Breaking: Obama Judge blocks fed action against sanctuary cities; he raised money for Obama

Breaking: Obama Judge blocks fed action against sanctuary cities; he raised money for Obama

Judge who just stopped cut-off of fed funds to sanctuary cities raised money for Obama

by Jon Rappoport

April 25, 2017

William Orrick is his name. He was appointed by Obama, in 2012, to the position of US District Judge for the Northern District of California.

He just ruled that the US government can’t withhold federal funds from sanctuary cities.

According to Public Citizen, while working as a lawyer in the private sector, Orrick raised $200,000 for Obama and personally gave $30,800 to various committees working on behalf of Obama.

That signals bias, ideological conflict of interest.

Judge Orrick also, in 2015, blocked the release of the notorious underground recordings of Planned Parenthood, in which the sale of harvested organs from aborted fetuses was discussed.

Could you find a better Judge to defend “the rights” of sanctuary cities?

Given Obama’s stance on sanctuary cities, he may as well have issued today’s judicial order himself. Judge Orrick is his proxy.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Trump: the man vs. his ideas

Trump: the man vs. his ideas

by Jon Rappoport

April 23, 2017

“Well, my hero failed to live up to his promises. He has feet of clay. So why should I care about his ideas? They’re unimportant. All I really wanted in the first place was a hero. That was the only dream that mattered.”

In past articles, I’ve praised Trump and criticized him. Here I want to make a few remarks about his best effects and the ripples that have spread from his words—but not necessarily from his present and future actions.

Why do I make that distinction?

Because I’m far more interested in the millions of people who decided to support Trump than I am in Trump himself. Those millions will carry freight in the years to come, here in the US and in other countries. If they turn passive, the so-called populist movement will die on the vine.

Trump has raised the issue of Globalism as no other modern president has. Specifically, he’s spoken about the horrendous consequences of: shipping jobs overseas, throwing huge numbers of willing domestic workers on to unemployment lines; and failing to lay on tariffs when corporations who have gone overseas send their products back here for sale.

He’s pointed to Globalist trade treaties as the source of this calamity, and he has killed the TPP treaty.

More generally, he’s spoken about Globalism vs. Nationalism; i.e., solving problems at home vs. trying to incorporate America into an international framework of governance.

His words have helped stimulate, confirm, and support the Brexit decision in the UK, and the rise of pro-nationalism anti-EU movements in Europe.

Trump has attacked the prime source of fake news, major media, as no other president ever has. Time and time again, he has gone after these scurrilous creatures as liars and purveyors of false realities. In this effort, he has lent a considerable hand to the expansion of independent media.

From the inception of major media here in America and other countries, their news has functioned as the eyes, ears, mouths, and brains for the public. How can authentic change for the better occur as long as this preposterous proxy-condition persists?

Trump has planted seeds for a revolutionary shift in foreign policy, based on non-interference in the affairs of other nations. Regardless of how far he moves in the opposite direction (e.g., Syria, Russia), his initial position on non-interference acknowledged untold numbers of people in many countries who have been waiting to hear that message.

To say, because Trump abandoned that stance, his proclamation against Empire-building was wrong is a fool’s errand. In the same way, people have claimed that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are meaningless because some of the Framers owned slaves.

Failing to distinguish between ideas and the people who espouse them is a sign of the lowest possible level of intelligence.

The mainstream press displays that level every day.

Trump has pointed out, over and over, that an open borders immigration policy is madness. The financial burden it imposes; the open invitation it offers to immigrants, to take advantage of free government services (never before the intent of any US immigration program); the seeding of communities with immigrants who have no intention of becoming part of American society; the indifference toward crimes and terrorist acts that result from non-vetting; these and other factors demand a change of approach.

For the so-called political Left, a sense of idealism implies there will never be a ceiling on immigration. It is unlimited and forever. Separate nations are a fiction. The world is One Nation. These sentiments are, in fact, Globalism’s wet dream, which by the way has nothing to do with kindness and sharing. It has to do with top-down control of civilization, from one end of the planet to the other.

Trump has built strong pillars with his words.

He has confirmed what untold numbers of people in many nations believe and want.

There is every danger that, if Trump fails to live up to what he has said, these people, many of them, will decide his words mean nothing. His ideas mean nothing.

Again, that is because they can’t distinguish between ideas and the individuals who espouse them. They have neither the capacity nor the desire. They’re trapped along a fault-line of their own cynicism; they’re looking for a reason to say destiny is doom.

This attitude has plagued humanity since the beginning. Those who championed freedom and the individual have fought against it.

“Well, my hero failed to live up to his promises. He has feet of clay. So why should I care about his ideas? They’re unimportant. All I really wanted in the first place was a hero. That was the only dream that mattered.”


