Snowden, Brian Williams: staged amateur night for the suckers

Snowden, Brian Williams: staged amateur night for suckers

by Jon Rappoport

May 30, 2014

You could call it a completely incompetent interview, but Brian Williams is supposed to be incompetent. That’s his job.

Don’t take a Snowden comment and drill down into it. Don’t connect dots. Don’t delve into Snowden’s history. Don’t ask serious questions about the NSA.

Just make the interview seem important. That’s all that counts. Give the impression that the interview is an Event.

When Snowden suddenly told Williams he was trained as a spy, he wasn’t just an analyst, when he said he’d worked under false names at false jobs he didn’t really have, for the CIA, NSA, and DIA…that’s a show-stopper.

Hold everything. “Really, Ed? What did you do? What kind of thing? You worked for the DIA? Never heard that before. When? Why haven’t you said you were a spy before? Why hasn’t Greenwald mentioned this? Does the New York Times know this? The Washington Post? When you took that last systems-analyst job for NSA in Hawaii, as a contractor for Booz Allen, you’d already been a deep-cover spy for NSA? What exactly was your job at NSA in Hawaii, Ed?”

And that’s just for starters.

Once you open up that subject, who knows where it might lead?

And how about this: “Okay, Ed, we’ve heard you took anywhere from 20,000 to 1.7 million NSA documents. What’s the real number? I’m asking this, in part, because at the rate those documents are being released, by your press friends, we’ll all be long dead before the full cache is made public.”

And then: “Let’s talk turkey here, Ed, about NSA internal security. This is the biggest, richest, most brilliant spy agency in the world. And yet we’re supposed to believe they overlooked one little thing in their structure: they just forgot to secure their own data. Oops. They just forgot. All these years. Therefore, as you’ve said on several occasions, any employee of the Agency with ordinary access could stroll in and steal the farm. Really? Is that what you’re selling?”

“As a follow-up, how did you take all those documents? We’ve heard the magic secret was: you had a thumb drive; other employees gave you their passwords; you were ‘special,’ so you had access to everything; you were doing systems checks. So what was it? How did you pull it off? You took so many documents from different categories of stored data. The NSA had no compartmentalization?”

“Early press reports cited your experience in Geneva working for the CIA as a crisis point in your odyssey. You learned that several CIA people there turned a Swiss banker. They got him drunk one night, encouraged him to drive home, he was arrested on the road, and these CIA guys rescued him from his problem. From that point on, they were able to get him to pass along confidential banking data to them. And this soured you on the CIA. This shocked you. Really? Are you serious? This upset you? You were working for the CIA. You knew what they do. The banker incident was nothing. This sounds like a made-up tale of an agent’s disillusionment with his own people—a piece of a legend.”

“Another thing that doesn’t add up: your time in Hong Kong. According to press reports, and Greenwald’s account, it was touch and go for you there. You’re in a hotel, you’re walking the streets, you’re meeting with Greenwald and Poitras…but during those few weeks the entire spying and surveillance apparatus of the US government just can’t find you. And they can’t cover the airport well enough, when you fly out of there, to snatch you up. All this is very fishy, Ed. Something else is going on here, Ed. What is it?”

“And oh yes. Your days in the military. You state you applied for a position in Special Forces, and during your preliminary training, you broke both legs and they let you go. I understand that Special Forces program involved taking tests for ‘vocational possibilities.’ I assume this would have let your superiors know you were a computer prodigy. Wouldn’t Special Forces have drooled to employ a prodigy? In which case, why did they let you go when you broke your legs? Did you need your legs to work on a computer?”

This is called digging. But of course, that isn’t Brian Williams’ job. He’s the All-American newsboy on a bike riding through a Disney neighborhood tossing papers on porches.

Digging in this way isn’t any mainstream reporter’s job. The official narrative won’t permit it. The sanitized Snowden story is only about: is he a patriot or a traitor?

Whereas, in real life, there are enough doubts and inconsistencies about Snowden and the NSA to wonder: was the whole thing, the whole deal, the whole theft of documents an op?

A planned operation?

For example, was Snowden still working for the CIA when CIA people GAVE him those NSA documents to walk off with? Was this part of a turf war between the CIA and the NSA? Was this the kind of spy Snowden was/is?

Did CIA people appeal to his patriotism to convince him that this op would be a noble enterprise?

