Yet another case of the missing virus; they lied and locked down the world

ANOTHER key architect of the COVID PCR test had no coronavirus; the whole fake COVID house is falling down.

“We know exactly what we’re doing, but we have no virus available.”

by Jon Rappoport

October 13, 2020

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I’ve been exposing the fact that the CDC, in July of this year, admitted, in a document, that…

They didn’t have the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It wasn’t “available.”

This means they couldn’t obtain an isolated specimen of the virus. There is only one reason why.

The virus hasn’t been isolated. And THAT means no one has proved it exists.

And now, I’ve discovered ANOTHER key document. This one apparently formed the basis for the first PCR test aimed at detecting the COVID virus all over the world.

READ WHAT THIS STUDY SAYS. These quotes should be engraved in stone above the entrance to a museum dedicated to the history of medical fraud.

“We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.”

TRANSLATION: We want to develop a test to detect the new COVID virus without having the virus.

“Here we present a validated diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV, its design relying on close genetic relatedness of 2019-nCoV with SARS coronavirus, making use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”

TRANSLATION: We HAVE developed a diagnostic test to detect the new COVID virus. We ASSUME this new virus is closely related to an older coronavirus. We ASSUME we know HOW it is related. We ASSUME, because we don’t have the new COVID virus. Therefore, all our assumptions are made out of nothing. Actually, we have no proof there is a new coronavirus.

“The workflow reliably detects 2019-nCoV, and further discriminates 2019-nCoV from SARS-CoV.”

TRANSLATION: Our new test to detect the new virus? We don’t have the new virus. We’ve never observed it. We can’t study it directly. There is no proof it exists. But we will use the test to detect it.

The study is titled, “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR.” [Euro Surveill. 2020 Jan;25(3):2000045. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.3.2000045.]

Those quotes from the study are astounding. A diagnostic test for the virus, but there is no virus. No standard against which to compare the reliability of the test.

The authors blithely assume they can somehow infer that the virus exists in the first place, without having an isolated specimen.

Then they assume they can understand the structure of the virus that isn’t there.

The virus isn’t there. It has NOT been isolated. It has NOT been separated out from other material. Therefore, it has not been observed and its existence has not been proved.

And yet, the test which these authors have developed is launched, all over the world, to detect that virus; to promote the unproven notion that there is a pandemic; to form the basis for counting COVID case numbers; and ultimately to justify all the lockdowns which have crashed the global economy and destroyed millions upon millions of lives.

A great deal of confusion has been created, because scientists are now talking about the “new virus” as if they understand its structure and sequence. No. They’ve INTERPRETED that genetic structure. And once they’ve made their interpretations, they gibber about what it means.

It’s like this. A man has a very thick steel vault. He clams there is a pile of treasure inside. But no one can open the door to the vault. People show up with all sorts of fancy instruments, and they make indirect measurements. They then issue very authoritative-sounding statements about what is inside the vault.

But no one can get in there. This is a magic vault, you see. You can’t drill into it. You can’t blow it up. But in its vicinity, all sorts of hustlers are gathered. And they PONTIFICATE. They BLOVIATE. They wave their credentials. Reporters interview them. Governments follow their recommendations.

And that’s all it is. It’s that kind of party.

There is also confusion about what the word “isolate” means, when it comes to viruses. SAYING you have isolated a virus doesn’t mean you have.

It may mean you THINK you have the virus inside a mess of material which contains many different genetic sequences and all manner of cellular debris and who knows what.

Some scientists will claim “a lesser amount of mess” entitles them to state they’ve “isolated” the virus.

Other scientists will claim that because they can grow, in a dish, what they BELIEVE to be the virus, this is “proof” that the virus exists.

They’re wrong.

Still other scientists will say that, in a dish in a lab, they “have the virus growing”, and they know it, because the virus is destroying certain cells in the soup in the dish. But in this soup, there are various added chemicals, and those chemicals could easily be doing the cell-killing.

So they are wrong, too.

As the late independent researcher David Crowe has written: “And the word ‘isolation’ has been so debased by virologists it means nothing (e.g. adding impure materials to a cell culture and seeing cell death is [as] ‘isolation’).”

This is why something called real-world experiments were introduced into science. Experiments that were forced out of the lab into the arena where actual humans live.

