Vaccine-autism connection: US Congressman stonewalled by the CDC

by Jon Rappoport

August 21, 2014

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With a CDC whistleblower standing in the shadows, claiming the CDC has known about the vaccine-autism connection for 10 years, the cover-up is threatening to blow sky-high.

And now Florida Congressman Bill Posey has sent me a statement about his experience with the CDC.

Posey has been trying to obtain specific data about a 2004 CDC study which claimed the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine has no role in causing autism.

The CDC whistleblower (so far, anonymously) has been pointing to that 2004 study as a fraud, claiming vital data were omitted, data which would indict the vaccine.

So how has the CDC responded to Posey’s inquiry and request for all the 2004 data?

Here is what he wrote to me:

“The CDC has refused for more than six months to hand over documents I requested concerning this issue. That is not the type of response we expect from our government.”


A US Congressman wants research data from a federal agency and they flat-out refuse.

Nothing much is a stake here—only the health of the entire US population. Vaccines causing autism? And the CDC has the right to keep as many secrets as it wants to?

Did the CDC wake up one morning and decide it’s the CIA? On what grounds is it refusing to release the data? National Security?

Here is what the CDC whistleblower (a research scientist still employed by the CDC) states: intentionally omitted data from the 2004 study shows that: African-American boys who receive their first MMR vaccine before the age of 36 months have a 300% increased risk of developing autism.

Presumably, this is what Congressman Posey would learn if the CDC turned over the data to him.

And who knows what else he would learn?

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

My comment about the CDC thinking it’s the CIA isn’t entirely facetious. In 1987, I confirmed that, routinely, certain CDC employees are sent to Langley, Virginia, for CIA training, and return with top-secret classifications—meaning they can access data that are off-limits to the rest of the CDC and most of the federal government.

Data confirming extensive and ongoing damage caused by vaccines might indeed rate as “classified, National Security,” if by Security you mean “protecting vaccine manufacturers and their government allies.”

As opposed to protecting the public.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Do we have a “medical Edward Snowden?”

by Jon Rappoport

August 20, 2014

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Update: US Congressman stonewalled by the CDC:

As I get ready to post this article, I have a reply to a request I made to Florida Congressman Bill Posey. I asked for a statement regarding the growing charge that the CDC is covering up an autism-vaccine connection. Here is what Congressman Posey has to say on this subject:

“When it comes to our children, we must make sure that any intervention is as safe as possible, including vaccinations. Scientific integrity is a key component to giving that assurance. I will continue to press for a full understanding of the evidence in this situation. The CDC has refused for more than six months to hand over documents I requested concerning this issue. That is not the type of response we expect from our government.”

Congressman stonewalled. He asked the CDC for data and the CDC refused. Refusal=something to hide.

Why else would the CDC ignore Posey’s request? What right does the CDC have to conceal data about vaccines and autism?

In my previous article today, I highlighted a secret CDC whistleblower, who has anonymously asserted that the CDC intentionally covered up the vaccine-autism connection for a decade.

In the last few hours, I’ve discovered a few facts about him.

He is a research scientist.

Surprisingly, he still works for the CDC.

He is seriously considering coming forward soon, revealing his name, and speaking to the press.

The CDC hasn’t yet contacted him to explain himself, hasn’t yet fired him or taken any action against him.

But the CDC undoubtedly knows who he is. It’s no mystery. From what this whistleblower has revealed so far, the CDC would easily be able to identify him.

The whistleblower knows this.

He has an attorney. It’s not clear whether he can obtain whistleblower status and protection.

I urge him to come forward, reveal his name, and talk. I urge him to tell everything he knows. The public needs to hear his evidence.

And at this point, his best protection is disclosure. Stand up. Tell the whole truth.

There are other researchers at the CDC who would be severely impacted by his disclosure. Like the whistleblower, they covered up the vaccine-autism connection. Unlike him, they haven’t admitted it.

If this CDC scientist steps forward into the light, he could cause a firestorm. The CDC would immediately, of course, reject his claims.

They would say something like this: “Yes, it’s true that, ten years ago, we studied autism and the MMR vaccine, but the whole thrust and pattern of the data we compiled had to be considered, not just one piece. We did look at all the data, and we reached the correct conclusion. There is no evidence that the MMR vaccine causes autism.”

The CDC would count on their allies in the press to swallow this statement whole and treat the story as a minor blip on the radar.

They would count on their allies to ignore what the whistleblower is actually saying: that in a CDC 2004 study, a whole raft of significant and damning data was thrown out and ignored, thus making it seem there was no vaccine-autism connection.

It’s also quite possible that the CDC will try to personally discredit the whistleblower, through character attacks. Is he ready for this? Will he stand up to it?

He needs to come forward now, to allay any suspicion that he was prepped to release false information as if it were true, and then ensnare vaccine critics.

In this vicious game, anything is possible.

Half-admissions won’t carry the day. Half-light and half-shadow won’t work.

If he can deliver the goods in person, for all to see, the resulting scandal would travel up into the highest reaches of the CDC, hitting executives who have served there for the past 10 years.

It could move higher into the Department of Health and Human Services, and even the Congress and the White House, present and past.

