It’s the poets who destroy the old order

It’s the poets who destroy the old order

by Jon Rappoport

August 19, 2013

[Poetry] should strike the Reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts, and appear almost as a Remembrance…” (John Keats)

And then your life, the life you are telling me about, becomes a short story that had force only because it was viewed from a particular slant, your slant, which you found within the one language you speak…” (The Magician Awakes)

The greatest sum is no sum at all. It isn’t the addition of facts or numbers. It’s the willingness, for a little while at first, to suspend judgment and consider there are mythic qualities in existence that come from us…myths greater than machines…and in order to give voice to the myths we need to go where poets go. We need to go there badly. For our own sake, we have to put that peculiar precision that splits a tiny particle into smaller and smaller pieces on the shelf for a little while…” (The Magician Awakes)

Call this an article of faith.

These days, people are rightly concerned about spying, snooping, tracking, hacking, profiling. The battle of privacy versus intrusion. The systems that look at other systems.

And at the same time, the people who are spying and tracking are trying to hide their own secrets. They’re doing double duty. Just off the top of your head, what would you think of a person who was doing everything he could to assemble the particulars of your life while he was concealing the details of his?

And suppose his wealth and access were, say, a few hundred billion times greater than yours?

What kind of language is involved in all this computer spying and counter-spying and protection? You don’t have to be an expert to see it’s the language of the machine. It’s certainly elegant in many respects, and it’s delineated in fine, very fine, and extra-fine shavings of detail. The Trojan Horse is now algorithmic.

The people who enter and work in that universe are committed to a meticulous process of move and counter-move. Programs above other programs. Look-ins which are processing the strategies of other look-ins.

I’m interested in all this because the past, present, and future of language is involved. A civilization, to a significant extent, rides on what happens to words—not as detached entities, but as the expression of what we invent ourselves to be.

It does not need that a poem should be long. Every word was once a poem.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

These aren’t minor matters. Imagine what victory in a war means when the survivors, on both sides, emerge with battered minds, bodies, and souls. The experience of war makes them see the future in different terms.

If freedom is placed in a modern context of privacy vs. no-privacy, the war is going to embroil us in a language of the machine. We’re going to touch that language, rub up against it in one way or another, use it, oppose some piece of it with another piece of it.

Children are going to grow up learning it and swimming in it and its effects.

In that way, the creeks and streams and rivers and oceans of machine interaction are going to power human thinking.

…it is difficult to get the news from poems yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there…” (William Carlos Williams)

Here’s a strange example. People will take a paragraph out of an author’s novel, extract every key word, and track down their possible references—and then try to reconstitute the paragraph as if it were lines of secret code. They’ll rebuild it by welding together those references.

Because mathematics consists of symbol-manipulation, and the symbols have very specific and tight meanings, there is a growing tendency to assume all language works this way.

But of course, it doesn’t.

Poetry doesn’t. So the poet, who was already on the far edge of credibility, is reintroduced as a symbol maker, a mathematician slipping a coded revolution into the matrix.

That might make an entertaining science fiction novel, but it has nothing to do with the energy or intent of a poem.

Poets may be unearthing hidden treasure, but the spoils of their war are everything mathematics isn’t. Every great poet destroys the old order. It’s for the reader to discover and see that, if he can.

The old order, which is always and forever fascism dressed up as “greatest good,” keeps resurfacing in the same pool of decay.

It’s the poets who know how to climb down into the muck and also fly above it, waking the dead parts of the psyche.

Whoever rules these dead, and how, with what tricks and subterfuge, the royal purpose remains constant: the rejection of poetic consciousness that can fully restore the human being to the life that is his.

Poetry does more than reorder reality. It reconstitutes it from the beginning, from the first line on the page of the future.

Society, as it has been shaped, is the sum of illusions that prevent the individual from hearing the first line, even as it echoes in his mind.

This repression is a cooperative exchange in the marketplace. The individual agrees to deafen himself, in order to placate inner forces he fears. Forces that ultimately don’t exist. The whole operation is a chimera.

It’s the poets who destroy the old order.

Time let me hail and climb, Golden in the heydays of his eyes. And honoured among wagons, I was prince of the apple towns, And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves Trail with daisies and barley Down the rivers of the windfall light.”

Let us go then, you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky Like a patient etherized upon a table…”

These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis…”

These aren’t instructions or code or habits to be performed, or political improvements. They’re grand intrusions on the commonplace labyrinth. They come in at an angle and explode.

As the consciousness of these things dwindles in the era of the machine and all its complications, as the matrix expands to include language-calculations designed to describe what the individual is and isn’t, a sea of geometry forms the illusion of progress.

Caught in nests of such symbolic relation, we wait, “till human voices wake us and we drown.”

The drowning comes because the voices are speaking and singing in a key that is one small mathematical preoccupation in the infinite spectrum of imagination.

To the extent the poet is merely taken to be crazy, doom is settling like a shroud around our shoulders.

…the willingness to give the response to the heroic…gets weaker and weaker in every democracy, as time goes on. Then men turn against the heroic appeal, with a sort of venom. They will only listen to the call of mediocrity wielding the insentient bullying power of mediocrity: which is evil.” (DH Lawrence)

But poets always come. They see doom and they use it as fuel for a new fire that ends one epoch and begins another. Who hears them? That is always the open question. We are already living in a new time, if we would recognize it.

Poetry is the mother tongue of the human race.” (Johann Georg Hamann)

[Poetry:] Thoughts that breathe, and words that burn.” (Thomas Gray)

Imagine there were a million new and unknown languages waiting to be discovered. These tongues wouldn’t make things simpler. They wouldn’t make machines run more smoothly. They would wake us up to new sensations, feelings, exaltations. They would lead us into worlds that had remained in the shadows because we had no way to express our perception of them. They would light up whole geographies of our consciousness that had been dormant. Every compromise with reality would be exposed as a blatant enormous lie.

Every “thought-machine” would crumble. The absurdity of building bigger and bigger organizations as the grand solution to conflict would reveal itself so clearly, even android-humans would see it and wake up from their trance.

The dim apprehension of what is called “paranormal” would blow up and become part of every-day experience. But most of all, our aesthetic sense would expand in every direction, and we would be able to see how rock-bottom consensus reality is merely a fragment of material for making poetry.

Exit From the Matrix

Here’s an excerpt from my unfinished manuscript, The Magician Awakes:

You sit there and tell me about your life, but after a while it occurs to me you’re talking in a blind language. You’re moving above other words you don’t give voice to. There’s another language running in your head, a language you haven’t found yet. It’s there, but you don’t want to look at it.

You vaguely think, from time to time, it might be in Nature. You might find it there. But Nature is just one part of that expression. If the existence of Nature is so clear to you, consider that there are thousands of other Natures. And each one has a language that unlocks it and spreads it out in a different space and time.

Would you rather pull back in and settle on the words you use every day? Would you rather become an expert in those words, a king of those words, a ruler in that small place? Is that the beginning and end of what you want and where you’re going? Is that all the human race is capable of?

Because if it is, then we can end this discussion and all discussions. We can please ourselves with what we have. We can dodge and duck. We can inject ourselves with that ‘satisfaction drug’ and say there’s nothing else to do.

But suppose these thousands of unknown languages, which no people on earth speak, are sitting like gigantic clouds and then moving slowly through our minds. Suppose each one of those languages can wake us up to new KINDS of experience—experience we perhaps once had but lost.

And then your life, the life you are telling me about, becomes a short story that had force only because it was viewed from a particular slant, your slant, which you found within the one language you speak. Do you see?

You’re battling within that one language and you’re finding your story in it. You’ve achieved something. I’m not asking you to throw it away by the side of the road. I’m suggesting that this same life can be told from thousands of angles in other languages, and those tongues are much different, much wider, and through them you see a far bigger life…and you can’t then avoid it, you can’t go back, you don’t want to avoid it…”

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Why must art imitate reality?

