If football were canceled, would America go insane?

If football were canceled, would America go insane?

by Jon Rappoport

September 28, 2017

College football is a frenzy of student fans and local supporters, who in some cases extend to a whole state (e.g., Alabama).

The players are heavily recruited, and most of them hardly qualify as “student-athletes.” They’re at the school to play football and they hope to enter the NFL, where the money is.

The players make extraordinary amounts of $$ for the colleges, but none for themselves (excluding under the table cash and gifts).

The illusion is: the players are part of the college or university.

They’re not. They’re budding professionals who, because of the rules, aren’t paid salaries or bonuses.

But the fans think of them as “their own.”

“The players on my team are mine. They’re my school.”

No. Not really.

But no one cares. Through a combination of idol worship and “school spirit,” the illusion holds.

And holding that symbol in the mind is everything.

A loss on a Saturday afternoon is like a rebuke from a priest who supposedly holds the keys to the gates of heaven.

And what about school spirit? What does that actually mean?

If a student is there to learn, does he automatically develop pride in his college? How does that follow?

There are, in fact, a whole series of illusions that pile up. Some students, after graduation, donate money to their alma mater. For years on end. They become boosters. They join alumni associations. They come back for football games and wear school colors.

The football players come and go. They are the college’s hired guns, on zero salary.

Consider the situation at U Cal Berkeley. Recent insane politics aside, the school had to renovate its football stadium, because the State Regents determined it was “seismically unsafe.” It sits on an earthquake fault. The project blossomed out to a 300-400 million-dollar effort, depending on whose estimate you believe.

The chief minds at Berkeley asserted that a major football program was essential to corralling future donations and philanthropy. The University’s overall budget wouldn’t be met without those donations.

Now, with the new stadium, college officials are trying to figure out how to pay off the long-term debt. Lawyers, financial wizards, and faculty argue about that. “Our plan is foolproof.” “Our plan is a hideous unworkable mess.”

Must have football, though, come hell or high water.

That’s called a bind.

If securing philanthropic gifts to the University depends on maintaining a high-profile football program, it’s a testimony to the mental status of the donor alumni. What did they really learn while they were there as students?

Were the illusions of team, spirit, hired hands (the players), wins and losses on the field their main takeaways from four years of education?

As the NFL kneeling story expands, some teams’ fans, enraged, are burning their jerseys. Their identification with “team” was total, and so the downside is bitter. The players wouldn’t stand for the National Anthem and the flag. Betrayal. The team was supposed to be patriotic. But they aren’t.

Lack of patriotism cancels out total undying fan loyalty.

How shallow are those ideals?

Many of those enraged fans have been paying tax dollars that helped build the stadiums their holy teams are playing in. That’s an acceptable trade-off?

What would happen if, magically, football in America disappeared overnight? Would the whole country go stark raving mad?

Is identifying with a team that powerful?

“My life and sanity depend on having a team to root for. If you take that away from me, I’m lost. I have nothing left.”

What’s wrong with having heroes to look up to? Well, the whole idea of having a hero is: inspiration for the individual, so he, like his hero, can dream his own dreams and rise up and strive to achieve something great in his own life. If it turns out the inspiration isn’t there, and the striving isn’t there, and hero worship is the entire story, now and forever, then illusion is king.

There are football illusions and political-leader illusions and religious illusions and romantic illusions. They all share the same element: “I give you everything and I have nothing.”

“The power I give to you could be my own, but it isn’t. I surrender it. I invest it all in you. I wouldn’t know how to use it myself.”

On the great gridiron, the teams march up and down, the heroes execute dazzling plays, they kneel for the Anthem or they stand up and salute, they protest or they don’t protest, and whatever they do triggers automatic reactions in the fervid parishioners in the stands and at home. And the meaning of this Pavlovian exchange is meaningful and profound.

Or so we’re told.

Alabama won this week. The Dallas Cowboys won. I’m inside the pearly gates. I’m walking on clouds. But next week, we will once again “mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor,” in the hope we will succeed.

We pray for that success.

THIS is what we kneel for.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

53 comments on “If football were canceled, would America go insane?

