Trump: why the elite media were completely wrong about his chances

Trump: why the elite media were completely wrong about his chances

by Jon Rappoport

March 2, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Because they live in a bubble of their own making. That’s why.

And in that bubble, everything about America is manageable. Things can get worse, but then they get better. Money is tight, then it’s loose. Employment figures drop, then they rebound. Wars start, and then they end.

Looking at the country and the population through the wrong end of the telescope, these media creatures feel themselves positioned high above the madding crowd. To them, phrases like “street smart” and “savvy” are the closest they get to anything real.

Occasionally, they remark that people are restless “out there” and looking for a change—as if Obama, with his massive slogans, somehow supplied that need for eight years and solved the whole problem for a while. As if the problem was simply a psychological kink that needed to be worked out.

So naturally, these down-their-nose puffed-up media morons didn’t notice that “things” were actually getting worse, the employment figures were being cooked, month after month, the Globalists with their trade treaties were stealing the whole economy, and had been for decades. Naturally, they didn’t notice that a normal political “correction” wasn’t going to fix America. They didn’t notice that, in a nation where, at minimum, 40 million immigrants already live, people were getting tired of being told they had to be more generous and let the southern border of the US swing open and stay open, or be labeled outright racists. The media puffballs didn’t appear to notice that the political Left was becoming more comfortable with the idea that all private property (except their own) was some sort of crime and ordinary straight-ahead non-crony capitalism was another crime, and earning a living on one’s own was yet another crime, because entrepreneurs and small-business owners “didn’t build that.” They didn’t notice, in other words, that the Left was nudging political discourse and public opinion and “morality” in the direction of funneling more and more of the population into the arms of the central government, as a permanently dependent class. Or if they did notice, they assented to it, because it was trendy and “humane.” They didn’t notice that huge swaths of America were sick and tired of overwhelming federal authority. They didn’t notice that the overwhelming majority of gun owners weren’t shooting people, and resented being lumped in with killers, and objected to efforts to squeeze their 2nd Amendment. Nor did the media morons notice that large elements of the population weren’t buying into psychiatric mental disorders or pop psychology as a way of life in a kinder gentler (drugged) society, but instead were determined to live their own lives with forward-looking energy. The media morons failed to notice that the attack of political-correctness creatures was being sloughed off and laughed off by increasing numbers of people who had no intention of censoring themselves.

Therefore, it shouldn’t have come as a surprise that Donald Trump, whom the media created as a cartoon of final judgement (“You’re fired!”—The Apprentice), would start firing all sorts of people in real life, with success.

But it did come as a surprise.

Because the media puffballs couldn’t imagine that a loose-talking devil-may-care-character would emerge on the scene and speak to the needs and frustrations of so many Americans—and bypass them, the media kings.

It was unthinkable.

Even worse, some Americans who didn’t agree with Trump and didn’t believe he was for real were still liking him, simply because he was cutting across the grain, he was talking back to media and telling them where to get off.

He was violating secrets of the media temple, matter-of-factly saying vaccines could cause autism, and promising to pin the blame for 9/11 on the real killers. He was refusing to go along with the gun-control crowd. He was blowing up the acceptable garble called political discourse. He was talking dismissive smack at his Republican opponents and at Hillary. He was saying the Globalist trade treaties were national sabotage and economic suicide.

He was his own media outlet.

And his ratings were soaring.

After Super Tuesday, he hit the top of the charts.

Exit From the Matrix

“But we’re the town criers. We announce the news to the townspeople. We take our orders from the princes and kings and spread their messages. We’re the eyes and ears and mouths of the public. We set the boundaries. We determine priorities and proprieties. We’re the civilized ones. We maintain order. We re-invent language. We decide what can be debated. We choose the representatives of each side. We own the space of The Discussion.”

Not today.

Trump—fake or real—has given the people a clue.

It doesn’t have to be the way it was.

A cowboy can parachute out of the top of his own tower, and as he descends past his financed and re-financed and formerly bankrupt suites—talking, always talking—as he floats past the mafia-controlled concrete of his structure—talking, always talking—he can broadcast a code to the frustrations of millions of unknown people; and they will respond, because the very media that has been hating them all these years is, somehow, wriggling and moaning at the end of the cowboy’s whip.

The media should have known this was coming, but the media never knows. Pale and dead, it imitates a world of its own making.

Exposed, that’s all it has.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

71 comments on “Trump: why the elite media were completely wrong about his chances

  1. binra says:

    There is a kind of doublethink that is indeed disconnected – and it is pervasive. It seems to come from the puppeteers behind the scenes – but parasites will alert you to where your vigilance was lacking – IF – instead of being baited into guilt, hate and vengeance, you reclaim a truly active willingness of connection or communication in which there is no invitation or appeal for a external ‘power’ or ‘protection’ to impose judgement. But an undefended willingness to Feel Truth and live it. The image of God was hacked from the start – but beyond such limiting self-definition, is the Movement of Our Being – undefiled. So while the ‘personae’ enact and play out endless separation trauma – there is another way to read it – from a place within you that is prior to the masked mind.

    But when anything happens that is clearly not within or seemingly controlled by the official narrative, it does indeed allow a perspective upon that device. The MSM or MeSMeric signal, is interrupted and yes, a glimpse opens. What we then choose to use the opening for is everything – as our choice is always the determiner of everything we then interpret and perceive as a result.

    The struggle of power in the world is the dramatis personae of the scripted ego. But the standing in and witnessing of the power of awareness, recognition, communication and trust is of a different foundation – though it MUST seem to be a power play to anyone who is invested in the power play as their identity in win and lose.

    My sense is that there is a profound arrogance and ignorance operating in a sense of power on Earth now that does not care too much about a few leaks or upsets here or there because they believe they have it in the bag and there is no resource or recourse by which anyone can move against them – but will be turned and used – or neutered – or fed with support to make headstrong and shift from a heart focusing intent to a mind protecting part of the establishment.

    The idea that the world is a reflective feedback to the inner focusing has been lost to the identifiction within our own reflection. Unless we recognize the symptoms as a Messenger, we tend to kill them to protect a temporary tenancy. Yet symptoms have something true to reveal from within our own resonances and reactions. We have simply forgot how to Read Creation in the a tempt to assert and maintain our own private version. In fact we don’t even see creation – but dead stuff and others who signify a death of loving relationship – and blind hate feels validated and justified in asserting itself upon the Living.

    • brusplace says:

      Wow, great analysis, can you bring this down a few notches to be more easily digested? You know, there are different grades as we go thru our schooling. Or as we decondition, it can be like coming back up to the surface after a deep sea dive.

      • binra says:

        The focus I would encourage is in a readers willingness to listen or feel for a resonance with who they truly are rather than persist in the already conditioned thinking that operates an assertive mentality rather than a receptive recognition.

        So if there is something that registers with your curiosity I can go into it. I can rewrite the whole thing – and in a way – everything I write is always the same core thing – which is the reconnect or shift of recognition at a pre-verbal ‘level’ of being (Which is also pre-level – but words – what can you say!).

        The disconnect that is reflected between the experience of the people and those who imposed upon and presume to control it, is mirroring something in every consciousness where the mind is split off and as if ‘in control’. No surprise then the world we see.

        What is the alternative to controlling people? (Judging against/invalidating/ridiculing/disempowering/predating upon).
        Relationship and communication from a place that can establish and grow trust.
        But the control-minded cannot read this except to see it as a weak strategy for control.
        “It will never work! It’s never worked”
        Listen to that voice and see if it is speaking the true of who you are. If it isn’t – then why give power to the mask? Fear of being overpowered or without defence? Look at the fear and feel it and see what beliefs are in those fears.
        Acting and communicating from a presently felt (connected) relationship – is not buying into ‘presentations’ of ‘relationship’. Integrity is lost to un-owned fears. If you want a sane basis for experiencing anything – no matter what the world does – you have to go as deep as you can – and know that that is going to be stretched – not placated and validated with a gold star.
        Obviously there is a balancing act here – because you cant go past or ignore fears or other denied or ‘negative feelings’ – without them coming up from beneath and pulling the rug out from what might seem a ‘positive’ goal.