In my last article, I described exactly the kind of experiment that should have been initiated five minutes after scientists claimed there was an “outbreak in China.” It’s a large scale study involving humans who were diagnosed with the “epidemic illness.” Tissue samples would be taken from 500 of these patients and correctly analyzed via electron microscope photography.

But studies of that dimension and precision don’t interest scientists who live in the lab. Such studies are too dangerous. There is every chance that, in the harsh glare of sunlight, all their warnings about a vast pandemic will be shown to be false. False and ridiculous. Absurd. And insane.

These “experts” don’t want to take that chance.

So they fiddle and diddle in their labs, and they make wild claims based on nothing, on NO VIRUS.

For them, there is no such thing as NO VIRUS. There must always be a virus. They will build strings of thought that circle around and meet up and shake hands and justify themselves, BY DEFINITION.

When all is said and done, that is what they are playing at. “We make all the definitions, and therefore we can conclude anything we want to conclude. And call it science.”

That’s what’s going on.

I see the con and I’m pointing out the con.

I’m telling scientists who are honest to call it a con, too.

Empty out the house of modern virology; open the windows and let the fresh air in; and then we’ll be living in a far better world.

And, oh yes, prosecute these researchers who devised a test for the virus they never found. Prosecute them for crimes against humanity, and send them to prison.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

129 comments on “Yet another case of the missing virus; they lied and locked down the world

  1. Rick says:

    Rappaport is not wrong. Back in 1992, two AIDS sufferers founded Continuum magazine due to the very problem described here – the scientifically unfounded claim that HIV causes AIDS. The PCR tests for HIV are likewise as notoriously flawed as the Covid PCR test – the PCR test doesn’t and didn’t check for the entire virus but protein sequences. Given the nature of PCR (it is a cloning method) there should have been howls from real scientists. Koch’s postulates have been completely abandoned. The man most responsible for promoting HIV myths back then and even today? Anthony Fauci. (Fauci actually stole research from French scientists and jumped their announcement during the Reagan Administration)

    Continuum offered a $50,000 reward to anyone who could isolate HIV and prove that it would reproduce in a petri dish. Nobody claimed the prize. Scientists may have given us, finally, an electron micrograph of HIV but they have never had any luck demonstrating that it is at all virulent. Both Kerry Mullis and Peter Deusberg doubt that HIV causes aids. Their credentials are unassailable. Though many political heads of labs that receive millions of dollars on AIDS research grants have tried to destroy their careers.

    And that’s why there will be no actual scientists who stand up against this hoax.

    The first SARS – according to this study – did survive Koch’s postulates and there were scientists willing to put it to the test (2003). (In animals though, not humans)

    Many of the papers I’ve read on SARS-COV-2 make gross assumptions about this disease and cite other papers which themselves assume that Koch’s postulates have been satisfied – or don’t care that they haven’t.

    Finding the presence of a virus in somebody’s bloodstream is not proof that the virus found is the source of a person’s symptoms. Only in the way that Rappaport describes here can you make an accurate determination. Some viruses are harmless and don’t cause symptoms.

    There are way too many non-positive cases attributed to Covid. The fact that so-called medical professionals agree to count a “presumed” Covid death, is proof that they are more concerned with remuneration than science. And people accepting this? Crazy. Laypeople should be outraged. Scientists should be outraged. Many are. Hopefully the science will finally catch up. Yet, how long has AIDS (a syndrome and therefore impossible to be caused by a single virus) been accepted as caused by the HIV retrovirus?

  2. gavin says:

    And this gem from the same study- “Before public release of virus sequences from cases of 2019-nCoV, we relied on social media reports announcing detection of a SARS-like virus. We thus assumed that a SARS-related CoV is involved in the outbreak”
    Social media reports?? Assumed was like SARS?? is this the basis for the entire PCR test still in use today?
    Can anyone tell me if this test that Drosten created is the same one that the WHO recommended for use worldwide?

  3. Rachel says:

    I stumbled across an article today about a woman who kept getting different covids until the worst one finally killed her during one of her chemotherapy treatments.

    Now, you could read this and assume the virus is changing (they do mutate, after all) or far more logically they isolated different opportunistic pathogens that ended up taking over after she had been sick for years (and passed away at 89).

  4. Béla Bartók says:

    Yes, the test was designed before they had a real sequence of a real virus (and probably this is the case with most viruses). This has been already commented by researchers.

