Psychiatrist treats delusions about The News

by Jon Rappoport

March 23, 2021

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John Jones sits across from the psychiatrist.

Mr. Jones, I see your employer referred you.

Yes, Doctor. I was basically told that if I didn’t seek treatment, I would be suspended. Perhaps fired.

Why? What did you do?

Nothing. I just told a co-worker the news is an illusion. She reported me to the Personnel officer.

The news is an illusion?

Yes. It’s a realization I came to recently.


Well, it started one night when I watching an interview with a woman who was upset, because she was on a long waiting list for the vaccine. Looking at her, I suddenly realized she’d spent the whole afternoon preparing for the interview.


I could see she’d gone to her hairdresser. She probably had her nails done. She probably spent another hour picking out a dress from her closet.

You ASSUMED all that.

The most important fact, as far as she was concerned, was: she was on television.

You mean—

She was thinking: I’M ON TELEVISION.

I see. To her, that was more important than not having access to the vaccine.


And that’s it, Mr. Jones? That’s the illusion?

No. The next thing I realized was: THE NEWS IS ON TELEVISION.

Well, of course it is.

At that moment, I stopped believing.

You stopped believing in what?

The news.


Because it’s just a person on television.

Don’t you think, Mr. Jones, that your conclusion is an unwarranted leap?

The newsman started talking—after the interview—about vaccine hesitancy. He said experts were in agreement about the science. The vaccine is very safe.


Science is just “what’s on television.” That’s the definition of science.

Try to walk that back, Mr. Jones. You’re going too far. You’re describing a delusion.

I don’t think so.

I don’t see, on the form you filled out, that you’re taking any medications.

That’s right.

What about recreational drug use?

I don’t take any drugs.

Let me put it this way, Mr. Jones. If you stop believing in the news, what do you believe in?

I have to figure that out.

Something has to be considered authoritative.

I’m not sure what you mean.

Mr. Jones, people can’t experience everything first-hand. Surely you understand that. What you can’t experience you have to accept…from somewhere, from some source outside yourself.

And you think that source should be the news.

The news is an attempt to collect the best information possible.

I now see it as an attempt to be on television. A very successful attempt. It’s a collaboration among many employees of the network. Their prime declaration is: WE’RE ON TELEVISION.

Mr. Jones, you have Delusional Disorder.

What is that?

It’s a condition. People who have it have delusions.

What should I do about it?

The first thing—try just to watch the news. Try to…let it flow. Don’t interrupt it, so to speak.

And if that doesn’t work?

Then don’t watch the news for a month or so. Stay away from it. Consider it a trigger for your condition. Which brings me to a question.

You want to know whether I have other delusions.


None I’m aware of. My life is otherwise normal. I have friends. I get along with my family.

You don’t hear voices?


Do you get messages…for example, from God?

No. Look, Doctor, here’s the situation. I like watching the news now. To see that something you thought was real isn’t real at all…it’s invigorating. I feel stronger after I watch it. Freer.

You could be having manic episodes.

You think I should go along to get long?

If it benefits you. Don’t be so anxious to reject reality.

You think I should behave.

We’re all in The Normal. A sane person understands that.

Do you believe in the news, Doctor?

Of course. It’s a requirement of my job. It’s a basic standard against which I can assess the sanity of a person.

Am I an unusual case?

Harvey, the Personnel man at your company, referred you to me because I see hundreds of people who’ve had your experience. It’s my specialty. Bringing people back to SSI. The Stable Structure of Information.

There are other people like me?

Many. More all the time.

They don’t believe in the news, either?

Correct. But there is a STRUCTURE called the news. A few billion people accept it. So they have common ground. We need common ground.

And I’m a deserter.

You’re suffering from a selective fantasy.

I read alternative news websites.

I’m not surprised. Those websites need to be censored.


Because they lead people away from common ground. They divide society.

Even if they contain truth?

Truth is a cheap commodity. Vastly overrated. What matters is consensus. If we don’t have that, we have various kinds of insurrections breaking out here, there, and everywhere.


Binds us together.

In a way, it sounds like you agree with me. The news is the news because it’s on television.

Where else is the news going to take place?

Suppose the news says the COVID vaccine is safe and effective, but it isn’t. It makes people fall over. Lots of people. They’re injured. They die.

That’s tragic, but frankly, it doesn’t matter, Mr. Jones. Suppose a hundred million people decided the vaccine is dangerous. Tomorrow they might doubt the existence of the pandemic. Then, the next day, they might say viruses are a fiction.

Better if we all agree the moon is made of green cheese.