        So there’s another bunch of words – but the words I write are felt to be a workable fit with the felt or intuited meaning – that rises naturally to asking.
        “Ye have not because ye ask not” – could also have the caveat of “ask only that which knows” – but while we, (arrogant and ignorant mode) operate a disconnected sense of presuming to independently know – then it is like operating from the model without truly feeling and being the terrain. There’s that disconnected mind-matrix again.

        Perhaps the key point is that while I accept an identity defined by the reflection of that mind – I am letting thinking that is not truly me – operate in place of what Life would otherwise flower or unfold as recognizably and tangibly identifying me perfectly. That’s not so much effort of will – as it is a willingness to CARE enough to notice and nip something in the bud – and so spontaneously operate from a better place a genuinely connected place. That can only shift our perceptions and perspectives and open synchronicities and opportunities that are simply locked out of the mind in conflict and control mode. (Or rather it locks itself in where help cant come and then rages or wails at the Universe).

    • Alex vandenBerg says:

      @binra—-“The struggle of power in the world is the dramatis personae of the scripted ego. But the standing in and witnessing of the power of awareness, recognition, communication and trust is of a different foundation – though it MUST seem to be a power play to anyone who is invested in the power play as their identity in win and lose.”

      Thanks much binra for illuminating this. Very important to shed light on the roots of humanity’s socio-political quagmire. Piggybacking on what brusplace relayed- the only quibble I have relates not to content but delivery. Modernity is a hailstorm of haste and as a result there is a premium on time. Your sentiments might reach a larger mass if they are constructed in manner that is more concise and intelligible to the layman. It is has been said that when you point a finger at something that three fingers are pointed back at yourself. And that’s why I’m conveying this- I myself have an issue with transmuting the abstract into the concrete. But I am learning (slowly, but surely) that my message is more effectively conveyed when packaged properly.

      • binra says:

        But I am not talking to those who are not listening – (to anything but their own conditioned thoughts) and if I conform the new wine into ‘old paradigm-speak’ it sacrifices the creative to the demands of the template.

        I meet in willingness. There is very little willingness in a mind where everything true has been substituted for. Indeed the capacity of the mind to emulate ‘natural behaviour’ is part of how it seems real – as if one is in fact genuinely relating with others. But the world knows how to ‘trade’ strokes without intimacy which then passes off as currency when it hasn’t connected to the core value of humanity – but is the mask. The hollow mask.

        The idea that one has to or should get across to ‘more people’ is part of the “how are we (am I) going to impact and control the world (outcome)?
        That is back to front, and as a mis-identification, is playing out in our world as war – on every level.
        Trying to get – trying to get away from, trying to hold onto or get others to…
        I live a willingness to meet in the ‘already changed’ world. I am already having maximal impact – not on others – but as an integral communication of presence.
        The multitude who rush hither and thither in their minds in restless driven struggle to get somewhere – are not meeting in the presence of what is here – but ‘engaged in virtual realities of masking over the feared and denied self – which then runs like a shadow power that has never been accepted, known, met, embraced – and runs as if a disconnected mind.

        No one can accept the truth of what they are not yet willing to believe, and yet they don’t have to believe it to let it in. They only have to open a willingness and curiosity as to the truth in place of the already locked in beliefs that operate as judgement. But are not seen to be judgements – they are not seen at all – being accorded the status of reality.

        So if you read and recognize something that resonates true for you here – it is because you are in a willingness of life to uncover this yourself – and that willingness has aligned with a creative synchronicity where the desire of knowing touches us both as a moment of perspective that is of a wholeness of being.

        The mind may come in as a restatement of its attempt to frame you – but now there is more awareness with which to notice its acrobatics and leave the drama without being triggered to react to the bait.

        There simply is no ideology or set of thinking that is going to save, transform or heal Humankind. All the Ideas that have Healing Intent have already been given and yet have no potency without the active willingness to yield to the recognition of true.

        So more people gathering around ideas, and getting excited about them, and associating with them, and dressing up in them, and getting or making a self-specialness on them, and then editing and modifying and improving them as priests of the new wave, to then make the old form an invalidity by which they ‘rise’ or look down from in self-serious judgement?

        No thanks.

        The ONE thing that we wont do – or do ANYTHING else first – is accept healing for ourself. Yes we’ll engage in talking about it and processes or methods or how to – so as to extend linear time as a ‘not now’. And so live a getting that does not fulfil and a getting away that never can.

        The ONE thing that serves the awakening and sharing of truth in our world is our true presence rather than a withholding behind a mask of affected presentation. Everything else comes forth naturally or automatically from its foundation.

        An un-natural creation is un-willing or indeed anti-willing. It is also called the will to power. Giving willingness to idea of gaining power over anything is a sacrifice of self by which to bow down to a template image … … (that’s where I came in on this writing).

        And that is how we lose (feeling awareness of) the power that is naturally ours to share in.

        And no longer trust our Life our Self – to flow as guidance and support – and turn instead to this ‘power’ of prevailing over and protecting from. This concept of self that operates conflict while seeing to save from it.

        That also defends against exposure while it can convince it is You!

        Thanks for the touch!

        • “But an undefended willingness to Feel Truth and live it.” -binra

          You have an interesting name; to insure, indemnifies. I like it. What you say is rare my friend, that is a path that not too many take. Better to live in ones own lies and self delusions; I am pretty; I am smart; I am good looking and have a rather large penis; look how beautiful my car is, “My god I am so rich”……….

          Masked mind?, or a mind in a box. For the young I would agree on the former, as the system and culture is still very much a cult of youth, so throwing metaphorical gasoline on a naturally overdeveloping ego is true. But as disillusionment comes home to roost for a very long time, intitutionalism takes hold after a few years into maturity and the mind become a box, with high walls and no doors. The doors of perception are the first that are nailed shut; the Matrix masters know well were to attack. Sometimes it can and is, a guilded cage for those economically more fortunate who get their breakfast served to them in bed.

          The idea that one has to or should get across to ‘more people’ is part of the “how are we (am I) going to impact and control the world (outcome)? – binra

          binra, binra, you desire power, which is clue to the inner you. So you do ego, but more than likely your age has made you say such a thing. The valiance of youth, to makes one’s mark in world. Bravo, go bang your heart against it for while. Maybe your the one…

          You only need enough power for you, and the tiny boat that aids your crossing over this vast sea…there is no saving this place…2 billion of them seek the end of the world, another large chunk wishes conrol over the whole thing as a dystopian nightmare for the least, and super life for them, a big piece wants nirvana, and another wants eighty-eight virgins, and the equipment to service them. And yet a growing menace of those who know it is finished and wish to hurry their secret works and  escape to another earth.

          The signals are loud that a collapse is on the way, the more subtle signals are there for those that have eyes to see…the collapse is happening as we speak. I will not waste words defending that…if you are intelligent you will understand. Besides the sun is going to sleep, that could be Dalton, or that could be an ice-age.

          • binra says:

            It is All a matter or Perspective. Where you focus your energy and attention is up to you.
            The Idea that there is One External Earth in One Linear Reality is one idea that can be held in focus. It is not the Only Idea of Earth.
            Nothing can truly be outside That which is being All There Is – right where you are.
            The Idea of pushing Life Out as a projection of power is a loveless definition of power – for Power extends Itself and knows itself shared.
            A loveless power operates denial of Life. Be vigilant to truly know your choice. For deceit operates the mind that thinks it thinks alone.

          • @binra
            Ah there you went all wispy on me, and I swear to christ I heard a zitar and smelt incense, grasshopper…this mumbo jumbo of tying everything back into oneness, of it all, it’s a boring gig. I think alone Bin baby.

          • binra says:

            Thinking alone – is a choice not to join with. But such thoughts still share and join with everything of a like frequency – generating experience of a world of isolated combatants in a world of separate ‘things’. ‘A lead role in a cage’. If that is where you current desire is – then that’s where you defend – but if you ever question where your thoughts are coming from and whether they speak for who you really are – then there is always another way to look at the Life that is all that is here – regardless how you look on it. I don’t have that sense of Life as boring ‘oneness’ because Its experience of Itself is Infinite.

