Another missing “Ebola” factor: pesticides

Missing “Ebola” factor: pesticides in West Africa

by Jon Rappoport

October 21, 2014

Once again, I’m detailing what is causing illness and death in West Africa, without reference to the Ebola virus or any virus.

Indeed, the narrative of the virus functions as a cover story, to obscure corporate and government crimes.


The reference here is “Measuring pesticide ecological and health risks in West African agriculture…” Feb. 17, 2014, published in Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society, by PC Jepson et al.

“The survey was conducted at 19 locations in five countries and obtained information from 1704 individuals who grew 22 different crops. Over the 2 years of surveying, farmers reported use of 31 pesticides…

“…certain compounds represented high risk in multiple environmental and human health compartments, including carbofuran, chlorpyrifos, dimethoate, endosulfan and methamidophos.

“Health effects included cholinesterase inhibition, developmental toxicity, impairment of thyroid function and depressed red blood cell count…”

The study also notes that “[p]esticide imports to West Africa grew at an estimated 19% a year in the 1990s…well ahead of the growth in agricultural production of 2.5%…” In other words, pesticides have flooded West Africa.

Here is another vital observation made in the study: “The distribution and sale of pesticides in West Africa is not effectively regulated. Multiple channels of supply commonly include the repackaging of obsolete or illegal stocks [extremely toxic] and the correspondence between the contents of containers to what is stated on the label is poor…”

Pesticide suppliers conceal banned pesticides—which they are taking a loss on, because they can’t sell them—and put them inside containers labeled with the names of legal pesticides.

power outside the matrix

Let’s consider the pesticides specifically mentioned in the study.

Carborfuran—According to the New Jersey Dept. of Health and Senior Services’ Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet, exposure to Carbofuran “can cause weakness, sweating, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, and blurred vision. Higher levels can cause muscle twitching, loss of coordination, and may cause breathing to stop [imminent death].”

Chloropyrifos, dimethoate, and methamidophos are organophosphates. In my previous article, I cited such compounds as a source of internal bleeding (an “Ebola” symptom). The Pesticide Action Network describes organophosphates as “among the most acutely toxic of all pesticides…they deactivate an enzyme, Cholinesterase, which is essential for healthy nerve function.”

Endosulfan is being phased out globally, because it is extremely toxic and disrupts the endocrine system.

These pesticides can and do produce a number of the symptoms called “Ebola:”

Bleeding, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, stomach pain, coma.

But all this is swept aside in the hysteria about The Virus.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

This entry was posted in Ebola.

17 comments on “Another missing “Ebola” factor: pesticides

  1. theodorewesson says:

    Wow! This is blockbuster information!

    And this has now got me thinking,… could it be that “weaponized ebola” is nothing more than “limited hangout story” for the “alternative crowd” to suck on? Certainly, “regular ebola” is.


    Citizen journalists need to be asking “what is causing illness and death in West Africa, without reference to the Ebola virus or any virus”.

    This question opens up whole new avenues, great vistas of space and energy, while, at the same time, returning one to reality.

    “Ah, it feels good to be an international/big corp crime reporter again!”

  2. It really can be mind boggling how many things can mimic ‘ebola-like symptoms’. Just goes to show that things aren’t as clear as people might think due to the veil of lies that the media loves to spin.

    Thx for the post.

  3. Has anyone seen this headline? LIBERIA’S BIGGEST NEWSPAPER: Formaldeyde in Water Allegedly Causing Ebola-like Symptoms

  4. Livia says:

    It’s an interesting piece of puzzle, but, i have a thought, if i may:

    US government and others clearly want to use this “pandemic” — which by the way, started on several places and almost in same time which means to me that 1. It was planned, 2. They made a mistake and wanted to cover it. Together with fact that locals attacked health workers — blaming them — i rather take my bet on a vaccine caused “pandemic” planned or by accident, like, for example, too high level of formaldehyde in vaccine (which also can cause ebola-like symptoms), or, something like this.

    But it’s just a thought. I just can’t see why they should cover pesticides caused illnesses and deaths especially if local authorities/dealers’ fault. Of course they could use it for their purpose, bu,t if this was the case, than why locals blamed and attacked / killed health workers?

