by Jon Rappoport

May 30, 2012


Since I’ve been investigating, researching, and writing about what manipulators and controllers have been doing to the population, it may SEEM as if I’m saying you and I and everybody else are, at bottom, victims. You could read it that way if you were predisposed to. But you would be wrong.


Becoming more deeply aware of what the Matrix is and what it entails is highly important. But it’s really only important if the individual already has a strong foundation of responsibility.


I’m talking about making up your own mind about your own life and your own profound objectives and your own deep desires. And acting on that. And taking responsibility for all this in a very natural and final way. What ideas do you buy? What ideas do you reject? What will you create for the next 50 years? Your decision. Your choice. Your action.


We all fall into the victim trap now and then. The question is, do we dig ourselves out of it? Or do we wallow in it?


Freedom is such a basic thing because, in that space, you make your own most important decisions privately and finally, and you alone take the consequences. You, I, everybody. That’s not a theory. It’s the way it is. In a sense, it’s proof that freedom exists.


Now, when a nation or a world sinks to the point where so many individuals are so unaware of what’s happening around them, what decisions are being made on their behalf, it looks like we’re all victims forever. It looks like we never had a choice about anything important. We’re all slaves and we have no power. And this is where a lot of people stop and settle on a picture of what reality is. And that picture is: THE CONTROLLERS ARE DOING BAD THINGS TO ME AND I CAN’T STOP IT. I HAVE NO WAY OUT.


AND WITH THAT PICTURE IN PLACE, the individual will embark on a project of finding the worst thing that’s being done to him, the thing he couldn’t possibly fix, and he’ll say: “You see? That’s proof! That shows I’m helpless. We’re all helpless.”


So be it. If that’s where a person wants to stop and make his home and set up shop, that’s his choice. But that’s not just a choice about chemtrails or radiation from Japan or war or the global bankers, that’s his BASIC choice. That’s what it becomes: his basic choice about his own life and his own power.


As in: he doesn’t have any. He doesn’t have any choice and he doesn’t have any power and he doesn’t have any imagination he could use to make his life far, far different. That’s a hell of a conclusion. But so be it.


Of course, our esteemed leaders try to cultivate and create more victims, because more victims are the building blocks of the world they want to make. But that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the space of freedom, within which an INDIVIDUAL DECIDES TO PLAY A HOLE CARD AND BLAME SOMEBODY ELSE FOR HIS OWN CHOICES AND HIS OWN FAILURES AND HIS OWN INACTION.


You see, when it comes right down to it, that’s his version of power. That’s his best version of power. And if he wants to fight that war and lose and destroy himself, that’s his choice. And it turns out there is nothing you or I can do about it, even if we wanted to do something.


And this victim situation I’m describing? You can find it in the street thug, you can find it in academia, you can find it all the way up to the boardrooms of the most powerful corporations on Earth. That’s right.


Let’s sweep out the room. Let’s clear out the confusion. No one exits the Matrix thinking he’s a victim. Doesn’t happen. The premise that ANYONE is the kind of authority who can tell you what to do is based on a lie. The lie of your submission and surrender, which is followed by regret.


For the person who is strong, being deceived by an authority through misjudgment is a vital lesson. It shows you what fascism is really all about, on whatever stage it played out. You learn. You see. You react. You bought the con. You were drawn in one step at a time. You paid the price. You took the bait. You didn’t notice the strings being pulled. It’s a joke. In fact, it’s a cosmic joke, because if you look at human history, you see all the ways authorities of one kind or another have been propped up and sold.


Political authorities, religious authorities, money authorities, business authorities, psychological authorities, esthetic authorities, personal authorities, cultural authorities, “universal” authorities, the authority of the one space and one time and one energy and one continuum. All packaged and sold and delivered.


It was all invented through somebody else’s imagination, and we bought that imagination instead of finding our own.




The victim ALWAYS buys somebody else’s imagination. He keeps buying and buying until he’s broke, and then he wants to blame somebody for his own habit, his own addiction.


When you offload enough of other people’s imagination and find enough of your own, you discover that reality can be far, far, far, far different than you supposed. There is actually no limit on what imagination can create and bring into being. With work.


It takes strength to go on that road. It’s not a little party with doilies and ribbons and balloons and cartoons. It’s certainly not a party where somebody cries and gets mad because the cake fell apart and somebody else has to be blamed.


If you think what I’m doing here is ULTIMATELY about BLAMING the shapers of this fake consensus Reality, stop. That isn’t it. I’m talking to intelligent strong individuals who want both knowledge and power. Power that comes from living an intense creative life, a life of imagining and inventing new unprecedented realities. ON THEIR OWN. Period.


Do I care what Rockefeller and global bankers and CFR and Trilateralists and Bilderberg and the Vatican and mega-corporations and governments and intelligence agencies and fake scientists and fake media are all doing? OF COURSE I CARE. But that’s step one. That’s something that is a prelude to the INDIVIDUAL AND HIS POWER, HIS IMAGINATION, HIS INFINITE CREATIONS.




Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.




by Jon Rappoport

May 26, 2012


“I am what is mine. Personality is the original private property.” — Norman O Brown


“Man does not have the right to develop his own mind…” — Dr. Jose Delgado


School is the advertising agency which makes you believe that you need the society as it is.” — Ivan Illich


“The cooking vessel of the soul takes in everything, everything can become soul; and by taking into its imagination any and all events, psychic space grows.” — James Hillman


First, a mention of my new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED. It’s my firm belief that the material in it will stand you in good stead, will provide you with insights you won’t find anywhere else. The collection is the result of ten years of original research.


Okay. The biggest intelligence operation inside The Matrix is the development of: A CULTURE OF THE INTELLIGENTSIA. THE EDUCATED CLASS.