Those are the words of a disappointed child.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Facebook shuts down pro Le Pen posts as French election nears

Facebook shuts down pro Marine Le Pen posts as French election nears

by Jon Rappoport

April 16, 2017

Well, sure. Wouldn’t you? The woman is running for the presidency of France. She wants to reverse the tide of immigration in her country, so she must be a racist, and whatever she says or whatever anyone else says in support of her is, automatically, fake news, mindless, evil, and the population must be protected from that infection. This is how free speech works. It’s free unless it could do harm, unless certain minds might be taken in by it, and apparently Facebook is stepping up to the plate. Mark Zuckerberg is long overdue for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Zero Hedge: “The first round of French elections will be held on April 23rd, prompting Facebook to shut down pro Le Pen accounts, which they deem to be ‘fake’.”

“In addition to outright bans, the company [Facebook], in conjunction with French media, are running ‘fact checking’ programs — designed to fight ‘fake news’, heightening their efforts around the elections — which spans from 4/23-5/7.”

France must be purified. Only then can media function.

Immigration, you have to understand, isn’t an issue. There is nothing to debate. Immigration is a fact, wholly beautiful, and anyone who wants to limit it is speaking against love, flowers, and the proposition that the sun rises every morning.

Facebook is providing a public service. Just as Mussolini made the trains run on time in Italy, FB is making the news run on time—the real news.

Fake news should be shut down. Free speech only concerns what isn’t fake. Yes, I’m beginning to see the light.

After fake news is purged, then we can have free speech.

Aha. Yes.

Somehow, I must have missed this when I studied the 1st Amendment. James Madison, who wrote it, made this note: “Except for fake news.”

The guiding principle should be: if you’re not sure whether an item or issue or report is fake, don’t talk about it, don’t write about it, don’t express an opinion about it, until the authorities have cleared things up, until they’ve decided whether it’s fake or real.

Mark Zuckerberg is providing us with an easy way to check. If he and his people censor a post, it’s fake. Ignore it. Remain silent.

And if you’re French, don’t vote for Le Pen, unless you want a faker as your president.

Things are basically simple. They really are. If you know how to follow the signs and the warnings and the people in charge.

For example, right now I can sense an errant thought creeping into my mind: a corporation based in the US is colluding with the French government to influence an election in France. But I reject that thought. I denounce it. I urge everyone to denounce it. Pretend I never uttered the thought.

Please. I beg of you.

It’s fake.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Exclusive interview: documenting illegal-immigrant pedophile crimes

“[North Carolina]: In 10 months, 170 separate confirmed illegal aliens were charged with 592 separate incidences of child rape/child sexual assault/indecent liberties with a minor.”

by Jon Rappoport

March 20, 2017

The organization is North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement (NCFIRE) (, facebook, twitter, gab).

Click here — the home page of NCFIRE — and scroll down to see — for each month since November 2013 — the number of illegal aliens arrested in NC for child rape/child sexual assault (with accompanying documentation for each arrest).

For several years, James Johnson, its head, has been researching very serious crimes committed by illegal immigrants in North Carolina.

Some people will view his effort as partisan and political from the get-go, and therefore they will automatically reject what Johnson has discovered.

But the point is, what are the facts? Regardless of political allegiance, the facts ought to be known.

I interviewed Mr. Johnson about his findings and methods of research.

Q (Rappoport): Your organization has been compiling statistics on crime in North Carolina. Can you give me an overview of what you’ve found?

A (Johnson): We have found many hundreds of crimes committed by illegal aliens every month. They run the full gamut ie: Failure to appear for previous arrests, DWI, assault on females, drug trafficking, child rape, breaking and entering, receiving stolen goods, illegal possession of firearms, urinating in public, etc… every conceivable crime you could name.

Q: What sources did you use to come up with these numbers?

A: We use actual NC Sheriff, NC Police and NC Highway Patrol arrest records which are public information in NC. I personally scan several thousand arrest records every day to compile our information. In a month’s time, I literally scan 10’s of thousands of arrest records. (These are total arrest records, not simply illegal alien arrest records)

Q: Have mainstream news outlets been covering this story?

A: NO. (However, there are a couple of independent NC news websites that have recently started carrying our Monthly Child Rape Reports)

Q: Have you attempted to contact mainstream newspapers and television news networks with your findings? What’s been the result of that attempt?

A: I have a list of 350 different media outlets in NC and have, on numerous occasions in the past, sent them our monthly crime reports. I have not received one single response from any of them. In fact, I have been blocked by a number of them from sending them any further emails.

Q: Have you received much response from people who live in North Carolina?

A: Yes. NCFIRE has been active in the effort against illegal aliens in NC since 2007. Over the years we have had numerous rallies with crowds ranging from a couple of dozen, to a couple of thousand. Through our email contact list and our social media outlets, we are able to reach 50-60 thousand NC citizens at any given time. We have taken an active roll [sic] at the NC Legislature and worked in an effort to get many illegal immigration enforcement bills through the General Assembly. We have called for the citizens to show up at the committee hearings for these bills and the citizens have responded in large numbers. We also have the support of numerous County Sheriffs and Law enforcement agencies through-out the state.

Q: In reading through crime reports, how do you know you’re compiling statistics of illegal immigrants committing those crimes, as opposed to, say, people with Hispanic last names? How do you dig into the crime reports?