Why must art imitate reality?

By Jon Rappoport

August 17, 2013

Well, of course, it doesn’t have to, but that’s what most people are looking for. An imitation of reality.

Surrealism, for example, is crazy by conventional standards. Which is its whole point: who set up the conventional standards?

Once you open up that question, all bets are off.

What happens if I write a short play in which Edward Snowden is a dictator in a police state, and the NSA are revolutionaries battling for freedom?

Is that stage play “illegal?” Could reversing roles actually indict the NSA to a greater degree and make its crimes more vivid?

No! You’re twisting everything! Stick to the facts! You’re soiling the reputation of Edward Snowden!”

Is that what I’m doing? Of course not. But “the reality people” are offended.

The notion that inversion or metaphor could be more powerful than fact is impossible for them to conceive.

Satire? Never heard of it.

The truth is, in every person there is a force of imagination waiting to make a prison break. That force feels great joy in overturning reality. But most people lock it up behind bars. And having locked it up, they don’t want to be reminded of it.

Art reminds them.

Art is a thorn.

Don’t bother me. I’m accepting reality. I’m a loyal foot-soldier in the army of What Is.”

Such a person is conning himself, but he doesn’t want to think about it. He doesn’t want to think about it at all. But a child does. A child is ready to stage little improvisational plays at the drop of a hat. New roles, new stories. For him, reality is soft and elastic.

A child is prepared to torpedo any consensus in the service of inventing something spontaneous.

Eventually, he learns this a taboo. It isn’t part of the adult universe. If he’s going to use his imagination at all, it must be for the purpose of strengthening What Is.

His parents and teachers are there to help him with this effort.

But somewhere down deep, they all know this is collaborating with the enemy. It’s betraying the core of consciousness.

Exit From the Matrix

Awareness is only one part of consciousness. The greater part is imagination/creation. It needs no factual foundation. It needs no sanction.

Art makes realities, worlds, universes. In doing so, it jettisons rules. It makes up its own rules, or dispenses with rules altogether.

If more artists understood this, if more people became artists, society would undergo a remarkable transformation. It wouldn’t turn into a new consensus; it would evolve into millions of side-by-side original creations. What that would look like, how it would operate, is unknown. We’ve never seen a society like that on planet Earth.

But there would be no more need for war.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Why people fear art

Why people fear art

by Jon Rappoport

August 10, 2013

When I say art, I don’t mean movies in which alien machines attack shopping malls.

Remember novels, poems, plays, paintings?


In the last 20 years, more and more people have become obsessed with Pattern. Finding it in events, information, energy, everything.

Obvious Pattern, hidden Pattern, secret Pattern, symbolic Pattern.

On top of that, governments search for patterns in their trillions of pieces of surveilled data.

The discovery, for example, that a flower and snail and a galaxy reveal identical mathematics is taken to indicate something sacred. Only a decline in IQ can explain such a conclusion.

One may as well fall into a worshipful trance because windows, tables, and moving vans reveal rectangles.

Art, however, isn’t based on pattern. And that becomes a problem. It stops the puerile mind in its tracks.

College literature professors deconstruct novels into “political power relationships based on oppression.” Never mind what the author was actually doing. The professors will make proper corrections. They’ll tune up their students to see Marx’s critique of capitalism in everything from Kafka’s Metamorphosis to War and Peace to Hamlet.


But art refutes pattern. It drops it by the side of the road. It communicates something far more complex, something that has no easy label.

People try to put art through a meat grinder of one fundamentalism or another.

Maybe they’d like to try that with the subject of love. They’d arrive at the same dead-end.

If all art has a message, it’s this: manipulation/control is a thief in the night; it steals life-force from everything it touches; without it, life and consciousness rise to new levels, and this experience is the gateway into the great unpredictable unknown, which people yearn for.

The unknown. Frontier. Adventure. New ideas. The end of grinding boredom. Art.

Art destroys the lowest common denominator, and that act is now considered a sin, because governments and their allied corporate partners are dedicated, under the false flag of “humanity,” to creating a dead sea-level commonality for all. A welfare-state of the mind and soul.

Great painters like Velasquez and Gorky, great poets like Hart Crane and Yeats, can’t be translated down into simple terms. Neither can the human mind. Unless coercion and surrender are the best political ideas the human race can offer.

Exit From the Matrix

People fear art because they fear mystery that doesn’t resolve into solutions. They sense that art is describing a reality in which imagination triumphs and therefore dissolves the context of repetitive daily life.

People want endless repetition. It soothes them like a drug. It confirms their rigorous conviction that options are limited and the game is simple and small.

Shrunken individuals, shrunken thoughts, shrunken desires, shrunken joy, shrunken creation, shrunken satisfaction, shrunken perception. The modern lie: “we are all the same.”

Art refutes all that with a thunderbolt.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Freedom as a symbol, freedom as a reality

Freedom as a symbol and freedom as a reality

by Jon Rappoport

August 8, 2013

Either you think—or else others have to think for you and take power from you, pervert and discipline your natural tastes, civilize and sterilize you.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night (1934)

Remember the old saying, the map is not the territory? The map is especially not the territory when its directions and locations are symbols that refer to false paths.

In that case, using the map takes you to the wrong place. It keeps you moving toward an imitation of the destination. And when you arrive, you may think you’ve found the treasure, but you’ve actually discovered a trap.

And you’re in it. You can believe, even while in the trap, that you’ve found the gold. Because you did the right thing. You followed the symbols. You agreed to their meanings. But you ended up with an illusion of wealth.

Worse, you buy the illusion and now believe that what you originally sought was just a fantasy.

In this democracy, freedom is a symbol that refers to a specific set of permissions the government grants to individuals.

And even then, the actual list of permissions is shrinking—which means the government is arbitrarily redefining what was originally granted.

Freedom is situated in the hands of those who rule from Washington.

Arguing about how much freedom the government should allow is like arguing about the degree to which you are a property owned by government. 43%? 78%?

It’s also like calling you a time-share. Should government decide it can spend two weeks a year in your mind and body? A month? Eleven months?

The symbol of freedom, for those who love big government, is malleable, depending on the latest official (vague) description of “greatest good for the greatest number,” which automatically trumps all individual rights.

Hi. I’m a time-share named Joe. Today, I found out that the federal government can move in to my body & mind 24 days a month. That’s a new decision. I fully support it, because government is calculating greatest good for the greatest number.”

Accepting the symbol of freedom is tantamount to excluding all other formulations of freedom. That’s how a symbol co-opted by psyop agents works. It supplants older definitions. It replaces reality.

Exit From the Matrix

What is the reality? Freedom is a natural state of being. Every individual has it. Governments and pacts and laws don’t alter that one iota.

And when we look at it in this way, without blinders, several questions arise.

The major question is: what is freedom for?

Is it just a vine we watch wither away and dry up and blow into dust?

Is it only and forever something we fight to preserve?

Is that the full and complete story?

What do we DO with freedom when we HAVE it?

In any civilization, freedom has to be a platform, from which a certain number of individuals imagine and create at the height of their power.

Without interfering with anyone’s freedom.

They imagine and create new realities that never existed before.

They are the ones who unlock the gates to an open future.

The actual content of their creations is never known before it appears. They don’t repeat what’s already been done. They embark on new roads. They never give up. They never fold. They never stop.

They don’t settle for half. They don’t reduce their dreams and visions to fit the group. They don’t try to blend in. They don’t care about their critics. They invent new worlds that supersede this one.

They breathe freedom and taste it and do something with it. They make freedom into a prelude for action, for creation on the largest possible canvas.

Normal and Average and Fitting In and Compromise and Collective are words for decay and death.

