Anti-Russia? Then arrest the Clintons

by Jon Rappoport

March 15, 2022

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On April 23, 2015, the NY Times ran a story under the headline: “Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal.”

I quote the Times: “The sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States’.”

“But the untold story behind that story is one that involves not just the Russian president, but also a former American president [Bill Clinton] and a woman [Hillary Clinton] who would like to be the next one.”

“At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.”

“Frank Giustra…a mining financier, has donated $31.3 million to the foundation run by former President Bill Clinton…Since [US] uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal [to sell Uranium One and US uranium to Putin] had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.”

“As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.”

“And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.”

Note to the women of The View: Try a citizen’s arrest of the Clintons. Stand up. Muscle up. Put the cuffs on these traitors. Live stream it. Thank you for your service.

What’s that? You won’t do it? You’re just a gaggle of monumental bullshitters with your big-time anti-Russian talk?

You want to arrest Tucker Carlson but not the Clintons?

I see.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

34 comments on “Anti-Russia? Then arrest the Clintons

  1. Vakzine Machst Frei says:

    People don’t understand the level of dictatorship in Russia. Just few examples: The state is forcing people to inject themselves with an untested vaccine with secret ingredients. If you refuse, you cannot enter shopping centers, cannot use public transport.. you can even loose your job. .. If you post a video or tweet against the official propaganda, it will be deleted and you will be banned.. if you stage a peaceful protest you can be arrested .. there are video cameras everywhere that track you, your cell phone is spying on you .. education is also controlled. public schools with propaganda are the norm. private schools have to be approved by the state.

    • Evette Smith says:

      Vakzine Machst Frei — Amen…!!

    • lex says:

      if that is not sarcasm you must be an idiot you just described the US

      • Vakzine Machst Frei says:

        It is true. You can search for it.

        • Sue says:

          I just looked up the U.S. Embassy report on COVID measures in Russia, and this is what it says:

          “Measures and restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 vary widely, as individual regions and cities set their own policies.”

          Lex is right – all of that sounds like the U.S., and I don’t think any of it has to do with the subject matter of the article.

          • Mike Bollinger says:

            It goes to the point that we call Russia a dictatorship, and ourselves a free nation. The truth is, America is a dictatorship. We vote, as do the Russians. Those we vote for do not listen to us, the same as the Russians. Ask the Syrians, the Libyans, Iraqis, Afghanis who they felt being invaded. I bet the same way as Ukraine feels, yet Americans feel like our wars are justified, but “Putins war” is not. Who are we to judge?

    • KillingMeSoftly says:

      Geez I’m glad I don’t live there!

    • Researcher says:

      Lol … exactly like the West.

      In Canada they can now freeze all financial transactions and seize bank accounts of those who donate to protests or movements the government doesn’t approve. Without a court order or evidence.

      The East and West are both owned by the same banking-merchant-military cartel. One ownership. Central control of every nation.

      The citizens are slaves on the nation state plantations, managed by an administration the slaves call “government”.

      It’s the same system worldwide.

    • george says:

      There are many other countries like that. North Korea, Canada, NY, Austria, New Zeeland, UK, China, California ..

    • neckerhead says:

      Basically you described life in the usa.

      You call it a dictatorship we pretend its democracy and freedom. You probably have better schools than we do and that would explain the prior. We are dumb enough to have outrage towards anyone that might follow their own path and not be vaxed. Our government doesn’t like us at all. We don’t hardly like ourselves really so life is lonely and you might know the neighbors name but probably not. The planned future is everyone renting and so no sense of place or community will alienate all into servitude. Destroy the economy of the world since the covid thing did not work.

    • Barb says:

      Sarcasm? Because that’s what’s happened/happening in most countries.

    • Elisabeth Brillant says:

      You just described Canada!

    • Stephen D. Williamson says:

      OOO wait that’s the U.S. my bad

    • Sanna says:

      Same same in every country around the world.

