Boston bombing: citizen video-analysts creating major problems for controlled media

Boston bombing: citizen video-analysts create major problems for controlled media

by Jon Rappoport

April 23, 2013

You’re a reporter for a TV news outlet.

You’ve become aware of a disturbing trend. Thousands of private citizens are now analyzing video and photographs of crime scenes and posting their findings.

They’re hounds, and they can’t be stopped. They’re looking at news footage, casual video, photos, and what they’re coming up with challenges the official story lines your network pushes.

Some of their analysis is ridiculous, but some of it isn’t.

For example, video footage of the first bomb in Boston doesn’t appear to show any shrapnel damage to the fencing near the explosion, or to the blue canopy just above the street. You, the reporter, wonder about that.

The now-famous 78-year-old runner who fell down in the street, just after the first explosion? Security personnel wearing yellow jackets were standing closer to the bomb, but they didn’t wobble or duck or waver. You, the reporter, wonder about that, too.

You, the reporter, see a photo of a storefront which was presumably right next to the first bomb. The windows are blown out. But all the glass is lying in the street, which would indicate the force of the explosion was coming from inside the store. How is that possible, you ask yourself.

Then there are the quickly circulating photos of the man in the wheelchair. He’s missing large parts of both legs. People are pushing the chair. His legs are bleeding. But other posted photos? Do they show he already was wearing prosthetics? Is it true he should already be dead from the massive blood loss? You, the reporter, are disturbed by this.

You also look at several photos of the pressure-cooker bomb. In the twisted metal remains, you see discoloration, but no signs the nails or ball bearings in the bomb penetrated the pressure cooker or pitted it or ended up embedded in it.

You look at photos of men standing near the Marathon finish line, the men in identical uniforms, who have variously been described as Navy Seals, Coast Guard, and Craft International security personnel.

What were they doing there? Running a drill? Watching suspects or patsies or bomb-planters? What was going on?

You look at a photo of the younger Tsarnaev brother leaving the scene after the bombs went off. He’s still…wearing his backpack? And another photo, the one of the ripped-apart backpack on the ground. Is that a white square on it? Because one of the Seal-Craft-Coast Guard guys had a white square on his intact backpack…and is that him, leaving the scene of the bombing without that backpack? Hmmm…

You, the reporter, now face several quandaries.

First, if you decide to look into all this, you’ll have to do actual work. Investigation. That isn’t part of your job description. You basically talk to official sources, obtain their statements, repeat them, and sound like you know what you’re talking about. Investigation? What’s that?

Second, if you undertake a serious inquiry, you’re going to have to verify that all these photos and all this video footage are pristine and haven’t been altered or cropped in order to mislead.

You’ll have to find experts to help you. More work. You’re already feeling exhausted, just thinking about it.

On the other hand, your network has shown faked and cropped photos and edited footage in the past, to slant stories. So maybe you can get by with less work.

However, there is a rule in your business. Reporters aren’t allowed to follow their noses. They aren’t allowed to do investigations on their own. They most definitely aren’t permitted to do technical analysis of evidence, like crime-scene photos or video. No, all technical interpretation has to come from government agencies.

If you go off the reservation, you’ll take heavy hits from your bosses.

But all this is meaningless. It’s just mental masturbation, because, finally, you know there is no possible way your producer will allow you to present evidence that the official Boston scenario has gaping holes in it.

Your own network has the explicit job of promoting that scenario.

You’d be torpedoing your own people. Professional suicide. Just walking into your producer’s office and pointing to issues raised by private-citizen analysis of video? It would put you on a watch list.

Your producer would think, “This guy’s gone soft in the head. He wants to pursue a story on his own. He must be some kind of grandstanding goof. He doesn’t have a firm grip on things. He doesn’t know what his job really is. And he wants to raise doubts about the Boston bombing? Wow…”

To the degree that you have any shred of conscience left, you’re in a bind. Maybe it’s the moment to offload that last bit of idealism and go completely corporate. It’s not as if you’ve been challenging your bosses; you’ve just been asking yourself questions privately. So what’s the problem? Just stop asking the questions.

Maybe you’re depressed. Maybe you should go in and see a shrink and get a script for Zoloft. Something to take the edge off. Of course, then you’d have to cut back on your drinking. Screw that. Just up the booze. Have a few more every night after work. Make the coffee stronger in the morning.

The Matrix Revealed

Wait. An idea is forming.

It’s coming.

Sit there. Let it formulate.


Yes. Yes! Here it is. Some of these video hounds are saying no one at all was hurt or killed in Boston; the whole bombing thing was a hoax. Well, tell that to the doctors at the hospitals who were doing amputations.

Okay. Okay. Now you’re on to something. You can feel it. There’s an obvious way to destroy all this wildcat video evidence in one fell swoop and, at the same time, endear yourself to your bosses.

They’ll be grateful. You can rack up some brownie points. They’ll think of you as a company man. A tough defender of the realm, their realm.

Anyway, you’ve got a deadline to meet. You have to put something together. It may as well be this:

Take the most radical opinions these video hounds are promoting, package them all into one article, and imply that every hound is a complete freak. All their video analysis must be wrong, because they’re all crazy. It’s the old rejection by generality. And by ad hominem. By straw man. Didn’t you learn something about those logical fallacies in college? Time to put them to use.

Do the conspiracy-theorist thing. Say these weirdos have far too much time on their hands. And what else? They’re dangerous. Sure. Refer back to that FBI dude who’s in charge of the Boston investigation, DesLauriers, who said people should focus on helping the investigation by looking at certain photos and no others.

How did he put it? He said there were irrelevant photos out there, and if people tipped the FBI to them, they’d overload agents and delay the search for the bombers.

That’s it. These private video hounds are dangerous. They’re giving people too much information.

So they have crazy ideas, one. They’re saying nobody was hurt, there were no bombs, two. They’re claiming all the bleeding people at the Marathon were actors brought in from some outfit in Colorado, three. They’re saying these massacre ops are designed to shut down freedom in America, four. They’re dangerous, five.

Roll all that up into a ball and you’re good to go. Whatever they’ve actually got in terms of troubling and disturbing and truthful video and photo evidence will disappear in a sea of ridicule.


Imply there are two basic classes of people: the normals and the crazies. The crazies are threatening the rest of us. They’re multiplying like fruit flies. They’re swarming the Internet. They’re disrespecting the wounded and dead—don’t forget that one. How dare they come out with all this insanity as the families are grieving and in turmoil.

