Imagination is the key

Imagination is the key

by Jon Rappoport

February 2, 2015


“Your past, everything that has ever happened to you, everything you’ve ever done becomes raw fuel for the fire of your imagination. That is the meaning of transformation. The past is no longer a problem. You invent futures that are no longer limited by the past.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Let’s say you live in a three-story house…but in all the years you’ve lived there, you’ve never gone upstairs to the second and third floors. You’ve spent the entire time on the first floor.

On the first floor, you’ve grappled with problems, made your stand, dealt with crises, planned your solutions.

Occasionally, you’ve had glimpses of something more, but that’s it. Glimpses.

The upper unused floors are imagination.

That’s where problems are transformed, where possibilities become so real they outdistance the normal terms in which problems are cast and thought about.

In truth, a whole new life is there for the taking, on the upper floors. An invented life.

One night at 4am, you wake up and realize those upper floors are yours. You go up the stairs. You look around and you see your own past, your own history—but now, all that material contains an added potential.

The potential to be recast, remixed, combined, dissolved, reshaped…or eliminated entirely. You see pure possibility stretching out in all directions. Waiting.

Waiting for you to invent.

The space of those upper floors can be changed. It can be expanded without limit.

Exit From the Matrix

It’s not the content of the future you’re seeing. It’s the possibility of inventing content.

This possibility is so pure, so alive, it overshadows questions and confusions.

You’re the painter with the blank canvas. The thrill of that fact goes beyond any adventure you’ve ever had.

The only question is, do you want this? Will you choose it?

No one can answer that question except you. But you can realize that, down through history, others have said yes. Others have launched themselves. Others have discovered that, as they moved on that road, their bedrock emotions underwent a transformation and their perception of life changed…

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.

33 comments on “Imagination is the key

  1. Nick says:

    Jon, you are created. The miracle of life had a beginning, did it not? Who created that life? Did it exist from what, nothing?

    You are created by God but you are separated from that God by your sin, we all are. We rebell, say there is no God, run, invent new forms of “imagination” that provide a hiding place from God.

    We humans were not created with the same abilities as God. We are not capable of knowing all things, all people, what they think, where they are, what they will do, what they have done. No amount of imagination will give that to you, but God does know all these things and more. He doesn’t want your imagination in Him, but God wants your faith in Him. Won’t you try?

    • From Québec says:

      “We are not capable of knowing all things, all people, what they think, where they are, what they will do, what they have done.”

      The American spy agency can do all the above…lol

      • @The soap opera writer

        Sinner!…repent…I’m telling god about what you said….and he is a personal friend of mind, Lil’ opera writer.
        I gonna ask him to squish that sinning little french body of yours like it was a grape between his fingers….can you imagine that soapy…imagine it. Can ya feel it, can ya feel it…squish….sinning sinner.

        • From Québec says:

          LOL.. “I’m telling god about what you said”. No need to, according to Nick, God already knows that.

    • NWO Reporter says:

      I guess he’s the one who erected the “No Trespassing” sign at the foot of the stairs.

    • Nick where exactly did Jon write that imagination = God? If you believe you were born with sin, please don’t force everyone else to believe the greatest story ever sold.

    • JackieO says:

      Then one day we have spiritual revelation that just kind of swoops in on us leaving us with a wonderment throughout our bodies. and it is totally exhilarating , it appears we have been cleansed from the inside – out. At least what it was like for me and will never forget it, it is there to return again and again and that is why am such a grateful individual today. The idea is to keep learning, expanding, and moving forward. Thanks. JackieO

  2. From Québec says:

    With all that space, you could do so much:

    You could for instance, transform the second floor with an area for Gym’s equipment to keep you in shape. And reserve another area for a Painting studio. Why not? You may discover that you have a lot of talent as an artist. Plus, it’s a lot of fun.

    The third floor could become a Music studio, where you create your own music, or just for listening to music while relaxing and meditating in a comfortable lazy-boy. And why not add a little office for reading or writing? Reading and writing stimulate the imagination.

    If all that is not enough, you could built an indoor stairway on the third floor that goes to the roof . There you could built a rooftop garden, It’s a great way to avoid GMOs. You could also buy and installed a telescope to watch the stars at night. This is breath taking.

    And also don’t forget the basement, where you could create a workshop for all your projects and tools.

    If all the above doesn’t ring a bell, it’s time for you to move and rent the tiny micro apartments that the Elites are building for you in the crowed cities.