A: In the beginning, we were posting any and every crime we could find being committed by an illegal alien in NC. During the past couple of years, we have focused specifically on the crime of child rape/child sexual assault. In many of the posts [articles in the press], the illegal immigration status is mentioned in the article, others we verify by calling the arresting authority and confirm the citizenship or illegal immigration status of the arrested individual. Obviously we don’t publish crimes being committed by citizens. In 10 years of doing this, we have had to retract fewer than 10 postings where we got the citizenship status wrong, (by posting the info on initial confirmation, only to find with further investigation, that the individual was in fact, a citizen).

While a majority of those in our reports do have Hispanic surnames, the surname of the arrested individual has no bearing as to whether or not we post it. Quite frankly, any name that is not “white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant” or that would not normally have been found in a 1960’s N.C. phone book, we check. It doesn’t matter if it is Asian, Indian, Sudanese, Italian, Greek, Russian, etc… The fact is, we just don’t find very many that are “other than Hispanic” (child rapes in particular). We post what we find and do not single out or “cherry pick” any particular surname.

[I check the immigration status of a person who is arrested] through the [arresting] law enforcement agencies themselves. Unless the initial arrest is part of an ongoing investigation, the immigration status of an arrested individual is public information…if I inquire too soon after an arrest (before they [the arresting agencies] have gotten the info [on immigration status] back from ICE or DHS) [a]ll I have to do then, is simply call back at a later time (a few days generally).

Q: Can you give me the numbers of crimes committed by illegal immigrants you’ve found for the last five years, year by year? And specifically, what crimes do these numbers cover?

A: No, we don’t have the information broken down that far. Please feel free to research our info to do an analysis that would provide you that info.

Q: Does your organization receive funding? If so, from whom? Are you registered as a non-profit?

A: We receive no funding from anyone. I fund this organization out of my back pocket. Until a couple of years ago, we were a registered non-profit in N.C. and received minimal donations from our subscribers ($5,000 or less in any given year). As we became larger and more effective at putting pressure on our legislators, we were exceeding the limitations of the 501(c)(3) as it pertains to issue agenda politics and lobbying. Complaints were filed against us and we were forced to dissolve the 501(c)(3) non-profit status or register as a 501(c)(4). At the time, the Obama Administration and the IRS were targeting conservative 501(c)(4)’s and I didn’t want any part of that. I dissolved the 501(c)(3) and removed any reference to donations from our website and all of our social media outlets.

Q: Why do you believe you’ve received the cold shoulder from so many media outlets?

A: Illegal aliens committing crimes against citizens doesn’t fit their socialist, open borders agenda. You have to remember, “they’re only here to make a better life for themselves and do the jobs American’s won’t do.”

Q: What about North Carolina politicians and bureaucrats? Have you approached many of them? If so, what responses have you gotten?

A: Yes, we have worked closely with numerous NC House members, in crafting language of a number of immigration enforcement bills. Some have passed, some have not. We are actually making some gains in last session of the NCGA [North Carolina General Assembly] (2015-2016), we were able to pass HB318 – Protect NC Workers Act, that had a number of measures designed to crack down on the illegal alien population in NC and those who may hire or harbor them, as well as prevent them from receiving any type of State level social service (ie: sanctuary city policies, acceptable forms of valid ID, etc..).

As you are no doubt aware, all of this was taking place during the Obama Presidency when they were refusing to enforce many aspects of immigration laws and going so far as to offer temporary protected status to millions of illegals in the US. (DACA, DAPA, etc…)

This session, they’re [sic] are 6 bills introduced in the NC House and 2 in the NC Senate that create new laws, add to or further enforce the existing laws already in place that deal with illegal aliens in NC. We have them all listed with links on our website.

Q: You seem to be talking about a crime wave that most people in North Carolina are unaware of. Is that the case?

A: I think a majority of NC residents are aware of crimes being committed by illegal aliens, just not the extent of it. Each year, as we grow our membership, we are making more and more of the citizenry aware of the magnitude of the problem. Certainly more are aware if it now than when we started in 2007. Enough of them are aware of it now that we’re making a difference at the NC General Assembly level in getting immigration enforcement bills passed and signed into law.

In the response to your 1st question, I should have clarified WHY we have focused on one particular crime. As I said, in the beginning, we were posting any and all crimes by illegals that we could find, however, the number of crimes we were finding, being committed by illegals, became too much for us to keep up with, as far as verifying and posting all we could find in a month’s time. I made the decision to focus on the child rapes that we were finding, as those are the most heinous in my humble opinion.

Q: I need a total number for this specific crime—child rape/child sexual assault—you’ve verified as being committed by illegal immigrants over the past 2 years. Otherwise, I’m dealing with a generality.

A: As you can see from our website, we went through a 17 month period of tracking this particular crime (Nov. 2013 – March 2015). The methodology I used at the time was to list every crime report we could find through law enforcement arrest reports AND every scheduled court case we could find for the month. All of the court case data is available online trough [sic] the NC Courts System website. Those monthly reports showed a total of arrests AND court dates (for previously arrested illegal aliens) that occurred in any particular month. Needless to say, it was an enormous amount of work and research.