    One of these researchers was Stefan Lanka, who back in June published a couple of article about Covid and its PCR test. And he also accused Christian Drosten, adviser of the German government and designer of the Covid PCR test, of committing Crimes against Humanity. I don’t know if he accused him formally, because in the newsletter where he told this it is not clear, and I can’t read German.

    Drosten is listed among the authors of the document quoted by Jon.

    Then, recently, a group of lawyers commanded by Reiner Fuellmich announced that they are going to file a lawsuit against WHO and Drosten, accusing them also of Crimes against Humanity and making an analogy with the Nuremberg trials. I don’t know the link between Lanka and Fuellmich (and ACU, the commission of which he takes parts). Most probably they are connected, or at least Fuellmich read Lanka’s articles (that’s for sure).

    I don’t know who the plaintiffs are or who are paying the lawyers. And who helps ACU financially.



  5. Siouxma says:

    You go, Big Pharma dreamer!

    What don’t you get? No new virus isolated as of July. The test was put out there in January was a response to the Rockefeller Foundation/WHO/CDC Reset Fraud kicked off in Wuhan with the infected bat shishkabob story. Just fearmongering BS with some planned culling of the already old and frail in NYC and Detroit to get some juicy headlines.

  6. Paul says:

    “And, oh yes, prosecute these researchers who devised a test for the virus they never found.

    Prosecute them for crimes against humanity, and send them to prison.”

    “History will record the faces
    of the Public Expertise
    as some of the most
    sinful, egregious, epic failures
    in the history of public policy.

    They have killed people
    with their lack of understanding
    & their lack of caring…
    etc, etc…
    etc, etc…
    etc, etc…



    ~ Dr. Scott Atlas

    (on Laura Ingraham show, 1/2 hr. in)

  7. Don Parker says:

    Okay… so what are millions of people dying off Also, it would be nice if your were using up to date info for your “proof.” Which at this point in time is highly suspect. And no, you may not add my email address to your subscriber list.

    • Madness says:

      Where? Who?
      “With the participation of hundreds of professionals from all over the world, “Doctors for the Truth” stated that Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. They urged doctors, the media and political authorities to stop the operation, by spreading the truth….

      “A world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse.”

      “This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse,” was stressed at the end of the meeting. Doctors agreed that:

      Coronavirus victims did not outnumber last year’s seasonal flu deaths.
      Figures were exaggerated by altering medical protocols.
      The confinement of the healthy and the forced use of masks have no scientific basis.
      The disease known as Covid-19 does not have a single infectious pattern, but a combination of them.
      “There are crossed toxic patterns,” said Angel Luis Valdepeñas. “On the one hand, the electromagnetic contamination of fi5v-ghee, and on the other, the influence of influenza vaccination. There is an interaction and empowerment, which must be investigated”.

      Angel Luis Valdepeñas underlined at the end of the meeting:

      “We must tell our governments that they NEVER OCCUR to compel us to vaccinate, or even recommend it, for the slightest sense of prudence. …”

      • Lyn P says:

        Thank you Madness for your multiple reasoned responses to the under- or wrongly-informed. We can hope that they are seeking and open to actual facts (they never seem to have any of their own) and right-setting.

  8. mdskeptic says:

    “According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the WHO China Country Office was informed of cases of pneumonia of unknown aetiology in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, on 31 December 2019 [1]. A novel coronavirus currently termed 2019-nCoV was officially announced as the causative agent by Chinese authorities on 7 January. A viral genome sequence was released for immediate public health support. The genome sequences suggest presence of a virus closely related to the members of a viral species termed severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-related CoV. We have previously demonstrated the feasibility of introducing robust detection technology based on real-time RT-PCR in public health laboratories during international health emergencies by coordination between public and academic laboratories [6-12]. In all of these situations, virus isolates were available as the primary substrate for establishing and controlling assays and assay performance.

    In the present case of 2019-nCoV, virus isolates or samples from infected patients have so far not become available to the international public health community.”

    The introductory paragraph is a clear admission that our “robust testing methodologies” are guesses based on assumptions with no valid controls. The world has found it a more convenient priority to latch onto a faulty and occult prophesy than to break a sweat doing real science to understand a problem.

