Trump vs. Pope: the cowboy vs. the head of Pedophile Central

Trump vs. Pope: the cowboy vs. the head of Pedophile Central

by Jon Rappoport

February 19, 2016

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Let’s try to assess US immigration policy vs. Vatican immigration policy.

Just a thought. Might turn up something. Who knows?

I notice the Vatican has a wall. A big high wall. It’s probably just a decorative feature, but I’ll take a wild guess and say it also tends to keep people out. Walls sometimes have that effect. I’m not sure why. It’s one of the enduring mysteries.

The Washington Times, 9/24/2015, “Pope’s call for immigration leniency unlikely to change debate”:

“The Vatican, for its part, welcomes millions of visitors a year — but allows only a very select few, who meet strict criteria, to be admitted as residents or citizens. Only about 450 of its 800 or so residents actually hold citizenship, according to a 2012 study by the Library of Congress.”

All right. So the Vatican (which is actually a nation) has, what, two or three immigrants?

James Robb, writing at (“How Many Immigrants Does Vatican City Take?”), puts it bluntly:

“What it [Vatican City] does not have is any immigrants. Nor refugees. None.”

What about US immigration? Here’s an overall statement from, “Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States”:

“In 2013, approximately 41.3 million immigrants lived in the United States, an all-time high for a nation historically built on immigration.

“The United States remains a popular destination attracting about 20 percent of the world’s international migrants, even as it represents less than 5 percent of the global population.

“Immigrants accounted for 13 percent of the total 316 million U.S. residents; adding the U.S.-born children (of all ages) of immigrants means that approximately 80 million people, or one-quarter of the overall U.S. population, is either of the first or second generation.”

Got that? Depending on how you want to look at it, the number is between 40 and 80 million immigrants.

So: Vatican immigration vs. US immigration? The math- comparison isn’t hard to make, even for people raised in the American school system.

But of course, the Pope has to take a shot at Trump and the idea of building a wall between Mexico and America. Naturally. Why? Well, Virginia, if you really want to know the naked truth…

The Pope, like his predecessors, wants unlimited immigration because it obviously leads to chaos. That’s why. It’s quite simple, when you boil it down.

The Roman Church, you see, has always thrived in periods of chaos. Tumult. Conflict. Expanding poverty. The Church knows chaos. It’s built to handle it.

Widespread prosperity? No. It’s not made for that kind of future. Burgeoning prosperity is the enemy, before which the Church shrivels.

The Pope, as a contributing member and executive of Globalism, Inc., has the job of spreading poverty and lowered living standards wherever possible—because that is the world he and the Rockefeller Globalists are promoting.

Unlimited immigration is a gigantic con job, dressed up to look like heraldic humanitarianism—and of course the rubes and yokels and wild-eyed kiddie idealists fall for it like sugar freaks at a candy convention. The model is Hope and Spare Change.

Again, the real purpose of limitless immigration is chaos—behind which the heavy Globalist hitters come in and install their kind of order. Tight. Very tight. Top-down. It’s an old formula.

That’s why the Pope speaks about the climate-change agenda as well, which equals, when you strip away the messianic nonsense, lowered energy production for the whole planet. Further grinding poverty, from Nome to Tierra del Fuego.

Do I really have to point out that anyone dressed up in a robe and a tall hat, riding in a bubble, who is infallible and heads up a flock of 1.25 billion people, is suspect?

Moving right along, you might look at this quote from AP/CBS News, 5/17/2014, “Vatican reveals how many priests defrocked for sex abuse since 2004”:

“The Vatican revealed Tuesday that over the past decade, it has defrocked 848 priests who raped or molested children and sanctioned another 2,572 with lesser penalties, providing the first ever breakdown of how it handled the more than 3,400 cases of abuse reported to the Holy See since 2004.”

Yes, and how many cases have gone unreported, or were concealed by the Church? Notice, too, the penalties for the criminal priests: being fired from the job (defrocking), and “lesser” discomforts (lifetime penance and prayer).

The current Pope has spoken out against these crimes, but what has he actually done about them?

Time Magazine, February 11, 2016, “Catholic Church Tells Bishops They Are Not Obliged to Disclose Child Sex Abuse: Report”:

“The Catholic Church is allegedly telling newly ordained bishops that they have no obligation to report child-sexual-abuse allegations to law-enforcement officials, saying instead that the decision to take such claims to the authorities should be left to victims and their families.

“The policy was first reported by a veteran Vatican journalist at Catholic news website Crux, who cited a presentation given by French Monsignor Tony Anatrella.

“Anatrella, a consultant to the Pontifical Council for the Family and the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers, also authored a training document for new bishops released by Church authorities last week, in which similar guidelines are laid out.

‘“According to the state of civil laws of each country where reporting is obligatory, it is not necessarily the duty of the bishop to report suspects to authorities, the police or state prosecutors in the moment when they are made aware of crimes or sinful deeds,’ his document states, according to a citation in the Guardian.”

Really, Pope Francis?

the matrix revealed

Maybe His Eminence should worry about putting his own house in order. Perhaps, safely tucked away inside Vatican City, he’ll have time to contemplate the number of immigrants his City admits versus the number of pedophile priests in his worldwide operation versus the number of victims of those priests.

Then he might come up with a formula suggesting priorities.

Instead of jabbering about a nation in which 40-80 million immigrants already reside.

Don’t hold out hope, though. After the lights go down in Vatican City, I’m sure those esteemed prelates regale each other with stories of the desolate Middle Ages, when Church power really meant something…and how they long and plan for a return to those glory days as partners now in Globalism Inc.

When the masks come off.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Trump: why Bilderberg, WEF/Davos, and CFR have shingles

Technocrats, Davos Globalists can’t stop talking about Trump

by Jon Rappoport

January 23, 2016

(To join our email list, click here.)

(For the complete Trump archive, click here.)

The Donald shoots from the hip and changes his tune every few minutes. True. He thinks about one thing, and that reminds him of something else, and then he goes off on that. However, as he keeps talking and talking and talking, he’s deciding that some of what he’s saying makes sense. He’s firming up his belief in his own sales-pitch. He’s doubling down and getting serious.

And one of the things he’s serious about is trade deals. Bad Globalist deals. Deals that steal more American jobs. He and Bernie Sanders wouldn’t admit it, but they both agree on this general point.

In fact, a new study out of Tufts University torpedoes glowing estimates of the latest such deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The study authors predict the consequences: another 450,000 jobs will be lost in the US by 2025. Oops. Another Globalist trade treaty sucks life out of the American economy. Which is precisely why Obama is obsessed with passing it.

