Are we living inside a virtual simulation?

Are we living inside a virtual simulation?

by Jon Rappoport

August 13, 2014

A 2013 study out of Bonn University led to a new round of speculation about the nature of the universe.

The study proposes that cosmic rays undergo a strange energy shift. The energies are “re-fitted” to align with an underlying pattern or lattice. There is only one proper fit; no exceptions are permitted.

If the lattice is, indeed, a basic pixel-like Reality we are interacting with every day of our lives, then we could be living inside a created artifice.

A simulation.

Put this description alongside the hypothesis that the universe is a hologram: lines of code inscribed on a two-dimensional surface deliver instructions on how the lattice is built, and what its properties are.

In other words, the software which holographically projects the universe includes the exact structure of the lattice.

Then, by the rules of the game, energies which don’t automatically plug into the lattice framework precisely as they’re supposed to are “snapped to” a correct fit, as Mike Adams (Natural News) has suggested.

Mike has made the analogy to a television picture, which consists of pixels that have their own dimensions and structure. So if we imagine an all-encompassing “television picture,” this would be the lattice-controlled reality we live in.

In a long-term project of putting together a collection called The Matrix Revealed, I did a great deal of research on other notions of creation or “reality-building.”

It is clear that at deep levels, propaganda turns into self-propaganda. In order to live inside a Matrix or universe, we would have to produce, in ourselves, an extraordinary level of amnesia about what we can create.

The ancient Tibetans knew a great deal about this conundrum. Before they became a theocratic society of rites and rituals and a rigorous elitism, they were daring adventurers on the edge of experiments in consciousness.

Relying on the teachings of itinerant outcast adepts from India, they developed a practice called, by a few later scholars, “deity visualization.” (See John Blofeld, The Tantric Mysticism of Tibet)

Perhaps based on an already existing mandala-painting, a teacher would give his student a very detailed and specific “personage” to create in his imagination. This effort, if it was successful at all, might take months or even years.

The objective was to mentally hold the complex image intact, in every detail, not just for a few seconds or minutes, but indefinitely. If the student was successful at this arduous task, he would soon find that the personage he created seemed to take on a life of its own.

The personage or deity would become the student’s friend and guide and give him valuable advice and counsel. When the teacher sensed this relationship had progressed to a very close point, he would order the student to get rid of the personage altogether.

This, it was said, was more difficult than the original act of creating it. But if the student was able to perform both aspects (creative and destructive) of the exercise, he would then realize, see, and know, with full consciousness, that THE UNIVERSE WAS A PRODUCT OF MIND.

At that crossroad, he would be able to spontaneously take apart pieces of “the hologram” or “the lattice,” and even create (out of nothing) new objects that hadn’t existed before.

Perhaps those Tibetan adepts, in their practice, actually saw the lattice or even the two-dimensional surface on which the holographic code of the cosmos is inscribed.

Another clue concerning the origin or underlying force that made the universe is revealed through a study of the famous alchemical diagram: two crossed staves.

The four endpoints were said to represent the basic aspects or elements of Nature: earth, air, fire, and water. According to some alchemical interpretations, these elements were in eternal conflict with one another.

The resolution of the conflict was represented by the center-place where the two staves met. This mysterious intersection was called Quintessence, and its meaning was long debated.

Paracelsus, one of the most famous of the European alchemists, seems to have thought that Quintessence was, in fact, imagination.

In other words, our creative power could change the inherent design of reality.

The history of millions of artists on this planet directly points to the fact that, when freed from restraints, human beings become enormously creative. Every painting, play, poem, novel is a world of its own; a universe. This suggests that the physical universe is but one work of art, out of a possible infinity of universes.

William Blake made several remarkable statements about the power of imagination:

“Some see nature all ridicule and deformity…and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.”

“Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow.”

Of course, the notion of multiple universes is reflected in contemporary science. Physicist Brian Greene, author of The Hidden Reality, explains that Relativity and Quantum Theory, each highly useful in its own way, come into high mathematical conflict when set side by side.

One resolution of that conflict can be achieved through String Theory, in which tiny vibrating strings (in 10 or 11 dimensions) explain the makeup of this universe. But String Theory also suggests many surfaces or membranes or islands on which matter, energy, and time can exist: multiple universes.

No matter what force or power we say made this universe, a new day is here. We are coming to grips with the idea that the universe isn’t all the reality there is. Some find this disturbing. Others are inspired to feel it is intensely liberating.

Yet another hypothesis: we are living in an interpenetration of several simultaneous universes or planes of existence. And they’re all here now, if we could see them.