Why? Because once indoctrinated, once given privilege, the intelligentsia, in institutions of learning, in government, in think-tanks, in media, will defend to the death the civilization they represent. The intelligentsia will do this on their own, without prodding, without meetings, without explicit agendas. They will also become attack dogs who go after “outsiders” who poke gaping holes in the substance of The Prevailing Culture.


And what is that Culture? On one level, it is the promotion of endless conflicts among opposing forces, exactly as portrayed so shallowly and expertly, by television network news. “Tonight in Syria…” “Today in Washington…” “The president met today with leaders from…”


On a deeper level, the Culture is an enhanced psychological preference for groups over individuals, for the collective mass over the individually unique.


The Culture carries many definitions of limits on what the individual can achieve. This is purposeful. The intelligentsia play an important role in this operation, by floating images and suggestions about the “restricted nature” of the individual, about his problems, his “dangerous tendencies,” his inability to see the larger picture.


In the West, the intelligentsia have been at work since the time of Plato. If you examine the “highlights” of philosophy since Plato’s ascension (as they are taught), you will see emphasized the works of men who, in one way or another, preached on behalf of collective solutions. This held until John Locke and a few others broke the mold.


Several minutes after the signing of the US Constitution, frantic repair efforts were underway to bring the population back to the notion that collectivism was the prime reality.


We are now at a point where one “respected news commentator,” looking down his nose, arrogantly and offhandedly dismissing the idea of individual power, can deliver more negative effect than the totality of trauma-based mind control achieved by the CIA in its early MKULTRA phase.


This is the strength of Culture and its intelligentsia.


And nowhere is that strength exerted to greater effect than in propaganda that individual Will Power is a myth. A hundred years ago, the Will was seen as the motor that drives achievement. There was no need to talk about commitment or decision-making or “underlying negative beliefs” or “existential doubt” or “meeting needs” or “prior conditioning.” The Cult of Victimhood had not yet formed. Disability had not yet taken precedence over Ability. We had not yet experienced the onslaught of cultural analysis that made a case for a Hitler (or a Lee Oswald) as the illustration of what happens when “the individual is left to his own devices,” outside the pale of “social restraints.”


However, with the intelligentsia’s gradual acceptance, first, of Freudian analysis and, then, various branches of psychology, and finally, the proliferation of “mental disorders,” the cultural landscape underwent a radical change.


Problems, neuroses, maladjustment, compensatory behavior, “acting out,” “denial,” “chemical imbalances”—these became the flags waved by the educated classes.


Those who didn’t go along with the tide were exiled beyond the walls of the establishment.


It finally became clear that all this manipulation was aimed at building a new version of Collectivism.


The citizen and the private person are looked at as feral dogs who need to be brought into the fold and tranquilized.


The intelligentsia are the buffer and the agent between elite controllers and the masses. They are the Kissingers and Brzezinskis and far lesser lights who “interpret meaning” for our time.


The intelligentsia urge a generalized support for more Science. More research. As if that were an automatic magic wand waved over the future. Never mind what parades for climate science, for pharmaceutical drug science, for genetically modified food science. Never mind the devastating effects of these researches, or the fact that the resultant technologies are funneled directly into giant corporations that roam the Earth and criminally gobble up more land, resources, and people.


The intelligentsia are dimly aware that those individuals who can deploy great imagination and great creative power are jokers in the deck, trump cards, rule-breakers, whose very existence can initiate the destruction of outmoded institutions and outmoded ways of perceiving reality itself.


Individuals of this nature make the Matrix look like Swiss cheese. Suddenly, all bets are off. The rock of common consensus and perception starts to disintegrate and there is no predicting what might take its place. Old certainties dissolve.


There is no “cure” for the tiger of imagination.


What happens if many people, looking at an individual of such power, wake up to the fact that their own self-image is a foolish and diminished cartoon?


Brilliant philosopher and social critic Ivan Illich once wrote, “School is the advertising agency which makes you believe that you need society as it is.” Education, the offspring of the intelligentsia, is there to define what normal society and a normal life are. Education is there to induce the conviction that every sane person will live his life within the parameters of normal society—and if some people slip through that net, their schooling will have ill-prepared them to discover how life can be lived beyond those boundaries.


In the Matrix, you pick your life role from a canned list, and you walk out on stage and act the part.


A real school would explore, uncover, and explain the Matrix in the deepest way possible, so that students would have an opportunity to liberate themselves from a mechanical future.


James Hillman, a profound critic of traditional psychology, wrote: “The cooking vessel of the soul takes in everything, everything can become soul; and by taking into its imagination any and all events, psychic space grows.”


This is a vision of realities beyond Matrix, beyond consensus, beyond materialistic philosophy. Even though the individual has buried his own creative power, he can recover it. He can alchemically transform the raw material of experience and use it to create new spaces, times, energies, futures. This is imagination at work. This is power. This is magic come home to where it belongs.


For the past ten years, I’ve been writing about imagination, and doing seminars about imagination. Some people get it and some people don’t. Some people get it but don’t go on to live through and by imagination. Some people fall back into “life as consensus reality.” So be it. Some people think I’m writing about my imagination, not theirs. I fully understand this isn’t an easy subject. But rest assured, I’m not writing about my imagination, I’m writing about yours. About every individual’s. And what you do with that is up to you.


In my audio seminars, I offer exercises and techniques you can use to liberate, access, and employ your imagination and your power in your life.


It’s all based on a platform of individual freedom. That’s the launching pad.


No one ever got very far by only thinking they SHOULD live through imagination. They also have to WANT TO.


I call this the great adventure. It marks a great shift from Matrix to individual power.


Individual power means, among other things, that you, making your own way, inventing your own path—actually DOING IT—become responsible for your own actions. Because you want to be responsible for them.


Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.





by Jon Rappoport

May 21, 2012


“The function of the artist is to provide what life does not.” — Tom Robbins, Another Roadside Attraction


“Those people who recognize that imagination is reality’s master we call ‘sages,’ and those act upon it, we call ‘artists.'” — Tom Robbins, Skinny Legs and All


JUNE 11, 2011. No guts, no glory. Pursuers of any great goal can tell you that.


In the human psyche, from the moment a newborn baby emerges into the light of day, he/she has a desire for magic.


We are told this is an early fetish that fades away as the experience of the world sets in. As maturity evolves. As practical reality is better understood.


In most areas of psychology, sensible adjustment to practical reality is a great prize to be won by the patient. It marks the passage from child to adult. It is hailed as a therapeutic triumph.


In truth, the desire for magic never goes away, and the longer it is buried, the greater the price a person pays.


A vaccine against a disease can mask the visible signs of that disease, but under the surface, the immune system may be carrying on a low-level chronic war against toxic elements of the vaccine. And the effects of the war can manifest in odd forms.


So it is with the inoculation of reality aimed at suppressing magic.


One of the byproducts of the “reality shot” is depression.


The person feels cut off from the very feeling and urge he once considered a hallmark of life. Therefore, chronic sadness. And of course, one can explain that sadness in a variety of ways, none of which gets to the heart of the matter.


It is assumed that so-called primitive cultures placed magic front and center because they couldn’t do better. They couldn’t formulate a “true and rational” religion with a church and monks and collection plate and a European choir and an array of pedophiles. They couldn’t fathom what real science was.


Their impulse for magic had to be defamed and reduced and discredited. Why? Obviously, because the Westerners who were poking through ancient cultures like demented professors had already discredited magic in themselves—they had put it on a dusty shelf in a room in a cellar beyond the reach of their own memory. But they couldn’t leave it alone. They had to keep worrying it, scratching it, and so they journeyed thousands of miles to find it somewhere else—and then they scoffed at it.


And we wonder why, under the banner of organized religion, there has been so much killing. It’s because, at a deep level, the adherents know they’ve sold their souls and they’re depressed, angry, resentful, remorseful, and they want to assuage and expiate their guilt through violence.


The urge for magic is forever.


And yet the charade goes on. While paying homage and lip service to ordinary practical reality seasoned with a bit of fairy-tale organized religion, people actually want to change reality, they want to reveal their latent paranormal power, they want to get outside reality, they want to create realities that, by conventional standards, are deemed impossible.


They want to find and use their own magic.


In our modern culture, we’re taught that everything is learned as a system. That, you could say, is the underlying assumption of education. It has far-reaching consequences. It leads to the SYSTEMATIZING OF THE MIND. The mind is shaped to accommodate this premise.


If I want to know something, I have to learn it. Somebody has to teach it to me. They will teach it as a system. I will learn the system. I will elevate the very notion of systems. EVERYTHING WILL BE A SYSTEM.


In the long run, that’s a heavy loser. That’ll get you a lump of coal in a sock, a spiritual cardboard box to live in.


As I reconstruct the legend of Merlin, one of my favorite guys, I put him in my sights as the one who taught himself magic by abandoning all systems. That was his genius. Don’t misunderstand. He didn’t turn himself into a blithering idiot. He just stepped outside systems. He went down roads based on his own naked desire to make magic.


To modern man, this makes no sense.


The intellectual enrolls at Harvard, he studies anthropology for six years, he flies to a jungle in South America, he digs up remnants of a lost culture, he infers they performed arcane ceremonies six times a week, he writes monographs—and he concludes they were a very picturesque society with fascinating customs and totems, and their brand of magic can best be understood as an inevitable consequence of their matriarchal organization, which itself was an accommodation to rainfall levels.


The anthropologist takes two Paxil and goes off to teach a class on the meaning of ancient eyebrow trimming in Tierra Del Fuego.


The rocket of real magic is still on the launching pad. It’s waiting.


Last night, Wilmington police, aided by a SWAT team, invaded the house of John Q Jones. ‘We warned Mr. Jones,’ said Captain Frank Brock, ‘that he was still living his life enveloped by systems. We told him it was time for him to recognize his desire to make magic and begin that journey. Hopefully, our message got through.’”


Systems are wonderful things. They produce results. They take us into technological triumphs. They help us become more rational. But when they are overdone, when the mind itself becomes shaped like a system, it reaches a dead-end. Then the mind works against the unquenchable desire for magic. Then society is organized as a tighter and tighter system and turns into a madhouse.


And then people say, “Maybe machines can actually think and choose and decide. Maybe machines are alive. What would happen if we grafted computers on to our brains? It might be wonderful.”


People move in this direction after their own minds have been shaped, like putty, into systems. They don’t see much difference between themselves and machines.


When you have a world run by a million machine-systems, you encounter horrific problems. One of those problems stems from the fact that each system gets things a little bit wrong, each system is skewed to one side just a little bit—and when you add up all these little wrong bits, you get a real threat to basic survival; the whole ship of civilization is tilting dangerously in the water.


Far worse than that, the deep desire for magic in every individual is squelched. That’s the real problem. So the first order of business is the restoration of imagination, from which all magic flows. Imagination is sitting right there, always ready to go, waiting.


Imagination is saying, “The mind has been shaped into a system? I can undo that. I can liberate the mind and make it into an adventurous vessel. I can provide untold amounts of new energy.”


Life is waiting for imagination to revolutionize it down to its core.


Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.




by Jon Rappoport

May 11, 2012



Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, and creative action to audiences around the world.

Fukushima in the nuclear age

By Jon Rappoport

April 7, 2012

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Before I launch into this subject, I want to point out something about alternatives to nuclear, something that has been laughed off and passed off as absurd for many decades now. It’s all wrapped up in a defunct project called Passamaquoddy, in Maine, and it involves tidal power—the ability of changing tides to turn turbines for power—instead of using radioactive substances to produce steam that turns these turbines.