            The richness, complexity and depth of feeling in being alive and awake has nothing to do with boring – and oneness is very much misused by private lonely thinking to escape ‘negativity’ which is nothing to to with a unified sense of who you feel and know yourself to be in any and every moment.

            The direction I attempt to illuminate, is of escaping from a false imprisonment. Thoughts are within what Mind is – not outside or apart from it. But it is possible to BELIEVE thought to be separated off and different – and run with it and make a self on it – which HAS to defend itself from What Is – while locked into its exclusivity.

            I’m not suggesting a wrongness or sin in choosing to think in secret – but that a real choice has to be aware of what the choice is between to BE a choice. The sense of self that protects its power to deny, withhold and segregate does not allow awareness of anything that exposes its true relationship.

            This is what we are making a world of; denial, suppression and a lonely sense of ‘power’. It is a complex mind-trap that has terror and rage in its imprint – but which is healed in laughter. But the laughter is a gift of true perspective.

            Life is already a gift. The meanings we give to it are the thoughts and beliefs we choose to accept. But until we wake up to our true response-ability – we run on the meanings that are imprinted and conditioned – as if they are fixed, locked in and unquestionable.

            I’m not trying to change your or anyone’s mind – but reflecting within the dream that you Are Mind in act of focus – and that – at that level you have freedom and perspective to transform your experience and relationship with Everything – and it is challenging, exciting and enlivening. It is your life – and your gift to live it that automatically shares – or creates a different world. But of course if you take the words at the surface form and try to fit them into the caged mind – it will turn out to be meaningless bullshit like everything else in a meaningless mindset.


            “Did they get you to trade
            Your heroes for ghosts?
            Hot ashes for trees?
            Hot air for a cool breeze?
            Cold comfort for change?
            And did you exchange
            A walk on part in the war
            For a lead role in a cage?” -Pink Floyd

            You think I have caged mind!

            Thinking alone is not an exclusion of, or in spite of sharing. It is not even a choice; it is simply what is, the ‘I am’ alone. Not lonely binra, but in the solitude of and with self. Everything here in this reality is an illusion of a mind, a singular mind. Truth in an awake mind, sees the many layers that is a consciousness, that a consciouness can be and much more; even when I am trapped I am aware of it being trapped in an illusion.

            Consciousness is many things, many personalities, each created for the many people we meet, and encounter in our lives, the circumstances we find ourselves in. You feel I am imprisoned, I am the free, much more than you, for you see I am an artist, and a artist is the very definition of the word freedom. My alone and private thinking is not a run from negativity, for you see I do fear anything. I do not fear the end of this world, for it has already happened a million times before, and it will happen another million times again. A billion trillion worlds explode without leaving a trace of the wonders that they were. And you I will never know they existed.

            Life is not a gift, life is what we are at present until we ascend to some other in the next. Today I am a man, I will die alone and tommorrow become another thing, and that is a good. But it is only mine, not to be shared. Not like any other death, and I will go through that door into something else. I sometimes dream my future, it is ahead of me waiting for me to arrive, and yet uncreated still. I have a choice of whither I will choose this or that one, or none for a while and go in to a sleep for aeon. I am an immortal thing you see.

            I am awake, I have been awake since birth, I am a visitor here, an explorer. This world is a beautiful thing, but it is not the only beautiful world.  There are other places, greater and lesser.  This is not mine. This someone elses’s. Mine is different than this…

            You have found religion, that is good for you. You have the secret, you know the truth, the reasons, you know your responsibility. I am not less because I do not except it for me. I am not less because I am free and responsible for nothing of this world whatsoever. 

        • Alex vandenBerg says:

          Hi Binra,

          Thank you as well for the touch. I apologize for the oversight relative to your reply to brusplace. But things happen for a reason. And so….

          “But I am not talking to those who are not listening – (to anything but their own conditioned thoughts) and if I conform the new wine into ‘old paradigm-speak’ it sacrifices the creative to the demands of the template.”- Binra

          I understand your vantage point. Allowing for the intervention of the “intellect” to trans-mutate the natural into the coherent and concrete turns it into something it’s not. And instead of being an energetic guide for the future, the natural becomes chained to the demands of the times. Going further, I would submit the spoken word itself fragments, fractures, divides, delineates and thus shatters the essence of Now- that beautiful sound of Silence. It suffocates, deadens, and makes artificial what would otherwise be teeming, Infinite, and Alive.

          But I would put it to you that the “new wine” is an old wine. No, scratch that. It’s not old or new – for there is no beginning or end. There’s just that Cosmic Serpent cycling through Eternity going everywhere and an absolutely nowhere….

          “The idea that one has to or should get across to ‘more people’ is part of the “how are we (am I) going to impact and control the world (outcome)?” – Binra

          I hear you. In fact, I myself fell into this trap. I might even still be in it and in denial….. Why am I doing what I’m doing? As Dr. Jung once quipped, “Why do you seek the Stone?” Hmmmmm…..For me, right now – no filter – from the gut: probably my Ego. The hollow mask, the illusory self, the servant that has put on the Master’s clothes and now commands me to bow to it in reverence. However, are there not the truly selfless in our world? Individuals whose ecstatic essence radiates, emanates out from the Center? Individuals whose sole concern is the for betterment of humanity? Individuals who seek and desire no recognition for their deeds?

          “The multitude who rush hither and thither in their minds in restless driven struggle to get somewhere – are not meeting in the presence of what is here – but ‘engaged in virtual realities of masking over the feared and denied self – which then runs like a shadow power that has never been accepted, known, met, embraced – and runs as if a disconnected mind.”- Binra

          Agreed. However, it should be noted that not everyone involved in raising awareness fits this mold. For example, you do not fit this mold. And you are helping to raise my awareness…..

          “There simply is no ideology or set of thinking that is going to save, transform or heal Humankind. All the Ideas that have Healing Intent have already been given and yet have no potency without the active willingness to yield to the recognition of willingness to yield to the recognition of true.”

          Very powerful statement. What about efforts directed at trying to highlight the fact that man is afraid to look in his own mirror?

          “So more people gathering around ideas, and getting excited about them, and associating with them, and dressing up in them, and getting or making a self-specialness on them, and then editing and modifying and improving them as priests of the new wave, to then make the old form an invalidity by which they ‘rise’ or look down from in self-serious judgement?” – Binra

          Not advocating this in the least. Screams Ego and thus asininity. This would only exacerbate the current deleterious funk we’re all enraptured in. Or is this current malaise not what it appears to be? Could it really be a blessing in disguise? I seem to recall that clay needs to be fired to produce that finished glaze. And that the Ego creates for itself that which ultimately leads to its dissolution (suffering). Nietzsche’s merry go round. The Nigredo stage of the Alchemical Great Work. The Darkness before the Dawn……

          “The ONE thing that we wont do – or do ANYTHING else first – is accept healing for ourself. Yes we’ll engage in talking about it and processes or methods or how to – so as to extend linear time as a ‘not now’. And so live a getting that does not fulfil and a getting away that never can.”- Binra

          I actually try to walk the walk in this regard……

          “The ONE thing that serves the awakening and sharing of truth in our world is our true presence rather than a withholding behind a mask of affected presentation. Everything else comes forth naturally or automatically from its foundation.”- Binra

          This is something I’ve been vacillating with….But I think I’m now convinced your correct.

          “And no longer trust our Life our Self – to flow as guidance and support – and turn instead to this ‘power’ of prevailing over and protecting from. This concept of self that operates conflict while seeing to save from it.” –

          Agreed. Trust in Self is of paramount importance. Following the interior guide of your own heart, Lady Destiny, going your own way on the pathless path without ever turning around to see if anyone is following- this is the way back. The straight path that is really crooked. More specifically, a logrithmic spiral – a circumambulatory spiral back to the Center; the Self.

          Thanks again Binra.

          • binra says:

            I don’t presume to judge anyone nor write to promote a private sense of specialness – but I do appreciate truly sharing a free willingness. Words can indeed over over and seem to break a quality of an already intimacy of communication – it really depends on where they come from — what purpose they embody.

            You ask “What about efforts directed at trying to highlight the fact that man is afraid to look in his own mirror?”.

