The number-one mind-control program at US colleges

If you’re a college student or have a child at college, read this

The unspoken secret in plain sight

by Jon Rappoport

February 7, 2017

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Here is a staggering statistic (note: Thank you to reader “Namely Liberty” for surfacing this information from the WayBackMachine) from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): “More than 25 percent of college students have been diagnosed or treated by a professional for a mental health condition within the past year.”

Let that sink in. 25 percent.

Colleges are basically clinics. Psychiatric centers.

Colleges have been taken over. A soft coup has occurred, out of view.

You want to know where all this victim-oriented “I’m triggered” and “I need a safe space” comes from? You just found it.

It’s a short step from being diagnosed with a mental disorder to adopting the role of being super-sensitive to “triggers.” You could call it a self-fulfilling prophecy. “If I have a mental disorder, then I’m a victim, and then what people say and do around me is going disturb me…and I’ll prove it.”

The dangerous and destabilizing effects of psychiatric drugs confirm this attitude. The drugs DO, in fact, produce an exaggerated and distorted sensitivity to a person’s environment.

You want to know where a certain amount of violent aggressive behavior on campuses comes from? You just found it. The psychiatric drugs. In particular, antidepressants and speed-type medications for ADHD.

You want to know why so many college students can’t focus on their studies? You just found one reason. The brain effects of the drugs.

The usual variety of student problems are translated into pseudoscientific categories of “mental disorders”—and toxic drugging ensues.

A college student says to himself, “I’m having trouble with my courses. I don’t understand what my professors want. My reading level isn’t good enough. I don’t like the professors who have a political bias. I’m confused. I miss my friends back home. I feel like a stranger on campus. I’d like to date, but I don’t know where to start. There are groups on campus. Should I join one? Well, maybe I need help. I should go to the counseling center and talk to a psychologist. That’s what they’re there for. Maybe I have a problem I don’t know about…”

And so it begins.

The student is looking for an explanation of his problems. But this search will morph into: having a socially acceptable excuse for not doing well. Understand the distinction.

After a bit of counseling, the student is referred to a psychiatrist, who makes a diagnosis of depression, and prescribes a drug. Now the student says, “That’s a relief. Now I know why I have a problem. I have a mental disorder. I never knew that. I’m operating at a disadvantage. I’m a victim of a brain abnormality. Okay. That means I really shouldn’t be expected to succeed. Situations affect my mood. What people say affects my mood.”

And pretty soon, the whole idea of being triggered and needing a safe space makes sense to the student. He’s heading down a slippery slope, but he doesn’t grasp what’s actually going on. On top of that, the drug he’s taking is disrupting his thoughts and his brain activity. But of course, the psychiatrist tells him no, it’s not the drug, it’s the condition, the clinical depression, which is worsening and making it harder to think clearly. He needs a different drug. The student is now firmly in the system. He’s a patient. He’s expected to have trouble coping. And on and on it goes.

Buckle up. Here is the background. Here is what psychiatry is all about—

Wherever you see organized psychiatry operating, you see it trying to expand its domain and its dominance. The Hippocratic Oath to do no harm? Are you kidding?

The first question to ask is: do these mental disorders have any scientific basis? There are now roughly 300 of them. They multiply like fruit flies.

An open secret has been bleeding out into public consciousness for the past ten years.


And along with that:

ALL SO-CALLED MENTAL DISORDERS ARE CONCOCTED, NAMED, LABELED, DESCRIBED, AND CATEGORIZED by a committee of psychiatrists, from menus of human behaviors.

Their findings are published in periodically updated editions of The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), printed by the American Psychiatric Association.

For years, even psychiatrists have been blowing the whistle on this hazy crazy process of “research.”

Of course, pharmaceutical companies, who manufacture highly toxic drugs to treat every one of these “disorders,” are leading the charge to invent more and more mental-health categories, so they can sell more drugs and make more money.

In a PBS Frontline episode, Does ADHD Exist?, Dr. Russell Barkley, an eminent professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, unintentionally spelled out the fraud.

PBS FRONTLINE INTERVIEWER: Skeptics say that there’s no biological marker—that it [ADHD] is the one condition out there where there is no blood test, and that no one knows what causes it.

BARKLEY: That’s tremendously naïve, and it shows a great deal of illiteracy about science and about the mental health professions. A disorder doesn’t have to have a blood test to be valid. If that were the case, all mental disorders would be invalid… There is no lab test for any mental disorder right now in our science. That doesn’t make them invalid. [Emphasis added]

Oh, indeed, that does make them invalid. Utterly and completely. All 297 mental disorders. They’re all hoaxes. Because there are no defining tests of any kind to back up the diagnosis.

You can sway and tap dance and bloviate all you like and you won’t escape the noose around your neck. We are looking at a science that isn’t a science. That’s called fraud. Rank fraud.

There’s more. Under the radar, one of the great psychiatric stars, who has been out in front inventing mental disorders, went public. He blew the whistle on himself and his colleagues. And for years, almost no one noticed.

His name is Dr. Allen Frances, and he made VERY interesting statements to Gary Greenberg, author of a Wired article: “Inside the Battle to Define Mental Illness.” (Dec.27, 2010).

Major media never picked up on the interview in any serious way. It never became a scandal.

Dr. Allen Frances is the man who, in 1994, headed up the project to write the latest edition of the psychiatric bible, the DSM-IV. This tome defines and labels and describes every official mental disorder. The DSM-IV eventually listed 297 of them.

In an April 19, 1994, New York Times piece, “Scientist At Work,” Daniel Goleman called Frances “Perhaps the most powerful psychiatrist in America at the moment…”

Well, sure. If you’re sculpting the entire canon of diagnosable mental disorders for your colleagues, for insurers, for the government, for Pharma (who will sell the drugs matched up to the 297 DSM-IV diagnoses), you’re right up there in the pantheon.

Long after the DSM-IV had been put into print, Dr. Frances talked to Wired’s Greenberg and said the following:

“There is no definition of a mental disorder. It’s bullshit. I mean, you just can’t define it.”


That’s on the order of the designer of the Hindenburg, looking at the burned rubble on the ground, remarking, “Well, I knew there would be a problem.”

After a suitable pause, Dr. Frances remarked to Greenberg, “These concepts [of distinct mental disorders] are virtually impossible to define precisely with bright lines at the borders.”

Frances might have been obliquely referring to the fact that his baby, the DSM-IV, had rearranged earlier definitions of ADHD and Bipolar to permit many MORE diagnoses, leading to a vast acceleration of drug-dosing with highly powerful and toxic compounds.

If this is medical science, a duck is a rocket ship.

To repeat, Dr. Frances’ work on the DSM IV allowed for MORE toxic drugs to be prescribed, because the definitions of Bipolar and ADHD were expanded to include more people.

Adverse effects of Valproate (given for a Bipolar diagnosis) include:

* acute, life-threatening, and even fatal liver toxicity;
* life-threatening inflammation of the pancreas;
* brain damage.

Adverse effects of Lithium (also given for a Bipolar diagnosis) include:

* intercranial pressure leading to blindness;
* peripheral circulatory collapse;
* stupor and coma.

Adverse effects of Risperdal (given for “Bipolar” and “irritability stemming from autism”) include:

* serious impairment of cognitive function;
* fainting;
* restless muscles in neck or face, tremors (may be indicative of motor brain damage).

Dr. Frances self-admitted label-juggling act also permitted the definition of ADHD to expand, thereby opening the door for greater and greater use of Ritalin (and other similar compounds) as the treatment of choice.

So…what about Ritalin?

In 1986, The International Journal of the Addictions published an important literature review by Richard Scarnati. It was called “An Outline of Hazardous Side Effects of Ritalin (Methylphenidate)” [v.21(7), pp. 837-841].

Scarnati listed a large number of adverse effects of Ritalin and cited published journal articles which reported each of these symptoms.

