little skeptical about all the deaths that have been blamed on COVID-19. Just like the flu…most deaths occur because the patient has underlying health issues, in particular, respiratory and cardiac issues. The list, though, could go on.

    • tony bonn says:

      yes – this is classic psychological warfare. same technique was used to keep the soviet act from expiring and keep tsa at the airports. it is a jewish gulag.

  25. Dbigelo says:

    I only wear a mask where the stores are required to. Never in public while walking, even when passing by someone. Close contact is described as being within 6′ for at least 10-15 minutes. Screw them the rest of the time.

    • rivercity says:

      Yeah – that’s great…complying when necessary…

    • tony bonn says:

      i have been denied entrance to many stores and will not wear a face bra. i no longer spend on discretionary items. have canceled sirius xm in protest. stopped elective doctor visits. no more hair cuts. on and on. i refuse to enable the liars. i told the whole foods bitch to fuck off when she demanded a mask. i will never shop there again. that is 10-15k a year in groceries which it will never see again from me.

  26. John Harris says:

    This criminal hoax is founded on a demonstrably false assertion: that scientists in Wuhan discovered a novel virus in December 2019. Novel can only mean, in the context of scientific discovery, either *new* (not previously extant) or *unique* (the only one of its kind). How could they possibly know that the virus now known as SARS-CoV-2 was either new or unique, and thus novel? Did they know of every virus that existed in the instant before their discovery? Without such knowledge, which they most definitely lacked, they lacked any legitimate basis for proclaiming their discovery novel. There is no pandemic. How so many have fallen for this deception is the real mystery.

    • tony bonn says:

      novel was a term to give cover to draconian measures because it is so unknown that extreme precautions are required. and because it is “novel” all sorts of lies can be made up about it – ie who would know the difference?

      the problem is, though, viruses are not toxic, lethal, or in any way a threat. they are the results of pathology – not the cause. covidiots confuse coincidence with causation.

  27. Arby says:

    Thanks for the rant Jon. I can use it.

  28. ReluctantWarrior says:


    Excellent article as usual. I wish more people paid attention to the alt media where the real news is being reported. To escape the matrix one must know where and now it is bounded by the algorithms of the mind that the mass media programs us with. Your work is one path to understanding how we can do this.

    Is the virus real? That is hard to say. As you point out, what verification do we have that it even exists? I am sure of one thing and that is that the ‘pandemic’ is not real. The only real pandemic is a pandemic of fear. Fear is the number one suppressor of the immune system. Who knows how many deaths have been the result of this viral fear. Dr. Fauci and his many minions are at least 30 years behind the science of immunology. They seem to lack an understanding of the human microbiome which constitutes the galaxy of bacteria and microbes that surround and inhabit our bodies. It also seems clear that they have no understanding of epigenetics and how our environment, habits and attitudes shape our gene expression and our health. They seem to lack the knowledge of how these areas are integrated into our immune systems and how they contribute to our natural immunity.

    I have many friends who challenge me when I say these things. They say things like ‘who died and made you an expert.’ This reliance on ‘expertism’ has led our civilization to the brink of failure. We have experts for everything who seem to be able to do nothing. What I have said to them is that we need people who are not experts and are, therefore, willing to learn and who are not locked into professional programming. What about the war on cancer? Have the ‘experts’ won this war? What about the war on drugs? The war on poverty? The war on Terrorism, The war on crime? What have the ‘experts’ done for us lately.

    With respect to medicine this is especially true as you point out:

    “As the number one germ hunter of all time, Louis Pasteur, was reported to have confessed on his deathbed: it’s not the germ, it’s the terrain—meaning, it’s the body and its strength and vitality and resiliency—THAT should be the central focus of the healing profession. Building up health.
    One problem. There’s no money in it. There’s no control over the population in it.”

    Yes, all these so called wars, mentioned above, cost money. Lots of money.

    The germ theory of disease has been overthrown and should have long ago been put out to pasture. What we are left with is a new understanding of the regenerative powers of the human body and its ability to produce radiant health if provided with the right inputs of heart, mind and body Its natural state is one of homeostasis. It is the toxicity of modern materialism that has thrown our bodies, hearts and mind out of balance. One take away from all this madness is that the human body is actually capable of doctoring itself if provided the proper bio-ecological mix. The establishment is in the process of reducing us to a race of cowering masked Covidians that can be controlled by the state. It is a life vaccinated from real understanding, creativity and imagination. Time to wake up and declare our own freedom.