Were these few CIA people patriots themselves, working off the books?

Was the theft of NSA documents part of a much larger plan to let the American people know they are being spied on, 24/7? To enforce the power and effectiveness of the Surveillance State? Because, when you think about it, the population needs to know they’re being spied on. That’s the biggest priority. Then they tailor their own thoughts and words and actions voluntarily. That’s what makes the Surveillance State work.

power outside the matrix

Of course, the American people don’t consider all these potential elements of the Snowden affair. (More on the various potential elements of the Snowden affair can be found here under the #Spygate heading on my blog (top right hand side link).)

Although they watch spy movies and television shows, they don’t believe, when push comes to shove, that intelligence operations have layers and false trails and cover stories and limited hangouts.

They don’t believe that deception can run that deep. They don’t stop to realize that all spies are trained to lie.

Lying convincingly is the number-one requisite for a spy. Lie to enemies, lie to friends, lie to the press, lie to other agencies of government.

If a spy doesn’t wake up every day thinking about what lies he’ll tell from breakfast to dinner, he’s a dud. A washout. A danger to himself and others.

Spies live in a labyrinth of deceit. It takes a certain kind of personality to thrive in that atmosphere.

Is Ed Snowden a spy?

Here’s a typical response to that question: “I don’t care what he is. The NSA documents are now out there in full view. That’s good. What difference does it make who Snowden is? Now we can have a public debate about the Surveillance State.”

Really? How is that “public debate” going? Have you seen any serious cutbacks in the power of the NSA? Has the limited-hangout discussion about whether Snowden is a hero or a traitor reined in the power of the NSA?

You never know what’s at the bottom of a story until you get there. There is always the chance you’ll discover something far more crippling to the powers-that-be than what’s on the surface, or what’s in the middle.

The surface of a desert might show you thousands of shards of pottery. Below that, you find a town. You keep going and you come to a lost city…

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

This entry was posted in Spygate.

40 comments on “Snowden, Brian Williams: staged amateur night for the suckers

  1. Chris says:

    immaculate. thx!

  2. says:

    Jon I tell everyone who will listen you figur[ed] this out from day one………………….

  3. […] Snowden, Brian Williams: staged amateur night for the suckers […]

  4. Sean says:

    OK. So what did the CIA accomplish by “outing” the NSA?

    • Budget cuts for the NSA for one…and some new bills coming that will limit their powers. Deflection, slight of hand…anything to take the focus of them (
      CIA) for a while. Let your imagination run with it!

  5. nomad says:

    Reblogged this on Aisle C.

  6. henry says:

    Everything that Snowden has released so far was known, or suspected, by Americans who have snapped out of their trance. He did get some members of the hypnotized masses to not be in such a deep hypnotic state. The deeply hypnotized population does not want to wake up. Anyone who tries to wake them is deemed to be an enemy. They advocate a non-judicial drone strike to kill him. The dancing in the street over news of his death will be reinforcement that polarizes the population. The asleep group will see it as acceptable to kill, or imprison, members of the awake group. The awake group will be called malcontents, mentally ill, traitors, and terrorists. That may be the game behind the game.

  7. ask? says:

    compartmentalization; Anyone who knows anything about classified information & how it’s kept
    knows this is one of the biggest holes to be found in his story. Two person checks, access that
    requires more than one, a over lapping system for security reasons is nothing knew. Yet the
    claim he makes is he had free rein to do whatever he wanted. Thanks for continue to look to
    what might be found behind door number 4 Jon.

  8. I had serious problems with his story about the Special Forces career he supposedly was trying for. First, selection is a grueling process to weed out those who would not last the duration of the training, AND would not make good “team players”. Each and every S.F. operational unit depends very heavily on the teamwork of every member. Each and every member must not only know his specific job, but also cross-train in one or more of the other jobs the other specialties employed on the team. Second, the main part of the training lasts for months. This is months of very hard, grueling, realistic training. One must be incredibly tough, physically, mentally, and emotionally in order to complete and graduate from the training.

    To give an idea on how well-trained your “team folks” are,

    A medical sergeant on an operational team is capable and very knowledgeable on surgical practices and methods in the field environment. – The ONLY military occupation that has actual enlisted ranks trained to perform emergency surgery, not commissioned ranks. – These folks learn this stuff in a lot shorter time than civilian doctors with an MD degree learn. – Is Edward Snowden saying HE is capable of learning these kinds of quality skills in such a stressful and accelerated learning environment???

