Free states: radical decentralization; the war for hearts and minds

Dedicated to my friend and compatriot of many years, Robert Scott Bell

by Jon Rappoport

August 3, 2022

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It all starts with the IDEA of the germ. Once people buy the idea and the story, everything follows. The planners build the story of the germ for a hundred years, so it transmits fear, and then one day they use it to spring the trap.

Fake pandemic. Real slavery.

The truth is, we’re far stronger than any germ or any tale about a germ.

Dozing off thinking about the tale and the trap and what it’s brought to our door, I had a dream. Went something like this—

“South Carolina is happy to report the stunning success of our new treatment law. As you know, three years ago, we certified a bill allowing ANY healing method to be practiced on consenting adults, for any condition, so long as that method was not destructive. The result? A flood of practitioners and patients moving to our state. Our economy has nearly tripled in size. We are awash in new prosperity…”

New York: “Curfews must be more drastic. Only protesters and rioters will be permitted on streets after 2PM. We are issuing four color codes. Green, blue, yellow, and gray. They tell you when you may appear in public to pick up your food for the month at our government-dispensing canned goods centers. State income taxes are hereby raised to forty percent of gross earnings. All churches are permanently closed. Stop moving to South Carolina. If you do, you can never come back…”

“Nevada is announcing a new form of state money. Anyone who moves here will automatically be given four thousand dollars in casino chips, and a free hotel room for seven weeks. Masks and social distancing are forbidden. Vaccination is entirely voluntary. Anyone forcing a vaccine on another will be buried up to his neck in the desert, his face smeared with honey…”

Oregon: “The marijuana state is now entirely collective. No more private residences. Everyone must live in a commune of at least 60 persons. In each commune, the profits from growing pot will be equally divided among all members. No guns are permitted in the state. To achieve our goal of the cleanest air in the nation, cars are allowed on roads only between the hours of 7-9AM and 4-6PM. Trucks loaded with weed may move product at all hours. Come live with us.”

Maryland: “Our state is run by a consortium of mega-corporations and intelligence agencies. Everyone works for these organizations. There are no small businesses. Move here. You’ll be guaranteed a job after four weeks of training. Housing included. Stop fighting the Man. We are the Man. Free vaccinations.”

California: “Have you always yearned to be a Communist? Come to Cal. We’ve got Stasi, KGB, real-time satellite surveillance covering every inch of the state, as well as free Snitch Training. Unlimited immigration from all countries. We care. We have zero unemployment. Everyone works for the government. Are you wanted for offenses in other states or nations? No background checks. Warning: selling off-the-books black market items without paying sales tax is punishable by death.”

Idaho: “Free market economy. Make and sell just about anything. No state taxes. Gun rights guaranteed. All property is private. No welfare. Our cops only care about two offenses—encroaching on another’s freedom, and selling overtly harmful products. Public education is canceled. Only home and small community schooling are allowed. Want to make your own way? Idaho is the place for you.”

Illinois: “We are now a monarchy. As the hub for all street drugs distributed throughout the US and Canada, our king is chosen by the Sinaloa Cartel. Our police forces are gangs. We have disbanded our court systems. Personal and business protection is for sale. If you want to ‘live the life,’ move to Illinois. Free ballet lessons.”

Wyoming: “It took a long revolution to expel the former state government. In our free market economy, two prominent industries have emerged—hydrogen-powered car manufacturing/refitting, and water turbines for energy production. Our sales are soaring. Through state taxes agreed upon in a recent state referendum, we are financing research into several suppressed methods of energy innovation. Every citizen must own a gun, and must receive training in how to use it. Don’t move here expecting a free ride. Career criminals from other states—don’t even think about it. We’ll find you and root you out.”

New Jersey: “Our new state motto is ‘Graft, Gossip, and Waste Management.’ Our highway tolls are the highest in the nation. We are on permanent lockdown. If you want to pretend you’re important and have no credentials of any kind, move here and join us. The southern half of the state is being built out as one giant hospital complex, to treat and house those from the northern half. Free health coverage. Wear a badge of honor for each medical or psychiatric diagnosis.”

Massachusetts: “Aside from hospitals and Harvard global money laundering, our largest industry is selling rewrites of history to colleges. The American Revolution never happened. John Adams was an ambulance chasing personal injury lawyer. Thoreau was a petty criminal, fishing without a license. Plymouth Rock was once a popular form of cocaine trafficked along the east coast…”

Within two generations, New York and California turn into patchwork quilts of sparsely populated farm land and urban hell holes.

A declared woo-woo pandemic in one state is nothing more than a joke in another.

Enforced and fake togetherness dissolves like sugar in water.

