The depletion of human energy

by Jon Rappoport

December 5, 2017

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As in: energy depletion.

Without energy, the individual feels trapped. In that state, he seeks to conform, fit in, survive long enough to die of old age.

Body and mind deploy various feedback mechanisms to inform a person about his “available supply of energy,” and when these signals are taken as absolute truth, trouble comes.

“I can sense my energy is dwindling. So I have to…settle for less, or see a doctor, or give up, or accept that I’m getting older, or change my values, or tune up a victim-story, or join a group, or…”

On and on it goes.

In this twilight zone, the individual is unwilling to consider solutions that could restore his vitality. He’s already opted for a lower level of life.

In particular, he’s unwilling to explore the one aspect of his capability that works like magic: imagination.

That’s out. No dice. Preposterous. Absurd.

After all, imagination is just that spring rain he felt as a child, that unknown space that held all the promise in the world.

That was then; this is now.

Now is sober reflection. Now is routine. Now is habit. Now is empty.

Once upon a time, he read a science fiction novel and, at the end of it, he felt as if he were standing, triumphant, in deep space at the crossroad of a hundred solar systems.

Now he knows there is no such place. Now he is intelligent.

And now he has no energy.

The light that once flared is gone.

The idea that his own imagination could lead him to discoveries beyond anything he knows is fool’s gold.

Yes, once when he was twenty, he woke up in the middle of the night and walked to his window and looked out over a city and knew he was on the cusp of an endless future…but what can he do about that now? There is no returning.

So his imagination waits. It idles.

Yet…if he took a chance, if he began to dream again, if he started up the engine, if he considered offloading the interlocking systems that have become his daily life, what might happen?

What layers of dead thought might peel away?

What abiding convictions might dissolve?

What energies might be restored?

Is there a huge space beyond his common neurological impulses and rigid survival habits, where Vision can be played out on a vast scale?

Is there a different kind of life he can enter, crossing the threshold from tired knowledge into mystery?

Can he take a route around his stale reality after opening the door to his imagination?

There is, in fact, a silent channel that winds through the entire time-scale of the human race.

History does not officially record it, because history is written by winners for losers, and this channel has nothing to do with pedestrian notions of victory or defeat.

The route of imagination has no truck with conventional space or time. It invents its own, and eventually introduces them into the world.

How many stories are there about journeying knights who cross the boundary from ordinary events into a realm of magic?

The stories are messages…sent to ourselves, to remember. This place, this day, this moment is a platform from which to embark.

Adventure, with no end.



(New piece up at my other blog OUTSIDE THE REALITY MACHINE entitled “Notes on archetypes, landscapes, models, symbols, icons, idols”. Click here.)

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

7 comments on “The depletion of human energy

  1. Reblogged this on TRUE Right Wing Conservative News Site, Truthful Conservative Politics News and commented:
    “How many stories are there about journeying knights who cross the boundary from ordinary events into a realm of magic?

    The stories are messages…sent to ourselves, to remember. This place, this day, this moment is a platform from which to embark.

    Adventure, with no end.”

  2. tomaz050959 says:

    Reblogged this on tomaz2015 and commented:
    Yet…if he took a chance, if he began to dream again, if he started up the engine, if he considered offloading the interlocking systems that have become his daily life, what might happen?

  3. I am going to play “devil’s advocate” here, Jon.

    There are tinges of materialist-atheist “Big Bang” (the convenient miracle) here. “Imagination” is a nice (convenient) word/label but what is it?


  4. don and Nancy says:

    Depletion of human energy in the USA is a direct result of poisoned, depleted,
    food, air and water– and drugs– and NOTHING ELSE.

    To PRETEND that Americans have had ANY control over this is a lie.

    Americans will survive when they start placing those responsible–
    behind bars– permanently. The time would be NOW.

    • CPP says:

      Yes, these are important factors, but the contradiction is to say that Americans have had no control, and then ask that they start holding the guilty responsible. How can the same people be total victims with no control and yet have any power to hold to account and stop those who have been victimizing them? Incoherent. Of course, to pretend most individuals have had no control over what they consume and the lifestyles they adopt is absurd. A powerless victim mentality won’t improve things, however much people have been wronged and deceived.

  5. jim says:

    My own personal experience is despite making more money than most, and living very modestly (Ford Focus and cooking own food), still wind up catching up on bills. The wage they pay me has gone down substantially, during the past 4 years (unlimited H1 visas), and inflation is certainly larger than the 3% annual, the commie US Government claims. The anxiety of taking care of basic personal business does not allow wild ventures into imaginative speculation.

    On a related note, so called Modern Physics is Science Fiction. A simple examination of the Poynting vector equation of Electromagnetism, the basis of Radio theory, illustrates clearly that there is absolutely no radio or laser on Earth that can reach 240000 miles, much less 30 million miles. There is no way in any Hell that they broadcast live, real time TV, or anything for that matter, from the Moon, back in 1969 or even today (did not buy this crap back in 1969, while watching it all).

    Hey, show the moron lemmings red tinted pictures from Greenland, and tell them it is coming from the Mars Rover. This is not a complete lie, but is Mars located up North, and Eskimos are Martians? These same lying, tenure and publicity seeking, critters gladly look you in the eye and state that everything came from a spontaneous Big Bang and you are literally the grand kid of a monkey, and you eat it up like nachos with Velveeta.

    The Physicists tell you the physical world is controlled by the second Law of Thermodynamics and Quantum Mechanics. The first states that the number of energy states or disorder only increases as time goes by (more chaos), and the second states that everything system evolves in a probabilistic manner. Despite this, somehow a completely random explosion brought about sentient life with Free Will (would you be interested in purchasing an old bridge, in a crowded neighborhood?).

    Grab a fish from a lake and place it upon land, and a few minutes later it will be dead. If you did this everyday for several million years, that would make you a mass murderer of fish. Why and how can a fish leave the water, and then suddenly grow lungs and feet, so that it can walk upon land?

    Are you still interested in that bridge?

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