Yeah. There is only one true stream of information, and the public has to know it. It comes from the major networks. There has to be a central story line, because if there isn’t, the whole country will fall into chaos. Don’t actually say that, but realize you’re on the side of the angels here. You’re standing tall against the barbarians at the gates.

Exit From the Matrix

Right. You’re giving the audience a choice. Do they want to be nuts, or do they want to be normal. Normal is the wave of the future. Soon, that’s all there will be. The others will be wiped out. They have no cache. They have no right to challenge the order of things.

Isn’t that what Arthur Jensen said in the movie Network? There is one planetary, galactic order of things, and everybody has live under it.

Expand the piece. Take it all the way back to 9/11, and the loonies who claimed the towers couldn’t have been taken down by the planes. Yeah. They said there were bombs inside the buildings. They said Building 7 didn’t go down from a fire. Idiots.

Why not do history? Makes you sound smarter. JFK. “Oswald didn’t act alone.” That’s where it all started, that’s how the conspiracy germ spread. It was a disease.

That’s a great metaphor. The plague of conspiracy theories. It had a ground zero, in Dallas, on November 22nd, 1963. From there, the virus moved through time. It’s all one epidemic.

Call a few shrinks. Get comments from them. A psychological pandemic. These guys always want face time. Give it to them. Let them speculate on why the plague is accelerating.

Geez. Maybe this could become a three-part series. “We investigate the trend of conspiracy thinking. Why is it happening? Who are these people? Where do they come from? What do they really want?”

Then…oh yeah. We find some guy who was a conspiracy nut but he woke up and realized he was about to go off the cliff, so he stepped back. He was addicted. It was an addiction. He had alienated his whole family and all his friends.

Then he had a revelation. He saw what had happened to him. Get a few juicy quotes. “I needed a way to rebel against society, so I chose this. It was a fad. I joined up. It was a kind of cult. I made new friends. But then I saw that these people weren’t like me. I was ruining my life. I was walking around paranoid all the time…I finally came to my senses…”

Nail down the place and time when he woke up. Maybe take a camera crew there. “This was the spot. I was walking along this stretch of beach one night, all alone, and it hit me. I was isolated. I had no ties left to my community…”

Yeah. Plays very well. Do you want to be in the cold, on the outside, or do you want to be near the hearth, where the tribe is safe?

With a series, a three-part “investigation,” you could establish yourself as the go-to guy whenever a new conspiracy theory pops up. They’d come to you. You, the expert. This could be a very good career move.

And why pretend? That’s what you’re in this for, isn’t it? A career? So stop fooling around with all the freakazoid photo and video evidence. Just go for it.

It’s a war. The independent journalists and bloggers and video loons are trying to steal food out of your kids’ mouths. You can lie down in the road or you can fight back. If you’re going to fight, take off the gloves. Screw that half-way stuff.

Who knows more about conspiracies than anyone else? The CIA, the FBI, the intelligence community. Hell, after a few years of attacking the weirdos and nutballs out there, you might graduate up into a more distinguished and rarefied atmosphere, where real conspiracies are planned and carried out for the sake of national security. The real stuff, the right stuff.

You could become a “our national intelligence correspondent.” Wouldn’t that be something. You’d have access to the big boys and some of their secrets. You’d prove you could be trusted.

You’d never have to look at another foot of video put together by losers who’ll never get within a thousand miles of real news.

You’ll never have to wonder whether you’re doing the right thing. You’ll live in a place that’s far from the madding crowd. You’ll drink single malt instead of rotgut. You’ll sit down with senators and lobbyists and bankers and diplomats.

You’ll turn into a controlled drunk who knows when to start and when to stop. You’ll find inner peace and all that crap, knowing you’re serving the best interests of your country and the people who own it and run it.

You’ll write a movie script about the Agency stopping a terrorist plot in New York. You’ll meet people from Hollywood.

One night, high above the city of angels, a beautiful actress will take you in her arms…

And some day, through your CIA connections, you’ll learn about a brain-bending scandal that’s brewing under the surface of Washington, and they’ll give you the green light to go out there and dig up the information you already have in your back pocket.

You’ll be Bob Woodward and the doors will open for you wherever you go.

You’ll be unstoppable.

You’ll be the man who finds out all the secrets.

Except the real ones.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Media magic: not one angry person in Boston

Media magic: not one angry person in Boston

by Jon Rappoport

April 22, 2013

Shocked? Horrified? Grief-stricken? Determined? Yes, Boston residents who voiced those feelings passed through the media filters and were interviewed on camera.

But angry? Deeply angry at what happened at the Marathon and ready to give vent to it? The screeners took a pass.

I wrote about this subject after the Sandy Hook murders, and it applies to the Aurora massacre as well.

The sober sepulchral tones of media anchors, and their extreme deference to FBI, police, and politicians, form a hypnotic induction for viewers…and these leaders don’t want to break the spell, which is exactly what anger does.

Therefore, it’s a no-go.

Anger is a spark that fires up and spreads. So dampen it. Ignore it. Don’t show it on television news. Instead, say this: “Step back, everybody, huddle in your homes, let the pros do their job, they’ll catch the killers, look at the photos they want you to look at, remain calm, depend on designated officials.”

This is the new American dream.

If you don’t show anger on the television news, it doesn’t exist. Out of sight, out of mind.

Then, once in a while, media can point to an angry group they want to defame: “See, look at those people. They’re angry. They’re the only people who are. So there must be something wrong with them. They’re dangerous. What they stand for must be a threat to all the rest of us…because they’re angry.”

Suppose, right after the killings in Boston, the major networks interviewed 50 people who were in a rage. Viewers would start to wake up. That’s not permitted.

This engineered absence of anger dovetails perfectly with the “have a nice day” philosophy. It’s all about “thinking positive thoughts” and immediately lapsing into a passive invisible state.

A culture of “anger-is-destructive” has made enormous inroads on American life. We even have so-called experts issuing phony statements about the deleterious physical effects of “negative emotions.”

This is preposterous idiocy, at best. The key distinction here is between mindless outrage and anger directed at those who deserve to be exposed for their crimes. It’s also a distinction between bottling up, out of naked fear, such specifically directed outrage, and expressing it.