I discontinued that particular assignment after March of 2015. I resumed the effort in May of 2016 using only the illegal aliens ARRESTED during one month’s time frame. So two separate methodologies were used for two separate blocks of time. All that being said, it would be a tremendous amount of work to go back through each and every report to total up the confirmed illegal aliens arrested (not including the court cases) for 17 months to come up with a 2 year total. Some of those reports are 40 – 50 pages long and it is not a task which I care to do.

The latest 10 month period of reporting (May 2016 – February 2017) only include confirmed illegal aliens ARRESTED for these crimes in any particular month. So let’s use the previous 10 months time-frame data.

Every individual, listed in each of the last 10 months of the “NCFIRE Monthly Child Rape Reports” (May of 2016 – February of 2017), is a confirmed illegal alien. Those totals are: In 10 months, 170 separate confirmed illegal aliens, were charged with 592 separate incidences of child rape/child sexual assault/indecent liberties with a minor. (The current month’s report, March 2017 already has 8 confirmed illegal aliens that have amassed 22 separate charges of child rape/sexual assault/indecent liberties with a child, which I have NOT included in those numbers. I will publish that report sometime in early April 2017. Obviously they lag one month behind for compiling and publishing purposes). I have personally confirmed each and every one of them through one or more of the aforementioned sources and or methods.

Just using the raw numbers associated with each monthly report (arrests and court cases), every illegal alien arrested for these particular sexual acts against children in NC, averages 4.6 charges per individual. That’s not to say that every illegal alien in NC rapes 4.6 different children, only that each one, on average, commits 4.6 sexual acts per arrest.

Q: Finally, I assume since you’re dealing with arrests data, you’re not tracking convictions. Correct?

A: Correct. We are not tracking convictions.

—end of interview—

My comments: Mr. Johnson was forthcoming about his methods of research and analysis. One could criticize his focus on arrests rather than convictions. On the other hand, focusing on convictions could be misleading, if defendants are being released without trial or pled out on lesser charges, owing to political correctness.

But the question is, has Mr. Johnson’s extensive investigation turned up enough evidence to indicate there is a very serious problem; a problem that has been ignored and overlooked and even suppressed from public view?

I believe the answer is yes. From his account, he carried out the investigation on his own, as one man. Who knows what a determined team would discover?

Again, there will be those who reject Mr. Johnson’s findings out of hand, because they don’t want to deal with them, and because they are “politically incorrect.”

This is not a valid reason to turn away.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

“Border tax”: word-manipulation used to destroy Trump’s economic plan

“Border tax”: word-manipulation used to stop Trump’s economic plan

by Jon Rappoport

February 15, 2017

I’ll get to the devious word-manipulation in a minute, but first a bit of background.

Corporate Globalists are now gathering their forces to destroy Trump’s economic plan.

Their goal: stop Trump from laying tariffs on goods exported to America.

Trump has announced a simple and straightforward idea. If US companies shut down factories here and set them up in Third World hell holes, with slave labor and no environmental rules, and then export those goods back to the US, they’ll have to pay a stiff tariff.

That tariff will cut them off at the knees. They won’t be able to sell their products so cheaply here. In fact, they’d be better off re-opening their factories in the US and re-employing all those workers they threw out of jobs when they left the US.

Trump’s other obvious idea: countries where the labor is cheap have their own native companies, of course, who are producing goods and exporting them to the US—undercutting American companies who make the same products. Those foreign companies would also have to pay a stiff tariff, putting them on an equal footing with US manufacturers.

Globalists hate these plans. They want predatory corporations to roam free all over the world, gutting economies, and exporting their products to one and all, without paying tariffs.

This is what 50 years of conferences (1945-1995) on the treaty called GATT were all about. Knocking out tariffs. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade culminated in the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), a pillar of the new world economic order.

Now, there is panic as Trump appears to be going after the WTO and its grand foundation.

And so we come to the word-manipulation.

Here are current news headlines. Read them and then I’ll explain.

New York Times: “Profitable pickups may be in cross hairs of Trump’s border tax.”

Marketwatch: “Target, Gap, Best Buy and other retailers going to DC to oppose border tax…”

Reuters: “Retail CEOs head to Washington to try to kill US border tax.”

Automotive News: “US border tax could raise vehicle tax…”

Wall St. Journal: “Border tax could upend global markets…”

Drudge summary of Financial Times: “BRUSSELS GEARS UP FOR HIGH-STAKES CHALLENGE TO ‘US BORDER TAX’ PLAN… Biggest case in World Trade Organization history…”

There are many more headlines along the same line. And they all mention “border tax.” What are they talking about?

Well, “border tax” equals “tariff,” a word that has been used since the founding of the American Republic. But suddenly the memo has gone out to mainstream news to use this other term instead.

Why? Because “border tax” suggests the idea of a tax connected with immigration, as in “border.” Yes, tariffs are traditionally collected at a nation’s border (a port) when imported goods arrive. But no one had been calling a tariff a border tax until now, when Trump is under heavy fire for his temporary immigration ban.

In order to pile on, and give a negative twist to the idea of a tariff, conflating it with immigration, we have “border tax.” Another bonus: everyone dislikes more taxes. So “border tax” has two negatives.