            I am recognizing I have (am) true choice by choosing to consciously appreciate it and writing into the issues and event of our times with a perspective beneath the personality drama is one of the forms it takes. There is an invitation and a sharing – but not an attempt to get anyone to be who they do not want to be. Becoming aware of pain and linking to cause often allows a healing release to a more joyful quality of being. But it is possible to worship pain, sacrifice and struggle as part of a very serious sense of self. No real joy. As I see, we’ve been in that for Millennia. Now there is a backlog of denied hate, rage, pain and shame – a mess! But it is at root a mess arising from misidentification and false definition. When communication is restored – a breakdown in communication is a symptom without a cause – and will fall away by itself.

            We meet or attract synchronicity with others who are in a sense ‘sharing the same learnings’. This is true whatever our vibratory focus – but only in freedom do we freely see the Law in action.

            Understanding in the heart, knows where to call the mind and when to rest it.
            “Behold I make all things new” is a phrase from Revelation that applied to each and every instant of creation – when appreciated AS creation – rather than through the lens of judgement – which I might call a private sense of creation that reflects a private sense of self- and power. If our world reflects us condemned – then it is our judgement on it that we suffer. Human consciousness explored hiding the link between cause (thought and intent) – and effect (reflective experience). So much so that the physical experience seems to no longer be within us – but we seem to be within it – and defined by it and suffering it. A remarkable feat!

            Setting that up was an expression of a purpose of limitation and segregation that actively forgets. At some point we shift to a different purpose and can no longer live that ‘self’ and wholly believe it – or maintain it. And so like a pupating transformation – we shift from our thinking to feel (wordlessly know) more and reintegrate rather than segregate. The ego still thinks it runs the show of transforming, working on or releasing itself – but that never was so. Purpose operates from a prior ‘level’. Know your active purpose and you know your will – be it free or denied – but if you know you are denied – you are free to question “Is That So?” – and “In what way am I denied?”.
            There is nothing that gets in the way of learning what we are willing to know – because ‘obstruction’ and ‘block’ is really PART OF the relevant learning and not an imposition or violation – unless you choose to define it so. And if you do – then what do you get out of that? There’s always a payoff or a believed payoff for behaviours. If it doesn’t show true when examined – it undoes the ‘block’ or the habit to a choice that is free to evolve or change.

            I wanted to illuminate a practicality of enquiry within the ordinary moment of our living – rather than a separate spirituality that is then presumed to be something to then ‘apply’ or hold onto when life dances with us and the concepts don’t really hold water.

            Awareness rises of itself when we stop pushing it down!

            all the best

      • binra says:

        Or a short answer:
        I am not a subscriber to modernity 😉
        And will appear dissonant to many who ‘expect’ its norms. But that is not my provocation so much as their allegiance to ‘rules for proper behaviour.
        Time expands to fulfil the need. I give time to what I love.
        How you set your priorities is up to you – regardless what ‘everyone else’ is doing.
        To drink deep in a moment is a greater appreciation than the mind’s concept of processing something. There’s a vibratory quality in everything. If you are in range – you can feel it. If you’re not… the words will means something else anyway.

        Happy to pursue the idea of creative vs rule-mindedness. I choose to lean as I do for my own reasons. In specific relationship I can and willingly engage in using forms that fit the occasion.

        • From Québec says:

          I’m not sure if I understood the meaning of your posts. But, if you meant that people should not engage in politics, I belieeve you are wrong.

          The way I see it in this coming election, is that it is Trump versus NWO.

          If Trump doesn’t win, you can rest assure that the NWO will take place, either that or WW3 . And both options will kill humanity.

          Is that what people really want?

          Or maybe, I did not understand your post. Some people write in a way that makes it hard for me to understand what they are talking about..

          • binra says:

            From Quebec; I do not have a ‘should’ for others though of course I have preferences and I communicate by invitation – not guilt. I am awake enough to recognize that definitions are where true power lies, and lies are false or incomplete foundations lived and acted from as if the truth. So what IS politics? I see politics as our means of arriving at how and to what degree we organise and structure our society and at this at root reflects as our relationships. The divide and rule mentality sees politics as Them vs Us – where Us is where I feel my identity reinforced rather than threatened. It also sees hierarchically – with self-superiority and status operating at the expense of ‘losers’ or discards.

            I feel you assign Trump a great deal of power, and greatly underestimate the globalist agenda – or even the ‘mafia’ readiness to protect their revenue stream. I haven’t engaged in any of the personalities excepting in brief glimpses and short readings.

            I look for and appreciate and join with any witnessing and willingness for Humanity – and in that sense I am political – not as an attempt to manipulate so much as joining in that which is itself transformational. There is always more going on that meets the mind – and fearfully identified minds give all power to evils born of fear and not a lot to love – because fear is a state in which love can be forgotten and redefined in terms of masking a loveless agenda.

            Fear is also a self-fulfilling prophecy. The limits to the capacity to maintain the illusion of control is also the discovery that alignment of intent and action disintegrates.

            I have been conditioned to believe in the power that the world worships – but I don’t worship it. I look for human willingness to feel and act from an integrity – which includes recognizing where we are at (regardless of where that is) and aligning with or leaning into integrity rather than intensifying the mask of a disintegrity. I want communication to occur – at all levels of Humanity – and if you limit communication to ‘words’ you will not understand much if anything I share here.

            People want pleasure and they don’t want pain. Without exception. But people are living through their conditioning so as to define themselves in ways that make the devil they (think they) know seem less painful or threatening than the fundamental change that really freaks them out so they choose the pain and fear and hate as the lesser ‘evil’. That is why my political communication is all aimed at raising the definitions and ideas by which we live into the light. Warmongers don’t want anything to come along and question or challenge THEIR right to fight evil and so nothing I can say can mean anything excepting if it got a following which would then be seen as a threat – because it draws attention and allegiance away from funding and supporting their war.

            I invite you to engage in all your relationships from a place of integrity that is not manufactured artifice. Be genuine – whatever that might turn out to be. And that includes your relationships with these political players. All of which has many layers or levels to it – unless you rigidly assert that all meanings are fixed and your judgement is final. Whatever genuine is – it is definite.

          • Alex vandenBerg says:

            What Binra is saying is that root of all the horrors you see around you is psychic. That tyranny has psychic roots. Focusing on the external does not address the underlying cause.

            The crux of it is brilliantly encapsulated in the following video—


      • @Alex……….”Your sentiments might reach a larger mass if they are constructed in manner that is more concise and intelligible to the layman.” –

        And why would he do that; he speaks to those that are listening Alex. Did you understand?
        That a rare thing these days, to get someone to really listen, they might claim they are listening but their not; stuck behind and just in front of their eyes a disneyesque illusion dances, by the master’s making. First you have to pierce the veil, that is a lot of trouble, and in more times that not, aggressive emotions rise and then the whole falls into…something altogether different.

        When ‘packaged properly’, what?

        If you have too package what you say to get someone to listen too you, they are not worth talking too, or, you are a marketer selling you wares. Without seeming to be hard and callous, or for that fact arrogant…fuck packaging.
        Splainin it man to a godam dufus is to exercise, the totally ridiculous.
        Using twenty-five cent words to entertain your ideas, and have them come to rest in a brain that only excepts nickels. A exercise is futility….absolutely pointless.
        Our young friend looks for like mind…………………………

        • Alex vandenBerg says:

          Hi Michael,

          I appreciate your comments.

          “And why would he do that; he speaks to those that are listening Alex. Did you understand?”-Michael

          My post was an off the cuff, axiomatic response to his initial submission. I somehow overlooked his 2nd post and so was not clued in as to where he was coming from….. I assumed I knew what his underlying motivations were (wipes egg off face)….

          “If you have too package what you say to get someone to listen too you, they are not worth talking too, or, you are a marketer selling you wares. Without seeming to be hard and callous, or for that fact arrogant…fuck packaging. -Michael

          Cornucopia of presupposition/assumption…. I’m not saying you have to package your parlance in a particular manner to get people to perk up or to break down barriers. I’m merely stating the obvious: that it can aid in facilitating understanding and overall comprehension. For example:

          “Some people write in a way that makes it hard for me to understand what they are talking about.”- Quebec

          “Splainin it man to a godam dufus is to exercise, the totally ridiculous.”-Michael

          The ego loves judgment Michael. Beware…. I take a different track. To me, it’s not a matter of intelligent or not but rather degrees of conditioning. I believe most people, if not all, have the capacity to leave the Wilderness; to climb out of Plato’s Cave and stare straight into the Sun. And I think that when you define someone you define yourself.