For every one of the following (selected and quoted verbatim) Ritalin effects, there is at least one confirming source in the medical literature:

* Paranoid delusions
* Paranoid psychosis
* Hypomanic and manic symptoms, amphetamine-like psychosis
* Activation of psychotic symptoms
* Toxic psychosis
* Visual hallucinations
* Auditory hallucinations
* Can surpass LSD in producing bizarre experiences
* Effects pathological thought processes
* Extreme withdrawal
* Terrified affect
* Started screaming
* Aggressiveness
* Insomnia
* Since Ritalin is considered an amphetamine-type drug, expect amphetamine-like effects
* Psychic dependence
* High-abuse potential DEA Schedule II Drug
* Decreased REM sleep
* When used with antidepressants one may see dangerous reactions including hypertension, seizures and hypothermia
* Convulsions
* Brain damage may be seen with amphetamine abuse.

In the US alone, there are at least 300,000 cases of motor brain damage incurred by people who have been prescribed so-called anti-psychotic drugs (aka “major tranquilizers”). Risperdal (mentioned above as a drug given to people diagnosed with Bipolar) is one of those major tranquilizers. (source: Toxic Psychiatry, Dr. Peter Breggin, St. Martin’s Press, 1991)

This psychiatric drug plague is accelerating across the land.

Where are the mainstream reporters and editors and newspapers and TV anchors who should be breaking this story and mercilessly hammering on it week after week? They are in harness.

Thank you, Dr. Frances.

Let’s take a little trip back in time and review how one psychiatric drug, Prozac, escaped a bitter fate, by hook and by crook. It’s an instructive case.

Prozac, in fact, endured a rocky road in the press for a while. Stories on it rarely appear now. The major media have backed off. But on February 7th, 1991, Amy Marcus’ Wall Street Journal article on the drug carried the headline, “Murder Trials Introduce Prozac Defense.”

She wrote, “A spate of murder trials in which defendants claim they became violent when they took the antidepressant Prozac are imposing new problems for the drug’s maker, Eli Lilly and Co.”

Also on February 7, 1991, the New York Times ran a Prozac piece headlined, “Suicidal Behavior Tied Again to Drug: Does Antidepressant Prompt Violence?”

In his landmark book, Toxic Psychiatry, Dr. Peter Breggin mentions that the Donahue show (Feb. 28, 1991) “put together a group of individuals who had become compulsively self-destructive and murderous after taking Prozac and the clamorous telephone and audience response confirmed the problem.”

A shocking review-study published in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases (1996, v.184, no.2), written by Rhoda L. Fisher and Seymour Fisher, called “Antidepressants for Children,” concludes:

“Despite unanimous literature of double-blind studies indicating that antidepressants are no more effective than placebos in treating depression in children and adolescents, such medications continue to be in wide use.”

An instructive article, “Protecting Prozac,” by Michael Grinfeld, in the December 1998 California Lawyer, opens several doors. Grinfeld notes that “in the past year nearly a dozen cases involving Prozac have disappeared from the court record.” He was talking about law suits against the manufacturer, Eli Lilly, and he was saying that those cases had apparently been settled, without trial, in such a quiet and final way, with such strict confidentiality, that it is almost as if they never happened.

Grinfeld details a set of maneuvers involving attorney Paul Smith, who in the early 1990s became the lead plaintiffs’ counsel in the famous Fentress lawsuit against Eli Lilly.

The plaintiffs made the accusation that Prozac had induced a man to commit murder. This was the first action involving Prozac to reach a trial and jury, so it would establish a major precedent for a large number of other pending suits against the manufacturer.

The case: On September 14, 1989, Joseph Wesbecker, a former employee of Standard Gravure, in Louisville, Kentucky, walked into the workplace, with an AK-47 and a SIG Sauer pistol, killed eight people, wounded 12 others, and committed suicide. Family members of the victims subsequently sued Eli Lilly, the maker of Prozac, on the grounds that Wesbecker had been pushed over the edge into violence by the drug.

The trial: After what many people thought was a very weak attack on Lilly by plaintiffs’ lawyer Smith, the jury came back in five hours with an easy verdict favoring Lilly and Prozac.

Grinfeld writes, “Lilly’s defense attorneys predicted the verdict would be the death knell for [anti-]Prozac litigation.”

But that wasn’t the end of the Fentress case. “Rumors began to circulate that [the plaintiffs’ attorney] Smith had made several [prior] oral agreements with Lilly concerning the evidence that would be presented [in the Fentress case], the structure of a post-verdict settlement, and the potential resolution of Smith’s other [anti-Prozac] cases.”

In other words, the rumors declared: This plaintiff’s lawyer, Smith, made a deal with Lilly to present a weak attack, to omit evidence damaging to Prozac, so that the jury would find Lilly innocent of all charges. In return, the case would be settled secretly, with Lilly paying out big monies to Smith’s client. In this way, Lilly would avoid the exposure of a public settlement, and through the innocent verdict, would discourage other potential plaintiffs from suing it over Prozac.

The rumors congealed. The judge in the Fentress case, John Potter, asked lawyers on both sides if “money had changed hands.” He wanted to know if the fix was in. The lawyers said no money had been paid, “without acknowledging that an agreement was in place.”

Judge Potter didn’t stop there. In April 1995, Grinfeld notes, “In court papers, Potter wrote that he was surprised that the plaintiffs’ attorneys [Smith] hadn’t introduced evidence that Lilly had been charged criminally for failing to report deaths from another of its drugs to the Food and Drug Administration. Smith had fought hard [during the Fentress trial] to convince Potter to admit that evidence, and then unaccountably withheld it.”

In Judge Potter’s motion, he alleged that “Lilly [in the Fentress case] sought to buy not just the verdict, but the court’s judgment as well.”

In 1996, the Kentucky Supreme Court issued an opinion: “…there was a serious lack of candor with the trial court [during Fentress] and there may have been deception, bad faith conduct, abuse of the judicial process or perhaps even fraud.”

After the Supreme Court remanded the Fentress case back to the state attorney general’s office, the whole matter dribbled away, and then resurfaced in a different form, in another venue. At the time of the California Lawyer article, a new action against attorney Smith was unresolved. Eventually, Eli Lilly escaped punishment.

Based on the rigged Fentress case, Eli Lilly silenced many lawsuits based on Prozac inducing murder and suicide.

Quite a story.

And it all really starts with the institution of psychiatry inventing a whole branch of science that doesn’t exist, thereby defining 300 mental disorders that don’t exist.

Here are data about psychiatric drugs and violence from several studies:

February 1990 American Journal of Psychiatry (Teicher et al, v.147:207-210) reports on “six depressed patients, previously free of recent suicidal ideation, who developed `intense, violent suicidal preoccupations after 2-7 weeks of fluoxetine [Prozac] treatment.’ The suicidal preoccupations lasted from three days to three months after termination of the treatment. The report estimates that 3.5 percent of Prozac users were at risk. While denying the validity of the study, Dista Products, a division of Eli Lilly, put out a brochure for doctors dated August 31, 1990, stating that it was adding `suicidal ideation’ to the adverse events section of its Prozac product information.”

An earlier study, from the September 1989 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, by Joseph Lipiniski, Jr., indicates that in five examined cases people on Prozac developed what is called akathesia. Symptoms include intense anxiety, inability to sleep, the “jerking of extremities,” and “bicycling in bed or just turning around and around.” Dr. Peter Breggin comments that akathesia “may also contribute to the drug’s tendency to cause self-destructive or violent tendencies … Akathesia can become the equivalent of biochemical torture and could possibly tip someone over the edge into self-destructive or violent behavior … The June 1990 Health Newsletter, produced by the Public Citizen Research Group, reports, ‘Akathesia, or symptoms of restlessness, constant pacing, and purposeless movements of the feet and legs, may occur in 10-25 percent of patients on Prozac.’”