  3. Strange…I live in a three story convent. Seriously…no lie.
    I live on the first floor, have my studio on the basement floor.
    The top floor is empty. (hmm…a gym….
    …a music room. French people have strange imaginings for a the imagination floor.
    What would I imagine.
    The control room for me…God…I can imagine being God.
    Control panel with lots of bells and whistles. Touch screens were I could see all the bad people. My control panels are all connected to me telepathically. So when I think of a little french guy…squish.
    I would think of the CO of Monsatan. ..squish.
    Hillary…squish. Dick, Donald…squish.
    Barack squish

  4. Sorry I didn’t wish to high jack your post Jon.
    Seriously though…this comes at a good time for me. I’m intensely involved with EFM.
    Imagination is really all we are I would say…I could write another 10,000 words on what the word imagination could be imagined to mean.
    Good post…
    Thank you

  5. All of the above… I imagine it’s all good.

  6. Nick says:

    NMartinez1938, Michael Burns, Quebec, why is “imagination” the “Key” to your life or your children’s lives?? Let’s be realistic here, not idealistic, please. Your kids and you can day dream all day long and through the next 5 years, but how does that prepare them for the cold world out there, where making a difference is not “imagination” but reality. More importantly, how does that rectify their lives to God whose presence is apparently not affirmed by Jon. Jon would seem to say God does not matter, has no relevance in the future, but that our imagination and dreaming what exists on the 2nd and 3rd floors is most important.

    • From Québec says:

      “.Your kids and you can day dream all day long and through the next 5 years, but how does that prepare them for the cold world out there, where making a difference is not “imagination” but reality.”

      Well, first of all, let’s say that without imagination (who is creative skills) you and I would not be commenting on this site. There would be no internet,

      Second: We would still be living in caves.

      Third: Because the criminal Elites. recruit people with a lot of imagination who can design and create robots and all sort of technologies to enslave you.

      Fourth: If you want to win the war against the NWO insanity, you better put your imagination to work right now, before it is too late for humanity.

      You see, imagination creates reality. But imagination is like our muscles, if we do not train them with exercises, they get really weak and start malfunctioning, they become almost useless.

      Examples of Imagination who end up in reality:

      – They want to ban guns, we invent 3D printers and make our own guns.

      – They put poison fluoride in the water, we invent water purifier filtration systems.

      – They want to cook our brains with Smart Meters. We put aluminium foil paper over it to block the radiation.

      – They spy on us, we invent encryption or servers like “Start Page”.
      – Etc.

      Do you get the picture?

      But to do all this, IMAGINATION is needed.
      This is how ours kids will be able to survive in this “cold world out there.”

      • Nick says:

        Quebec, Jon, I believe, is speaking of spiritual matters, not practical. Since Jon is an atheist, he speaks of imagery rather than the spiritual, as he can’t bare to believe there is a being greater than mere man. But to your point, imagination is fine to a point but the examples you give hardly solve the problems you pose. 3D printers will NEVER replace the guns banned to this point nor to come. Floride? Most filters don’t keep flouride out of the water you drink, read the fine print. Even if you don’t drink floridated water, you shower with it. Foil? Are you kidding? Our cities are covered with a net of emf power grids and all the foil in the world will not keep you from its impact. My gosh.

        Imagination will not defeat power of evil. Evil is not physical, but spiritual and needs to be destroyed as such. Your children need to be taught outside the public school systems, even if it means violating the law to do so. We did it. Young people need to grow up not believing the world is about to abort on them with “climate change” lies. That’s not imagination, its doing. People need to grow up and take public office so the communistic and tyrannical laws are erased. Not imagination, but power and work. Planning, doing, working.

        At the same time, imagination will get you nothing, but our Blessed Lord will give you the power and unction to defeat the enemy, in a spiritual way and physical way also.

        • From Québec says:


          Too bad Einstein is dead, you could debate this quote with him:

          “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
          – Albert Einstein

          Tell me in what kind of God you believe in? A loving God? Is that why soldiers go to war killing innocent citizens with God on their side?

          God loves you, but if you do not follow his rules (a tyrant), he sents you burning for eternity. What kind of love is that? Would you do this to your children?

          And what about the Bible, that has been translated in different languages, written and rewritten hundred of times, probably by the Elites of that time to enslave you? Nobody can rely on that seriously. And what about all the other religious books? Were they written by different Gods? Which of these Gods is the real one? Religions are man made to divide an conquer and to make you an obedient powerless slave.

          Now back to imagination:

          If God created everything in this universe, you will have to agree that he must have had an incredible endless imagination… no? Because to create something, you first have to have imagination. You cannot create something that you did not first imagined. And doesn’t the Bible say that God created men to his image? If so, you, as a believer, must agree that human have imagination and that they should use it.

          The criminal Elites have a lot of imagination and believe me, they use it all the times.