          • Gobbelty gook ..way to new-agey for me Alex. Thank god the TLFG is’nt intelligent she would be dangerous.

            “And I think when you define someone you define yourself.” -Alex

            Lol. Really Alex, ask me if I give shit what the fuck you think.

          • arcadia11 says:

            hey michael. just wondering if things are okay on your end.
            (outside of the usual insanity of course)

            best –


          • Yeah I’m ok, bit of the blues…but that’s fine. I really appreciate your concern, thanks alot a11.

  2. Steve Stars says:

    The one thing I have to like about Trump (and I have not been a real fan of the “Donald”). is his enemies. It seems like the globalist psychopaths shriek and shrivel at the thought of him as the nominee —like vampires in the bright sunlight.
    This really is revealing!

    • @steve stars

      I’m with you, totally Steve. They are screeching and screaming in the light.
      I must admit that Trump is a good thing in a strange way, like their Frankenstein and they created him, every single cell of that gargantuan ego maniacal mania motor mouth.
      And he impervious, like he has some kind of dumb luck, doo doo doo super power against them.
      He’s like some kind of asshole virus…it is hilarious. When I hear him speak in speeches he seems to be talking faster and faster and faster. His response time is faster and faster.
      Google The word Trump, it’s astounding, I swear I can hear the search engine groan as it spits out the trillions of hits. I think google has hit a new high for number of hits on any single subject. LOL

      • Alex vandenBerg says:

        Hi Michael,

        Just wanted to say thanks very much for taking the time to read my post in the last trump article and for your erudite response. (Ego, Intellectualism, Education, Religion, etc….) I wrote a response back addressing each of your points but I guess I posted it too many days later as it has yet to manifest. Anyway, didn’t want you to think I ignored it or brushed it aside.


    • Alananda says:

      My concern has more to do with Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, and the briar patch. Could it be that those whining and crying actually BEG to get tossed into the briar patch of a Trump “presidency”? TPTB appear to have an immensely sophisticated command of techniques of social engineering and mass psychology; the capability of removing problematic personages at will; and, of course, near complete control of MSM. So, is The Donalds for real? Or not? If for real, for what?

      I salute TPTB for a remarkably entrancing 2016 Election Cycle. I still hold to this: Don’t vote. It just encourages TPTB. Trump (Drumpf) appears as beholden to TPTB as Ms. Clinton. Moreover, “Israel” could live happily with either in the White House. Be careful who you toss into the briar patch. Nobody and NoneOfTheAbove would get my vote, if I voted.

      • Alex vandenBerg says:

        Flawless. I was literally just going to write on this. But you did it for me! And much more eloquently than I would have. Donald Trump as the knight in shining armor, as the political messiah descended from Heaven to save the day, as the anti-establishment candidate, as the best chance we have to root our political corruption— one big, grandiose hoodwink? Theater, a massive psyop perpetrated on the populace? Exactly where the social engineers and technocrats want us? Great food for thought. Kudos again!

      • From Québec says:

        Hey Alananda, why don’t you run for President?
        I’m so fed up with these people who ask people to surrender to tyrany and the NWO and not to vote. Loosers, that who they are.

        • Alananda says:

          @Québec, Mar 2 2328 hours: You ask why I don’t run for the presidency. I do have a slight advantage over The Donald. I have spent two fewer years on the planet, this time around, anyway. Along other dimensions, including wealth, connections (!!), and, shall we say, “name recognition”, I seem much less competitive. AND, I would like to live to a ripe ol’ age enjoying while I can a planet under biological and chemical attack and degradation. While we likely do not agree on much Trump-wise, Québec, can we at least agree to spell the word “losers” correctly?

          • From Québec says:

            Can you spell loser in French?

            Still, thanks for the correction.

          • Alan says:

            @Québec 3Mar16 1445 hours

            Without a lucky or informed guess, I cannot, je regret to say, spell the word “loser” in French. My French-Canadian wife of 25+ years, Gaétane, probably could. At the moment, she’s out tending to the back-40 on our workstead. SO — let me give the task at hand a shot in the dark: TRUDEAU.

      • @Alananda

        I had been pondering the thought that possibly, a vote with a limited population number is harder to fix than a vote with a greater number of voters.
        And so, stirring up a fire dividing a population right down the middle would be a good thing for those social engineers to do…
        A flagging voter turnout, ridiculous voters rulers and regulations, have hindered to majority rule.
        Voters will now flood to the polls to defeat or elect Humpty Drumpf.
        The in fighting for the republicans has certainly fractured their whole party vote, into how many pieces.
        It is a trance though, a cross between a really crazy reality show, an election, and the last book of the Bible.There is a distinct Monty Pythonish oeuvre.

        • Alan says:

          @Michael Burn
          You wrote: I had been pondering the thought that possibly, a vote with a limited population number is harder to fix than a vote with a greater number of voters.

          With subdivisions of jurisdictions the size of Florida and Ohio in recent memory, in a “tight race”, TPTB would seem to have little difficulty “fixing” the outcome — cheated candidates do not protest too much, judicial overseers look the other way or directly intervene, voters…well, just what did voters do? If you believe news through alternative channels, cheating occurred in Nevada for Hillary Clinton (HC) and — at the (local) caucus level for Heaven’s sake — for HC in Iowa, too! Thus, without careful prior research, I simply hypothesize that both the likelihood and the success of cheating appear INDEPENDENT of the number of people fooled into voting, indirectly, once again for POTUS — at any point or level in the process!

          I note here current, popular predictions:
          (1) the JFKing or Wellstone-ing or Scalia-izing of Donald Trump;
          (2) a broken (did I mean brokered?) Repugnant convention,
          leading Trump to launch a “third-party campaign”, thus ensuring HC’s
          (3) HC’s “winning” the election no matter what.

          IMO, no one says more along this line of inquiry with images than has David Dees.

          • The last term of G doubleyah seemed like a blantant steal and a fix, Kerry ended up get other responsibilities.
            I always thought and still think that Trump is there to divide and debase the Republican party fracture and separate the whole party vote. And he is doing this according to the Clinton camp. He has been a big supporter of the Clintons, they are friends. I think he was promised something that he dearly wants. hillary Clinton is the next president of the United States.
            If it’s a third party it better happen soon.

          • From Québec says:

            Please stop reading the prestitute press, Michael.

            Trump has been giving money to ALL parties. This is what a business man do, if he’s smart. No time for the petty infighting. When you want to run a succesful business, you try to be fair and to get along with EVERYONE. Unless you are a stupid business man.

          • Unless you want a monopoly, unless you want an unimpeded road to wealth. Unless you want to stop the yoyo-ing between boom and bust…unless you control the market, and wish not to compete. Trump is interested in entering the business world on next layer on the pyramid.
            Stop thinkin, you think you know what I am. You have’nt a clue. Don’t assume I am a reader of the mainstream. Don’t assume you know what I read. Don’t assume you know my character.
            Personally I am not interested in your opinion, you have a closed mind. You can look at people and know what they are, you are 100% right; every single time in your character evaluation of people, your never wrong.
            No need to banter back and forth with petty insult with me. You are too much of a fanatic to understand any rational argument.
            For your imformation, Trump has loaned his own campaign money from his business, the loan paymets will be paid back with the campaign contributions, plus interest on the loans.He even exploits himself.

    • Wusssr says:

      Think a light shining on the bilge rats that inhabit the ship of state’s hold.

  3. brusplace says:

    Pale and dead, it imitates a world of its own making. Yea from every corner they’re squirming like cornered rats.

    Will enough folks shake off the conditioning and assert their real selves. That remains to be seen. The brain dead comfort zone is deeply ingrained at this point.

