Boston: locking down the city where the American Revolution was born

Boston: Locking down the city where the American Revolution was born

by Jon Rappoport

April 20, 2013

No taxis. No buses. No trains. No flights. Stores shuttered. Empty streets. Doors locked. Massive police presence. Stay inside. Don’t move. Watch television. Get the latest reports.

If you need to muse on something, you might remember a few significant events that occurred on or around Patriot’s Day, the anniversary of the opening battles in the American Revolution:

Final attack on the Waco Branch Davidian compound: April 19, 1993.

Oklahoma City bombing: April 19th, 1995.

Columbine school shooting: April 20, 1999.

Virginia Tech shooting: April 16, 2007.

Boston Marathon bombing: April 15, 2013

Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, though. Things happen. They’re meaningless.

But have faith.

That’s right. I forgot. We’re supposed to take it on trust.

The word from on high has come down… The two Chechen brothers planted bombs at the Boston Marathon.

The FBI claims they have video to prove this, but of course we haven’t seen it.

What we have seen is two men, white-cap black-cap, with backpacks, walking through the Marathon scene. That’s it.

The FBI also claims at least one of the bombs was put together inside a pressure cooker. Of course, we have not seen any FBI forensic data to back up that assertion. We never do in these cases.

But the FBI are the elite forensic professionals, aren’t they? They’re the best in the world. We have to trust them, don’t we?

Well, they fed us a story about an amateur ANFO (ammonium-nitrate-plus-fuel-oil) bomb in Oklahoma City, in 1995. That turned out to be a fraud. In fact, Fred Whitehurst, one of the FBI’s own scientists, blew the whistle on the vaunted FBI lab for faking proof that ANFO was the main explosive substance.

Actually, the forensic lab at the FBI has been under continuous fire since the 1990s.

Whitehurst went a lot further than blowing the cover on the FBI op in the OKC bombing case. He pointed to chronic lab problems resulting in the questionable convictions of up to 10,000 federal defendants, many of whom remain in prison to this day and have not obtained justice.

In 2012, Whitehurst redoubled his attacks, stating, “While I was reporting issues at the FBI crime lab, FBI Director Louis Freeh was doing everything he could to shut me down…”

In August of 2012, the Washington Post exposed the failure of the Dept. of Justice to remedy these horrendous FBI forensic injustices.

And we’re not simply talking about FBI breaches in the 1990s. In 2009, as CBS News reported, an FBI lab tech, Jacqueline Blake, was under the gun for allegedly misinterpreting DNA samples in 103 criminal cases, and FBI lab scientist, Kathleen Lundy, admitted she gave knowingly false testimony, under oath, about bullet analysis in a Kentucky murder trial.

So when the FBI says a pressure-cooker bomb killed and maimed people on Boston streets, you should accept, at face value, the veracity of that claim, in the same way you would accept the statement that the moon sets every night in a lake in New Jersey.

When the FBI tells us that two brothers planted bombs at the Boston Marathon, we should resist “hypothesis by hypnosis.”

The actual facts require an entirely separate and independent investigation.

Though all major media outlets are fully aware of the badly stained reputation of the FBI, these networks go along like worshipful little puppies, on each new occasion, when the Bureau commandeers a crime scene.

All of a sudden, the FBI are kings, and the past is wiped out.

The media anchors, and the federal agents, are One. Their forte is staging mutual charades. In this regard, they have few equals.

The anchors breathlessly await each new FBI announcement in the Marathon murders. They put out the red carpet, they extol the Bureau as if, in the firmament of the just, it has no flaws of any kind.

Major media are truly advance men for the Bureau. Well, they have to be in a major crisis like this one, because it takes two to tango. You can’t have a coherent story line for the public if the media are doubting and questioning the FBI at every turn. When was the last time we saw that?

The public wants a story about heroes and villains, with all separations clearly drawn. That’s the media bottom line, and it takes precedence over a search for the truth every time.

The incurious, passive, and FBI-directed media never stop to wonder why doctors at Boston hospitals are reporting so many lower-extremity injuries, some requiring amputations. This fact strongly suggests that exploding shrapnel was directed along a low height.

To accomplish that, professionals had to design the bombs. No amateur would have a clue. Do we have evidence either one of the Tsarnaev brothers was a pro? If so, where is it?

But not to worry. If Brian Williams, Scott Pelley, and Diane Sawyer open their arms wide to Richard DesLauriers, the FBI agent in charge of the Marathon case, if they characterize the Bureau as exquisite and virtuous servants of the people, as “part of our extended family,” as the best of the best, as moralists of the first order, then so should we. Without question. Automatically.