A tireless researcher named Andrea Silverthorne has pursued a deeper understanding of Passamaquoddy, and its connection to JFK, for a long time. You can find her article on it at:

Michael Collins at measured radiation levels in Santa Monica, CA, a few days ago and found, in mist samples, a 500% escalation above what is considered normal—as a result of the drift from Fukushima.

He also states that, at the San Onofre nuclear power plant, a few miles up the freeway from where we live in San Diego, there is a problem. The facility has been shut down for two months, after radioactive steam escaped through a leak in a tube.

According to Collins, many tubes there show signs of wear, and the officials at San Onofre have been ordered to fix them—but some of the tubes are new. They have been shaking and rubbing against each other and against other structures. No one is sure why. New equipment from Mitsubishi was recently installed at the plant—and the basic position of the officials at San Onofre was: we don’t need detailed inspection; we’re simply replacing the old with the new and there are no important changes being made. Collins states this is untrue. One change, among several, has been an alteration in the rate of water flow through the tubes.

Everything I’ve said so far in this article is nothing compared with what is going on in Japan at Fukushima. Nothing. For example, ABC News is now reporting a new leak of 12 tons of radioactive water from the nuclear plant.

What I’m hearing from Collins and others: one of the Fukushima buildings (unit #4) has a second floor where a pool of water containing many uranium rods is in danger of drying out or collapsing. And if that happens, we are looking at a global catastrophe the likes of which we’ve never seen.

This is way beyond “a sobering thought.”

Assuming this scenario is accurate, we are hearing, reading, and seeing virtually nothing about it via major media.

There are no easy fixes. To tackle the delicate job of repair on Fukushima unit 4 or the transport of its dangerous materials away from the site…I have not yet heard any straight-ahead solutions that are being touted enthusiastically. There has been some buttressing construction work on the second floor at unit 4; I don’t know how successful it will be, over the short or long term.

According to Collins, the company that runs Fukushima, TEPCO, is working their people five days a week, and they go home on the weekends, as if it’s business as usual.

He finds no evidence that a herculean effort is being made to solve the unit 4 problem.

(I’m fully aware, by the way, that environmental disasters can be used as a pretext for “clamping down tighter on the population.” I know all about this. I know about these ops.)

But if what is happening at Fukushima is as massive as I’m hearing it is, then finding the best way to fix it, if it can be fixed, is not only urgent, it’s imperative—without any gestures toward martial law or other criminal operations. There are still aftershocks from the earthquake in Japan (or some say the earthquake is really continuing), and this could be what brings down all that water and those fuel rods.

In addition to what I’ve mentioned and sketched about the situation at Fukushima, there are 4000 tons of radioactive waste stored there. This is not unusual, because where are they going to put it?

A member of the Union of Concerned Scientists has sent me the following email:

In 1997, Brookhaven [National Laboratory] released the attached report on spent fuel pool accidents at US reactors.

Tables 4.1 and 4.2 summarize the results for PWRs and BWRs, respectively. Fukushima Unit 4 is a BWR.

Table 4.2 Case 1H reported 138,000 latent cancer deaths out to 500 miles, 2,170 square miles of condemned land, and a total cost of $546 billion.

But Unit 4 [at Fukushima] did not have a full pool, as do most US BWRs.

Instead, Unit 4 essentially had only the last core in the spent fuel pool, which is Case 2H.

‘Only’ 86,400 latent cancer deaths with a total cost of ‘only’ $234 billion.

End email.


I have read estimates of death and damage that are much more severe and much less severe. Naturally, a great deal revolves around how you project numbers of future cancer cases.

Now, here is a comment emailed to me by Dr. Helen Caldicott, who has been a passionate and outspoken opponent of nuclear power for many years. Dr. Caldicott voices warnings and predictions that some have called far too extreme. For others, she is one of the central heroes in the struggle for a safer world.

Jon, yes it [unit 4 at Fukushima] has over 1000 fresh fuel rods straight out of the no 4 reactor and the building is fragile because of the earthquake, if there was another quake and the building collapsed the Japanese government is saying that Tokyo would have to be evacuated – 30 million people, and the rest of the northern hemisphere would be seriously impaired. Already Fukushima is 2.5 to 3 times worse in releases than Chernobyl and the NY Academy of Science report indicates that over one million have died in the first 25 years post Chernobyl!”

If you want a completely opposite view, you can visit Rod Adams, a pro-nuclear-power advocate, at Atomic Insights. Rod has written extensively, defending nuclear power plants, and in his view the dangers from leaks have been grossly overstated.

Again, one key lies in how you predict and project cancer as a result of radioactive emissions. In the past, I’ve interviewed people who stand on both sides of the question. Their assessments are miles apart.

Finally, here is an article from, the International Institute of Concern for Public Health, by Willi Nolan: Fatal Flaws: Unsolved Problems of Nuclear Reactors.”

December 1, 2011

Since the catastrophic accident at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant, independent investigations of safety issues are revealing more and more little-known facts about the unsolved dangers inherent to virtually all nuclear power plants in the world.

In Canada, Dr. Michel Duguay, of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering studies at Laval University, joined with public interest groups to share troubling scientific facts about problems that are intrinsic to all CANDU reactors. Duguay cites reports from staff at the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) about a design flaw in CANDU nuclear reactor cooling systems, which can, with loss of pressure while in operation, cause a chain of events to commence, including explosions on the scale experienced in Japan, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island.

Historical investigations have also revealed that the vast majority of nuclear reactors everywhere are operating with another fatal design flaw … the radioactive fuel is encased in a zirconium metal alloy.

Zirconium becomes explosive when in contact with air or steam. One of the potential causes of the generation of the highly explosive hydrogen gas during a nuclear power plant accident comes from the reaction of steam with the zirconium-alloy metal in reactor fuel delivery systems.