—As I started to wake up, I wondered, is this a good dream or a bad dream? A voice said, “Decentralization of power is good, but you can’t control how it works out. If you could, YOU’D be the central power.”

I fell back asleep.

I was standing on a street corner in a city. In the distance, buildings were burning. A crowd marched toward me, broadcasting waves of fear.

They stopped moving. A platform rose up and a speaker in a mask fiddled with a mic stand. Silence.

“This is our place,” he said. Calm voice. “Just remember, it’s free.”

He looked over at me. He lifted his mask for a second, then put it back.

It was Mao Zedong. Chairman Mao. He told the quiet crowd, “I’ve got money. Rockefeller money. You understand, right? We’re going to start over. We’ve got important friends. We’ll use them and keep them safe for a while. In the new Republic, everything is free. You work for it, but it’s free. You don’t get ahead on your own. That’s over. You’re my troops. We’re burning down the northeastern United States and taking the land.”


“It’s freedom,” he said. “Forget all your old causes. Forget why you came here. It doesn’t matter anymore. We’re new. We’re finally getting justice. You know what justice is? Rice. Growing rice. That’s all. Everyone works. Everyone bends over and works, from the lowliest drug addict to a fat old Congresswoman, to the President, everyone works the soil, and admits their guilt. Their sins. After six generations, their descendants can be raised up. They’ll be clean. No taint left. That’s the new world. That’s what you’ve been fighting for. No more privilege.”

Suddenly, I was standing outside my house in the dark night.

There was somebody out there. I couldn’t see who he was.

He spoke. “Don’t let them take everything away. You have no idea how many of us there are. We’re not going to let this happen.”

(Episode 17 of Rappoport Podcasts — “Solving the Tanking Economy; Plus: The Current Debate about the Existence of the ‘COVID virus'” — is now posted on my substack. It’s a blockbuster. To listen, click here. To learn more about This Episode of Rappoport Podcasts, click here.)

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

To read Jon’s articles on Substack, click here.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

17 comments on “Free states: radical decentralization; the war for hearts and minds

  1. Paul says:

    “Stop fighting the Man. We are the Man.”

    WOW !!

    That’s A New

  2. Roundball Shaman says:

    “Free states: radical decentralization; the war for hearts and minds”

    For deluded Americans who want Communism or Marxism in the USA… let them have the West Coast States and New York State and Cook County, Illinois (Chicago).

    For proud Americans who believe in the Constitution and the inherent rights of the individual… let them have Texas all the way through to Florida.

    For all the other States… these are ‘demilitarized zones’ that can adopt neither Far Leftism or be Free States. These are buffer zones to mitigate potential conflict.

    If the United States is to have a future as and within the National boundaries as are now drawn on maps… this kind of Coalition of Philosophy States will be a necessity.

    The USA is has been far from a unified Nation for a very long time now. And perhaps given the Civil War and the bad feelings that remained after it… maybe it never was. Perhaps its all hype and PR and a tissue of fantasy and a boatload of faux ‘patriotism’.

    The ongoing Social Engineering to move America towards World Communism is now in full flower. Many are right on board with that. Just as many are not. This is not a recipe for a healthy future as a Nation.

    First, people leave a place with their hearts. Then they readjust and gather their redefined
    loyalties. Then they pick up their stuff and leave physically if they have some place to call their own. Or they are stuck to stay near each other and get into constant nasty fights and conflict and culture wars and shaming and bad feelings.

    The Great American Melting Pot never really materialized. It was a noble vision that failed because people just didn’t want it. They still don’t. People and groups like to keep their own ways and not have too much to do with things and people that deviate from that. Commonly known as Tribalism (or ‘Nationalism’). Or Please Leave Me The Hell Alone-ism.

    This kind of thinking is hard-wired into our psyche. It has to do with conflicts over resources and fear of threats coming from outside one’s chosen group. These deep-seeded drives are simply not going to be bred out of human beings unless The Dark Powers succeed into turning human beings into programmable machines. And who among us exactly is lining up and salivating to be one of the first to become a ‘thing’ puppet for the Dark Elitists?

    National borders can be a zone of safety for like-minded people who choose to live together. Or borders can be a prison of angry people who share cells with riff raff they want to get as far away from as possible.

    In other words… some of the biggest liars on Planet Earth are National boundaries drawn on maps. They signify… NOTHING.

    • Zoey says:

      Nicely stated. Couldn’t agree more.

      Let the brainwashed sheep have Massachusetts as well since majority of people here seem to be a-okay with communist rule.

  3. Well then I choose IDAHO!

  4. Lauran says:

    Fabulous, Jon!…..loved it! You got all the states right….Oregon is a joke. No, this is not a is a nightmare. People are rising up, though..I see it, and read about it!

