Zika, HIV: the abstract vs. the concrete in the pursuit of logic

by Jon Rappoport

June 26, 2017

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Medical Warning: This article may require THINKING. Ask your doctor if thinking is right for you.

When a philosopher has no more room to move and finds his back up against a cold wall in the middle of the night, he usually throws up his hands and surrenders his abstract position to concrete interests (like money, position, and power). I watched this happen in the late 1980s, when I saw my first book, AIDS INC., come into print.

The book took on CAUSATION, one of the interests of both the medical and philosophical profession. My investigation centered on: how do you decide a particular germ causes a particular disease?

I won’t bother going into all the details here. Suffice it to say, when I contacted a few academic folks I knew from my days as a college student studying philosophy, they shut their eyes tight and pretended they were having a bad dream, nothing more. They built a wall of silence. You see, asking them for a comment about causation was now treading on medical territory—far more real than the realm of their usual philosophical fiddling. If it turned out the entire medical cartel was tap dancing and faking a concept of causation, in order to falsely blame certain viruses for causing certain (high-profit) diseases, THAT was a scandal of immense proportions.

And these academic philosophers wanted no part of it. They didn’t want to see their cozy positions in ivory towers ripped asunder. They didn’t want the concrete to intrude on the abstract. It was all well and good to cite Hume and Ayer and various logicians on the issue of causation, when nothing was at stake, but to move forward into a world where, depending on your view of cause and effect, some people made billions of dollars while other people died unnecessarily…that was out of the question.

Therefore, my book was “reckless.” Therefore: no comment. Therefore: “Leave us alone. We never meant for you to grab these ideas and actually use them, logically, to shake up the invisible power structure. You’re doing something unseemly. You’re reflecting badly on us. You’re endangering reputations.”


Do not upset apple carts. Do not expose crimes.

In my book, AIDS INC., I performed an obscene act. I implied that, by any reasonable standard of cause and effect, HIV had never been proved to cause the condition called AIDS. I was suddenly a philosopher with a weapon. I was shining a light in a cave where researchers were plundering logic to fake a proof. And, to continue the exercise, I was therefore demonstrating that AIDS was not one condition at all. It was an array of circumstances that produced, in different ways, in different people, the destruction of the immune system—and if you wanted to heal THAT, you had to find, in each afflicted person, what had attacked his immune system (not HIV), and then you had to try to reverse that affliction. In doing so, you could save lives. If, on the other hand, you persisted with the HIV myth, and utilized highly toxic drugs like AZT, you would kill people. Many people.

But the “philosophers” I approached saw no benefit in examining that investigation. The benefit (to them) was in ignoring it.

I would have welcomed an honest debate. But no offer was forthcoming.

I already knew, from my college years, that the walled off Territory of the Abstract was its own province; but this experience with my book, in 1988, was the last straw.

I was trying to approach cowards.

Unfettered, reasoned free speech was not their aim.

Up to a point, advanced education exists. But when you go beyond that point, you’re in the Empty Quarter. You’re staring at a vast parched desert.

Turn around. Walk away. You’re on your own. Your education now takes on a completely different cast. You learn how to apply analysis and do investigation independently.

That process, speaking from experience, is exhilarating.

The mines, and the caves in them, contain gold.

Here’s a quick contemporary analysis of causation: the Zika virus. In a nutshell, Brazilian researchers, working at “ground zero of the purported microcephaly (birth defect) outbreak,” declared Zika to be the cause. However, they admitted—before they cut off all communication on the subject—that traces of Zika could only be found in roughly 15% of babies with microcephaly. This correlation was astonishingly weak.

No matter what version of cause and effect you might favor, there is no way under the sun you can conclude that Zika causes microcephaly, when it can’t be found in 85% of cases.

Any honest researcher will tell you this is a reason to reject Zika as the cause and go back to the drawing board.

But that hasn’t happened. In fact, several groups are conducting studies on a Zika vaccine. They’re plunging forward.

One of these candidate-vaccines delivers synthesized genes into the body…where the genes…permanently alter the recipient’s DNA.