    • binra says:

      If we ‘see’ it in others do we not strengthen it in ourselves? It isn’t that I don’t know what you are saying – but that the ‘conditioning’ in ‘them’ is a device by which to carry on running in place of my willingness to be in relationship with. Wait for the world to change and you wait and wait forever.

      I cant get it across in a few words but that there are energetic correspondences between us that we are likely unaware of – and that truly waking out from a conditioned mind will spontaneously attract and align with others who have energetic resonance. Now if I was to suggest that you will start to meet all the denied facets of yourself rather than lots of ‘like minded people’ – and that your acceptance of their choices and right to be serves the reintegration of parts of yourself you didn’t know you had lost… you might be put off from shaking off that conditioning!
      But you either go down with the ‘old world’ or wake up in ‘new eyes’.

      There’s another thing here – and that is that everyone is operating the strategy that they have woven or evolved to adapt and survive a loveless world. A mask of unavailability and indifference is a defence against people who do not even see you – they look right at you and don’t even see – even when seeking votes or validations to their self-importance.

      I feel that terror, rage, shame and grief are the sort of raw emotional imprinted conditionings that humanity has never really found a way to heal. A few may ‘rise above’ but how many are truly compassionately embracing or integrating the aspects of our psyche that to put it frankly, we demonize and disown by whatever means and as fast as we may – usually by directing blame outside ourselves… and that also gives our power away.

      I feel that we are all to be shaken a lot – and that more conditioning than we think, will come up to be shaken out of. What cannot be reintegrated in inner reality will manifest and force attention – and then we either reach for resources we didn’t even know we had – or consolidate everything into last ditch attempt to hang on to some sense of control – even though it it costs all sense of connection with our Soul. Not to mention the suicide bombers who would take down the world rather than yield to true feeling.

      In a dream – all the roles are operating out of my own psyche. If ‘waking’ reality is a very seriously set up dreaming – then we are all playing a part in each other’s script as well as all of the same original movement of being that moves to know itself in the act of creation – behind the scenes.
      If ‘divide and rule’ is the device of losing integrity and true Individual Sovereignty to a conflicted sense of being subject to un-love, then noticing that device and abandoning allegiance to it is the reversal of the Reversal – that serves a re-Membering and a replacement of the script with one that reflects a true foundation.

      The recognition of this may be embyonic at first – but for those who are willing to embrace Life – this is the direction of the next epoch. It can no longer divorce and deny Feeling, and abide in Life on Earth. Now is that my imagination, intuition or parrotting of something that came to my recognition? It doesn’t matter. What matters is where I am coming from in my appreciation of whatever is attracted into my awareness – which is restating my point.

      Those who can, must demonstrate a light of willingness in which others can no longer maintain a desire to sleepwalk. Not because a terrible fate attends those who don’t – but because the disturbance of the call for healing that seems so easy to put outside as ‘everyone else’ is part of our own call. Until it is accompanied by a sense of self-betrayal. Whatever else we may have to do – we have to live with our self – and self-hate is highly toxic. Even when shunted out onto somewhere else. Everything must come home.

      • Alex vandenBerg says:

        Thanks again Binra. This is an absolutely fantastic post!

        “If we ‘see’ it in others do we not strengthen it in ourselves?”– exactly. Psychological Projection.

        “Wait for the world to change and you wait and wait forever.”- takes the power away from us. For “God” is no longer within; wholly without. Not Here and Now, but down the road. Thus, we must wait for His return! Ludicrous…

        “there are energetic correspondences between us that we are likely unaware of – and that truly waking out from a conditioned mind will spontaneously attract and align with others who have energetic resonance.”—-Boom. And that’s how I “found” you…..”But as is the case with all inner processes, it is ultimately the Self that orders and regulates one’s human relationships, so long as the conscious ego takes the trouble to detect the delusive projections and deals with these inside himself instead of outside.”– Man and His Symbols p. 239

        “Now if I was to suggest that you will start to meet all the denied facets of yourself rather than lots of ‘like minded people’ – and that your acceptance of their choices and right to be serves the reintegration of parts of yourself…”—- again, right on point. “All experiences contribute to make us complete within ourselves….And whenever we stride t evade an experience, whatever it may be, we thereby do wrong to ourselves….And every failure to incorporate any impression starves the particular faculty that stood in need of it.”— Aleister Crowley Magick Book Four p. 528

        “But you either go down with the ‘old world’ or wake up in ‘new eyes’.”- superlative and oh so prescient.

        “I feel that we are all to be shaken a lot – and that more conditioning than we think, will come up to be shaken out of.”– EXACTLY.

        “What cannot be reintegrated in inner reality will manifest and force attention.” —- the noted physicist Wolfgang Pauli also realized this: “From an inner center the psyche seems to move outward, in the sense of an extraversion, into the physical world.”– Gary Zukav The Dancing Wu Li Masters p. 33

        “In a dream – all the roles are operating out of my own psyche.”—–Were we separated at birth? “Precisely, as in dream it is our own will which unconsciously appears as inexorable objective destiny, everything in it proceeding out of ourselves and each of us being the secret theater manager of his own dream; so also in reality, the great dream which a single essence, the will itself, dreams with us all, our fate, may be a product of our inmost selves, of our wills, and we are actually ourselves bringing about what seems to be happening to us.” – Thomas Mann Freud and the Future p. 418

        And this is me being succinct!! LOL…… one finger forward – three pointed back… gotta love it!

        • binra says:

          What I most want to convey is the naturalness of the already true. Expanding perspective regains awareness of what is here but had become unrecognised or mis-interpreted as a stuck or disconnect.
          The liability of ‘articulating’ with verbal mental constructs is of an appearance that there is a lot to learn or understand – and that is not so.
          Any language starts off as a gibberish with an underlying Feel to it. The willingness to learn is an abiding or hanging out in the trust that it comes together as an extended capacity within a new focus.
          Force-stuffing ‘meanings’ into a rule-bound ‘mind’ is not educative – but impositional.
          It makes a society of imposters!
          I don’t appeal to any external authorities – but of course no one comes into anything but through the sharing of it. I have nothing but what has been given me to share likewise. That’s Life.
          So while I write out from what I call ‘listening’ or ‘willingness’ – it is really like a musician getting out of the way so that what is alive can come through. Can find form and structure and in that sense the I is an instrument within a living conscious movement of being/is one with the music.
          I don’t write this to hold myself up – excepting to convey the naturalness of the already true.
          And the naturalness of sharing communication aligned with true willingness. It may be un-normal and trigger reaction – but to ‘come out’ as who you are is to no longer hide behind a mask of who you think you are supposed to be. I don’t say smash the mask! – but just leave it behind and lean into the more of who you are/I am as a checking in or listening in while relating with… whatever Life is being now. None of that is ‘intellectual’ and nor really is the fitting of phrase to discerned meaning.
          However, I acquired vocabulary through living and attempting to ‘understand’. The mind is not the tool or the capacity to understand life – but in the process of trying to do so – one can learn that as an intimate realisation. Then it becomes more like a pallet of paints for the movement of being – which is a phrase I prefer for the already movement in which I find myself identified perfectly. Rather than an impositional force by which to assert or validate ‘identity’.

          • Alex vandenBerg says:

            Hi Binra,

            Thanks for your reply.

            “The liability of ‘articulating’ with verbal mental constructs is of an appearance that there is a lot to learn or understand – and that is not so.”- Binra

            Respectfully disagree with that assumption. And the assumption you know how it will appear to everyone.

            “Force-stuffing ‘meanings’ into a rule-bound ‘mind’ is not educative – but impositional.”-Binra

            Again with the assumptions….Who’s force feeding? Who’s imposing? Who’s setting rules?
            The quotes were provided merely to add insight to what to some might otherwise be cryptic.

            “I don’t appeal to any external authorities – but of course no one comes into anything but through the sharing of it. I have nothing but what has been given me to share likewise. That’s Life.”- Binra.

            Nor do I. The highest guide is within oneself. However, the works of external authorities are part of Life as well…..As is everything – including “evil”.