And then there are the vaccine manufacturers. They too would face very specific questions.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Having written on these matters for many years, I’m not under the delusion that major heavy hitters would do jail time.

But once the match is lit, you never know what will happen.

The CDC has insisted, time after time, that they’ve proved vaccines have nothing to do with autism.

But out in the land of the Web, there are thousands and thousands of people who know better and can speak and write the truth.

It’s up to him now.

If as reported, he feels great shame and remorse for covering up the damning data and contributing to much human harm and damage, he has an option.

He can pull himself together, say his name, say what he knows, down to the last detail, and say who at the CDC insisted that lies be told.

He can burn down all those lies.

He can break through and acquaint the public with what it’s like to hear the truth from a government-agency employee.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Breaking: MMR vaccine, autism, CDC coverup

by Jon Rappoport

August 20, 2014

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Sources: Age of Autism, Focus Autism Foundation—

Age of Autism 8/18 article: “Senior government scientist breaks 13 years’ silence on CDC’s vaccine-autism fraud.”

CDC research scientist comes forward, anonymously, comes clean, tells Dr. Brian Hooker that the CDC has known about the MMR vaccine connection to autism for at least 11 years.

Has known, and has intentionally covered it up.

The CDC and the US government have gone to extreme lengths to assert there is no vaccine-autism connection.

This CDC scientist has spoken with Brian Hooker, a PhD in biochemical engineering, many times.

Hooker states he has seen raw CDC data not included in any study. And the data show that:

African-American boys who receive their first MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine before the age of 36 months have a 300% increased risk for autism.

If this is true, what else is the CDC hiding?

From the Age of Autism article (8/18): “Dr. Hooker has worked closely with the CDC whistleblower, and he viewed highly sensitive documents related to the [fraudulent government] study via Congressional request from U.S. Representative Darrell Issa, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. The CDC documents from Congress and discussions that Hooker had with the whistleblower reveal widespread manipulation of scientific data and top-down pressure on CDC scientists to support fraudulent application of government policies on vaccine safety.”

If all this is true, then the CDC has stood by for the last decade and done nothing, while the MMR vaccine has damaged the brains of many, many children.

You may recall that Dr. Andrew Wakefield pointed out a likely connection between the MMR vaccine and autism. British authorities and the CDC destroyed his career.

Wakefield now states: “Over a decade ago, Dr. Scott Montgomery and I put forward a hypothesis for MMR vaccine and autism: the age you receive the vaccine influences the risk. …We shared this hypothesis with vaccine officials, members of the Centers for Disease Control, at meetings in Washington, D.C. and Cold Spring Harbor. A group of senior vaccine safety people at the CDC studied it. It panned out. We were right–at least partly. By Nov 9, 2001, nearly thirteen years ago, senior CDC scientists knew that the younger age exposure to MMR was associated with an increased risk of autism. In 2004 they published, but they hid the results. …”

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

There is another angle on all this. It has to do with how diseases and disorders are labeled and defined.

There is no definitive test for autism. The criteria for diagnosis are a menu of behaviors. Therefore, we are looking at a wide net which includes all sorts of brain and neurological damage.

Official studies are done which “show” that some cases of what’s called autism are not preceded by vaccination—and therefore, vaccines couldn’t be “the single cause of the single disease called autism.”

That proof, of course, is completely false—because what’s called autism isn’t a single disease. It’s neurological damage, which can have a number of causes.

And now we are looking at one of those causes: the MMR vaccine.

If in the coming days, the CDC claims they’ve already eliminated the possibility that vaccines are the cause of autism, you’ll understand their shell game, their con, their ruse.

They’ve stacked the deck, so they can roll out so-called cases of autism which have no connection to the MMR vaccine.

It’s hoax by labels and semantics.

While vaccines continue to damage the brains of children.

(This story continues here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

My prediction about Facebook came true

My prediction about Facebook came true

by Jon Rappoport

August 19, 2014

Two years ago, I wrote about the origins of Facebook. The company had gone public with its IPO, which was tanking badly.

Here are key excerpts from the article:

“But now the Facebook stock has tanked. On Friday, August 17, [2012] it weighed in at half its initial IPO price. For the first time since the IPO, venture-capital backers were legally permitted to sell off their shares, and some did, at a loss.”

“This has the earmarks of a classic shakeout and squeeze play…First, they [insiders] drive down the price of the stock, then they trade it at low levels that discourage and demoralize the public and even semi-insiders. As the stock continues to tank, they quietly buy up as much of it as they can. Finally, when the price hits a designated rock bottom, they shoot it up all the way to new highs and win big.”

*** “The company is too important as a data-mining asset of the intelligence community to let it fall into disrepair and chaos.”

“The media will play along, pretending the eventual upswing-recovery of Facebook stock happens for fundamental reasons connected to the company’s ‘better level of performance’. The media take this approach to every stock and every company, to avoid letting the public know how massive manipulation actually runs these trading markets.”

Okay. So let’s look at what’s happened to Facebook stock since I wrote those words two years ago.

From August 2012 all the way to July 2013, the stock presented a quite discouraging picture. It stayed in the 20-30 range, looked like it was going nowhere, and never threatened to move up to its original offering price of 40.