In this case, lying about causation leads to unbridled tinkering with populations’ genetic structure.

But why should academic philosophers care about that? They’re in their safe world, apart from, what shall we call it, LIFE.

HIV faced a similar problem that Zika does. Researchers correlated a diagnosis of AIDS with a positive HIV antibody test: many people who tested positive were later diagnosed with AIDS. There was a problem, however. The HIV antibody test will register positive for at least 60 reasons that have nothing to do with the presence of HIV in the body.

Independent researcher Christine Johnson documented this fact. Her classic investigation has been reprinted at aliveandwell.org. Here is just a partial list of factors that will cause an HIV antibody test to read positive for reasons that have nothing to do with HIV:

1. Anti-carbohydrate antibodies (52,19,13)
2. Naturally-occurring antibodies (5,19)
3. Passive immunization: receipt of gamma globulin or immune globulin (as prophylaxis against infection which contains antibodies) (18, 26, 60, 4, 22, 42, 43, 13)
4. Leprosy (2, 25)
5. Tuberculosis (25)
6. Mycobacterium avium (25)
7. Systemic lupus erythematosus (15, 23)
8. Renal (kidney) failure (48, 23, 13)
9. Hemodialysis/renal failure (56, 16, 41, 10, 49)
10. Alpha interferon therapy in hemodialysis patients (54)
11. Flu (36)
12. Flu vaccination (30, 11, 3, 20, 13, 43)
13. Herpes simplex I (27)
14. Herpes simplex II (11)
15. Upper respiratory tract infection (cold or flu) (11)
16. Recent viral infection or exposure to viral vaccines (11)
17. Prior pregnancy (58, 53, 13, 43, 36, 65)

Fake causation. It’s a big one.

There is much, much more to the HIV story (including serious doubts about whether HIV actually exists). But you get the general idea. The correlation between HIV and AIDS is irreparably weak…

I had a brief conversation about this with an academic philosophy professor. It went this way:

—So, Professor, you see that this is an issue of causation. If the correlation is very weak, the whole assumption of causation fails.

—Well, I don’t know about that. Other factors could be involved.

—Such as?

—That’s the whole point. We don’t know what the other factors are.

—We know enough. If researchers are going to say a particular virus causes a particular disease, they have to establish, at minimum, strong correlation. They have to prove, for starters, that the virus is present in the overwhelming percentage of cases of the disease.

—So this is the kind of thing you’ve been doing since you graduated from school?


—I think you need to reassess your approach.


—Disease causation is an issue best left to medical experts.


—It’s their field.

That’s where the conversation ended.

Beautiful, just beautiful.

power outside the matrix

(To read about Jon’s collection, Power Outside The Matrix, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

22 comments on “Zika, HIV: the abstract vs. the concrete in the pursuit of logic

  1. Lord Windemere says:

    Your philosopher friends have no balls.

    The same thing happened in the field of cardiovascular disease. They blamed a relatively minor factor (cholesterol) just so they could keep on scamming people. Once the cure is known the money dries-up. They know this.

    The entire etiology is known and it has little to do with cholesterol or saturated fatty acids. These are red herrings. Lipoprotein(a) is the main villain.

    Think. If the public knew the truth how many people would be out of a job???

    • kevin king says:

      You have to reach a certain age before you come to realise that the vast structures in our society that span our economic, financial and political existences are paper thin and stand not on the solid foundations of science and reason, but on the tissue of lies that those in the shadows spin in order to rule us. It pervades every aspect of our existence. But when you are young you are oblivious to this and seek to change a world that beyond redemption. Man isn’t imperfect. He is perfectly flawed.

  2. Greg C. says:

    People find safety in abstraction – universities have been safe spaces for these types for a long, long time. The internet further cultivates the abstract, disconnected life. If you cannot find a practical outlet for your intellectual pursuits, then they are probably useless. Scientists, and science buffs, should be building experiments. Political polemicists should jump at the chance to confront, in person, the people they criticize. Engage your reality, interact with it.

