Do Chicago gang thugs want to stage a revolution with Trump?

Do Chicago gang thugs want to stage a revolution with Trump?

by Jon Rappoport

February 1, 2017

A story out of CBS Local in Chicago (youtube) suggests that gangs in the city want to lower the body count, believe they can, and want to work with Trump on it.

The gangs didn’t have faith in Obama; they do have respect for Trump.

Chicago is Gang Murder Central in the US.

CBS: “The founder and pastor of a megachurch in Ohio told President Donald Trump he has spoken to gang leaders in Chicago who want to work with the White House to reduce violent crime.”

“Dr. Darrell Scott, senior pastor of New Revival Center in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, was a guest of Trump’s at an African-American History Month meeting at the White House. He said he is a ‘black Trump supporter’, and claimed he was ‘contacted by some of the top gang thugs in Chicago for a sit-down’.”

“Taking a swipe at former President Obama, who began his political career as a community organizer in Chicago, Scott said the gangs ‘want to work with the administration … they believe in this administration; they didn’t believe in the prior administration. They told me this outta their mouths’.”

“’They reached out to me [Reverend Scott], because they’re associating me with you [Trump]. They respect you. They believe in what you’re doing, and they want to have a sit-down about lowering that body count. So in a couple weeks, I’m going into Chicago,’ Scott said. ‘I said we’ve got to lower that body count. We don’t want to talk about anything else; get that body count down, and they [gang members] agreed that the principals that can do it – these are guys straight from the streets, no politicians, straight street guys – but they’re going to commit that if they lower that body count, we’ll come in and we’ll do some social programs’.”

“Trump said, ‘I think that’s a great idea, because Chicago is totally out of control’.”

“Chicago had more than 760 murders in 2016, the highest number in 19 years. The first month of 2017 saw that trend continue, with 51 homicides in January, one more than January 2016.”

“Scott said the gang members who reached out to him want to work with Trump.”

“’They see hope with you [Trump]’, he said.”

“Trump said, ‘I think that’s great’.”

Several points here.

One: If these gang members are in the upper echelon, they can definitely lower the body count in Chicago.

Two: It’s easy to understand why the gangs didn’t have faith in Obama and do have some respect for Trump. Obama was a venal poser. He never approached the gang problem with effective action while he was in office. Trump is a deal maker. What’s being called for here is a deal. Trump sees gang killings in inner cities as a reality that has to be faced. No doubt, Trump’s recent threat to send federal law-enforcement people into Chicago caused gang members to sit down and think a little.

Three: the gang notion of lowering the body count in return for social programs injected into neighborhoods is off the mark. What’s actually needed is jobs. And one of the prime solutions is already in Chicago. It’s there. As in: THERE. It just needs to be expanded. I’ve written about this before, especially in my open letter to Steve Bannon, Trump’s idea man:

“On a search engine, type in ‘urban farms Chicago.’ You’ll see there is actually a directory of such operations. They’re happening. Local people are growing and eating their own food. Some of this food can also be sold for profit. MONEY. JOBS.

“There should be many, many small urban farms…Plots of land where local residents grow and trade and eat their own fresh, clean, nutritious food. It is a revolutionary act.”

“The government provides initial funding in the form of loans. The residents themselves will expand their operations into profit-making ventures; they’ll sell the excess food.”

Get it? It’s not brain surgery. It’s there, for anyone to see. Turn the inner city neighborhoods of Chicago—the gang war zones—into many, many small urban farms.

Can the gangs deal with that?

Can they actually help this program succeed? Can they stop killing people long enough to work on something that lifts people up instead of depositing them into streets with bullets in their bodies?

Can they see that people growing, eating, and selling their own clean, fresh, nutritious food is far better than people selling drugs that destroy lives? That would be a reach.

Can they at least lower the body count and otherwise stand aside and let the inner-city residents of Chicago elevate their lives?

And just as important, can the people of Chicago brush aside the race hustlers and Soros-funded troops and so-called local leaders who have a stake in more death and destruction in the city’s slums? The leaders who thrive, like leeches, on things NOT working out?

A transformation is there, waiting to happen.

It’s not pie in the sky. It’s food in the ground.

Exit From the Matrix

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Finally, who is Reverend Darrell Scott, the pastor of a congregation in Cleveland? Does he really have the ear of gang leaders in Chicago? Have they really told him they’re ready to lower the body count in their neighborhoods? Is Scott positioned to be the middle-man in serious negotiations involving the president of the United States?