    I smell horse-puckey here!!!

    ” De Opresso Liber! ”

    and ” AIR-BORNE! ”

    ( Plus, you do not get into S.F. school after being in service only FOUR DAYS! )

    • what are you talking about? lol what does edward snowden trying out for special forces have to do with medical sergeant?
      every person on special forces doesn’t look like a roided out body builder and knows how to do brain surgery while being machine gunned. lol
      And he said that he washed out and didnt make it far at all.
      And this is for Jon of coarse they dont want an injured man on the team even if it was just for computers that is completely absurd. Please give me any branch of the military that wants disabled men on the force……let alone pass through training.

      • You completely missed my point, as is obvious.

        I thought “geeks” were supposed to be very intelligent AND very observant?

        The point I made here is that Ed Snowden’s story is full of holes, and THIS was one particular “hole” of his story that did not wash!

  9. Snowden has been planting seeds. And they are not being planted for the public benefit.
    Snowden is also a seed that was planted.
    This is a formal entrance for big brother. No rumors, or conspiracy theories, just the facts are being watched all the time, so says eddy….or… is it simply a way for government to claim they have more power than they really do.

  10. […] Hold everything. “Really, Ed? What did you do? What kind of thing? You worked for the DIA? Never heard that before. When? Why haven’t you said you were a spy before? Why hasn’t GreenwaldRead more… […]

  11. Rocky says:

    When Snowden passively “Agreed” with Brian Williams on the Official US Govt 911 Story (it almost sounded like they’d rehearsed it) anyway to me that just destroyed any Credibility Snowden had as any kind of Genuine Protester or Whistle Blower! Snowden obviously is a willing participant in yet another manipulative CIA False Flag Charade! Russia should really be worried about having some one as deceitful and two faced as Snowden “installed” within their borders!

    • when did he agree with the official story? I doubt he believes the official story but if he said it publicly he would of been destroyed. But we do need someone to come out like that, but i doubt that would happen any time soon.

  12. mangrove says:

    Jon, yet another great article. Have you seen this one, about what Snowden said to Brian Williams regarding 9/11? For me, this is proof positive that everything you’ve been saying and speculating is correct. Snowden, after all, has ALL the secrets anyone could possible imagine having from the NSA, right? That would have to include 9/11, right?

    But look at what Snowden said in the Brian Williams interview — he’s just propping up the official story. That’s does it for me. 100% fake. I’d love to hear your take on this.

    NBC Censors Snowden’s Critical 9/11 Comments from Prime Time Audience

    SNOWDEN: ““You know this is a key question that the 9/11 commission considered, and what they found in the postmortem when they looked at all the classified intelligence from all the different intelligence agencies, they found that we had all of the information we needed as an intelligence community, as a classified sector, as the national defense of the United States, to detect this plot,” Snowden said.

    “We actually had records of the phone calls from the United States and out. The CIA knew who these guys were. The problem was not that we weren’t collecting information, it wasn’t that we didn’t have enough dots, it wasn’t that we didn’t have a haystack, it was that we did not understand the haystack that we had.”

  13. geoffreyfranklin says:

    Snowden is a snowjob. thanks.

  14. Green Crow says:

    The biggest questions that Brian Williams did not ask Ed Snowden were…”Was the CIA involved in any way in 9/11?; “Who do you personally think was responsible for the 9/11 atrocity?” and “Do you know about Building 7? What do you think brought that building down”.

    Those litmus test questions would have smoked him out…but Snowden is, for some reason, in cahoots with the mainstream media.

  15. phaedris says:

    This is all designed to trivialize and desensitize the public to the fact that they are now living in a surveillance state, and that their Constitution is “just a goddamn piece of paper” to use the words of George W. Bush…

  16. Right with you, Jon! If Snowjob was S.F. , I’d be Thor, for sure!….. Ooh! There’s a point….. Hang on….., I’d better go check the mirror and my tool-box…….nah. Still got the bloody horns!

  17. Frank says:

    When the old man hired Neocon AEI Bruce Fein as his attorney,My ears perked up!

