The lure of a stimulus-response world

Shrinking-freedom is a Spiritual covert op

by Jon Rappoport

May 10, 2019

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Most people never even think about the individual spirit. That’s strange, because a person IS an individual spirit.

He’s not a brain or a physical form or a machine.

The individual spirit wants freedom. His energy is directed toward using that freedom to create in an open future.

An open present-and-future equals freedom.

There is internal freedom, and external freedom (open unrestricted space) in the world.

The individual spirit can be trained to expect and even favor less freedom. It happens. Often, the rationale given is: we need more rules to protect everyone. Protection, protection, protection—vastly overcooked.

Major powers behind the scenes will covertly finance and organize conflict, crime, violence, war, and violation of basic freedoms, in order to “prove” that everyone needs to be protected.

When an individual has freedom and feels it, his view of life and the world CHANGES IMMEDIATELY. He looks around, astonished. His muzzle has fallen away. He feels his voice, his body, and he feels open space. He suddenly has tons of energy, and he’s ready to use that energy.

Therefore, “operators” decide they must turn down the flame and pour water on it. “Can’t have lots of free people walking around. It spells trouble.”

Or you’ll get something like this. Sitting with his fellow planners in a secure boardroom, a heavy hitter says, “You know, in XXX Country, there is a remote lake in the mountains. Thirty families have been living there in a community for perhaps a thousand years. They still use the same large dugout canoes. They fish. They embroider and sew. They make colorful pots. They have freedom, and they know what to do with it. We leave them alone. They’re quiet. They have no interest in exporting their way of life. They’re rather quaint. All over the world, there are small groups like this. We don’t care about them. We’re focused on nations and their populations. These are the people we want to control. We want to ‘prove’ they need less freedom in order to be protected. They need more rules and intrusive laws and mandates. And many, many bureaucrats…”

Part of the control covert op involves convincing people they’re stimulus-response organisms and nothing else. SPIRIT doesn’t exist. It’s just a fiction. Instead, fit yourself into a slot where you’re obeying more and more rules—ALL the rules. Spend your life adapting to the rules. THE RULES ARE THE STIMULUS. OBEYING THE RULES IS THE RESPONSE.

As part and parcel of that process, DON’T FIND YOUR VOICE. DON’T CREATE A FREE AND STRONG VOICE. Because, if you do, you become aware of many new things. You become aware of the fact that you have a lot more power than you assumed. You have energy in that voice. You can express all sorts of ideas; you can affect others—through contagion, they begin to tap into their own voices.

On top of that, using your own voice brings you to a better state of health.

You’re inventing your own freedom.

What do you think AI is all about? Stimulus-response. AI is engineered to provide widespread and varied stimuli—in order to extract desired responses. The future would be a locked down world, disguised as “helpful machine companions.”

The lure is: “It’s easy. AI devices will help you navigate an increasing complex society. You’ll be much happier fitting into an AI civilization. You’ll bypass the need to figure out things for yourself. AI will give you simple answers and instructions. You’ll respond by following those instructions…”

How long will it take to put freedom on the back burner? Not very.

But someone who knows he has freedom and feels it—he’s different. He doesn’t care about responding to stimuli. His experience of life tells him his freedom is beyond these lunacies.

He needs to invent his future as he wants it to be.

That process is high, wide, and deep.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

2 comments on “The lure of a stimulus-response world

  1. jandvig says:

    Brilliantly expressed, as always. Thank you for remembering and voicing truth. Your writing is inspirational.

  2. From Quebec says:

    What is AI ?

    It is One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

    Amazing how they always give you a preview of what they are trying to do to you, through movies and books,

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