Better if we all accept and believe in television.

So psychiatry is a branch of television.

For certain patients, I prescribe eight hours of viewing a day. Mr. Jones, anyone who doesn’t watch the news ought to be under close surveillance.

What? Why?

Because not watching the news amounts to what I call psychological insurrection. It can be a forerunner to physical insurrection.

Is that a joke?

We live in a collective. We pass, to each other, information. That information comes from the news. The news is the root of the collective.

You’re talking about mind control.

I’m talking about your delusion.

Let me ask you something, Doctor. Suppose, just suppose I were an alien from another galaxy, and I came here to observe Earth civilization. I observed you, and I was shocked. You’re treating people for so-called mental disorders, but you’re quite mad. Insane.

I would say you don’t understand how our civilization works. Consensus is our life blood. We must have it. Those who can’t go along with the consensus need to be treated by a professional.

And I’m one of those people.

That’s right.

Because I’ve come to the realization that the news is what’s on television.

Because you’ve stopped believing in the news.

And you’re going to help me restore my belief?

I’m going to try.

And if you fail?

I’ll tell you that you should be shunned. You could infect others with your delusion.

You’ll recommend that my company fire me?

If you go along with therapy, and take the medication I prescribe, I’ll report that you have an “immunity certificate.”

I thought the certificate was just for vaccination.

The uses for the certificate are expanding. Did you vote for Donald Trump?

I didn’t vote.

If you had voted for him, you could lose your immunity status. Have you made public statements criticizing COVID science?


Well that’s good. We’re clamping down, Mr. Jones. The resistance to the consensus is nearing a danger point. So we have to respond.

And as you clamp down, how will I know what to say and what not to say?

Watch television.

Are you on television?

Think of me as behind television. Nurturing it.

When did you stop being human?

When I was nine.

What happened?

I realized being human was a disadvantage. Much better if I took up a position outside humanity, where I could analyze behavior and thought. That’s where status is. And a higher level of personal success.

And you’re happy with that?

Of course. Civilization needs people like me. Again, I mention consensus. I help push people into common ground. People need to be spun in a blender, so they all come together in accord. The details of what they agree on don’t really matter.

And the news is that blender.

It’s the best one invented so far.

So far?

Electronics, nanoparticles—we’re making advances in controlling the brain. But the news—it’s meat and potatoes. A basic. It’s the school everyone must attend.

Which brings me back to my original idea. The news is what’s on television. If it weren’t on television, it wouldn’t be the news.

If you keep that up, you’ll face excommunication. You’ll be labeled a heretic.

If I had any sense, I’d try to land a job with one of the major news networks.

If you succeeded, ten years from now you’d look back on these days and you wouldn’t recognize who you were. That person would be gone. You’d feel secure. You’d know you had matured.

I once had a dream I was sitting at an anchor’s desk. I was reporting the news.

It’s never too late, Mr. Jones. That’s my motto.

I would sit there at the anchor’s desk talking to millions of people, and I’d think, I’M ON TELEVISION, AND IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT I SAY. WHATEVER I SAY IS NEWS.

Exactly. And if you could keep that thought and not lose it; if you could avoid believing that what you’re telling people is true, if you could put aside TRUE and FALSE, you’d be home free. You’d have an experience few people could imagine.

So you agree with me, Doctor. The news is what’s on television.

I never said I disagreed, Mr. Jones. Your delusion is thinking that’s a problem. You just need to shift your point of view. Don’t be the patient, be the doctor.

Don’t be the victim, be the master.

Don’t be the tricked, be the trickster.

Don’t be the penitent, be the priest.

Don’t be the viewer, be the anchor.

So it’s all a game, Doctor.

Everything is, Mr. Jones. Do you want to play the game, or do you want to sell it and let others play it?

Is this therapy, Doctor, or an initiation into a secret society?

What do you want it to be, Mr. Jones?

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

36 comments on “Psychiatrist treats delusions about The News

  1. Laz says:

    That’s so true.

  2. Sean says:

    What a coincidence, I just started reading a very interesting book the author tells his fascinating story of being in Advertising and television and being caught up in it and though successful with it, not happy. It’s called FOUR ARGUMENTS FOR THE ELIMINATION OF TELEVISION. By Jerry Mander.

    Ghetto Physics: Will the real pimps and ho’s please stand up. Was a documentary put out a few years ago. Highlighting the pimp/ho relationship of everything for the pimp and nothing for the ho, all the way up the scale into politics. One participant in it says, sometimes youre the pimp and sometime youre the ho. But I think theres at least a 3rd position, be self-directed.