Regardless, the solution for inner cities equals reducing the power of the gang scourge; and it equals jobs. Urban farms would be a direct-line bootstrap operation, open to every resident. Food, health, money.

Previous administrations in Washington have never considered it.

Will this one?

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

38 comments on “Do Chicago gang thugs want to stage a revolution with Trump?

  1. Eliza Ayres says:

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:
    Food for thought…

  2. Did Obama cry out with “Allah Akbar” every time he signed an executive order attacking America and Israel.
    Will Chicago be a trophy in Obama’s library / mosque?

  3. elliottjab says:

    So – they’re ‘ready to stop killing so much’ … How nice.

    “I smell a rat!”


    • Ed Light says:

      @elliottjab They have what choices? Lower the body count or Trump sends in the troops. The ‘rat’ you smell is the gangs trying to maintain control of the situation. Instead of loosing control when the cleanup targets them.

      • elliottjab says:

        Choices… This is CLEAR entrapment if Trump involves himself in a ‘proposal’ such as this.

        Agreeing to attempt LESS murders?

        No, no, no… NO!!!

  4. Dante says:

    Gangs like to sell drugs, a lot of us like drugs.

    Gangs see Trump threatening to send Feds (more cops) if homicide #s don’t come down.

    Gangs will bring killings down to keep their market open.

    The drugs flow (to those who want them) and Trump has effectively made murder a crime amongst gang members.


  5. Russell Ashbaugh @MuskieRA says:

    Outstanding opportunity to help Chicago! I believe anything that would help businesses grow would also be beneficial in addition to farms, e.g., enterprise zone exemptions from taxes, regulations.

    Unfortunately the profit potential of illegal drugs has to be a major factor in gang crimes. Decriminalization may be the ultimate key factor in this situation. Unfortunately it may be virtually impossible given today’s attitudes.

    • Ed Light says:

      Decriminalization has always been the answer. Many great minds have presented the evidence to support that.

      The reason that such a policy is not pursued is what needs to be the focus of protests.

      In order for that to happen the masses must be re-educated. As it stands now they are brainwashed by the mass media control system.

      The entire mass media in the US is owned by 5 or less corporate entities.
      One agenda is present in all of them, at the core.

      And it was not the election of Trump.

      The reality of who is behind Trump and how he managed to get elected, in spite of election rigging of the election, is a story I hope we eventually get to hear.

      • From Quebec says:

        The story seams to be very clear, to me Trump campaigned in states that would get him the Electoral college win. And also the fact that he won in a landslide. B ecause we all know that even if there was voter fraud by the democrats, it is impossible to stop a landslide.

  6. From Quebec says:

    ‘I’ve written about this before, especially in my open letter to Steve Bannon, Trump’s idea man:.

    This is the way to go, Jon. When a good solution arises, just send it to Bannon. Most other sites or talk radio shows, just like to criticize but never bother to fix anything or offer another solution.


  7. L Garou says:

    Hill Street blues on crack and steroids..

  8. Mike says:

    Jon, I appreciate your promotion of urban farms, but I just don’t see gang bangers exchanging their profits from crack and meth for tending the peas and carrots. These farms are fine for ordinary citizens, but the bangers, and there are a lot of them, are going to need some real legitimate job programs. Am I missing something here?

    • Greg C. says:

      Mike, there is a lot more dignity in working hard to grow food, than there is sitting in a cubicle calling up strangers to sell them something, or sitting through boring meetings. It’s not all about getting a piece of the American Pie. It’s about finding your own self-respect. I’ve worked on a farm, and I’ve worked as a highly-paid software engineer, and I found the farm work much more rewarding. I’ve read about millionaires who gave up their wealth to pick fruit all day. Farming is not illegitimate!

      • elliottjab says:

        Neither are these gang bangers whiners.

        If Trump sets one finger to assist these idiots – he becomes totally complicit in ALL their activities.

        Reduce the murders… INCREASE the murders – do it, you idiots.

        “What choice do they have” whines Ed Light…

        They can kill each other or not. We DO NOT need any type of government complicit in their dirty work.

        Except to SEND IN THE FEDS! And do clean up.

        And again – legalize ALL drugs – hand ’em out! Give ’em ALL as much as they want! ALL of it.

        Let’s see who’s left standing after a few months…

      • Terri says:

        Well said Greg. Farming and connecting to the earth is the only thing that will save the human species from themselves. Urban farming is already being used to save communities, there are many you tube videos on this. the rage and feeling of futility so many face and act out on every day is appeased and changed into more positive feelings. this is literally rewiring physiology to change the people on all levels.