Exactly. This prompted many holders to dump their shares, affording insiders the opportunity to scoop them up at bargain-basement prices.

Finally, in July 2013, the insiders began the long march upward, which has continued to this day. As I write this, Facebook stock is selling at $75.39 a share, a new high.


power outside the matrix

Analysts, of course, attribute this boom to company “earnings beating projections.”

They always find a reason. They’ll say anything. “The weather last year was unusually cold.”

The fact is, Facebook was in good hands all the way. The heavy hitters took the price way down, kept it there, accumulated many, many shares, and then marched the price up to the sky.

In Facebook, the CIA and other intelligence agencies have had a great front for their data-mining work, and they weren’t going to let it fail.

As for the future, the insiders could take FB shares down again, let them languish, and then rocket them up. Why make just one big score when you can double-dip and make two?

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Every television newscast is staged reality

Every television newscast is staged reality

by Jon Rappoport

August 18, 2014

Focus on the network evening news. This is where the staging is done well.

First, we have the image itself, the colors in foreground and background, the blend of restful and charged hues. The anchor and his/her smooth style.

Then we have the shifting of venue from the studio to reporters in the field, demonstrating the reach of coverage: the planet. As if this equals authenticity.

Actually, those reporters in the field rarely dig up information on location. A correspondent standing on a rooftop in Cairo could just as well be positioned in a bathroom in a Las Vegas McDonald’s. His report would be identical.

The managing editor, usually the elite news anchor, chooses the stories to cover and has the final word on their sequence.

The anchor goes on the air: “Our top story tonight, more signs of gridlock today on Capitol Hill, as legislators walked out of a session on federal budget negotiations…”

The viewer fills in the context for the story: “Oh yes, the government. Gridlock is bad. Just like traffic on the I-5. A bad thing. We want the government to get something done, but they’re not. These people are always arguing with each other. They don’t agree. They’re in conflict. Yes, conflict, just like on the cop shows.”

The anchor: “The Chinese government reports the new flu epidemic has spread to three provinces. Forty-two people have already died, and nearly a thousand are hospitalized…”

The viewer again supplies context, such as it is: “Flu. Dangerous. Epidemic. Could it arrive here? Get my flu shot. Do the Chinese doctors know what they’re doing? Crowded cities. Maybe more cases all of a sudden. Ten thousand, a hundred thousand.”

The anchor: “A new university study states that gun owners often stock up on weapons and ammunition, and this trend has jumped quickly since the Newtown, Connecticut, school-shooting tragedy…”

The viewer: “People with guns. Why do they need a dozen weapons? People in small towns. I don’t need a gun. The police have guns. Could I kill somebody if he broke into the house?”

The anchor: “Doctors at Yale University have made a discovery that could lead to new treatments in the battle against Autism…”

Viewer: “That would be good. More research. Laboratory. Germs. The brain.”

If, at the end of the newscast, the viewer bothered to review the stories and his own reactions to them, he would realize he’d learned almost nothing. But reflection is not the game.

In fact, the flow of the news stories has washed over him and created very little except a sense of (false) continuity.

It would never occur to him to wonder: are the squabbling political legislators really two branches of the same Party? Does government have the Constitutional right to incur this much debt? Where is all that money coming from? Taxes? Other sources? Who invents money?

Is the flu dangerous for most people? If not, why not? Do governments overstate case numbers? How do they actually test patients for the flu? Are the tests accurate? Are they just trying to convince us to get vaccines?

What happens when the government has overwhelming force and citizens have no guns?

When the researchers keep saying “may” and “could,” does that mean they’ve actually discovered something useful about Autism, or are they just hyping their own work and trying to get funding for their next project?

These are only a few of the many questions the typical viewer never considers.

Therefore, every story on the news broadcast achieves the goal of keeping the context small and narrow—night after night, year after year. The overall effect of this staging is small viewer, small viewer’s mind, small viewer’s understanding.

Billions of dollars are spent by the networks to build a reality the size of a room in a cheap motel.

Next we come to words over pictures. More and more, news broadcasts are using the rudimentary film technique of a voice narrating what the viewer is seeing on the screen.

People are shouting and running and falling in a street. The anchor or a field reporter says: “The country is in turmoil. Parliament has suspended sessions for the third day in a row, as the government decides what to do about uprisings aimed at forcing democratic elections…”

Well, the voice must be right, because we’re seeing the pictures. If the voice said the riots were due to garbage-pickup cancellations, the viewer would believe that, too.

How about this: two-day-old footage of runners approaching the finish line of the Boston Marathon. A puff of smoke rises at the right of the screen. A runner falls down in the street. The anchor is saying: “The FBI has announced a bomb made in a pressure cooker caused the injuries and deaths.”

Must be a pressure cooker. Ban pressure cookers. We saw the pictures and heard the voice explain.

We see Building #7 of the WTC collapse. Must have been the result of a fire. The anchor tells us so. Words over pictures.

We see footage of Lee Harvey Oswald inside the Dallas police station. The anchor tells he’s about to be transferred, under heavy guard, to another location. Oswald must be guilty, because we’re seeing him in a police station, and the anchor just said “under heavy guard.”

Staged news.