Unless you believe the American Revolution was fought by smiling troops who strolled into battle like glazed donuts sporting muskets.

Read Tom Paine’s Common Sense, the pamphlet that shook the Colonies and forced the Declaration of Independence. If you see no anger there, you’re dead.

In these modern massacre ops, the media formula works like this: “See, the perpetrators were brought to justice; it worked; the citizenry was kept in the background; nothing negative was expressed; and all’s well that ends well.”

Keeping citizen anger off the front pages and off the television-news screens is a purposeful pose. It’s really an emotional lockdown of the country.

The police not only act as an armed physical surrogate for the people, they also effect an emotional transfer. “You folks don’t have to get angry, give us your feelings, we’ll do the job, and we never hate. We’re efficient.”

This contributes mightily to the sense that we’re living in a land of androids.

Television is the universal teacher. Communities and cities learn how to react, should a crisis suddenly descend on them, from having watched how it worked in other places—as television showed it, as television selected it.

This is how you’re supposed to feel, this is when you feel it, this is the sequence, these are the words you use.”

The Matrix Revealed

In this artificial ballet, the last people who are going to doubt the law-enforcement bosses are those who learn from television.

The rule of television coverage operates in another way as well. Suspects in these massacres, if they survive, rarely if ever speak before cameras to a national and world audience, before trial.

The police don’t permit it, and if they did, a defendant’s attorney wouldn’t allow it, on the grounds that prosecutors could use his client’s statements against him in the courtroom. So the accused are buffered off from the public, kept in a tight cocoon.

This contributes to an overall air of extreme caution. The wheels of the machine are grinding; no humans appear to be present. The only officials who speak before cameras are trained to emit bureaucratic blather.

The public accepts this. They buy the presentation—idiot pseudo-scientists using techno-speak to analyze some species of insect, while also throwing off gaseous generalities about the nation, the life of communities, and the coming together of good citizens.

From the earliest days of television, the vaunted anchors who shaped the role for later generations—Ed Murrow, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley, Walter Cronkite–—gods to the American audience—affected the air of a reformed drunk who was always walking close to the edge of doom and needed to enunciate his concerns carefully, lest he fall into a pit of actual human experience where he would drown.

This became the rhythm, sound, and tempo of truth.

Now, Brian Williams, and Scott Pelley, the keepers of that flame, are practicing in the same school of understatement, are doing their slow tap dance around the rim of the cliff, assuring viewers they are taking them as far as humans can go without encountering details too sordid for civilized exposure.

Among those omissions are the words and outraged feelings of citizens who demand justice and know there is a great con in progress, a charade.

Exit From the Matrix

The lesson was learned in 1963. After that piece of television coverage, the monarchs of media struck out on a different path. Americans actually saw Lee Harvey Oswald, after he was arrested. They saw his anger. They saw him say, “I’m just a patsy.” They saw his disgust and growing hour-by-hour understanding that he was going to his end. They saw he knew he was going to be swallowed up and disappeared. And finally they saw Jack Ruby shoot him in an underground garage.

Guilty or innocent, Oswald transmitted a disquiet that was corrosive to the public consciousness. That had to stop.

Television could not do this anymore. It was too strong, too real. No one individual could come across that way again.

The government and its media machine would have to build a castle and surround it with armed force in layers of protection. It would have to develop a new kind of language to pretend to a humanity that was on the way out.

That’s what they did, and it worked. It worked, at bottom, because it created a new audience that came to expect and demand three-dollar bills, one after another, standing in for the real thing.

In some humans, when you open their souls, you see fierce joy, oceanic energy and imagination. In others, you see dust, and a machinery that pretends to these things.

Knowing the difference makes all the difference in the world. The dust-and-machine people can voice the highest ideals and thoughts, but it’s all prerecorded.

Like media.

Especially when it’s live.

I’m sick in my heart

But I’m not a fool anymore,

I know the charade is over.

The schemers and liars brought us to this house

In the middle of the night

And told us what the world was.

I’m sick in my heart

But I’m not a fool anymore,

I know the charade is over.

The sellers and the buyers brought us to our knees,

But this is the end of the trance

That told us what the world was.

Between the clouds, the moon comes,

Between the clouds, the moon races,

New boiling rivers rush down from the mountains again.”

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Boston: locking down the city where the American Revolution was born

Boston: Locking down the city where the American Revolution was born

by Jon Rappoport

April 20, 2013

No taxis. No buses. No trains. No flights. Stores shuttered. Empty streets. Doors locked. Massive police presence. Stay inside. Don’t move. Watch television. Get the latest reports.

If you need to muse on something, you might remember a few significant events that occurred on or around Patriot’s Day, the anniversary of the opening battles in the American Revolution:

Final attack on the Waco Branch Davidian compound: April 19, 1993.

Oklahoma City bombing: April 19th, 1995.

Columbine school shooting: April 20, 1999.

Virginia Tech shooting: April 16, 2007.

Boston Marathon bombing: April 15, 2013

Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, though. Things happen. They’re meaningless.

But have faith.

That’s right. I forgot. We’re supposed to take it on trust.

The word from on high has come down… The two Chechen brothers planted bombs at the Boston Marathon.

The FBI claims they have video to prove this, but of course we haven’t seen it.

What we have seen is two men, white-cap black-cap, with backpacks, walking through the Marathon scene. That’s it.

The FBI also claims at least one of the bombs was put together inside a pressure cooker. Of course, we have not seen any FBI forensic data to back up that assertion. We never do in these cases.

But the FBI are the elite forensic professionals, aren’t they? They’re the best in the world. We have to trust them, don’t we?

Well, they fed us a story about an amateur ANFO (ammonium-nitrate-plus-fuel-oil) bomb in Oklahoma City, in 1995. That turned out to be a fraud. In fact, Fred Whitehurst, one of the FBI’s own scientists, blew the whistle on the vaunted FBI lab for faking proof that ANFO was the main explosive substance.

Actually, the forensic lab at the FBI has been under continuous fire since the 1990s.

Whitehurst went a lot further than blowing the cover on the FBI op in the OKC bombing case. He pointed to chronic lab problems resulting in the questionable convictions of up to 10,000 federal defendants, many of whom remain in prison to this day and have not obtained justice.