  1. Maggie says:

    I never could understand this “hero” worship with football (or any sport for that matter). I never went to the games in high school, and I have never followed the game as an adult. It always seems to make me an oddball but, then again, I guess everything about me is odd according to the “average” citizen! Glad to find some other “oddballs” on sites like this.☺

  2. Do away with it! You wanna play football or watch it? Then watch the kids play. These mentally challenged people that watch it on TV or attend games are nothing but a bunch of silly dunderheads, flying flags from their cars and wearing all that stupid garb, etc. Jokers, keep funding the NFL. You think they like you–HA! They play you for fools and chumps.

    • walter says:

      In order to keep the subjects happy during the times of the Roman Empire, they had the free coliseums filled with the depressed people cheering the sadistic sacrifices and the bloody battles brought in by challengers. The Romans new this kept the peasants happy and forgetful of their hunger and taxes and depressed lives.
      So goes the sports games in the US, to keep the brainwashed zombies glued to the TV or cheering from the stadium, all the while taking their hard earned income at the same time and making simple jocks millionaires- yet the controlled people struggling to pay their bills. Meanwhile, as they fill their empty heads with frivolous entertainment, the government passes more laws taking their rights and money away right under their noses! They learn nothing from history because they slept right through it.

  3. Conny Lundberg says:

    Spot on, Jon! 🙂

  4. Conny Lundberg says:

    Illusion and Reality

  5. don wleklinski says:

    for chicago bear fans detachment has been made easier.

  6. pvcann says:

    Probably, all that testosterone would have to be channelled somewhere.

  7. Rastafari says:

    Americans are insane already.
    Football is proof.

  8. flyinggabriel says:

    I’ve come to see sporting tribalism as a kind of sophisticated version of Dr Seuss’s star-on star-off machine which rescued the sneetches from their beach-bound boredom.
    Win some – lose some, will always be the way – as long as your loyal to the death and show it.
    And the man with the star-on star-off machine always comes back next year.

  9. Big Hoss McGillicuddy (deplorable) says:

    My earliest memories are of the Chiefs vs. Dolphins which was the longest game ever at that time.
    My dad used to take me to games all across the country.
    Many years later I realized how much money that cost him.
    We snuck into the stadium here when our town was finally “big league” enough to have a team.
    It was still a vacuum inside and the floor was dirt.
    You had to get in quick or get smashed by the door.
    I haven’t watched a game in several years and it is the best Sundays ever in the best time of the year.
    Pro football is just as fake as pro wrestling.
    It is even classified legally as entertainment.
    There is a reason games rarely end outside of the Las Vegas betting line.
    The ever so socially conscious players will stop when their rich white one percenter owners say you’ve made your point now back to entertainment.

  10. kennyalligood says:

    I was surprised that there was nothing mentioned about the military worship that is also very prominent in all levels and types of sport.

    • Theodore says:

      it is in the other article…


      Think about this: On one side, we have people who love the flag, who support the veterans, who support US wars of empire in any far-flung place, who support the massive destruction of life in Iraq and Afghanistan, who support the government with its unending Surveillance State. On the other side, we have people who want to blame the basic conditions of inner cities on police, who want to avoid talking about gangs and shootings and drugs and the failed war on poverty and race baiters and the theft of jobs by Globalists.

      Entering either of these realms is entering a trance. It may be an active trance, but the game is still hypnosis.

      • kennyalligood says:

        Thank you Theodore, I have already read the post you provided. I was just thinking this post was another good spot to drive that militarism point home.

  11. badparentingweb says:

    I think your opening comments regarding football players as belonging to someone (“my team” or “my QB”) reveal a lot about humanity. I remember I had a college professor who’d say something droll and flippant like, “Go regional sports team.” I always loved he intense and severe people could be about where they were born, a factor that literally no one can control in this world. Yet, we’re plenty happy to get all crazy about rival states, rival colleges, rival HIGH SCHOOLS for Pete’s sake, to the point where we’ll vandalize and talk trash and blah blah blah.

    Go regional sports team.

  12. rainbow unicorns chocolate fountains says:

    Breaking news: George Clooney has made a prayer with obligatory reference to dissent and kneeling.
    All of the world’s problems are now solved.
    We don’t have to worry about feetsball and sniffing jocks while wrapped in an American flag anymore!
    Now if only Jennifer Lawrence could be in every movie and Me-Gyn Kelly on every morning show the world would be saved.

  13. Tom says:

    Lets see this trend spill into the NBA!!!