          “But to your point, imagination is fine to a point but the examples you give hardly solve the problems you pose. 3D printers will NEVER replace the guns banned to this point nor to come.”

          One of my friend built one. Just like people couldn’t imagine not so long ago, that everybody would own a computer.

          “Most filters don’t keep flouride out of the water you drink, read the fine print. Even if you don’t drink floridated water, you shower with it.”

          Just look for some good ones. Alex Jones store has some good ones that removes fluoride. And they also carry shower head filters that also.remove fluoride.

          “Foil? Are you kidding? Our cities are covered with a net of emf power grids and all the foil in the world will not keep you from its impact. My gosh”

          To harm you, EMFs have to be close to you. If you put foil around your home Smart Meter, you avoid the radiation in your house. Don’t believe me? Test it with an EMF radiation detector.

          “Imagination will not defeat power of evil. Evil is not physical, but spiritual and needs to be destroyed as such.”

          Imagination is also not physical, but spiritual. Evil cannot either destroy power of imagination. Evil will always exist, but we can beat it’s consequences with imagination. .

          “People need to grow up and take public office so the communistic and tyrannical laws are erased. Not imagination, but power and work. Planning, doing, working.”

          Sure, absolutely! But if a politician has no imagination, what’s the point of having him? Goodwill is not enough. You need a plan and a plan to succeed needs tremendous imagination.

          “At the same time, imagination will get you nothing, but our Blessed Lord will give you the power and unction to defeat the enemy, in a spiritual way and physical way also.”

          LOL… sure. He has already proven that. Right? So far, ramping corruption, greed, wars, etc., are the norms since the beginning of times. Is God lazy or what? Does he enjoy that? Does he even care? What is he waiting for? That men destroy this whole planet? Is that the best he can come up with, watching and enjoying his creation being destroy? WOW! I’m impressed!

          Meanwhile, we better get our imagination on the way, because we will have to do God’s job six ways to Sunday. What ever the Elites imagine, we have to imagine something greater!

          Let’s start now!

          • Nick says:

            Quebec, Well, I surely hope that Einstein saw fit to make his peace with God before he died, as his soul lives on either in heaven or hell. That’s it. As far as killing…..there is difference between murder and killing in the Bible and elsewhere. You surely know that, Perhaps this link to an article written by a soldier can say better than I.

            The Bible? There are good translations of it and some that are held by theologians to be not so good. Personally, I prefer the Douay-Rheims version.

          • From Québec says:

            Is that all you can come up with?

            You are not trying to destroy my saying, you are trying to reinforce your beliefs.

            If there is a God, Just admit it that he has been sleeping on the switch for a few millions years.

            I’m not saying that there is no God, nobody knows that for sure. What I’m saying is that all religions are pure BS.

            And as far as your link to the soldiers…. Oh Boy! He is fighting ennemies…lol. How convenient. But you see, all wars are banksters wars. You have no ennemy, your governments have ennemies, Let them fight their own wars themselves. Why should a soldier side with the criminal Elites and do the killing for their masters to benefit? Isn’t that what YOU whould call a souless Android?

          • Nick says:

            Quebec, once God’s creation sinned in the Garden of Eden, everything changed. Man became at emnity with God due to man’s sin. We abandoned God, not He us.

            It is really not complicated. You seem to want a sophisticated argument to sell God to you. Not gonna happen. You come to Him by faith. You know Quebec, I have the feeling you have heard all this before, but you don’t want to yield to God but believe in your own self. That is your choice and billions of people have followed you there to the room with no doors. You want the devil, who will take utmost pleasure in pulling your toe nails out for eternity with those around you screaming so loud, you can’t hear yourself scream. Heaven? You must yield to God and submit yourself to a diety that can commit no sin, no mistakes, that created you and allowed you to make the choice. There is no imagination in all this. There are no 2nd and 3rd floors in our limited life experience. God didn’t create billions of other Gods, but created humans to fellowship with Him. God didn’t create robots, but humans with a free will. The devil knows that and is the source of evil in this world.

      • @the french kid
        “– They want to cook our brains with Smart Meters. We put aluminium foil paper over it to block the radiation.”

        You put aluminum foil over the smart meters…I make hats out of it.

