The artist and imagination in the cosmos

The artist and imagination in the cosmos

by Jon Rappoport

August 13, 2017

“It’s always some force external to the individual that people cling to. Some fairy tale, some myth, some system, some piece of cosmology, some convergence or shift or program that will swoop down and make things better, far better. The more complex the program is, the more attractive it is. It’s a wave, a particle, a mysterious magnetism, and it stands in and substitutes for the individual’s own imagination and creative power. But after the myth-enthusiasm wanes, things return to normal, until the next attractive myth arises…” (The Magician Awakes, Jon Rappoport)

This piece has everything to do with the notion of Rescue and the intervention of forces that “liberate the individual.”

Huge numbers of people have always looked for “rescue” coming from the outside, like a magic horse that trots up to your house and waits for you to climb on, at which point he and you take off and fly away…

This is standard operating procedure for the psychology of most of the human race, in whatever myth it is cloaked.

This is also why quite mad technocrats assert that a human brain-computer hookup will result in an enormous leap in IQ, talent, and consciousness.

It’s a rescue operation. Plug in and fly.

Consider this statement from the late philosopher, Terence McKenna: “When the laws of physics are obviated, the universe disappears…I predict that the concrescence [‘everything is flowing together’] will occur soon—around 2012 AD. It will be the entry of our species into hyperspace, but it will appear to be the end of physical laws accompanied by the release of the mind into the imagination.”

The mind will become imagination. As a consequence of rapid evolution. All by itself.

McKenna was a prodigious story-teller. He was an artist creating tales of the cosmos. Few of his devotees realized the irony of an artist painting dreams for his audience, dreams which might exempt them from the need to start from scratch and become artists themselves.

That wasn’t McKenna’s problem. That was and is the tendency of most audiences. McKenna was fully aware that the individual needs to access his own imagination and become “an artist of reality.” In his own way, he was leading the audience to that conclusion, as many raconteurs and poets do.

Unfortunately, his “drugs conversation” became, for many, his primary theme. Late in life, I believe he saw how this could become a diversion from the central message of the individual inventing reality. He wasn’t satisfied with drugs standing in and substituting for a person’s own creative impulse.

Do Da Vinci and Stravinsky and Picasso obviate the need for new painters and composers? Do they open portals that automatically enlighten their audiences to the point of terminal illumination? Of course not.

Does the universe, or what operates the universe, bring about all the creation that is necessary? Does the universe dispense so much wisdom to the individual that he can eventually rest in the knowledge that he possesses?

Is the rescue complete?

For those who believe it is, sign up now for a $100000000000 course in selling sand in the Gobi Desert. It’s a winner.

Since the dawn of time, a central factor has been present. The individual senses that he has space in which to create reality and future and he has the creative urge. What to do? Should he move forward, despite pressure not to? Or should he decide others “more talented than he is” are the carriers of that urge and remain in the background?

Should he see himself as an artist, or grant that status only to others?

Should he take flight with his imagination or stand in the shadows?

Should he, at best, become critic, or should he become creator?

These questions could form the basis of a true psychology—not the petty version that is promoted to society.

In my research collaboration with the brilliant hypnotherapist, Jack True, these questions did, in fact, become our foundation for an exploration of human choices and decisions. (I present 43 in-depth interviews with Jack—320 pages—in my collection, The Matrix Revealed). Viewed through the lens of the creative impulse, many human problems appear in a new light. These problems connect to the individual’s consciousness of his own latent power, and reflect his internal and often subconscious struggle to decide whether to become a creator of reality or “an audience” for others’ realities. THAT IS THE ENDURING QUESTION.

In the long run, it is also the question on which hangs the future of human society. No matter how many ways civilizations are configured and reconfigured, no matter what covert agendas are in play, an authentic and root revolution depends on how the individual approaches the question for himself:

Am I only audience, only critic, or creator?

For more on how to expand your creative power, check out my Exit From The Matrix collection.

Creative power to do what? To invent, create the future you deeply desire.

The Matrix dictates its reality. “Here it is…”

But, how do you invent the future you deeply desire and have the power to do so?

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

One comment on “The artist and imagination in the cosmos

  1. Theodore says:

    Ray Kurzweil wants to rescue you…

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