The well-known publication, California Lawyer, in a December 1998 article called “Protecting Prozac,” details some of the suspect maneuvers of Eli Lilly in its handling of suits against Prozac. California Lawyer also mentions other highly qualified critics of the drug: “David Healy, MD, an internationally renowned psychopharmacologist, has stated in sworn deposition that `contrary to Lilly’s view, there is a plausible cause-and-effect relationship between Prozac’ and suicidal-homicidal events. An epidemiological study published in 1995 by the British Medical Journal also links Prozac to increased suicide risk.”

When pressed, proponents of these SSRI antidepressant drugs (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, etc.) sometimes say, “Well, the benefits for the general population far outweigh the risk.” But the issue of benefits will not go away on that basis. A shocking review-study published in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases (1996, v.184, no.2), written by Rhoda L. Fisher and Seymour Fisher, called “Antidepressants for Children,” concludes: “Despite unanimous literature of double-blind studies indicating that antidepressants are no more effective than placebos in treating depression in children and adolescents, such medications continue to be in wide use.”

In wide use. This despite such contrary information and the negative, dangerous effects of these drugs.

There are other studies: “Emergence of self-destructive phenomena in children and adolescents during fluoxetine treatment,” published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (1991, vol.30), written by RA King, RA Riddle, et al. It reports self-destructive phenomena in 14% (6/42) of children and adolescents (10-17 years old) who had treatment with fluoxetine (Prozac) for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

July, 1991. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Hisako Koizumi, MD, describes a thirteen-year-old boy who was on Prozac: “full of energy,” “hyperactive,” “clown-like.” All this devolved into sudden violent actions which were “totally unlike him.”

September, 1991. The Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Author Laurence Jerome reports the case of a ten-year old who moves with his family to a new location. Becoming depressed, the boy is put on Prozac by a doctor. The boy is then “hyperactive, agitated … irritable.” He makes a “somewhat grandiose assessment of his own abilities.” Then he calls a stranger on the phone and says he is going to kill him. The Prozac is stopped, and the symptoms disappear.

Here’s a coda:

This one is big.

The so-called “chemical-imbalance theory of mental disorders” is dead. The notion that an underlying chemical imbalance in the brain causes mental disorders: dead.

Dr. Ronald Pies, the editor-in-chief emeritus of the Psychiatric Times, laid the theory to rest in the July 11, 2011, issue of the Times with this staggering admission:

“In truth, the ‘chemical imbalance’ notion was always a kind of urban legend — never a theory seriously propounded by well-informed psychiatrists.”


However…urban legend? No. For decades the whole basis of psychiatric drug research, drug prescription, and drug sales has been: “we’re correcting a chemical imbalance in the brain.”

The problem was, researchers had never established a normal baseline for chemical balance. So they were shooting in the dark. Worse, they were faking a theory. Pretending they knew something when they didn’t.

In his 2011 piece in Psychiatric Times, Dr. Pies tries to protect his colleagues in the psychiatric profession with this fatuous remark:

“In the past 30 years, I don’t believe I have ever heard a knowledgeable, well-trained psychiatrist make such a preposterous claim [about chemical imbalance in the brain], except perhaps to mock it…the ‘chemical imbalance’ image has been vigorously promoted by some pharmaceutical companies, often to the detriment of our patients’ understanding.”

Absurd. First of all, many psychiatrists have explained and do explain to their patients that the drugs are there to correct a chemical imbalance.

And second, if all well-trained psychiatrists have known, all along, that the chemical-imbalance theory is a fraud…

…then why on earth have they been prescribing tons of drugs to their patients…

…since those drugs are developed on the false premise that they correct a chemical imbalance?

Here’s what’s happening. The honchos of psychiatry are seeing the handwriting on the wall. Their game has been exposed. They’re taking heavy flack on many fronts.

The chemical-imbalance theory is a fake. There are no defining physical tests for any of the 300 so-called mental disorders. All diagnoses are based on arbitrary clusters or menus of human behavior. The drugs are harmful, dangerous, toxic. Some of them induce violence. Suicide, homicide. Some of the drugs cause brain damage.

So the shrinks need to move into another model, another con, another fraud. And they’re looking for one.

For example, genes plus “psycho-social factors.” A mish-mash of more unproven science.

“New breakthrough research on the functioning of the brain is paying dividends and holds great promise…” Professional gibberish.

It’s all gibberish, all the way down.

Meanwhile, the business model still demands drugs for sale.

So even though the chemical-imbalance nonsense has been discredited, it will continue on as a dead man walking, a zombie.

Big Pharma isn’t going to back off. Trillions of dollars are at stake.
And in the wake of Colorado, Sandy Hook, the Naval Yard, and other mass shootings, the hype is expanding: “We must have new community mental-health centers all over America.”

More fake diagnosis of mental disorders, more devastating drugs.

You want to fight for a right? Fight for the right to refuse toxic medication. Fight for the right of every parent to refuse toxic medication for his/her child.

Here is a story Dr. Breggin tells in his classic book, Toxic Psychiatry. It says it all:

“Roberta was a college student, getting good grades, mostly A’s, when she first became depressed and sought psychiatric help at the recommendation of her university health service. She was eighteen at the time, bright and well motivated, and a very good candidate for psychotherapy. She was going through a sophomore-year identity crisis about dating men, succeeding in school, and planning a future. She could have thrived with a sensitive therapist who had an awareness of women’s issues.

“Instead of moral support and insight, her doctor gave her Haldol. Over the next four years, six different physicians watched her deteriorate neurologically without warning her or her family about tardive dyskinesia [motor brain damage] and without making the [tardive dyskinesia] diagnosis, even when she was overtly twitching in her arms and legs. Instead they switched her from one neuroleptic [anti-psychotic drug] to another, including Navane, Stelazine, and Thorazine. Eventually a rehabilitation therapist became concerned enough to send her to a general physician, who made the diagnosis [of medical drug damage]. By then she was permanently physically disabled, with a loss of 30 percent of her IQ.

“…my medical evaluation described her condition: Roberta is a grossly disfigured and severely disabled human being who can no longer control her body. She suffers from extreme writhing movements and spasms involving the face, head, neck, shoulders, limbs, extremities, torso, and back—nearly the entire body. She had difficulty standing, sitting, or lying down, and the difficulties worsen as she attempts to carry out voluntary actions. At one point she could not prevent her head from banging against nearby furniture. She could hold a cup to her lip only with great difficulty. Even her respiratory movements are seriously afflicted so that her speech comes out in grunts and gasps amid spasms of her respiratory muscles…Roberta may improve somewhat after several months off the neuroleptic drugs, but she will never again have anything remotely resembling a normal life.”

WARNING [from Dr. Breggin, published on his site,]: “Most psychiatric drugs can cause withdrawal reactions, sometimes including life-threatening emotional and physical withdrawal problems. In short, it is not only dangerous to start taking psychiatric drugs, it can also be dangerous to stop them.”

“Withdrawal from psychiatric drugs should be done carefully under experienced clinical supervision. Methods for safely withdrawing from psychiatric drugs are discussed in Dr. Breggin’s book, Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and Their Families.”

I’ll offer another illustration. This one is from The Daily Mail (Feb, 7, 2008). A young woman of 25, Eleanor Longden, tells her story to reporter Claire Campbell:

“Through a drugged haze I heard the doctor’s words as he gazed down at me, lying in bed on a locked psychiatric ward, far away from my family and friends, and feeling more lost, lonely and terrified than I had ever done in my life.”

“I felt ashamed, too, as though it was my fault that I’d been diagnosed as mentally ill.”

“Getting out of bed, I stumbled to the bathroom, walking awkwardly and, to my immense embarrassment, drooling from the mouth as a result of the side-effects of the medication I had been given. I felt dazed, my thoughts confused, unable even to remember exactly how long I had been in hospital.”

“I looked at myself in the mirror and got a shock. I was scarcely able to recognise the person I saw there from the shy, 17-year-old who had left home for the first time only a few weeks before, full of excitement about her first term at university.”

“I wondered: ‘Why am I here?’ I still didn’t really understand. It was true that those first few weeks at college had been stressful for me. Like many of my fellow freshers, I had felt homesick and uncertain of myself. At school I had been diligent and conscientious.”