    The news is scripted though out most if not all networks. I have seen this way into the past. But it is becoming more known thanks to folks putting up videos of snipets from all the channels, all saying the same verbiage, like fake news is a threat to democracy, ect. They are paid script readers just acting. What a bunch of losers.

    Everything tv does has their spin on it. It should be dropped to the bottom of the sea.

  3. Michael Baird says:

    Nice! Very nice and so smooth. So much in so little. Congratulations. But I don’t think it will have any effect on the hypnotic trance. (My objective so that is how I observe)

  4. Andrea says:

    “I would say you don’t understand how our civilization works. Consensus is our life blood. We must have it.”

    And WHY must we have it? Because it validates us.

  5. Paul says:

    Absolutely Brilliant Jon!

    A natural-born (or is that borne) psychiatrist’s psychiatrist.

    This written psychological-art-piece should be required reading for students within the psychological wing of medical schools & other psychological learning institutions for the purposes of profession-self-evaluation & assay, to assist the study of our contemporaneous society & its institutions, in a world gone thoroughly mad.

    “The medium is the message.”
    ~ Marshall McLuhan

    “The news
    is what’s on television.

    If it weren’t on television,
    it wouldn’t be the news.”
    ~ JR

  6. Jim S Smith says:

    “They Live!” – Starring Roddy Piper.

    Once in a while, I like to re-watch some of the old classic “B”-rated flicks. Just interesting how many of their stories parallel what is happening today!

  7. Eluard says:

    “Mr. Jones” knows something is happening but he “don’t know what it is…”

    That penultimate line slides the knife in deeply. Truth doesn’t exist for the “elites” and those who serve them, thereby serving themselves. There may be sprinkles of “truth” here and there but it doesn’t matter, it’s just another ingredient in the chaos, the distortion and the cacophany.

    All that matters is you pay into it. You become it and appear not to have. To twist the normal into that. “Welcome my son, welcome to the…Machine.”

    • george says:

      please do not use word ‘elites’. they are parasites. blocking evolution of humanity for thousands of years.

      plus, ‘parasites’, seems to annoy them.

      • Eluard says:

        I agree they’re parasites George, but I did put it into quotation marks, thereby for those with eyes to see, inverting the usual meaning. But you get that, don’t you George?

      • Hyden says:

        Parasites are better than these elites, not all parasites are bad and many contribute to ecosystem.

        A cricket which is infected with a hairworm is about 20 times more likely to stumble into a stream than an uninfected cricket.
        But the very act of forcing crickets to their watery grave actually functions as a kind of fast food delivery service for the fish living in those streams.

        I think the term “they nothing” is better, but nuts people always give them power to be something.

  8. Paul says:

    “You mean—“[?…?…?…]





    Way way past assuming.

    Imagine that!

    but no surprise.
    And never once,
    a spy.

    ‘Important facts’
    ejected from concerns.
    Just the tip,
    of a submerged
    And so so much more,
    for one with Eyes
    ***to see***
    Within The Sea.

  9. Jerry says:

    This is from a letter I recently wrote:

    I admit your fervent belief in the current deadly fraud took me by surprise. I meanwhile know that it should not have. I had somehow forgotten that for years you have been ingesting certain prescribed pharmaceuticals that “correct” a particular “chemical imbalance,” an imbalance that does not in fact exist. I learned this from a psychiatrist (Thomas Szasz) and later heard it again from Jon Rappoport, a journalist for whom I have immense respect. On numerous occasions I wanted to mention this fact to you but failed to. I wanted to ask you if someone had administered a test that had identified that chemical imbalance. I knew it didn’t exist and I wanted to share that knowledge with you. But I never did. I guess I didn’t want to be rude.

    • Eluard says:

      Good letter, Jerry. Sometimes you have to be “rude” as you say. Especially to people you really care about, or once did. Hopefully your friend will be open enough to receive this in the spirit of truth in which it was sent. Report back on any response, I am curious.

    • Martyg says:

      Great letter to your friend who I suspect is too cognitively dissonanced to benefit from the truth that you’re sharing with him. I consider modern psychiatry to be voodoo science that entails the dispensing of mind destroying potions based on a totally delusional belief that mental illness is a result of a mysterious chemical imbalance in the brain that can be remedied by the ingestion of those potions. Dr. Peter Breggin and Dr. Kelly Brogan are both wholistic psychiatrists who have totally demolished the psychotropic medication treatment paradigm of modern psychiatry.