        200 years ago we didn’t have a gang problem like we do now, we had a more agricultural based community and violence was minimal and family and real community was the root of everyone’s life.
        humans have lost their souls to the artificial matrix and therefore have lost their humanity.. to many people, nothing is sacred anymore and they have no proof of anything but the profane in their lives. Mother Nature has a miraculous effect on even the most hardened.

  9. Josh says:

    I’ve seen that this one idea – urban farms on abandoned inner city lots – is such a perfect answer to the problem, and yet so illustrative of the tyranny of our current establishment.

    They naturally *hate* the idea: it’s the antithesis of Rockefeller corporate industrial GMO destruction of life in the guise of ‘food’. Its also the antithesis of socially engineering entire populations into sickness, poverty, violence and apathy / despair.

    When one day we notice that these farms are suddenly springing up everywhere we look, is the day we know that the Republic is returning.

    • Josh says:

      However Jon, I happened to be watching this exchange over lunch today, and I notice in your informal transcription that you overlooked the part right after this:

      ” ‘I said we’ve got to lower that body count. We don’t want to talk about anything else; get that body count down, and they [gang members] agreed that the principals that can do it – these are guys straight from the streets, no politicians, straight street guys – but they’re going to commit that if they lower that body count, we’ll come in and we’ll do some social programs’.”

      … where Trump interjected quickly (informal transcription):

      “If they don’t get it under control, we’re going to come in and take care of it”

      Sounded like his gut reaction was pretty sceptical. Feds asserting police powers in Chicago is not quite Constitutional (like they give a fk) and might not turn out so great.

  10. thetinfoilhatsociety says:

    It’s tribal. Getting the tribal leaders to agree to a cease fire, an alliance, is in the best interests of all tribes. Getting them jobs so they have a reason to maintain alliances is key. Problem being an actual job is a lot less money than selling drugs is, so it’s going to have to be something that draws respect and admiration. Maybe farming will do it – if they can provide for their own tribal areas.

    • Josh says:

      End the war on drugs: price plummets, users use less. Just like Portugal and everywhere else they’ve already done it.

      *And* get the farms going.

      The answers to just about every problem are sitting there waiting patiently …

  11. Larry says:

    You’re right over the target, Jon.

    Meet Ron Finley, the “gangsta gardener”!

  12. David Stanley says:

    Not like the old days Ike would of sent in the marines. leaving none a live in their wake.

  13. Well a good start might be squelching Monsanto-style agri-programs. Put good food in the bellies of ALL the people and you might stimulate patriotism, Jon.

    Ok, I realise with so many “addicted” to processed junk food that might seem like a hollow mantra, but its the thought that counts PROVIDING the thought is backed by conclusive action.

    Good food can only thrive in clean air, nourished by clean water. That “fluoride’s” (sic) gotta go along with all those micro-carbons in the air. Trump needs good eyes. Drill down to the detail. If he made that sort of effort FOR EVERYONE, people might start to believe – Chicago gangs included.


    • Ron H says:

      Agree with Ozzie. Jon is being somewhat pollyanna believing that the threat of federal intervention will stop the gang killings. Do you really believe that during some ‘drug deal gone bad’ moment of high territorial revengeful emotions that gun carrying gang member(s) will stop to think about consequences? Urban farms, however are a step in the right direction, along with vegetarian, non-killing consciousness, or at least plant-based eating by the majority. Education is the key.

      • @Ron

        Correct. Currently “cultural readjustment” = war, “education” (dogma) = war, “progressive socialism” [Marxist totalitarianism] = war.

        When humans discover how to commune, these problems will disappear. I don’t wish to “single out” the Negro populous in particular. However, if rumours regards ET origins are correct, many 1000’s of years ago original Negro gene holders lived on their own planet “which they destroyed”.

        Some Martian do-gooders apparently wanted to preserve the DNA, so dropped a few off on Earth. The point I am trying to make is, perhaps the “gangs” are a latent situation that was waiting for karmic reoccurrence?

        Perhaps solutions will need to be “multi-faceted”?

  14. It is surely inspiring and it must warm the heart of everyone who hears about the urban farming by Black people in Chicago, and other cities of America.

    A South African told me about what is going on in South Africa these days – and it is incredibly violent. They are killing each other at the most amazing rate. They are also killing White people when they can can, but the greatest number of murders is of Black people by other Black people.
    They are amazing – and all Africa is a violent place. Black people just are naturally violent. The LIKE killing! They LOVE killing!