(The study is titled “Trading Down: Unemployment, Inequality and Other Risks of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.” A quick breakdown of the study is on, here; free access to the full paper is on, here)

Bilderberg and the Council on Foreign Relations and Rockefeller Globalists are counting on the TPP. It’s one of their precious babies. They want to undermine the US economy. It’s part of their sink-America program, to pave the way for One United Planet under one management system. Not an American empire. A globalist empire.

And they don’t want some out-of-control US Presidential candidate, whose crowds and poll numbers keep swelling like a massive infection, to swipe and swipe and swipe at these trade treaties and dream up ways to bring more jobs back home. They definitely don’t want that—especially after their current marionette in the White House has done such fine work drowning the economic life of the US. The issuance of new credit cards and part-time work at fast-food joints pouring chocolate on French fries don’t equal renewed prosperity, in case you were fooled by official economic-indicator reports.

These elite Globalist don’t believe for a minute that Trump alone can turn back the clock on their ongoing destruction. But they do realize he can keep talking about it. And in doing so, he can force more people to wake up to the fact that they’re being screwed—and how they’re being screwed.

Globalism is all about allowing mega-corporations to take their factories and jobs out of the country overseas. It’s a cornerstone of every trade deal. Mega-corps can manufacture their products more cheaply in a hell hole with slave workers, and then export those products back here (and to other industrialized countries)—and pay no tariffs. How sweet (and destructive) it is.

Trump, like some swaggering cowboy, keeps shooting his six-guns at this program, even though he doesn’t apparently understand the bottom-line motivation behind it. Or who knows? Maybe he does and he’s staying silent about it.

How did this guy get in the door? Why can’t the media shut up about him? Why does every attack against him, valid or invalid, bring more supporters to his side? What happened to Globalist Jeb? Why is he curled up in fetal position in his bedroom eating Snickers and watching home movies of his family?

Hillary is on board with the Globalist program. She’s all about cold-blooded revenge against the greatest number of people possible. She eats attacks against her, and converts them into dark anti-matter.

But Trump? He’s Mr. Brassy Salesman who parlayed his con and his bankruptcies and his execrable TV show into a fortune. And then he somehow got a few actual ideas into his oversized head. How? Why? Can’t somebody put him on a no-fly list? Can’t he be declared a terrorist or at least a national security risk? Can’t the NSA cough up a few juicy tidbits about his personal life? Haven’t the FBI or the CIA already slipped a few slimeballs into his campaign? There are spies who spy on spies spying on other spies, and they can’t squeeze out one rank and repulsive fact that’ll sink Trump’s ship?

In his 2003 Memoirs, David Rockefeller wrote:

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Are we going to let darling David, who’s what, 175 years old now, go to his grave hearing the absurd burlesque echoes of Donald Trump ringing in his ears?

What used to be called the Eastern Establishment—Globalist Ivy League domeheads gazing at the world through the wrong ends of telescopes from Park Avenue penthouses—are in a Trump quandary. They’re disturbed. They have incipient ass-rash and stress-shingles. The natural order of things is wobbling.

Shut this Momzer up!

The permanent underclass must expand.

Economic chaos must prevail, so a new order can be instituted.

Mega-corporations must rule the world (for a while).

The Globalist hope is this: Eventually, Trump will be discredited as a goofball; and therefore, for the foreseeable future, no one else with any clout will raise the issue of trade treaties or the destruction of economies. Trump and whatever he stood for will be remembered as a flash in the pan, a one-hit wonder.

Globalism, as it moves forward, will become a forgotten word.

And the band will play on.

Understand: there are two basic stripes of Globalist. The first is America-first. They want a single managed planet, but they want the US to be the top-boss in the crime empire. The second, as evidenced by the Rockefeller quote above, and by the core international membership of Bilderberg heavy hitters, want shared leadership. The balance is delicate, and the conflict is real. As it moves forward, the last thing both types of Globalists want is some yahoo stepping into the frame and disrupting the whole show.

Trump’s qualifications for the Presidency, such as they are, are entirely beside this point. Whether he was originally put front and center to serve as a losing foil for Hillary Clinton is also, now, beside the point. He’s acquired too much support. As far as the Globalists are concerned, he is a problem.

Perhaps the polls are all wrong and the Primary season will douse the glow on his candle, and by the time the July Republican convention rolls around he’ll be back in New York wheeling and dealing real estate. They hope. There’s a chance no candidate will have enough votes for a slam-dunk nomination in Cleveland, in which case the process will be “brokered,” as they say. Jeb could then exert his power and play his cards behind the scene. But that would cause a major uproar among Trump’s supporters as they cry foul and raise hell, igniting a new nightmare.

Hillary’s inner circle might still be in the process of building up Trump, because they continue to believe he’ll be an easy mark in the election—but it seems late in the game for such a reckless assessment, given how far Trump has come in the last few months.

If some hidden ally is trying to help Trump stay afloat, he might also have non-Globalist convictions. Who, besides China (already in Trump’s crosshairs), is the biggest outsider vis-à-vis free trade? Who is angrily opposing the upcoming Globalist TTIP trade deal, which would cement tighter relations between the European Union and the US and make him even more of an outsider? Who has already expressed admiration for Trump and received kind words from The Donald? Yes, this is mere speculation, but there is one man who fits that bill:

Vladimir Putin. And Putin certainly took notice, last year, when the-hawk-Hillary compared him to, let’s see, who was that again, oh yes, Hitler.

Real estate cowboy and KGB lieutenant colonel? Different galaxies, but they have at least one thing in common: they like believing they’re the toughest guy in the room. Do they both like war too much?

As for the Republican party bosses, they’re going crazy trying to derail Trump. Their main argument seems to be: he’s not a legitimate candidate. But behind that, their actual concern comes back to their own membership in the Globalist club. By allowing Trump to maintain center stage, they’re violating every club rule. And the men who own them aren’t happy. Not happy at all. So these party big shots are backing away from Trump as far as they can, swearing loudly: “See, he’s not our man! Honest, we hate him! He’s a fiend! We want to fire him!”

But so far, Trump still has a patent on that phrase: “You’re fired!”

National politics and international politics are rigged games from top to bottom. But once in a while, a wild one turns up. That person may have started out as just another piece of the fix, but then he breaks away from the pack and stakes out his own territory. When this happens, he’s usually squelched long before he can build up a head of steam. But not now, not in this case.

The horse is out of the barn. And he’s not sprinting for the horizon. He’s prancing and dancing in the pasture. He’s rearing up on his hind legs, he’s jumping, he’s kicking up his heels. He’s doing whatever he wants to. And that’s the key, because the rest of the horses have long since been trained to act like machines. People know the difference. If given the choice, they move to the wild one. He reminds them that they, too, have been socialized to become machines. And they want out.