  10. Raven says:

    Nice, Jon. Wish this was satire but it’s not. Psychologists believe intuition is some kind of useless mental artifact, introversion is a problematic condition, and society is normal. I was normal once, but now I have a mild case of adult onset ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder.) The cure is avoiding all psychologists like the plague and understanding there is a damn good reason to rage against The New Normal.

  11. PJ Reece says:

    Effing brilliant!

  12. george says:

    What baffles me is that NOBODY tries to find out who is in charge? who tells bill gates, fauci, boris johnson… what to do? and please don’t answer with bullshit words like illuminati, fed, bildeberg, elites… we need names. names and pictures. than we need to fight. no point fighting against puppets.
    It is obvious that whoever is in charge is scared. he/she is hiding behind few levels of minions.
    I do not buy the idea that all corporations, countries, who, un.. are working independently. they are coordinated from above. no way that millions would do the same thing without coordination.

    It is fight or slavery… but first we need to find the enemy. real enemy…

    • Hyden says:

      Yes very true. I say we burn the very organisations that they own the pharma companies, big banks, governments, religions etc need to fuck off, Stop there income flow that will fuck them up. But people to divided by false thought constructs thrown out there as strawman arguments to keep the people distracted.

      One day nature will cleanse this dirty stagnated pool with a fresh breath of clean air. And im not talking about a fake geo engineered disaster using weather weapons etc, I’m talking about the real disaster one that will reset things back to zero, cause thats what we need, peoples minds been so filled with shit they don’t know what the fuck is going on, we need to empty our cups.

    • Tim says:

      The enemy is untruth…generating perceptions of unreality/counterfeit world.
      “They” are most possessed by it. Denial. Forgetting Truth.

      Believing in an imposter “god”.

      Or a Matrix-derived belief that “evil” is an aspect of the Divine, or the creation of “evil” by The Divine.
      By taking this world as Divinely Created they must attribute the qualities and nature of this world onto that which they claim is “god” over all.

      I don’t buy it. All “evil” is unreal. “E v i l”= *v e i l*. Blinding people to The Truth.

      “Revolver” roof scene:

      “Revolver” ego:

      This is the primary deception. From which deception after deception follows…
      The 5 senses cannot be trusted.

      l i v e reversed= e v i l
      l o v e reversed= e v o l
      L I F E reversed= E F I L

    • Raven says:

      Humans are taught to believe they own this planet but they do not. The Draco Reptilians own and manage it (very poorly BTW) but nobody wants to believe that because it’s so “ridiculous,” so they keep looking and looking and never find the source of the darkness that pervades this planet. This is by design, the Lizzies are not stupid. If you do eventually come to understand this, you realize you cannot fight them in the traditional sense, they own the planet and are technologically far superior.

      If you want clarification or proof of this, learn how to communicate telepathically and contact the Galactic Federation of Planets yourself. You will discover that the GF council gave earth to the Reptilians many thousands of years ago. The council feels they mismanaged earth, that it is now over-resourced and over-populated and has allowed the Reptilians, through their minions (pharmaceutical and healthcare companies and all the groups and people you mentioned) to provide humans with a free-will ticket off the planet in the form of a genetic modification vaccine.

      This is not the first culling in human history. The human genome does not belong to us and we did not “descend” from monkeys; it’s the product of genetic manipulation by multiple interplanetary civilizations. Our so-called “junk DNA” is actually DNA that has been been genetically disabled.

      To some (but not all) highly advanced non-terrestrial civilizations, humans need to be genetically managed just like we do with our animals now; we are all on the wheel of karma whether a person believes in karma or not. They even tell us with their favorite term “herd immunity” and show us constantly in movies and other violent content what they think of humans. They lie to us about everything, then feed off the dark energies of fear, hate, anger, confusion and frustration.

      This rabbit hole is deep, that’s why no one can name the beings at the bottom of it and few are brave enough to try.

      The future of earth lies in how many willingly take the mRNA jab and how many will remain alive to restructure civilization. Earth remains a free will planet. Evolution is really the ability to choose wisely.

      Humans are well-indoctrinated into a very small mind prison called “scientific fact” where the truth is usually the exact opposite of what we are taught.
      Sounds nuts, I know; they are masters of inversion.

      • Hyden says:

        Some say they are of the 4th dimensional these reptilian entities, so this makes it even harder to discern real enemy especially if trying to use a 3D mind. Was talking to Chinese fellow saying our heart is connected to the 4th dimension and that there are being there that have mastered mind manipulation.