This concern was raised at least as early as 1975 by Dr. Earl A. Gulbransen ( 1909-1992), a professor in the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. Despite this evidence, all CANDU reactors still use fuel delivery systems that contain zirconium alloy. Fuel rods containing pellets of uranium fuel for CANDUs are assembled into “bundles” or cylinders or tubes which are inserted into the reactor’s calandria vessel. Both the fuel rods and bundles are made of “zircaloy” an alloy composed mainly of zirconium.

A “calandria tube” containing insulating CO2 gas (carbon dioxide) surrounds each fuel bundle for delivery into the reactor’s calandria vessel while a cooling system dissipates the heat to prevent hot particles from becoming overheated and causing the reactor to go critical, which could result in reactor meltdown. The CANDU is designed so that failed or leaking zirconium fuel bundles can be located and removed from the reactor core while in operation and reduce radiation fields in the primary operating systems.

However, because zirconium explodes when in contact with hydrogen (air), fuel bundles are always kept covered with water. As has already happened at Fukushima and Three Mile Island, loss of water from pools of “spent” radioactive fuel leads to spontaneous ignition of the zirconium alloy cladding. In response, explosions of hydrogen gas from the surrounding air, damage to fuel assemblies, release of radioactive materials, reactor criticality leading to a potential meltdown can follow. All CANDU installations in Canada store used fuel bundles on site.

In 1979, a list of nuclear plants around the world published the fact that almost all Light Water Reactors (LWR) are also affected by this flaw. The same source indicates that 85% of the nuclear power plants in the world are affected by this design flaw.

Earl A. Gulbransen: One of the potential causes of the generation of highly explosive hydrogen gas during a nuclear power plant accident comes from the reaction of steam with the zirconium-alloy metal cladding (or tubing) of the fuel rods that hold the uranium fuel pellets.”

Managing waste fuel bundles presents yet another set of problems. According to a November 2008 study by Gordon R. Thompson of the Institute for Resource and Security Studies, there are no published studies on the potential for an accidental release of radioactive material from spent fuel stored at a nuclear power plant employing a CANDU reactor.

In October 2011, plant operators at Point Lepreau, New Brunswick, announced the installation of a passive hydrogen capture system to prevent possible hydrogen explosions in the reactor. No such measures were announced for its waste management facility. It is noteworthy that, because operators are relying on simulations to test potential for explosions, there is no way to obtain certainty about either the safety of this measure in real life situations, or the validity of software simulations under changing conditions, such as life extension projects for aging reactors.

Until Fukushima, science has not focused adequately on worst-case nuclear accident scenarios. There is no agreement on what exactly can or has or will happen in nuclear accidents or on the plans of action needed to protect populations from harm. Many hydrogen explosions have been reported at Fukushima; there is at least some growing consensus that loss of containment of used and unused reactor fuel assemblies are the cause of at least some of these explosions.

Governments regulators on both sides of the U.S.-Canada border, although mandated to protect public health and the environment, are under fire for rubber stamping operator licenses and not paying enough attention to ensure that regulations to avoid severe accidents are enforced. Although the U.S. National Academy of Sciences has determined that there is no safe level of exposure to ionizing radiation, regulators have in fact increased allowable levels of radiation for workers and the public while minimizing actual risks to health and safety. IICPH continues to note that independent medical opinion is missing from regulatory oversight of nuclear plant licence applications.

The states of New York and Vermont have both won successful rulings in lawsuits against the Nuclear Safety Commission (NRC) and reactor operator Entergy. These historic legal precedents demonstrate that the NRC violated regulations by allowing the nuclear plants to continue to operate without requiring complete assessments for environmental protection and safety in the case of severe accidents.

It is time for nuclear operators, proponents and the industry itself to admit that, whether through “acceptable” or accidental releases and exposure to the public or measures to mitigate severe harm and widespread damage, nuclear power plants will never guarantee public safety or complete control of radioactive materials.

Perhaps it is some comfort that, at the inception of the age of nuclear power, they were only designed to last forty years. That time has passed. Humanity must now learn wise use of energy. Conservation and efficiency must replace the practice of wasting precious energy resources. Economies and industries based on dirty energy generation must be replaced.

Fortunately, this trend has already begun, with strategies that combine wise energy use with renewable resources. We hope that it is not too late to alter our individual and collective ecological footprints to ensure the survival and well being of humanity.

End article.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at



FEBRUARY 28, 2012. Every large civilization eventually prefers robots to people. It’s question of management and organization.

What is the most efficient way to move pieces around on the board?

Of course, this presupposes that the major decisions are coming from the top. Well, in a huge organization, where else would they flow from?

It doesn’t matter whether the president, chief, CEO, leader presents himself as a hawk or a dove. He assumes wide-ranging personal freedom is a disposable commodity. It can be shaped and re-fitted and cut down. Freedom isn’t important. What’s important is the model. The structure. The lines of command.

At the same time, the people are attached to visions and dreams of freedom, so they must be pacified with rhetoric. But after a certain point, even fragrant lies aren’t going to carry the day. So the emphasis has to shift to The Group. The We. The all-encompassing collective. Expressed as an ideal, a quasi-religious notion. A goal.

As if everybody has always known that the “I” is a minor theme in the symphony of “We.”

And this plays well for all the people who have no clear-cut sense of themselves as individuals. They see no problem, because they have already sacrificed themselves on the altar of some collective. They like this tune of “We.” It makes them feel comfortable. It allows them to ignore any nagging remnants of memory, wherein they were strong individuals.

And remember, the promoted “We” is a con. It isn’t real. It’s a device, a strategy to bring populations into line, inside the structure.

Yet, even among those independent individualists who can maintain their awareness, there are frustrations and confusions. Where is the power? Where is the transcendent ability to thrive in the midst of the herd?

Where is the magic?

Free, strong, and powerful” work up to a point, but what happens when one feels he’s drilling at a steel wall a mile thick?