Yes, there is an definite upside and a downside to this shock and surprise and unpredicted circumstance. But regardless, it’s a fact. It’s happening.

People might wish the wild one was a Caruso or a Nijinsky or an Olivier or a Lincoln or a Tom Paine or a Gandhi—instead of a fast-talking self-promoting New York real estate hustler, who suddenly flips a switch and wants to go to war.

But in a machine world, strange things happen.

exit from the matrix

When the mandated pattern for all social behavior is cracked and broken and smashed, strange creatures emerge on stage, under the lights. However distorted they may seem, the audience suddenly pays attention, sniffing something they barely remember, but desperately want.

Does the creature dancing across the footlights accurately reflect the audience’s desire? It doesn’t matter to the audience. Because the thing most wished for, and most precious, is an article called freedom.

Will some people misinterpret what it means? You bet they will. They’ll say it’s license. They’ll do all sorts of crazy things with it.

When governments and corporations and media agents keep reshaping the world into new versions of locked-down conformity and robot behaviorism, the breakout will never be smooth.

—The original crime is the individual surrendering his own uniqueness, his own mind, his own imagination, his own formidable power. That’s where it started, and that’s where it comes back to.

Shrugging off inner slavery, across a whole population, and regressing in fear back to the mean, and breaking out again, are more than most people can handle.

But for those who can grasp the core of it, a new dawn rises. And things will never be the same again.

And that leaves Trump or any politician far behind.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

What is Donald Trump doing to media reality?

What is Donald Trump doing to media reality?

by Jon Rappoport

December 11, 2015

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

“Even if Trump is a prop-figure set up to sweep the other Republican candidates off the board and pave the way for Hillary to win the election, something else is going on. Something deeper and much weirder.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Donald Trump, a figure of authority? A folk-hero? A man who can say anything, get away with it, and become more popular? How did this happen? How was Trump sculpted, if you will, to become what he is now?

NBC once loved him. Let’s not forget that. They set up The Apprentice for him. There he sat, a Pope of business, a genius of goof, deciding which contestants moved on and which were expelled into the outer darkness with their luggage. The tasks the contestants strove to complete were ridiculous. They ended up (winners and losers alike) looking like demented and humiliated kiddie-props in a parody of “the business of America is business.”

(“Okay, your assignment is to make signs, stand on a street corner, and sell yak dung.”)

No problem. For several seasons, the television audience adored the show. “You’re fired” became Trump’s signature. And of course, now, during the Presidential campaign, he’s doing the same thing—firing everybody he can think of. To say this is appealing to millions of people is a vast understatement.

Trump is firing politicians, candidates, media, the GOP, immigrants, government bureaucrats, trade representatives and their deals. Wherever he casts his eye, there is somebody to dump.

Trump began as a media creation. They embraced him as a brash, interesting, weird cartoon—and he went with it.

He came across like a happy greedy child playing with toys—hotels, casinos, apartment buildings, golf courses. Then he’d allude to his own brilliance in being able to maneuver the deals that brought the toys into existence.

The media loved this. They loved his crazy hair. They loved his wives, his marriages, his grin, his unselfconscious babble. They kept building him up.

“When I’m President,” he says now, “I’ll make better deals. For America.” Well, he’s already been popularized by media, if only in a Disneyesque animation, as the king of dealmakers. It fits.

In the middle of this campaign storm, Trump and the media are joined at the hip. The media created him, and now they can’t shake him off. He’s a fascist, he’s a racist, the pundits say, but it doesn’t matter. They keep trying to dig his grave and put him in it, but there is no funeral. The more they attack him, the more excitement they generate.

If it turned out The Donald were a closet hermaphrodite, would it really matter? Or would his followers say, “Wow, that’ll show those LGBT fanatics.”

Now, throw into the mix how large numbers of people feel about open borders, terror attacks, gun control, and the export of American jobs overseas—their guy, Trump, is reflecting those feelings with unmistakably decisive remarks, without a teleprompter, without sing-song political-android vagueness…so you have a super-potent catalyst roaming the countryside, blowing people out of their passive minds.

Trump isn’t manipulating the media, he isn’t sitting around thinking of ways to stir up their hatred, he isn’t a Hillary with teams of lizards calculating which issue she should pounce on at any given moment, he isn’t a Jeb huddling in his own pool of tears with a few billion bucks, planning his comeback. Trump jots down a quick note on a napkin, puts it in his pocket, strides through a crowd, gets up on a stage, and lets it rip. Everything he says reminds him of something else and he goes with the latest thought. His speeches look like a roadmap of a bee’s zig-zag through a pasture.

The media are suffering from the Frankenstein Effect. They invented Trump, and now he is taking them to a place they don’t want to go.

He’s already trekked into no-go zones. For example, he’s said that of course vaccines can cause autism. What happens, for example, if tomorrow he suddenly changes his current message on ISIS (bomb them, censor them online) and says of course the US government created ISIS and now the Obama administration is patting itself on the back for stepping up military action against its own partner? What happens if he starts pounding on that tune?

Wild card, joker in the deck, loose cannon, cowboy don’t even begin to describe what Trump is becoming. His supporters are also celebrating a revolt against political correctness, and Trump is their man. Carefully assess what you say before you say it? Are you kidding? In this sense as well, the media have created their own problem, acting as shills and cheerleaders for correct language—and now that op is coming back to haunt them.

Here’s another tidbit. For the past 20 years, the media have been gargling and sputtering and uttering mealy-mouthed he-said he said “reports” about the effects of Globalism on American jobs. Trump has taken that creature out to the barn and shot it. He’s talking about rescinding the trade deals that have been forwarding Globalism. Does he mean it? Does he understand what such an effort would take? His followers think so.

Waiting in the wings: If Trump addresses residents of inner cities, directly and often, and tells them he will bring back jobs for them (whereas no one else will), who knows how much trouble he could stir up in the ranks of the Republican and Democratic parties, and who knows how much support will pour out of those decimated inner-city communities.

This isn’t Rand Paul or Ron Paul or Ralph Nader or Bernie Sanders talking about Globalism. This is a billionaire marshal riding into town and promising to flash coin. This is the host of The Apprentice saying, “I can fire, but I also can hire.” This is a wide-screen IMAX cartoon saying, “I’m real. I’ll bring back prosperity.”

How do the Sunday morning news-talk hosts and their guest experts stand up against him? Trump is shrugging and summarily announcing, “They’re jerks.” He’s blowing away the media who made him, and they can’t undo what they’ve birthed.