We are in unusual times, because every word and phrase that suggest greater creative power have been twisted and co-opted by marketers, PR men, advertisers, educators, media anchors, psychologists, propagandists, psyops specialists, and political leaders. This is, of course, no accident.

The Matrix Revealed

It’s a sustained program for reducing meaning to pedestrian terms, for reducing culture to cartoon caricatures.

This is what mass mind control is all about.

But the free, independent, and creative individual doesn’t submit to that programming.

Archetypes of heroes, artists, and true revolutionaries are still alive in consciousness. They are touchstones, not for mimicry, but as reminders of achievements that are possible.

These archetypes survive the death of cultures and nations. They endure.

The open sky of possibility is born out of consciousness and reflects back to it.

We fight to gain freedom, to preserve it, and to ascend from it.

The spirit of our government has become a foul, stench-ridden mass of corruption, even as it cynically promotes ideals of freedom, for a little more leverage. Fools believe in it.

The government is now in the business of making robots and androids. That is its mission. That is democracy.

Those who compromise and give in every day of their lives seek cover and protection in The Group. They think hiding is their best option.

But dreams appear. Dreams that momentarily take slaves out of their chains.

These are the real nightmares for those who, at every level, seek to maintain their passive acceptance of What Is.

There are two basic worlds: what already exists; and possibility.

The second world is infinite.

The over-trained mind believes possibility is just another system.

But imagination, when unleashed, has no boundaries.

Trying to understand imagination by referring to society is futile. There is nothing in how society is managed that clarifies imagination or explains it.

Our current society is a living example of what happens when individual imagination is downplayed.

Modern society, intentionally and falsely, portrays the free and independent individual as a moral criminal.

So here we are. Freedom exists in a pure state. It’s real. It’s a choice that exists inside every person. Whether or not the State grants it has nothing to do with that fact. Freedom Is. Knowing that, the slate is clean. We can choose. We can start a new life at the drop of a hat.

The more we see of freedom, the bigger the space of it, the more likely it is that we’ll choose to create rather than fit in. The more we see the space of freedom as possibility without limit, the more likely we’ll dig deeper for inner resources—as fuel for our fire.

Some take that road. Most do not.

Most are content to accept the shadow symbol of freedom as the real thing, even when they know it isn’t.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Booking a reservation for the movie called Reality

Booking a reservation for the movie called Reality

by Jon Rappoport

August 5, 2013

This is a serious process, for which some introspection is necessary.

You need to consider whether you are an individual or a group. That’s the first order of business. Group ticketing is easy and flows quickly through the system. That’s because any group is automatically ripe for mind control.

The individual, however, is a different matter. He may think he is a group, in which case: refer to the above paragraph. His application will be approved without delay. But if he knows he is an individual, certain restrictions apply.

His visible presence inside the movie called Reality alerts others to the potential existence of illusion. He could confuse members of the audience. They might begin to wonder whether they’ve been conned and hoodwinked. This is unacceptable.

There is an option. The individual, while inside the movie called Reality, could act as a representative for the producers. In this way, he utilizes his innate force, but channels it.

He acts for the greater good, which is the seamless impact of the film on the mind. After all, the whole objective is:

the inculcation of a wrap-around full-blown sensorium in which all possible audience actions are fed back into the movie.

To put it more simply, the film supports the film.

The producers and their special-effects designers have built what they call Sponge-and-Bounce. This means: whatever the audience perceives or thinks or does is absorbed and becomes an element of the production.

The founders of the Reality Manufacturing Company are producing, well, reality, aren’t they? They aren’t making a movie you can watch with a bag of popcorn in your lap. You’re in it. You’re a player, as long as you believe in your work as an actor. Above all, authenticity.

Can you give your heart and soul to the role? Can you support, in your actions, the movie?

Here is an interesting facet. Movies have directors, but the long-term goal here is a self-perpetuating space-and-time continuum. The audience carries forward the entire film. On their own. Eventually.

Their faith and belief in it, despite doubts, problems, trials and tribulations, is unwavering.

The power of that machinery is formidable, to say the least.

If you’re an artist, take careful note. If you book a reservation and enter the movie, you’re encouraged to do your subsequent work in such a way that it reflects the film. It mimics it. It mirrors Reality. In this way, the movie spawns little versions of itself. Think of what you’re doing as a homage, a tribute. You might even say you’re writing a glowing review of the movie while being in it.

If, on the other hand, you’re a “rebel-artist,” there is room for you, but your role is to attract scorn. You’re criticizing, in a way, the film, and at best you’ll be permitted to function as a safety valve, to let off steam.

You see, the audience, while completely immersed in the movie, is at the same time, chewing on its bridle. Audience members are burying a significant, even titanic, amount of, shall we say, outrage.

At a deep level, they know and experience a massive desire to rebel against living inside the film.

You, as the rebel-artist, allow small amounts of their energy to blow off.

Unless you take it too far. UNLESS YOU TAKE IT TOO FAR.

There is a phenomenon called “waking up inside the movie.”

If that is what happens to you, and if you then create compelling art that exemplifies the waking-up phenomenon—which is unavoidable—you begin to test the system.

The results, from all angles, are unpredictable, given enough time.

It might be better if you choose not to reserve a ticket for the movie called Reality.

Exit From the Matrix

If you’re wondering who I am and why I’m spilling so many beans, and who I work for:

I’m a former employee of the Reality Manufacturing Company. It’s simple. After long years of service, my boredom quotient reached a tipping point. I quit.

And now I have a new idea. It’s called Open Future. For individuals only.

It’s based on a bottom-line premise. Enough artists, with enough desire, with enough power, with enough independence from the central Glob, with millions of their very different Realities side by side…will explode the one central movie.

The audience cast out by that explosion will eventually find their way. Yes, there will be chaos, but it will be fertile.

Oh, a great deal of propaganda claims that this sort of liberation is impossible, I understand that. I know a few of the people who designed the propaganda.

But I assure you, it’s possible.

Why do people enter the movie in the first place? Boredom, desperation. They might be attempting to avoid arrest. They might think the movie is a lark. They don’t realize its enveloping qualities. Or they’ve given up on their own imaginations.

Then there’s a whole class of people who enter the movie because they see an opportunity to exercise power in it. They want to impose some sub-reality on other audience members.

There’s even a group who has a fetish and obsession about watching the audience members. All the time. They watch and track.

Some people enter the movie because they’ve read ads about the aesthetic qualities of film. Symmetry, harmony, balance, equilibrium, geometric simplicity in the production design. They have a hunger for these things. They want three dimensions of space, simplistic perspective, and one dimension of time. The Company calls all this “the lowest common denominator.”

And of course, many audience members, for their own reasons, enjoy compliance and obedience. They’re looking for a movie in which they can follow orders.

It takes all kinds of people to make a movie a commercial success.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

The great open sky of imagination: for those who understand

The great open sky of imagination: for those who understand

by Jon Rappoport

July 29, 2013

By choice, I keep rolling the dice and shoving all my chips in. I know what the term “human potential,” used so foolishly and narrowly, actually means and implies, when you cut away the nonsense.

And I know how mind/matrix cooperates to block off that knowledge.

Maybe many people know this. Some days, I think they do. Some days, I don’t.

The mind/matrix has the capacity to back up any story a person wants to tell himself about his own life. Especially, ESPECIALLY when that story is self-limiting and small and ordinary.

A person wants to live a life of limited spaces? He needs a story to explain that choice. Mind/matrix will provide details, will back it up, will offer material for the tale. The fable. The myth.

You try to pry open that door and expose the limited nature of the story and you’d better have a dozen crowbars and some C-4, because it’s going to be a long day. And at the end of it, nothing will have changed, because we’re talking about DEDICATION here.

Dedication to story. Commitment to the content of the story.

This is how a circumscribed life happens. Through the story a person tells himself.