Answer: the same thing that would happen if a person tried to run on one leg.

If he had forgotten he has two.

And this forgotten quality is that much maligned thing called imagination.

Often comprehended in the abstract; sometimes deployed for moments here and there; but rarely used with enough intensity long enough to surmount consensus reality.

People offer a litany of excuses for “misplacing their imagination.”

It all boils down to this: “I’ve bought consensus reality lock, stock, and barrel, and now I want to use my imagination while remaining a dues-paying member of the comfortable consensus.”

Jack True, the brilliant hypnotherapist I interview 40 times in my new collection, The Matrix Revealed, used to call this bind “the ant and the honey.”

The ant loves the honey. It’s spread out all over the ground in large pools. The ant keeps going at it, and sooner or later he begins to believe the supply is endless. He begins to become bored as well, but he can’t think of what else to do. The honey is there. He likes honey. He senses he has some capacity that will allow him to “get past” it, but he can’t quite grasp what it is. He also feels that, if he gives up the honey, he’ll suffer. He’ll be cut off. He’ll have nothing. He’ll discover he’s nothing without his addiction. After weeks or months, he feels ill. His health is deteriorating. But he assumes this is just the price he has to pay to live among the pools of honey. It’s the way life is…

For the past 50 years, I’ve been embarked on a path of research whose purpose is increasing the range and power of imagination.

Consensus reality is, more and more, a worn-out stage play. It revisits the same territory, over and over.

You could call it the universal conspiracy. Why? Because it takes widespread participation to maintain the illusion.

Imagination is the faculty that can and does breathe new life into the actions of the individual and the world.

Not as a one-time shot in the arm; not as a one-time effort at manifestation; not as a piece of vague wishful rumination. Instead, imagination as the fuel and the engine and the compass, the central energy.

And then, there is enough magic.

Then life takes off and the work to reach new horizons means something, because you’re inventing those horizons.

Jon Rappoport

Jon is the author of a new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED.





by Jon Rappoport

February 14, 2012


Consider any action you would call paranormal.


For instance:


In this average/normal/conventional/consensus-bound/lowest-common-denominator civilization, the idea that you can actually project energy across space without the use of machines or technology is viewed as impossible, fanciful, and meaningless.


Which is why we live in a society that is, increasingly, ruled by technology.


It’s also why we’re moving closer to the time when people will submit themselves wholly to technology.


People tend to assume the following: they can think about energy; they can study energy equations; they can help design or build machines that produce energy; they can rely on the automatic energy systems of the body—–but actually taking energy and PROJECTING it across space? Out of the question.


Well, it isn’t out of the question.


If you project energy across space (a so-called paranormal action), you’re exercising a capability you were built to exhibit. AND IN DOING SO, YOUR MIND TAKES ON A NEW ASPECT THAT WAS HIDING IN THE SHADOWS.


Your mind becomes healthier. It begins to shake off debris. It gains new strength. It is no longer constrained think solely in terms of what it can accomplish within the rules and setting of the continuum.


To put this another way, the adaptation of your mind to the constraints of the continuum is AN ARTIFICAL SITUATION.


When the mind becomes healthier, the body tends to follow. The cells of the body are waiting to be enlisted in functions and processes and actions that exceed the conventional boundaries of space, time, and energy, and when that happens, new types of energy circulate in the body, increasing its health.


Fifteen years ago, I interviewed people who had taken part in paranormal lab experiments, people who had scored exceptionally well and demonstrated abilities that aren’t supposed to exist.


One test involved the distribution of balls sent out of a funnel at the top of a large case. The balls would fall and settle into holes in a board. Drawing a vertical line down the center of the case, statistical probability dictates that about half the balls will fall into holes to the left of that line, and half to the right. The volunteer, positioned in front of the case, tries to influence probability with his mind and send more balls to the right or left.


One star volunteer I interviewed had obviously exceeded the expected 50-50 split. I asked him how he did it.


He said, “In the past, I tried meditating quietly on a chosen outcome. Then I tried visualizing the end result I wanted. Those [strategies] didn’t work for me. So I started sending energy directly at the case, to push the balls to one side as they came out of the funnel. It worked.”


One of the (false) assumptions of matrix reality is that this is impossible. Humans can’t project energy across space and alter the flow of events. Humans don’t have that power.


But they do.


It’s interesting to talk to psychologists about this. Several of them told me that, if such a thing were possible, it would raise all sorts of moral questions. Suppose, for example, a person used his power to control others? It would be dangerous.


Well, this precisely mirrors the kind of matrix-thinking that people engage in to stop themselves from exceeding the rules of the continuum. Better to be weak, better for everyone to be weak.


Think about various institutions humans and human elites have invented to run their societies, and how those institutions encourage dependence (weakness).


Power? Let us take care of that for you. We know how to use it judiciously. If you had it, you might do something harmful. We’re the experts. We can exercise restraint. We can keep everybody functioning at more or less the same level. We can define the limits of freedom. We promote ideas [myths] that benefit everyone…”


Really? How well has that been working out? In the course of human history, how many thousands of wars have people suffered through under the control of their leaders?


Fifty years ago, when I started painting in New York, I experienced a great deal of paranormal activity, and without thinking about it much, I began, in various ways, to project energy. A few decades later, I developed energy-projection exercises (see my audio seminars, Mind Control, Mind Freedom, and The Transformations, as well as The Matrix Revealed). Many people have used the exercises with benefit.


One side effect: you begin to realize, through first-hand experience, that you actually invent energy. You aren’t simply borrowing it or redirecting it from a place where it already exists.


If you care to think about that, you’ll see far-reaching implications. For instance, we aren’t really living in a world or universe where all the energy there is a given. That’s not the way it works. The assumption that energy can’t be gained or lost is false. In physics, when you operate at a simplistic level, the conservation of energy is a useful principle, but once you exit that level, the basic premise no longer applies. It shatters.