  4. Steve Davis says:

    The ugly truth is that the GOP moved from conservative to fascist under the neo-con leadership of Bush and Cheney- 8 years of crony capitalism and war profiteering followed by 8 years of fascist Obama crony capitalism and entitlement profiteering has led America to the brink of collapse. And the political elite wonder why Trump is hailed as a hero? The American people reject “Washington Values” on both sides of the aisle- entrenched Democrats are as corrupt as entrenched Republicans. The only candidates not infected with the DC virus are Donald Trump and Ben Carson. Westerns are a uniquely American genre and the gunslinger cowboy a uniquely American hero, Bush/Obama/Hillary are globalist puppets who have destroyed the American spirit. The United States needs a leader who believes in the United States and Trump has claimed that title.

  5. From Québec says:

    So well written Jon! Kudos! By the way, your article is on, today.

    The media should have known this was coming, but the media never knows
    Jon Rappoport | – MARCH 2, 2016

    Here is how I see a country:

    The Country Versus A House:

    A citizen buys a house. He lives in it and he’s proud of it. He takes care of it. He makes the necessary repairs when something wrong shows up. He takes care of it and feels safe in his house, he feels free and he is happy. When he will die, he will give it to his children and they will inherit a great house.

    Another citizen buys a house. He takes it for granted. He has never repaired anything, he doesn’t take care of it, He lets it slowly go to hell. After a few decades, the house is rotting, mushrooms invade it, the wind comes through the windows, the roof is leaking, the doors don’t close well, etc.. it’s a mess, a shit hole. When he will die, his children will inherit it and they will try of get rid of this cancer. Impossible to sell it in these conditions. They will have to destroy it themselves and maybe try to build a new house on the site.

    A Country is like a House. It’s suppose to keep you free, secure and relatively happy. The government, who represents you, is supposed to work for you. But if you see that the government is working against you, you have to come up and do something about it, otherwise, it will rot like a house that has not been taking care of. And your children and grandchildren will inherit it and will hate you for the mess you left them.

    This is why I can’t understand the people who do not get involved in the politics of a country. To me, they are nothing less than selfish coward lunatics, trendy and snobbish pseudo artists and so-called intellectual idiots.

    You want Freedom? Get involved in your country. Freedom is never free, you have to work for freedom. So, vote, protest, start petitions, call your representatives, run for office, reform your voting process, etc.
    Do something, for crying out loud. Just don’t sit on your ass and watch the country go to waste. A country is like a house and either you take care of it you let it rot. It’s up to you.

    TRUMP 2016

    • binra says:

      I resonate with your comment. My politics is good housekeeping – which by the way is my creative freedom to discover – along with all the other variables that make life interesting.
      Jesus used the house as a metaphor too.
      Where we identify is the world we choose – knowingly or not.
      For many, Politics has been some kind of scam – because on one level – it is. Whoever you vote for, the government gets in. But what is going on now is different because it is not just keeping the power establishment in its ‘house’ – it is pushing Life off the Earth. This is the wrong way around. It is the mind of coercion and deceit that must leave – and that’s my daily housekeeping duties.
      I feel that the USA was infiltrated and subverted long ago – but that while a middle class had a function – there was an American Dream that was very deliberately steered to a cynical and gullible materialism – encouraged to call this freedom and enact its own slavery.
      So I don’t disagree – but I feel it is much – bigger in scope.
      There is an insanity that hasn’t quite recognized its state when illusions are stripped away. Now have we need to draw on the resources that the founding fathers valued so highly while we worshipped their words as if the Constitution had any power without men and women embodying and upholding its principle. I believe that there is a shadow ‘continuity’ Government set up when Reagan came in, to operate in prescribed emergencies – which included a nation unwilling and resistant to go to war! There is provision for the suspension of the Constitution in such emergencies – so all that is needed to remove it is to generate discontent and inflame it.
      So from that perspective it may be imperative that our political action does not take the bait and run a conditioned reaction to serve a deceivers agenda.

      • Alex vandenBerg says:


        Good point. And something to keep in mind as things get “heated up”. A half-cocked, over-bloated, hubris filled reaction would obviously play right into the hands of the global devil-doers. There is another way to revolt and overthrow the status quo however. Declare war on yourself. Declare war on the system by disengaging from it. Look up to yourself again…..

        Binra– In your view, Do you think humanity will ultimately be enslaved under a nightmarish, Orwellian technocratic world government? Or will we avert disaster?

        • binra says:

          We can all learn from noticing rather than reacting – even amidst the energetic of reaction. That seems a tall order – but there is no other hope I can offer humanity than to wake in place – amidst whatever is actually moving and own it. Not use it for blame – but open a self-acceptance in place of whatever thinking is invalidating you – regardless if it seems to be an ‘others’ it is still our own joining and acceptance of it that cuts us.

          You are the unique expression of your own answer to this question.
          What do you want? It is easy to say you don’t want slavery and disaster while persisting to act in the ways that invite it. To say you are powerless and that you don’t make any difference.

          The trap is to let a fear of the negative become your working definition or driving force. If you are constantly focusing in and feeding the idea of want you DONT want then nothing of what your heart truly desires can reach you – and still less move you to act forth in your world in a way that can be genuinely met.

          If there were both these realities splitting off from this timing – which bus are you currently on?
          Make sure you are at one with your choices and then whatever unfolds will meet and reflect the true of you.

  6. From Québec says:

    Merle Haggard — Are The Good Times Really Over

  7. From Québec says:

    Will Bernie Sanders’ Supporters Jump To Trump?


  8. Stenka Razinova says:

    I only want to add one sub note.about job creation. I did calculate that about 110 000 people retire monthly from workforce. This is approximately the number the media reported as jobs created.
    This is very suspicious to me.

  9. Jon, great piece but I see even you are slipping into “Trump fever”…or it seems that way.

    Let’s be real. Trump presents on the Sylvester Stallone wavelength. Therefore, it isn’t always instantly clear what he supports, particularly as “debates” (being kind) unravel after the Media Kings decide he’s “faux pas-ed”….again. He shoots one-liners by the half dozen and they all seem “theoretical”, no plan in sight, buy hey, I see far less than 1%….

    He’s the ultimate corporate cowboy, that instinctively knows that the “people” want. Question is, when “in”, how will he “deal” and that’s making the intellectuals very nervous (and not just the CFR ones).

    Hell, but as you said in the other post, he can’t be any worse than “next best”. Vote him in to vote them out.


  10. ghostmarine says:

    all throughout the election season so far, the media has sought to do nothing but tear trump down…and us, the unwashed commoners as well (at least in the elitists view). and they wonder why all of their lies and shenanigans have not gone unnoticed by us common folk? some of us are truly sheep. however most of us are not. and will never be. we, us non-sheep have awakened, and continue to be aware of what has happened to our country and our society in general. trump just happened to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right moves (overall). will he become the next president? we will see. one thing is for sure, things cannot keep going the way that they have been for much longer. if that happenes, the consequences will be very dire indeed.

  11. pedrofalls says:

    Much to their chagrin the media did not see trump coming. Much to their demise the elite do not see us coming.

  12. Joe says:

    I wish this article lasted for 500 pages. Best blog I’ve ever read in my life.Reminds me of the joke that says the difference between a prostitute and a presstitute is the prostitute sells her body and a presstitute sells their soul. I’m not berating ” Joe Reporter ” just the scumbags that think they’re the bastions leading to the the gateways of human cognition .

  13. burrado says:

    “But we’re the town criers. We announce the news to the townspeople. We take our orders from the princes and kings and spread their messages. We’re the eyes and ears and mouths of the public. We set the boundaries. We determine priorities and proprieties. We’re the civilized ones. We maintain order. We re-invent language. We decide what can be debated. We choose the representatives of each side. We own the space of The Discussion.”

    One thing I’ve been sort of forced to consider more and more is that the so-called New World Order, or the Illuminati are not operating in a total vacuum. They seem to feed off of the mass of people who rely on the media temple to tell them what to believe. I need look no further than my own family to prove this to myself. But the ‘gnostications’ of the elite are oh so rampant on even the most ordinary Facebook page. Try it out for yourself, and you’ll find all the typical globalist and politically correct rhetoric that you fear is only in the minds of the sick cabal.