        @ Nick
        Nick we could argue about God till your next reincarnation and we would still be in this exact same spot.
        You believe in a God that you haven’t seen…touched, smelt, or heard. You get your information from a book that poets and writers translated for James the first, I know that is rhetorical. But you believe…from my point of view that takes a lot of imagination.
        Artists have that same kind of faith…but it is in their imaginations and in themselves, that this is focused… and what they can create from that…imagination solves any problem the cold world can throw at me.
        My children are well adjusted people…if there is such thing under today’s pressures to be part of some concensus, rather than individual.
        My grandson and I have many great conversation on art, politics, God, the Universe. He has ideas and imaginings, which he shares quite vocally with me. I sometimes plays devils advocate on the weaker points to train his logic.
        I have had him in my studio since he started walking, as I also had my own children there as well.
        I have never given him (my grandson) a coloring book or crayons for that matter. Always a pencil and a sketchpad. And we sketch and talk and sketch. He is eleven years old. I hear more wisdom come out of his mouth than I do with most adults. He is encouraged to keep the child alive in himself. And to see problem solving as a learning event, which brings great joy. And to always rely on his imagination. He can fix anything…his bike, his skateboard, lol the neighbours lawn mower at one point…because he sees…he sees how it works, he can use his imagination and therefor solve his problems.
        Imagination finds solutions, and opens the mind; dogma closes imagination and the mind.

        I have not placed the God concept in my childrens and grandchildrens heads. The concept of a God stifles the discovery of spirit. Tames it, categorizes it…puts in a box on shelf.
        I prefer they explore those concepts themselves and imagination will help them find ‘their’ own answers.

        • Nick says:

          Michael, it sounds then that you and Jon don’t believe in God. Your real problem is whether YOU exist, not whether God exists. If there is no God, then everything is just physics and matter, molecules and forces. Then your brain is essentially no different from a rock on the ground, except for the particular arrangement of those atoms.There is no YOU that speaks, just brain chemistry producing sound out of your mouth. Is that right or not?

          • @Nick
            I can’t answer for whither Jon believes in God or not.

            I know belief in God is a huge investment of spiritual, mind and psychic energy, into something that is completely abstract and intangible.
            I see more evidence that states that God is violence. God follows the US into war…and strangely he follows those who the US fight. God presides over football games and corrupt government. God’s is on television and has appointed evangelists, and he needs money. Do I believe in your God…definitely not. I think he’s an asshole.
            Do I exist?
            The consciousness that is writing this exists, immortally.
            Does the ego that uses the sensory organs of this body and gathers information for a organic computer which is the brain of this body, exist?….for three score and ten.
            That ego serves only this incarnation…and for the most part it was designed by the society I live in.
            It has its place, within me if it can free it from the Matrix of lies created by Western civilization.
            My consciousness controls and creates the matter in this body…it takes beer and turns it into belly fat. It takes fruit – loops and turns them into this brain.
            Do I believe in atoms and physics and Einstein’ s theory of relativity….Darwins theory of evolution and so on and so forth ad nauseum….no…I don’t believe it.

            To live without a ‘God belief’ I would say is a beautiful freedom. Freedom from heaven and hell, and purgatory and eternal bliss if I’m good… and eternal damnation if I am bad. And ten rules, and I’d have to join the army and kill heathens and watch football, and go to church, and get involved with saving sinners, and join a men group, and become a team player on God team against the Devils team. And giving my money to God’s church so we can convert little brown people….I would have no time to imagine.
            It wouldn’t be allowed, I would have to adhere to a God dogma.

            Freedom from a ‘God belief’ is freedom to imagine. And in so doing, discover my own truths, my own Universe.
            Even if you are right Nick, and God and the Devil do exist, good luck with them…I still don’t like either one them.

          • Nick says:

            Michael, was that YOU that chose to write your reply or just brain chemistry? Molecules can’t decide between good ideas and bad ideas, between logic and illogic, between right and wrong. Evrything about YOU tells YOU that YOU exist. There is more to YOU than molecules. Once YOU admit that YOU exists, it’s easy to figure out that God exists.

            Look at the nearest building to you. Do you know who the architect was that designed and built it? Neither do I, but there is NO doubt in your mind or mine that someone with intelligence and skill built that building. Time, physics, and chance don’t put structures like that together. Time, physics, and chance tear down structures – a consequence of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. And that building is probably fairly simple. Rectangles, perhaps some triangles, bricks, stone, glass – if an architect wants to win an award he may throw in a curve or two. YOU, on the other hand, are walking nanotechnology. Every cell in your body is far more complex than a supercomputer. And time, physics, and chance don’t make supercomputers. Nor the nanotechnology of life, which is way beyond man’s capabilities.

            The designer of life is almighty God – the Lord Jesus Christ – who walked among us 2000 years ago. When an engineer builds something he doesn’t throw it away. He has a purpose for it. And God has a purpose for you – first that you find Him.