The conventional wisdom is Trump will fall when the media uncover something truly horrible from his past and blast it out, day after day. You mean saying the Internet needs to be censored and many immigrants must be deported isn’t enough to sink his ship? So far, apparently not.

And scandals and possible scandals have already been aired. There was the accusation that he raped his wife Ivana. She eventually defended him and said no. Four of his companies have declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy. According to Salon, he was a figurehead for a company called ACN, which operated as a pyramid scheme. Trump denied having anything to do with ACN. There are ongoing legal actions against Trump University in New York and California, claiming the University committed fraud and deception against students in its real estate curriculum and hustled them for millions of $$.

This last potential scandal carries the most danger, in part because the NY case is headed up by the state Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman, who has filed a $40 million lawsuit against Trump. Former students have filed two class-action suits against The Donald.

And yet…all the above-mentioned scandals have already been covered in the press, and Trump’s poll ratings haven’t suffered.

What’s going on?

Originally, the media created Trump as a celebrity and a phenomenon. They made him big. A very big and wild and weird cartoon. Now they’re trying to destroy him. But they can’t make him small and inconsequential because, again, they made him big and wild and weird, and the audience accepted him on that basis, in that image. The audience already took him in, already accepted and digested him. Media creations are hard to reverse when they’re cartoons. People love cartoons. Can anybody make Mickey Mouse vanish? Can anybody make the Simpsons forgettable?

The case of another famous cartoon is instructive: Arnold Schwarzenegger. He rode to victory, in 2003, and won the governorship of California based on his media-image as an all-powerful animation. It wasn’t until he was serving as governor that the picture faded. Only then did people realize he was just another politician. His infidelity, his fathering of a child with the family housekeeper, was the ultimate torpedo—but that scandal erupted long after his super-gloss had already dimmed.

Notice this: as The Arnold was running for the governorship in 2003, it was already on the record (1977) that he had used steroids (they were legal then) and had participated in orgies. Just several days before the election, the LA Times and CNN broke a story about “Gropegate.” Several women came forward with accounts of breast-grabbing, buttock-grabbing. Another woman said Schwarzenegger had tried to remove her swimsuit in an elevator.

On Election Day, Arnold won by over a million votes. He beat out his closest competitor by 17 points.

Disney built an empire based on cartoons. John Wayne built a career being a cartoon. Comic books, graphic novels, and the movies based on them are blockbusters. Twelve days before the opening of the latest Star Wars movie, people are already camping out at theaters.

Meaning? People want to see reality reduced to extremes. One reason: they’re annoyed by subtleties. Another reason: they really believe that, at bottom, when the smoke and mirrors are removed, the world is a drama of light vs. dark, good vs. evil. If you think you can make that idea go away, you’re crazy.

And suppose on some level this drama is, in fact, playing out. Suppose a man riding in on years-worth of media-inflation says, in no uncertain terms, he can win that war. Suppose he actually believes it. Suppose he appeals to millions of people in a way that no other politician on the scene can, because he communicates in a loose direct conversational style, instead of droning on in the usual political cliché carved out by public-relations idiots for candidates who can’t escape sounding and looking like androids. Suppose his version of being a cartoon is “I’m the most honest guy you’ll ever meet.”

Suppose, among the blizzard of his statements and remarks, he is pinpointing several deep ongoing crimes of government, crimes other candidates are terrified of touching.

Suppose for decades now, the whole standard media-PR charade of national elections has conspired to outrage and sicken the American public.

Suppose Trump appears to be the opposite of standard.

Suppose the public is so fed up with this election charade they’d excuse their man, The Donald, if it came out that he’d dropped his mother in a volcano on Xmas Eve.

Suppose the media, who are trying to destroy Trump, have no one to blame but themselves, because they’ve been supporting thousands of political lies and liars for a long, long time using language no one cares about anymore.

Whereas the big, wild, and weird man coming into town is speaking in a different tongue.

Suppose, therefore, this is a clash of dimensions the media simply cannot understand.

In that case, what are we set for?

The people who hate the Trump the most continue to miss the point that he is coming with a different language, and his train and their train are passing, on different rails, in the night.

Once a Donald Duck, you last forever. Don’t underestimate that. Give Donald a fiery sword and a mission and a new and different quack, and you’ve got something that grabs the American subconscious and delivers a shock to the system.

“A cartoon came alive? He’s coming to town? He’s on television? He’s running for President? Get out of my way, I have to see this. I have to be part of it.”

After all, American society has turned into a cartoon. Yes, it can be vicious and painful. It can deliver terminal blows. But it’s an animation. When a piece of it suddenly detaches itself and steps forward into the light and talks, you better believe people are interested. Accept it, don’t accept it, Obama was one of those pieces, Bush was a piece, Clinton was certainly a piece. But none of them was as strange as Donald Trump.

power outside the matrix

If somehow he wins the nomination, it remains to be seen how he’ll fare against that “woman sketch” named Hillary Clinton, a venal and vengeful and entitled caricature trying to keep her Shriek under control as she barrels down the road, smoke coming out her ears, toward the Oval Office.

It seems like a long time ago that one of the biggest networks in the world put Trump in a throne before a national audience every week—where he said over and over again, “You’re fired, you’re fired, you’re fired.” Is it really that surprising he can do the same thing now and find a huge audience?

The network, NBC, was Dr. Frankenstein. They brought Trump to life, and then he broke away, turned around, and attacked his masters.

It just so happens millions of people also want to attack NBC and the other networks and major news sources in this country for their wall-to-wall lies, their arrogant sense of entitlement, their insider clubby presumptions, their sold-out alliance with government and corporations, and their refusal to listen to the concerns of every-day Americans.

These media giants have been creating reality for the masses.

A revolt is in progress against that reality and its perpetrators.

A large number of Americans have come to the aid of a man/media-creation who, in his own way (love it or hate it), is leading it.

What else would you expect to happen?

You’re fired, you’re fired, you’re fired.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Trump scorches Dallas: why it matters

Trump scorches Dallas: why it matters

The hollow people. The Hillary, the Jeb, the Biden.

by Jon Rappoport

September 15, 2015

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Give any one of them the election and you’ll get more of the high-flying soap-opera brain-eating rhetoric that covers the Globalist agenda and Globalist crimes, that signals the pandering for votes.

Biz as usual. Business on a stick. Corn dog on a stick.

Hollow Hillary: “There cannot be true democracy unless all citizens are able to participate fully in the lives of their country.”

Zzzzz. Can I have a little ketchup on my corn dog?

