FEBRUARY 28, 2012. Every large civilization eventually prefers robots to people. It’s question of management and organization.

What is the most efficient way to move pieces around on the board?

Of course, this presupposes that the major decisions are coming from the top. Well, in a huge organization, where else would they flow from?

It doesn’t matter whether the president, chief, CEO, leader presents himself as a hawk or a dove. He assumes wide-ranging personal freedom is a disposable commodity. It can be shaped and re-fitted and cut down. Freedom isn’t important. What’s important is the model. The structure. The lines of command.

At the same time, the people are attached to visions and dreams of freedom, so they must be pacified with rhetoric. But after a certain point, even fragrant lies aren’t going to carry the day. So the emphasis has to shift to The Group. The We. The all-encompassing collective. Expressed as an ideal, a quasi-religious notion. A goal.

As if everybody has always known that the “I” is a minor theme in the symphony of “We.”

And this plays well for all the people who have no clear-cut sense of themselves as individuals. They see no problem, because they have already sacrificed themselves on the altar of some collective. They like this tune of “We.” It makes them feel comfortable. It allows them to ignore any nagging remnants of memory, wherein they were strong individuals.

And remember, the promoted “We” is a con. It isn’t real. It’s a device, a strategy to bring populations into line, inside the structure.

Yet, even among those independent individualists who can maintain their awareness, there are frustrations and confusions. Where is the power? Where is the transcendent ability to thrive in the midst of the herd?

Where is the magic?

Free, strong, and powerful” work up to a point, but what happens when one feels he’s drilling at a steel wall a mile thick?

Answer: the same thing that would happen if a person tried to run on one leg.

If he had forgotten he has two.

And this forgotten quality is that much maligned thing called imagination.

Often comprehended in the abstract; sometimes deployed for moments here and there; but rarely used with enough intensity long enough to surmount consensus reality.

People offer a litany of excuses for “misplacing their imagination.”

It all boils down to this: “I’ve bought consensus reality lock, stock, and barrel, and now I want to use my imagination while remaining a dues-paying member of the comfortable consensus.”

Jack True, the brilliant hypnotherapist I interview 40 times in my new collection, The Matrix Revealed, used to call this bind “the ant and the honey.”

The ant loves the honey. It’s spread out all over the ground in large pools. The ant keeps going at it, and sooner or later he begins to believe the supply is endless. He begins to become bored as well, but he can’t think of what else to do. The honey is there. He likes honey. He senses he has some capacity that will allow him to “get past” it, but he can’t quite grasp what it is. He also feels that, if he gives up the honey, he’ll suffer. He’ll be cut off. He’ll have nothing. He’ll discover he’s nothing without his addiction. After weeks or months, he feels ill. His health is deteriorating. But he assumes this is just the price he has to pay to live among the pools of honey. It’s the way life is…

For the past 50 years, I’ve been embarked on a path of research whose purpose is increasing the range and power of imagination.

Consensus reality is, more and more, a worn-out stage play. It revisits the same territory, over and over.

You could call it the universal conspiracy. Why? Because it takes widespread participation to maintain the illusion.

Imagination is the faculty that can and does breathe new life into the actions of the individual and the world.

Not as a one-time shot in the arm; not as a one-time effort at manifestation; not as a piece of vague wishful rumination. Instead, imagination as the fuel and the engine and the compass, the central energy.

And then, there is enough magic.

Then life takes off and the work to reach new horizons means something, because you’re inventing those horizons.

Jon Rappoport

Jon is the author of a new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED.