Outrage in inner cities: the source

$$ in the matrix

by Jon Rappoport

August 31, 2015

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“The leader says to his people: ‘In order for me to help you, you have to remain in need of help. You can never rise above your need for me. Catch my drift? That’s our bargain.’” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

“Inner city gangs assist political leaders. First, gangs keep the local population under the gun, in a state of fear, so that nothing good can take root and grow in those communities. Second, gangs distribute drugs. Government is in the drug business.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Inner cities are about money, and any American president since Lyndon Johnson could have seen it in an hour, if he had bothered to look, if he cared, if he really intended to help solve the problem of inner cities.

But solving problems was never the objective, and that’s important to know because, now, with explosions of violence rippling in inner cities of America, the original crisis has become much worse—and therein lies a clue:

The goal was always destruction, decimation, and loss of hope in inner cities, leading to violence and more violence—which becomes part of the excuse for the spreading onrush of the militarized police state.

So let’s get to the money.

A 1993 Cato Institute Essay, “The Myth of America: Underfunded Cities,” by Stephen Moore and Dean Stansel, makes this stunning point:

“Since 1965 the federal government has spent an estimated $2.5 trillion on the War on Poverty and urban aid. (That figure includes all spending on welfare, Medicaid, housing, education, job training, and infrastructure and direct aid to cities.) Economist Walter Williams has calculated that that is enough money to purchase all the assets of the Fortune 500 companies plus all of the farmland in the United States. But it has not spurred urban revival.”

How is that possible?

How do you spend $2.5 trillion and achieve no revival?

Sheer administrative incompetence doesn’t explain it. Not even close. First of all—and any well-intentioned government would investigate this down to the core—you find out where exactly all the money went.

This has never been done.

It’s safe to assume there are people who’ve gotten very rich off this feast. Huge sums never ended up where they were supposed to go. Instead, they were diverted and stolen. On top of that, a relatively minor chunk of the $2.5 trillion was hijacked after it reached local administrators in the inner cities.

But what about the massive federal dollars that did arrive at proper destinations? What happened there? For that, we have to look at how government traditionally operates.

It gives money as a form of welfare. It creates some government jobs. It funds programs that are aimed at “improving conditions.” But it almost never does something that will invigorate or create a local economy.

I’m talking about the creation of small businesses, real ones. Because that’s how you initiate an actual local economy. That’s the only way.

You fund 20 small businesses in an area, and now you have people with jobs, with income, and you have the production of goods and services that people in the neighborhood will buy. With 200 small businesses, and then 2000, you’ll get people who can afford to buy what is produced locally. The money circulates. That’s how it works. That’s called a recovery.

On top of that, you use a bit of that federal money to create community projects that really count. For example, urban gardens and farms. People grow their own food. They share and trade food. They eat. The food is healthy.

By now, there could be and should be thousands of these flourishing urban gardens in inner cities across America. Many thousands. But there aren’t.

When a community, with help, lifts itself up beyond a certain point, economically, and sees the light at the end of the tunnel, their resistance to crime and drugs and shootings and the recruitment of their children into gangs intensifies. They change the culture.

I’m not saying this is walk in the park. It isn’t. There are other factors. Yes, large corporations have fled from inner cities, and so has the middle class, and banks have intentionally cheated homeowners on their mortgages, and there are certain police forces who are corrupt and brutal.

But if the federal government had ever wanted to help lift life up in inner cities, it would have gone after these banks long, long ago. It would have routed out corrupt cops long, long ago. It would have gone after emerging gangs long, long ago.

These days, government does little more than use the residents of inner cities as propaganda props to enforce tactics of political correctness, stir up racial conflict, foster permanent dependency, and label whole classes of people as permanent victims.

You see, if these inner cities ever came back, ever moved up the economic ladder, ever triumphed, the government would take a serious hit. A very serious hit. Its whole program would go down the drain, in just the same way the cancer treatment industry would take a major torpedo if truly workable cures were deployed.