Hollow Hillary: “It is time to put policy ahead of politics and success ahead of the status quo. It is time for a new strategy to produce what we need: a stable Iraq government that takes over for its own people so our troops can finish their job.”

Can I have a little mayo on my corn dog?

Hollow Hillary: “At the end of the day, the American people are going to be faced with some very tough judgments, because, at the current course this president is pursuing, I’m afraid that the next president will inherit this situation, with all of its complexity and all of its heartbreak…”

Can I have a little cheese on my corn dog?

Hollow Jeb: “I think we need to lift our spirits and have high, lofty expectations for this great country of ours.”

Can I have a few more chlorine ice cubes in my Coke?

Hollow Jeb: “Governors have to balance budgets. And they have to make decisions. And they have to do things that sometimes aren’t popular. And they also have to bring people together to try to solve problems.”

Can I have a few more rubbery fries from last week?

This is the kind of language we’ve become used to.

Grown in a lab, then left to rot. Sick substance. Low-grade fever. Robot plastic for robot minds.

“What? I didn’t think there was anything wrong with that language. It’s what politicians and leaders do. It’s expected. It’s actually comfortable.”

Yes, comfortable, like a sheet drawn over a dead body in a police case that will never be solved.

“Hillary and Jeb weren’t able to make it to the debate tonight. But they left messages for the viewing audience. We’re bringing those messages in, in a hermetically sealed aluminum container. No one has read the words yet. A representative from Price Waterhouse will now cut the seals and reveal the contents. Every syllable was created by a special computer buried on the moon…”

So last night Trump strolls into a hall in Dallas, lays down his ten-gallon hat and his six-guns and talks for an hour or so to an audience of 20,000 without a teleprompter.

He says, “Cheer or boo if you like the media.”

He says, “The [illegal immigrant] gangs will be outta hear so friggn’ fast…We have to stop this sanctuary city crap…I refuse to eat Oreo [cookies] anymore. They’re moving from Chicago to Mexico…[I’ll lay on a] 35% tax [tariff] on cars from [American car companies] coming in [from their plants in Mexico]…I’ll make the announcement at 9am…and I’m going to get the call from the CEO of Ford…Mr. President [Trump], I think you are doing the wrong thing…by 5pm [that day]…Ford will be bringing the plants back to the USA…Obamacare: we’re going to repeal it…”

He says he’s going to wipe out the huge trade deficits with China, Japan, and Mexico. Make new deals, better deals. Therefore, new jobs in America.

He’s letting it all hang out. He’s thinking as he’s talking. He’s remembering all the things he hates about American politics and politicians and bumbling American negotiators. He cuts himself off while talking about trade deals and abruptly launches into an attack on Obamacare and John Kerry and the Iran deal and then mentions that he, Trump, knows everything there is to know about making deals, and he knows the greatest and toughest and most ruthless negotiators in the world, and he will bring them on board to reverse the lousy self-destructive deals the US has made with other governments…

He’s all over the map. He’s going to build a great beautiful Trump Wall at the Mexican border for a few billion dollars and Mexico will pay for it and they’ll be happy to pay for it, because not paying for it will endanger the 50- billion-dollar trade advantage they have with the US—an advantage he is personally going to shrink anyway.

In the history of America, no politician has ever made a speech like this. Not in front of 20,000 people, not with his big poll numbers.

Of course, most of America still believes in the hollow people, the Hillary, the Jeb, the Biden. At least they say they do. But inside, where no one can see, they believe they’re trapped and they want to get out. They sense that this creature, Trump, is aware of the trap and he wants to spring it. He’s talking the way they would, if they dared to.

The jobs have gone away. The money has gone away. For half the country, this is Food Stamp America and Welfare America and NAFTA America and hunger America.

And Trump seems to be talking about jobs. Money. Better days. He’s not talking about how the country was founded on racist principles. He’s not talking about God. He’s talking about people going back to work. And it’s not just what he’s talking about, but how.

He’s slinging mud. He’s mocking his opponents. He’s bragging. He’s angry. He’s enjoying himself. He’s off the cuff. He’s a crazy stream of consciousness in a buttoned-up media-tized America. He could load up on coffee and talk for three days straight and turn out a book. He’s a lava-flowing subconscious in a moonscape of a nation.

He’s looking at the US as a business that’s going down the toilet, and he’s going to take it over and fire all the slackers and fakers and dolts and hangars-on and morons and revamp it and send it into orbit.

He’s going to slap around the news anchors and the talk-show hosts and the Eastern establishment journalists with their nasal superiority complexes.

Bring up the name of any famous person and Trump will say, “I know him. He’s a really nice guy, but he’s an idiot. He just doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He lives in my building. I see him all the time. He’s a great guy. He’s not an idiot, but he’s, let’s say, wrong on every issue…”

He’s saying, “Look, you people have been worshiping wealth and money and power for a long time. Well, I have, too. And I made it. I’m on top. So you can choose me, or you can choose one of those closet socialists who wants commissars and agencies and rules and endless red tape that strangles everybody. You can choose a cowboy who doesn’t care what people think, or you can choose a pampered android who talks in circles. You can choose somebody who wants the government to run the whole show in America and drives us into bankruptcy and poverty for the sake of humanity, or you can choose me.”

power outside the matrix

Trump is a walled-off subconscious bubbling up to the surface and leaping across the landscape.

Ultimately, he isn’t about politics. He’s about crazy bad sometimes funny poetry exploding out of the hollow caverns of fear and paralysis in which the population lives.

Most people have no clue about this, but what the country needs is take-no-prisoners poets. And if Trump is the first one to jump into the political fray in a while, so be it.

The hollow candidates have nothing. No matter what they say, they’re excreting android public relations energy. They’re cheap realtors with cardboard houses they need to push. They’re like doctors hustling for patients. They’re holding up X-rays and offering drug prescriptions and making false diagnoses at every turn. They’re rubber-glove-wearing grotesqueries standing in the cold half-light of offices with anatomy charts on the walls.

They’re death warmed over and death cooled down and death on wheels preaching living death.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Is Trump a stage prop to hand Hillary the election?

Is Trump a stage prop to hand Hillary the election?

by Jon Rappoport

September 1, 2015

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

“In acting, sincerity is everything. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made.” — George Burns

Like it or not, accept it or not, there is a code you have to crack, in order to understand big elections.

They’re fixed. And in this piece, I’m not talking about rigged voting machines. On psychological, mental, and spiritual levels, the fix is in, because of one overriding factor:

The voters are oh so sincere.

And they shouldn’t be. It’s killing them.

Yes, that’s right.