  2. sk says:

    We need to legalize citizen arrest throughout the country. Let bond be posted and then let a grand jury determine if there’s evidence to indict. Or we can just continue to do it as it’s done, which means nothing is done.

    • Jim S Smith says:

      “Citizen’s arrest” has always been there. Just that the “legal industry” doesn’t want anyone to know, let alone actually practice this.

      • Saeger says:

        People have ignored the false ‘legal’ scheme, which has been a con from the beginning with false ‘goverment’ two-part scheme with monotheism religion, the other force point of their ‘govermnt’ or ‘state’. People continue to sit as many have been harmed by supposed ‘courts’ and ‘lawyers’ and judges’ yet continue to not figure out over half are part of a scheme of generations of cons. They assume ‘just stay out of the way’ but we cannot. There is no ‘out of the way’ when they are part of false govment and the base of false ‘force’ and claims over what we can or can’t ‘do’, or claim everyone else is a terrist.

        It is fact judges can be criminals with no consequences, having scribbled ‘judicial immunity’ for themselves, and claim ‘lawyers’ the same labeling ‘officers of the court’ when over half are predators in the scheme.

        It is not coincidence. Shakespeare warned about it. Should be very obvious by now.

        • Alan Kwan says:

          During Jesus’s time, it was difficult for a “rich man” to enter God’s kingdom. These days, it is lawyers and medical doctors.

    • stephen langley says:

      This is being done nationwide by the formation of Jural Assembly by the people as provided by the First & Seventh Amendments of The Bill of Rights. A formal lawful (jural) assembly (First Amendment) of the people is empowered to convene a grand jury (Seventh Amendment) of which no court… including the Supreme Court… may re-examine the findings and decisions thereof ! The only problem is timing !! …do we the people have enough time to stem the tide of corruption before justice can be peaceably served on any and all bad actors, international, national, state, county and municipal ?? Please look into forming a jural assembly in your county… perhaps at least it will contribute to picking up the pieces of the currently collapsing bankrupt de facto legal structures… what has been masquerading as legit governments. Godspeed.

      • Saeger says:

        As well as people intend, we cannot change anything by using their own system and false judges. It may have worked if more people had made effort twenty or thirty years ago. It won’t now. Have to use other protest or effort ideas, share info, focus where we live.

    • neckerhead says:

      It is legal in the usa to make a citizens arrest.

  3. Tim says:

    “…charitable endeavors of former president Bill Clinton…”…haha, sure, sure, just like all the rest of them they’re a front, a facade, a charade…wolves in sheep’s clothing.

    There’s a certain ideaology that passes itself off as a “divine” religion, and in that ideology it informs and instructs that it’s not “murder”(a sin) as long as the death wasn’t caused by the adherent’s own hands directly, that indirect killing is therefore not a “sin”, like paying someone else to do the deed, or manipulating them into arranging it.

    That same ideology claims that “satan” is a divinely created being, therefore then; implying that “GOD” has an evil quality and approves of and facilitates expressions of evil.

    They lie, it’s what they do, because they are of the “devil”, the fictional punk (mr. bigshot) they give and seek to manipulate others to give power over to, they do so indirectly (subliminally), by promoting assimilation of principles and beliefs that on the surface seem benign, but below the surface the implications and ramifications are horrendous. AntiChrist.
    The born loser. The result of misunderstanding and forgetting of TRUTH.

    “Satan” is the source of stupid. “Satan” and stupid are synonymous. The definition of impotence, failure, and disingeniousness. The qualities of the unreal; the never-was, and never-will-be “real”, or true. Being erased. Deleted. Shrinking. Back into the nothingness from which it came… Mr. Grandiose, (the deception), is really “mr. nothing and nowhere”. A waste of mind and energy (Life).

  4. Jim S Smith says:

    Just goes hand-in-hand with the old saying: “Money is the grease in the wheels of the political machinery.”

    The Clintoons were expert at using “money” as a bargaining chip, and extortion and threats when all else fails.


