Medical research using animals—a scandal exposed

Medical research using animals—a scandal exposed

A TB vaccine-booster ineffective…and the vaccine raises the risk of getting TB

by Jon Rappoport

January 15, 2018

—Don’t expect major media to cover this story with any fervor. Don’t expect mainstream reporters to dig down below the surface of the story. If they did, a huge pillar of the medical cartel would crack and collapse—

In the 1990s, I met several researchers who opened my eyes to the fallacies involved in animal research.

This wasn’t only about the intense cruelty against lab animals. It was about fake science. It was about wrongly assuming studies on animals could be translated to humans.

Now, the edges of a scandal are coming to light.

From “An investigative report, published late Wednesday in The BMJ, raises new concerns about the overall quality of animal research and the misrepresentation of findings from animal studies.”

“The investigation focused on animal studies which led to the 2009 phase IIB clinical trial of the tuberculosis vaccine booster MVA85A.”

“Nearly 2,800 infants in South Africa got the booster, which failed to increase the effectiveness of the conventional anti-TB Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine.”

“Tuberculosis experts told The BMJ’s Deborah Cohen that the researchers who conducted the infant trial, from Oxford University, cherry-picked results from their MVA85A animal studies to gain approvals and funding, and downplayed negative results from a small trial in rhesus macaque monkeys which suggested that the booster actually reduced the effectiveness of the BCG vaccine.”

“A 2015 independent systematic review of eight MVA85A animal studies published from 2003 to 2010 concluded that the data did not provide evidence to support MVA85A’s efficacy as a BCG booster.”

“Paul Garner of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, who was a co-author of the systematic review, told Cohen that the macaque study gave a strong signal that the MVA85A vaccine was hastening development of TB in the animals.”

Here’s the capper: “In an editorial published with the BMJ report, Merel Ritskes-Hoitinga, PhD, of Radboud University Medical Center, The Netherlands, noted that the translational success rate from animal to human studies has been shown to be low, with the non-reproducibility of preclinical studies ranging from 51% to 89% in one review.”

Animal studies don’t translate to the same results in humans, 51% to 89% of the time.

Of course, conventional researchers attribute this massive failure to “poor design” of animal studies, rather than the obvious differences between animals and humans.

Admitting the latter reason would send a missile into the multi-billion-dollar research industry.

Here is another review, from the medical journal Nature (2013): “A statistical analysis of more than 4,000 data sets from animal studies of neurological diseases has found that almost 40% of studies reported statistically significant results — nearly twice as many as would be expected on the basis of the number of animal subjects. The results suggest that the published work — some of which was used to justify human clinical trials — is biased towards reporting positive results.”

“This bias could partly explain why a therapy that does well in preclinical [animal] studies so rarely predicts success in human patients, says John Ioannidis, a physician who studies research methodology at Stanford University in California…’The results are too good to be true,’ he says.”

Keep in mind that every new drug a pharmaceutical company hopes to market is first tested on animals. If it fails there, the research dead ends. So every effort is made to achieve success with animals.

Two consequences follow: animal studies are faked; and the general lack of transferability of animal research to humans is ignored.

Research on animals isn’t limited to drugs and vaccines. It also includes attempts to discover causes of disease. For example, at the US National Institutes of Health, several decades ago, a major project was launched to prove that a class of viruses called retroviruses caused cancer. It was an abject failure. In the (grotesque) process, lab animals were first tuned up by injecting them with a variety of toxic chemicals and germs from other species, in order to weaken their immune systems—thus making them more vulnerable to injections of retroviruses. And even then, researchers had to skew the results to show a vague possible connection to cancer; a connection that, under rigorous observation, didn’t exist at all.

The medical cartel at work.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

10 comments on “Medical research using animals—a scandal exposed

  1. Eliza Ayres says:

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:
    Most current “scientific” studies are based on little facts or research but are money-driven, for-profit and greed of the chemical-pharmaceutical industry.

  2. Sue says:

    Thank you, Jon. When the veil is lifted, and one can see clearly, vivisection is completely absurd and ridiculous, on top of being evil, AS IS vaccination, which is a product of vivisection.