    A couple of decades ago, a researcher in Australia came up with the theory that stomach ulcers were caused by a certain strain of bacteria, which could easily be eradicated with simple antibiotics. Rather than continue to try to prove his case with studies and circumstantial evidence, he swallowed the bacteria, gave himself an ulcer, and then cured it. That got everyone’s attention. Now, doctors cure stomach ulcers every day.

  3. Jaanko J says:

    I would like to draw attention to the April-June edition of the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. The entire journal is devoted to medico/ethical issues of vaccination in India. Issues such as the need for a medical compensation fund, re-examining the Japan experience with the HPV vaccine, etc. I have just begun to dig into it, but no doubt there is a wider world of colleagues discussing these very same issues. Would be a good opportunity to reach out to various colleagues who are questioning or challenging current medthink.


  4. Eliza says:

    Viruses have also been linked to foreign proteins. There is no such thing as diseases. The underlying cause is acidosis, a backed up lymphatic system (sewer system), kidneys not filtering, adrenals and possibly the master gland the pituitary down, and the GI track. Fix these four areas with raw food, herbs, and turpentine.

    • Thx1138 says:

      Published on Jun 27, 2014Dr. Robert Morse, ND explains how work the lymphatic system and his important role inside the body, which the allopathic doctors completely ignore.



      It is easier for us to put the blame on an outside invader, thereby shifting the responsibility outside of ourselves. But health can only come from within. As Antoine Béchamp said: “Disease is born of us and in us.” That same is true for health.

      The immune system is a conceptual bodily system we sort of just made up. It doesn’t actually exist, at least not in the way we think of it. The respiratory system, digestive system, circulatory system, nervous system, lymphatic system, etc, these are all clearly distinct systems of the human body. Where is the immune system? Can you point to it? What composes it? If anything, it’s the lymphatic system that comes closest to being what we call the “immune system”, as it is responsible for detoxing the body from toxins and waste material.

      We’ve learned that the healthier a person is the less likely they are to get sick. This aspect of the immune system is correct, but the naming of it is all wrong. Immunity does not exist. Germs don’t invade your body and cause disease, so “building up immunity” and “strengthening your immune system” to ward off those nasty germs is a lost cause. We can only build our health by providing the body with what it needs, and steering clear of chemicals, vaccines, medicines, and other magical allopathic potions that are supposed to lead to a salubrious life, but only cause more iatrogenic deaths.

      Science is like a new religion. Once originally called ‘Natural Philosophy’, this new form of worship disregards common sense for the appeal to the authority and other logical fallacies. There is no longer any philosophy to it. The love of wisdom has been lost. Science is no longer “science” when corruption so pervasively dominates the scientific community. The almighty dollar is the universally accepted icon of worship, and in Scientism, the shareholders are the Gods.

      The scientific method has been swapped out for blind faith in the corrupt system. The white-coats will tell us we can’t obtain health without their injections and magic potions. Perhaps we should ignore these authority figures and make up our own mind, based on intuition and common sense, instead of blind faith and dogma.

      Most people who believe in science also believe that germs make us sick and defenses must be ‘built up’ to keep us safe. We mistakenly think exposing ourselves to these ‘germs’ builds our defenses, antibodies, etc, thereby ‘strengthening our ‘immune system’. But, there is no “immune system”. There is only health, and we build health by providing salubrious conditions for the human body, not by exposing ourselves to poison in hopes that it will ‘make our immune system stronger’. People who seem to have better ‘immune systems’ than others are just healthier in general, and the healthier you are, the less likely you are to get sick. It’s as simple as that.

      In 1864, French chemist Louis Pasteur fathered “The Science of Bacteriology” and “The Germ Theory of Disease Causation” by demonstrating the existence of various micro-organisms— and concluding that these germs cause pathogenic changes in living cultures within the laboratory setting.

      The germ theory states that diseases are due solely to invasion by specific aggressive micro- organisms. A specific germ is responsible for each disease, and micro-organisms are capable of reproduction and transportation outside of the body. With the germ theory of disease, no longer did we have to take responsibility for sickness caused by our own transgressions of the laws of health. Instead, we blamed germs that invade the body.