The rigorous lattice or holographic code defining this universe is merely the way one plane of existence is structured.

Rather than reduce all possible universes to the principles on which this one may be built, why not consider many, many other such “works of art?” Each universe is constructed or improvised out of the infinite well of creative freedom…

The Matrix Revealed

Could there be a greater illustration of the principle of Abundance?

Throughout history, humans have been reaching for, and elevating the idea of greater abundance. In one of the early Bible stories, Old Testament Joseph, as a boy, dreams of dancing sheaves of wheat. Wheat, grain was, for the ancients, a living symbol of abundance.

Johanna Stuckey, well-known researcher on early goddesses, points out that the Sumerian grain goddess, Ezina/Ashnan, was also called Lady of Abundance.

We have always sought, in faith, in hope, in myth, in story, in investigation the means for unending abundance. Now, we also see it reflected in our most far-reaching contemplations: not just one universe, but many universes, without end. Because if we are living in this virtual space and time, why shouldn’t other continua exist?

Are they all simulations? Is a painting a simulation? Not really. It’s an independent invention, undertaken in freedom, launched from the unfettered imagination of an artist. It is its own universe.

We are all artists.

With all veils and curtains lifted, this is the truth we have always known.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

21 comments on “Are we living inside a virtual simulation?

  1. usurykills says:

    There is only one universe, but you can imagine how to change it.

    The Tibetans are just a muck of Yokums.

    You can show me a hologram, but you can’t show me a holographic universe.

    What is, is. No one had to make it.

    I cannot imagine a second infinity, much less infinite infinities. I am here for an imagination boost, but multiple universes are just bad science fiction.

    • BoboSixx II says:

      “You can show me a hologram, but you can’t show me a holographic universe.”

      No one can show you a holographic universe.
      The only way is for you to do your inner work through meditation.
      When you learn to meditate properly, you will see this universe and all universes at once.

      “I cannot imagine a second infinity, much less infinite infinities.”

      That is because our mind is limited.
      Our Hearts is the True intelligence to our Souls.
      What the mind cannot imagine, the Heart already knows.

      Seek the Truth from within.
      There is no other way.


    • OzzieThinker says:

      Actually this is incorrect.

      Jon is moving towards being right. The Berlin discovery is valid but misinterpreted. Everything is spectral and the root of everything is that which controls DNA. Invisible DNA allows “nothing” to express itself.

      The correct answer is there are numerous holographic universes interposed over each other. Though ancient esoteric texts identify three “states”, here, encompassing Earth, Tara and Gaia (HU1,2 and 3) in “reality” (whatever that is), because of splintered concordant timelines, there are almost infinite holographic scenarios.

      We take for granted our perceptions are tuned to the frequency we call dimension 3 (D3). However, esoteric ancient texts talk of 1000’s of potential dimensional states (though most of these are, in fact, frequencies or densities). This poses a rather awkward question to man, how much does that limit our capacity to understand? If we can only know one ten thousandth of what is due to frequency restrictions, we will never be close to fathoming “what is”.

      Arrogance opts for denial or ignorance.

      • BoboSixx II says:

        “However, esoteric ancient texts talk of 1000’s of potential dimensional states (though most of these are, in fact, frequencies or densities). This poses a rather awkward question to man, how much does that limit our capacity to understand? If we can only know one ten thousandth of what is due to frequency restrictions, we will never be close to fathoming “what is”.”

        Since 2012, the frequency restrictions have been lifted.

        We are now in the age of mass consciousness awakening.

        We are returning to creator source energy.
        What we have forgotten will now be revealed.


        • OzzieThinker says:

          Incorrect, again, BoboSixxII

          1984 was the start of a process that will complete in 2072. I cannot understand the significance of 2012 other than the misinterpretation of the [Anunaki guided] Olmec Wheel of the Sun calendar.

          There are a number of possibilities associated with 2072, but the Zeta crop circles are pointing towards “ascension”. Neither “hidden powers” or the Military Industrial Complex (for Zion) want this to happen, so we face an interesting paradox. Will it be Armageddon or will “they” be powerless as we shift molecularly.

          2017 is a significant year. All star portals have been permanently open since [date May?] 2008 and will close 17th or 18th October 2017. That is why there is so much activity around the sun. It also suggests there will be a significant “mindset” shift after 18th October 2017 and that is why they need to formally federalise the planet beforehand.

          You are welcome to visit my blog for insight. This is probably a good start point.


  2. Gold Kiwi (@freegoldkiwi) says:

    Of this I have no doubt.

    The leader in this field of research is physicist and consciousness explorer, Tom Campbell.