    The very idea that devious white-coated clowns, who call themselves “scientists” can dupe so many people into believing that vivisection is “research,” and that they are doing something “important,” is mind boggling. Some of them have even come to believe it, themselves. And they claim to be doing it for the noble cause of “saving people,” which is also a lie, because when they can get their hands on human victims, they are all too eager to conduct bizarre experiments on them, too.

    The news has been “Fake” going back a very long time on this subject. The paid-for modified history has most people believing that Edward Jenner was a “great scientist,” and that his horse grease and cow pus injections (the pharmaceutical industry avoids the details about that) are what ended smallpox. In fact, Jenner never took the medical exams, and bought his license for £15.

    According to Dr. Walter Hadwen, in a speech delivered in early 1896, Jenner also invented a cure for hydrophobia…. “All you had to do was to duck the man who had been bitten three times in a stream of running water, only taking care that each time you ducked him life became almost extinct.”

    Dr. Anna Kingsford summed it up:

    “The spiritual malady that rages in the soul of the vivisector is in itself sufficient to render him incapable of acquiring the highest and best knowledge. He finds it easier to propagate and multiply disease than to discover the secret of health. Seeking for the germs of life, he invents only new methods of death.”

  3. elantoh says:

    While reading this the dialog from the original Planet of the Apes comes to mind…

    Dr. Zaius: You are right, I have always known about man. From the evidence, I believe his wisdom must walk hand and hand with his idiocy. His emotions must rule his brain. He must be a warlike creature who gives battle to everything around him, even himself.

    George Taylor: A planet where apes evolved from men? There’s got to be an answer. Dr. Zaius: Don’t look for it, Taylor. You may not like what you find.

    Dr. Zira: What will he find out there, doctor? Dr. Zaius: His destiny

    • truth1 says:

      OH! That was such a good comment. One of my favorite movies of all time. You’ll note the ending words of Dr. Zaius were changed slightly in the beginning of the 2nd sequel. Both are great. the best scifi movie ever made. the ones made in the last 10 year or so should be burned and the ashes scattered and the makers of those, burned at the stake. If there were such a thing as hell, they would deserve a residence there. I’m just saying, ya know? and Charlton Heston delivered the best lines ever uttered. Nobody did it better. He was one of a kind.

      And your application was most appropriate. man is a miserable creation. They refuse movies like that any more.

  4. truth1 says:

    Well, here is how Truth1 sees it. Thought many like to suggest government incompetence, I can not allow for that.Though diabolical, the USA and all its many secret international allies, who pretend to be enemies, but are not. the kind of military technology they have developed does not allow for ignorance or incompetence. If it id done, it is done deliberately. How is it that most people can not or will not recognize that these psychopaths in power are harnessing technology to kill us all off in the not too distant future. Yes, the elite think they will love on, but that’s a bit like starting a big forest fire and then thinking you can easily put it out. Mad Men and their plans! I would put the future as lasting maybe less than 9 years at this point. And 2018 is going to be “special” for sure . . . one way or the other.

    I think it was Forest Gump’s mother who said, Forest, Evil is as Evil does. She was a wise woman. Allow me to time travel. I just got to plug this time machine in. There! Now were are ready. I needed 50s, not so far from 59, when the Pope declared that year to be a holy one. too much wine, I am afraid. He’s moved on to harder stuff now. Who would ever have imagined in the 50s that we would be where we are now? In 1900, most were still on the farm. While WWI was interesting, the technology was still pretty primitive. Horses were still much in use then. Tanks were primitive. Planes were only good for observation and surveillance. We a ways to go. And from 1919 to about 1936 (17 years) We were back to another world war. the 1st was so much fun with all the carnage and suffering that they decided to start another vastly improved state of technology that would improve killing by many degrees. What the Nazis developed for technology got the USA and USSR all excited, 365 train cars full of boxes of technical papers of every sort of hideous technology, including medical stuff and how abuse it.