    • Monty says:

      Best comment of the day right here.

    • Piksil says:

      “Yes, all these so called wars, mentioned above, cost money. Lots of money.”

      But they make more money for some, because the do know the truth, but twist it at our expense.

      “The germ theory of disease has been overthrown and should have long ago been put out to pasture”

      I think you meant to write ‘been put out to Pasteur.’ (Sorry, couldn’t resist!)

      Great post.

  29. ReluctantWarrior says:

    Corrected version:


    Excellent article as usual. I wish more people paid attention to the alt media where the real news is being reported. To escape the matrix one must know where and how it is bounded by the algorithms of the mind that the mass media programs us with. Your work is one path to understanding how we can do this.

    Is the virus real? That is hard to say. As you point out, what verification do we have that it even exists? I am sure of one thing and that is that the ‘pandemic’ is not real. The only real pandemic is a pandemic of fear. Fear is the number one suppressor of the immune system. Who knows how many deaths have been the result of this viral fear. Dr. Fauci and his many minions are at least 30 years behind the science of immunology. They seem to lack an understanding of the human microbiome which constitutes the galaxy of bacteria and microbes that surround and inhabit our bodies. It also seems clear that they have no understanding of epigenetics and how our environment, habits and attitudes shape our gene expression and our health. They seem to lack the knowledge of how these areas are integrated into our immune systems and how they contribute to our natural immunity.

    I have many friends who challenge me when I say these things. They say things like ‘who died and made you an expert.’ This reliance on ‘expertism’ has led our civilization to the brink of failure. We have experts for everything who seem to be able to do nothing. What I have said to them is that we need people who are not experts and are, therefore, willing to learn and who are not locked into professional programming. What about the war on cancer? Have the ‘experts’ won this war? What about the war on drugs? The war on poverty? The war on Terrorism, The war on crime? What have the ‘experts’ done for us lately.

    With respect to medicine this is especially true as you point out:

    “As the number one germ hunter of all time, Louis Pasteur, was reported to have confessed on his deathbed: it’s not the germ, it’s the terrain—meaning, it’s the body and its strength and vitality and resiliency—THAT should be the central focus of the healing profession. Building up health.
    One problem. There’s no money in it. There’s no control over the population in it.”

    Yes, all these so called wars, mentioned above, cost money. Lots of money.

    The germ theory of disease has been overthrown and should have long ago been put out to pasture. What we are left with is a new understanding of the regenerative powers of the human body and its ability to produce radiant health if provided with the right inputs of heart, mind and body Its natural state is one of homeostasis. It is the toxicity of modern materialism that has thrown our bodies, hearts and mind out of balance. One take away from all this madness is that the human body is actually capable of doctoring itself if provided the proper bio-ecological mix. The establishment is in the process of reducing us to a race of cowering masked Covidians that can be controlled by the state. It is a life vaccinated from real understanding, creativity and imagination. Time to wake up and declare our own freedom.

    • Arby says:

      “Is the virus real? That is hard to say. As you point out, what verification do we have that it even exists?”

      Until they prove that it exists, we who ‘actually’ lean on science are more right to say that it doesn’t exist than they are right to say it exists, is my view.

      Their shouting us down when we express skepticism or we question or have an opinion is not at all the same as refutation. Keep that in mind. I recently had it out with my GP, an arrogant a hole. Until covid, he was fine. I thought he was caring. He’s shown his true colors. It’s his way or the highway. I don’t require my GP to think exactly the same way that I do, but his shouting me down and disparaging me with the ‘conspiracy theorist’ label felt like an assault. First, protect big pharma and your place in the Rockefeller health care system, seems to be the oath he has taken.

  30. ReluctantWarrior says:

    The Superhero Outfit

    Recently, the microbiome has taken on new importance as a type of protective wardrobe that is able to connect us seamlessly with our external environment. You can think of it a little like a Batman or Spider-Man suit. It helps to make you who you are.

    It prescreens or filters everything we see in the environment outside ourselves (foods, drugs, chemicals, other microbes), and it is our gatekeeper , determining what gets through to our mammalian cells , tissues and organs. You can also think of it as a universal translator for a world we otherwise would view as highly threatening.