“Arriving at college, I felt torn between continuing to work hard or re-inventing myself as a ‘cooler’, more popular, party girl. All around me I saw other students pretending to be someone they weren’t, and the pressure of sustaining this seemed enormous.”

“But I had managed slowly to make friends, and find my way around the campus, as well as start speaking up for myself in tutorials.”

“Then one morning, out of the blue, I heard a quiet voice in my head, commenting: ‘Now she’s going to the library.’

“After that I occasionally heard the voice again. It never said anything dramatic, and I didn’t find it threatening at all.”

“I remembered having listened to a radio programme which described this experience as one that sometimes occurred to lone yachtsmen, or prisoners in solitary confinement, and put it down to loneliness.”

“Sometimes the voice was also a useful indicator to me of how I was really feeling – such as the day it sounded angry following a tutorial in which another student had unfairly criticised me.”

“After I returned to class the next day and put my point of view across more forcefully, the voice in my head once more resumed its usual calm tone. This reassured me that far from being some sinister psychiatric symptom, the phenomenon was probably no more than my own externalised thoughts.”

“But then I made the fatal mistake of confiding in a friend. I will never forget the horror in her expression as she backed away, repeating: ‘You’re hearing what?’ when I mentioned the voice.”

“She looked really scared, and told me I needed to see the college doctor as soon as possible.”

“Her reaction frightened me. I made an appointment immediately.”

“The doctor’s face became very serious at the mention of the voice, and he insisted on referring me to what he called a hospital ‘specialist’, but who turned out to be a consultant psychiatrist.”

“What I wanted and needed was to talk to someone about my feelings of anxiety and low self-esteem since I had arrived at college. But the psychiatrist kept emphasising the significance of the voice – as though we were discussing a mathematical formula in which having this experience automatically meant I must be insane.”

“Even when I talked about my work for the student television station, I could tell from her face that she thought this was fantasy.”

“I felt I walked into that room as a normal, if slightly stressed and vulnerable young girl, but left it labelled with a diagnosis of a paranoid schizophrenic, my interest in broadcasting dismissed as ‘delusional’.”

“Even at that first meeting, the consultant was already discussing with me the possibility of in-patient treatment at a psychiatric hospital.”

“She also put me straight onto a course of Risperidone [aka Risperdal], a strong antipsychotic drug whose side-effects include weight gain, involuntary tremors and difficulty in walking.”

“From that moment on, I felt cut off, alienated not only from my university friends and teachers, but from my family and upbringing. Suddenly I was no longer a middle-class, educated young woman with a bright future ahead of me, but a potentially dangerous mental patient.”

“Feeling the stigma of this, I did not tell anyone that I had been referred for weekly sessions with a psychiatric nurse, as well as further monthly appointments to see the consultant.”

“During these meetings I tried again to talk about my search for identity since leaving home. But these very ordinary feelings of adolescent insecurity were immediately interpreted as symptoms of a diseased mind. Although I didn’t believe I was mad, I trusted – as most people would – the medical view of the psychiatrist over my own instincts.”

“At my second meeting with the consultant two months later, she suggested I admit myself to hospital ‘only for three days’ to undergo tests.”

“Not wanting to worry my parents, I confided in my personal tutor, who assured me that details of the nature of my illness would be kept private.”

“I was shocked when I arrived at the psychiatric hospital, which had once been a Victorian asylum. It was very old-fashioned, with bars on the windows, double-locked doors and, to my horror, mixed wards. I was by far the youngest female patient there and I felt very vulnerable.”

“I knew straightaway this was not somewhere I would get well. Four hours after I was admitted, I tried to leave, but was coaxed into remaining by a nurse on the ward who told me: ‘Everyone feels like this at first’.”

“Over the course of the next few days, I underwent a routine brain scan, which found no evidence of abnormality, but had no therapy of any kind. I was simply given medication and left alone.”

“At the end of four days, I felt I’d had more than enough of the hospital and asked to be discharged—only to find myself under the threat of being forcibly restrained if I tried to leave.”

“I was absolutely terrified, and contacted my parents at the end of that first week to let them know where I was and ask them to come to see me.”

“But by the time my mother arrived, the effects of the drugs had started to kick in, making me confused and sleepy. I felt unable to explain properly to her why I was there or what was wrong.”

“In the meantime, the one calm voice in my head had been joined by another more strident and critical voice. Over the course of the next few weeks, the number of voices, some now male as well as female, and far more frightening, gradually increased until finally there were 12.”

“Of these, by far the most dominant—and demonic—was the threatening tone of a man. At first, it was only his voice I heard. But one night during my second month in hospital, I awoke to a hallucination of him standing by my bed, hugely tall and swathed in black, a hook where his hand should have been—like a character from a horror film.”

“I thought this was the result of the drugs I had been taking and of my distress at being confined in hospital. But the consultant convinced me this was a further symptom of paranoid schizophrenia. I stared at my reflection in the mirror, wondering if it might be true that I was mad.”

“I felt as if I was trapped in a nightmare. Having needed nothing more than reassurance about my normal feelings of insecurity after having left home, I was now labelled as a schizophrenic, drugged and confined to a locked ward.”

“Yet inside I still felt sane. I knew I had to get out of hospital before I started to see myself as a mental patient. Each time a nurse asked me if I thought there was anything wrong with me, I had answered ‘No’. This was clearly not what they wanted to hear.”

“Now I decided to try answering ‘Yes’ and see what happened. As soon as I began acquiescing to treatment, taking all my medication and agreeing to do what I was told, I was finally allowed to return to college.”

“After three months in hospital, I went back to university—a very different and far more disturbed student than when I had left. As a result of the side-effects of my drug treatment, my weight had ballooned from 9st to 15st.”

“I also suffered from constant trembling and a stumbling walk.” [drug-effects]

“I still don’t know how the other students found out where I’d been, but they obviously had. Within a week of my return, my door in the halls of residence had been defaced with graffiti and I had been spat at on my way to a lecture.”

“Worst of all was the tutorial where, after I’d had an essay criticised by a tutor, another student leant across to me and whispered: ‘That’s finished you off, psycho!’”

“I ran back to my room in tears, staying there for the next few days and feeling I wanted to hide from the world.”

“In the meantime, the dominant demonic voice became even more horrific, telling me the only way I would ever get better was if I agreed to follow his instructions.”

“These included not only self-harming but also cutting off my hair. He threatened terrible punishments, such as burning my room down, if I refused.”

“Desperate for some peace, I started to obey his bizarre instructions. Word now got round the university that I was behaving oddly, talking to imaginary people and cutting my arms.”

“Walking through the student bar one night, a group of students mockingly suggested I stub a cigarette out on my forearm. When I did it, they cheered.”

“I felt defeated and demoralised, no longer caring whether I lived or died.”

“At my next appointment with the consultant, I said I thought my medication was making the voices worse, and asked if I could stop taking it. But she insisted I had to continue.”

“When I admitted that I felt suicidal as a result of the way I was being bullied at college, she sent me back to hospital for a further seven week[s].”

“For the next four months I struggled on at university, as well as having another two brief psychiatric admissions. By the time the summer vacation arrived, I knew I could not carry on battling both against the voices and the cruelty of the students.”

“I returned home to my parents, my self-confidence totally destroyed.”

“My parents were wonderful—really supportive—but confused, because there was no history of mental illness in my family.”

“Over the course of the next few months, I was referred to the local psychiatric services in Bradford. My first appointment was with a male psychiatrist called Pat Bracken, who I later found out had worked with men and women tortured and raped in Uganda, and with child soldiers in Sierra Leone and Liberia.”

“He asked me why I had come to see him and I replied obediently: ‘I am 18 and I am a paranoid schizophrenic’.”

“Later on in my treatment, Pat told me he thought my answer was the saddest statement he had ever heard from a young girl—but at the time all he said was: ‘Tell me what you think would help you’.”