    His TOE (Theory of Everything) basically boils down to our physical universe is a virtual reality (simulation), our physical bodies are avatars through which individuated units of consciousness experience this virtual reality and consciousness is the computer. There are hundreds of virtual realities, of which our physical universe is just one (the dream state and “life after death” are examples of other virtual realities). The point of our existence is to increase the quality of consciousness (lower its entropy) by moving from fear/ego toward love.

    Tom Campbell’s TOE provides an answer to every question that still has scientists stumped, such as the Big Bang (it was simply the start of the simulation), why nothing can travel faster than the speed of light (you can only move something to the next adjacent pixel in space with each time increment of the simulation) and the double-slit experiment (this is a probabilistic reality – future events fall into a probability distribution).

    You can read Tom’s book (My Big TOE) in full, for free, on Google Books. He also uploads all of his lectures, interviews and Q&A sessions to his YouTube channel.

    Enjoy 🙂

  3. Simo says:

    Thank you Jon once again! It´s truly great to follow your fantastic work. This subject is close to me. As Jon, I´ve kinda studied it also. We are within (and part of) the matrix and the only thing that is so called “real” is consciousness. However we are being left with a few open questions that are perhaps unanswerable and open to infinite interpretation. If I, as a consciousness, am able to create another independent consciousness, is my consciousness then “real” after all, or merely a fictional hologram like everything else? By “real”, I mean like a “source”, as not being anybody´s imagination. It´s an old chicken and an egg -question. You could also ask; am I creating the God, or transmigration of my soul, or total oblivion (i.e. “a self destruction”), if I was an atheist?
    I don´t believe in multiple universes. The amount of energy needed in order for creating the new Universes by millions in every nanosecond is just absurd. That´s just a so called “evolutionary science´s” way to explain out the problems in quantum theory, which clearly points out to the consciousness effecting the matrix, which is wrecking the theory of relativity as well.
    Dear Jon, a painting is not “an universe”. A thought (or an idea) is a process. Or rather; a phase of a process, which is never complete or “perfect”. A painting is an unfinished thought process, not an universe. Can a droplet of water create a sea? No, but together with other droplets, it is the sea. Yet, “as above, so below”. So, is the same droplet a sea of hydrogen and oxygen? Yes. So in a sense, that droplet is “a universe”. The size of a particle is just one way to look at the holographic matrix. There´s really no limit for the size of the “existence” or “matter” of “reality”. However there is only one total universe (the space for everything to occur), but we can experience (and affect on it) only a tiny fraction of it in these holographic biological 3D-suits. Sidartha Gautama (Buddha) pointed out; who is you? But the sum of infinite particles.

    • BoboSixx II says:

      “I don´t believe in multiple universes. The amount of energy needed in order for creating the new Universes by millions in every nanosecond is just absurd.”

      That is just a matter of perspective.
      You maybe looking at it from the opposite view point.
      Think the other way around.

      Creator Source Energy, what people call, God, Allah, etc., where we come from, is in the highest of dimensions.
      Everything else is in lower dimensions.
      So, the energy expended from Creator Source is small in comparison to our perspective on this little blue Planet.

      “Can a droplet of water create a sea? No, but together with other droplets, it is the sea.”

      Another point of perspective.
      A drop of water is a small thing to us.
      Yet, to micro-organisms, that drop of water is an entire water World to them.

      We are people that were dumbed down and made to forget our Divinity.
      We are slowly waking up to the Truth of our reality.
      Some are waking up faster than others.

      Those people that deny what the True possibilities that are awaiting us when we become fully awake and live in Peace and Harmony with each other and our Environment, are still asleep.

      The populace of our World is now reaching critical mass consciousness awakening.
      When that event completes, everyone will know the Truth of our divinity and the Truth of our past, where we came from and what was done to us for nefarious reasons.

      Love, Light and World Peace.


  4. Gold Kiwi (@freegoldkiwi) says:

    If you wonder why this world is full of war and hate (fear)… Well, this particular virtual reality is like a kindergarten — we’ve got a heck of a lot of growing up to do. It also provides endless learning opportunities. The only way to improve the world around you is to improve yourself and this will rub off on everyone you interact with. It’s no good blaming the politicians, bankers, etc. They’re just a reflection of wider society. Change comes from within.