  5. Chris A says:

    You can put Colorado in with California. Seems like defence industry has taken over. Northern Colorado is against all blue collar workers. Virtue signal and cancel culture are the order of the day. Can’t survive here unless you make 100,000 or more a year.

  6. Peter Harter says:

    Indiana: My state was gutted 20 years ago when the automotive and steel industries moved out. We’ve been owned by private prisons corps since Pence was governor. Marijuana criminalization is the government’s bread and butter. Bag ’em and tag ’em. People keep moving into the polis, but it’s a shithole. Gov. Holcombe has a face like a pan of milk and he’s so milk toast he’s probably a yellow sticker in China’s book. Rural Indiana is damaged by big pharma, Mountain Dew, and meth. Everybody has got a poison problem.

  7. Cris M. says:

    Where fear thinking stifles to ignorance, thinking in potentials creates energy.

    More people need to feel free to be mad about the cons in our face, where we live, and just make calm determined effort, seeing potential. Share.

    Appreciate the article.

  8. TheRocksBelow says:

    Jon or anyone,
    How is long term strategizing by “elites” held in place? Because each generation dies off. Who has been here long enough to see such a complex and long term plan through? I know from experience that children born into these families are often not interested enough, motivated enough or evil enough to follow in their parents footprints. And unfortunately, they are often not functional enough. So WHO or HOW are these plans maintained through generations?

    if they have some desperate way of prolonging life then why are George Bush and prince Phillip, etc. dead?

    “Don’t let nobody turn you around.
    Not a living ass.
    Keep on telling the truth, stay on stage.
    Truth dashed to the Earth will rise again.
    Every shut eye ain’t asleep.
    And every goodbye ain’t gone.”

    • Judy says:

      Some people would argue that these people have been dead for longer than you think.. Either way, if you are brought up to believe that somehow being elite, i.e special, and encouraged to worship evil and its trappings is what you are born to do, then you would almost certainly go along with it. If you don’t go along with it, you will most probably be murdered, as many have. Some people try to lead a virtuous life in the hope of reaching the Kingdom of Heaven. Others want the fame and glory now, and believe that selling their souls is worthwhile. I’m also not sure that once in the “club” it is easy to leave. Particularly, if you have indulged in nefarious practices.

    • george says:

      The Borg queen was alive since the Borg Sphere (atlantis) was destroyed.
      It is recreating the hive 🙂

  9. TheRocksBelow says:

    Utah = Mormon. And Mormons are an intensely controlled cult. Hard to say what their prophet, Russell Nelson will tell them to do next. Many Mormons did not trust the vaccine, but then Russell said they were safe, and they all ran out and got them. I’ve spoken to many who said they did it against their better judgment. Thats what members in cults do.

    They also still promote white’s and male only leaders. They started losing money, so publicly they changed this, but internally nothing has changed.

    • 22sojourner says:

      I remember being brought down here, I was angry & resentful for feeling forced, although this world is beautiful I had my doubts.

      With nothing to believe in, I went looking in hopes of finding some sanctuary of goodness past so many cult religions & their ragged history of manipulations, the Talmud Immanuel, Buddism, Zen & reincarnation.

      I found some solace at a Zen monastery where I was allowed to be me & unapologetically so, it’s where kindness & understanding reined & where all of reality was questioned, & not where someone told me I was worthless, only soul searching.

      I’m at peace within me, it’s only when I look outwardly to see how cruelly all of life is controlled. I will not rest in investing my heart & soul toward every best intention to a loving & natural spirit of goodness & harmony.

      I ask you, what more can I do?

  10. Jim S. Smith says:

    You had it all interesting, until you mentioned Idaho.

    Idaho is certainly NOT so pro-freedom as you may like to picture it.


    We DO have some pretty defiant and free-spirited people here and there, but our current state “government” has really gone downhill! The county and city I live in – are even WORSE! – Being “Californicated” to the extreme, right now.

    Thanks for the cheerful “vote of confidence”, though!


    Things may change for the better?

    Ammon Bundy is one of the candidates running for Governor.

  11. george says:

    Next generation is even dumber than the present one. No way they will fight for liberty or even understand what it is. No sheep does.

    Next free generation will be after the collapse. meteorite, nuclear war, real pandemic, global flood…

  12. Donald B. Gregg says:

    I am committed heart and mind to the United States’ founding documents and to the person of Jesus, the Christ. I realize that the founding documents are often corrupted as are the claims of Jesus. When I was young, I participated in combat in war thinking that I was in some way sustaining the above only to realize in my old age that that was not entirely the case. I know that I have been, and still am being lied to, yet my allegiance to the ideals of the above are still strong. I speak out against globalism as a concept designed to destroy and enslave the United States as well as the whole world. We have something that no other country in the world has. I am afraid we are in danger of losing it.

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