“I asked him to reduce my medication. To my amazement, he agreed immediately.”

“We talked about the voices and he suggested I stop seeing them as a symptom of mental illness and start looking on them as a way of finding out about myself. This encouraged me to tell him about my first experience of the female voice.”

“Up until now everyone had treated me as if I was completely passive, but Pat showed me a way of helping myself to get better.”

“Over the course of the next seven months I saw Pat for regular weekly sessions, gradually reducing my medication until I stopped the drugs completely.”

“During this time, I discovered that if I engaged with the voices, they became less frequent. I also learnt to challenge the more threatening voice, refusing to do what it told me and telling myself it was no more than a symbol of my own externalised anger.”

“One by one the voices gradually disappeared, until I was only occasionally hearing one.”

“Three years on, I am healthy, happy and perfectly stable. Schizophrenia is a frightening and misleading label which stigmatises people. While the doctors insist I was schizophrenic, I don’t know if the label really applied to me.”

“I think, like many young people leaving home for the very first time, I was stressed and unhappy. Going to university, and the lack of support there, tipped me over the edge. All I ever did was hear voices.”

“Now I have learned how to deal with them.”

“I am now studying for a doctorate in clinical psychology, as well as working on a medical team that helps teenagers suffering from the sudden onset of psychosis.”

“I often wonder what would have happened to me if I hadn’t found a psychiatrist who understood how to treat me.”

“If I do hear a voice now, I am no longer frightened because I understand why it’s happening. My mother’s signal for knowing she’s stressed is an attack of migraine. Mine is the voices.”

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

—Children, adolescents, and adults have problems. Those problems arise from many different sources, and they come in all shapes and sizes. Severe nutritional deficits, toxic environmental chemicals, drugs, abuse at home, parents not present, poverty, bullying, hostile crime-ridden neighborhoods, peer pressure, grossly inadequate education, etc.



In a very real sense, the entire profession of psychiatry is a mind-control operation.

It has invaded college campuses. It has spread across all sectors of the country and the world.

It is eating societies and cultures from the inside.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

66 comments on “The number-one mind-control program at US colleges

  1. Dana Doran says:

    I disagree. I am 63. Three years ago I graduated from UW Bothell. During the two years I spent completing my degree I found that the “mind control” is in the form of the lectures from professors who insist that white men are responsible for all cultural conflicts, that white people can’t know how downtrodden minorities are and that Antonio Gramsci’s version of socialism is the solution. Moreover, the national debt is just an illusion as such it is a lie that it must be repaid. These “core values” are included in classes that are required indoctrination to graduate – and generally the final project must be group work – so that we’re all “on the same page.” However, I found that 90% of students do not complete their assignments until after midnight the night before it’s do – so serious students pick up the slack or work alone allowing their cohorts to take credit for work they didn’t do….this is 100% of the time. And, it falls right into that Gramsci thing… work – group think – power to the people – protest. I’m not doubting what you are saying, but the indoctrination at college level could be bringing on the symptoms that lead to false diagnosis.

    • n3angus says:

      Its obvious that the ” Indoctrination process” that the colleges are using is to organize the individuals mind to except the idea of Communism . Then the globalists can implement the Central Government idea and impose the kind of restrictions that they will say is for slowing global warming but actually is to reduce the human rate of consumption and reverse the life expectancy of humans to bring on depopulation . Communism has always led to depopulation , and thats what these globalists want . Watch this to see into the mind of a globalists , the founder of Green Peace ,

      • bob klinck says:

        “are using”? Worse, have been using, to my certain knowledge as a student, for at least 45 years. We are now witnessing the culmination of the program in the form of armies of young people whose mentalities are circumscribed by the ‘trigger words’ of communist dialectics: the Red Guards of America.

        • Mike says:

          Was Marx an outright stooge for the banksters of the mid-19th century and Fin de Siecle? Leaving aside his career-long sponsorship by ‘capitalist’ Engels, it “is clear that the Manifesto was a curio, noted [only] very occasionally, and not a point of reference- and certainly not a ‘theoretical’ point of reference- for anyone… [Marx & Engels] quickly moved on to other things, notably [propagating] mass-media revolutionary journalism- [and] did not look back very much” (Carver, 2015, 69). “That kind of activity- polemical intervention into ongoing political situations- was really where Marx’s heart was. Such brief notoriety as Marx had at the time during the 1850’s and 1860’s was due to his guilt by association with the convicted revolutionaries, but among the exiles of course it was a red badge of courage. But famous, or a ‘theorist’, he was not…. For Marx the exposure of a police spy… was of the utmost importance, and it fits with his previous form as a pamphleteer. He moved from cause to issue to personalities to critique… and had been doing so since the early 1840’s…. In the special preface to the ‘feature’ edition of the Manifesto in 1872- which [both] Marx and Engels were pressed into writing- they sound really rather bemused about the re-publication of the somewhat scrappy little work…. this long-forgotten flash-off-the-press…”- Carver, ). “The Manifesto in Marx’s and Engels Lifetimes.” In The Cambridge Companion to The Communist Manifesto, T. Carver & J. Farr, eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, 310 pp., pp. 67-84.2015, 70.
          All of Marx’s family- eight siblings, one wife, seven children- were dead long before the outbreak of the Russian Revolution; of his 3 children that had survived to adulthood, 2 daughters killed themselves, childless.

    • Michael Houst says:

      “serious students pick up the slack or work alone allowing their cohorts to take credit for work they didn’t do”

      I hated all group projects. Even in business and the real world, it’s always the few who do the work, while the many parasitize them.

  2. Robert L Wachsmuth sr says:

    The Government loves to Poison us to make you feel like you have a Mental Disease , living in the Future like Soylent Green Doctors EATING OUR FLESH and Drinking our Blood . Post all Health care Complaints Here no other place ,all Complaints will be CENSORED .

  3. jerzdebil says:

    All part of the synagogue of satans war against humanity. In finance, health care, education, you name it – they seek to enslave and destroy humanity. Hopefully WW3 will wipe them from the face of the earth so we can have 1000 years of peace.

  4. Wow. Good article. We send our young people off to be led and instructed by others we don’t even know. They are vulnerable. And their is too many drugs available. Like what? The universe made us but doesn’t supply us with most things?

    Hey, I’m a nurse and I know medicine works and I also know money is overspent. Overabundance. People want help, especially if they feel low or depressed. And psychosis, well, I worked at a hospital and people definitely need treatment, mostly short term.

    However, I feel the almighty buck has risen over doctors heads and the profit driven pharma with insurance rules. I often wondered why Robin Williams who suffered depression for years killed himself after being put on a new medication? Could it be the new pill that tipped him over the edge? We will probably never know.

    Keep reporting. You are a flower next to the lazy river up against the mountain but we need you. We need to find balance not profit. Thanks.

    • n3angus says:

      The profit system was designed to promote a expanding source of supply . But today the elite are working to change the idea of supply growth to keep up with population growth over to a communist Zero Growth ideology like the founder of Green Peace says we need to do .

      • I’m not sure I understand all that. Thank you for the comment. Sounds like no one is ever happy, correct? I just think too many chemicals is too many chemicals & making everyone have a diagnosis is unhealthy to say the least. Can we just live w good n bad days n be supportive?

        • Tim says:

          “Can we just live w good n bad days n be supportive?” This is the heart of the matter, appropriate support care so the innate recuperative powers can do their magic. No need for the snake oil meds.