Jon Rappoport

Case Against The Magician

by Jon Rappoport

January 21, 2012

As some of you know, until last spring I was a professor of literature at Princemouth College, on the rim of the Milky Way, at which time I was fired for “reckless behavior.” When charges were brought against me by the College Integrity Commission, I was told by the Dean of Behavior:


Violations of the College Code have been observed and verified. We aren’t at liberty to name those violations, because they might multiply the effects of your actions.”


Without the ability, therefore, to defend myself, I had no recourse.


But now, through the efforts of former students, the charges have been exposed. I am grateful for their help.


On the afternoon of April 12, in the Grove, on the east edge of campus, I performed a magic trick for several dozen sophomores who were meeting to discuss a proposed tuition hike.


I held out my hand and made an apple appear.


Later that day, one student told the Dean I had frightened him. He claimed there was no way I could have produced the apple through “stage trickery.” He stated I had actually “manifested” the apple. And this he found upsetting.


In a subsequent note he wrote to the president of the College, he reasoned: “If the Professor could do that (make the apple appear), then all current laws of motion and energy are suspended, and if this is possible, then what other unpredictable irregularities might I encounter here on campus? I came to the College to study science. Now, I am afraid. I have disturbing dreams at night. I’ve sought help at the campus clinic. I have been prescribed medication, and I’m receiving therapy three times a week. Frankly, my life is a shambles. My religious values have been shaken.”


On that basis, I was charged, found guilty, and expelled from my job.


Before I left for Earth, I was harassed by reporters who wanted to know whether I had broken the College Codes of Restricted Speech.


Now I live in San Diego, beyond the reach of College authorities.


And I can tell you:


I did, in fact, materialize the apple out of nothing.


I’m freely admitting this, because I want to discover whether it disturbs people sufficiently to make me conclude that your society, too, is living in a Dark Age.


If the answer turns out to be yes, I will make a stand, because the prospect of emigrating again is deeply unpleasant. And when I say make a stand, I mean I will perform other “tricks.”


But this time, I’ll do more than simply conjure an apple in my hand. I’ll erect an unbreakable psychological shield around the 1st Amendment, and I believe this action will bring about a state of chaos in many of your sacred institutions.


I’ll also render visible a hole in space that already exists above the planet, at an altitude of 60 miles, where energy is pouring in from another universe. When that happens, and when its implications are digested, many scientists will see a way to channel and utilize this energy to replace your older inadequate forms of fuel.


That, too, will engender chaos.


Fed up with blindness and insanity, I’ll step out of the shadows and declare my independence.


When in the course of events, it becomes necessary to resign from “the old world,” it is best done in spectacular style, and with maximum impact.


There are further “tricks” coming. What if, for example, every person who currently is weaving a false story to convince others he is a chronic victim is suddenly and simultaneously exposed? What if his tale is instantly and widely perceived as a fraud, despite all protestations to the contrary? I assure you, such a revelation is possible. The bell hanging from the cat’s neck will ring.


Suppose I show a few hundred million fundamentalists of various stripes the god they have been worshiping all their lives does not exist, but was invented, long ago, by cynical priests?


Suppose millions of soldiers from dozens of nations suddenly understand they have been killing people for no reason?


Suppose, at the flick of a switch, hundreds of thousands of criminals and thugs begin confessing their crimes?


And if craven liars, who are self-appointed leaders of various groups, are viewed, from a correct angle, as panderers and sellers of hatred and poisonous divisiveness, what then?


I assure you, all this is as possible as snow falling on a winter afternoon.


These days, in order to watch and experience a faded imitation of such feats, you file into dark theaters and feel your adrenaline move and your brain graduate into a higher gear, as superhuman heroes enact justice.


Tomorrow, you will see it for real.


If, however, I am left alone to be what I fully am, then I will leave you alone. I will allow you to play out your dramas on a stage of your own choosing.


I have made no investment in your consensus. I haven’t walked in your shoes; nor do I care to.


I can tolerate you. I’m not sure whether you can tolerate me.


But all will be revealed soon enough.


There is nothing in the universe, or beyond it, that legislates we should all be the same. That may come as a shock to some of you—but I fully understand your “egalitarian attitude” is something you’ve invented to comfort you in a false haven.


This statement is my own declaration of independence.


Let the chips fall where they may.


My journey began on the afternoon I invented an apple out of nothing. But notice I didn’t follow through, as your oppressors did, by adding the garden and the tree and the snake and the guilt. I merely performed a trick. That’s the naked power that’s concealed behind the religions so many of you accept.


Which is probably why I’ll have to do more tricks. Because, while you elevate religion, you don’t like magic.


Oh…wait a minute. What was I saying? Ha-ha, it was only a joke. I went off there for a minute. I didn’t do any magic. Of course, we’re all small people living in a big world and we have to bow down to our superiors and submit to mysteries we’ll never understand. That’s the human condition. We have to make the best of it. We’re all in the same boat. Ha—I went nuts there for a minute. Don’t do anything that might possibly offend anyone else. Don’t stand out. Get along. My hopes and prayers are with you…

Jon Rappoport

For information concerning the upcoming March Magic Theater workshop in San Diego, contact me at:






by Jon Rappoport

Copyright © 2011 by Jon Rappoport



The decay of society can be traced to missed opportunities of imagination:


great projects and enterprises, born in imagination, but left on the drawing board.


Instead energies have been poured into programs that seek to cure a passivity which can, in the long run, only be alleviated by internally driven inspiration.


However you wish to diagram the course of civilization, the line eventually returns to this creative force: it is there or it is isn’t.


Technology, for example, points toward the stars. Whether we go depends on how we feel about the prospect of endless exploration. And how we feel comes back to the condition of our own imaginations.