It mirrors what the human mind, in an infantile state, is always doing: looking at the world and seeking a brief summary to explain what that world is, at any given moment.

power outside the matrix

Since the dawn of time, untold billions of people have been urging a “television anchor” to “explain the pictures.”

The news gives them that precise thing, that precise solution, every night.

“Well, Mr. Jones,” the doctor says, as he pins X-rays to a screen in his office. “See this? Right here? We’ll need to start chemo immediately, and then we may have to remove most of your brain, and as a followup, take out one eye.”

Sure, why not? The patient saw the pictures and the anchor explained them.

After watching and listening to a month or two of news, planted with key words, the population is ready to see the President or one of his minions step up to a microphone and say, “Quantitative easing…sequester…”

Reaction? “Oh, yes, that’s right, I’ve heard those words before, it (whatever “it” is) must be okay.”

A month later, those two terms disappear, as if they’d never existed.

Eventually, people get the idea and do it for themselves. They see things, they invent one-liners to explain them.

They’re their own anchors. They short-cut and undermine their own experience with vapid summaries of what it all means.

At some point in time, the television audience begins to experience an itch. “If reality is the news, then maybe I could become a visible piece of reality. Maybe I could get on the news. What would I have to do? How can I stand out? What outlandish thing could I cook up?”

Anyone’s face could appear on the screen and flicker there and be driven into the minds of millions of people.

If not fortune, then at least fame.

An honest television news anchor, if one existed, would say:

“The battle over the government shutdown and its funding continue as a piece of planned chaos. Events like this are shaped well in advance by men who manipulate the One Political Party With Two Heads, and you, the viewer, are reacting predictably. You’re choosing sides. You’re angry. And I’m sitting here on most nights adding fuel to the fire. The fix is in, and I’m going along with it. Here in the studio, I’m staging the news about staged reality.”

The news is a movie of a movie.

And then, of course, when the news cuts to commercial, the fake products takes over:

“Well, every night they’re showing the same brand names, so those brands must be better than the unnamed alternatives.”

Which devolves into: “I like this commercial better than that commercial. This is a great commercial. Let’s have a contest and vote on the best commercial.”

Which devolves into: reality is an advertisement for itself.

“Hello. I’m staged reality and I’m doing ads to promote me.”

For “intelligent” viewers, there is another sober mainstream choice, a safety valve: PBS. That newscast tends to show more pictures from foreign lands.

“Yes, I watch PBS because they understand the planet is interconnected. It isn’t just about America. That’s good.”

Sure it’s good, if you want the same no-context or false-context reporting on events in other countries. Instead of the two minutes NBC might give you about momentous happenings in Iraq, PBS will give you three minutes, plus congenial experts commenting abstractly, employing longer words.

PBS’ experts seem kinder and gentler. “They’re nice and they’re more relaxed. I like that.”

Yes, the PBS experts are taking Valium, and they’re not drinking as much coffee as the NBC experts.

Brian Williams (NBC), the current champion of network anchors, seems to have downed one cup of coffee and half a Valium. He’s balanced. He’s neutral, he reveals a bit of an edge now and then, but we know he really cares, he just can’t show it because that would imply bias. And somehow (lighting, makeup), he’s forever young. He’s riding his bike down a country road tossing rolled-up newspapers on porches. It’s still morning in America…

Diane Sawyer (ABC) is for the weepers. If she’s not shedding a tear, she’s ready to. It’s there, in reserve. Her next gig should be on General Hospital.

Scott Pelley (CBS) is always ready to put on Dan Rather’s old tan bush jacket with the many pockets. And go out in the field, where it’s really happening. He’s the field surgeon who’ll do operations without an anesthetic if he has to. CBS producers keep beating him about the head and telling him he has to appear more human. They don’t have a drug for that yet.

This is the main cast of actors.

They deliver the long con every night on the tube, between commercials.


Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

The press takes a holiday…every day

The press takes a holiday…every day

by Jon Rappoport

August 17, 2014

I’ve published the essence of this article before. I continue to reprint it, now and then, because it illustrates a basic fact about the mainstream press:

Not only are they part of the problem; not only are they creating problems; not only are they sold out; the reporters themselves, who should be able to work up astonishment at mind-boggling facts, have lost that capacity.

They’ve lost the very urge that got them into the journalism trade in the first place.

They’ve offloaded the ability to be shocked and outraged.

They’ve forgotten how to be surprised.

If, for example, you told them you had hard evidence that a small group of men, unelected and unappointed, was directing the domestic and foreign policy of the United States, they would yawn.

If you showed them the evidence, they would yawn again.

There is a natural elasticity of spirit in human beings. It allows them to be shocked, surprised, delighted, horrified, outraged. Most mainstream reporters have lost that spirit.

Many humans have lost it. Wilhem Reich, the breakaway student of Freud who went on to research fundamental energies of living things, called this loss “the emotional plague.”

In a minute, I’m going to print a stunning 1978 conversation between a US reporter and two members of the Trilateral Commission.

I discovered the conversation in the late 1980s, and ever since then, I’ve been looking at it from various angles, finding new implications. Here, I want to point out that the conversation was public knowledge at the time.

Anyone who was anyone in Washington politics, in media, in think-tanks, had access to it. Understood its meaning.