        • n3angus says:

          Caroline here is another example of how our Ruling class is thinking and is proof as to why we see the mind control of our young to transform how society will live in the near future , Earth’s Population Limit Exceeded, White House Adviser Says ,

        • n3angus says:

          Caroline , regarding Robin Williams , here is a article that has a paragraph or 2 that explains why suicide is becoming a act celebrated….more evidence of mind control for a specific outcome …. But today, it’s even worse than society simply refusing to judge suicide – increasingly, society implicitly celebrates suicide, treating it effectively as a legitimate lifestyle choice. That Daily Mirror article which in the wake of Robin Williams’ death said suicide is ‘NOT selfish’ went even further – it described people who commit suicide in response to feelings of depression as ‘incredibly brave’ and ‘unbelievably selfless’. In short, suicide can be a moral good. This view has received social and governmental sanction in recent years through the legalisation of assisted suicide – or ‘the right to die’ – in more and more Western nations. Today, not only does society refuse to judge suicide – it actually aids and abets suicide, providing to its citizens something which Aldous Huxley only fantasised about in Brave New World: ‘suicide buildings’ in which an individual who wants off this mortal coil is actively assisted by officialdom.

          In some European countries, one of the legitimate criterion for being granted an assisted suicide is that you are ‘tired of life’. ‘Tired of life’ – that sad phrase captures very well what is motoring today’s separation of suicide from moral judgement and the creeping treatment of suicide as possibly good, possibly brave. It is society-in-general’s tiredness with life, its disillusionment with humanity, which has led to the ringfencing of suicide from moral criticism. Ours is an era in which humanity is seen as a burden, as an ugly ‘eco-footprint’ on the planet, as a usurper of nature and waster of resources; in which the birth of more babies leads to doom-mongering about out-of-control population growth and in which the medicine-assisted breakthrough of longer life leads to handwringing about a ‘silver tsunami’ of grasping old people taking up too much space and stuff. It isn’t only some individuals who are ‘tired of life’ – society itself now frequently expresses a sense of exhaustion with life, with humanity, with the human project itself, and this has unquestionably contributed to the rehabilitation of suicide as an understandable and possibly even legitimate act.

          • robertwachsmuth says:


          • n3angus says:

            Its part of their plan to De-populated earth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • n3angus says:

      Caroline listen to the Green Peace Founder here in this TED forum , it will explain why we see the mind control of our young to except the Communist Collective ideology by the Ruling class of societies around the world ,

  5. This is so tragic. Young lives being wasted through medical fraud. Thank you, Jon for speaking out.

  6. Joy says:

    I discovered this TED Talk by Eleanor Longden several years ago.

    She is very compelling and, hopefully, may be helping many other young people who “hear voices” to understand it is not from “mental illness.” How ironic, however, in light of what Jon is presenting here, that she has gone into “clinical psychology.” But then, sometimes we have to live in the camp of the enemy in order to bring hope and assistance to the victims.

    How many of the young people who are mindlessly joining in the riots labeled as “protests” now are in this camp? How sad that this is intentionally and viciously planned and executed by those who hide in the shadows!

  7. Diogenes Shrugged says:

    Hopefully those students own shares of stock in the pharmaceutical companies they’re supporting.

  8. John says:

    I would be curious to know the statistics, if there is a correlation between the legalization of marijuana and students being diagnosed with mental illnesses specifically within the state of Colorado. Would these mental illnesses be much higher in Colorado right now than in other states?

    Sounds like a job for an investigative reporter. Oops I forgot, they hardly exist in the media of today. The only reporting which is done today involves inventing false narratives, showing selective outrage and promoting left wing liberal propaganda.

    Just try to create an inverse reality and a mindless population which will exist within an insulated bubble where snowflakes just move aimlessly in a hypnotic daze. Forever floating untouched in the land of “safe spaces” and liberal delusion.

    • artemisix says:

      I don’t smoke, never have, here in Washington state it is legal…. what i have observed is this….. Cigarette smoke is now, almost totally replaced by the sweet smell of weed, which i much prefer. So any study would best be done in relationship to illness no longer caused from cigarettes. THEN add any paranoia, removing those with a previous paranoid tendency. Weed, in its healing forms ( phoenix tears, fresh raw leaves) has always been a huge threat to big pharma…..and a threat to the paper, and textiles industries… is a tremendously empowering plant as the original colonists KNEW…..

  9. Ken says:

    I would venture to say that virtually all the perpetrators of mass murder were under the influence of some form of psychotropic drug at the time but the fakestream news would never report this. Rest assured if they tested positive for marijuana they would be all over that. As Chris Hedges so eloquently puts it we now live in a society where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, and banks destroy economies

    • morris kaplan says:

      All American legislation and all judicial decisions have been and are influenced directly by alcohol, tobacco, gun powder etc.powders. all psychotropic and legal for adults. it is a sign of his character that our president is free of those drugs…although he is rumored to be a diet soda addict/aficionado. sweet soda is psychotropic and more so for some people when they contain caffeine. american food and drink create a psychotic rabble looking for their next fix!

  10. Ario says:

    What about V2K (voice to skull technology)?

  11. floridaborne says:

    Excellent and well written.

    The number of people with hypothyroid who are diagnosed with depression is alarming.

  12. Tim says:

    More on the vaccines problem, just found this interview + transcript, Guns and butter:

    Vaccines: threads of corruption.

    Attorney Alan Phillips, whose practice specializes in vaccine exemption law, lays out the case for legislative activism to counter the wave of coercive state legislation mandating extensive vaccination of children, and the elimination of choice. The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act freed the vaccine industry of accountability and created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. The corruption of science and research is discussed, as well as the unconstitutionality of many state vaccine laws.

  13. Nicole says:

    Great story from the girl who experienced it. There are huge differences in the symptoms of people who get classified as ‘schizophrenic,’ and I had forgotten how it was, how people saw it, when merely hearing one rather benign voice in your head was practically a death sentence. It was a sign that you were doomed, that you had this horrible incurable disease. Some people hear only one little voice, make the mistake of confiding in the wrong person, and go down the same road that girl went down. Other people are diagnosed as schizophrenic even though they have totally different symptoms. I’ve grown so accepting of my own experiences with hearing voices that I had forgotten all about how other people usually see it, how psychiatrists respond to it, how the general public sees it – in the beginning I saw it the way they did.

  14. Greg C. says:

    Great article. The psychiatric diagnosis alone is enough to drive a person ever deeper into letting go of their autonomy. The meds are just reverse placebos that confirm with every dose that the person is fundamentally broken, adrift, at the mercy of their feelings.

    Universities used to be all about exploration of the cream of human experience, to assist a person stepping into adulthood to evaluate the thoughts of others and formulate their own, to become self-confident and creative. Now they have become indoctrination camps where you you must surrender your autonomy to their dogma.

  15. James says:

    I’ve experienced first hand the damage these drugs can do. My wife, over the course of 16 years was prescribed various SSRI drugs for anxiety. The last psychiatric drug she was on was Effexor and it turned her into an out of control alcoholic. After years of struggling with alcohol addiction, we discovered that addiction to illicit drugs and alcohol brought on by the use of Effexor were common in about 1 in 20 patients. After a period of brutal withdrawal symptoms (called ‘discontinuation syndrome’ by the medical establishment) and 6 months of recovery after stopping the Effexor, she hasn’t thought once about ever drinking, or using pain pills again. A night and day difference and absolute horror brought on by a psychiatric drug.

    • arcadia11 says:

      that you made it through such terrible adversity is a testament to the power of the individual. thank you for sharing. and for not giving up.
      if i had a blog i would have a section devoted to such success stories are yours. anyone stepping outside of the box successfully – from overcoming addictions to giving up police state devices such as cell phones, natural healing, taking kids out of pubic school, refusing vaccines etc.
      lol. the more i think about it the more i like it.

  16. Though I have read most of it substantively before, “gold star” post, Jon.

    Your opening paragraphs I find faultless.


  17. georgeallen2007 says:

    Atheism is the number one problem on campus, across America, and around the world.

  18. Chris Rasmussen says:

    Hello Jon,

    A duck is a rocket ship? I have to tell you that your sense of humor is perfect! I love it. One of my favorite things is reading the latest, most hilarious, comments that you carefully add in along with your astonishing perception of our ‘reality.’

    I am a physician (anesthesiology) and I have a Master’s Degree in traditional Chinese medicine as well. I got to witness the fools that prescribed as many as five serotonergic drugs to my older brother (a genius), and to eventually kill him after lobotomizing him for 20 years with their ‘drugs.’