  9. CNT says:

    You have missed the point. the first pcr test they made was designed without an isolated virus. they still haven’t isolated it but extracted material from patients and added it to things like monkey vero cells and not filtered it… therefore not isolated it.

  10. Roberge Picard says:

    You can’t convince a person that has their eyes shut. This hole Gretta19 charade reminds me of The Mystery of Al Capone’s Vaults which Geraldo Rivera hoaxed people into believing there was a treasure behind a wall. In the end all they found was debris.

  11. Jomsvikings says:

    Interesting post and very informative.

    But I’m still confused on whether or not a “real” virus exists? In fact, it’s getting so perplexing and stressful, I can’t sleep at night! One day I conclude it’s all fake – a big hoax, but the next day I believe it’s a real virus that’s been hyped-up & overblown like crazy to a achieve a global vaccination program. And these thoughts repeat it’s self changing almost everyday.

    In fact, I’m obsessed with researching everything I can find on both sides of the aisle. I watch & enjoy all your reports on YouTube and, btw, you gave a fantastic interview a month or so ago on Coast to Coast with George.

    Here’s my confusion, though, in a nutshell:

    -We have Dr.Judy Mikovits who says she worked with Fauci years ago and the virus was created in a lab to help develope vaccines for SARS-related coronaviruses.

    -Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan said the virus was also created – more specifically in the Wuhan lab.

    -Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a world-renowned microbiologist and one of the most cited researchers in German history, states it’s nothing more than a circulating coronavirus that’s less potent than the seasonal flu and poses little threat to healthy people under 70. He also says any vaccine will be ineffective and potentially dangerous:

    -Prof Jean-Francois Toussaint, a sports Epidemiologist from the University of Paris, says the virus has been circulating all over Europe last summer as well as at the World Military games in Wuhan last October. He said conditions were just right in Europe & the U.S. this past spring for the virus to explode:

    -Dr Sunetra Gupta, professor of Theoretical Epidemiology at Oxford, said it’s similar to the seasonal flu and she’s pushing hard for the UK to pursue a strategy of herd immunity:

    These are just a few of scientists that I’ve follow-up on. There are more on both sides, but I particularly selected Bhakdi, Toussaint & Gupta – as they’re mainstream, highly credentialed & renowned in their respected fields of expertise.

    See how perplexing this is?!? They all can’t be right. There has to be a right answer – it’s either a real, existing virus OR whole thing is a hoax…I’m going CRAZY trying to figure this out!

    Any thoughts anyone?

    • Madness says:

      Yes. Globalists always had a kind of controlled opposition. It is a kind of way-out to them if things don’t go the way they planned.
      If common people were able to recognize that virology is a scam, imagine what would happened with all the doctors who administered those poisonous vaccines. They never ever would dare to admit that, they must insist till a level to the original tale about viruses.

      Go back to the beginning to understand, it will help a lot and very interesting in my opinion. In this book there are many-many real history records from the beginning, the story of the present medicine showed through vaccinations, crimes of 200 years:

      Also if you can watch the Bollinger’s series about The Truth about Vaccines – there you find some docs speak openly and honestly. If viruses would exist and would work on the way they stated and taught to us, vaccines should have worked. But they are just didn’t. It is and WAS always all about the money and power to them.

    • Kolo says:

      Any thoughts?
      The world is full of lying psychopaths

    • Piksil says:

      “but I particularly selected (…) – as they’re mainstream, highly credentialed & renowned in their respected fields of expertise.”

      They are well funded.
      Gupta is part of the ‘Great Barrington Declaration’. Well funded, and numerous connections to The Great Reset, Fourth Industrial Revolution.

      See Alison McDowel, at wrenchinthegears (dot) com.

    • Lyn P says:

      And to add (crudely) to Madness’ reply, once you see from 30,000 feet that all the “viral science” is just a massive bubble of techno-speak test tube laboratory jibberish, with no IN VIVO application except toxic “vaccines” and by-products, you can’t un-see that.
      Dr. Judy has excellent points but she resides in this virology-lab world thus I find her most key contribution to the discussion is about how deceptive research practices that Faux-chi was definitely involved with covered up vaccine harm data.

  12. Madness says:

    Doesn’t matter, they didn’t have the virus in July, see the other article of Jon where the document dated in July.