Most people don’t care to take this long view. They prefer to search out comfortable niches for themselves and shield their minds from larger possibilities.


Reinvigoration falls to leaders. What are their visions, priorities, and ambitions? If they are reduced to promoting empty goals merely to stabilize their own positions, then the decay will continue.


Competing groups will attempt to siphon money and support from an establishment they profess to hate. All sorts of sour ironies will develop. While waving flags of various causes and claiming the highest ideals, people will work, undercover, for their own primacy.


At bottom, the principle is this: once people see how imagination in action can lead us to a new platform of existence in this world, they will respond. They will recognize the thrill of the New.


The basis for everything I’m mentioning here is the individual, and what the individual is willing to conceive.


Whether in the home, in school, in the workplace, in the media, if individuals are shown that the human race is drastically limited in what it can reasonably hope for, then there is no launching pad for a future of dreams.


Again, the very notion of limitation means: no imagination.


Ultimately, restricted limits aren’t based on boundaries of realistic expectations; they are based on what is failing to happen in the minds of individuals.


That is where it starts, or ends.


How do you choose?


What is your life all about?


Many years ago, I had several conversations with a renowned psychologist. He explained to me that the function of therapy was to restore a person’s ability to live within the framework of established society.


To fit in? I asked him.


Yes, he said. Any serious deviation from that norm was a clear sign of neurosis. To repair it was the goal.


He assured me that mental health was equivalent to “finding a place in the established order of things,” and it was this discovery that gave us a key to the future.


So, I said, everyone should be the same?


The same in his own way, he said.


At the time, I was astounded at this enormous piece of sophistry.


As time passed, I saw that his agenda was proceeding in much wider terms. But I always came back to the individual, because I never believed that external deception was sufficient to render people into a passive state.


There was, and is, always the possibility of a breakout. The individual can take back his own life, and he can take back his imagination, which exceeds by light years the territory of “normalcy.”


When imagination is left out of the formula of psychology, all resolutions of problems circle the drain and become debilitating roles in a play that shrinks in each succeeding scene and act—until finally a person is reduced to taking mechanical actions in a mechanical landscape.


We have never had a real philosophy of imagination.


In many articles, books, and lectures, I have made it my job to supply one.


–This is the final article in the Coaching the Coaches series. For now.



Jon Rappoport

A former candidate for a US Congressional seat in California, Jon has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years. He has written articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. The author of The Ownership of All Life, Jon has maintained a consulting practice for the past 15 years. He has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, and creativity to audiences around the world.




by Jon Rappoport

Copyright © 2011 by Jon Rappoport

We’ve all experienced wrestling with a problem.

We attack it from many sides and it doesn’t go away.

We begin to think it can’t be solved, that we just can’t get past the obstacles. Other people are born to transcend the problem, but we aren’t. We’re fated to live with the stone around our necks.

But the problem has its own spaces and energies and boundaries and limitations—a complex architecture. In order for the problem to be resolved or defeated, we have to EXCEED that architecture. If we don’t, we just (literally) go from pillar to post and increase our level of frustration.

Think of it this way. A major problem is like a few square city blocks wrapped in fog. We can see the outlines of certain buildings, we can see a certain amount of space, we can view a certain number of pedestrians and drivers. This is not entirely unfamiliar territory. In fact, some places in those blocks are very familiar. We’ve walked the ground many times before.

We try to re-navigate the whole area again, one more time, to see if we can pick up clues we’ve missed. We try to arm ourselves with new approaches. Maybe if we walk over THERE first and look from that vantage point, maybe if we take an elevator inside THAT building, we can rise to a new height and see the area with a different perspective. Maybe if we sit in a parked car and watch the street…

It doesn’t work.

It doesn’t work because, in a sense, we’re playing a role that is built to have the problem and keep having the problem. This role has its own spaces and energies and structures and ideas.

So we need to…play other roles. We need to loosen up the prevailing architecture.

Which is exactly what happens in the Magic Theater.

There is no rote formula that instructs what roles to play. But the direction is clear.

Okay, you play your problem. You speak AS the problem. I’ll play a person who has transcended the problem. We’ll talk. Then we’ll switch roles.”

Okay, you play a magician who can dissolve the problem with a wave of his hand. I’ll play a person who doesn’t believe magic exists.”

You play a miser. I’ll play a playboy millionaire jet-setter.”

You play a government official whose job it is to pay me for having the problem. I’ll play the person with the problem.”

You play someone who solved the problem by committing a crime. I’ll play the prosecutor who is trying you for the crime.”

You play a victim who makes a career out of having the problem. I’ll play the actual solution to the problem.”

You play Unlimited Energy. I’ll play A Deficit of Energy.”

You play The Money That Could Solve The Problem. I’ll play a thief.”

You play a relative who doesn’t want you to solve the problem. I’ll play you.”

And so forth and so on.

Attacking it from many sides.

Walls crumble and go down. New light comes in. Energies flow and become available.

We all live to some degree embedded in problem-consciousness. Which means we see problems all over the place and we try to solve them by taking straight-line actions. Sometimes we succeed, but a few big problems remain, and as we increase our efforts to deal with these big ones, we become locked in tighter in our roles and, therefore, less able to bring about resolutions. Stress accumulates, the physical consequences of which multiply, distracting us. We try harder, but when the big problems just sit there, we can summon less energy. We become more passive.

The Magic Theater is an innovation that can take us beyond this pattern.

We’re no longer the actor who is playing the same role every night in a long-running drama that has the same ending. We’re trying on many new roles, and this becomes a revelation.

The problem no longer looks and feels the way it did. The fog lifts.

Jon Rappoport

A former candidate for a US Congressional seat in California, Jon has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years. He has written articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. The author of The Ownership of All Life, Jon has maintained a consulting practice for the past 15 years. He has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, and creativity to audiences around the world.