        • Raven says:

          Your Chinese friend is correct. However the planet herself is currently vibrating in the 4th dimension, as are all of the beings on her, including humans. 4d is the home of the astral realms, the good, bad and the ugly can reside there. It is the realm we enter in the dream state, where anything can happen. This explains why the global situation appears so surreal to all of us, like a dream and lately more like a nightmare. When we die, we wake up. Or you can wake up without dropping your body if you know how, also a choice.

    • george says:

      So, nobody has any ideea. yes. There are few big funds that own most corporation. But the head is above. It controls all states, UN, FED, ECB, corporations… all are working like an army. if you try to organize 10 people you will see how hard it is to make them work together. What we have here, is millions of people working like a machine

    • MadMagyar says:

      ‘They’ are very efficient at NOT being named. I could write the name of a disowned, former Rothschild heiress, but nobody here would recognize her – because she has never appeared in the ‘news’, nor does she reveal her family connections to most of her acquaintances. A friend of mine referred to these people as “top-out-of-sight” folks. Their private family trusts have clauses that REQUIRE trustees to never reveal the beneficiaries – even to ‘trust-busting’ judges – upon conditions that would bankrupt the revelator. Other techniques include multi-level business trusts that go at least seven deep – after which even (VERY unaware) IRS auditors give up, because it just costs too much time and resources. The one thing they fear the most is exposure. So we peons will never find out who they are, except by accident, design (when being recruited for their purposes), or very careful, ‘extralegal’ means.

      But even THEY have ‘superiors’. And those cannot be discovered by (almost) any means, except through methods taught only to a very few, nowadays, which, it is being reported, are becoming less and less effective.

    • mikael says:

      The real enemy is the uncontrolled mind of the species homo sap. save yourself, know thyself.

  13. M.G. says:

    Brilliant, Jon! Thanks. Only nails, dress, and haircut matters on Television.

  14. Yacov Ezra says:


    1. Technology to create a living cell from scratch in the lab.

    2. Technology that can revive a dead cell/dead organism.

    3. Technology to look into the future and alter any negative event that will happen say one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year, or two decades from now.

    4. Technology that can prolong human life by thousands of years.

    5. A technology to harness an infinite supply of renewable and clean energy from space/cosmic processes

    6. A technology that can mitigate or eradicate sorrow, pain and suffering.

    7. A technology that can rewire a human body making it immune to diseases, fire, poisons and accidents.

    These superlative mind-matter feats can only be understood and achieved through advanced mystical techiques, while science and scientists remain stuck on the outermost fringe of reality. Why, many of the rarefied phenomena listed above are well within the capacity of even vile sorcerers and false prophets. As for common humanity including our scientists who live in the ordinary consciousness, well, it’s only when the higher reaches of reality permeate the lower that humakind will take the giant leap forward making it a superior species compared to its current fragile and ignorant state.

  15. john-oranje says:

    If you let the message sink in, from what could be a great
    TV satire sketch from the 60s, it is quite disturbing.
    It reinforces the reason I stopped watching or listening
    to all English language news when the first lockdowns and
    distance nonsense started. I listen to some French news
    with limited comprehension.
    It was because I had always given the news
    some credibility i.e. the first reported facts were
    probably true.
    But when the fake pandemic was declared I
    could no longer believe even the basic facts that they

  16. Gary says:

    How are we to know just how bad things are, and how brainwashed most are unless we watch a little ‘News’?

  17. Paul says:

    They say:


    Among the various other self-created Angels throughout, lay your Eye on Jadav Payeng @ 5:40.

    ***but it appears a single Soul CAN work for 37 years to build a Paradise.

    Felix the cat
    The wonderful, wonderful cat
    Whenever he gets in a fix
    He reaches into his bag of tricks

    One oft reminds us:

    “That’s called a clue.”

    ????meow or ROAR ????
    (the choice is always yours)

  18. Greg C. says:

    YES! Also, medicine is what goes on in hospitals. Education is what goes on in schools. Money is what gets put into and borrowed from banks. It’s all a fantastic construct. You must believe.

    • MadMagyar says:

      @Greg C – and ‘law’ is created (scripted?) by politicians and ‘practiced’ in courts . . .

  19. MadMagyar says:

    I can imagine Ken Nordine doing a reading of this – would’ve been perfect for him. Also reminds me of Harlan Ellison’s The Glass Teat.

  20. Thomas Milton says:

    Asked to give a toast before the prestigious New York Press Club in 1880, John Swinton, the former Chief of Staff at the New York Sun, made this candid confession [it’s worth noting that Swinton was called “The Dean of His Profession” by other newsmen, who admired him greatly]:
    ” There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell the country for his daily bread. You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press. We are the tools and vassals of the rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes. “

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