      The germ theory effectively shifted our personal responsibility for health and well-being onto the shoulders of the medical profession who supposedly knew how to kill off the offending germs. Our own personal health slipped from our control.
      Almost everyone in the Western world has been nurtured on the germ theory of disease: that disease is the direct consequence of the work of some outside agent, be it germ or virus. -Arthur M. Baker

      It was Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908), a contemporary of Pasteur, who discovered the true nature of germs. He found they were pleomorphic (capable of changing from one type of organism to another). With this theory, it is the conditions where germs live that is important (the terrain), instead of the germ itself.

      As Florence Nightingale put it: “There are no specific diseases, there are specific disease conditions”.

      Pasteur himself, in one of the most quoted deathbed statements perhaps of all time, recanted the Germ Theory and admitted that his rivals had been right, and that it was not the germ that caused the disease, but rather the environment in which the germ was found: “Bernard acail raison; le terrain c’est tout, le germe c’est rien.” He was referencing his nemesis Claude Bernard, a proponent of the Terrain Theory and contemporary of Antoine Béchamp.

      Louis Pasteur Plagiarist, Impostor & the Truth About Vaccines

      Howard Hencke, in his 1995 book The Germ Theory: A Deliberate Aberration, notes that it was critical for the new medical industry, “… to indoctrinate the public in the Western world with the belief that the salvation from all, especially physical ailments, lay outside the individual’s system and responsibility, because it was caused by external factors…and that chemical remedies (drugs) will keep him free from disease, independent of his own vigilant responsibility.”

      Some 17 years before Pasteur, the most famous nurse in history, Florence Nightingale, put it like this:

      “Diseases are not individuals arranged in classes, like cats and dogs, but conditions growing out of one another. Is it not living in a continual mistake to look upon diseases as we do now, as separate entities, which must exist, like cats and dogs, instead of looking upon them as conditions, like a dirty and a clean condition, and just as much under our control; or rather as the reactions of kindly nature, against the conditions in which we have placed ourselves? I was brought up to believe that smallpox, for instance, was a thing of which there was once a first specimen in the world, which went on propagating itself, in a perpetual chain of descent, just as there was a first dog, (or a first pair of dogs) and that smallpox would not begin itself, any more than a new dog would begin without there having been a parent dog. Since then I have seen with my own eyes and smelled with my own nose smallpox growing up in first specimens, either in closed rooms or in overcrowded wards, where it could not by any possibility have been ‘caught’, but must have begun. I have seen diseases begin, grow up, and pass into one another. Now, dogs do not pass into cats.”

      In other words, certain diseases, like smallpox for instance, did not originate from one original specimen. The AIDS virus didn’t come from one sick monkey. The different symptoms our bodies display are falsely categorized into different diseases. Disease cannot be classified into categories since they are all the same thing. They are the body’s attempts to heal, manifesting themselves in different ways depending on the person and the unfavorable conditions they find themselves in.

      If you have the flu or a fever, your cellular terrain has been compromised. Your body’s temperature rises because it detoxes itself more efficiently at higher temperatures. Hippocrates once said “Give me fever and I can cure every disease.” He understood that what we call ‘disease’ today in Western Medicine, is really the body’s attempt to heal.

      We don’t ‘catch cold’, we create sickness. As Béchamp said, “Disease is born of us and in us.”

      This pathological zeitgeist of allopathy and pseudoscience is sheer madness. We can listen to the ‘trained professionals’ -who also suggest we cut off a section of our penis– or we could listen to common sense and intuition, as well as investigate the suppressed medical literature. Onward we go.

      “Had it not been for the mass selling of vaccines, Pasteur’s germ theory of disease would have collapsed into obscurity.”
      – E. Douglas Hume

      Vaccination did not save us from deadly diseases. All ‘diseases’ were in steep decline well before the vaccine was introduced.