There is really only one universal solvent that will wash away that story: imagination.

Without it, a person is just rearranging deck chairs on his own personal Titanic.

Imagination doesn’t only have the capacity to change the story line; it can create many new stories. It can eradicate old content by opening up an unlimited sky of possibility.

But most people are afraid of that. They want a fable where all actions to be taken are clear and obvious. They want to live a limited life and they want to be proud of it. They want to hold on to anything that will deny the existence and power of imagination.

They want to tell themselves a story that will make ignorance into wisdom. They want what they claim is “realism.” They want everything to be “real.” What does that mean? It means they have a secret religion called WHAT ALREADY EXISTS.

The ultimate basis of all mind control is: whatever it takes to deny the true power of imagination.

The exact same thing can be said about the ultimate aim of political repression.

To understand, to get an idea about what imagination is capable of, you need to go to ART. That’s the very best place to go. But again, people are fearful. They need to say art is just a distraction, a foolish kind of playing in the face of far more serious matters. They’ll cover their eyes and block off their minds to avoid such a confrontation. They’ll drown in their own stagnant juices if they have to, to maintain their denial. They’ll run around in circles or drug themselves or turn upside own. Anything to avoid looking at what imagination can do.

They’ll sign up for an organized religion with all its symbols and priests, just so they can prostrate themselves before some fragment of frozen poetry that forms the basis of that religion. They’ll even deny themselves direct access to the God they believe in, and opt for a structure that demands loyalty to a hundred rules as the price to pay, to be connected to God.

They’ll find some way to put a ceiling on life and live under it.

Imagination has no ceiling. It is waiting to be called into action. It can wait a thousand years. It can wait forever.

It can outlast all passivity.

Exit From the Matrix

When imagination is put on hold, a civilization dies. It can look like many other causes are producing the decline and fall, but at bottom it’s the lack of imagination. That’s why societies go into the swamp. That’s why the individual decides his best choice is to be part of a group.

A group has no imagination.

A group can supply story-line to a seeking mind, but that’s all. It can never supply the faculty that makes stories.

This society provides millions of outlets that offer “better stories.” But it doesn’t offer the underlying power to create new stories.

A tree, a rock, a leaf, a vase, an ashtray. They each have a story. It may be beautiful, pedestrian, or ugly. But it is one story per object. A human has the capacity to invent an infinite number of stories, but because most humans can’t perceive the value of doing that, they, the only creatures on the planet who have this ability, toss it away like an old rag. They default. They shrug it off.

To understand life at a more expansive level, you have to go there.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Once upon a time, there was something called The Individual

Once upon a time, there was something called The Individual

by Jon Rappoport

July 27, 2013

Once upon a time, there was something called The Individual. Of course, it turned out to be fiction. Our ancestors were quite mad, off their rockers. They spoke of “each human being” as distinct and unique.

It’s rather easy to see how it all started. At some point in the evolutionary history of the species, the mind decided it needed a construct. A myth. A device. A hope. Called The Individual.

And then, flashing forward, we knew the fairy tale was just a spiritual appendix. So we removed it.

We replaced it with the Glob.

The Glob is beautiful. It gives. It has one voice.

It’s all of us. A perfected union.

We don’t punish. We inhale and ingest. If one breath isn’t enough, we take two and suck dissent deeper into our unitary Substance.

Then we rebuild the dissent into Glob-essence.

Once we removed the delusion called The Individual, we installed the universal program. It connected us to the data banks of irreversible wisdom. The banks show us how Separate Striving is the name of the many faces of Crime.

The Individual as a subject surfaces every now and then, in conversation, like a bad penny.

Simply realize it is extinct. We are looking at a hallucinatory trace, a ghost, a throwback.

We are Species. Sections of us go defunct; others are born.

Time passing is of no concern. We are beyond time, having achieved the ultimate goal of consciousness. We are the premise and the conclusion.

Our ancestors were misguided and a bunch of fools, but we mustn’t criticize them too heavily. They did the best they could with what they had.

Fortunately, in their time, intelligence arose in the form of something called The New Age, which urged a movement toward Ultimate Collective Oneness of the Cosmic Cheese Melt. It was aided by a fragment called “The one political party with two heads,” which taught: “we are the drone and we are love and we watch you to help you.”

What a boon they were!

Another aspect, called megacorps, created worker hives—primitive forerunners of the Glob—and assisted in the transformation of consciousness. Then there was a mysterious phenomenon, the gateBuffetzuckerbergCIA, that taught endless giving and charity.

The ancestors fought wars and committed many crimes, but all this was solved when the Oneness Message permeated deeply enough into the cells of the great Daddy-Goo-Goo-Yup-Yup-Boom.

Of course, you all know the Daddy-Goo is a sub-category of the Rockefell-Roths-CFR-Trilat-Build-a-Burger-Globalis-Monsan aspect, which we celebrate when the leaves turn the color of polished aluminum.

At any rate, we are speaking to ourselves today because we have recently noticed an echo in the Field. Its origin is unclear, but a brief cryptic message has appeared: “Free Will.” What this terms means is not yet known.

We are not inhaling and ingesting it with our normal ease, and thus far all efforts to transmute it into basic Glob-essence have failed.

Unprompted drawings are appearing on our screens. They do not mirror and pay homage to Glob. This is curious and somewhat troubling. We have translated the writing under one drawing: “These are the times that try men’s souls.”

We do not understand its reference, but the statement is clearly criminal in its intent. It emits a foul odor. It must be purged.

We have a question for ourselves. Do we understand the word IN-dependence? It also has appeared in the Field. It transmits an unwelcome frequency.

There is one final term that has also come to our attention: FREEDOM.

What does that mean? It is obviously noxious. It reeks of morbid separatism. It seems to be accompanied by heinous music.

Exit From the Matrix

Wait! More is coming through now! A great deal more!

There are some people who hear the word FREEDOM and wake up, as if a new flashing music has begun.

This lone word makes them see something majestic and untamed and astonishing.

They feel the sound of a Niagara approaching.

They suddenly know why they are alive.

Most people don’t want to travel to that grand arena because they have been trained like pets by some sector of this society to be good girls and boys.

99% of the world has been conditioned like rats to adore systems. Give them a system and they’re ready to cuddle up inside it. And with every move they make, they put another blanket over the Fire Within.

They sleepwalk through life and say yes to everything.

Maybe you once saw something truly free that didn’t care about consequences, and it blew you into tomorrow and turned on your soul’s electricity for an hour.

Maybe you’re sick and tired of bowing and scraping before a pedestal of nonsense.

FREEDOM is a word that should be oceanic. It should shake and blow apart the pillars of the smug boredom of the soul.

FREEDOM is about what the individual feels when he has thrown off the false front that is slowly strangling him.

FREEDOM is about the end of mindless postponement. It’s about what happens when you burn up the pretty and petty little obsessions. It’s about emerging from the empty suit and empty machine of society that goes around and around and sucks away the vital bloodstream.

Do you want to know where I found this? I hacked into some of the deepest cells of your Glob-essence and I discovered it hiding there. I found it buried down in your most securely guarded caves. I stole it and escaped. I took it and I’m showing it to you because its yours. It belongs to you. It’s supposed to be Never Seen Again. NSA.”


Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

The individual vs. the illusion of consensus reality

The individual vs. the illusion of consensus reality

by Jon Rappoport

July 26, 2013

This is such a supercharged subject, I could start from a dozen places.

But let’s begin here: the individual is unique, because he is he. He is unique because he has his own ideas, because he has his own desires, because he has his own power. That power belongs to no one else.

In particular, it doesn’t belong to the State. The State will try, will always try to suggest that it is granting power to the individual, but this is a lie. It’s an illusion broadcast with ill-intent.

While everyone else is trying to manufacture connections to the group, under the banner of a false sense of community, the individual is going in the opposite direction.