  14. “And holding that symbol in the mind is everything.” Jon The Rapperman

    They (those people, yah know) learned long ago, that networks could be constructed and kept secret, even though it involved many numbers of people. How could they accomplish this secrecy. Cells everywhere, connected only by the most trustworthy leadership. A hierarchy of leadership even within that, as years turned into decades. Always the secret keep, and why because it was the symbol in the mind; frozen and stuck in place, a terrible old thing, immovable almost. Something that drew greats amounts of energy from the host. Like a parasitic thought of sorts, a thought-form. A Tulpa of sorts without shape. An occulted thing. A ceiling on what was perceived as real, a smaller place controlled and within manipulated boundaries.

    Ignatius of Loyola, a despicable and cruel bastard, the founder of the Society of Jesus, the first Jesuit. A warrior who converted after a fucking vision. The worse kind of convert; nothing like a drunk that swears of drinking. Disciplined to the point of nausea, ad nauseam; this convert with a inquisitors mind, and a need for pain, created the Jesuits the true enemy of man. Soldiers of Christ. I spit on them, a despicable lot. Wrote and professed and practiced…

    “Give me the child for the first seven years and I will give you the man.” – Iggy L

    “The safest and most suitable form of penance seems to be that which causes pain in the flesh but does not penetrate to the bones, that is, which causes suffering but not sickness. So the best way seems to be to scourge oneself with thin cords which hurt superficially, rather than to use some other means which might produce serious internal injury.” -Iggy L

    “…and I’d like to thank ma mama, and Jesus Christ, my hope and saviour…”

    And so the empire learned before him that it could not survive as it was, it was breaking apart, feeding on itself. Corruption was rampant. No one could be trusted; and so they learned something from the Christian. The symbol, the need for secrecy. That it could be kept secret amongst so many. The empire had to become an empire of the mind. That was its only way of survival. And so they have fallen into its spell, and no longer think for themselves. but pray to their cruel god. And make sacrifice on Monday, or is friday night bread and circus. The symbol for that empire.

    Will they go insane? Of course they will, they will go batshit zonkers, Popeye the sailor man, Toot Toot, growing hair on their tongue lunatics; nothing short of a well-organized and nation wide deprogramming will help. We might have to shoot some of them, the more hysterical ones. Even though I am against drugs. I thing LSD might have a use here in brainwashing them back to at least a Neanderthal state; there might be violence, lots of violence. But the easy five step program, will take time and patience. This will be like pushing a rock down hill…wow, look out when it gets going. And will there be success Jon, somewhat, but…

    “While advocates of the deprogramming position have claimed high rates of success, studies show that natural attrition rates actually are higher than the success rate achieved through deprogramming.”  – Alan W Gomes, “Unmasking the Cults”

    I suspect that there will be a 70-80%, possibly 99% suicide rate, and that 60-70% of those found will have their team shirt on and a football in their hands. And their fucking thumb in their mouth. Strangely, a lot of those who kill themselves will have chosen to hanging from the goalposts. I positive there will be an epidemic of YouTube videos. With rather large men crying and sobbing.

    Ah well, can’t be helped. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Lets get on with it…

    • arcadia11 says:


      or,,,they might not notice

      • A11:

        Would’nt that be lovely, and maybe they would fill that rather large time slot, by taking up crochet, or macrame like Rosie Grier did… Now their was an individual… he was Bobby K boyguard and was there that night when the great man fell. Pulled the gun out of Sirhan Sirhan’s hand..*say that three time and spit*

        Or on a lighter note they could maybe take up stamp collecting or quite reasonably fill that time with sonnets spun from a contemplation of self after football, and we have a glut of books on football poetry.

        Existential journeys through such subjects as “Ode to football” and ‘Straight on through with a buttonhook”, “My Mama Married ‘The Fridge'”.

        Maybe they could write a book, “Bread and Circus for Dummies” We don’t have that one yet.

        Ya never know little sis

  15. Jennifer says:

    I know exactly what all those football players, fans, etc. can do. They can turn their hearts to the Children, by not adulterating their bodies with toxins even vaccines and by loving them, and they can help turn our swords (and scalpels) into plowshares and feed the people of the world. Just think what we could do with all the funds from the military and those wasted on the cost of football which we could channel to more human needs.

    Now that would be progress.

  16. Leon says:

    I think we are at a point of waking up to the absurdity of supporting an activity where at least one individual in each “game” is destined for a serious injury. The latest TBI report is a wakeup call to both players and spectators alike. If OSHA had managed the sport, then the game would have been played much differently.

    The patroitic backlash issue is an excellent scapegoat and perfect timing for the football establishment to decide for termination of the sport.

    It would circumvent the inevitable decision sometime down the road to shut down football due to TBI and other chronic injuries. At this point the focus would be the compensation for those who were injured and criminal/civil charges to those responsible who allowed the game to go on knowing of the hazards.

  17. Terri says:

    Colleges and universities take heed if you want to remain financially solvent.

    What has the world come to when mr burns is the most sensible and likeable of all the characters?

    Sports are great; you learn focus discipline achievement strength awareness intelligence courage resilience. this is only if you are playing or coaching your kids.
    Otherwise its just another drug to zone out from reality. Humans need to take courage and create a life they can love, not just tolerate until they die.
    Politicians understand this which is why they provide all manner of distractions to take attention away from what is real.Humans are afraid of what is real and to be genuine or honest. I never cared for football, i prefer soccer ice skating or hockey.

    • kennyalligood says:

      I understand that Joel Ward of the San Jose Sharks is considering following suit. However, after looking at some of the comments here I feel reluctant to state that I love Hockey too. Now for the retribution…

  18. Choo Choo Peppy says:

    Isn’t football a metaphor for war?
    If the indispensable manifest destiny greatest people on earth don’t like war anymore isn’t that a good thing?
    To those who think the USFL was some failure, why did the NFL have to wipe them out to the tune of a $3 legal settlement?
    The evil Nazi Trumphitler who’s daughter married into the Jewish faith bankrolled the upstart league and his team was the best along with the Philadelphia Stars.
    The Topps trading card company made a small (132 count) boxed set of the USFL in 1984- and 1985.
    It sold for $10 back in the 80s and now the 1984 version goes for $400.

  19. Larry says:

    “A loss on a Saturday afternoon is like a rebuke from a priest who supposedly holds the keys to the gates of heaven.”

    Amen, Brother!

  20. From Quebec says:

    Best video by a black man about NFL players taking a knee.

    Brilliant! MUST WATCH:: It is said that he already has more than 45 millions views, so far.

    Now I Have Had Enough – Brandon Tatum Destroys the NFL


    • NatureTribes says:

      There is no excuse for ignoring the fraud ‘wars’ killing millions of people and children who did Nothing to you. There is no excuse for ignoring the cabal ‘govt’ swarming hoards of parasites into our overpopulated, dying territory. They distract with ‘illegals’ ‘wall’ ‘reform’ bs while swarming millions of bogus ‘legals’ through the airports, parasites who crapped on their territory now crapping on ours including white russian predator females, chinese, bogus ‘refugees’, east indian masses to dilute our ability to stop the destruction. Their fraud of fake ‘money’, them making weapons against us, handing trillions to parasites to breed, all this while claiming trillions ‘debt’ as they spray us with chemtrails, put drones on us, threaten ‘nukes’ and ‘virus’ when there is no such thing as ‘nukes’ or ‘viruses’. Think about that. Their weapons were bacterias now it’s synthetic bioweapons and nano chips. Anyone sucking ‘national anthem’ or ‘govt’ is scum who enables the destruction of our territory and lives. There is No excuse. So-called ‘govt’ ‘state’ is a judeo-masonic con, so-called ‘founders’ were cons and the con goes back to the abrahmic and vatican ‘religions’ con. So-called ‘constitutions’ are a con, all you have to do is read them.
      Realize how much brain twisting you’ve swallowed. There is no such thing as ‘newz’. There are millions in the cabal, calling themselves ‘state’, ‘news’, ‘schools’, websites ‘cooking, ‘pets’ religion bs kid sites fake ‘truther’ sites etc, 90% of web comments, many are computer generated now. Instead of that boot-licking video see this youtube.com/watch?v=RpQewj9PDKY or- v=3IRbwpc2XV4 Many of the best have been taken down, soon there will be none that matter.
      Instead of slobbering ‘nation’ bs every person should be doing something to stop the cabal and free ourselves. What I do is put info and links on notes, cut them up and give them to people or tape to mailboxes. I start with ‘We are being sprayed, the haze in the air is nano chips and other content’ and aboutthesky com and similar site/page – note it is not just ‘aluminum barium’ it is nano chips and ‘morgellons’ is in all of us. It is heinous. Also ‘haarp’ is old/misinformation, the towers are the weapons, drought, wind storms, lightning fires, even emp. The ‘smart grid’ another weapon, mind weapon, yes really. They put it all around us, and stupid dupes put it on themselves, ‘smart phones’ are Not your friend. You can search -thezog info- for other facts to put on notes. At the end of mine I put ‘I’m not an ‘activist’, no one is coming to ‘save’ you, copy pass on to others, make your own tribes – ending with a dash instead of a period so the end is open.
      Notes are more effective than verbal, also don’t use email use paper notes, and though 90% of ummigrants are parasite breeders about ten percent know something is wrong so give notes to everyone. Putting out notes is a way to do something Real. In handing them to people I say ‘see that haze in the air, here’s some info’, or just tape them on mailboxes. Ignore ‘wa dc’, focus in your territory.
      It’s good to have sentences on notes not just links because soon there won’t be any sites that matter, so if you also write facts then notes still have value. Facts such as that anarchism and tribes is nature. They know they can control big groups, but they can’t control a million tribes of six or seven people. That is why they began the con of big groups, monotheist religions, ‘democ/repub’ ‘govt’ ‘state’ ‘city’ – to subvert your own power. The problem for centuries is failing to make tribes – or – people make clans, then the cons infiltrate to ruin plans or push you to a big phony ‘group’. That’s what ‘govt’ is, following their bogus ‘leaders’, fraud ‘civil war’, all ‘wars’, phony ‘activist’ groups, same thing, we die, they take everything. Making tribes isn’t about being slobbery ‘friends’, it’s about the serious. Real socialism is not ‘govt’ bolshevism forcing you to work for parasites, search jrbooksonline bolshevism arnold leese for his paper, copy to disk and paper, though note that hitler rosenfelt eisenhower churchill all in the cabal, all a setup, once again dupes ‘followed’ umerikuns and brutish invading killing their own germanic genetic group, 20 million dead. Dresden firebombing. The tribe hides behind many labels, catholic jew christian ‘govt’ ‘news’ ‘officials’ ‘doctors’ ‘professors’ ‘lawyers’ ‘experts’ ‘authorties’. All bogus. False ‘money’ ‘states’ ‘media’ ‘schoolz’ are their con of ages. Their ‘govt’ ‘law’ con are their power, and our slavery. They stole our water and elec power we built, scribbling bogus ‘laws’ and ‘corporations’ to claim they own it.
      They are killing nature by chemtrails, the food, animals all of it. Bogus ‘wildlife’ tv’ and websites are to distract as they are killing it all. There is no ‘usa russia china korea’, it is all the same cabal. The mind warpers push ‘nationalism’ bs and bash socialism because they don’t want you to know the secret of power is anarchism and tribes, True socialism, with those we choose, those like us. For instance if you’re putting notes on mailboxes sharing gas or share food, whatever it takes. Tribalism is also mental strength. Keep a strong mind, those who refuse to do anything are poison so treat them that way. Stop all secs even if you’re married. None. Zero. I don’t use the letter ‘x’ in the word because it’s a symbolism distraction. Secs weakens and distracts you. The cabal knows this which is why they shove their filth distraction at us from every direction. Be strong physically, I take magnesium glycinate at night for better sleep, eat organic dairy fat, it feeds your brain, also relora or rhodiola for even strength. There may be reply to my comment to distract from the facts. If so ask yourself, who doesn’t want you to be free from robbery by ‘state’, who wants you to be a nano chipped slave. Who is spraying you. The answer is the cabal and parasites sucking your blood and spineless brainless paytriot scum who salute destruction by ‘state’. Remember there are millions in the tribe cabal including on the web. See how the cabal uses female angle bs to destroy you. ‘single momz’ bs ‘poor seniors’ bs ‘vetrans’ bs ‘immigration reform’ bs weak ‘gawd’ religion’ bs ‘help the poor’ bs, and when those don’t work they use threats. They yell ‘war war’ the same time drowning you in female tactics. You are Drowning in it. You can copy this to re-read use some of to make notes with, make actions in real life, don’t overspend time on the spider ‘web’, focus in your territory.


      • Rastafari says:

        nice comment. i don’t agree about Hitler in the cabal, but otherwise, i agree with all of it. do you have a method of contact, Nature Tribes?

      • NatureTribes says:

        ~ rastafari – of course it would be fine to connect, more on that in a second, first on hitler, bear in mind I don’t ‘capitalize’ certain words or names for a reason, false leaders are chosen by the cabal and set up for their purposes, so to was hitler and every so-called ‘president’. He was also in their genetic group, they are a genetic group. Between throwing the ‘fight’ at Dunkirk and before that in Russia and other facts, by Dunkirk he knew what he was doing and that it would be turned to completely destroy the germans who ‘followed’ him. He did it anyway. He did not ‘kill himself’ he was shuttled to south america to live out his life while millions of germans were slaughtered and starved to death by ameriscums which also paved the way for masses of german women and children to be raped and butchered by the bolsheviks. It’s important to know the truth because if people do not know and do not act, soon it won’t be possible to stop them, ever. That is why anarchism tribes are the only freedom. ‘state’ ‘city’ 70% of them are in the cabal, because the system itself made by the cabal.’state’ is slavery to parasites and terror dicatators. search louisbeam com leaderless. On connecting, using email should only be to check people out a bit, then use other communication, po box mail or telephone. Soon those will also be cut as they decide. This goes back to why I did my long post, focus where we live, make tribes, do something. To re-focus, note we are being surveilled directly by the ‘smart grid’, the towers do things, and the smart grid does things, and every minute it gets worse, though despite that, when doing things with others, we don’t need to add it by talking about what we’re doing on phones also. For example what’s good is to call meet for a sandwich or something and then in person make plans to go hand out notes together or put them on mailboxes. Again being a tribe is about doing. More direct to your question, I’m going to do a short webpage mostly for posterity, given the limitations as the net is controlled by the tribe, impact from it is not likely, or even my focus – that’s why I focus paper notes for that reason, point being once I do I could give you the web addrs as the page will have my email, or if you want to pick up a temporary email I could email you. Whichever we can find a way to connect.


    • NatureTribes says:

      The video is garbage and ‘view’ numbers can be messed with. The moron in the video is an ignorant boot licker slobbering over ‘national’ anthem’ when that and ‘pledge’ and ‘flag’ were all made by the cabal to dog-train follower slaves.
      He’s not typical, many blacks have woken up to the false flags and psy ops in fact much faster than many whites who are still ignoring the absolute destruction of us by those calling themselves ‘govt’.
      There is no excuse for ignoring the fraud ‘wars’ killing millions of people and children who did Nothing to you. There is no excuse for ignoring the cabal ‘govt’ swarming hoards of parasites into our overpopulated, dying territory. They distract with ‘illegals’ ‘wall’ ‘reform’ bs while swarming millions of bogus ‘legals’ through the airports, parasites who crapped on their territory now crapping on ours including white russian predator females, chinese, bogus ‘refugees’, east indian masses to dilute our ability to stop the destruction. Their fraud of fake ‘money’, them making weapons against us, handing trillions to parasites to breed, all this while claiming trillions ‘debt’ as they spray us with chemtrails, put drones on us, threaten ‘nukes’ and ‘virus’ when there is no such thing as ‘nukes’ or ‘viruses’. Think about that. Their weapons were bacterias now it’s synthetic bioweapons and nano chips. Anyone sucking ‘national anthem’ or ‘govt’ is scum who enables the destruction of our territory and lives. There is No excuse. So-called ‘govt’ ‘state’ is a judeo-masonic con, so-called ‘founders’ were cons and the con goes back to the abrahmic and vatican ‘religions’ con. So-called ‘constitutions’ are a con, all you have to do is read them. Realize how much brain twisting you’ve swallowed. There is no such thing as ‘newz’. There are millions in the cabal, calling themselves ‘state’, ‘news’, ‘schools’, websites ‘cooking, ‘pets’ religion bs kid sites fake ‘truther’ sites etc, 90% of web comments, many are computer generated now. Instead of that boot-licking video see this youtube.com /watch?v=RpQewj9PDKY or v=3IRbwpc2XV4 Many of the best have been taken down, soon there will be none that matter.
      Instead of slobbering ‘nation’ bs every person should be doing something to stop the cabal and free ourselves. What I do is put info and links on notes, cut them up and give them to people or tape to mailboxes. I start with ‘We are being sprayed, the haze in the air is nano chips and other content’ and aboutthesky com and similar site/page – note it is not just ‘aluminum barium’ it is nano chips and ‘morgellons’ is in all of us. It is heinous. Also ‘haarp’ is old/misinformation, the towers are the weapons, drought, wind storms, lightning fires, even emp. The ‘smart grid’ another weapon, mind weapon, yes really. They put it all around us, and stupid dupes put it on themselves, ‘smart phones’ are Not your friend. You can search -thezog info- for other facts to put on notes. At the end of mine I put ‘I’m not an ‘activist’, no one is coming to ‘save’ you, copy pass on to others, make your own tribes – ending with a dash instead of a period so the end is open.
      Notes are more effective than verbal, also don’t use email use paper notes, and though 90% of ummigrants are parasite breeders about ten percent know something is wrong so give notes to everyone. Putting out notes is a way to do something Real. In handing them to people I say ‘see that haze in the air, here’s some info’, or just tape them on mailboxes. Ignore ‘wa dc’, focus in your territory.
      It’s good to have sentences on notes not just links because soon there won’t be any sites that matter, so if you also write facts then notes still have value. Facts such as that anarchism and tribes is nature. They know they can control big groups, but they can’t control a million tribes of six or seven people. That is why they began the con of big groups, monotheist religions, ‘democ/repub’ ‘govt’ ‘state’ ‘city’ – to subvert your own power.
      The problem for centuries is failing to make tribes – or – people make clans, then the cons infiltrate to ruin plans or push you to a big phony ‘group’. That’s what ‘govt’ is, following their bogus ‘leaders’, fraud ‘civil war’, all ‘wars’, phony ‘activist’ groups, same thing, we die, they take everything. Making tribes isn’t about being slobbery ‘friends’, it’s about the serious. Real socialism is not ‘govt’ bolshevism forcing you to work for parasites, search jrbooksonline bolshevism arnold leese for his paper, copy to disk and paper, though note that hitler rosenfelt eisenhower churchill all in the cabal, all a setup, once again dupes ‘followed’ umerikuns and brutish invading killing their own germanic genetic group, 20 million dead. Dresden firebombing. The tribe hides behind many labels, catholic jew christian ‘govt’ ‘news’ ‘officials’ ‘doctors’ ‘professors’ ‘lawyers’ ‘experts’ ‘authorties’. All bogus. False ‘money’ ‘states’ ‘media’ ‘schoolz’ are their con of ages. Their ‘govt’ ‘law’ con are their power, and our slavery. They stole our water and elec power we built, scribbling bogus ‘laws’ and ‘corporations’ to claim they own it.
      They are killing nature by chemtrails, the food, animals all of it. Bogus ‘wildlife’ tv’ and websites are to distract as they are killing it all. There is no ‘usa russia china korea’, it is all the same cabal. The mind warpers push ‘nationalism’ bs and bash socialism because they don’t want you to know the secret of power is anarchism and tribes, True socialism, with those we choose, those like us. For instance if you’re putting notes on mailboxes sharing gas or share food, whatever it takes. Tribalism is also mental strength. Keep a strong mind, those who refuse to do anything are poison so treat them that way. Stop all secs even if you’re married. None. Zero. I don’t use the letter ‘x’ in the word because it’s a symbolism distraction. Secs weakens and distracts you. The cabal knows this which is why they shove their filth distraction at us from every direction. Be strong physically, I take magnesium glycinate at night for better sleep, eat organic dairy fat, it feeds your brain, also relora or rhodiola for even strength. There may be reply to my comment to distract from the facts. If so ask yourself, who doesn’t want you to be free from robbery by ‘state’, who wants you to be a nano chipped slave. Who is spraying you. The answer is the cabal and parasites sucking your blood and spineless brainless paytriot scum who salute destruction by ‘state’. Remember there are millions in the tribe cabal including on the web. See how the cabal uses female angle bs to destroy you. ‘single momz’ bs ‘poor seniors’ bs ‘vetrans’ bs ‘immigration reform’ bs weak ‘gawd’ religion’ bs ‘help the poor’ bs, and when those don’t work they use threats. They yell ‘war war’ the same time drowning you in female tactics. You are Drowning in it. You can copy this to re-read use some of to make notes with, make actions in real life, don’t overspend time on the spider ‘web’, focus in your territory.


      • arcadia11 says:

        lol. your comment left me almost breathless, nature t. i love a good all-inclusive jolt of what-is every now and then. laid out clearly and simply like a good road map, it is grounding and encouraging and makes what needs to be accomplished on this journey seem less overwhelming and greatly more achievable. the web is ubiquitous and powerfully distracting. it is way too easy to veer off the main road.

        and thank you for including a good action to take.


