Zika: vicious fraud: abortions at sea: the war on women

by Jon Rappoport

February 4, 2016

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You’re a pregnant woman in Central America. You’ve just been told you could have the Zika virus. No tests. No confirmation. And of course, no one is telling you that Zika has not been proved to cause anything. But you’re offered an abortion at sea, because the country you live in doesn’t allow abortions, except in very restricted cases. A group will take you out on a ship, and when you come back your baby will be gone. He or she will never be born. You’re just another casualty in the campaign to provoke fear, but now it has been your very personal experience.

February 3, 2016. Vocative.com has the story, “Pregnant Zika victims will be given access to abortions at sea”:

“Now Women on Waves, an organization which uses ships to offer safe abortion services outside the territorial waters of countries where the procedure is restricted or forbidden, has announced that they will begin serving areas affected by Zika.”

“Women on Waves is aiming to give them [pregnant women] a safe, legal alternative. They will provide medical abortions to pregnant women who have Zika in Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Guadeloupe, Paraguay, Venezuela, Argentina, Surinam, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Panama, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. Eligible women must be less than 9 weeks pregnant and are required to fill out an online application to receive the abortifacient drugs. The group has said getting a shipment of the medicine to patients can take between one and five weeks, meaning it will require a woman who discovers she’s pregnant to act very quickly to receive help in time.”

As I’ve detailed in previous articles, the original propaganda which launched the whole Zika-birth defect hysteria, has been contradicted by Brazilian researchers who’ve gone back and rechecked the findings. They’ve found far, far fewer cases of the birth defect, microcephaly, and only a handful of cases where the Zika virus was present.

But this hasn’t stopped the fear mongers. And now we have abortions at sea, based on zero truth and zero science.

Put this together with the travel warnings governments have been issuing to women, and the advisories (“don’t get pregnant for two years”), and this is turning out to be a war against women.

Depopulation by press conference.

Who will be held responsible? No one.

Unless people begin to speak out and ignore the roar of the press and the lying public health agencies.

The abortions will continue. Pregnant women will never know the truth, that the loss of their children was created by propaganda.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Margaret Chan, the director of the World Health Organization, has admitted that the causal connection between microcephaly (the birth defect) and the Zika virus has not been demonstrated. It is “strongly suspected.” However, in order to respond quickly to the “crisis,” the world must act on a suspicion.

Someone should point out to her that abortions at sea are now a consequence of what her advisors have told her to suspect.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

17 comments on “Zika: vicious fraud: abortions at sea: the war on women

  1. alex hill says:

    This is data from Brazil´s Ministry of Health as of 2/2. Of 4783 suspected cases of microcephalia reported by 1/30, 404 were confirmed, and of these 17 showed zika virus.

    Data de Cadastro: 02/02/2016 as 19:02:18 alterado em 02/02/2016 as 19:02:18

    Saúde investiga 3.670 casos suspeitos de microcefalia no país

    Estão sendo investigados todos os casos de microcefalia e outras alterações do sistema nervoso central, inclusive a possível relação com o vírus Zika e outras infecções congênitas

    O Ministério da Saúde e os estados investigam 3.670 casos suspeitos de microcefalia em todo o país. Isso representa 76,7% dos casos notificados. O novo boletim divulgado nesta quarta-feira (2) aponta, também, que 404 casos já tiveram confirmação de microcefalia e/ou outras alterações do sistema nervoso central, sendo que 17 com relação ao vírus Zika. Outros 709 casos notificados já foram descartados. Ao todo, 4.783 casos suspeitos de microcefalia foram registrados até 30 de janeiro.

    Os novos números demonstram aumento dos casos já classificados como confirmados e descartados nesta última semana, se comparado a semanas anteriores. O crescimento dos casos investigados e classificados foi de 52%, com relação ao boletim do dia 23 de janeiro. Eram 732 na semana anterior, passando para os atuais 1.113.

    No total, foram notificados 76 óbitos por microcefalia e/ou alteração do sistema nervoso central após o parto (natimorto) ou durante a gestação (abortamento espontâneo). Destes, 15 foram investigados e confirmados para microcefalia e/ou alteração do sistema nervoso central, sendo que cinco tiveram identificação do vírus Zika no tecido fetal. Outros 56 continuam em investigação e cinco já foram descartados.

    Cabe esclarecer que o Ministério da Saúde está investigando todos os casos de microcefalia e outras alterações do sistema nervoso central, informados pelos estados e a possível relação com o vírus Zika e outras infecções congênitas. A microcefalia pode ter como causa diversos agentes infecciosos além do Zika, como Sífilis, Toxoplasmose, Outros Agentes Infecciosos, Rubéola, Citomegalovírus e Herpes Viral.

    De acordo o informe, os 404 casos confirmados, desde o início das investigações no dia 22 de outubro do ano passado – foram registrados em 156 municípios de nove estados brasileiros: Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio de Janeiro e Rio Grande do Sul. A região Nordeste concentra 98% dos municípios com casos confirmados, sendo que Pernambuco continua com o maior número de municípios com casos confirmados (56), seguido dos estados do Rio Grande do Norte (31), Paraíba (24), Bahia (23), Alagoas (10), Piauí (6), Ceará (3), Rio de Janeiro (2) e Rio Grande do Sul (1).

    Até o momento, estão com circulação autóctone do vírus Zika 22 unidades da federação. São elas: Goiás, Minas Gerais, Distrito Federal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Roraima, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Tocantins, Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Paraná.

    ORIENTAÇÃO- O Ministério da Saúde orienta as gestantes adotarem medidas que possam reduzir a presença do mosquito Aedes aegypti, com a eliminação de criadouros, e proteger-se da exposição de mosquitos, como manter portas e janelas fechadas ou teladas, usar calça e camisa de manga comprida e utilizar repelentes permitidos para gestantes.

    ZIKA – O Ministério da Saúde irá anunciar nas próximas semanas a notificação compulsória dos casos identificados como infecção pelo vírus Zika no Brasil. Atualmente, o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) não contabiliza o número de casos de infecções pelo Zika. Atualmente, o acompanhamento é feito pelo sistema de vigilância sentinela para monitorar a circulação do vírus e prestar apoio às medidas de prevenção à doença.

    OMS – A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) declarou ontem Emergência de Saúde Pública de importância internacional (ESPII) por vírus Zika e sua possível associação com a microcefalia e síndromes neurológicas. A decisão foi recomendada pelo Comitê de Emergência da OMS à presidente da organização, Margaret Chan, com base nas informações técnicas de entendimento do vírus Zika repassada pelo Brasil, França, Estados Unidos e El Salvador.

    A emergência de saúde pública de importância internacional é um evento extraordinário que exige uma resposta coordenada. Este reconhecimento internacional deve facilitar a busca parcerias em todo o mundo, reunindo esforços de governos e especialistas para enfrentar a situação.

    O Brasil tem sido um protagonista no manejo do aumento de casos de microcefalia. Quando decretou Situação de Emergência em Saúde Pública de Importância Nacional, sinalizamos à OMS da possiblidade de um evento de importância internacional e, desde então, colocamo-nos à disposição da organização para esclarecimentos e fornecimento de materiais técnicos.

    Nas recomendações da OMS não há restrição de viagens ou comércio com países, regiões e/ou territórios com a transmissão do vírus Zika. Recomenda-se que as pessoas que venham a viajar para áreas com transmissão do vírus Zika tomem medidas adequadas para evitar picadas de mosquito. No Brasil, a recomendação do Ministério da Saúde é para que a população, principalmente mulheres grávidas e em idade fértil, tomem medidas simples que possam evitar o contato com o Aedes aegypti, como utilizar repelentes, proteger-se da exposição de mosquitos, manter portas e janelas fechadas ou teladas e usar calça e camisa de manga comprida.

    Distribuição dos casos notificados de microcefalia por UF, até 30 de janeiro de 2016

    Regiões e Unidades Federadas

    Casos de Microcefalia e/ou malformações, sugestivos de infecção congênita

    Total acumulado de casos notificados de 2015 a 2016

    Em investigação











































    Rio Grande do Norte










    Região Nordeste





    Espírito santo





    Minas Gerais





    Rio de Janeiro





    São Paulo





    Região Sudeste











    Sem registro

    Sem registro

    Sem registro

    Sem registro


    Sem registro

    Sem registro

    Sem registro

    Sem registro





















    Região Norte





    Distrito Federal










    Mato grosso





    Mato Grosso do Sul





    Região Centro-Oeste










    Santa Catarina





    Rio Grande do Sul





    Região Sul





    Agência Saúde
    Atendimento à Imprensa
    (61) 3315-2005 / 3580 / 2351

  2. wfdunlap says:

    I’m really enjoying your break downs. As soon as I heard about Zika I thought, “this is Jon Rapport 101. He’s going to tear it apart.” I was right.

    Women on Waves must have some pretty intense funding in order to accomplish multinational sea based abortions.

    A couple things that come to mind extemporaneously:

    This gives an opportunity to any women who want an abortion for any reason to get it off sea. Some at least will lie and say they have Zika in order to get the abortion. Agencies will likely use those distorted numbers as “evidence” of the crisis. If there is a stark increase in abortion will this be the beginning of discussions of legal abortions in South America? There are definitely a wide range of powerful interests who support abortion, but is there an abortion industry? could this be a way for such an industry to gain a foothold in South America? I bet the market that deals in fetuses took a blow from that USA shake out of planned parenthood, even if it was whitewashed. This South American abortion rush could be a way to recoup for 2015 losses potentially. South America gets the World Cup, the Olympics, but if they really want to modernize they need to have population controls. Maybe this is what we are seeing. After all, the pope is from South America. It’s been catholic land for a while. The current pope has shown other leanings towards the modern globalists. Perhaps a formal deal has been reached over the territory. A south American union is in the works no doubt.