    Also if it was, for example, a vaccine caused pandemic, then health workers are the one who can be blamed no matter they had known or not about a wrong vaccine – which is a reason to keep their mouths shut even if some suspected or discovered something later. Also, i read from another sources, that it looks where locals kicked [out], for example, Red Cross, [then] ebola-like cases fell down.

    But it’s just guessing as we usually we can’t know which info is true or false on internet.


    Another thought… I don’t know how much is the truth in Preston’s book about Ebola.

    It looked like a kind of documentary book and it was interesting that they never found patient no 1.

    He just guessed about it, but, [the] fact was that first patient we knew about had got a shot from local nuns and nuns used [the] same 5 needles without proper disinfection. In a case of Marburg, they suspected a cove, but never found source in that cove. One of victim was a foreign boy.

    Before you go to Africa you are offered plenty of vaccines as protection. And first Marburg case happened in Germany in a laboratory. Monkeys or not, it’s just weird, isn’t it? I mean white people presence in Africa is an old story. Missionaries, nuns, armies, business men and family. If there was a previous case of Marburg or Ebola, [then] shouldn’t we found a note, letter, report anything about a weird, dangerous, terrifying fever where victims blood to death? Or i just missed something?

  5. medusajoe says:

    Reblogged this on freddiemercurybiopicmovie and commented:
    Keeping them honest

  6. Tarik RIcard says:

    YES SIR!!, This is but one of the reasons that there is an “OUTBREAK” “HOTZONE” and all the rest of the ALLOPATHETIC POISONING of key populations in WEST ALKebulan, the True Name of the LARGEST and RICHEST CONTINENT on the Planet. TRAVELLED to 17 co the “COUNTRIESIT has the most WATER resources on the planet. PARASITE ridden! Pesticide ridden! Western invaded and WAR torn, to make sure that the EMPIRE builder BASTROIDS can get their GOD=GOLD OIL AND DIAMONDS for the GREEDY OLD DEMONS, to GIVE OUT DEATH to the populations for PROFIT and EMPIRE!

    Water poisoning, NO INFRASTUCTURE for sanitation, water treatment, and, the Scourge of ALL are the PATHETIC Medicalists there shooting up the people with various and sundry POISON NEEDLES containing MONKEY KIDNEY CELL CULTURE, COW PUSS, ANTI LIFE COMBINATIONS of PETROLEUM WASTE, KOLTAR PREPS and other “WESTERN MEDICINE” to make sure they, the EIS, RED CROSS, UN Vaccine PROGRAMS and all the rest of the ALLOPATHIC DOCTORS and their NURSES=HAZMAD HATTERS!! U figure it out! WITH THE HELP of the MEGALO MEDIA and thier LYING ASS Talking heads, to make sure you GET THE MESSAGE, there is your “EBOLA OUTBREAK” in a NUTSHELL!!

    Thanks BROTHER JON for great reporting!!


    Natural wellness RESEARCHER 30 years!! ck out, it is the soulution to water POLLUTION/DEHYDRATION for 43-years!!

  7. Sherlock says:

    I have this feeling. They are suggesting ideas via movies, TV shows, video games and news. It generates many different possible scenarions. Some might seem far fetched, but maybe this is exactly what they want, cause they know that some people will jump on them. At the end, not only [will] everyone look crazy, paranoiac or schizo, but it also devalue everything else that the « alternative crowd » said before and will say,

    For example, some people are talking about the untested vaccine that could lead to a genuine outbreak! EBOLA RABIES ZOMBIES? Personally, I don’t think there will be a zombie apocalypse, but they make movies like « 28 days after ». Also, if I remember well, there was a hoax where two Ebola patients, died of the virus then resurrected. Was it something planned by powerful forces or simply a hoax? Many mainstream news websites have published articles related to zombies . Ex: The Washington Post used “zombie scenario » in a title.

    We have the show « walking dead », a video game named « Plague », many `”zombie walk” were organized around the world. At some point, you can be sure someone will jump on this scenario. In the eyes of most people, this scenario can only exist in the mind of a crazy « conspiracy theorist », but since the power that be is far more insane, it’s not 100% impossible.

    Someone more or less asleep starting to have some doubts about the whole thing Ebola, might watch a video exposing the Ebola hoax on youtube, but, soon or later, he will see something too crazy for him, so he’ll dismiss everything else he heard previously.