It’s called mind-control propaganda by word association.

War is peace.

Ignorance is strength.

And tariffs are (immigration) border taxes.

In the same way, sheer corporate greed (demanding an end to tariffs) has long been called “free trade.” It sounds positive. It’s the opposite of “slave trade.” More language manipulation. Wouldn’t you prefer being free to being a slave?

When “new world order” and “new international economic order” came into vogue, decades ago, the psyop was based on the idea that “new” was preferable to “old,” and “order” was much better than “chaos.”

Of course, “new world order” backfired, because millions of people saw through it.

Hopefully, the same thing will happen now to “border tax.”

As in: “Why yes, borders are good. They should be solid and well defined and protected. And that’s where tariffs are collected. Plus, draconian corporations should pay their taxes. Border-tax. It’s a terrific idea. Let’s do it.”

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

To the people of Europe who still believe in freedom

To the people of Europe who still believe in freedom

by Jon Rappoport

February 8, 2017

You can say all you want to about the history of Europe, but you also have to say that Europe was the cradle of liberty for the whole world.

The main struggle was held there. And finally, the clear idea of individual freedom emerged.

Then, gradually, in the wake of two World Wars, a new theme took hold. You could call it comfort, or security, peace for all, share and care, the good life.

Under a dominating tax rate, citizens had “services” provided by their governments. Many pleasant services.

Why not? All was well.

Even when these governments were placed under the umbrella of the European Union, most citizens of member countries perceived no real problems—as long as the services continued to flow.

But there was an addendum to the basic contract. The national governments, and their superiors at the EU…they were the Providers, and they could, at their whim, turn the screw and apply new oppressive rules to the citizenry. And they could, if resistance appeared, drop their pose of benevolence and take on the role of Enforcer.

And if they did, where would liberty and individual freedom go?

It would go away.

Escalating floods of migrants entered Europe. This was a turning of the screw. Brought about by “upper management” of the Providers. The crimes and disruptions of these migrants have been well documented in independent media. The people of Europe had no say about the invasion. In fact, it soon became a prosecutable offense to write about it or speak about it in a public forum.

The lords of government would brook no opposition.

The basic liberty—speaking freely—was on the line and under the boot heel.

In fact, for years, a campaign of political correctness in speech had been waged all over Europe. It covered many areas. The EU had been aiding and abetting it.

The “good life” was cracking at the seams. It wasn’t all good anymore.

The Provider was becoming the Enforcer.

Looking back on the change, it was always obvious that it was waiting in the wings. The Providers weren’t messiahs of a socialist utopia. That pretense was merely an intermediate phase in a much larger operation.

Mollify the citizenry for a time, “give them services,” and then when they were lulled into complacency, when they felt safe and secure, when they’d traded liberty for something that looks like liberty, start the chaos.

And clamp down. Assert overt control.

The EU structure was never extreme enough for the overlords. After all, it was a confederation of separate nations. The covert operation was One Nation of Europe, drained of separate traditions, with all former, distinguishing, national characteristics removed. The goal was one continental entity, seeded with enough migrants to eliminate visible differences, and roiled in conflicts.

To make a stew, heat and stir.

Eventually, eliminate the memory that, at one time, individual freedom was birthed in those countries. And one step further: eliminate the knowledge of what individual freedom is.

Bring in immigrants from cultures where authentic freedom, with its attendant responsibilities, means nothing.

The operation is well underway.

The lords of government never wanted utopia. They wanted, and want, submission. They achieved the soft version. Now they’re aiming for the hard.

This is modern European history not taught in schools. Schools would ban even a hint of it.

So the struggle begins again.

It has many faces—some of them ideological, which is to say, embedded in groups for whom national and ethnic identity is the foremost concern.

How long will it take before The Individual, defined by HIS OWN choice and vision, APART FROM SUCH IDENTITY, reemerges?

That was the original battle of the ages: the liberation of each individual.

It wasn’t easy then, and it won’t be easy now.

But it begins in the mind.

And not the group mind.

Not in any group.

In 1859, John Stuart Mill wrote:

“If it were felt that the free development of individuality is one of the leading essentials of well-being…there would be no danger that liberty should be undervalued.”

Escaping from, and dissolving the trap that is now Europe may be the work of cooperating groups; but the reason for the escape will ultimately come back to the individual, his power, and his independent self-chosen destiny.

He carries the torch.

Though it may not seem so, his flame vaporizes collectivism.

It was always so, and it is now.

Europe’s great thinkers and writers were the very people who made this clear: freedom exists and it pertains to the individual, not the group, not some shadowy entity, not a collective; freedom is not simply a word or a floating ideal waving its banner in the air; it is the soul’s platform, from which all good things become possible; it is the starting point of a life; it is the blood that runs through a dream of a created future, a better future; it is the brother of the individual’s accountability for his own actions.

Throw a blanket over freedom, and no one is accountable.

This is why so many people now deny freedom. They want to remain unaccountable.

They want everything for nothing, and they want the right to spend that everything, or burn it, tear it up, destroy it. And then ask for more.

For them, the countries of Europe are just places. Easy places to exploit.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

But no matter the circumstances, the inner core of the struggle is the same: the liberation of the individual from all the forlorn hopes that lead him back to searching for the utopia he once believed was coming.

That painted illusion is going away.

The individual, falling back on his own resources, will need to relearn half-forgotten lessons. He will have to ignite his own energy.

The challenge can be bracing, and much more. It can awaken sleeping corridors of the spirit, where he once walked in power.

And can walk again.

Profound dissatisfaction and resistance can breed joy.

Once upon a time, he knew that, and then he abandoned the knowledge for a syrupy potion of a New Age; now the bottle is dry.

Now, he is the creator of his own enterprises; his own destiny.

I say Europe will live again.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

Judge’s order to block Trump’s immigration travel ban is ridiculous

Judge’s order to block Trump’s immigration travel ban is ridiculous

by Jon Rappoport

February 5, 2017

The Judge is playing games. He’s lying.

He obviously doesn’t like Trump’s immigration travel ban, so he’s cooking up reasons for slapping a temporary restraining order on it.

A freshman in law school could point out holes in those reasons big enough to drive a fleet of trucks through.

On February 3rd, Judge James Robart issued his order (Case 2:17-cv-00141-JLR Document 52 Filed 02/03/17 Page 1 of 7): he temporarily restrained the federal government from enforcing Trump’s immigration travel ban.

The Judge’s order is absurd for several reasons.

First of all, objections to Trump’s ban were entered into the court by the States of Washington and Minnesota, as the “injured parties.” But Judge Robart announced his decision would affect all States—the whole country—because immigration law must be applied “uniformly” across the board.

Perhaps, but nowhere is it stated that a temporary restraining order (TRO) issued by a judge must be applied uniformly across the whole country.

Since when is a TRO the same as a law?

Speaking of law, no final legal/constitutional decision has been rendered re Trump’s Executive Order on immigration. It’s still up for grabs. The Judge is just writing script to suit his bias.

The Judge may not like Trump’s ban; clearly, he does not. The Judge may believe the ban will be overturned by a higher court because it is unconstitutional. The Judge may think Trump is committing an immoral act. But all that is beside the point. The only thing Judge Robart was empowered to do was issue a TRO or not issue a TRO. Period.

Why should he have the right to apply his TRO, not a law, to the whole of the United States? Maybe he’s a god we haven’t been told about. If so, I’d like to see the evidence.

Next point: The judge made a number of comments to justify issuing his the TRO: “The States are likely to suffer irreparable harm in the absence of [my] preliminary relief [restraining order].”

That is absurd on its face. Irreparable harm? This means harm that can never be fixed? Come on. The Judge may as well have said, “I’m biased. I don’t like Trump’s EO and I don’t like him. So when I said ‘irreparable’, I exaggerated by a few thousand miles. Ha-ha.”

The Judge wrote: “The EO [Trump’s Executive Order limiting immigration] adversely affects the States’ residents in areas of employment, education, business, family relations, and freedom to travel.”

More fluff, nonsense, and outright deception. Does the Judge seriously expect us to believe that the banning of 35,000 more refugees than the 2016 federal cap is going to decimate the States?

(In his EO, Trump wrote: “I hereby proclaim that the entry of more than 50,000 refugees in fiscal year 2017 would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, and thus suspend any such entry until such time as I determine that additional admissions would be in the national interest.” An NPR political editor stated: “For 2016, the cap was 85,000.” The difference is 35,000.)

Judge Robart wrote: “In addition, the States themselves are harmed by virtue of the damage…inflicted upon the operations and missions of their public universities…as well as injury to the States’ operations, tax bases, and public funds.”

Same objections as above. Judge Robart is stretching the truth to the breaking point. His definition of “harm” and “irreparable harm” are coming from his private dictionary of exaggerations. He’s winging it.

Case closed.

Except it isn’t.

A Judge who can take powers not granted to him, who can invent, out of whole cloth, dire consequences where none exist, is hustling the system he’s sworn to defend.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Court documents for Case 2:17-cv-00141-JLR:

1. Exhibit A, Trump’s Executive Order:

2. Attorney General of Washington State’s complaint asking Fed Judge for a temporary restraining order to bar Feds from carrying out Trump’s Executive Order:

3. Feds rebuttal to the above:

4. The Judge’s granting of the temporary restraining order — and granting it nationwide:

5. The Feds’ appeal to the 9th Circuit (in San Fransisco) to restore the Trump immigration ban:

Comment by Washington Post: “The government argued the district court’s injunction on Trump’s ban was ‘vastly overbroad’ and was ‘accompanied by virtually no legal analysis.'”

6. 9th Circuit order denying initial appeal by Feds:

Comment by Washington Post: “The 9th Circuit issues its response to an emergency motion filed by the Justice Department to immediately reinstate the executive order calling for a travel ban.” [Note: 9th Circuit schedules the Appeal to reconvene on Monday, Feb 6.]

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

California proves it’s a Mickey Mouse state

California proves it’s a Mickey Mouse state

by Jon Rappoport

January 30, 2017

The California state government, together with the voting bloc of so-called Progressives, acts like a child who steals his rich parents’ credit cards, maxes them out, gives his new Ferrari to “a friend in need,” burns down his own house, and then complains that things are not going well.