The younger Tsarnaev brother is now in custody. The older brother is dead.

The case is wrapped up. Everything is good.

Except, as a number of writers have pointed out, including Paul Watson, Tony Cartalucci, Kurt Nimmo, and James Corbett, the FBI has a history of involvement in terror events. The Bureau has encouraged and fomented pathetically obvious terrorist plots.

David Shipler, writing in the NY Times (April 28, 2012, “Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the FBI”) details a string of these ops. What he fails to point out is this: such events condition the American people to believe in the war on on terror. Without FBI agents initiating these self-fulfilling prophecies, the enormous infrastructure/industry dedicated to stopping terrorism would take on the bizarre appearance of a manned tank permanently parked outside a candy store.

So if the Tsarnaev brothers were involved in the Boston bombings, consider that they could have been drawn into a Bureau plan and supplied with the materials to execute that plan.

They could have been told it was a drill, an exercise, to “test the system.” They could have been told the bombs were inert. They could have been used as patsies.

Yes, it would be a better world if we could always rely on the authorities to make clean arrests for clear crimes, present accurate evidence at trial, and obtain honest convictions. But unfortunately, we are not living in that world.

Go back to the 1993 Trade Center bombing. The NY Times exposed the covert role of the FBI through the testimony of one of the Bureau’s dupes (informants), Emad Salem, who was told he would be given fake bombs for a fake event that would scoop up real terrorists. But Salem then stated the FBI decided to go ahead with real bombs at the last minute.

Salem was never permitted to take the stand at trial and testify. The Times article exposing this (October 28, 1993, “Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast”) was written by Ralph Blumenthal (twitter). Over the years, on two occasions, I’ve tried to talk to Blumenthal about his piece. The first time, some years ago, he blew up on the phone and told me I had the facts (of his article) all wrong. The second time, a few days ago, I emailed him, and so far I’ve received no response.

The Matrix Revealed

Exit From the Matrix

The elite media of this country are schizoid, intentionally. They like it that way. A scandal here, a scandal there, about our institutions? No problem. But then when the chips are down—which is to say, a big story looms up on the horizon, an irresistible monster of a story, like the Boston bombings—these fabricators of print and image adjust their ties and do their hair and go through their time-honored paces:

Here are the pure and wonderful and guiltless good guys…and there are the bad guys…and we will watch the good triumph over evil…and you, the public, will follow along with rapt attention…”

In order to achieve this emotional arc, corners will be cut. Elements of the story line that don’t fit the mold will be omitted. They never happened.

The suspect in the Boston bombings the FBI had in custody, the one they were about to present in court the other day? The cancellation of that party, the suddenly closing down of the court owing to a “bomb threat?” Never happened. A misprint. A glitch. A dream.

The black ops men circulating at the Marathon? They all just happened to be wearing the same clothes, sporting the same insignia. No one was holding a radiation detector. That was a transistor radio or a cigar humidor.

The celebrations are on in Boston. The first city of any size to be locked down completely can open its doors.

The resolution has been achieved. Well, it had to be. The Bureau and the president couldn’t afford to let this go on for weeks and months, with no arrests and no take down.

That would be unthinkable.

Looking effective and looking presidential are priorities of a magnitude it’s hard to imagine. Inside the game, the players are excruciatingly aware of reputation and face and credibility. These are the psychological molecules that can drive a person up into the stratosphere or put him down in the alley with the garbage.

And it always helps to have hole cards. For example, foreknowledge that the op has a prefigured end. A designated perpetrator. So you can say, “Justice will be done, count on it.” And you’ll be right.

It helps, for example, to know you can deliver the goods on the names of the terrorists who hijacked the planes on 9/11, and you can make them known twelve seconds after the towers fell. You can pull out the names of men your people had been warning, about months before the event, the men you paid no attention to, until you needed their names.

Guilty? Innocent? Does it really matter? If you can decide what evidence is good evidence, you’re the king.

You can stage reality and then say, through hard work you found out what it was.

You can roll up the sky and roll it down again, and you can discover new planets and then delete them, and no one in the hypnotic trance induced by your fully owned media will remember.

But everyone will be safe. You proved that by locking down the city where the American Revolution was born, on the anniversary of the day its opening battles were fought. Then, in 1775, the message was freedom. Now, in 2013, it’s the same message, except the meaning has been turned upside down. Freedom is universal police presence and deserted streets, and people buy it like top-flight merchandise at a fire sale.

A symbolic gesture, purposely designed by evil men? You must be hallucinating. Take two Brian Williams and call me in the morning.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

24 comments on “Boston: locking down the city where the American Revolution was born

  1. pamela brennan says:

    It’s 1984! isn’t it?….Another excellent article, thanks, Jon.