But no one shouted from the rooftops. No one used the conversation to force a scandal. No one in the press protested loudly.

The conversation revealed that the entire basis of the Constitution had been torpedoed, that the people who were running US national policy were agents of an elite shadow group. No question about it.

And yet: official silence. Media silence. The Dept. of Justice made no moves, Congress undertook no serious inquiries, and the President, Jimmy Carter, issued no statements. Carter was himself an agent of that shadow group, a willing pawn, and despite his proclaimed religious values, was nothing more than a rank con artist, a hustler.

To boil down the 1978 conversation between the reporter and two Trilateral Commission members, and the follow-on response:

“The US has been taken over.”

“Yeah, so?”

By the way, the infamous Trilateral Commission still exists.

Many people think the TC, created in 1973 by David Rockefeller, is a relic of an older time.

Think again.

Patrick Wood, author of Trilaterals Over Washington, points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America. Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration.

For example:

* Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary

* James Jones, National Security Advisor

* Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee

* Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence

Several other noteworthy Trilateral members:

* George H W Bush

* Bill Clinton

* Dick Cheney

* Al Gore

Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create “a new international economic order.”

In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Brzezinski wrote, four years before birthing the TC with his godfather, David Rockefeller: “[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”

Any doubt on the question of TC goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, the founder of the TC, in his Memoirs (2003): “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Okay. Here is a close-up snap shot of a remarkable moment from out of the past. It’s through-the-looking-glass—a conversation between reporter, Jeremiah Novak, and two Trilateral Commission members, Karl Kaiser and Richard Cooper. The interview took place in 1978. It concerned the issue of who exactly, during President Carter’s administration, was formulating US economic and political policy.

The careless and off-hand attitude of Trilateralists Kaiser and Cooper is astonishing. It’s as if they’re saying, “What we’re revealing is already out in the open, it’s too late to do anything about it, why are you so worked up, we’ve already won…”

NOVAK (the reporter): Is it true that a private [Trilateral committee] led by Henry Owen of the US and made up of [Trilateral] representatives of the US, UK, West Germany, Japan, France and the EEC is coordinating the economic and political policies of the Trilateral countries [which would include the US]?

COOPER: Yes, they have met three times.

NOVAK: Yet, in your recent paper you state that this committee should remain informal because to formalize ‘this function might well prove offensive to some of the Trilateral and other countries which do not take part.’ Who are you afraid of?

KAISER: Many countries in Europe would resent the dominant role that West Germany plays at these [Trilateral] meetings.

COOPER: Many people still live in a world of separate nations, and they would resent such coordination [of policy].

NOVAK: But this [Trilateral] committee is essential to your whole policy. How can you keep it a secret or fail to try to get popular support [for its decisions on how Trilateral member nations will conduct their economic and political policies]?

COOPER: Well, I guess it’s the press’ job to publicize it.

NOVAK: Yes, but why doesn’t President Carter come out with it and tell the American people that [US] economic and political power is being coordinated by a [Trilateral] committee made up of Henry Owen and six others? After all, if [US] policy is being made on a multinational level, the people should know.

COOPER: President Carter and Secretary of State Vance have constantly alluded to this in their speeches.

KAISER: It just hasn’t become an issue.

Source: “Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management,” ed. by Holly Sklar, 1980. South End Press, Boston. Pages 192-3.

This interview slipped under the mainstream media radar, which is to say, it was ignored and buried.

power outside the matrix

US economic and political policy run by a committee of the Trilateral Commission—the Commission had been been created in 1973 as an “informal discussion group” by David Rockefeller and his sidekick, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

When Carter won the presidential election, his aide, Hamilton Jordan, said that if after the inauguration, Cy Vance and Brzezinski came on board as secretary of state and national security adviser, “We’ve lost. And I’ll quit.” Lost—because both men were powerful members of the Trilateral Commission and their appointment to key positions would signal a surrender of White House control to the Commission.

Vance and Brzezinski were appointed secretary of state and national security adviser, as Jordan feared. But he didn’t quit. He became Carter’s chief of staff.

Mainstream reporters have no interest in this story. It means nothing to them. It barely registers on their radar when they learn about it.

Yes, they understand their editors would never let them touch it with a ten-foot pole. But making excuses is really beside the point.

Turning the profession of mainstream journalism into a land of walking zombie reporters speaks for itself.

Occasionally, a zombie rebels, but otherwise the scene remains gray and undisturbed.

A whole nation’s political and economic policy taken over? Yawn.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

The art of manifestation and Exit From The Matrix

The art of manifestation and Exit From The Matrix

by Jon Rappoport

August 16, 2014

My mega-collection, titled Exit From The Matrix, is at the core of everything I’ve been doing, pursuing, researching, and writing about for the past several decades.

It’s ultimately why I’ve been sitting down at my computer and writing every day since I started nomorefakenews in 2001.

Manifestation is the art of bringing desire to fulfillment and making it fact in the world.

You could say it is inserting an extra dimension into this four-dimensional continuum.

Contrary to some opinion, manifestation isn’t a trick or a snap of the fingers. It is a byproduct of a life lived through and by imagination.

That life has the power to effect tremendous change.