In 2012, Whitehurst redoubled his attacks, stating, “While I was reporting issues at the FBI crime lab, FBI Director Louis Freeh was doing everything he could to shut me down…”

In August of 2012, the Washington Post exposed the failure of the Dept. of Justice to remedy these horrendous FBI forensic injustices.

And we’re not simply talking about FBI breaches in the 1990s. In 2009, as CBS News reported, an FBI lab tech, Jacqueline Blake, was under the gun for allegedly misinterpreting DNA samples in 103 criminal cases, and FBI lab scientist, Kathleen Lundy, admitted she gave knowingly false testimony, under oath, about bullet analysis in a Kentucky murder trial.

So when the FBI says a pressure-cooker bomb killed and maimed people on Boston streets, you should accept, at face value, the veracity of that claim, in the same way you would accept the statement that the moon sets every night in a lake in New Jersey.

When the FBI tells us that two brothers planted bombs at the Boston Marathon, we should resist “hypothesis by hypnosis.”

The actual facts require an entirely separate and independent investigation.

Though all major media outlets are fully aware of the badly stained reputation of the FBI, these networks go along like worshipful little puppies, on each new occasion, when the Bureau commandeers a crime scene.

All of a sudden, the FBI are kings, and the past is wiped out.

The media anchors, and the federal agents, are One. Their forte is staging mutual charades. In this regard, they have few equals.

The anchors breathlessly await each new FBI announcement in the Marathon murders. They put out the red carpet, they extol the Bureau as if, in the firmament of the just, it has no flaws of any kind.

Major media are truly advance men for the Bureau. Well, they have to be in a major crisis like this one, because it takes two to tango. You can’t have a coherent story line for the public if the media are doubting and questioning the FBI at every turn. When was the last time we saw that?

The public wants a story about heroes and villains, with all separations clearly drawn. That’s the media bottom line, and it takes precedence over a search for the truth every time.

The incurious, passive, and FBI-directed media never stop to wonder why doctors at Boston hospitals are reporting so many lower-extremity injuries, some requiring amputations. This fact strongly suggests that exploding shrapnel was directed along a low height.

To accomplish that, professionals had to design the bombs. No amateur would have a clue. Do we have evidence either one of the Tsarnaev brothers was a pro? If so, where is it?

But not to worry. If Brian Williams, Scott Pelley, and Diane Sawyer open their arms wide to Richard DesLauriers, the FBI agent in charge of the Marathon case, if they characterize the Bureau as exquisite and virtuous servants of the people, as “part of our extended family,” as the best of the best, as moralists of the first order, then so should we. Without question. Automatically.

The younger Tsarnaev brother is now in custody. The older brother is dead.

The case is wrapped up. Everything is good.

Except, as a number of writers have pointed out, including Paul Watson, Tony Cartalucci, Kurt Nimmo, and James Corbett, the FBI has a history of involvement in terror events. The Bureau has encouraged and fomented pathetically obvious terrorist plots.

David Shipler, writing in the NY Times (April 28, 2012, “Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the FBI”) details a string of these ops. What he fails to point out is this: such events condition the American people to believe in the war on on terror. Without FBI agents initiating these self-fulfilling prophecies, the enormous infrastructure/industry dedicated to stopping terrorism would take on the bizarre appearance of a manned tank permanently parked outside a candy store.

So if the Tsarnaev brothers were involved in the Boston bombings, consider that they could have been drawn into a Bureau plan and supplied with the materials to execute that plan.

They could have been told it was a drill, an exercise, to “test the system.” They could have been told the bombs were inert. They could have been used as patsies.

Yes, it would be a better world if we could always rely on the authorities to make clean arrests for clear crimes, present accurate evidence at trial, and obtain honest convictions. But unfortunately, we are not living in that world.

Go back to the 1993 Trade Center bombing. The NY Times exposed the covert role of the FBI through the testimony of one of the Bureau’s dupes (informants), Emad Salem, who was told he would be given fake bombs for a fake event that would scoop up real terrorists. But Salem then stated the FBI decided to go ahead with real bombs at the last minute.

Salem was never permitted to take the stand at trial and testify. The Times article exposing this (October 28, 1993, “Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast”) was written by Ralph Blumenthal (twitter). Over the years, on two occasions, I’ve tried to talk to Blumenthal about his piece. The first time, some years ago, he blew up on the phone and told me I had the facts (of his article) all wrong. The second time, a few days ago, I emailed him, and so far I’ve received no response.

The Matrix Revealed

Exit From the Matrix

The elite media of this country are schizoid, intentionally. They like it that way. A scandal here, a scandal there, about our institutions? No problem. But then when the chips are down—which is to say, a big story looms up on the horizon, an irresistible monster of a story, like the Boston bombings—these fabricators of print and image adjust their ties and do their hair and go through their time-honored paces:

Here are the pure and wonderful and guiltless good guys…and there are the bad guys…and we will watch the good triumph over evil…and you, the public, will follow along with rapt attention…”

In order to achieve this emotional arc, corners will be cut. Elements of the story line that don’t fit the mold will be omitted. They never happened.

The suspect in the Boston bombings the FBI had in custody, the one they were about to present in court the other day? The cancellation of that party, the suddenly closing down of the court owing to a “bomb threat?” Never happened. A misprint. A glitch. A dream.

The black ops men circulating at the Marathon? They all just happened to be wearing the same clothes, sporting the same insignia. No one was holding a radiation detector. That was a transistor radio or a cigar humidor.

The celebrations are on in Boston. The first city of any size to be locked down completely can open its doors.

The resolution has been achieved. Well, it had to be. The Bureau and the president couldn’t afford to let this go on for weeks and months, with no arrests and no take down.

That would be unthinkable.

Looking effective and looking presidential are priorities of a magnitude it’s hard to imagine. Inside the game, the players are excruciatingly aware of reputation and face and credibility. These are the psychological molecules that can drive a person up into the stratosphere or put him down in the alley with the garbage.

And it always helps to have hole cards. For example, foreknowledge that the op has a prefigured end. A designated perpetrator. So you can say, “Justice will be done, count on it.” And you’ll be right.

It helps, for example, to know you can deliver the goods on the names of the terrorists who hijacked the planes on 9/11, and you can make them known twelve seconds after the towers fell. You can pull out the names of men your people had been warning, about months before the event, the men you paid no attention to, until you needed their names.

Guilty? Innocent? Does it really matter? If you can decide what evidence is good evidence, you’re the king.