      We can forget about the nefarious germs and trying to kill them all by whatever means necessary, but we should also remember not to crap where we eat. Cleanliness is next to godliness. There is a big difference between being scared of germs and living a clean life. Fear is employed by the authorities to manufacture consent. Fear is the opposite of Love, and Love is ultimately knowledge. Knowledge must be cultivated, free of bias and cognitive dissonance.

      “If I could live my life over again, I’d devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat, disease tissue, rather than being the cause of disease tissue.” -Dr. Rudolph Virchow, renowned scientist, considered the ‘Father of Pathology’

      You could think of it like this; Mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but don’t cause the pool to become stagnant. Its the same way with germs.

      “Germs seek their natural habitat – diseased tissue – rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.” -Antoine Béchamp

      “if we see flies on a manure pile which do we think is more intelligent – to fight disease be swatting flies or to remove the pile of manure.” -Dr. J. Baldor, Surgeon, Florida

      It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.

      There was another theory at the time that actually made sense. I’m talking about the Terrain Theory, or Pleomorphism, or the Cellular Theory of disease causation. The idea that, instead of poisoning our bodies, like we would do with antibiotics(anti-life) to kill an ‘infection’, we would instead provide the right conditions for the body to heal itself, and forget about trying to kill everything in sight.

      Which one makes more sense to you? Most healthy people live their lives according to the Terrain Theory just out of common sense. Most people will never hear about this suppressed medical science, and will take the authority figure’s advice as sacrosanct truth.

      It makes sense that if you are sick you probably shouldn’t consume poison. Western medicine, in their infinite wisdom, begs to differ. They think the germ is all that matters and it just needs to be eliminated. But germs only thrive under certain conditions.

      Perhaps we should just provide the right conditions for our body and if we do encounter one of these pernicious ‘germs’, we can rest assured because it won’t ‘stick’. Using their own flawed and ambiguous terminology, you would be ‘immune’ to the ‘germs’.

      So, what’ll it be? Should we continue living in the flawed paradigm of disease-management by treating the symptom? Or should we reject the belief system that passes for modern science and create HEALTH by addressing the root cause of the problem?

      Treating the root cause of dis-ease with diet and lifestyle makes a lot of sense,
      But unfortunately suppressing the symptoms with drugs and surgery makes a lot of dollar$

      Foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquired by the ancients. ~Hippocrates

      Whenever a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from doing harm.

      Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.

      “Was the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now.”
      Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia

      It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine. Marcia Angell, M.D.

      The description of the disease seems to change according to the drug that’s being marketed.
      -Ray Peat, PhD

      “If the germ theory were founded on facts, there would be no living being to read what’s written.”
      Dr. George White

      “Disease is the crisis of purification of toxic elimination. Symptoms are the natural defenses of the body” – Hippocrates – 460 bc

      Iatrogenesis is the technical term for ‘death by medicine’ In the U.S this is the third leading cause of death according to JAMA

      “The most serious disorders may be provoked by the injection of living organisms into the blood…into a medium not intended for them may provoke redoubtable manifestations of the gravest morbid phenomena.”
      – Bechamp

      “…doctors fight the imaginary foe without ceasing. The people are so saturated with the idea that disease must be fought to a finish that they are not satisfied with conservative treatment. Something must be done, even if they pay for it with their lives, as tens of thousands do every year. This willingness to die on the altar of medical superstition is one very great reason why no real improvement is made in fundamental medical science.”
      – Toxemia Explained 1926

      Again Dr. Tilden nails it:
      “… every so-called disease is a crisis of Toxemia; which means that toxin has accumulated in the blood above the toleration point, and the crisis, the so-called disease – call it cold, flu, pneumonia, headache, or typhoid fever – is a vicarious elimination. Nature is endeavoring to rid the body of toxin. Any treatment that obstructs this effort at elimination baffles nature in her effort of self-curing.”