The media presentation called The Election is a straight con from the get-go. Anyone who is sucked into it is a rube, a yokel, a hick.

So the question about whether Donald Trump is running to suck votes away from other Republican candidates or win the nomination himself, in order to deliver the presidency to Hillary? That’s a non-starter.

Who cares? What are we talking about here?

What’s the alternative if Trump isn’t running? Jeb vs. Hillary in November? The Bush crime family versus the Clinton crime family? That would be the “good” election?

How many more of these hideous campaigns do we have to endure before people wake up to the con? A hundred? A thousand?

“This fall, it looks like Lizardi Venom and Scorpion Ooze are the two parties’ choices. It promises to be a tightly contested race. Mr. Venom, of course, is for a utopian social-justice meter installed in the brain of every citizen, while his opponent, Ms. Ooze, promises to place four million dollars in a special account for every person who claims he or she has been ‘injured, defamed, or insulted by the system’. Both candidates agree that sincere voters who care about the future of this great nation must come out to the polls on Election Day and make their voices heard…”

“But wait. Some billionaire cowboy with a very spotty past has entered the lists. He’s reckless. He’s all over the place. He’s insulting the sacred media stars. He’s ruining The Show. He’s making a mockery out of it. He’s torpedoing everybody. He’s scamming the scammers. He’s upsetting The Sincere Voters who believe in the system like babies believe in Mommy and Daddy. And some claim that—wait for it—the cowboy is there to deliver the election to Ms. Ooze instead of Mr. Venom. This is shocking, I tell you. Shocking. And there’s more. This cowboy has been charged with making promises he doesn’t intend to keep. My God. Has any candidate in recent memory done that? A revered critic for the New York Times, Calder A Hogsniffer, takes it a step further. Higsniffer proposes that the cowboy is, in fact, raising several legitimate issues, but by lending his name to them he is degrading those issues and postponing the day when they’ll be taken seriously by the electorate. Certainly, no presidential candidate has ever tried that before. Heavens no. This cowboy is, well, crashing the party and spoiling it for everybody.”

Yes, he is. It was serious and sober and on-track and oh-so-sincere before he came through the wall with his hair and his shit-eating grin and his guns blazing.

Before he showed up, we could attack Hillary and Jeb and argue about whether Rand (who’ll never make it) really has the right ideas, and we could argue about the niceties of Bernie’s version of socialism…and we could watch the whole election, as usual, go right down the toilet.

Then we would have fulfilled our duty to The Process and we could sit back and nod wisely. Yes.

But this slug Trump gets on television (which is of course the holy medium through which we understand the sacred sincere election process); Trump gets on television and seems to be assaulting television itself. And that’s going too far. That’s out of bounds. That’s putting an unharmonious disruption in The Field.

I mean, who knows? If he ever made it to the religious hush of the final debates, he might turn around and start lobbing grenades at the moderators, the high priests—Scott (“I’m doing brain surgery on you without anesthetic because I really want to”) Pelley; Lester (“I’ve been in a state of deep hypnosis since the early days of MKULTRA”) Holt; Wolf (“I made my reputation during the first war in the Persian Gulf because my name meshes nicely with the US bombing runs”) Blitzer.

Voters’ sincerity in this whole election story is a plague.

The voters believe in the media show. They believe in the major candidates. They believe campaign statements and promises and policy positions. They believe that stage magic is real and three-card monte on a streetcorner is an honest game.

power outside the matrix

The solution, of course, if it could be engineered, would be: stay home on Election Day.

That’s the sane course.

If, by some miracle, only 19% of eligible voters showed up at the polls, that would constitute a national vote of no-confidence. That would say: we don’t believe in this media-election-cartoon. We woke up. We saw the con and the shuck and the jive.

Washington DC would experience a psychotic break. It would unhinge.

The television networks would undergo collective cardiac arrest. Their produced series, called Election, bombed. It was a ratings disaster.

The plague of misplaced, puerile, glazed-over, low-IQ, idiots-delight sincerity would begin to cure itself.

But the likelihood of 80% of the voters staying home is 100000000000000 to 1. It’s too real an answer. It’s too effective. And it requires a depth of perception that bypasses thousands of propaganda terminals.

Major media in general, and television in particular, are set up to substitute for the eyes and ears and brains and minds of the populace. To the degree that Donald Trump can turn the game around and run for president against the media, he’s providing a public service, and I don’t care how many blanks he’s shooting when he says he stands for this and that.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

The Donald Trump phenomenon: hidden meanings

by Jon Rappoport

August 30, 2015

(To join our email list, click here.)

“You could take the five major news networks and filter Jesus Christ, Buddha, Hitler, Stalin, Attila, Gandhi, and Lawrence Welk through them, and eventually you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference among them. They’d all come across in the same way. That, in fact, is the purpose of television.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

I have nothing against hope, but the brand of naïve hope that surfaces during every presidential election season is truly ridiculous.

Candidate after candidate lies through his teeth, and the people buy in.

Now some are saying The Donald is running to form a third party and thus hand the election to Hillary. Whereas the preferred alternative would be what? Prince Jeb? There’s a difference between Hillary and Jeb? Who’s kidding who?

Or they say The Donald is running to provide a safety valve, so the American people can blow off steam, but ultimately wind up with nothing to show for it.

If that were true, so what? Public despondency will set in? What grotesque political swamp-soup are we wading in now?

I approach this from a different angle.

Trump is unpredictable. He’s the only unpredictable presidential candidate in recent memory. That’s a major plus, because the press can’t do anything with him. They attack him on point A, and he responds with his own attack, or he replies with a non-sequitur, or he just changes the subject because he’s bored with the reporters.

He’s mentioning taboo subjects. Bring back tariffs on US imports. Get rid of inner city gangs.

He says something culturally and politically incorrect, and the press jackals go after him with flashing teeth and claws, fully expecting a take-down, demanding a grovel—and he shrugs—and his approval ratings go up.

Putting the press into the wall—this alone is a feat worth celebrating. Reporters want Trump to be one defined thing they can identify, and then they want to assault that…but he keeps shifting ground and juking and putting on new moves and faces. He drives them crazy.

And the crowds at his speeches are building. Maybe he’ll fill a football stadium one of these days.

What brings the people out? They sense he hasn’t got a script. They love that. They think he’s a different breed from Politician 1-A Normal. They love that, too.

The press hates that.

Right now, The Donald is all throwaway lines—and that’s good. If he resorts to analysis, the press will bring on an army of experts to refute him “on the facts.”

Megyn Kelly thought she’d make a bigger name for herself by trumping the Trump, and instead helped power his new numbers-busting popularity. Another defeat for the press.