You can stage reality and then say, through hard work you found out what it was.

You can roll up the sky and roll it down again, and you can discover new planets and then delete them, and no one in the hypnotic trance induced by your fully owned media will remember.

But everyone will be safe. You proved that by locking down the city where the American Revolution was born, on the anniversary of the day its opening battles were fought. Then, in 1775, the message was freedom. Now, in 2013, it’s the same message, except the meaning has been turned upside down. Freedom is universal police presence and deserted streets, and people buy it like top-flight merchandise at a fire sale.

A symbolic gesture, purposely designed by evil men? You must be hallucinating. Take two Brian Williams and call me in the morning.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

FBI tells America: believe us and no one else

FBI tells America: believe us and no one else

by Jon Rappoport

April 19, 2013

The implication is clear: there is official truth and then there is everything else. How many times has that assertion put America in the dumper?

As I write this, one suspect in the Marathon bombings is dead, and the other suspect is apparently surrounded in a house in Watertown, Massachsetts. (6:55AM, Pacific) The city of Boston is locked down.

Once events reach this point, an overwhelming number of people believe the authorities. They accept what is happening. The FBI must have it right. Reject all other possibilities.

That’s always a dangerous assumption.

Yesterday, at a heralded press conference, seen by millions around the world, Richard DesLauriers, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Boston division, produced photos and video of two suspects in the Marathon bombing.

He stated: “…these images should be the only ones, I emphasize, the only ones that the public should view to assist us. Other photos should not be deemed credible, and they unnecessarily divert the public’s attention in the wrong direction, and create undo work for vital law-enforcement resources.”

Translation: Ignore all the images uncovered by independent researchers, citizen reporters, bloggers. Forget, for example, about photos of those men who appear to work for Craft International, a private security contractor, who were standing at the finish line of the Marathon. We, the FBI, are running this show. We’re the pros, we deal, you behave.

NBC’s Brian Williams, the Unctuous One, in his lead-in to the press conference, said: “It’s been twenty-four hours of fits and starts, and false reports on people who have been pursued in this investigation, including folks who have been identified through photography, but this will be the word from the FBI.”

Translation: The guessing is over. Drum roll. The F B I has the real goods. Those other photos aren’t officially certified by law-enforcement, or by us, the fawning water carriers for the Bureau and DHS. And that unfortunate and cruel detention of the Saudi lad, who was misidentified as a suspect, but later released, his travel visa now revoked, his deportation back to Saudi Arabia underway, after an unscheduled meeting between Obama and the Saudi foreign minister? Means nothing. We were informed by reliable sources that it means nothing. We decide what’s relevant, we give it to you and you take it.

Richard DesLauriers, who starred in the FBI press conference, made his bones at the Bureau by engineering the exchange of 10 Russian sleeper agents in the US for four CIA agents who were in prison in Russia. That was his big career move.

The Russian sleeper agents had been operating under the nose of the FBI in the US, who, in typical fashion, weren’t making any arrests. They were just tracking these Russian spies and watching them, for more than 10 years, as the spies passed across intelligence to their Russian controls.

This was a very delicate exchange, mainly because FBI field agents a) didn’t want to let the Russians go back home and escape prosecution and b) because the FBI and the CIA hate each other, and the FBI people weren’t all that enthused about the value of the deal. Bring home four CIA people in return for releasing 10 Russian sleeper agents? Nothing to celebrate there.

So now Richard DesLauriers is telling the American people: look at the photos of the two men on the FBI’s radar and nobody else. Ignore all other photos and all other information.

The Matrix Revealed

Exit From the Matrix

Harken back, if you will, to another bombing incident. Oklahoma City, in 1995. The Murrah Federal Building. Remember? Tim McVeigh? The FBI was cooking the books on that one all the way.

Just one example: A secret Department of Justice report on the bombing was presented to a very select audience. This DOJ report wasn’t undertaken voluntarily. No. FBI whistleblower Frederic Whitehurst had forced it to happen, because he’d gone public and said the FBI lab had fabricated evidence in the McVeigh case.

Serious evidence. It turned out there was no reason to believe ammonium nitrate (fertilizer) had been the main explosive used to blow apart the Federal Building on the morning of April 19, 1995. A FBI lab supervisor named David Williams had decided ammonium nitrate was the substance because defendant Terry Nichols possessed a receipt for its purchase.

So Williams made the lab evidence look like it confirmed ammonium nitrate. But it didn’t.

The DOJ report detailing all this was so damning, the judge in the McVeigh trial ran away from it like a wild horse. He refused to allow the report into evidence. He forbade it from being discussed at all.

Why was this so crucial? Because independent bomb experts had gone on the record with a quite different scenario. I interviewed three of them. They agreed that an ammonium nitrate bomb, in the Ryder truck at the curb, parked in front of the Federal Building, could not have caused the profile of damage sustained by the building. Impossible.

Therefore, McVeigh, whatever he was guilty or not guilty of, had accomplices. Professionals, who had wired charges into the columns of the structure. These charges had wrought the real destruction.

But the FBI did everything in its power to focus on McVeigh and and the amateur Nichols only. They ruled out every other lead, and there were plenty of them.

The FBI essentially said, “These are the two suspects. Don’t look for anybody else. Pay no attention to anyone who says there are other perpetrators. They’re crazies. We know the truth.”

Just like now.

In 1995, Americans completely bought into the false FBI evidence and story.

Once the FBI rolls and the news media back up the FBI, it’s a fait accompli. The public automatically follows suit. How could things be any different? How could so many resources be devoted to anything but the truth?

The FBI killed one terrorist. Now they have his brother, the other bomber, surrounded. This is it. This is the only story. Everything else is nonsense.”

Yes, no, and maybe are reduced to yes.

The FBI would never have come this far with the case if they didn’t have things right.”

Yes, that was exactly the mindset in Oklahoma City in 1995. Until it wasn’t. Until independent researchers uncovered miles of undiscovered information about other suspects and FBI lies.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

The Boston murders: a cult of lies called government

The Boston murders: a cult of lies called government

by Jon Rappoport

April 18, 2013

Yesterday, I covered the mystery of the pressure-cooker bomb. Where are all the holes in the remains of the cooker that should be there, owing to the fact that ball bearings and nails were packed around the explosive material, and all this shrapnel would have been driven through the cooker out into the air? There are no holes.