    Rodney Dietert, PhD Cornell University

  31. John Regan says:

    Actually, there’s a plausible case to be made that this whole COVID thing is the swamp exacting their revenge on the Trumpster and the populace that elected him. It’s evil, but it’s also petty and stupid:

    • tony bonn says:

      no. trump perpetrated the coronascam with fauci, gates, and others. that is why he selected the swamp quack lysenkoist as his chief spokesman. this is the trump disease – fake as fuck and the triumph of evil. trump uses a few limited hang out items to gain credibility with certain naive voters, but the big prize is the fraud and perpetual maskdom.

  32. John Malatesta says:

    Because logic and common sense are thrown out the window . Millions upon millions have run off the cliff with believing the virus is real.

  33. Dr. E. Black says:

    Download this as fast if you can.
    I was researching where the name vaccine came from.
    Then i found this…
    Check out what he says @ 5:19
    This was uploaded in 2011

  34. Barbara says:

    Is this true?

    You said there are no images. Is this a fake image as you described? I need to know what is true.

    If anyone else can respond to this I would appreciate that as well.


    • Donald says:

      I know it looks scary and for sure some groups are benefiting heavily in our fear.
      All I can say is that it’s in colour Barbara
      Because elctron micorscopes don’t take pictures in colour I leave it to you to deduct whether you believe it real or not

      • Barbara says:

        Thanks for answering Donald. But I realize that they color it, they do it with space photos as well. What I need to know, since the article said they used EM photos as Jon writes about, are they lying? I tend to believe they are, but this was sent to me I need to answer it and clearly I’m not a scientist. Is it fake, is it exosomes, genetic material? What do I say?

        • Donald says:

          Soverignty is a strange thing in humans.
          Being authentic is potentially the first step and that means telling the truth Barbara simply as you see it.
          I know that doesnt make you feel any better but feeling better is what gets individuals and groups and tribes and therefore society into these pickles 😉
          Our desire to feel comforatble is what drives us to be be right, to be correct, to know whats going on. The ego needs to know and that’s why it grasps at the eaiest answer.
          Sometimes we don’t know and that is ok.
          It’s ok to say “I don’t know about those photos but on reflection they look as dodgy as shit!”
          You have all my support in living this wonderful and beautiful uncomfortable life that we live

        • Madness says:

          Dr Lanka explains it with photos and he got Nobel for discovering a giant sea virus.
          You find many photos about the so called viruses and his explanations that in reality what you see on those photos:

          Check any virus caused disease on Wikipedia like Ebola, Rabies, Polio, etc and look only black and white photos (the rest are articrafts)
          Notice that:
          – even Wiki call them virions but viruses.
          – notice that usually there are not more photos than 1-2 and they often mirrored (same photo different angle eg. Ebola’s)
          Can you imagine that in a case of a deadly virus they have only 1-2 EM photos? I would think that many University and Laboratory research it to find a cure, but then why no more true (EM) photos?

    • Madness says:

      No. They wrote “The images of the virus have been colourised to make them easier to view.” – means: they manipulated it, how do you know the level of manipulation? And not even close.


      AT 19:22

  35. ken says:

    Totally agree, but then you have some pundits that say the virus is real,,, Example:

    “There are people who, for whatever reason, claim that the pandemic is a hoax and that no one has died, much less the 1,000 daily deaths reported. It is all a plot of various descriptions. I wish these people would shut up as they enhance the believability of the
    “conspiracy theorist” charge that is used to dismiss truth-tellers.”

    This from a pundit that says cloth masks do indeed keep the spread down. He calls people like Rappoport conspiracy theorists when Jon has forgotten more about this subject then he will ever know.

    He goes on….

    “The virus is real, and people of all ages die from it. It is true that deaths are concentrated in those with health conditions. These people are concentrated among the elderly who have not lived healthy lives or are genetically predisposed to health conditions. Why some of the young die and others do not even come down with a bad cold is unknown.”

    This pundit is 81 and they have him scared crapless and he wants us the same. Without presenting any evidence he just spouts off his BS. And then uses CNN as a reference.

    These pundits are dangerous as they have garnered the respect of thousands/millions with their truth telling in other areas. This particular pundit is dead on with his financial/economical and social writes but blasts out nonsense where the virus is concerned with little to no references. I doubt he even knows what a golden standard is, or how one scientifically finds a REAL new virus.

    They’re using Kary Mullis’ PCR for diagnostics when even he said it would not work for that. They’re locking down again and countries like Australia are going totally bonkers because of the cases the unreliable PCR test is reporting.

    I’m trying to be civil by not naming him but you could probably find him by searching the quotes.