    Didja think Vince Foster had some insider knowledge by chance? ? ?

  5. ReluctantWarrior says:

    The Gods of Winter

    The surly gods of Winter
    Won’t let go their icy grip
    Even as springs sweet lullaby plays
    Neath Mother’s gossamer gown,
    Where her mystical secret garden
    Pregnant with fertile dreams
    Is ready to deliver
    Her bursting floral crown,
    Awakening the muse of spring
    Now, as the sun rides higher
    These naughty sprites
    Have sent an unexpected chill
    Through the shivering pines,
    Frosting every hill
    Spoiling dreams of
    Spring’s fairer climes
    Where seductive zephyrs
    Caress weathered front porches
    Rustling sonorous wind chimes,
    Winter’s last refrain is upon us
    As we cling to hearth and home
    Battered by frigid winds
    Chilled to the very bone,
    Yet, hope of spring endures
    As Nature prepares her fecund celebration
    To lift our fading spirits
    Escaping winter’s cruel lock-down,
    Come gentle spring!
    Explosion of new life,
    Ardent and pure,
    Beauty beyond beauty,
    Eternity’s lure,
    For in the remembrance
    Of those cutting winds
    Spring will surely forgive
    Those nasty winter sins
    That crushed our fondest hopes
    To one day soon
    With her seductive blossoms elope,
    For winter’s somber benediction
    Almost made us abandon
    The promise of spring’s resurrection
    And tho Persephone rises from the underworld
    Teasing us with delicate morsels of spring
    Enchanting us with sweet dreams
    Healing the wound of winter’s sting,
    Now is time for fun
    Frolicking in her fields of fortune
    Under the bounteous sun
    Where eternity’s productions
    Are sculpted by the hands of time,
    Lifting our failing spirits
    Warming broken hearts
    With the promise of new life
    And on the edge of town
    The picnic blankets are laid down
    As the dandies of the village
    Take a break from their important routines,
    Pausing their rape and pillage
    To behold the mysterious OTHER
    That invites them to inhabit new worlds
    Of bright blinding beauty
    Beyond the wasteland’s tears
    Where their solemn duties
    Hold them captive
    To their sad tales of quiet desperation,
    Will they ever free themselves
    From the bonds of time
    And find a love
    That is truly sublime?
    For with the taste of your sweet dreams
    I forget this wasting world
    No longer hearing its mortal screams,
    Mother come to me
    Save me from myself
    For in thy musky esters of spring
    My blossom has opened for thee!

  6. Siouxma says:

    Looking at the Western States when they were still Territories, they made a deal with the Feds/Congress to leave a hefty % of land under Federal control, but “grandfathering” in certain grazing rights for the ranchers to not be taxed under new rules. More than 80% of Nevada is still under federal control and the entire eastern half of Oregon. The Bundys were fighting the Feds in Nevada about these issues. Then the ranchers in Oregon who were sent to prison on bogus charges. The Malheur Refuge standoff leading to the Feds murdering Lavoy Finnicum goes unanswered to this day. What the Pravda Press failed to report is what is under those Oregon pastures is what the URANIUM ONE deal was all about.

  7. Yvonne Blasy says:

    $500K to hear a speech by crooked Clinton? I wouldn’t pay 5 cents if he and the hag he’s married to were speaking at the school across the street.

    And then there’s Hunter Biden’s “paintings.” Subject for another day.

    • RSBP says:

      The outfit I used to work for went gaga for their big anniversary celebration and forked over a ton to have CLinton speak. I’m up in Kanada, so he wasn’t even our overlord at any time.

      I ended up going camping as far away as I could from the event – maybe that’s why I’ve escaped from the hypnosis that has taken over the world.

      Funny thing was, so I heard, for the money, he spoke 30 minutes and then took off, leaving the big fish in the small pond aghast at not being able to rub up against him.