At least we should see obvious evidence that shrapnel adhered to the walls of the cooker and pitted it considerably. We don’t see any of that.

Now, we are told, the lid of one of the cookers was found on a rooftop, blown there by the bomb. Yet, again, photos show there are no holes in the lid. No shrapnel adhering to it.

What were the actual bombs at the Marathon?

The whole government scenario in the Marathon murders is collapsing. Mike Adams, writing at naturalnews, is exploring the members of the Craft private security team who were present at the Marathon finish line. At least one member of the team was carrying a radiation detector. What for? As Mike states, these pros don’t work for free. Who hired them? Why were they there? Major media aren’t discussing the subject.

A college track coach. Alastair Stevenson, present at the Marathon, heard police announcements that a drill was taking place. Boston police are stonewalling that report. Why?

The Boston Globe tweeted that the bomb squad was about to detonate a device, in a controlled explosion, across the street from the JFK Library, a mile away from the Marathon. Then, no followup. Nothing. Suddenly, there was no bomb at the Library. It was just a small fire.

A Saudi national, Abdul Rhaman Ali Alharbi, was declared a suspect in the bombing. He was downgraded to a “person of interest.” Then he was innocent, but severely burned. Now he’s not severely burned. His travel visa has been revoked. He’s being sent home, deported, to Saudi Arabia. A free pass out of the country, on the heels of what Reuters is calling an unscheduled meeting between Obama and the Saudi foreign minister at the White House.

This all gives rise to a conclusion. To be a government official, it’s essential to be able to lie. Chronically.

I was recently a guest on Mike Bundrant’s radio show, “Mental Health Exposed.” We discussed cult mentality and how far-reaching it actually is.

You can listen to the show — Cult Mentality with Jon Rappoport (Apr 17, 2013) — here:

You can also visit Robert Scott Bell’s radio archives at and find many shows in which Robert and I discuss cult mentality in science, and what I call the Church of Biological Mysticism.

This mentality applies to government and follows the three stages of cult development. By development, I mean deterioration.

Take a federal agency—FBI, ATF, FDA, CIA, NIH, CDC. Each organization starts out with great enthusiasm, upon its creation. It announces big goals and makes an important mission statement. The ideals are high-flying. The personnel are filled with hope and energy. Stage one.

In remarkably short order, something takes shape out of the fog: the leader is far more important than anyone realized.

He not only sets the tone. He sits at the apex of a structure. At first, the structure was merely assumed to be whatever was necessary to forward the objectives. But now, in stage two, it assumes primacy. The leader informs the members (personnel) that the structure must survive. In order to do that, it will have to grow.

There is no going back to the beginning. Widening the organization is a mandate of great priority. And for growth to happen, the members must assert extreme loyalty to the overarching goals, yes, but actually to the organization and the leader.

The leader personifies the structure. He is the monarch. He issues the marching orders to his major minions, and they pass these orders, through the command-and-control apparatus, down to each member.

Through repetitive brainwashing, realities are impressed upon the minds of the adherents (members, personnel). No one can wander off the reservation. Initiative and independent action, while seeming to be useful, are actually counter-productive and even dangerous. This the party line—exactly what would, for instance, keep a police officer from following his nose and his innate curiosity in politically charged investigation like the Marathon bombings.

There are rules, and the burgeoning number of them are there to ensure the survival of the group. The rules have been carefully crafted. They are “for the greater good.” “We’re all in this together.” “What one person does affects everyone.” “Don’t go rogue.”

In this stage two, a transformation is taking place. The idealism of the early days is being squashed, in favor of the collective.

The survival of the collective is hammered, again and again. at the members. Without extreme obedience, the whole structure would fall apart and wash away. And who wants that kind of death?

Stage three makes it appearance with pronouncements about external enemies. The leader carries that essential freight; convincing the members they are under threat is the mind-control glue that holds everybody together.

These enemies want to destroy (or de-fund) the organization. They want to denigrate the group’s objectives. They want to defame the leader.

The enemies, real and imagined, are named. It only matters that they seem to proliferate. Their threatening presence further tunes up the members. “We’re under attack. Don’t waver now. Only the strong survive. Take heart. We will win this war. Obedience is more important than ever.”

It’s an easy step from external to internal enemies. That is the cherry on the cake. “We have a mole. There are traitors among us. Someone has leaked proprietary information. We’ve been infiltrated.”

Now, an atmosphere of secrecy, suspicion, and paranoia spreads like poison among the members. The leader orders internal investigations, to root out the turncoats.

At the same time, the organization is committing crimes. They are lying, they are stealing, they are making alliances with “influential people from the outside.”

This is happening at the highest levels of the structure.

Gone are the high-flying emotions of the early days. Life in the organization is grim.

The structure has become large enough and criminal enough that some members are secretly looking for ways to game their own system. Others have gone passive and simply do what they’re told.

The leader is pictured as a heroic embattled figure, standing on the parapet, directing his troops against invaders.

Defectors from within the ranks are multiplying. But to a degree, the brainwashing holds.

In these dangerous times, your work is more important than ever. Deserting your post could defeat our objectives. We’re the good guys. Only we know how vital our goals are. We hold the key to survival. Your leader needs you. We all need you. Don’t back out now.”

In the cult of government, there are exceptions. It’s understood that some talented and facile members will leave, only to join the outside criminal allies of the group. Otherwise known as “the revolving door” of government and industry.

There is another level of brainwashing inside big government cults (departments, agencies). “Government is good. Without it, society would collapse. The larger government is, the better it is. The purpose of government is to serve. We need more government, not less. Never do we need less.”

Members are now told, are made to understand, that lying and cheating are absolutely necessary. “For the greater good.” “Ends justify means.” This becomes the cultural imperative.

Therefore, in a situation like the Boston Marathon murders, the discovery of a perpetrator is a must. The case cannot go unsolved. It is far better to arrest and prosecute, or kill, an innocent person than to wind up with nothing.

Winding up with nothing would demean and cast an ill glow on the investigating agencies and even the president of the United States.

And on top of that, the right type of person must be selected as the scapegoat. He must painted with a particular political persuasion.

As time passes, and these government cults continue to expand, the language of criminality filters down from the high echelons, where it has been “the royal speech” for a very long time, to the lower levels.