Early Tibet, and to a far lesser degree, India were places where manifestation was once understood. Teachers developed exercises designed to give students the ability to “add extra dimensions” to this four-dimensional continuum.

Students knew manifestation wasn’t going to be delivered like instant coffee. They were ready to commit time and effort to developing their imagination-power.

In Tibet, for a period of time, imagination was stripped of metaphysical baggage and ceremony and revealed for what it was: the inherent faculty that invented new realities.

That discovery was pursued with passion. It was made into both a philosophy and a practice.

The space, time, and energy of the universe were looked upon as components of a work of art; one work of art out of a possible infinity of such works.

Many years ago, I met several Tibetans who were in America. In conversation with them, through a translator, I confirmed that they had put their ancient practice on hold. They considered it a far-off dream in the sense that organized religions paint dreams of an after-life.

This needed to change. Thirty-five years later, I finished my collection, Exit From The Matrix, a modern version of what Tibetan students had once practiced.

From what is in this collection, from the huge amount of material, I think you’ll see I’ve made no short cuts. In fact, I’ve done everything possible to go the extra mile.

So let’s get to the details. Here is the list of my brand new audio presentations:















Then you will receive the following audio seminars I have previously done:

* Mind Control, Mind Freedom

* The Transformations

* Desire, Manifestation and Fulfillment

* Altered States, Consciousness, and Magic

* Beyond Structures

* The Mystery and Magic of Dialogue

* The Voyage of Merlin

* Modern Alchemy and Imagination

* Imagination and Spiritual Enlightenment

* Dissolving Stress

* The Paranormal Project

* Zen Painting for Everyone Now

* Past Lives, Archetypes, and Hidden Sources of Human Energy

* Expression of Self

* Imagination Exercises for a Lifetime

* Old Planet, New Planet, New Mind

* The Era of Magic Returns

* Your Power Revealed

* Universes Without End

* Relationships

* Building a Business for Success

I have included an additional bonus section:

* My book, The Secret Behind Secret Societies (pdf document)

* My book, The Ownership of All Life (pdf document)

* A long excerpt from my briefly published book, Full Power (pdf document)

* My 24 articles in the series, “Coaching the Coaches” (pdf document)

And these audio seminars:

* The Role of Medical Drugs in Human Illness

* Longevity One: The Mind-Body Connection

* Longevity Two: The Nutritional Factors

(All the audio presentations are mp3 files and the documents and books are pdf files. You download the files upon purchase. There is no physical ship.)

Exit From the Matrix

What has been called The Matrix is a series of layers. These layers compose what we call Reality. Reality is not merely the consensus people accept in their daily lives. It is also a personal and individual conception of limits. It is a perception that these limits are somehow built into existence. But this is not true.

What I’ve done here is remove the lid on those perceived limits. This isn’t an intellectual undertaking. It’s a way to open up space and step on to a new road.

That road travels to more and more creative power, joy, and fulfillment.

During that great adventure, the individual experiences what has been labeled “paranormal” and “synchronistic” and “magical.” These words really don’t do us justice. They only hint at what we are and what we can do.

I put this collection together because it expresses, explains, and shows, in detail, how the individual can rediscover and reclaim his/her true power.

That process, that engagement, that life is beyond solving problems. Our problems, at the core, exist only because we have “misplaced an infinity.”

Everything I’ve done and written in the past 20 years has been aimed, one way or another, at bringing back that infinity, seeing through the layers of disguise, and moving ahead on the sunlit road we all desire.

We have, each one of us, an infinite life, lived in a world that is convinced it is bounded.

It’s time we dissolved that false contradiction.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

The vacccine against magic

The vaccine against magic

Magic and depression

by Jon Rappoport

August 16, 2014

“The function of the artist is to provide what life does not.” —Tom Robbins, Another Roadside Attraction

“Those people who recognize that imagination is reality’s master we call ‘sages,’ and those who act upon it, we call ‘artists.’” —Tom Robbins, Skinny Legs and All

In the human psyche, from the moment a newborn baby emerges into the light of day, he/she has a desire for magic.

We are told this is an early fetish that fades away as the experience of the world sets in. As maturity evolves. As practical reality is better understood.

In most areas of psychology, sensible adjustment to practical reality is a great prize to be won by the patient. It marks the passage from child to adult. It is hailed as a therapeutic triumph.

In truth, the desire for magic never goes away, and the longer it is buried, the greater the price a person pays.

A vaccine against a disease can mask the visible signs of that disease, but under the surface, the immune system may be carrying on a low-level chronic war against toxic elements of the vaccine. And the effects of the war can manifest in odd forms.

So it is with the inoculation of reality aimed at suppressing magic.

One of the byproducts of the “reality shot” is depression.

The person feels cut off from the very feeling and urge he once considered a hallmark of life. Therefore, chronic sadness. Of course, one explains that sadness in a variety of ways, none of which gets to the heart of the matter.

It is assumed that so-called primitive cultures placed magic front and center simply because “they couldn’t do better.” They didn’t have science, and they couldn’t formulate a “true and rational” religion with a church and monks and collection plate and a European choir and an array of pedophiles.