When it comes to election campaigns, you have to understand that the job of the media is to grind down every candidate to a small series of meaningless truisms.

The press wants empty generalities. They want android candidates in the debates. They want to make a possible something into nothing.

This is a form of intended political correctness that goes largely unnoticed.

Trump has broken the mold. Therefore, he must pay. But…it’s not working. Not so far. Something in the machinery has gone wrong.

Trump has triggered a response in an audience who feels they’ve been bottled up and straitjacketed for far too long. They’ve been seething and straining. They can’t say this, they can’t say that. And they can’t look to presidents for solutions. Presidents spout rhetorical bullshit.

And then a man shows up who seems to feel the same way they do and isn’t afraid to say so.

The press doesn’t know what to do. Every line they feed Trump, in an effort to slam him, becomes the occasion for one of his comebacks that carries the day.

Trump doesn’t use filler. He improvises. He doesn’t play fast and loose behind the scenes; he does it right out in the open.

Worst of all, the media, for decades, built up the image of Trump. He was great copy. His hair, his marriages, his business deals, his scandals, his greedy eagerness for self-promotion.

Now here he is, and he can’t be cast off like an old suit. He’s front and center.

Presidential campaigns ARE the press. That’s the way it’s been for decades. Campaigns are media events manufactured out of slime you’d sue the city for if it bubbled up in your back yard.

The press takes the slime and lies and packages them into neat little products and puts them in front of television viewers. The press runs the campaigns and wins every election.

But right now…a monster has showed up.

Making a joke out of him doesn’t help, either. People laugh, but the laughs are becoming with-Trump rather than at-him. So what if he’s a self-serving cartoon? Isn’t all presidential politics a cartoon?

You can be sure the foul stench-ridden execs at the major networks are trying to figure out how to torpedo Trump. They’re in a dither. This is supposed to be their presidential campaign, not his. They own the franchise. But he’s ripping huge chunks out of their hides.

Is it possible they could unearth some horrendous cheating scandal from Trump’s past, expose it to the sky, and then watch Trump nod and say, “Yeah, I screwed up, so what?”—and his ratings would jump another ten points? Yes, it’s possible.

Regardless of the issues coming to the fore in this presidential season, the real issue, as always, is the press itself. That’s not supposed to be noticed, but more and more people are noticing it. And because they instinctively hate the powdered and coiffed anchors with their presumptive attitudes, every time Trump hits a home run against one of these smug bloodless motherfuckers, it’s an occasion for great glee.

Trump is doing much more than gaining ground on the other candidates; he’s attacking the whole framework of the Show.

He’s sawing off the pillars of the studio sets. He’s slapping the faces of the news hosts. And as the ultimate insult, he’s lifting their ratings.

An interview with Trump isn’t an interview. It’s a circus. He’s essentially saying, with every breath he takes, “See, audience, see this whole charade, it’s ridiculous, isn’t it? Why should I agree to their terms? Why should I consider these doofus Demo-Repub media mouthpieces are any better than I am or you are? Watch me crack the illusion of television. It’s fun. Let’s kick some high-priced ass together…”

On the media front, it’s looking like Trump is too big to fail. The only thing the networks can do is try to shut him out. I’m not sure that’s going to work. He’s cranked up too much visibility jizz.

On the Disney spectrum of personality, Trump is Scrooge McDuck with some Goofy thrown in, plus a slice or two of Mickey Mouse’s good will. But then there is also a piece of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a clump of Ralph Nader (Nader would hate to admit it), a splash of Salvador Dali, and a passable imitation of Ronald Reagan.

Let the press try to reduce that down to a mainstream presidential candidate.

The television medium, in particular, sets itself up to accommodate the lies candidates tell. It builds studios and lights them for those lies and empty promises. It provides camera angles to feature those lies. It hires hosts and moderators who will facilitate the candidates who lie.

But even all this is not enough. The networks set themselves up to offer a style of lying. Candidates are expected to deploy all sorts of hollow, sanitized, and familiar phrases. They’re expected to affect a fake sense of passion. They’re prompted to offer some fake “new beginning,” as if no other candidate has ever tried that before.

Through these mechanisms, the viewing public is conditioned to expect predigested soulless corporate PR and accept it.

This, as much as anything else, is the death of modern politics. It’s bright grinning groomed zombie android death.

Any man or woman who can come along and punch a gaping hole in that illusion is a threat to the Big Sleep.

Trump is warming to the job.

Could he win the election? It’s hard to fathom it. But again, consider his crooked business past against the crimes of the Bush and Clinton families. In those terms, Trump is a mere piker.

But right now, he’s providing another service. He’s cracking the media egg. And any presidential candidate who even mentions laying on protective tariffs and getting rid of gangs is outdistancing Queen Hillary or Prince Jeb.

Trump is trying to roll crazy sevens and elevens. Hillary/Jeb roll snake eyes every time.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

What happens to Tony Montana if Trump gets rid of gangs?

What happens to Tony Montana if Trump gets rid of gangs?

by Jon Rappoport

August 26, 2015

In an interview Tuesday evening with Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, Donald Trump said he would get rid of gangs in America (see this video starting at 2m36s.)


Much, much easier said than done, but why is Trump, that fast-talking cowboy, the only presidential candidate in memory who has put elimination of gangs near the top of his to-do list or even mentioned them at all?

Why does Trump, whom so many people think of as nothing more than a predatory capitalist, spend a second talking about the gang scourge that locks up and imprisons so many Americans in inner cities and makes them fearful of leaving their homes or allowing their children to make “new friends”—aka recruiters for gangs.

Why is Trump touching the never-touched electric wire called gangs?

Has Barack Obama, who professes to make all Americans equal, ever seriously mentioned gangs? Has he ever mentioned that the fate of so many Americans in city slums are deeply affected by gang crime and gang control?

Has he ever discussed, in public, the murder and maiming numbers—the human numbers racked up by gangs?

He must be too busy getting the Trans Pacific Partnership Treaty passed, thus sinking the economy to new lows.

Well, there is this: the drug business.


US gangs transport and sell drugs for the cartels. The recent case of Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla in Chicago exposed the long-suspected US government partnership with the Mexican Sinaloa cartel.

Basically, the US feds permit Sinaloa clean drugs routes all the way up to Chicago, where lesser gangs handle distribution to other American cities, via still other gangs.

In return, Sinaloa provides the feds actionable intelligence on its rival Mexican cartels.

And of course, when you talk about the drug business, you talk about banks laundering billions and billions and billions.

Trump might want to think about all this. It explains a great deal. It explains why more heavily scripted politicians avoid the subject of gangs altogether.

