Missing and unproven viruses: this is nothing new

by Jon Rappoport October 30, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) As I keep making the case that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has not been proven to exist, I’m also making this point: There is no honest and prolonged mainstream debate on this issue, and there has to be. Reputable journals should be opening […]

Why you shouldn’t believe anything the government says about vaccines and viruses

by Jon Rappoport August 18, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) In this article, I’m putting together several pieces I wrote in years past, to reveal scandals on a scale most people have never considered. Why? Because the credibility of information you’re getting now, from government agencies, about COVID, is connected to the […]

Huge COVID case-counting deception at the CDC

by Jon Rappoport July 2, 2020 (To join our email list, click here.) For this piece, we have to enter the official world (of the insane)—where everyone is quite sure a new coronavirus was discovered in China and the worthless diagnostic tests mean something and the case numbers are real and meaningful. Once we execute […]