    By the time he died, he was unrecognizable. These poisons made him incredibly fat and sick. And the useful idiots that prescribed these drugs simply could not see the complete destruction of yet another patient. They need to be put on these same meds and see how they like it.

    I cannot help but recoil when I think of all of the poor folks that have been hijacked by these strange and frightening drugs. All in the name of practicing psychiatry! WOW, has medicine changed!

    Sadly you are one of only a few, select few, that ‘get’s it.’

    Moreover, your fund of knowledge is truly remarkable. I have read most of Breggin’s work and you are spot on.

    I guess this is what happens when the totally discredited lickspittle of Big Pharma, psychiatry, gets its fat, greasy fingers into another area to ruin.

    Modern psychiatry is a frightening entity. If you don’t have an advocate in your camp, they’ll destroy you. Here’s how it works: Fill him up with atypical antipsychotics, add several because more is better. Be sure that the indication is weak like using these to treat anxiety. Then throw in amphetamine. Especially if you are hypertensive which your meds are making you. Of course, this is all perfectly safe since they never interact in the brain (or heart, or anywhere else). (Creating new, exotic chemistry). Ahh, whatever right? They don’t care.

    Psychiatry is the most dangerous specialty we now have and I am embarrassed to be a fellow physician.

    The next disaster is the joke we call immunization. Don’t you love how the CDC has simply replaced contagious diseases with chronic, neurological and autoimmune diseases? Oh, wait, I forgot to mention neurodegeneration.

    I have just completed a book on vaccine harms too.

    […] It’s title: You’re Next, Lies, Corruption and the Dirty Business of Vaccines.

    […] it’s available on Amazon, etc.

    Thanks much. Keep writing!

  19. morris kaplan says:

    “In truth, the ‘chemical imbalance’ notion was always a kind of urban legend — never a theory seriously propounded by well-informed psychiatrists.”
    Boom…ha ha ha! well informed psychiatrists! ha ha ha!
    actually/factually orthomolecular medicine explains the behavior aberrations that occur from birth trauma, be it natural(like breech birth) or unnatural, like vaccines.
    pharmaceutical drugs are used to cover symptoms in either case. additionally…intoxicating food
    and drink create psychiatric conditions that require interventions. case in point;
    wheat(even organic) and wheat products, especially beer, create schizophrenic type of symptoms.
    tracing the role of wheat in human history shows the inextricable connection with authoritarian rulership models from sumer and egypt, thru rome and brittania, and now the u.s. and world addiction to wheat. ciliac disease is the tip of the iceberg of gluten/wheat allergy and patients with this dx are more likely to have psychiatric problems than the general population.
    sad fact is…we have a big mess…here and there and everywhere.
    no one is coming to clean our house and yard. we will live with it or fix it ourselves.
    all of the great authorities that pontificate on life and death issues…most of the so called ‘doctors’
    are not ‘teachers’ as their name implies! they lie! the more money they acquire…the greater their
    fire for all the worldly desires.
    question is…what effect does a scimitar hanging over ones neck have on mental condition?
    not to mention he guns, bombs, rockets with chemical and biological capabilities;
    fukushima diichi nuclear plant meltdown is now killing the planet!
    so there really is no hope for this material realm!
    come back in a couple of million years when the radiation has dispersed. ha ha ha
    good news is…me/we are indestructible!!!
    so act like it! stop whinning!

  20. topcat1957 says:

    Just because there is no blood test doesn’t mean there are no tests. Attention Deficit Disorder can be diagnosed at least a couple of ways.
    First, administering the WAIS IQ test. Patients will ADD will show significant differences in the subscores for categories which require multi tasking. This is definitive.
    These categories are easily determined via pet scans which show brain activity in real time during mental activities.
    Second, using pet scans themselves show definitive differences between ADD patients and normal patients.
    PET scans are expensive and thus not ordinarily used to diagnose, but IQ tests are easy to administer.
    MY point is that ADD is a real condition.

    I don’t doubt that colleges are contributing to emotional instability and to students learning and adopting negative coping and social skills. They learn to be victims and to demand that others behave differently.
    People who cannot control their emotions have to control other people’s behavior. And colleges seem to be teaching and rewarding emotional instability.

  21. prof77 says:

    Jon – As a college professor I witness several students each term who will work twice as hard, devoting twice as many hours, as it would take to do an assignment, in order to find someone or something to blame for why they “couldn’t” do an assignment–and why they should get credit for the assignment anyway.

    Another student tactic, in addition to blaming “diagnosed” mental disabilities, is to blame why they “couldn’t” do an assignment on someone who is “discriminating against them.” Supposedly it’s that person’s fault that they “couldn’t” do their assignment(s). (Is this the modern variation of “the dog ate my homework”?)

    As faculty members, my colleagues and I go out of our way to help any student and to give them a second or third chance–even if it means expending tremendous effort to help them. Then, to our dismay, they often don’t show up for makeup exams, or they miss extended due dates, etc. At that point they repeat the process for why it’s not their fault–and why they should get credit for the assignment anyway.

    Some students have gotten good at this.

    As faculty we know that if a student files a claim that we somehow, supposedly, discriminated against them then, even if the claim is an obvious fraud: the administration has to back the student; a witch hunt inquisition has to be launched; endless paperwork and meetings have to be demanded; and one’s job and reputation are put at risk. As a result many faculty today tend to throw up their hands and capitulate–and shamefully pass such students rather than endure the alternative.

    I appreciate your blog!

    Cheers – prof77

  22. Gina Kreuzer says:

    I read this article with a combination of shock and horror. The side-effects mentioned with some of these drugs is horrifying. Equally shocking tho is a claim that no mental illness really exists, and give examples of college bound students going thru a bit of adult-bound turmoil. Hhmm, really.

    I have four sons, one of whom was diagnosed at 9 with bipolar disorder. Now, he had only been acting severely homicidal & suicidal for a couple years, as well as severe mood swings, unable to sleep, violent, and all without any drugs. Of course, his behavior had always been towards the extreme. Most kids don’t get kicked out of day-care for extreme violence at the tender age of 1 1/2yrs old. By the time I took him to a psychiatrist, life has been unbearable for all in the family, including my tormented son.

    Same with a friend’s son, who at an early age, is violent, addicted to porn (all electronics must be inaccessible), sexually aggressive, constantly fascinated with and drawing extreme violence, addicted to strangling himself, molests his younger sister, suspended from school numerous times for sexual & aggressive problems, etc, etc, etc. All without drugs.

    So, pray tell, what might THEIR problems really be?? We have lived with these children and seen their misery, and inability to lead an even semi-normal life, as well as have their extreme behaviors disrupt all around them. WHAT should we do? Tell them it’s all in their head’, as my 8 year was slamming his head repeatedly into the wall screaming he wanted to die, all started because my bacon looked more crisp than his. So tell me Wise Sir, was it or poor parenting of 1 of each of our 4 children that caused this??

    I agree, mental health issues are extremely over-diagnosed, but after living with this for over 20 years, I’d say you better have a good explanation for our child’s extreme behavior. And what shall we do to help them, because I do worry every day, about the medicines my son takes. But at least now, his life and moods are tenable.

    • mad says:

      I have to say something you dont want to hear but i think its because your child and your friends child have been vaccinated, these cause neurilogical damage to the brain, these vaccines contain mercury and alluminium which are damaging to the brain. Have you watched on youtube Dr Rebbecca Carley, the title is weapons of mass destruction. We are being lied to on unpresidented level that is difficult to comprehend. Please do independent research and dont believe government or corporations as they work together, its all about the money. Good luck !!!