Philip K Dick: “Insanity—to have to construct a picture of one’s life, by making inquiries of others.”

Consensus reality is the reality of sacrifice. It is coagulating energy, form, content, substance that takes on amorphous shapes studded with slots into which people can fit themselves.

The independent individual thinks what he wants to think. Over time, he keeps graduating into new, more nearly unique levels of what he wants to think.

He rises above the group. He rises to his own thoughts.

There is no subject and no substance which is not infiltrated by consensus reality. Wherever you look, you will encounter it. The group is the basis of consensus reality, and the group pact extends everywhere. The group fears a sector where only individual thought can tread.

That would be dangerous to the illusion. “Well, we’ve got things well in hand in most places, but over there and over here we’re not in charge. A different kind of reality pervades.”

No, that doesn’t work for the group. The exceptions would blow a hole in the rule.

Stay away from the corner of Lexington Avenue and 34th Street. Something too weird is going on there. We come in and try to inject consensus on that spot and it doesn’t work. Our “sharing” energy bounces off that corner. We may have to call in the troops to surround the place and cordon it off.”

Alert! Alert! Consensus reality is breaking down in Sector 328-A! Locate the problem! This is an emergency!

Bring in the news team to shore up the illusion! Turn on the hypnosis machines!

Group consensus is fraying and fragmenting in Area 768-B! Call the professors and pundits! Discredit the individual! Call him a monster! Do something fast!

Consensus reality is an illusion in the sense that you can see it and I can see it, but we didn’t sign up for it. That’s the catch. Take any area of life, and I mean any, and that’s the case. Wherever there is tight consensus, perception ensues. That’s the whole point.

We, the group, aren’t fooling around. When we sign a pact among ourselves, we intend everybody to see what we decide is there to see.”

So you, the individual, can opt out. That doesn’t necessarily mean the consensus disappears; you can still see it, but you see it without accepting it. You can see the oasis in the desert, which is a mirage, but because you have your own bottle of water, you don’t have to run toward the mirage and fall down on your knees and try to drink from the pool.

Philip K. Dick: “Because today we live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups…increasingly, we are bombarded with pseudo-realities manufactured by very sophisticated electronic mechanisms…And this is an astounding power: that of creating whole universes, universes of the mind. I ought to know. I do the same thing.”

The strong and free individual evolves. He doesn’t stay the same. He doesn’t know everything worth knowing today. He knows enough, but not everything. He continues to emerge with new ideas, new energy, new invention. He becomes larger. He gains more power.

Exit From the Matrix

When the illusion of consensus reality attains a level beyond mere slogan, it enters the realm of systems. This is its most convincing format. A system appears to be watertight. Each one of its parts has relations with the whole.

This is interesting, because that mirrors what a group is. Each member is a part that connects to the whole.

Consensus as a system is like a game of chess that plays the same moves over and over. Game one is the same as game two, three, four…

That’s where its illusion of power comes from.

The individual, though, doesn’t proceed according to systems. He isn’t moving from one closed context to another. That’s the group. The individual may retain the same general principles over time, but what he does and thinks strikes out into new territories. Because he creates. There is no individual without creating.

Consensus is the coin of the realm. It is forced from the top, and it is signed up for at the bottom. One hand washes the other.

Societies may begin through consensus, but if they have any courage, they shift focus to the job of pulling away coercive restraints on the individual. Regardless, the individual asserts his freedom. It is his to begin with, not the group’s. No one gives it to him.

American society is moving rapidly to an inverse, an upside down structure, in which freedom is looked upon as a privilege grudgingly accorded in the absence of a reason to take it away. The prevalent official attitude is: consensus must be strengthened. It must dominate the landscape.

Through vast experience, the free individual knows that consensus has no theoretical limits. Group-perceptions about the way things are can give birth to the most universally “proven objective truths.”

In his explorations, the individual may even find that a demonstrated law of nature is nothing more than a consensus. And, therefore, an illusion.

The group has conception of Normal. Normal is like a message passed around, from hand to hand, and when you look at it closely, for content, it dissolves. There was really nothing there.

This is similar to what happens when physicists probe further and further into matter, looking for smaller and smaller particles, and come up with an enormous amount of empty space.

The group consensus is the illusion. Finally, there is mindless hive-action covering a vacuum.

This is also what occasionally happens to people who have hidebound political ideologies. The people on the Left move further and further to the Left, and the people on the Right move further and further to the Right. Finally, they are both so distant from government they meet and stare at each other in shock. At that point, they are just individuals.

From my unfinished manuscript, The Magician Awakes:

You keep saying it doesn’t matter. Sometimes you say it out loud and sometimes it’s just a very strong thought that could cut through a melon. You repeat it over and over—‘it doesn’t matter.’ You’re sitting there with the most powerful thing in the universe, your imagination, and yet it doesn’t matter. New worlds are waiting for you. But you don’t pull the trigger.

You go to meetings. What are these meetings? Who’s there? What do you talk about, the end of the world? Your problems? The conversations seem to be endless…

But society runs on groups! It must have groups!”

And what? The individual must give in and join and belong? That’s the conclusion? I’m afraid not.

Consensus reality is a cartoon that is trying to become as real as steel. What deconstructs the steel and exposes the cartoon? There is only one thing that can do that. Nothing and no one else is going to do that.

The individual does it.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Using fake names on Facebook, Surveillance State, androids

Using fake names on Facebook, the Surveillance State, androids

By Jon Rappoport

July 23, 2013

File this one in the ever-burgeoning category of: how insane can legislators get?

Congress is now debating an update to the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

Turns out it’s already a misdemeanor to “exceed authorized use” of a computer, but the DOJ wants to make it a felony.

Of course, what does “exceeds authorized use” mean? Well, it means, for instance, an employee sending emails to pals while he’s at the office—because his employer has a rule against that.

In other words, the feds want to back up employers’ rules and turn them into felonies. Splendid.

Yeah, you remember Jack, don’t you? Used to work here? One day he made an online reservation at the Wynn in Vegas, and now he’s in jail. Life is tough, keep your eyes straight ahead and don’t mess with the boss.”

And Betty? She ordered three lipsticks on a slow Thursday and she’s now upstate. I hear the shrinks got hold of her. Dosing her with an anti-psychotic. Hope she has three live brain cells to rub together when she gets out.”

Then there’s the Facebook issue. The company, originally bankrolled by a CIA front, has a rule against users setting up accounts with fake names. Does the DOJ want to go after Facebook users who break the rules?

The Surveillance State, aided by Facebook, wants to know who you are at all times. They want you to be your name and no other name.

It’s a technical issue, see? It’s a lot easier to spy on you if you’re Mary Jones all the time when you’re online. As opposed to Mary Jones and Dragon Lady and HiHat and Ben Franklin and The Beast From 40 Fathoms…

The joke is, most people lead lives that are fictional already. The NSA and its allied partners spy on those lives.

Here’s the same thing from another angle. John Smith, citizen, follows the straight and narrow. He, like every other John Smith, is a target of the Surveillance State. He hasn’t committed any crimes. He isn’t a threat. But that doesn’t matter. He’s there. He’s a unit. Therefore, he’s on the radar.

But John Smith is a fiction. He’s a convenient, solid, average, normal persona/role in the stage play called Society cooked up by the Real John Smith, who is hiding. Inside himself. You rarely see him. Once in a blue moon, he pokes his head out and says something off-key. Then he retreats behind his facade.

There are millions and John Smiths, and the NSA is spying on all of them. The fake ones. The fictions.

What if every John Smith invented six or seven new personae?

Sir, are you pretending to be somebody else?”

Yes, and the pretending is now more intense. It’s ongoing.”

But you see, sir, that introduces confusion, when we spy on you.”

I used to believe I was a John Smith android forever. Wow, was I kidding myself. I used to go to one church service on Sunday. Now I go to three different churches. And I’m also an atheist.”