Financial analysts, and even Governor Jerry Brown, agree that the real debt of the California government is…$400 billion. That’s right. This includes bond issues, retirement and pension fund obligations, and health care for retirees.

My, my. And the state has no way to pay for this staggering debt as it mounts in the future.

“Well, we were just trying to help everybody and give them money and benefits.” Yes, I’m sure you were. Here’s a lollipop and a free ticket to Disneyland for your efforts. Now, are there any adults left in California who can try to salvage the ruins?

But wait, there’s more. The new Trump administration is threatening to cut federal funds to California, unless its sanctuary cities agree to cooperate in handing over illegal immigrants for deportation. So California officials, intent on protecting those immigrants, are pondering ways to replace that lost federal funding. At the top of their to-do list? Withholding state-taxes they’re required to send to Washington every year, and using the money to make up for the new impending shortfall.

This isn’t your great-great grandfather’s tax rebellion. This is a massive debtor-state government bloviating about helping immigrants in need while they, themselves, are drowning in a sea of red ink without a life preserver.

“We don’t care how much money we owe. It doesn’t matter. We’re virtuous. That’s all that counts.”

This is Paul Revere riding his horse backwards shouting, “The creditor is coming! The creditor is coming!”

This is a young junkie knocking on his rich father’s door, yelling, “Dad, I just need to tell you I won’t take your money ever again to buy heroin! I’m independent!”

This is, “Give us your huddled un-screened illegal masses coming through the southern border yearning to obtain free healthcare and driver’s licenses and welfare benefits. And even give us those who are here to commit crimes and terrorist acts and take back California for Mexico. All that matters is that we appear to be virtuous.”

It’s far too late to tell the government of California to get its act together. The number-one act in the state is Hollywood. That should tell you something. Celebs, as they build deeper bunkers armed with mortars and missile launchers, are desperately sending out share-and-care messages for the greater good of humanity.

Here’s the kicker. A significant portion of California’s debt is underwritten by big banks: Goldman Sachs; Citigroup, Bank of America; Morgan. Do the California officials who are talking about withholding state taxes from the federal government really think those banks are going to stand on the sidelines while this gimmick-laden plan moves forward? Not a chance. The banks are aligned with the feds. The banks own the government of California.

A few phone calls and the plan will collapse like a snowball in a heat wave.

Who’ll be your sugar-daddy then, California?

One final note—California Governor Jerry Brown, who seems to be a staunch defender of open borders, the immigrant flood, and sanctuary cities (at least he’s not publicly opposing them), sang a quite different tune in 1975.

Clifford Cunningham writes at infowars: “While citizens of South Vietnam sought refuge in the United States following their country’s defeat by communist forces from North Vietnam, many liberal Democrats opposed efforts by Republican President Gerald Ford to admit them.”

“The group of Democrats included then-Governor of California Jerry Brown (now governor for the second time)…’As a rookie governor when Saigon fell in 1975 and the U.S. was flying Vietnamese refugees to America, Brown was outspokenly opposed,’ reported the Los Angeles Times in 2015.”

“In particular, Brown said in 1975: ‘There is something a little strange about saying, Let’s bring in 500,000 more people when we can’t take care of the 1 million [Californians] out of work’.”

“Julia Taft, who directed Ford’s Task Force on Indochinese refugee resettlement, told author Larry Engelmann in his book, Tears Before the Rain: An Oral History of the Fall of South Vietnam, ‘The new governor of California, Jerry Brown, was very concerned about refugees settling in his state’.”
“’Our biggest problem came from California’,” Taft said during an interview with NPR in 2007. ‘They didn’t want any of these refugees, because they had also unemployment. They had already a large number of foreign-born people there’.”

“’They had – they said they had too many Hispanics, too many people on welfare, they didn’t want these people’.”

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

I see. Well, how times change. In 1975, it was permissible to reject immigrants and explain why. It was permissible to claim too many people were already on welfare. It was permissible to prefer helping people who already lived in California.

But not now. It’s not politically correct to make such statements or hold such views in public. Now you have to go the opposite way, regardless of what you actually believe. Even if it drops the state into a deeper hole.

“Hello, world. Send us EVERYBODY. No limits. We’re virtuous. I swear it. I really mean it. Now excuse me, I have to go see a man about fortifying my bunker with autonomous drones and robot security guards. Remember, I care. Deeply.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Will California secede from the US? I hope so.

by Jon Rappoport

January 4, 2017

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Not going to happen, but it’s interesting to imagine it.

Several groups in California are pushing for a ballot measure that, if passed, would allow the state’s voters to decide, in a direct referendum, whether to remain part of the US or become an independent country.

I’d like to see California secede, on the basis that they want a green economy and they want to “adjust” their immigration policies. It would be a sight to behold. Wide open borders and wind propellers everywhere. I’d give CA five years until total collapse.

It would be first state to secede and then beg to be let back into the country.