  2. hybridrogue1 says:

    Yup Pam…just like Ground Hog Day, we wake up in 1984 every morning.
    I remember waking up in 1984 back in 1963 even…’twas a November afternoon – a coup d’etat was taking place in Dallas…

    I have read the Whitehurst book, TAINTED EVIDENCE. It should be required reading for the “citizens”, if we could find some rather, than this “viewing audience” – Say Levi or Wrangler it has become a tangled dream in our tangled genes…

    “Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.”~Santayana

    “The common masses never learn the lessons of history.”~Hegel

    I’m pretty sure Hegel said “hehehe” after that thought came to him.

    Keep it up Jon, you are doing a great job. The truth is more complex than a sit-com, and the TVZombies just don’t get it.


  3. sistertongue says:

    What was the end result of this charade? 1 million people obeyed orders of the feds (in violation of the constitution) to stay indoors until further notice. Not only did they ALL obey like sheep, they are even now celebrating their own imprisonment. Like Cyprus, in establishing theft of personal bank accounts, THIS event was a test to see if the people would buy into the overt violation of their civil rights. And, of course, in Boston, no less, the heart of the american revolution so long ago. Brilliant pull off by the PTB, such a sad demonstration of cowardice by such a large population of americans.

    Next stop, on to the trains for relocation, folks.

    What a terrible week this was.

  4. Thank you for the article, keep it up! People ARE reading and they ARE waking up!

  5. Gina says:

    Would it be a stretch to say that, in all and absolute seriousness, we are living in a real-life version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers on this planet? Because I think it would be a stretch to say that we ARE NOT.

    What is going on? I ask again – what is going on? Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of DHS, TSA, FBI, CIA, NSA, FDA, police, politicians, bankers, CEOs, and etc etc. etc..of others all around the world – all acting like absolute soulless, emotionless, fanatical psychopathic robots, while the billions of comatose citizens of Earth still see nothing but blue skies and apple pie?

    If anyone has a better theory, I would love to hear it.

  6. Sean says:

    Ho hum…Another week in the empire….

  7. Gina says:

    Hi Jon. Way back when – when I had a life, I used to keep busy on Saturday evenings playing checkers with friends. Unfortunately now, given recent events which have been transpiring on what used to be a planet called Earth, I’ve been called to reprioritize things.

    I pulled this article from an alternate internet in a galaxy far, far away, so I don’t know if it would have any bearing on this week’s story in Boston. I’ll leave it for you to decide.

    You might want to save it before it gets deleted by the pods, as I am unsure when I will next be able to access the alternet again.

    Ok, gotta run, another b&w episode of the Twilight Zone is just about to start. A good one this time – The Obsolete Man!

  8. JUDE says:

    How does Scripture put it: “We are Legion” – terrifying watching a million + citizens ( buses trains planes schools closed Dartmouth evacuated – baseball game cancelled – stores closed etc) OBEYING like mindless idiots / no where did the media report that LONG before the ‘blast’ someone kept announcing, “It’s only a drill – it’s only a drill” only thing is it wasn’t ( military drill took place East Coast 9/11 – drill in London subway same day as explosion/ same with Spain) no body bothered to remark on how HUNDREDS of EMTs – police – fire – doctors – nurses – were ON HAND immediately (check video tapes)

    A doctor visiting from Georgia (he helped) remarked on news that he’d never seen such preparation – a medical tent ( gurneys – wheelchairs – stretchers – IV’s – boxes of splints, bandages, etc)…that looked like it was prepared for WAR – he didn’t know how right he was/ a DRILL like this is preparation for the REAL McCoy – as if the event were really happening (plane crash – fire – bombing etc) – SHELTER IN PLACE sounds so benign/ safe – 11 buses that I counted were filled with police – then thousands of SWAT – local – state – military personnel ( vehicles)

    A DRILL to be sure –after all in case of some future meltdown one has to be prepared – iron out the kinks / As for past terrorist plots/ happening real or thwarted – again, if we’re going to have FEAR instilled ( year after year) in the people ya gotta have something happening – something to account for all these billions spent over the past years!! Frightening – what deranged -malignant – soulless – psychotic – PERSON(S) came up with this diabolical PLOT – but I digress, after all we’ve had made up WARS / with millions maimed, killed – deformed

    (Agent Orange) – cluster bombs that shred the limbs off kids/ drones that (weekly) bomb weddings, BBQs, any gathering of a few people, village people in Pakistan – Somalia – Yemen – Afghanistan living in daily terror as drones hum overhead —-we have lost all sense of compassion, of identifying with those of distant lands / what they are enduring —they have as much control, input as Sally Sitcom and Joe Sixpack in America – ZELCH. I have to laugh when I hear – “Write to your Congressman” Please, they worked ( I exaggerate) 106 days last year Tue – Thurs / they don’t read bills ( hello Obama Care -) nor Trade Agreements – they sure as heck don’t give a fat rats’ behind what work a day folks have to say ——jm

  9. babette says:

    Superb article! Thanks.