            That mind of yours – your soul – is going to live forever somewhere. You have a God-given conscience – you know the difference between right and wrong. Is murder wrong? . . . Is rape wrong? . . . Is molesting children wrong? When terrorists behead a captive, your heart cries out for justice. But are you ready for justice?

            You say that you don’t like either the devil nor God, so you seem to admit that they exist. The Bible describes hell, in part, as follows: There will be weeping and knashing of of teeth….forever. A room with no doors. Knashing of teeth, imagine a wild animal with its leg caught in a trap, howling, knashing its teeth, even trying to chew his leg off to end the pain. Are you ready to gamble your souls future with such a prospect? Are you ready for justice?

          • From Québec says:

            “You say that you don’t like either the devil nor God, so you seem to admit that they exist. The Bible describes hell, in part, as follows: There will be weeping and knashing of of teeth….forever. A room with no doors. Knashing of teeth, imagine a wild animal with its leg caught in a trap, howling, knashing its teeth, even trying to chew his leg off to end the pain. Are you ready to gamble your souls future with such a prospect? Are you ready for justice?”

            LOL. You just made me crack up! What a wonderful loving God you serve!
            Gee… at that point, I sure do hope for humanity, that there is no such sadistic evil God.

            In that case, the criminal Elites don’t seem so bad compared to God. At least they are not planning eternal suffering after our death. Just killing us will satisfy them.

          • “Knashing of teeth, imagine a wild animal with its leg caught in a trap, howling, knashing its teeth, even trying to chew his leg off to end the pain.” -Nick
            Another interesting character for you soap opera…..Bwahahahahahahaaaaaaaa

            …..And for the best paragraph in the debate, and for the most descriptive imagination of the day…..the award goes too…..wait for….Old Nick…sorry…. Nick.

            With his spine chilling, jaw dropping and absolutely mind numbing phrases:
            1: KNASHING OF TEETH…
            2: KNASHING IT’S TEETH…


          • From Québec says:

            “Another interesting character for you soap opera…..Bwahahahahahahaaaaaaaa”

            This is exactly what I was thinking. YEP! Very interesting character indeed.

            Imagine how it must be freakin scary to live your whole life in fear of this torture hell hole that is awaiting most of humanity! Fear is the ingredient that the criminal Elites use to enslave humans. And it works, it works real good!

          • Nick says:

            “Criminal Elites”?? The men who wrote the Bible were criminals? Really? Please, Quebec, give it some thought, or imagination.


            Matthew 8:12
            But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into the exterior darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
            In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
            Matthew 13:42
            And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
            In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
            Matthew 13:50
            And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
            In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
            Matthew 22:13
            Then the king said to the waiters: Bind his hands and feet, and cast him into the exterior darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
            In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
            Matthew 24:51
            And shall separate him, and appoint his portion with the hypocrites. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
            In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
            Matthew 25:30
            And the unprofitable servant cast ye out into the exterior darkness. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
            In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
            Luke 13:28
            There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.
            In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
            Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)

  7. Mia Manners says:

    Right where I am at! Great stuff

  8. seamlessone says:

    Let’s say you live in a three-story house…but in all the years you’ve lived there, you’ve never gone upstairs to the second and third floors. You’ve spent the entire time on the first floor.

    On the first floor, you’ve grappled with problems, made your stand, dealt with crises, planned your solutions. The upper unused floors are imagination and possibility.

    Occasionally, you’ve had glimpses of something more, but that’s it. Glimpses. Suddenly, unexpectedly, two children are born. Soon you move the kids to the upper floors.

    You gaze at your beautiful children and you see your own past, your own history—but now, all that material contains an added potential.

    The potential to be recast, remixed, combined, dissolved, reshaped…or eliminated entirely. You see pure possibility stretching out in all directions. Waiting.

    Waiting for you to see them as God, indivisible, without beginning and without end.

  9. NWO Reporter says:

    Just to clarify:

    Belief in God (or Gods) is a separate issue from belief in any organized religion. Belief in a God that is a “being” or a “He” is a religious belief. Rejecting that belief does not necessarily equal atheism, although it may.

    It is possible to believe in “God” without accepting the definition imposed by any organized religion. For example, “God” could be a form of energy or consciousness permeating the universe.

  10. seamlessone says:

    Nick, it would help if you had some knowledge of the origins of the words you use. Word origins will help you tremendously:

  11. From Québec says:


    I rest my case!

  12. laurabruno says:

    Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:
    I love this one from Jon! I was just telling a friend last night that one of the best ways I know of for making an “impossible” recovery from illness or injury is to imagine a new reality into being, then inhabit that reality. As Jon says, “Imagination is the key.” So many people forget what’s really available to each of us, if we’re willing to explore with curiosity and desire.

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