Its president, Jerry Brown, would release a statement: “This is a big oops. We miscalculated. It turns out we can’t afford open borders. And I’m not just talking about the upsurge in crime and terror attacks. The social services we provide all immigrants are overwhelming our institutions and our financial resources. No one wants to underwrite the loans we require. We’re screwed and we’re sorry. Please re-admit us to the Union. We need to become the biggest Welfare State in history right away.”

Yes, let’s see the green revolution and social justice play out on a large stage. Let’s see the consequences.

How about this potential news story: “Lawmakers in California have been exposed for lying about global warming in their new country. After spending several billion dollars they didn’t have, to put up a satellite to measure climate change, it turned out the reported numbers were fudged because, as one legislator stated (off the record): ‘What did you expect? The actual numbers showed there was no warming, but we couldn’t admit that. Are you kidding? After we spent six billion to get the figures, we ended up with zilch. It was a disaster. We had to lie, to protect the reputation of our new nation.”

The vice-president of California, Barbara Boxer, would announce: “The policy of forcing two women into top executive positions at our major corporations for every man has failed. Corporate warfare has broken out. In boardrooms across the state, a poisonous atmosphere prevails. We must backtrack and reconsider.”

Several pro-immigration groups would issue a joint statement: “Consequences are irrelevant. The point is, this is a battle to take back California for Mexico. Our whole goal is extending the nation of Mexico to the north, and nothing will stop us. Anyone living in the nation of California who isn’t a Mexican is an illegal. We’re righting a wrong, and that’s all that matters. Our Treasury must replace dollars with pesos, and it must issue as many trillions as necessary to give our people a free standard of living.”

The California Dept. of Energy would release a new regulation: “In view of the current energy shortages, our Weather Control Department is hereby empowered to create continuous massive storms, in order to dramatically increase air flow for our wind power installations.”

And then there would be this, from the California Dept. of the Environment: “A new tiny species of fish, slightly larger than a bacterium, has been discovered along our shores, as well as in rivers and streams. In order to protect the BX-2-S-V fish, all flow of water (including desalination) from these bodies of water into farms is hereby canceled, until long-term studies on the threat to the BX-2-S-V’s survival can be established…”

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Yes, it would be a real party.

The businesses that would expand? Underground bunker building for super-wealthy Silicon Valley and Hollywood moguls, and armed security services.

And oh yes: California’s government-owned vaccine manufacturer would take off like a rocket, because according to new laws, every resident of the state would be forced to endure shots of 58 vaccines. Failure to comply would be met with a three-year sentence at a marijuana-growing work camp in Humboldt, presided over by Sinaloa Cartel muscle. Sinaloa, of course, would be the biggest corporation in the new nation.

Its chief, Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, who escaped jail in Mexico 47 times, would live in a walled compound that covers a third of the city of Sacramento. He would be California’s Secretary of Defense.

Yes, this west coast nation would put on quite a show.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

When virtue is the greatest crime

by Jon Rappoport

December 13, 2016

(To join our email list, click here.)

Who are they?

Behind their flaccid smiles is a roaring furnace of anger.

They believe love motivates them. Love, and the worship of some leader who stands for love.

This delusion can topple a society and a civilization.

They have been taught to be good. They been trained in that way, and they embrace their training as both a shield and a sword, as they set out to change the world.

There are millions of them.

Who are they?

They advocate “share and care” without limit. This is their religion. For them, there is no ceiling on supporting those in need, and there are no negative consequences. There is no taking from Peter to pay Paul. It doesn’t exist.

If you told these soldiers for the Good that they could open a door and let 30 million immigrants into the country overnight, they would open the door without hesitation. Downside? Irrelevant. Being good is all that matters. It is the imperative. To betray it would be an unpardonable sin and would destroy them, these holy soldiers.

On the other hand, if you said you had a plan to put two million unemployed Americans back to work tomorrow, they would register indifference. That idea doesn’t fit their world view. Back to work means WORK. Earning a living. Some measure of responsibility and accountability. Self-reliance. Strength. Where is the CHARITY in that? Where is the unlimited giving? Where is the love?

Where is “everything for nothing?” This is their motto. This is proof of their caring and goodness. Threaten to take that away from them and their expressions harden and they begin to spit venom.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

You are now tapping into their secret: they are SELF-BLAMING failures. No one is doing it to them. They are doing it to themselves. This is their enduring psychology.

Their scheme has become: substitute “other for self.” This is the key. They have abandoned self for “giving everything to other.” This is the substitute vision.

As soon as they sense a plan or an idea or a promise is going to derail that formula, they boil over in anger.

They can be magnetized as a formidable political force. Easily. All they require is a figure who seems to represent “everything for nothing” and “other” rather than self.

They can stand in the streets holding candles, or given the signal, they can smash things.

They are the counter-revolution that has been building in this country for over a hundred years. It is being managed from elite platforms, and its goal is the destruction of every shred of the original ideas on which this country was founded. Destruction in fact, in thought, in action, and in memory. Wipe out the memory of…

Individual freedom…

And what freedom implies.

Wipe out self.

Replace it with an all-embracing societal machine dedicated to love.

As if such a thing could actually exist.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.