  18. SnowFlake :) says:

    What you describe here in this paragraph re “public debate” is part of the “Six-Step Attitudinal Change Plan” outlined back in the early 1990’s via former radio program:

    You wrote: “Is Ed Snowden a spy? Here’s a typical response to that question: ‘I don’t care what he is. The NSA documents are now out there in full view. That’s good. What difference does it make who Snowden is? Now we can have a PUBLIC DEBATE about the Surveillance State.’ Really? How is that ‘public debate’ going?”

    Answer: It will go exactly in the direction TPTB planned for it to go, which is this:

    “The Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan* works like this:

    1. Some practice so offensive that it can scarcely be discussed in public is advocated by a RESPECTED expert in a RESPECTED forum.

    2. At first, the public is shocked, then outraged.

    3. But, the VERY FACT that such a thing could be PUBLICLY DEBATED becomes the SUBJECT of the debate.

    4. In the debate, sheer repetition of the shocking subject gradually dulls its effect.

    5. People then are no longer shocked.

    6. No longer outraged, people begin to argue for positions to moderate the extreme; or, they accept the premise, challenging, instead, the means to ACHIEVE it.”

    That’s the purpose of Snowden “putting it out there” WITH MSM HELP!


  19. Arnold Gregory says:

    Bravo. This whole article is one of them “self-evident truths”. If the MSM is all about it… its a lie. If Snowden was really damaging, Greenwald would have had an accident and the media would have changed the subject immediately. Most would have forgotten by now.

  20. Magnus Göller says:

    Very well put. I also asked myself – and mentioned that clearly on my page – if Snowden did not exactly what he was supposed to. Nothing of all he said was basically new to me, not being a computer or spy agency expert myself, for a long time, just having asked a few people who seemed competent. Then the big blow. Which had no consequences but that people got even more afraid. That might have been the single goal of all the ballyhoo.

  21. […] Snowden, Brian Williams: Staged Amateur Night for the Suckers […]

  22. Not George W. Obama says:

    I started thinking Snowden is a fake the minute he more or less confirmed the official story of 9/11 – he should know better than that.

    But I’m not sure why they would do such a thing.

    I don’t think it’s a fight between different factions – if anything, the CIA is more evil than the NSA (the CIA was associated with the yellowcake forgeries, the CIA trumpted Iraq’s WMDs, the CIA “found out” about Assad gassing his people, …), so why would they want to expose their slightly less evil friends? The NSA is very useful to the CIA even when it does nothing (they can always say they got some disinfo they want people to believe through the NSA tapping a phone line, regardless of whether or not that’s true).

    There’s the idea that they may simply want people to think that every word they say is being recorded [which, by the way, is not as extreme as many people think after the Snowden relevations — there’s no way they can actually monitor every email being sent, every phone call being made, every conversation held around a CCTV, or whatever — they simply don’t have the manpower, and computers can’t do the trick. Try having a conversation with Google Now or Siri – that’s about as far as computer/human language interaction goes these days. Yes, they’re recording every word being said — but they can’t check all the stuff they’ve recorded. They very probably aren’t listening unless you use a keyword a computer can recognize, or you’re on their watch list] so people don’t even dare voice any opposition to their friends – but then, why do it through a fake defector and why reveal some information that actually hurts them? (e.g. the fact that both Microsoft and Apple are willing PRISM co-conspirators – now everyone who doesn’t want them to have access to his data knows that dumping Windows for Apple won’t make a difference, and Linux or FreeBSD are the systems to move to).
    They could have leaked that with far less effort and without blowing some of their helpers’ identities.
    If I was in their place and I wanted to tell everyone they’re being monitored, I’d have told Microsoft to go public about PRISM — the information would have reached everyone, and at the same time, I’d have created the impression that one of my favorite collaborators actually has a conscience, can be trusted, and will at least warn me if they put bad things into their products.
    So while this may have been a part of the motive, I doubt it’s the whole story.

    Is it all a big cover story to plant a spy (Snowden) in Russia? Have him make friends with Russian counterespionage, then grant him a pardon, allow him to return so he can spill the beans on everything he learned there? Maybe, but if we can see though the story, wouldn’t the Russians (and wouldn’t they know the Russians can see through it)?
    There’s no way Russia doesn’t know 9/11 was an inside job – and Snowden denying that must set up their alarms (unless he already had all the information he was after when he mentioned 9/11, so discrediting him now is not a big deal).

    Or is it an attempt to manipulate the general public (“if Snowden says 9/11 was what the US government says it was, it ought to be true, he’s against them on everything else..:”)? Possibly, but would that be worth doing given the media managed to keep the lid on the truth, and the few who know they lied have enough proof to not be convinced anyway? Likely not.