Their impulse for magic had to be defamed and reduced and discredited. Why? Obviously, because the Westerners who were poking through ancient cultures had already discredited magic in themselves—they had put it on a dusty shelf in a room in a cellar beyond the reach of their own memory. But they couldn’t leave it alone. They had to keep worrying it, scratching it, and so they journeyed thousands of miles to find it somewhere else—and then they scoffed at it and tried to crush it.

And we wonder why, under the banner of organized religion, there has been so much killing. At a deep level, the adherents know they’ve sold their souls and they’re depressed, angry, resentful, remorseful, and they want to assuage and expiate their guilt through violence.

But the urge for magic is forever.

And yet the charade goes on. While paying homage and lip service to ordinary practical reality seasoned with a bit of fairy-tale organized religion, people actually want to change reality, they want to reveal their latent paranormal power, they want to create realities that, by conventional standards, are deemed impossible.

They want to find and use their own magic.

Exit From the Matrix

In our modern culture, we’re taught that everything is learned as a system. That, you could say, is the underlying assumption of education. It has far-reaching consequences. It leads to the systematizing of the mind. The mind is shaped to accommodate this premise.

“If I want to know something, I have to learn it. Somebody has to teach it to me. They will teach it as a system. I will learn the system. I will elevate the very notion of systems. Everything will be a system.”

In the long run, that gets you a lump of coal in a sock, a spiritual cardboard box to live in.

The intellectual enrolls at Harvard, he studies anthropology for six years, he flies to a jungle in South America, he digs up remnants of a lost culture, he infers they performed arcane ceremonies six times a week, he writes monographs—and he concludes they were a very picturesque society with fascinating customs and totems, and their brand of magic can best be understood as an inevitable consequence of their matriarchal organization, which itself was an accommodation to rainfall levels.

Back home, the anthropologist takes two Paxil and goes off to teach a class on the meaning of ancient eyebrow trimming in Tierra Del Fuego.

Systems are wonderful things. They produce results. They take us into technological triumphs. They help us become more rational. But when they are overdone, when the mind itself becomes shaped like a system, it reaches a dead-end. Then the mind works against the unquenchable desire for magic. Then society is organized as a tighter and tighter system and turns into a madhouse.

And then people say, “Maybe machines can actually think and choose and decide. Maybe machines are alive. What would happen if we grafted computers on to our brains? It might be wonderful.”

People move in this direction after their own minds have been shaped, like putty, into systems. They don’t see much difference between themselves and machines.

When you have a world run by a million machine-systems, you encounter horrific problems. One of those problems stems from the fact that each system gets things a little bit wrong, each system is skewed to one side just a little bit—and when you add up all these little wrong bits, you get a real threat to basic survival; the whole ship of civilization is tilting dangerously in the water.

Far worse than that, the desire for magic in every individual is squelched. So the first order of business is the restoration of imagination, from which all magic flows. Imagination is sitting there, always ready, waiting.

Imagination is saying, “The mind has been shaped into a system? I can undo that. I can liberate the mind and make it into an adventurous vessel. I can provide untold amounts of new energy.”

Life is waiting for imagination to revolutionize it down to its core.

Since imagination is a wild card that technocrats can’t absorb in their systems, they pretend it a faculty produced by the action of atoms in the brain. They pretend it is a delusion that can be explained by demonstrating, for example, that a machine can turn out paintings. Or poems.

“You see? We don’t need humans to make art. Computers can do just as well. Imagination isn’t mysterious at all.”

Technocracy and transhumanism flow from the concept that the human being is just another machine. And any machine can be made to operate more efficiently. Of course, that operation must conform to overriding objectives that define what efficiency is geared for. Objectives like acceptance, surrender, group-integration.

Meanwhile, imagination waits. It never vanishes. It stands by, just in case an individual decides to live a life that overflows with creative power.

power outside the matrix

If my work has any organized precedent, it is ancient Tibet where, 1500 years ago, before the priests took over with their interminable spiritual baggage of ritual, practitioners engaged in exercises that engaged imagination to the hilt.

The entire goal was revealing that the Universe was a product of mind.

This was not about ultimate worship. This was not about some deep substrate in the Universe that one could plug into, to guide his actions and thought. It was about liberating the individual from all systems. It was about endless creation.

The first teachers of this Way came from India, where they had been pushed out of the academies of orthodox religious instruction. They were rebels. They had offloaded the metaphysical labyrinths of control. They were, in a sense, artists. Artists of reality.

They were brilliant riverboat gamblers, and in Tibet, for a time, they found a home.

They found students who, as now, were tired of the preaching designed to make humans into sophisticated mind-machines.

These people wanted more. They wanted to awaken their own imaginations and exceed the illusory boundaries of space and time.

They wanted magic.

Despite every cynical ploy, that desire is still alive.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Ebola unproven treatments; what about vitamins?

Ebola unproven treatments; how about vitamins?

by Jon Rappoport

August 15, 2014

Here’s the situation: the World Health Organization has decided to green-light unproven drugs and vaccines, to “stem the tide of Ebola.”

(8/12/2014: “Ethical considerations for use of unregistered interventions for Ebola virus disease (EVD)”; Link:

Who appointed them king?

This is the organization that lied a dozen different way to pump up the dud “epidemic,” Swine Flu, and colluded with pharmaceutical companies in the process.