Drug money is sugar for banks. US based gangs sell the drugs. All sorts of people, usual and unusual suspects, scrape off pieces of the action. In cash.

Businesses and companies, including some on Wall Street here and there, do very nicely as a result of drug money.

The unofficial US government policy includes this principle: if the drug business needs US gangs as a vital component, then sacrificing the lives and futures and day-to-day safety of millions of people living with gangs in inner cities is a small price to pay.

Meanwhile, mountains of bullshit rhetoric can be expended on “concern” for those very same inner-city residents. Whole agendas consisting of politically correct this and politically incorrect that can be formed, enlisting the innocent and brain-addled youth of the nation.

Hollywood can make a few thousand movies about the drug biz and never reveal the actual set-up, from the lowest to the highest levels.

And colleges? You can forget about professors laying out the real story.

So Trump has just taken another crazy turn. He’s mentioned gangs. He’s said he intends to get rid of them. What a lunatic.

Watch his poll numbers rise even higher if he keeps talking about this issue. Because untold millions of Americans have felt, for a long time, that a going after gangs is exactly what this country needs to do.

Of course, the American people must be crazy, too. What do they know?

We don’t need a war on gangs. What we need is another HBO series about drug gangsters in prison. Yes, absolutely.

And for those who think ending the war on drugs and legalizing every chemical known to man will eliminate gangs, I have news for you.

The products don’t create the culture. Not at the core. The people who rob the lives of decent citizens will always find a way to do that.

Just as mega-corporations will always find a way.

But don’t worry. Surely, Hillary Clinton will present a major policy on gangs. Surely she will come out swinging and…wait. I seem to remember something about her husband Bill and Mena, Arkansas; an airport, wasn’t it? Cocaine deliveries? And then there was a CIA project to build munitions factories in Arkansas, which Bill greenlighted. The Agency thought it would be easier to make their own guns rather than trade cocaine for them? Terry Reed and John Cummings wrote a book about all this: Compromised.

But that’s old history. Who cares? Maybe it’s just a bad dream.

Anyway, back to Trump. He just can’t keep his big trap shut. First, it was putting back tariffs on US imports, thus creating huge numbers of jobs again for Americans. Now it’s gangs. He obviously needs a week or two in a psych ward. One of those powerful anti-psychotic drugs will slow him down.

Then we can return to a reasonable and dignified presidential campaign. Sanitized debates, puffball rhetoric, generalities, Jeb versus Hillary. Familiar ground. The liars we know. The thieves and killers. Dynasty, the series running on all channels.

Comfort food.

power outside the matrix

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Trump catches attention of CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral

by Jon Rappoport

August 24, 2015

(To join our email list, click here.)

(For the complete Trump archive, click here.)

The powerful Globalist players at the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission are certainly watching the presidential campaign of Donald Trump.

Trump has already made statements about immigration they find troubling. They may or may not be taking Trump’s presidential run seriously. They may or may not view him as an inconsequential blowhard, a shoot-from-the-hip cowboy who forgets today what he said yesterday—but today the New York Times has made reference to Trump in a way that will make these Globalist heavy hitters pause and blink while drinking their morning coffee (Here in “As Stock Market Plunges, Donald Trump Takes a Worldview” by Alan Rappeport):

“Mr. Trump has said that bad trade deals with China and Mexico are to blame for a sluggish American economy and weak job creation. He has promised to make ‘great’ deals with other countries to protect American workers and has threatened to raise taxes on imports to the United States to bolster domestic production.”

It’s the last part that rings alarm bells and shoots firecrackers into the sky:

“[Trump] has threatened to raise taxes on imports to the United States to bolster domestic production.”

Taxes on imports. Also known as tariffs.

Every significant trade-treaty negotiated since 1945 has been aimed at lowering or eliminating tariffs, in order to establish Globalist “free trade.”

Treaties like GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA, for example; as well as the current TPP and its cousins.

Free trade is code for: mega-corporations and banks can roam the planet and set up shop anywhere they please. They can bankroll and build production facilities, produce cheap goods, and sell them anywhere in the world without paying tariffs.

Tariffs would make that whole operation useless. It would defeat mega-corporate greed and ambition internationally.

“We’ve got these factories making gizmos in East Nowhere, we’re paying workers four cents an hour, we’ve got no environmental/health regs and rules that would raise production costs, there are no worker unions, and we’ve therefore got a big edge on our smaller competitors, because we can ship these gizmos anywhere in the world and sell them cheaper than they can, and all of this is possible because we pay no tariffs. If there were stiff tariffs, we’d have to shut down the whole scene, pack our bags, and leave…”

Globalism, at one level, is all about erasing tariffs.

Whether in a momentary fit, or by serious intent, Trump has crossed swords with the Globalists.

President Nixon tried that for a few moments in the early 1970s, and betrayed his main sponsor, David Rockefeller. Nixon erected a few tariffs to save American-based companies.

Rockefeller was and is Globalism personified.

Soon, Nixon found himself on a helicopter heading away from the White House for the last time.

Trump might want to think about pumping up his security detail.

He’s just stumbled into the Twilight Zone where money makes money for money making money. Trump $$$ is nothing compared with Globalist $$$.

He’s just pulled the pin on a quiescent grenade in the world of mainstream media, where the subject of tariffs is a no-no.

“Reggie, Klaus here. I was just reading the Times this morning. Did you see the reference to Donald Trump? Tariffs? Maybe we should take a second look at this lunatic. If he presses forward with the idea of protecting American businesses, and it catches on, and people figure out what he’s saying…if he figures out what he’s saying…we could have a problem. If all sorts of business people—I don’t mean people like us—but ordinary business people see a chance to come back to life…with tariffs to protect them…Trump’s campaign could take on a new dimension. We’d have to do whatever it takes to stop it…”

Yes, if the American people figure out that the new normal economy, as miserable as it actually is, is linked like a lock and key to the Globalist plan; if the American people figure out that no recent American president, including Obama, had any ambition whatsoever to lift up the American economy; that all these presidents are liars of the first order; something might happen.

Something might change.

the matrix revealed

If Trump, jumping and leaping and cavorting, suddenly grabs on to that secret and that issue, and tells the American people that their jobs really disappeared because of Globalist trade deals and no-tariffs…and he keeps growling and slathering and foaming

He’s definitely caught the attention of the big-time Globalists at the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group.

Note to The Donald: Step up your security, and watch all the bankers you do business with very carefully. They will try to find a way to cut you off at the knees. You just stumbled into the Globalists’ private game preserve. They don’t like that shit.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.