    • BreakawayConsciousness says:

      Couldn’t agree more. He’s the reason that the Ebola scam became so obvious to me. It prompted me to research Aids, other viruses, and so on. Once you see how thin the evidence is in most cases, you can clearly see what’s been orchestrated by the establishment.

    • Chris Williams says:

      Very important points. How on earth can a supposed non-profit organisation suddenly be in a position to mount massive operations for potentially thousands of South American women on the high seas, with the necessary medical expertise and drugs. Obviously they are getting a lot more funding and support than the meagre $80k in donations they list in their last budget statement (2014) on their website.

      I notice that of the $80k donations most comes from the Hivos foundation. It lists its partners as including the EU Commission, the Global foundation (Gates et al) and the Ford Foundation! Bingo! Women on Waves is more than just a bunch of Dutch abortion on demand zealots but is sure to be a NWO front as well.

      If anyone has any more information on who is backing this group please post on Jon’s site!

  3. Jon you hit it on the average size head, it’s all about population control by press. Zealots at sea…good God.

    Making women wait till 2018 till they get pregnant. Why 2018?…why not 2019 or 20 or 21. Why 2018?

    I guess this has been a week of head measuring; people out with micrometer and calipers and tape measures, measuring heads.
    What if you come from a family with small headed people. What does that mean…I had some friends who were from Sicily the whole family were little with big heads. And I have seen families of little people with little heads.

    What if you spent too much time talking to a psychiatrist? those bastards have been shrinking heads since Jesus was cowboy. If we count the shrunken heads those guys have caused…thats a epidemic in its self.

    South America is famous tribes who liked shrinking heads. The Maya and many South American tribes and people admired sloping foreheads and smaller heads on people, it was a practiced art form. This was about beauty in action. And we have descendents of that once common practice still around.



    I took a look at charts and graphs, on baby head sizes; well there a whole science behind head measurement.
    Do you know how many categories of head size there are related to ethnicity, the number of weeks pregnant?
    I don’t wish to make light of any deformity, there are obviously very deformed heads; but whose doing this measuring? And how does head size relate to intelligence and cognition? And at what point do you say…”Ah, he has a really small head, he is microcephalic”?

    Have you ever gone into a hat store? Well I have, a lot of times, I have worn a Chicago style Biltmore hat for years. And hats come in a variety of sizes. From 6 1/8 to 8 1/4.
    Should I worry if my head is smaller compared to larger? Are there just as many macrocephalic heads as microcephalic? What is normal head size? Because I don’t thing there is a normal head size. If your head is proportionate to your body, your normal, I think to a point. But if your Mayan or a South American tribal people, there could be variances.

    But I got a feeling this is not going to die down for a while; we are going back in time, to when the eugenicist were out measuring heads of black men in the southern United States, or the slums of New York and the Industrial cities of the twenties and thirties.
    This is going to be the center of attention for quite a while, it’s going to explode into all kinds of head measuring clubs and symposiums on small heads and complete nonsense.

  4. Heard you on Ted Broer’s program yesterday!

    Is it just me, or are the idiots starting to lose their shit?

    They are just throwing whatever they can at the walls, and seeing what sticks. Monkeys in the zoo have more foresight than these tools.

    The worst thing is just how obvious all of this is…if you get a moment to actually sit back and think about it.

    Thanks for being a light in the darkness.

  5. middleway says:

    Agree with all his points or not,… this gentleman’s basic premise is key to understanding our common reality:


  6. Jacqueline says:

    Well, isn’t this whole thing progressing at break-neck speed… don’t want to give anyone time to think about it. The WHO has been itching for a pandemic and will do whatever it takes to make it so. Not too long ago, they issued a release about a particularly virulent strain of TB circulating around the globe. Checked the stats and turns out there were 8 cases in Pakistan and 4 cases in an adjoining country. It was laughable. When it was announced that ZIKA was acquired via sexual contact, my first thought was that they were trying to make it the new HIV/AIDS. Simply mad…go ask Alice!

  7. Theodore says:

    These Organizations Are Giving Women in the Zika Zone Access to Abortion


  8. MikeR says:

    Dr Margaret Chan is believed to be a closet microcephalic sufferer.
    The lying butch is so damn sure to make the Rest Of The World suffer, too…..

  9. I notice the very long comment which appears to contradict your figures, Jon, but you have discussed this before. What is meant by “confirmation”, even? Does the presence of anti-bodies convey the existence of viral materials or is that a “presumption”?

    As viral materials are made of inorganic materials that have somehow fused with body systems, it is no surprise that viruses are “hard to identify”.

    We see various “levels” of despicable lies & smoky mirrors here, leveraging predictive programming.

    If a “renowned” doctor tells 100 not so seriously ill people each will die within 3 months, how many will succumb due to the pressure of that knowledge?

    That is the most satanic kind of manipulation possible


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