  5. Gold Kiwi (@freegoldkiwi) says:

    “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” ― Nikola Tesla

  6. spacenergymass says:

    According to the Gnostics (who were not Christians), in the Sophia/Gaea explanation, the Anthropos, or humans, are gifted with epinoia, or imagination, considered as a creative, coevolutional capacity, and distinguished from mental fantasy and pretending. The Archons, an inorganic species produced by the impact of Sophia upon elementary matter BEFORE Sophia turned into the Earth/Gaea. Cyborgs inhabiting the solar system at large who excel in the pyrotechnology of virtual reality, intrude upon humanity by psychic stealth, and propagate the ideological virus of redemptive religion. (Abrahamic off-planet victim-abuser, man-god, patriarchal, messiah-savior, ideology). Archons are the messengers of deception According to the codices found at Nag Hammadi of the Gnostics, the Archons highest powers are the use of HAL, near undetectable virtual reality. The Archons are deeply envious of the Anthropos gift from the Aeons, of epinoia, or true imagination.

    Please read the amazing revelations from our ancestors, the Gnostics, in the book, “Not In His Image” by John Lamb Lash. This book changed my life.

    Peace, Love and Wisdom, and Imagination. Your efforts most definitely have power. The archons will lose.

  7. spacenergymass says:

    Another logical, fascinating, disturbing, yet eventually deeply comforting book,and way ahead of its time, yet hardly known to community at large, is the work of philosopher, Thaddeus Golas, in his seminal book, “Love and Pain”. This book is not for the faint of heart. “Love and Pain” was rejected by New Age publishing houses for its sober reasoning, even though Thaddeus Golas had a best selling book throughout the 70’s. When I become overwhelmed with the insanity of our world, I read this book, for its logic,and radical concepts, which make perfect sound reason to me. peace.(and thanks for the interesting comments following a fascinating topic)

  8. Ivan K. says:

    Jon contemplates the possibility that “our creative power could change the inherent design of reality” and that “when freed from restraints, human beings become enormously creative.”

    This reader from the other side of the planet finds that vision alien. It leads to several questions:

    Assuming those are the facts, what it means that we share this same world and have some kind of communication with each other? Can you prove you’re right by disappearing and reappearing again? Has anyone?

    Why have many accomplished artists done their best work in oppressive, repressive social environments, full of restraints?

    What did Orson Welles have in mind when he said “The enemy of art is the absence of limitations”?

    Why is your worldview without a coherent story of the kind: we have this ability because of this-and-this, and it appears to lead us to that-and-that? Why does it look like a purely psychic pill, giving a sense of unrestrained progressive movement & freedom? Is it culture-specific as it looks to me?

    • BoboSixx II says:

      “Assuming those are the facts, what it means that we share this same world and have some kind of communication with each other?”

      Yes, it is our ethereal connection through our Hearts.

      Twins often demonstrate this connection by their psychic ability to know instantaneously what the other twin is thinking and feeling.

      People that fall deeply in Love with each other strengthens this connection to the level that most twins have and can feel their Loved one just as acutely as the twins do with each other.

      These two examples prove that we all are connected with this energy.
      Some obviously are more in tune with this connection than others.

      “What did Orson Welles have in mind when he said ‘The enemy of art is the absence of limitations’?”

      Due to the political environment and history that Mr. Welles was accustomed to, he had just his perspective of the world and it’s available freedoms to offer his opinion of the times he was living through.

      Artists that were oppressed at that time, needed an artistic outlet to express themselves, releasing suppressed energy.

      So, they produced great works of art through their suffering.

      Up until the present day, the World has forgotten what true freedom is.

      So technically, all great works of art was produced under strenuous conditions.

      Now the World and her people are going into the age of awareness.
      Mass Consciousness Awakening is now here.

      The new and true freedoms we will soon be experiencing, will bring out new works of art, celebrating the World’s liberation from the lower negative energies and those dark tyrannical energies that oppressed us for far too long.


  9. spacenergymass says:

    Here is the latest interview on Red Ice Radio with John Lamb Lash. Listen to what our ancient ancestors, the Gnostics, (and no, the Gnostics were NOT Christians) had to say about the matrix, and how we can work together to free our specie’s potential for good.

    • OzzieThinker says:

      I would need to disagree with you, spaceenergymass.

      Looking at the evolution of Christianity, ignoring the Roman vampiric prostitution, it began with the Jewish Gnostic sects and became Christianity. Therefore, theoretically, Christianity (free of “sol invictus” pollution) is refined Jewish Gnosticism. Christians don’t see the light they see the Essenes (excuse the cheap pub).

      The informed might also bring up Saint (sic) Paul, the “self professed” Apostle. He was a shoe in – fusion of old guard orthodox pharisaic Zionism with a quaint Roman polish.

  10. Gudrun B says:

    sort of reminds me of the Celestine Prophecies

  11. Pippa Koenig says:

    I found a picture of your side (coloured hearts) and want to use it for my blog?

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