    Anyway, do we have a proof that more people than usual are dying in West Africa right now? By the way, I’m pretty sure we can add « killed by U.S troops » as cause of death in West Africa too, heh.

    Is it just me or each new fake story has more holes than the previous one and the face of Henry Kissinger combined? It’s so ridiculous! They are like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. It could also be explained by a multiplication of internet sleuths exposing it. I dunno.

  8. From Québec says:

    It’s unbelievable how the whole world don’t give a damn about the African continent. Their only concern is getting the natural resources and making money.

    As far as the Ebola Hoax is concerned, the most significant fact that this is a HOAX is that the people who lived with Thomas Eric Duncan in the house that was quarantine are all okay, they did not get Ebola.

    The two nurses surely got something else and it isn’t Ebola. Nurses are always sick, they get vaccinated every year, so their immune system is at ZERO. Plus the FEAR of handling Thomas Duncan, got their body pH very acidic making them perfect victims for germs, bacteria and viruses which hospitals are full of.

    So what are we left with? One supposed death in USA: Thomas Duncan.
    And we don’t even know if he really died. Has anyone seen his [death] certificate?

    Not bad for an epidemic in USA… ONE death.

  9. Cuba, Really says:

    Cuba is making a statement on Ebola?


    What is Cuba’s endgame in this?

    Why would they jump on the Ebola bandwagon?

    Does anyone here have an answer?

    See this:

  10. Anonymous Reader says:


    Have you read this incredibly short and straightforward article by a West African nurse?

    Check out this from global research:

  11. james says:

    Jon this article reminded me that I have been reading that they are approving agent orange, here [in the US], as a crop pesticide; it’s been all over the alternative health and news sites. We are in deep trouble here in America. If we don’t all wake up and this pesticide gets in the water and it will, it is going to be horrendous. Please do an article on this agent orange, it is still injuring children born in certain areas of Vietnam where it is still in the soil and water.

  12. aynrandiano2 says:

    “Chloropyrifos, dimethoate, and methamidophos are organophosphates”

    In 1981 in Spain we had the “Toxic Oil Syndrome”.

    The “Syndrome” was first called “Atipical Neumonia”. The “Infectious agent” was searched for, and even we had “CDC experts” visiting Spain.

    Finally it was announced that “toxic oil” was to blame, despite that…

    “experimental studies performed in a variety of laboratory animals have failed to reproduce the symptoms of human TOS. None of the in vivo or in vitro studies performed with toxic-oil-specific components, such as fatty acid anilides and esters of PAP, have provided evidence that these markers are causally involved in the pathogenesis of TOS”

    Soon an alternative explanation appeared: Organophosphates FROM PESTICIDES.

    Independent Spanish researcher Andreas Faber Kaiser published a book titled “Pacto de silencio” defending this explanation.

    News magazine “Cambio 16” also published this explanation in 1985: A pesticide with Organophosphates from a well known German manufacturer was to blame.

    The name “Nemacur” was named.

    OK. Mr. Faber Kaiser died 6 years later and “Cambio 16 ” dissapeared also in the 1990s.

    And now Mr. Rappaport find the Organophosphates Connexion with the Ebola Hoax…oh my.


    See also,…

    “Cover-up: Twenty years ago, 1,000 people died in an epidemic that spread across Spain. Poisoned cooking oil was blamed – an explanation that suited government and giant chemical corporations. It was, argues Bob Woffinden, who investigated the scandal in the 80s, the prototype scientific fraud that has found echoes around the world.”

  13. theodorewesson says:

    Vietnam boom brings pesticide victims
    Tuesday, 6 February, 2001
    By Owen Bennet-Jones in Hanoi

  14. In the past, the not too distant past, reporters did their homework, and were able to intelligently report on the subjects they were tasked with. They asked tough questions, and challenged those whom they interviewed to provide answers, as they understood their subject matter well. Today, reporters simply parrot whatever they are told by the so-called authorities, and rely on this parroting for job security. If they even stray slightly from the status quo model of reporting they’ve been taught, they’re canned. The fear-mongering propaganda going on with the completely conjured-up ebola crisis is a classic example of this.

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