    The is not meant to be “racist”. It is not even criticism either – it is just a fact! Neither is it because of their deprived conditions in inner cities. You should read the history of the Zulus! The more they could slaughter the happier they were. They call it a “warrior culture.” ! They have not changed at all over the past two hundred or so years. To prevent a Zulu “washing his spear” is positively cruel! Though the Zulus are the most powerful and always have been, the rest of Africa is really no different.

    So, good luck Chicago – and the gang leaders – and Trump.

    Apart from all that, there are people who seem to me to be determined to destroy America more completely than they have already done, through civil war, and one side will be financed by the ghastly Soros and the other by the ghastly Adelson!

  15. Theodore says:

    “When Sarah Taylor Lovell’s lab from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign at first tried to verify over 1,200 community garden projects, they found that only 13 per cent were places that actually grew food. After intrepid student John Taylor spent nearly 400 hours pouring over Google Earth in 2010, he discovered 4,648 production sites covering 65 acres. Personal visits to the sites confirmed that 86 per cent were viable horticultural hotspots.”

  16. Theodore says:

    Creating local food options in an urban setting

    How one woman channeled her discovery about the perils of an industrial food system into creating local options for healthy, sustainably produced food in her own Chicago neighborhood.

    By LaDonna Redmond | November 9, 2004 (!)

  17. Ron H says:

    Jon is being somewhat pollyanna believing that the threat of federal intervention will stop the gang killings. Do you really believe that during some ‘drug deal gone bad’ moment of high territorial revengeful emotions that gun carrying gang member(s) will stop to think about consequences? Urban farms, however are a step in the right direction, along with vegetarian, non-killing consciousness, or at least plant-based eating by the majority. Education is the key.

  18. Missed this quintessential solution. Just love it. “…food in the ground…”

  19. OghaChruithne Eochaidh says:

    Stupid, not Jon; he got it in the last paragraph: “And just as important, can the people of Chicago brush aside the race hustlers and Soros-funded troops and so-called local leaders who have a stake in more death and destruction in the city’s slums? The leaders who thrive, like leeches, on things NOT working out?”

    Mayor Daley and the Chicago Police sabotaged a similar agreement with the Black Panthers many years ago. The Chicago Police will sabotage anything Trump and Blacks do to reduce the slaughter of Blacks and Hispanics.

  20. The White house is negotiating with gang bangers…seriously. Get em to put down their 45’s and grow peas huh! How about you send in the troops and shut this shit down. Take every nigger gangbanger with a gun and shit-can him into the grave. They seem to be able to do it in Iraq, and Afghanistan, libyan.
    Hope about ya take these Criminals and shot em in face with a bazooka.
    Negotiate. Fuck that!

  21. Sloth the Happy Mutant says:

    I thought the magic mulatto messiah community organizer made the Southside of Chicago into a glorious utopian paradise?
    Even the gangs don’t respect the global laughingstock and national embarrassment known as Barry Soetoro.

  22. MetaCynic says:

    It’s the battle for market share in the illegal drug trade which is fueling the killings in Chicago and most everywhere else. Those killings will stop when the profit in the drug trade collapses to that of selling candy. This will not happen as long as the sale of street drugs is criminalized, and only those who are predisposed to violence are willing to risk being swept up into the criminal justice system. The state has no business dictating to us what we may or may not put into our bodies. The war on drugs is the greatest human tragedy of our time. It’s a war on liberty and must end.

    That said, an environment must evolve which will allow entrepreneurs to invest in the inner cities. This will not happen until minimum wage laws – which criminalize workers and employers entering into a contract for something less than a government mandated wage – are abolished so that workers’ wages can match their jobs skills which in inner cities are very low.

    Once this environment is established, then it’s anyone’s guess which industries will spring up to create jobs to serve the immediate community and then the rest of the city. It might be urban gardening or it might be things no one is now imagining. As in any sort of industrial central planning, it’s impossible for politicians and bureaucrats to rationally pick winners and losers especially without politicizing the process and enriching political cronies at the expense of everyone else. The best thing which Trump can do is to work to abolish laws which encourage violence and stand in the way of job creation, and then he must get out of the way.

  23. progression49 says:

    And then there may be another element contributing to the unfortunate situation: organ harvesting. Check out George Webb’s YouTube videos on the possibility of this going on. An example of where this is mentioned is in, starting at 16:03, but would recommend the whole video be viewed to get an overview of big picture.

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