    When people can cheer their own “lockdown” (prison terminology) then the game is well and truly over.

  10. IndividualAudienceMember says:

    I’d like to say “Ho hum” too, but I live here and it’s not exactly ho hum stuff, (even while at the same time it is) by that I mean: is the lock-down of Boston over? Or has it been widened? I haven’t seen any G. Bush “Let’s all go back to shopping” headlines yet.

  11. Bill says:

    “CAPTURED!!! The hunt is over. The search is done. The terror is over. And justice has won. Suspect in custody. ”

    Over? done? over? one? …is this a hint. Is somebody trying to tell us that this whole lockdown with 9000 police was overdone. Just for one teenager?

  12. spinchatter5 says:

    Great article and I just want to echo sistertongue’s comment that exactly matches my own thoughts: “Not only did they ALL obey like sheep, they are even now celebrating their own imprisonment.” Yes, many people were LITERALLY celebrating how the police/military responded in Boston. We are living in a nightmare.

  13. hybridrogue1 says:

    What has convinced me beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Brothers Tsarnaev are innocent patsies is the NIGHTLINE episode on “the capture of the 2nd bomber”…

    Yes a TV show that was trying to present the official story as believable. But you know what blew it? They interviewed people at the dorm who know Jahar Tsarnaev. Do you know what he did after the bombing at the marathon? He simply went home to his dorm room. He talked with people he knew there – he was totally normal, the same guy, not in anyway upset or on edge. He actually slept there in his own room for two nights. This whole time he was supposed to be leading the cops in a wild chase all over Boston…

    I think the cops nabbed him from his dorm, had him in custody throughout the whole staged “chase” – smashed his throat, drugged him out and put him in the boat to be “discovered” later.

    I don’t believe he or his brother was involved in anyway whatsoever.
    The whole thing is a staged psyop, just like both Tsarnaev parents say, the boys were set-up by the FBI.

    Isn’t it convenient that he has throat injuries – a very direct way of silencing the suspect. Now he will be subjected to “interrogation”…ie, torture, and will likely be ‘convinced’ of his own guilt in room 101, where there is never darkness, and 2+2 becomes 5….

    Welcome to the Maximum Security State.


  14. says:

    think it might be time for the real journalists from all lines to coalition together and form a think tank like the recent Ron Paul Institute (dennis kucinnich, ron paul, walter jones, john duncan, thomas massie – all for Ending the Fed system, international peace and ending the wars for good, constitutional renewal, creating a Grading System to grade – “name and shame” – so-called elected people in congress ). to see the mainstream media and corporate journalists be brought to charges. at some point, fabrication and lying in the media must be held accountable and the act of false flags as a criminal offense. people like transparent ethical journalists like Jon Rappaport, Ben Swann, Amber Lyons (who called out and exposed CNN), and any other known or unknown …
    can think of how many people would be able to sue the media for post-traumatic stress disorder coming up. what the media is doing is NOT ok. and they, as the govt, are soon to be held accountable. we must speak out.

  15. says:

    people like transparent ethical journalists like Jon Rappaport, Ben Swann, Amber Lyons (who called out and exposed CNN), and any other known or unknown are the next new generation and powerhouse of journalists that have the ability to change the course of history for the better. would love to see you guys start a press lawsuit.

  16. babylovet says:

    Reportedly, swat teams were going house to house in Watertown, MA gaining entrance in to people’s homes without search warrants. After a suspect who posed no more immediate danger than an armed suspect who might have robbed a liquor store. Were there any challenges to this and what were the results?

    Thus making null and void the 4th Amendment. (

    I cannot recall any such precedent occurring in an American city, outside of the Civil War perhaps.

  17. pfc says:

    I am reminded of the scene in “The Great Escape” when the Gestapo ordered all the German citizens on the ground so they could easily identify and shoot the escaping Allied POW….

  18. Andy says:

    Brilliant article. Notice also the change of wind in the Boston bombing video. The international flags go from limp to lively (as the smoke begins to billow out) and back to limp again. What makes the wind blow, and where does it come from?

  19. Elizheva Lau says:

    End the Military-industrial complex, which is destroying this country as it seeks to enrich itself.

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