    Well, I hate to, but its back to the 21st century. Talk about depression. the 50s was a delayed reaction. Life was kind of sweet, prosperous, carefree or so we thought. but the suburban housing boom was the worst bomb ever dropped on the USA. We built enormous amounts of humble suburban housing so that we destroy those inner city apartments that had become 4 generations or more of tight integrated communities from various places most from Europe on the East coast and Chinese on the west. by moving us at our won will into those nice burbs, We destroyed those critically important sanctuaries of strong social support. it was the final blow, really. there 4 generations of wisdom and skepticism . . .all gone . . . just like that! Poof! Gone up in smoke. And nary a soul noticed.

    They wiped out our support and now are aiming for our lives. See it for what it is, folks. We have been betrayed by our own species/feces. I suggest one simple thing, OK, may be two. Get Daniel Hayley’s book, “The Politics of Healing.” and stay the hell away the medical crime syndicate, and learn as much about supplements as you can. I take tons of them and I guts me several electronic devices that work like a charm. that’s as much as I can tell ya, cause of these goons standing in back of me watching what I type. I asked them if there was anything, they wanted to say that I could add here, but they said they did not exist. they say that a lot.

    So I leave you all with the words of Patsy Ramsey: “Keep your babies close to you! There’s someone out there!”

    Yeah, I had to wear hip boots on that one. Speaking of JonBent, I am doing a “little” research on that. I sort of completed the Elizabeth Smart one but time is my only limited resource. But as regards JonBenet, all I can say is, You have no idea how deep that rabbit hole runs. I can only say this! Run Forest! Run! And don’t stop!

  5. Tom McClelland says:

    How about nursing homes? They’re a major cash cow for the pharmaceutical industry. Many of the unwanted in our society, you will find there. Many are on psychotropic drugs in nursing homes. If some of the nursing home patients were subjects of human experimentation, no one would ever notice because they would just blend in with the rest of the nursing home population.

  6. Erika says:

    Thanks again Jon.

    Animal models tell them exactly nothing and yet year after year the pointless ritual torture of animals continues and the fake medicine the results produce are touted as beneficial for all.

    This is science prostituted out to big industry.
    Then the PTB calls anyone who can see the man behind the curtain and ignorant hick..
    This is why many folks who started out in the sciences end up abandoning science, because it is a fool’s game for profit.

    • truth1 says:

      You know, every time I hear any establishment source say something is “science,” I roll my eyes and my stomach gets queasy. Whether its environmental, medical, or even archaeological, there is seldom anything honest come out of it all. Real solid genuine science has seldom ever been found in Academia. and its persecuted by the military and government. Its all about secrecy or making something fit into some sort of propaganda narrative.Two words sum up our world. Deceit and lies! Science is as common as unicorns.

  7. Sovereign Ag says:

    Here are two fantastic groups who have done much to alleviate animal suffering and are fighting every day to end all animal testing. Please support with donations and/or by signing up to help them petition various organizations to end their testing.

    We all have to get involved and take action. Signing up for alerts from these organizations to send emails to various targets does have an impact, as does signing petitions on They make it easy to petition various entities.

    Animal testing is not science, it is evil and satanic, to feed the evil gods of destruction. 15 billion dollars a year is spent.

    Physicians committee for responsible medicine has closed down hundreds of medical school animal testing, as well as some military.

    White coat waste project is a newer organization, and is lobbying congress to end VA animal tests and others. They are gaining support rapidly.

    Many veterans are also getting involved and demanding the VA stop doing these vile procedures such as the maximum pain test.

    Email your reps and tell them to stop funding this unconstitutional evil business immediately..

  8. Kevin says:

    For anyone interested in the fallacies of scientific research I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Andrew Marino’s book: Going Somewhere: Truth About a Life in Science. It’s about his struggle against the US government and military and powerful electricity suppliers to prove that electro magnetic fields are a hazard to human health. In addition to his biophysics training Marino had to get a law degree, because he realized that even the most respected scientists were no match for an expensive lawyer once they were on the witness stand.
    It’s a very close look at the issues involved in proving harm done by technology, but actually and engaging, sometime funny, read.
    I certainly can no longer hear a sentence like “There’s no evidence that [company X’s] product causes [condition Y] without involuntary raising an eyebrow”.

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