      • NatureTribes says:

        ~ arcadia, the idea of using paper notes came from trying to find a way past short attention spans, as I found when trying to explain people have short attention, a result of training by cabal poison ‘tv’ and ‘smart fones’ and other mind-deflating ‘tech’. Also it was because of coming across the scum types who deny and refuse, that is why I also include some tough language in notes, a few sentences as in my long comment above. For those with brains there are facts and something to do about it, and to those who deny and refuse and it’s a kick in the face, so they are double purpose depending on the reciever. When I started using notes it was a big difference and today as more people are realizing we are in serious trouble it’s easier to hand someone a note than it was even two years ago. Beside people being trained ‘down’ by ‘tech’, some have chosen ignorance because they feel weak trying to keep going in their false lives. The oxymoron being our false lives are the problem. Doing paper notes shows our lives are false, and endangered, and in showing how to do something, that gives energy, something to do that is real. Also it’s been said people oppress themselves from doing anything because of a sense that because they can’t do everything, all of it, so then they don’t do anything, which is a mistake, because every bit does make a difference. Notes gets physical action going, then others pick up and do it. This is also a part of tribes, a cycle of energy. Thanks for reply arc, pedal to the metal or saddle up whichever the mode let’s ride –


  21. Terrance Stuart says:

    Time for affirmative action in the college and pro versions of football. Players do not represent American demographics. Future player choices should allow for players of slightly less ability in the correct demographics until the proper ratio is achieved.

  22. Ronald Blakeley says:

    A lot of guys with black man fetishes would kill themselves if football were to disappear tomorrow

  23. don and Nancy says:

    NFL football has become a racist organization pushing eventual Communism.

    It’s too bad their real loyalties are now shown in bold relief. (Sob!).

    Really– if NFL football disappeared, NO ONE would miss it. The many
    outstanding High School and college teams would just get more (badly
    needed) attention. Other sports would get more attention too.

    NFL disappear? ZERO loss!

    From Don and Nancy.

  24. paschnn1 says:

    Very well written and insightful. For those who still cannot understand the idiocy of worshiping a PAID ADULT to play a sport, You might find “The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion” very revealing. H. Ford helped reveal it and convinced many that it really was NOT a “forgery”.

    It’s all frighteningly laid out within and simply by correlating it to what is/has been done to THIS and other cultures within the “Christian/Muslim” world, it should remove any doubt as to it’s origin and whether or not it’s a (lol) “forgery”.

  25. Jon

    If “learning” is the demonstrable “ability” to self-induce belief through indoctrination, then meddlers and adjustors of the human “mind” would surely assess cultural support of whichever superficial mascot they choose to promote as ample evidence of their success at intellectual tyranny.

    Although some credit must be given to the buffoons that “fall prey” to these mendacities. Perhaps, you should look at this in a different way. Perhaps those that reject the bloated college farce are more suitable candidates for honest academia?

    What ever happened to those “mystery schools”?


  26. Jim Yost says:

    America is already insane.

  27. My granddaughter’s boyfriend is a football player in Arkansas. He graduated from high school last year and got a full scholarship. He’s an arrogant young man and he informed me that he makes more for his high school than any violinist (I was debating with him about what was more valuable — arts or sports). And I couldn’t deny that he was right. Orchestras don’t bring dollars into schools. Football in the south does. Sad but true. And how many players’ brains are scrambled as a result? But the masses don’t care. Just as they don’t care about the meat they eat that’s been abused. It’s all about the carnal gluttony of the flesh. Feed me, feed me, make me feel good, no matter the cost. I really don’t think I’m made for this world. I feel like a stranger in it.

  28. greatgeezer1 says:

    The more primitive minded ones would, but, by and large, we would be better off as a society.

  29. Isaiah Sanchez Magana says:

    Dear Jon Rappoport ,
    I do not think America would go insane without football. I think people would be upset that there is no more football but I don’t think america would go insane. Not everyone likes football to. Do you think Mexico would go insane if there was no soccer?

  30. joeysblog470 says:

    I personally think america would not be able to know what to do with themselves if football were cancelled. Everybody watches football, it is arguably the most popular sport in america. Many people would be fine with it, but a lot more would go crazy without football.

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