The pretense is stripped away. “Do what you need to.” “We’re making deals.” “Line up the Senator. He knows which side his bread is buttered on.” “Don’t tell (another agency) what we’re doing. They’d use it against us.” “Invoke national security and tell them to go screw themselves.” “Get me the file. We’ve got the goods on that bastard. He’s not going to mess with us.” “All hands on deck. I want a complete report on our accomplishments over the past year for the budget hearings in six months. Pad it. This has to look brilliant.” “Hey, that’s our lobbyist, not your lobbyist.” “We’re cooking the intelligence. What the hell else would you expect us to do.”

The Matrix Revealed

Exit From the Matrix

In retrospect, a true investigation would show that any one of these big government cults has been colluding with outside criminal forces for a very long time, even perhaps from its beginnings.

Over decades, cult leaders come and go. They assume new qualities. They are now the faceless soulless ones. They run their machine organizations according to the principle of caution and plausible deniability.

Each one of the cults employs a balance of androids, game players, and true believers. They are all finally ground down to a fine mixture of particles. It no longer matters what the members believe or feel. They fill posts and positions and they do their jobs. Lying, cheating, stealing, and even killing are ordinary aspects of the jobs.

That is how a cult endures.

This is what author Hannah Arendt was talking about when she coined the phrase, “the banality of evil.”

The hive, the nest, the group, the cult, the collective weaves a fairy tale about its vital contributions, but underneath it all, it assumes all the features of a mafia.

Within the cult, an air of unreality pervades. The astonishingly sharp division between its announced aims and its real practices produces an acrid stench which, through its public relations people, is blown across a sanitized air conditioning system, in hopes of achieving a neutrality that will escape attention.

The cult is a double-decker psyop aimed at the outside world and its own members.

In typical bland fashion, government cults present a determined face to the public. “We do our jobs in a systematic way. We know the best methods and we employ them. We get results.”

Therefore, when independent researchers and investigators discover gaping holes in the way these cults go about their business (Aurora, Sandy Hook, Boston), the official response is: conspiracy theorists; nuts; crazies; obstructionists.

You could call this the fourth stage of the cult. It no longer looks like a devoted band of followers with a leader. It no longer looks like an organization composed of individual humans. It looks like an army of units. It looks like an apparatus. It looks like a computerized set of functions.

On closer inspection, it resembles a fungus. Individual cells reproduce, and their offspring in turn reproduce. The overall organism moves out in every direction, developing strategies to attach itself to organic and inorganic matter.

Any Something can be a host.

Watching this process, outsiders who have surrendered their own souls as independent individuals begin to realize this is the apotheosis of their dream. To promote and somehow belong to the advancing mold, the spreading decay.

This, they believe, is power. The only power.

Perversely, the original stated goals of the cult, the high-flying ideals, are reintroduced. Now, in their new incarnation, they are grotesque cartoons.

But as Nazi propagandists knew, the bigger the lie, the greater the likelihood of it being believed.

Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, the father of modern public relations, and the cadres of psychological warfare specialists who followed in his wake, understood that, by speaking to the masses over and over, by addressing the collective, by building up stereotypes of human beings, they could wipe out and reprogram a significant number of individual minds on the planet.

In doing so, they vastly multiplied the supply of potential cult members.

Walk into the headquarters of any government agency or large corporation and you will see the result.

They are inside the hive dream.

We are outside.

Believe it or not: our platform is stronger.

Coming to understand that fact in your blood, muscles, brain, mind, and imagination is the key to the door that opens into the river, the river of unbounded energy, where freedom is the future.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Is the Boston pressure-cooker bomb a lie and a hoax?

Is the Boston pressure-cooker bomb a lie and a hoax?

By Jon Rappoport

April 17, 2013

When the Trade Center was destroyed on September 11, 2001, I urged readers and researchers to focus on the explosions as the first order of business.

That was because I had researched and written about the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. I and others discovered that the official scenario about the bomb in the Ryder truck, parked at the curb outside the Murrah Federal Building, was grossly incomplete.

Such a device could not have produced the profile of damage sustained by the building. General Ben Partin and other bomb experts had seen that fact. They’d diagrammed it and explained it.

The obvious conclusion was: bombs wired into columns of the Murrah Building had done the significant damage.

So again, in the case of the Boston Marathon bombing, I urge people to examine the explosions closely.

I have questions. For example, as described in the YouTube video. “Boston Massacre False Flag Terrorism—Pressure Cooker,” Daniel Vincent Kelley points to a few simple facts.

A photo of a mangled pressure cooker, posted by press outlets all over the world, shows the pressure-cooker plug and, near it, one small round hole, machined apparently by the manufacturer. But…no other small holes. I see discolorations but not dozens or hundreds of holes.

Yet we are told that the Marathon bombs were placed inside pressure cookers and packed with nails and ball bearings. If that were true, the explosions would have created many, many small holes as the inserted shrapnel flew through the cooker and out in every direction.

In the official press photo, there are no such holes.

How is that possible?

The Matrix Revealed

Exit From the Matrix

In fact, since a large piece of the pressure cooker is missing, it appears that the explosive was a shaped charge of some kind. Part of the cooker is mangled but intact; another part is missing, presumably revealing in which direction the shock wave traveled.

Charges are shaped when they are put in place, because the maker wants the explosion to be vectored; otherwise, the explosion will exit its confined space spherically, equally, in all directions.

A shaped charge would strongly suggest a pro at work, not an amateur who built the device in his kitchen. In which case, we would be looking at a whole different scenario.

This is significant because, for example, media outlets are busy trying to make connections between home-made pressure-cooker bombs and “right-wing extremists.”

People might reply, “Well, if the pressure cookers show such gaping flaws in the official story, why would the real killers have done such a bad job of covering their tracks? They would be smarter than that.”

They weren’t smarter in 1995 in Oklahoma City, and they weren’t smarter in New York, in 2001, where it was claimed that both Towers fell because of plane collisions.

They weren’t smarter in Aurora, either, where two witnesses claimed there were at least two killers inside the theater. Nor were they smarter in Newtown, where so many questions and contradictions remained unanswered.

If we infer that the Boston pressure-cooker scenario is wrong, it is a very short step to conclude the scenario is a cover story, designed to obscure the truth. In that case, what is the truth? Who was really responsible for the death and destruction on April 15?