      “Bacteria and parasites cannot cause disease processes unless they find their own peculiar morbid soil in which to grow and multiply.” -Henry Lindlahr, MD

      Contrary to popular beLIEf, Vaccines did not save us from deadly disease.
      Rene Dubos of the Rockefeller Institute: “Reasons why the germ theory became popular are: First, it fit neatly into the mechanistic theories of the universe that were popular in the nineteenth century. Second, it fit human nature. Man, apparently, ever ready to avoid responsibility and place causation outside himself, found an easy scapegoat in the bad little organisms that flew about and attacked him. After all, it wasn’t too long ago that evil spirits had been responsible for man’s ills. Third, it fit ‘commercial nature’ When we place causation outside ourselves, we create vast armies of attackers and defenders, assailants and protectors.

      The reason why Béchamp was mainly ignored and Pasteur elevated to hero status is to be found in the different personalities and the lure of commercial success. Bechamp was a dedicated scientist and researcher, but he had no skills at politics and ass-kissing. Pasteur, on the other hand, was an expert at both. He ingratiated himself with the rich and powerful, and even became a favorite of French royalty.”

      “Do not automatically believe in anything , especially what you are told. Convince yourself of something by observing it with your own eyes. And, after having perceived a new fact, do not lose sight of it again until it is fully explained.” — Wilhelm Reich

      People have been educated to be terrified of bacteria and to believe implicitly in the idea of contagion: that specific, malevolently-aggressive disease germs pass from one host to another. They also have been programmed to believe that healing requires some powerful force to remove whatever is at fault. In their view, illness is hardly their own doing.

      The ‘germ era’ helped usher in the decline of hygienic health reform in the 19th century and, ironically, the people also found a soothing complacency in placing the blame for their ill health on malevolent, microscopic ‘invaders’, rather than facing responsibility for their own insalubrious lifestyle habits and their own suffering.

      Pasteur was a chemist and physicist and knew very little about biological processes. He was a respected, influential and charismatic man, however, whose phobic fear of infection and belief in the “malignancy and belligerence” of germs had popular far-reaching consequences in the scientific community which was convinced of the threat of the microbe to man. Thus was born the fear of germs (bacteriophobia), which still exists today. Before the discoveries of Pasteur, medical science was a disorganised medley of diversified diseases with imaginary causes, each treated symptomatically rather than at their root cause. Up to this time, the evolution of medical thought had its roots in ancient shamanism, superstition and religion, of invading entities and spirits. The profession searched in vain for a tangible basis on which to base its theories and practices. Pasteur then gave the profession the “germ”.

      By the 1870s, the medical profession fully adopted the germ theory with a vengeance that continues today. The advent of the microscope made it possible to see, differentiate and categorise the organisms. Invading microbes were now seen as the cause of disease.

      The medical-pharmaceutical industry began their relentless search for the perfect drug to combat each disease-causing microbe—of which there are now over 10,000 distinct diseases recognised by the American Medical Association.
      The universal acceptance of the germ theory and widespread bacteriophobia resulted in frenzied efforts to avoid the threat of germs. A whole new era of modem medicine was then inaugurated, including sterilisation, pasteurisation, vaccination, and fear of eating raw food.

      It is frequently overlooked that around 1880, Pasteur changed his theory. According to Dr Duclaux, Pasteur stated that germs were “ordinarily kept within bounds by natural laws, but when conditions change, when its virulence is exalted, when its host is enfeebled, the germ is able to invade the territory which was previously barred to it.”

      This is the premise that a healthy body is resistant and not susceptible to disease. With the advent of Pasteur’s mysterious germ, however, medicine cloaked itself under the guise of ‘science’ and ever since has succeeded in keeping the public ignorant of the true nature of dis- ease. -Arthur M. Baker – Exposing the Myth of the Germ Theory

      Don’t be scared of me anymore! Just take care of your body and it will take care of you!

      “Bechamp’s research proved, as long as 150 years ago, what the root cause of disease was, and how it could be reversed or avoided altogether using safe, natural methods. This was long before the synthetic drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, surgical removal of body parts and vaccines with which we are all so familiar today became the mainstays of mainstream medical treatment.

      Bechamp’s work showed that the inner condition and health of the cells (sometimes described as the “terrain” in works of the time) determined whether disease would manifest or spread in the body. He proved through rigorous scientific method and repeated experiments over many years that disease was not due to germs attacking the body from the outside, as Louis Pasteur later convinced the world. What you eat, breathe, drink, and bathe in are the primary factors that determine your body’s inner condition. ‘Germs’ arise as a result of a diseased condition. They are a symptom, not the cause.

      While working on fermentation (the breakdown of complex molecules into organic compounds via a “ferment”) Béchamp observed through his microscope a host of tiny bodies in his fermenting solutions. Even before Béchamp’s time, other researchers had observed, but passed off as unexplainable, what they had described as “scintillating corpuscles” or “molecular granulations”. It was Béchamp who, able to ascribe strong enzymatic reactions to them, was led to coin a new word to describe them: microzymas, or “tiny ferments”.

      Among these ferments’ many peculiar characteristics was the fact that microzymas were abundantly present in natural calcium carbonate (common chalk), whereas they did not exist in chemically pure calcium carbonate made in a laboratory under artificial conditions. This was the reason why chalk could easily invert cane sugar solutions, while pure calcium carbonate could not. In other words, although chemically the artificial “pure” calcium carbonate is exactly the same as the natural calcium carbonate, only natural chalk has a life which allows it to interact with its environment.

      Béchamp went on to study microzymas found in the bodies of animals, and came to the startling conclusion that the tiny forms were more basic to life than cells, which had long been considered to be the building blocks of all living matter. Béchamp propsed that the microzymas were fundamental elements, responsible for the activity of cells, tissues, organs — indeed every aspect of all living organisms. He even found them present in eggs, where they were responsible for the eggs’ further development while themselves undergoing significant changes.

      Most incredible to Bechamp was his discovery that when there occurred an event serious enough to affect the whole of an organism, disturbing the natural balance, the microzymas within the organism would begin working to disintegrate the organism, totally converting themselves to bacteria and other microbes, in an attempt to ensure their survival. As proof of that survival, Bechamp found them in soil, swamps, chimney soot, street dust, and in air and water. These basic, and virtually indestructible, elements of which we and all our animal relatives are composed survive the death of the cells in our bodies. So seemingly indestructible were the microzymas that Béchamp could even find them in limestone dating back 60 million years. According to Bechamp, the microzymas are the seeds of life.

      He demonstrated in his laboratory that by using different solutions as an environment he would grow totally different sets of “germs” in spite of the fact that all solutions had been kept in the same sterile conditions. The germs, he was convinced, could not have come from an outside source but had to be originating from within each solution itself. The microzymas, which are the same basic structures for all living material, transformed themselves according to the stimulation of the various environments in which they lived, into different life forms (in these experiments, germs) corresponding to the content of the solution itself.”


      • arcadia11 says:

        thank you very much for this.
        it is an appropriate and exciting starting point if people are willing
        to let fall away the hoax they are in enthrallment to. i look forward to
        carrying on.

      • jill says:

        I am going to tell you the SIMPLE TRUTH behind EVERY :”UNKNOWN CAUSE” “INCURABLE DISEASE… these men make it all out to be something so far out there its hysterical…These EVIL men told all of you “WATCH FOR SIGNS OF A SUPER INFECTION OF MICROBES” on the labels of ANTIBIOTICS…”If signs are seen , “DISCONTINUE IMMEDIATLEY” and give “PROPER THERAPY” which would be “FUNGAL”…So when these men found “STAPH” in over 50% of our meat supply and a generation of children with chronic ear infections “CAUSED” by “STAPH” they said…they just did not tell you that was the sign DUH…..They instead called it “GRAM POSITIVE BACTERIA” and continued selling these pills …leaving us all UNTREATED for this super infection AND EATING meat infected with STAPH , and over 80% of 60 billion more given to our food supply for 5 more decades now…HOW MANY MORE SIGNS DO YOU PEOPLE NEED????? , before you realize these men have made fools out of ALL of us for so long its embarrassing???WAKE UP

      • Suzie Qs says:

        Thanks so much for the link Thx1138.

        Really appreciate this and the timing. Too many people believe that their way is the best – body must have meat, must not have meat, must use antibiotics, must fast, etc. Totally agree with the importance of lymph glands and alkaline vs acidic, but he brings this to a new level of understanding. muchas gracias. 🙂

  5. Thx1138 says:

    Certain serious and life-threatening diseases that occur in HIV-positive people are called “AIDS-defining” illnesses. When a person gets one of these illnesses, he or she is diagnosed with the advanced stage of HIV infection known as AIDS.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed a list of these illnesses (see below). No single patient is likely to have all of these problems. Some of the conditions, in fact, are rare.

    Candidiasis of the esophagus, bronchi, trachea, or lungs [(but NOT the mouth (thrush)]
    Cervical cancer, invasive
    Coccidioidomycosis, disseminated or extrapulmonary
    Cryptococcosis, extrapulmonary
    Cryptosporidiosis, chronic intestinal (greater than one month’s duration)
    Cytomegalovirus disease (other liver, spleen, or nodes)
    Cytomegalovirus retinitis (with loss of vision)
    Encephalopathy, HIV related
    Herpes simplex: chronic ulcer(s) (more than 1 month in duration); or bronchitis, pneumonitis, or esophagitis
    Histoplasmosis, disseminated or extrapulmonary
    Isosporiasis, chronic intestinal (more than 1 month in duration)
    Kaposi sarcomaLymphoma, Burkitt’s (or equivalent term)
    Lymphoma, immunoblastic (or equivalent term)
    Lymphoma, primary, of brain
    Mycobacterium avium complex or M kansasii, disseminated or extrapulmonary
    Mycobacterium tuberculosis, any site (pulmonary or extrapulmonary)
    Mycobacterium, other species or unidentified species, disseminated or extrapulmonary
    Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia
    Pneumonia, recurrent
    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
    Salmonella septicemia, recurrent
    Toxoplasmosis of brain
    Wasting syndrome due to HIV

    (Source: Revised classification system for HIV infection and expanded surveillance case definition for AIDS among adolescents and adults. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, December 18, 1992/41 (RR-17), 1993).

  6. From Quebec says:

    These people are also part of the SWAMP.
    Believe nothing they tell you.

  7. Larry says:

    WARNING: The CDC has determined that the scores of health bulletins released in recent years may cause insanity.

  8. Thx1138 says:

    Thank you John for posting that that in Toto.

  9. flyingcuttlefish says:

    Italians Take to the Streets to Protest New Mandatory Vaccination Law – CENSORED from US corporate media

  10. theNewDanger says:

    It is just a coincidence that Big Pharma’s partners in the mainstream media echo chamber emerged in unilateral and unquestioning SYMMETRY to subdue the proof that the larvicide pyriproxyfen had been found in higher than safe quantities in water supplies from which many of the pregnant women who had given birth to children with microcephaly were known to drink.

    Instead of critically scrutinizing the possibility that pyriproxyfen may be endangering the health of newborn children and everyone else who is consuming the water in that region for the 18 months leading up to the spike in microcephaly cases, the profiteering-from-pyriproxyfen oiligarchy instructed it’s World Health Organization to continue hinting at Zika while proclaiming, with no study being undertaken whatsoever, that pyriproxyfen had been scientifically debunked as the cause of the spike in microcephaly cases.

    No discussion of causation limits any consequential knowledge of actions taken (or asked for in the Problem/Reaction/Solution scam) based on that lack of crtically thinking discussion.

    • arcadia11 says:

      the new dangers are the same as the old dangers.
      all governments and those those who run them are evil. they want to rule the world and enslave and redesign all those who survive the cullings. most of us are slated for death. many ways to achieve this and more on the way. that is our problem in a nutshell. nothing more need be said about that other than how must we proceed. we already know there are many ways we are being disabled, diseased, and killed. we have known that for a long time. good for us. instead of constantly adding to the list how about putting some energy toward solutions. now that would be creative.

  11. Larry says:

    Millions of mosquitoes, armed with deadly viruses, sneaking across our southern borders …and they want to take away our guns?!?!?

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