  23. John N Dziennik Jr says:

    More peple die from legally prescribed drugs than illegal drugs. 105k deaths/yr from prescription drugs (JAMA), not mentioning deaths from illegaly obtained prescription drugs. 15k deaths/yr. (Mortality weekly) from illegal drugs. Both have criminal side effects which lead to death.
    Spending on persciption drugs has increased from $40bil. in 1990 to $240bil. in 2008. (Public Citizens Health Research Group) This show the growing influence the pharmaceutical industry has on U.S. citizens and our government. My sister works in health care and says most people expect to be cured by taking a pill rather than through diet and exersize.
    Your article is good but with the heading ” Mind control” comes off as having conspiracy theorist leanings. I’d like to think that parents send their children off to college with an opened mind. Question the things they hear, do research, and explore all options. How they turn out is up to themselves. JD

  24. Jon;

    I follow you and relate positively to just about everything you offer.

    I see a flaw in part of your article.

    There is a plague of dangerous prescriptions and questionable diagnoses when it comes to mental health issues.

    I want to revisit something you wrote near the end of the article:

    “Children, adolescents, and adults have problems. Those problems arise from many different sources, and they come in all shapes and sizes. Severe nutritional deficits, toxic environmental chemicals, drugs, abuse at home, parents not present, poverty, bullying, hostile crime-ridden neighborhoods, peer pressure, grossly inadequate education, etc.”

    You have reported admirably on the horrors of vaccines. Within than discussion; we know there is a very real illness known as autism. The quote I included parallels the likelihood autism is partially – or wholly – environmentally induced.

    My position is that there are real mental health conditions; and they are treatable.

    Deep Brain Stimulation – in most cases – instantly improves the mood of majorly depressed patients.

    I’ve been researching Dr Rick Doblin of M.A.P.S work using psychedelics. You may know Amber Lyon – or of her – and her experiences with Ayahuasca. Holotropic Breathwork has been used to induce an hallucinogenic state.

    All the research with very short term psychedelics accompanied with psychotherapy has phenomenal results with very “ill” people suffering major depressive disorder, PTSD and addictions.

    Those treatments are what I think are valid, non invasive, ultra-short term, non toxic and very effective.

    To “know” what causes SOME – not every diagnosed individual for sure – people to be so mentally ill is very likely unproven. But to dismiss every single mentally ill person as not ill is wrong Jon.

    Please review the information I provided on psychedelics. Please understand that – as you stated in the quote I provided – there are valid reasons for someone’s brain to malfunction and present as a very unhappy, unfocused, upset individual. It’s not all bad science.

  25. DJohn says:

    You mention the Colorado shooting, Sandy Hook and the Naval Yard shooting. If you investigate these incidents away from the mainstream, you’ll see that they were all intelligence false flag operations. In the case of Colorado and Naval Yard the perpetrators were mk ultra targeted individuals, drugged and mind controlled to commit murder.
    In the case of Sandy Hook there is plenty of evidence that it was a completely staged operation in which no one was killed and the perpetrator was a fictional composite. All to justify an attack on the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Obama milked this false flag for all it’s worth.

  26. prof77 says:

    Tetra – Unfortunately, (as you imply) there are students with “real” mental disabilities, and (as I imply) there are students with “fake” mental disabilities. Anecdotally, it appears that there has been a huge upswing in the latter category. The point is that there are students who will go to such extremes to avoid doing assignments that they will even seek out a “mental disability” diagnosis if that’s what it takes to game the system and/or escape responsibility for not doing an assignment. – prof77

  27. henry says:

    I wonder if the mind of a crazy person is working properly but their conceptual structure in their mind has been scrambled or if their conceptual structure is OK but the processing of new information is somehow defective.

    I’ve talked to psychologists at parties about how they got started in their career. Every one that I talked to told me that they were trying to cope with their own mental problems. Maybe the reason that psychiatrists give harmful drugs to people that they know will not be helped by them is because the psychiatrists are insane.

    • arcadia11 says:

      likely so. crazy controlling people are drawn to professions where they can freely exercise their fantasies – all institutions are manned by them;
      government, medicine, education, religion, law….that’s what makes institutionalization so
      scary and dangerous : – o

  28. John says:

    This a great article, college students and adults should read it and discuss it together. Parents and children should read it all together and reflect on it:

    Don’t give up on it, it is very long article but well worth your time, the end of the article in particular is very important. What liberalism and political correctness have done to children and their minds today is a crime. The repercussions are now felt throughout our society. Stop the madness on college campuses. Stop coddling the snowflakes.

  29. Supportthetruth says:

    Informed people need to unite, defend and spread important truths:

  30. At some point these kids will need critical thinking skills to survive.

  31. Paula says:

    My mother suffered from hallucinations and severe bouts of what to call it I am not sure, but she had breaks with reality, extreme anxiety and inability to care for herself for extended periods throughout my childhood. She would engage in ritualistic behavior and repeat calmimg phrases to herself. She would wear strange things such as, (and I am not making this up) tin foil and rubber bands. She was in many medications. This all started when she was quarantined for TB in the 1960s. She was in medical jail for almost a year. During that time she was in massive antibiotics and tranquilizers as they called them. She had terrible drug withdrawal upon release. To make a long story shorter, she healed herself many years later with diet and exercise and meaningful work. Bam! No more drugs. True story. Someday I will have to write a book ✌????️

  32. Bob Clem says:

    In my experience , it has been this unnatural conditioning to submit to authority, that has left me unable to comprehend people’s inability to accept their own ability to reason .
    Even in grade school , many parents myself included, were told that our children should be checked for ADHD, and of course they obeyed and subsequently diagnosed as such, however I had gained custody of my son because his mother had rejected him in favor of her new husband along with his drinking, even though I insisted that this was something I could handle they continued to hound me with having him diagnosed, even threatening to suspend him and insinuating that I could face charges for not having him in attendance. Eventually I gave in when they did suspend him for vague behavioral issues and I was forced to give in .
    Having taken him to a psychologist in the hope of keeping him off medication to which the psycogists initially agreed , but rejected by the school they insisted that he be on medication and the threats resumed , after much convincing by my psychologist , I started him on what were at that time alternatives to Ritalin, the nightmare was taking on a whole new dimension as he had severe reactions to any of these meds, but not severe enough ,I kept the prescription and the therapy but I did not give it to him the school again insisted I let them administer the meds , this all resulted in me changing schools and moving, which had no effect , I met the same resistance the same profiling and the same threats over something that I have learned has no medical or scientific validity , drug free therapy was not an option and no one took my side.
    Now tell me the whole world is not under the control of this self appointed authority system that you people have willingly submitted to.

    • Bob Clem says:

      Incidently my son had no issues whatsoever while at home and and has had none since graduating, even though this incident continued for nine years.
      I owe this to the fact that I kept him off the medication.

  33. marc davis says:

    My father always used to laugh and say “what did they do back in the good ole days before they had Ritalin…….THEY DISCIPLINED/SPANKED their children and MADE THEM BEHAVE.”

  34. robertwachsmuth says:


  35. robertwachsmuth says:


  36. andycandydandy says:

    Satans henchman is dead,rot in hell david rockefeller.

  37. Sink Chicken says:

    Is not possible to deny a concealed carry permit to anyone who has had mental problems?
    Could 25% of the next generation be denied their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms for taking psycho meds during college?

  38. redpillmamma says:

    Reblogged this on RedPillMamma and commented:
    Have we raised an entire generation of victims? So it seems. Sadly these young people will end up deeply in debt with useless degrees and an attitude that will make many of them unemployable in the real world. Stephan Molyneaux points out however that the pendulum will soon swing the other way. As the Student loan bubble collapses so will the colleges pumping out these snowflakes.

  39. Albert says:

    Has it never occurred to these geniuses that there is NO SUCH THING as “sanity”?
    Everybody is insane.

  40. bob klinck says:

    “They are in harness.” A great description of our wonderful “free” society as a whole, Jon. Gotta hustle for some of that money that the banking system creates out of nothing. If instead money was flowed into the economy ab initio via the population as a whole, say through the issuance of regular, debt-free, universal dividend payments to all citizens, then the visions of freedom and democracy might have a semblance of reality. What we have now is a financial straitjacket.

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