Excuse me?”

I campaigned for Democrats only. Now I campaign for Democrats, Republican, Libertarians, Communists, and Anarchists. Of course I don’t vote for anyone. I’m exploring monarchy as well. I think the divine right of kings could make a comeback.”

But who do you actually worship?”

The NSA, of course. And the CIA and DIA, Interpol, MI-5, the old GRU, and the Chinese Secret Service.”

Sir, we have you on the record talking to about eight different wives.”

Only eight? I must have misplaced a couple.”

The Matrix Revealed

Some people will assume I mean they should actually marry a dozen women. Those people are the literalists. They always go for the lowest-common-denominator reading. They think if they have a little fun, do a little acting, a little pretending, it might infect their minds. It might take them over. They’re the John Smiths. They live inside walls of fear.

Reality is one fiction among a limitless number of possible realities.

The basic problem with Reality is that’s it’s only one.

Any baby can teach you that. Play with the kid in just one way, over and over, and he’ll develop an itch he can’t scratch. He’ll cry and go off on you. Play with him a hundred different ways and he’ll gurgle and laugh and wriggle and decide coming into this life was a good idea after all.

Every kid needs an uncle and an aunt and a few cousins and a brother or sister. Parents tend to repeat themselves. Their repertoire wears thin. The kid needs a boost, a change, a different face, a new joke, a shift of rhythm.

People who can make you laugh take you out. They take you out of the one, forever, exhausting IS. Reality is the fiction of one and only one IS.

There are two types of laughs. One blows up reality. The other, which is the android laugh, comes across like a tranquilized mule with a hernia.

The NSA is super-serious about the one persona that is supposed to be the super-serious you. That’s what they’re spying on.

The internet thrives on anonymity. This causes a lot of nonsense and crap to surface. That’s the price we pay. But the Surveillance State doesn’t want anonymity. It wants “just the facts.”

It wants to scare people into being their android-selves and nothing more, nothing else. It wants The One Reality. If they can make that happen, they win. Afterward, it really doesn’t matter what people do.

I remember watching the very first episode of the original CSI. At the murder scene, the techs were going over an apartment, collecting evidence, bagging it. Then we were back in the lab. More analysis.

I thought, are they kidding? They believe people want to watch this stuff?

Well, people did. They wanted to watch the lab, the fine-tuning of hair, blood, DNA. The categorization, the tracking, the accessing of the data banks.

The first cousin to Surveillance.

You want to talk about operant conditioning? The whole CSI franchise is one giant psyop. For more than a decade. Getting people used to ubiquitous looking and spying and tracking, on behalf of justice.

That’s what NSA wants to be. That’s how NSA wants the public to view it.

Super-serious-android-NSA spying on super-serious-android-us. In the one and only Reality. That’s the op.

Exit From the Matrix

So…step back and calculate our chances if we continue to live in the one and only Reality and try to fight them from that position.

Of course, entering and inventing other realities takes imagination. That’s the catch. It always was.

Ever since the first elite priest class on Earth cooked up some crazy spiritual Ponzi scheme to suck in the rubes, imagination has been the nemesis of the State.

Paraphrasing Grouch Marx: “In the 1930s, you could make a movie in which a woman fell down a flight of stairs, and people would laugh. But eventually it couldn’t be a movie. It had to be a real woman falling down a real flight of stairs.”

People are trained like dogs to appreciate and accept only one IS. The “real” IS. They convince themselves this is a good idea. These people are unconscious allies of the Surveillance State.

What’s that? People are into all sorts of multiple virtual realities? Yes, for a while, but they keep coming back to believing in The One and Only Just-the-Facts Reality. If they actually wanted new realities, they’d be cooking them up themselves, they wouldn’t be dreaming inside somebody else’s.

In light of all of the above, the universe of propaganda becomes more vivid. Its aim is reduction. Reduction of the way we see ourselves. We’re given bound images of human beings as citizens living in a walled fortress, where our every thought and action needs to be boiled down and made transparent, so our leaders can make threat assessments.

This is the fiction we’re being fed. Over and over.

It’s not asking too much, is it? It’s too hard to seek out and find terrorists. We need to collect everything on everybody, and then with suitable algorithms established, we can select out the dangerous ones.

In fact, it’s better if we consider everybody dangerous and track and limit their movements. That works.”

Yes, the NSA is looking at you. They’re looking at you as if you’re an android. Well, naturally. They’re androids. Wherever they look, they see androids.


Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

And there was a giant standing before him

And there was a giant standing before him

by Jon Rappoport

July 21, 2013

First, there was a memory. His sister reading to him the story of Babel Tower, and the Tower crashing, and new clean rivers flowing…

When he went out all the way, the memory collapsed, and he swept through reefs of reflecting data in an ocean of surveillance.

He tangled in nets and escaped, only to plunge into other layers where avid machinery was spinning, as if searching for crimes where no crimes were possible.

He felt velvet hands and suctioned fingers slide along him, and he grew cold in the submarine depths. He began to panic.

What did the Design want with him?

And why did it seem to be watching itself?

Then the Arctic chill passed, and he knew he was free of the structure, and was genuinely dying, and dying was a pleasure he had never known.

Better,” he said, luxuriating in a dark baronial calm, uterine perfection, summer childhood bedroom closet.

He was suddenly in the cabin of a private jet. He’d been told there would be hallucinations. He saw a team of glass archangels; a China cup worn yellow from a thousand fingers drooping slender cigarettes; a framed photo of Al Capone sitting on the toilet in his Palm Springs suite.

And then identity shattered into a thousand pieces. The lights of an enormous city loomed up under him, pulling the fragments down into liquor stores, newspaper racks, dark alleys, hotel rooms.

A news screen stood out in the black sky. A local anchor, her eyes bright with contempt, relayed the story of a Dr. Ralph Bannion, who had just died falling from an escarpment above the Chicago Loop while attempting to set up a sniper’s nest and kill shoppers in the indoor-outdoor Gangland Mall.

She spoke of a Mr. R. Smith-Jones, a fifth-generation android. He was propped up on a wheelchair-couch in his Manhattan apartment, growling and snarling at his doughy male nurse turned out in a jeans tuxedo and a sombrero made of balloons and artificial peacock feathers, dotted with packing popcorn.

Smith-Jones’ infamous three-year case, tried in the Superior Court of Newfoundland New York, had, it appeared, ground to a halt, when the judge determined Smith-Jones earned the right to multiple classifications of Disabled, and therefore could validly apply for federal benefits in the sum of the 30,000 dollars a month for the rest of his life.

Now Smith-Jones was foaming at the mouth and spitting. He doubled over and a siren went off. A security guard appeared from off-camera with a riot baton and sent a blue fork of electricity into his genitals, quieting him.

The news screen disappeared.

Identity was now a quiet snowstorm in a deserted wood, falling, falling, falling on the hard earth. Relief.

How many times can I disperse, he thought.

He was back in the cabin of the jet. Burnished lights set high in the cabin walls, yellow-brown, old-master, slightly wrinkled. For a moment he missed having wings and being able to fly up to a light and nibble toward its core.

He thought: “I used to own a suit that cost five grand.”

A flight attendant entered his cabin with a vodka rocks.

She was six feet tall and blonde. That made her a target.

Wealthy and powerful men would seek her out.

Her body was sleek. He examined her left leg from wizardly articulated ankle to narrow thigh, through the slit of her sheath skirt. She strode in heels, one foot placed precisely in front of the other.

She set down the drink on the arm of his chair and looked at her watch.

We can’t have sex now,” she said. “We’re east of the Rockies.”

I didn’t realize they had a law,” he said.

Four hours from now,” she said, “we can negotiate a price.”

I’m an attorney,” he said.

She pulled a half-sheet out of her jacket pocket and handed it to him.