  8. Larry C says:

    There is something seriously amiss, in our system of governance!

    s/Mr. Obvious

  9. USA Invades Israel says:

    Citizens’ Arrest needs to be further examined as a recourse. For the record, I support it.

    What are proven and verified examples of successful Citizens’ Arrests of public officials or businessfolk in the USA or other Countries? What remedy does the citizen have (against the cop) if the cop who you call to enforce law against the accused won’t? What are the exact step by step procedures and evidence one must follow to make a successful Citizens’ Arrest? What risks to the Citizen accuser are there?

    Examples must include criminals with money and power, not the bicycle thief recovery sting posted on Youtube.

    Getting close enough to either Clinton would be difficult thanks to the armed goons assigned to them for life. Wouldn’t it be nice if they were arrested while being interviewed somewhere?

    Other internet spokesmen for justice, including a Friar Bugnolo, also espouses Citizens’ Arrest.

  10. Larry C says:

    Speaking of the Clinton Foundation, several years ago, my uncle sent me an email showing five aerial photographs of large, lovely mansions. The caption under the photos read, “Guess Which Mansion is Owned by the Clintons?”

    The correct answer was, “ALL OF THEM!”

  11. Mac says:

    The media and goverment act pretending as if there is any country ‘against’ another is a nonsense act. The cabals took over russia early last century into the seventies under cover of ‘bolshevik revolution’, stealing farms and torturing in gulags, assisted by ‘usa’ cons including roosevelt in the ‘lend lease agreement’ helping the assaults. There was no cold war it was a con act during the reagan con years. The last two decades the con has been obvious having soldiers from other territories ‘training’ here with the false ‘miliatary’ in ‘joint exercises’, to then also on the other hand pretend there’s different ‘countries’. It’s nonsense. The continuing con is to distract juvenile minds here similar to distraction ‘sports’ as dupes sit watching an act, as if ‘us versus them’ nonsense when there is no ‘us’ with the govmt here, and no ‘them’ elsewhere in terms of regular people that did anything to us.

    The only ‘us’ versus ‘them’ are regular people letting themselves by subject to ongoing con acts by ‘them’ in false govrmnt state and medias doing an act as they and others in corporations and military destroy earth for their tech electronics schemes and oppress everyone else, including us. People need to see clearly and stop letting the acts continue, the consequences for ignorance are already on us. People have to throw out the teevee. Focus around us where we live. Appreciate the article Jon.

  12. Mac says:

    The media and government act pretending as if there is any country ‘against’ another is a nonsense act. The cabals took over russia early last century into the seventies under cover of ‘bolshevik revolution’, stealing farms and torturing in gulags, assisted by ‘usa’ cons including roosevelt in the ‘lend lease agreement’ helping the assaults. There was no cold war it was a con act during the reagan act years.

    The last two decades the act has been obvious having soldiers from other territories ‘training’ here with the false ‘military’ in ‘joint exercises’, to then also on the other hand pretend there’s different ‘countries’. It’s nonsense. They continue to distract juvenile minds here similar to distraction ‘sports’ as people sit watching an act, as if ‘us versus them’ nonsense when there is no ‘us’ with the govmt here, and no ‘them’ elsewhere in terms of regular people that did anything to us.

    The only ‘us’ versus ‘them’ are regular people letting themselves by subject to ongoing distraction by ‘them’ in false govrmnt state and medias doing an act as they and others in corporations and military destroy earth for their tech electronics schemes and oppress everyone else, including us. People need to see clearly and stop letting it all continue, the consequences for ignorance are already on us. Important to focus around us where we live.

  13. Mike Bollinger says:

    It goes to the point that we call Russia a dictatorship, and ourselves a free nation. The truth is, America is a dictatorship. We vote, as do the Russians. Those we vote for do not listen to us, the same as the Russians. Ask the Syrians, the Libyans, Iraqis, Afghanis who they felt being invaded. I bet the same way as Ukraine feels, yet Americans feel like our wars are justified, but “Putins war” is not. Who are we to judge?

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