    Besides, see this:
    “The deadline for a reply from the government or PHE for proof of the existence of so-called ‘covid-19’ was 22nd July. As predicted, no reply was received to this letter as they have no proof, as there is no proof!

    Also, a request to the National Research Council (NRC) department of the Canadian government under the Freedom of Information Act, which requested proof of the genuine isolation of SARS-COV-2 [covid-19] was answered as follows:

    “A thorough search of NRC’s records has now been completed, and we regret to inform you that no records responsive to your request were identified.”



    So where is the fully, properly isolated virus then? Why they didn’t have it?

  13. Jeff says:

    You believe the common cold is caused by a virus? And a vaccine will cure it? You are a special kind of stupid aren’t you! Keep on reading that fine science journal the NYT.

    • Madness says:

      Because that was taught to them. When I moved to the UK it was a surprise to me that they all were think common cold is a virus from the group of Corona Viruses.
      Laughably enough in my native language there is no even word for it if cold. You never say: I caught cold. You say something like this: I put myself in a situation that my body / throat / ears etc. over-cooled, went too cold too long. The word: ‘megfáztam’. I made myself cold.

      By the way, I read somewhere that Chinese didn’t have word for infection / contagion. I am curious if that’s true, words tell a lot what people think about illnesses based on experience.

  14. Karina says:

    The test is useless for Covid and no one should get tested.
    There’s something in the test.
    When someone gets tested by Swab, Prick, or
    Blood test, these tests all contain hydrogel/Quantum Dot, NanoSynBio’s.

    Upon entry into your blood system they:

    Assemble and swarm together.
    They fuse to blood cells, organs and tissue.
    They crawl, travel and spread throughout your body where they multiply.
    They change your DNA adding strands and editing your human DNA.
    They rewire your body and it begins to become robotic.
    They cross the blood brain barrier.
    Once in the brain this nano-glue takes over your brain.
    You become you own computer AI interface.
    AI slowly reduces your human brain capacity and elevates AI until the point where AI does all your thinking. You are no longer a human in your mind and body.
    As will all predators, it finally kills you.

    These NanoSynBio particles do several things:

    According to proclaimed Mad Scientist Dr. James Giordano they are a neuroweapon. He is a a neurologist and policy-maker with truly terrifying credentials.

    I found this on

  15. lamberth says:

    Great article Jon, thank you.
    Your perseverance in exposing this fraud is greatly admired.

  16. Ryan Matters says:

    Sorry to burst your bubble but the COVID ‘virus’ never been isolated. As in, purified. It has never been done. Furthermore, it has never been proven to be the sole cause of C19. All studies that claim to prove this are animal models that have numerous flaws (namely, not using a purified virus). The HIV ‘virus’ has never been isolated either, even up until this day and it was ‘discovered’ in the 1980s. See the work of the Perth group.

  17. Adam Ruff says:

    The virus doesn’t exist. Rappaport is correct. You have no proof whatsoever it exists. You are just spouting the same horse manure the so called “scientists” are.

  18. Henry Barth says:

    We have deposited information on the SARS-CoV-2 USA-WA1/2020 viral strain described here into the Biodefense and Emerging Infections Research Resources Repository (https://www.beiresources.orgExternal Link) reagent resources (American Type Culture Collection, https://www.atcc.orgExternal Link) and the World Reference Center for Emerging Viruses and Arboviruses, University of Texas Medical Branch ( Link), to serve as the SARS-CoV-2 reference strain for the United States.
    The SARS-CoV-2 fourth passage virus has been sequenced and maintains a nucleotide sequence identical to that of the original clinical strain from the United States. These deposits make this virus strain available to the domestic and international public health, academic, and pharmaceutical sectors for basic research, diagnostic development, antiviral testing, and vaccine development. We hope broad access will expedite countermeasure development and testing and enable a better understanding of the transmissibility and pathogenesis of this novel emerging virus.

  19. Anton says:

    Not trying to be smart but how does one explain the bodies?

    • j young says:

      I havent seen any bodies. I have seen trucks and gurnis with “bodies covered with white sheets…i have seen covered “bodies” in trucks. I have seen covered bodies on the “news”…but since I dont rtrust the news, I cant really say i have seen any bodies.

  20. Viktoria says:

    That’s why there is 4.2 million payouts for damages allowed from the Federal Vaccination Court.

  21. Desire Paul says:

    Thanks for this post, it’s amazing

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