If it’s suddenly all right to give patients experimental drugs, whose safety has never been established in humans—what about vitamins and minerals, whose track record of safety makes medical drugs look like high-dose cyanide?

As I’ve written, most of the people being diagnosed with Ebola have suffered for a long time under conditions of poverty, severe malnutrition, and absence of basic sanitation.

If drugs and vaccines are deemed “compassionate intervention,” how about moving patients, before they’re terminal, to a clean facility and gradually improving their nutrition? Give them pure water. Introduce electrolytes, minerals. Feed them.

Do you know why the World Health organization will never sanction such a program of “experimental care?”

When it worked better than the upcoming drugs and vaccines, it would topple a pillar of the medical cartel. It would expose an army of liars and frauds.

It would expose the ongoing crime of “medical care” in Africa, whereby the focus is germs, germs, germs, instead of the immune system.

It would reveal the fact that a colluding group of local rulers, mega-corporations, and medical organizations don’t really want to solve the problems of the population.

They want to exacerbate them.

A weak and depopulated people makes it easier to exploit the resources and land of these African countries.

The World Health Organization, despite its myriad humanitarian posturings, is the front-group for this agenda.

power outside the matrix

With its resources, personnel, and prestige, it could head up a revolution in health.

It could make clean water, nutritious food, basic sanitation, relief from overcrowded living conditions, and the recovery of stolen land the major arrows in a relentless attack on what is actually the cause of most death in that part of the world.

But it hasn’t happened, and it won’t happen.

If someone could come up with a drug or a vaccine that would cause the World Health Organization to fall from its throne, we might start to get somewhere.

People might start to wake up from “hypnosis by fear of germs” and realize the cure is right in front of their eyes.

Starvation? Food. Vast deficiencies? Vitamins and minerals. Sewage in the water supply? Install basic sanitation. No farms? Give stolen land back to the people.

Watch what happens.

Magically, health returns. Disease recedes.

The doctors and researchers can live in Antarctica, screw around with molecules of monoclonal antibodies, make elaborate maps of genes, treat each other with exotic drugs and vaccines, and record the story of their own deteriorating health.

“Heroic medical intervention in the Third World” is a virtual simulation, which billions of people believe is real.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

CIA records: they wanted to kill, using chemical, biological substances

CIA records: wanted to kill using chemical, biological substances

by Jon Rappoport

August 13, 2014

By analyzing CIA documents from earlier days, we can understand the programs of the Agency and its government cousins.

Given the fact that the CIA’s umbrella research program, MKULTRA, went completely dark in 1962, and given the technological advances that have been made in the intervening years, we can draw inferences about present-day covert ops.

Document: May 20, 1975; sent by CIA Inspector General, Donald F. Chamberlain, to the Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby.

Subject: CIA activities at Fort Detrick, Maryland [in the 1952 period].

Fort Detrick was the center of US government chem/bio warfare research.

Here is the opening quote from the document:

“In early 1952, CIA effected an agreement with the Army Chemical Corp for the performance of certain research and development work by the Army Chemical Corp at the laboratory facilities of Special Operations Division, Army Biological Laboratories, Frederick, Maryland.”

And here is a key quote about a research project:

“Adaptation and testing of a non-discernible microbioinoculator (device for clandestine inoculation with BW/CW [biowarfare/chemicalwarfare] agents) to determine compatibility with various materials to assure that the microbioinoculator cannot be identified structurally or easily detected upon a detailed autopsy…”

Translation: The CIA would test a tiny device for injecting chemical and biological agents into people, killing them—and the fact of an injection would be difficult to prove during subsequent autopsy of the victims.

Death would appear to be from other causes or vectors.

Aside from the obvious use of this method for assassinations, there is the further possibility of “epidemic fabrication.”

The application would be fairly simple. Covertly inject a few people with a germ—and later identify those people as “patient zeroes” or “carriers.”

From there, through the use of propaganda, initiate the idea that the disease is rapidly spreading.

By falsifying diagnostic tests on others—a simple matter since routine tests register many false positives—and claiming a list of common symptoms are indicators of the epidemic-disease (cough, fever, muscle ache, weakness, fatigue), the appearance of a pandemic can be created. (re: “many false positives”,… see, for example, The Massive Fraud Behind HIV Tests)

From that follow the usual steps: the government is rushing a vaccine into production; everyone should be vaccinated; people should avoid large gatherings; suspected carriers can be quarantined.

Staged reality.

The mass-vaccination campaign “against the rising epidemic” inflicts harm. Chemicals (e.g., aluminum, formaldehyde, mercury) and germs ordinarily found in vaccines are toxic and destructive.

So without even covertly placing “unusual” materials in vaccines, people are going to suffer consequences.

power outside the matrix

You might ask, what about using the CIA method to cause a real epidemic? It’s possible, but the amount of injected (or aerosolized) virus would have to be quite large, for each person, in order to create illness. (For “virus concentration”, see the discussion on “titer” in this article). (For another way they could stage a “real epidemic”, see this article).

Secret ops like this one are funded, go underground, morph, are sometimes shifted to other departments, and develop, over the years.

The public does not hear of them, and does not suspect that its government is devising ways to inflict damage abroad and at home.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at