The State is a vampire, and it must have victims on which to feed. Yesterday, today, tomorrow.

We have reached a place in this psyop where the victims are being fed encouragement to establish themselves as forever-crippled with forever-rights and demands that must be met and will never be entirely met.

“Don’t achieve economic success. Never do that. That’ll ruin everything.”

This kind of propaganda is gasoline poured on a fire. Which is the precise objective.

When you peel away the veneer of “deep concern” the government has for “the less fortunate,” what you see is a stark demeaning attitude: “We know you’re hopeless, you can’t do anything for yourselves, you’ll never win, but we can fulfill our agenda on your backs, as long as you stay dependent.”

Let me reiterate the crucial point: the recovery of inner cities is all about creating local economies that work. There is no recovery without that. Everything else is destructive in the long run. Financially and psychologically destructive.

An allied fact: most people who are unemployed want to work. They prefer work to welfare. In the absence of jobs and local businesses, people will accept welfare rather than starve. That’s obvious. But when most of the incoming money is devoted to welfare, and work doesn’t show up, the negative vortex takes over.

What I’m explaining, in this article, stands in stark contrast to the millions of words that have been written and spoken by “the professionals” in academia and government. They build mountains of nonsense to account for “inner-city poverty.” They divert attention from the truth. They weave complex impenetrable webs.

Some of these professionals are lunatics who believe that a new form of society, without actual businesses, will come into being and save the poor. This society will of course be run by government employees, who will reveal their tolerance, their care, their love, their superior intelligence.

In the present climate, I expect that soon one of these crazies will make it on to a Sunday talk show and say: “Well, George, you know, a new study has concluded that if the underclass in this country kills every fifth person in America, and I mean randomly kills them, then statistically speaking, we will have made significant progress toward equality. That is the amount of blame we can attach to the unjust society in which we live today. Every fifth person.”

And the interview will be soberly reported on by the New York Times.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

7 comments on “Outrage in inner cities: the source

  1. kimbroadie says:

    Reblogged this on Kim Broadie and commented:
    Anyone who has watched the Wire understands this

  2. Juanita says:

    As a former elected official and mayor of a small city in California I did a lot of analysis on our budgets and grants.
    Eighty to 90% of revenues (our tax dollars) go to salaries, benefits and “consultants”. And a majority of that goes to “public safety”, i.e. police and fire.
    Tried to get some of that reduced so we could put it into community gardens, solar farms, volunteer organizations, etc. Failed miserably. The system and unions are entrenched and anyone that tries to change it will suffer, no matter how much the public is behind them.
    Even though crime has dropped, the public does not believe it and lives in perpetual fear and the police chief or fire chief just has to say they NEED more officers (to stop the gangs) or funds, and voila, a new tax appears or some other public benefit disappears.

  3. […] No differently than any other government program, welfare, the “war on poverty” program, etc., is a total scam, from top to bottom.

    A criminal scam invented by another even bigger criminal scam- government itself.

    It’s all one big fraud- medicare, medicaid, the EPA, Homeland “Security”, the CIA, Pentagon, Supreme court, federal reserve, NASA and the moon landings, the war on drugs, terror, or whatever; the alleged 3,000 victims of 9/11,[ heck, even the” live” footage broadcast on 9/11 by the 5 US networks is entirely fraudulent 🙂 ].

    For example, see: “Why are 3,000 victims of 9/11 missing from Social Security death list?”:

    Likewise, all of the presidents, past and present, and all of the new presidential wannabe’s, including Trump, are likewise, nothing but scam artists.

    personal freedom consulting

  4. From Québec says:

    It would take a President with good will and with business experience to fix that problem. Can we say Donald Trump?

  5. I have been doing the history of American gangs for my yet-to-be release ISIS post, Jon.

    Yes, there was the turn of the 20th Century “Irish mob” and the Chicago bootleggers of the roaring 20’s, but the real explosion of [drug dealing] ethnic gangs blossomed with, guess who?

    Ronnie Reagan……go figure that?


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