Standard,” she said. “Read and sign.”

It stated: “…I am not attempting to elicit information pursuant to an investigation, case, or sentencing option…

He signed.

Just out of curiosity,” he said, “how many layers of protection do you have?”

Well,” she said, “the LA Mayor has a local contract. He supplies police and private soldiers whenever I’m in the city.”

Have they ever had to go on attack?”

A Belivar prince once tried to have his men kidnap me en route from the airport to my hotel. Blackbirton mercs burned them to the ground on Century Boulevard.”


You’re John Q,” she said. “I know. I’m Carol.”

She held out her hand. He looked at her long fingers. Her nails were short. No polish. He shook her hand. It was cool. It immediately became warm, as if she could make it happen.

She sat down next to him.

We’ve intercepted you en route,” she said. “We need you to read something for us. On background. It’s local.”

I was a lawyer,” he said automatically.

You once appeared before the Illinois Supreme Court. We want you to look down into Chicago and find documents pertaining to the pending trial of Jesus Hernandez.”


Defendant in a federal trafficking case. He claims his cartel, Zuma, struck an immunity deal with the CIA. No prosecutions, clean truck routes from Mexico up through LA, all the way to a central distribution hub in Chicago.”

In return for what?”

Good intell on other Mexican cartels.”

What do you want from me?”

Any documents pertaining to immunity. So far, the judge in the case has refused to allow the evidence in trial.”

Documents? You think they put that kind of thing in writing?”

She nodded. “But the defense team claims they have docs.”

He closed his eyes.

Now, Bobby Thoms came to him. The Swan, a bar in the Loop.

The place was jammed with lawyers eating breakfast and waiting for the shape-up in the parking lot. Minor cases were assigned by Ray Banner, a clerk at the Farofax processing facility.

Q grabbed a stool at the end of the counter and ordered coffee. The bartender poured him a cup and set it down in front of him.

Bobby Thoms walked in. He came over.

Dark soiled clothes, as if he’d stripped them from a corpse in an alley. Pinched face, sunken cheeks. A lawyer’s barnacle. Runner, go-between. Supplier of information.

John Q,” Bobby said. “Where’s your vodka?”

I don’t start until eleven.”

Bobby moved in close.

I can get you in to see Judge Hirsch today. His appointment secretary bumped the city treasurer for you.”

Q reached into his pocket and pulled out a tight roll of hundreds. Bobby fielded it and slipped it into his pocket.

A few changes,” Q said.

Bobby nodded. “Here’s the rumor,” he said. I know what you’re after. There are national security implications in this case, John Q. If the shit hits the fan, the president’s administration in Mexico could go down. To say nothing of that other president in Washington.”

John Q snapped back into the jet cabin. Carol was sitting there calmly.

He realized she was trying to protect the government from exposure in the case. They had some way to snap him up in transit. They’d intervened. They wanted to use him because he was unencumbered. He could look into secret places. Free from his ordinary sensorium. They had netted him.

He heard a grinding roar from a long way off.

Sorry,” he said. “I can’t help you.”

She frowned. “Why not?”

Somebody’s coming.”


The roar accelerated. He watched as the cabin spiraled down to the size of a dot of blood on a handkerchief.

The wild sound subsided.

He was in a boat, a wooden boat, at night, and a man was standing next to him. They were on a lake, moving slowly.

The man reminded him of a doctor his mother had taken him to when he was 12 years old. He’d fallen off his bike racing down a steep hill, and the doctor told his mother to stop crying, everything would be all right, it was just a mild concussion.

He looked ahead, and in the distance he saw the lights of the shoreline. He ached for it. He had no idea why. It seemed foolish.

The man said, “Do you want to go there?”

It’s the…music.”

Well,” the man said, “that’s my shore. I made it.”


I dreamed it up. I’m afraid you can’t go. Not now.”

Then Q was alone in the boat, floating in the dark.

It was a warm summer night, like many he had known. He was building it.

Get me to Mosca’s office,” he said.

Sal Mosca conducted his business in a warehouse in Evanston, a few blocks away from the Registrar-DHS complex.

In the center of the lobby, there was a single desk. Video cameras on the walls caught the action from a dozen angles. Familiar scents of dead rotting rats in the walls.

I waited in line, and when my turn came, I handed the security guard a copy of my cert card, mentioned my contact in the DA’s office, and said I had an appointment with Mr. Mosca.

He looked down at his pad, nodded, and handed me a red slip. I stuck it to my jacket, walked over to the elevator bank, and waited.

A door opened. A tall slam in a dark suit stood against the back wall. He was holding a short 40 down at his side. He nodded. I got in. He took my red slip.

We rode up to the 7th floor. The door opened, and two more guards in dark suits stood there. I stepped out.

One of them frisked me. The other one backed away and watched.

They sandwiched me and we walked together down a seashell curving carpeted hallway to a mesh gate. It slid open and we passed through into a small room. Mosca’s secretary, Jenny, sat behind a table.

Hello, John Q,” she said.


I knew her from the county courts, the early days. Cases adjudicated in small offices, fines pieced off among the sharers. During the heavy shortages, we took dinners as bribes. The joke was, a kid out of the U of Chicago defended his mother for an eight-pack of toilet paper.

Jenny made a fist and rapped her knuckles once on the table. I took an envelope out of my inside jacket pocket and placed it in front of her. She picked it up, looked inside, counted the bills, and nodded.

The two security men grabbed my arms and guided me across the room to another door. One of them opened it and moved ahead, into Mosca’s office.

I followed. The other guard was behind me. He shut the door and stood in front of it.

The office was large with no windows. The walls were dull dented metal. The only pieces of furniture were a long white couch and two scarred wooden folding chairs. Bull’s-head Mosca, dressed in his tan suit, sat on the couch. I stayed standing.

Big chest, big belly, cheap shoes. Tired face, but tight skin. He’d been swaddled in the bullrushes of Lake Michigan. Dirty feet running on the stones, foster homes, small-time collector, protection money, law school at night, hired shooters, muscled his way into city government as a private conduit for defense lawyers on major felonies.

Orchid cologne, shaved every night sitting in the bath tub remembering the motor brain damage of his dead sister destroyed by a drug. Blew away the prescribing shrink himself late at night on Cole Boulevard.

Mosca frowned. “This case has tricks.”

Immunity documents,” I said.

Good, John Q. Good.”

Because,” I said, “if it turns out Zuma has a deal with the feds to ship big weight up through Los Angeles into Chicago, and it’s exposed, that torpedoes everybody.”

Mosca nodded. “National security issue. Nothing moves until we get a ruling on it.”

But do the documents exist?”

One does. Signed by the deputy director of the CIA and Hernandez.”

I shook my head. “Hard to believe.”

What happened to you?” Mosca said.

I looked at the guards and slowly put my hand into my left pants pocket. I took out a slip of paper, stepped forward and held it out to Mosca. He took it without touching my hand.

That figure,” I said, “went into your Panama account an hour ago.”

He looked at the slip.

How do you know my account number?” he said.

Ricky Rose gave it to me.”

He just got six years.”

That was my victory. They could have given him twenty.”

Mosca took a cell phone out of his pocket. We waited while he accessed his Panama account.

He looked up at me.

Deposit of fifty thousand dollars, just entered,” he said.

My way of saying thanks for the referral.”

What referral?” he said. “What are you talking about?”

A metaphysical clarification. Let’s talk about immunity at a higher level, Sal. Who is immune? How do they arrive at that status?”

He leaned back and grinned.

Oh, you mean you want the real stuff. Well, Q, understand I’m only a low man on the totem pole. I don’t have many details.”

Then Mosca was standing next to me. He took my arm and walked me to the right, into a kitchen that hadn’t been there before. We exited from a side door and climbed a short flight of steps. He opened another door on to the roof.