    It’s downright mind boggling!

  36. Sonia H. says:

    Who cares if there’s a corona 19 virus or not? Just because a certain cluster of symptoms exists simultaneously with a certain virus (in a person’s body) does not prove for one moment that the virus somehow “caused” the infection. And if it did cause it – that would be a good thing, because it means Mother Nature is doing her job to clean up weak tissues and cells – so some a**hole who is really not worthy of life in the first place can spend even more time sauntering around pretending their life has some meaning.

    The flu (or any other infection) is God tapping you on the shoulder; keep ignoring Him and next thing you know, some deadly disease (a true disease) is Him saying, “I’ve had it with you, you ingrate”.

    OK, folks. Over to you…

    • tony bonn says:

      love you love you love you!!! for your first sentence. it goes down hill from there, but thank you for doing some critical thinking in sentence 1.

  37. Sharon Kramer says:

    You raise some valid points. But I’m not convinced that C-19 is not a new virus. You write that they should have done electron microscope photographs to determine if its new; and there is no evidence of that. But absence of evidence is not the same as evidence of absence. Have you seen proof that it is not a new virus? I agree that the CDC needs to get away from the “one germ, one illness” mindset. It does seem logical that the condition of the ill host studied in conjunction with other exposures along with this newest one would provide better information than just studying the effects of a single germ. The primary group of people who cause me to believe C-19 probably is a new germ, are the long haulers. They are reporting new onset symptoms after their C-19 exposures that I am not aware have even been reported from a single flu exposure. It would be interesting to know what their co-morbidity factors and/or prior exposures are, that are causing them to react so differently than most others.

    • Madness says:

      You should read after the limits of tech they use.
      They are UNABLE TO FOLLOW THE RPOCESS, as to see viruses they have only ElectronMicroscope But it beams and ruins everything, it can follow only ‘dead’ material. Every colourful picture you see was made with Photoshop or similar. Images of electronmmicroscope are still black and white.

      The real problem is that the lie is so big you can’t imagine and accept you were fooled so long. If you are really interested in and have an open mind, please read back, my comment above, read only those two books I gave links to be able to put the puzzle together.

      Also please watch Dr Andrew Kaufman videos, they are often deleted, go to his website. DONT USE GOOGLE, THEY MANIPULATE THE HITS, YOU CAN SEE ONLY THEY WANT YOU TO SEE (AND BRAINWASH YOU), USE duckduckgo or similar.

      Look for a video, Rooster and the River of Rats to understand who we were conned with testing.

      And read The Poisoned Needle (free link above) to understand and follow this flowed, money following fake medicine we have.
      Also read the summary of The Invisible Rainbow (link above) to understand that our world is much more complex, that we are electrical (electric impulses makes your heart to beat, your brain to send commands to your body and so) and that messing with that field has consequences.

  38. Mr Boompi says:

    If you google it, there are .gov websites that say the virus was isolated, grown in culture on Vero E6 and Caco-II cells, and photographed with an electron microscope. I don’t know what to believe about this, but I do know the PCR test they developed does not detect live viruses, even if they do exist.

  39. AnnMarie Oliveira says:

    Can you please tell me why this is not considered and Isolated strain?

    This is the proof people use to doubt your article with me.
    Thank you very much for all you do – you have always been ahead of story.

  40. Madness says:

    because this is the same tale. They used PCR – the result is not reliable. That’s the same test what gave positive to a Papaya fruit, to a goat and so (Tanzanian president’s tricked the WHO)
    They didn’t fulfilled Koch’ or River’ postulates.
    That marketing trick they use the word ‘complete’ means nothing, the point is that how they isolated it and they were able to cause the same infection with the isolated ‘virus’ or not – but they didn’t isolated a virus only some debris what could-have-come-from-anything. Just like the Chinese one. Now they only proved that these two debris quite similar but still not proved that they are from a virus and especially not a full virus.

    He explains it very well but hurry..

  41. BDBinc says:

    What they shove in faces as proof (a PCR that does not test for or isolate a live or “whole virus”)and to use this test to say someone has a new disease then take their dna add fetal bovine dna computer generate a rna string of 30,000 then call it ” isolating / a virus” is not proof or a virus =it is scientific fraud.
    And the second lake of proof is they do not tae the strand of computer generated rna and infect people to see if it causes the same symptoms disease.
    They have instead lied and this fear inducing big lie covid infects the minds of many as a mental virus.Truth is the cure.

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