The launch of my new collection, Exit From the Matrix

The launch of my new collection, Exit From the Matrix

by Jon Rappoport

March 28, 2013

If you haven’t already read it, you can find the complete description of Exit From the Matrix in my store at

Readers who’ve been with me for a while know I’ve written a great deal about imagination. This new collection puts together more than 50 exercises and techniques for expanding the scope, range, and power of imagination.

Why? Because it is the quality that outdoes reality. Any kind of reality. Imagination is the infinite road.

It turns out that consciousness wants to create new consciousness, and it can. Imagination is how it does it. If there were some ultimate state of consciousness, imagination would always be able to play another card and take it further.

In any arena of life, and especially when it comes to mind, perception, power, empathy, and so on, there is always a status quo. It’s the place where a person says, “Well, that’s enough. I’ll settle for what I have. I’ll stop here.”

Sooner or later, this leads to boredom, frustration, problems, and conflict. It leads to a decline.

Here are some quotes about imagination I wrote a couple of years ago. They impart the flavor and the sense and great adventure I’m pointing to. What remains are ways of using imagination, and living through and by it and expanding its power and building your own worlds without limit.

Exit From the Matrix

That’s what Exit From the Matrix is all about:

Imagination, which knows no bounds, is the fountainhead for the most adventurous explorations. It can have great impact on the material world, of course, but one mustn’t therefore conclude it is composed of matter or energy. Imagination is non-material. To think otherwise can wind you up in using some version of physics to depict imagination—and then you are imposing limits on it. This is an error. Imagination doesn’t obey any laws of physics.

Sooner or later, you will come across people who try to assert that every power is “inherent in the universe.” They will describe such power. They will keep on doing this until they realize that nothing they have discovered begins to explain consciousness or imagination.

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, we’ve flattered reality enough. It doesn’t need any more.

Imagination can be used to invent a better shade of nail polish or a universe. In a society devoted to nail polish, imagination is not to blame.

You make me a painting of something that never was. I make you a painting of something that never was. The beginning of a true friendship.

To launch, all you need is the imagining of imagination.

You can create the same thing over and over, and eventually you’ll be about as alive as a table. Inject imagination into the mix, and everything suddenly changes. You can steer that boat anywhere you want to. You can steer it into nothing and build worlds.

The lowest common denominator of consensus implies an absence of imagination. Everyone agrees; everyone is bored; everyone is obedient. On the opposite end of the spectrum, there are massive floods of unique individual creation, and then that sought-after thing called abundance is as natural as the sun rising in the morning.

Sitting around in a cosmic bus station waiting for reality is what reality is. Everything else is imagination.

There are those who believe life is a museum. You walk through the rooms, find one painting, stroll into it and take up permanent residence. But the museum is endless. If you were a painter, you’d never decide to live inside one of your canvases forever. You’d keep on painting.

Traveling to places one has never seen is far different from creating something that never existed before.

The relentless and obsessive search for all those things on which we can agree is a confession of bankruptcy.

We re-learn to live through and by imagination, and then we enter and invent new space and time. But space and time aren’t superior forces. They come into being at the tap of imagination.

With imagination, one can solve a problem. More importantly, one can skip ahead of the problem and render it null and void.

You can enter imagination as an infinitely fluid medium, or you can give it sharp lines and edges. You can balance left and right, or you can tilt it eighty degrees to the right. You can do anything you want to. You can put a million pink quarks into a bowl or turn the bowl upside down in the sky. It’s Tuesday or it’s Thursday. It’s raining. The sun is out. It helps considerably to have a medium by which to express all this.

When you tap imagination on the head, everything changes in a split second. There is no compelling reason to complain after that.

There are a billion murals on a billion walls, and the person chooses one and falls down before it and devotes himself to it. He spends a thousand years trying to decipher it. So be it. Eventually, he’ll wind his way out of the labyrinth, because where else can he go? Then he’ll enter another labyrinth and undergo the same process. He’ll do this on and on and on, and finally he’ll get the notion that he can imagine his own labyrinth. So he does. He invents many labyrinths. The one day, it’ll occur to him that he can imagine whatever he wants to. It doesn’t have to be labyrinth.

Imagination isn’t a system. It might invent systems, but it is non-material. It’s a capacity. It feels no compulsion to imitate reality. It makes realities. Its scope is limited only by a person’s imagining of how far imagination can go.

The human race is obsessed by the question: what exists? It appears to be a far easier question than: what do you want to imagine? This comparison explains why civilizations decline.

Imagination is a path. Walking on that path long enough, you find answers to all the questions you’ve ever asked. You also find power that people dream of.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

One comment on “The launch of my new collection, Exit From the Matrix

  1. Linda Wyatt says:

    There are many, many of us out here who need this knowledge and can’t afford it. We are the poor. Not unintelligent, just poor.

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