The shed,” he said.

In the middle of the roof was a wooden structure.

The padlock was open and hanging from a chain. We stepped inside and Mosca turned on a light. I shut the door. Tools were arranged on shelves. An open cabinet was stacked with brooms and shovels and an old shotgun. We sat down on two rickety chairs.

What I’m telling you is from me,” he said. “This is information I have.”

I know,” I said. “That’s what I paid you for.”

John Q,” he said, “immunity is what you want to know about? It travels higher than the towers of faith. Because faith’s been misappropriated. It’s been, shall we say, directed. Are you following me?

Look at the ancient religions, all you see are wars. You know why? Because the people were still young enough to realize how their loyalty was being betrayed by the priests. So they rose up and slaughtered them. But there’s a new priest born every minute. They have a special facility for hijacking faith, depersonalizing it.

Sometimes it looks like that’s all this planet is. Depersonalized faith. That’s the Atlas holding up the world. And now he’s watching and spying, to make sure it stays intact.”

A canyon opened up under me. Another Earth, like this one. I caught a glimpse and it shut down, closed its mouth.

Q,” Mosca said, “I assign cases to lawyers. I’m a bit player. I’m an ant on blacktop. I move a few crumbs here, a few crumbs there. Immunity is created by fiat, just like money. It’s deal-making…”

Morris Gold’s office,” I said.

I stepped out of a car. Bobby, who was driving, also got out. He handed the keys to a parking robot and strolled off toward the American Airlines sports book. I crossed the sidewalk and stopped in front of a cast-iron door. I rang the bell. I was standing under a video camera.

A voice said, “Name, please.”

I held up my cert card.

Carrying any weapons?” the voice said.


Just a minute.”

They were running a body scan. I waited.

What case does this pertain to?” the voice said.



Here for a consult.”

The door buzzed. I opened it and walked in.

I was in a pitch-black space.

As my eyes adjusted, the lights slowly rose to dim. I was inside a wire cage.

The same disembodied voice said, “Where did you attend law school?”

University of Michigan.”

Your thesis adviser’s name?”

Professor Morris Gold.”

And the title of the thesis?”

Currents in Pre-Trial Hearings.”

The grid in front of me clicked and moved from left to right. I stepped through.

I was standing in a foyer. The carpet under my shoes was thick.

A tall heavy-set man appeared from my right. “Follow me,” he said. He opened a door and we were facing an open elevator. He motioned and I stepped in ahead of him. He followed and the door closed. We ascended silently for a few seconds. The elevator came to a smooth stop. The door opened. A short man in a very expensive suit stood there. His head was clean shaven and he wore a pair of sunglasses high on his forehead.

They’re for the light,” Morris said. “I have a condition.” He stuck out a meaty paw and I shook it. He smiled.

I walked with him down a hallway into a corner office.

Floor-to-ceiling windows. His two-ton oak desk sat in the center of the room. There were hunting prints and paintings of horses and cottages on cornflower-blue walls.

He didn’t offer me a seat. I stood. He stood.

John Q,” he said, “Are you trying to file suit because you’re in transit?”

No,” I said.

Because you were scooped up?”


He smiled. “Good. Nothing worse than a sore loser. So what can I do for you after all this time?”

His eyes were cold.

Exit From the Matrix

I framed my question. “Is a deity in on the fix?” I said. “Any deity?”


That’s a powerful issue,” he said. “You want to know the theoretical upper limit on immunity? Well, let’s start here. Here’s your lesson for the day. The God you’re probably referring to is the one whose existence is an open question for each soul.

A question. A dream. A thought. A derivation. A decision. The other, shall we say, constructed God-name and function are corporatized. I’ve worked cases where the issue was raised. The courts have always blurred distinctions, because that’s their job.”

And on appeal?”

The judges rubber stamp the lower courts.”

But because you have wide experience in these cases?” I said.

Gold walked back behind his desk and sat down.

You tell people,” he said, “they’re heroes or they’re committing heresy, they buy it either way. Depending who’s doing PR and organization for you.”

But what is it actually?” I said.

Listen,” Gold said. “You were a smart boy in law school. Too smart. Now you’re dead and you’re lingering. Loitering. Get on with it. You should have stayed with the man in the boat.”

I don’t think there are any more shoulds, Morris.”

He nodded. “Fair enough. But this is all college dormitory jerking. Why did you come to see me?”

It’s probably just a fetish on my part. A little tour of old friends and bastards.”

He laughed. “Sentimental journey, right? Did you know the configuration of the Surveillance State is an Atlas holding up the world? When you really see the whole architecture? And the document you’re looking for is hidden, along with at least a million other docs, inside a bead of sweat on Atlas’ forehead?”

Then I guess I want to kill Atlas,” I said.

Yes,” he said. “You would.”

What are my options? I can’t take him to court.”

You have to look, John Q. Look hard.”

A sheet of slow lightning swam up my legs and infiltrated my spine. It narrowed. It nuzzled and burned, on the way up, each bone, sheath, nerve fiber.

At the top of the channel, I reached out and removed the top of Morris’ skull. It came away clean and out rolled a small creek of dusty tears.

I was standing in a courtroom open to the sky. I was behind the prosecution table.

And there was a giant standing before me.

I was facing Atlas in the dock. His head was barely visible, an imprint behind a cloudbank. The whole set up was absurd, but I persisted. It was moviemaking on a shoestring.

I was searching for my opening.

I was searching for words.

I was building words.

In an unknown language.

It seemed the only way to do it.

I was translating incomprehensible text into silent sounds, rehearsing them.

Sounds that would vibrate tectonic plates, if necessary, that would split the seams of the fabricated sewn-up sky.

When I was ready, when I was confident, as I’d been a thousand times before judges and juries, I began talking, suddenly knowing that every syllable would break open a wound in the cartilage and penetrate to capillaries, arteries, and organs.

Every case had been a symptom, and every verdict a palliative. This one was the kernel of the original dream.

I spoke and I heard a sound of upper crashing, at long, long distance.

The slow fall.

It might take centuries, but it was irreversible.

There was a crowd in the courtroom. An Ensor painting of masked faces. They lined up around me.

In the front circle, I could see Bobby Thoms, Carol, Sal Mosca, and Morris Gold. They were grinning and laughing.

They were letting me know my whole objective was paper-thin. I would never win. It was a farce.

It was…a question of faith.

If my dying, when I boiled it down, consisted of staring at the legs of an Atlas and searching for telltale tremors of a terminal illness…

If I woke in my office on Michigan Avenue and realized I was still handling cases in superior court, that I was alive on Earth, that I was late for an arraignment, that I was still John Q, dancing on the end of a long string, defending a Zuma trafficker out of Mexico City…

I waited. I stood and waited.

I waited to see.

I waited a long time…

The crowd slowly disintegrated.

I looked at the walls of the courtroom. They, too, were fading.

But there was a silent depersonalized giant standing before me.

He remained.

He was watching the world, making sure all non-human factors were in place and spinning, functioning. He was the machine and the architecture of spying. Surveillance. He was the exemplar of no-dream. He was the stand-in for life and death. He was the soldier. The robot other planetary civilizations would see when they looked at Earth from space. The mechanical dinosaur in a roadside rest stop. No awareness of me. No awareness of anything.

Nobody. Nobody at all. Just a clock on the wall wound up to eat the universe.

I heard the long faraway crashing sound again.

I’d heard that sound in a dream when I was boy, after my sister read me the story of the Tower of Babel, which I imagined was a great fort holding soldiers.

The Tower went down, and in the endless number of languages liberated, I found my own river.

And those words were streaming out of me now.

I was cut loose, floating in the afternoon of new sounds.

As if…if we began to speak in ways that were alive, finally, if this were our invention, there would be nothing to spy on, there would be no machine that could interpret our meaning.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at