    All that to say the quote above, Jon, turned a light bulb on in my head – which is that I suddenly remembered that we’re living in a demo – cracy: rule of the people. Of course we’ve been drilled to believe that is the highest form of civilization from the cradle. But what if ‘the people’ are no better than the worst tyrant?

    Plenty of individuals have eschewed the town criers, as we’re seeing evidence right here on your blog. But I’d argue that there are SO many who daily depend on the ‘news’ to help them manage their ragged lives. What business or time do they have to look into vaccines, or disappearances of airplanes (impossible by the way), or fake events. They have no time. They’re too busy shuttling kids to and from hockey or football practice, and the rest of it. I’ve even witnessed families that literally do not have time on Sunday morning to go to church.

    This is not to excuse the hoi polloi from their responsibility to fact-check. I’m just saying it’s become nearly impossible at this point. And from my present understanding, this goes back to the debt-money system that has turned modern economics – including household economics – into a musical chairs game. No one wants to be left without a chair.

    Which brings me to something I used to think more about, but was also reminded by your post today. That is that people seem to operate on fear. “I don’t want my child to die from smallpox.” And to complicate it even more, “I don’t want to be blamed for putting my child at risk of dying from smallpox. Give me the vaccine!”

    • binra says:

      “People seem to operate on fear”

      There’s the core of it all. Only I would further refine it a bit to say that a mis-identification operates through a lens of fear.

      The first ‘war on terror’ was the attempt to cover and escape it. It was also fuelled by rage born of of powerlessness.

      You know the scissor, rock and paper game? All the parts bring forth and reinforce each other in a perpetual war. Society can to some degree disguise it – but it is built into the core programming that the separate-sense mind operates in.

      But your observations are the direction I celebrate seeing. We are each a model of the control mentality that we love to hate in others – but as we notice this it shifts – because the one who notices is not the fear-based compulsion to suppress or deny the seeming chaos of creative expression – and in fact is the quality of abiding in and as the ‘chaos’ in a way that knows itself within its own balance rather than trying to manipulate or coerce symptoms (or others) to force an concept of balance.

  14. T.J. Thomas says:

    “He was refusing to go along with the gun-control crowd.”

    Yes, but he’s also said that Republicans need to stop marching lockstep with the NRA, first saying that in his book The America We Deserve. So what middle ground does that put him on?

  15. Koen says:

    Unlike the other presidential candidates, Trump’s emotions seem to match with his words and promises to the American people. “Yes we can”, “Change we can believe in”, and nothing changed, no we couldn’t. In retrospective so many people fell for blabla Obama’s hypnotic/cute charm, it is not funny how easy the masses are fooled. Much of the Trump experience is the salesman act, and sales people fake emotions. Still, something is authentic about Trump, his anger perhaps? Or is this part of the act? Difficult to observe if at least one politician speaks the truth, after half a century of the ‘controlled actor’ experience, actors who excelled in hiding the secret elite’s agenda and excelled in fooling the people, who were traitors of the world around them. It is the same story in my country, in fact in all countries, we all have to deal with professional liars aka politicians. There must be a limit to how well emotions can be acted, and hopefully Trump has come to the mature conclusion that winning together is much better than defeating and betraying everyone. How can we tell Trump is not lying? God bless the Americans, love you all.

    • From Québec says:

      How can we tell Trump is not lying? (Koen)

      Look at his face. Faces don’t lie. It’s hard for me to believe, that I am the only one here who can read a face 100% accurately . I can tell you from the first time I see a person’s face, who that person really is.

      Besides, unlike for Obama, we know just about anything we need to know about Trump:
      Who he is, what he has done, where he comes from, what are his credentials, his finances, his successes,his businesses, etc.

      Long time friends of his,, who are well known, respected persons, come out and talks about his generosity, his integrity, his patriotism, his nationalism, etc.
      Every one of them says that what Trump says he will do, he does it. And, he’s a hard worker, he will be working 18 hours a day in the Oval Office. He’s in good shape physically, doesn’t smoke and never drinks. Plus, he has a very high IQ, and knows the art of good deals.

      He knows about the corruption in the banking system, he knows about 911, other’s scams, the vaccines, etc. .And since he is absolutley fearless, he is not afraid to talk about it in the debates.

      He is a unifier, he gets votes from Spanish people, from Blacks, conservatives, democrats, independents, libertarians, etc. He doesn’t need a Tele Promter, he speaks and speaks endlessly. Liars need a TelePromter. And, he self founds himself, so nobody will be able to influence him.

      And the biggest reason of all, is the fact that the whole establishment is against him. They are panicking. They know that if he wins, it’s over for them and their cosy live style, they will end up in jail.

    • binra says:

      Just watch a good movie to see how people can authentically play a role. Trump believes in Trump and in that is something refreshing because most don’t believe in anything excepting to aligning where the power and wealth dictate.
      One can be honestly wrong – and then the test is whether they are willing to learn on the fly or cover the lie when it is first found not to be true.
      I feel the test is not to judge another so much as to be honest to oneself and then discover what and who you meet through the heart of you.
      Reagan lied through his teeth about dirty tricks and black ops and when he was exposed he said something like – my mind knew – but my heart wanted to tell you it wasn’t true. That is – he played a fatherly kind role that many Americans felt comforted and reassured by. He may have believed it too – many celebs start to believe they are who people believe them to be and feed to them.
      I don’t feel to be cynical here – but nor gullible. I feel the best thing we can do for the future is to leave it open – that is – not shut it down in terms of a past made in anger.

  16. From Québec says:


    Without a lucky or informed guess, I cannot, je regret to say, spell the word “loser” in French.
    SO — let me give the task at hand a shot in the dark: TRUDEAU.


    BINGO! You couldn’t have said it better…lol

  17. From Québec says:

    Must see:

    Disclaimer: This video is filled with foul language and politically incorrect observations. “So just cry about it!”

    Wanna know why Donald Trump will win? – Outlaw Morgan

  18. From Québec says:

    Must read:


  19. I’ve never watched Trump on TV. I just recently heard him on a video and realized he’s from New York by his accent. (Funny, in all the pictures I’ve seen of him I never imagined hearing a New York accent come out of his mouth!) Anyway, you get the idea. All I know of him is what I hear and (mostly) read. I understand that the people whom I loathe despise and fear him. That’s enough to make my day.

    I most likely won’t be voting in the election, because I don’t want to be part of what’s going on. I don’t even want my name associated with it. But that doesn’t mean I won’t be watching with great interest and amusement.

    Another poster makes the point that the purpose of a country is to “keep you free, secure, and relatively happy”, and so we should participate in the process. Huh?? With all due respect, that’s way, way too tall an order. My hopes of freedom, security, and happiness lie elsewhere, where I can have a reasonable expectation of such things actually being fulfilled, instead of setting myself up for certain disappointment.

    • binra says:

      I appreciate your comment. One thing prompts me from it and that is that whatever we think or do we are part of what’s going on – and voting whether we know it or not. So my sense is that you are consciously investing in and extending witness for what you are part of – and that may not have apparent representation in the reflection of society as it presents itself.

      Being or living out from presence is not engaged in struggle to become something else so much as extending a sense of worth that already is. This does appreciate by appreciating – but that is different from investing emotional energy in manipulating or fixing outcomes.

      I’m not writing this to interpret you – but to possibly join with what I feel I heard you say.
      Disappointment reveals the expectations one may not otherwise have awareness of holding. So I wouldn’t over-protect against finding out more of what runs my show just because it is humiliating.
      To have loved and lost is to have found the jamming signal.

  20. anonymous says:

    roger stone on alex jones sunday nite show yesterday mentioned how ted cruz’s wife, heidi, worked for robert zoellick. alex got confused & said some think he was the architect of 9/11.

    however, that would be philip d. zelikow, who basically wrote the official narrative that was the 9/11 commission report.

    zoellick is better known for his connections to goldman sachs, world bank and – more importantly – as one of the architects of the tpp, ttip and tpa (aka fast track). see –

    Zoellick, together with other former and current colleagues at Goldman Sachs, the CFR and World Bank, is prominent player in the “free trade” power lobby that is now urgently pushing the TPP, the
    Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and Trade Promotion Authority (TPA, aka Fast Track)….etc

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