Pros pretending to be amateurs? Pros whose death-dealing work is being concealed by law-enforcement officials, with a concocted version of what happened?

At this stage of the investigation, and from now on, these questions must be asked seriously and probed seriously, regardless of the official line.

That’s what I’m doing here. Asking questions. If there is a reasonable explanation for the pressure-cooker contradictions, I want to hear them.

I’m going to try to get even more specific, to stimulate research. Examine the press photo of the pressure cooker yourself. Does it show a whole cooker, with all parts intact, but bent and distorted, or does it show only part of a cooker, with a major section missing?

And second, if the bomber packed only one side of the bomb with nails and ball bearings and BBs, could the piece that is missing in the photo have contained all the holes caused by the shrapnel exiting the pressure cooker?

If we are really looking at the whole cooker, then we should we also see many holes. We don’t.

If we are looking at only part of the cooker, then regardless of whether the bomber packed all the shrapnel to exit through the missing piece, the fact that it’s missing suggests a shaped charge, the work of a pro.

Either way, somebody is deceiving us.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

All terror attacks are psyops

All terror attacks are psyops

by Jon Rappoport

April 16, 2013

Whether the Boston Marathon murders were staged as a false flag, and if so, by whom, there are certainly contradictions in the media story line so far.

Mike Adams, at natural news, has pointed out several key absurdities in the official scenario, including the apparent controlled demolition of a bomb at the JFK library, a mile away from the explosions at the Marathon finish line.

This demolition, unreported by the press, was mentioned just before it took place, by a Boston Globe tweet: “There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities.”

The demolition would have taken place about an hour after the two explosions at the Marathon finish line, which means the bomb squad was able to find the Library device, rig it for demolition, and blow it up in record time.

Whatever the cause of the fire/explosion in the Library, that “incendiary device” was spent, and the bomb squad found another unexploded bomb on the premises.

A local Boston TV reporter, Eileen Curran, took a photo of the Library. The exterior of the building, at the employee’s entrance, shows blackened walls. If the “electrical fire” or the “incendiary device” caused this damage, the room in the Library where the fire or explosion took place must have been just inside the building. No media sources are specifically reporting that, which seems quite odd.

The press is merely stating there was a fire in a room in the Library. The fact that the fire was quite close to an entrance certainly rates a mention. It adds juicy media drama to the report. But there is no coverage of the fact.

The Matrix Revealed

All terror attacks, no matter who launches them, have a psychology. They have a purpose. Inducing fear, of course. Causing the public to give in to a new set of “security regulations,” which tighten the screws on freedom, of course. Painting some designated group as heinous, of course.

The third Monday in April, is Patriot’s Day. It commemorates the April 19, 1775, opening battles in the Revolutionary War against England, at Lexington and Concord. Previously celebrated on April 19th, it is also the anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing (1995), and the final FBI attack on the Waco, Texas, Branch Davidian compound that killed 76 men, women, and children (1993). April 15 is also tax day.

So some media commentators are already opining that “anti-tax-pro-patriot-anti-government” persons are behind the Boston murders.

At an elite level, where psyop research is conducted, the psychology of terror attacks involves disrupting the normal perception of reality.

Most people live their days in a more or less steady state of mind. They perform routine tasks over and over. They see their daily environment as quite familiar. All this produces what could be called a light trance.

If that seems improbable, notice what happens when something completely unexpected intrudes on habitual perception and experience. Shock is what happens.

It’s as if the person had been sleeping and suddenly and forcibly wakes up.

On a quiet residential street, a car plows into a lamp post. On a peaceful boulevard, a gust of wind blows a sign from its hinges into a store window, smashing it.

People are shocked. They look up. “Wow. Where was I?” Yes, it’s like waking from a dream.

Multiply that effect by a thousand. Bombs go off. The sounds of the explosions, the shock waves, people falling, people bleeding, grotesque injuries, death. In the space of a few seconds, and on a street where nothing ever happens.

And one layer removed from this, the world watches it unfold on television.

It’s a rip in the fabric of perceived reality. Right now.

Retired psyop planner, Ellis Medavoy (pseudonym), told me in a 2002 interview: “People think it’s very esoteric to talk about disruption in the space-time wave. But setting up certain psyops is very much about that. The theory of these operations has everything to do with the fact that people exist in an average and consistent space-time wave.

They become used to that. They’re not even aware of it. So a psyop can go two ways. It can encourage that form of sleep, to make it continue. Or it can blow people right out of their wave into something that’s very disorienting.

In the latter case, you’re forcing people out of their average perception of space and time, but you’re not giving them anything to replace it. They’re hanging in a void, so to speak.

What’s the result? People desperately want a resolution of the psyop, so they can return to their former continuum. And because they feel desperate, they’ll take whatever and whoever you give them. You can say a deer chewed on a power cable and blew out the power for the entire east coast for a week, and they’ll believe you.

And that’s what you want. The ability to say anything and have people believe you.”

I asked Medavoy if this included peppering the public with contradictions in the official account of a terrorist attack.

Of course,” he said. “They’ll overlook those contradictions. They won’t pay any attention to them. They’re so panicked, they just want a resolution. You can plug in anybody as the guilty party, and they’ll buy it.”

Later in the conversation, I went back to the subject of the “space-time wave.”

Medavoy said: “The psychology on this is clear. An overwhelming percentage of people deal with space-time in a passive way. They receive it, so to speak. They are presented with that fundament of reality and they blindly accept it. Therefore, when you take it away, they’re lost. A tiny percentage of the population, those who are intensely creative, react differently. That’s because they are, in a real sense, projecting their own space and time.”

Exit From the Matrix

Psyops planners who stage events are aware of these factors. They want to create a world, a picture of a world, that is in dangerous flux and absolutely requires our “leaders” to stop that flux.

One of my more vivid experiences of this came in the mid-1980s. I was interviewing a relative of a soldier who died in Vietnam. When the subject of whether the war was justified came up, he flew off the handle. He went into a towering rage.

The fact that his cousin had been killed there automatically made the war a necessary policy of the government, a correct action. That conclusion stopped the unbearable flux for him. Otherwise, he was lost.

It was, of course, that way on 9/11, too, and in many other such instances.

There is a psychology operating here, and it isn’t merely some academic brand of nonsense. It cuts to the heart of how people literally exist in reality, and how it affects their deep response to events managed by professionals, who understand that psychology.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at