    Or is it all about a piece of information that is yet to be leaked? Does Snowden have some NSA document saying the NSA knows Hitler moved to Russia and changed his name to Putin somewhere in the queue of stuff yet to be released? Or a document saying the NSA is listening in on messages sent by God and one of them said he’ll be very happy if we eradicate all those Muslims who dare believe in an extra prophet?

    All the explanations make some sense, but they’re all lacking. I think I’m still missing something.

  23. thanks for saying so many things I have been thinking , but unable to articulate

  24. Excellent questions we all should be asking. The way these documents are vetted through ‘FirstLook’ is cause for scrutiny. I’m left with the impression the whole Snowden event was developed in the wake of Russel Tice and other whistleblowers. Manage the introduction of a surveillance state and, while your at it, try to reaffirm the official story of 9/11. They hate us for our freedoms so we need the NSA!

  25. […] Concerning this intentional labyrinth of false leads and bogus details, analyst Jon Rappoport comments: […]

  26. Uzumaki Naruto says:

    ‘The sanitized Snowden story is only about: is he a patriot or a traitor?’

    Anybody stop to wonder whether maybe the “powers-that-be” want (y)our opinion on that sort of a moral dilemma and don’t much care what you might want to know? Maybe how the public answers will be the actual precedent-setter.

    I wonder whether the public’s being given a shot at joining “the adults” about something much bigger which they’ve been hiding or whether this is designed to instill as much fear as possible, as if basting a turkey.

    I don’t get an evil feeling from Snowden. But whatever.

  27. bewisetoday says:

    My biggest question, is if this interview is with a government “traitor” who allowed this to happen? Really, the US Government had no secret forces that could have come in and captured Snowden during the interview? I think that NBC would have been patriotic enough to play ball, would the Russians really care? They seem very disinterested in Snowden. So the whole scene was in a set in NYC and Snowden is really nowhere near the Soviet Union. Really, the Soviets didn’t want this breaking story? The loopholes are as big as swiss cheese and again the end game it to perpetrate the fantasy we are all being spied on.

  28. Philip Hogan says:

    Here’s an interesting take by Jim Stone:


    Is Snowden authentic?

    There are numerous […] reports out there […] saying the NSA is compartmentalized and there is no way Snowden could have gotten access to so many files from so many places in the NSA, after all it’s not easy to steal files from the NSA, is it?

    Having worked for the NSA, I can confirm that it in fact would be if you were in the correct position. I am only saying this to address [those] in the MSM and even alternative media now who are saying it can’t be done. WELL, IT CAN. Here is how.

    The NSA switched over a lot of the work from centralized computers to standalone workstations in the late 80’s and going into the 90´s through today. This was done on ordinary computers you could get at Best Buy. And they used the AMI bios (and others, but AMI was very common).

    In the bios you have options. Boot from CD, boot from USB, boot from HDD0 ect. So all Snowden would have had to do is smuggle in a flash drive with Linux Live loaded on it, and if he worked in maintenance (his actual position was unclear here,) NOT! it would have allowed him to get private access to any machine in the facility. You have to be allowed this access to do any maintenance with a computer. And I know when I was there the bios passwords were not set, and they really can’t be from a maintenance perspective, sometimes you HAVE TO get in there. This means that in a maintenance position you could just go into the bios, set it to boot from USB, plug in a fingernail sized card reader with a 32 gig micro SD card and linux live loaded onto it, and when you start that computer, it will boot to Linux and from there you can [copy off] anything you want. The NSA would not find a fingernail sized card reader on anyone, it’s just too small and for expedience they can’t look that close, you just wave your badge in front of the scanner, they might check any bags or briefcases you are carrying and you are in or out.

    Obviously Linux Live leaves no trace at all. And if the NSA removed the USB ports to prevent this, all it would then take is to bring a second hard drive in (if you worked maintenance, which Snowden did) and have Linux loaded on that, make it HDD0, boot linux and [copy] the machine that way. A little more work, but not too much more for anyone in the know, the difference would be about 45 seconds. Since Snowden reportedly had it all on flash drives, I doubt he had to take this step. AND, if Snowden came across a computer that had an inaccesible BIOS, working a maintenance position, all he would have to do is take the hard drive out, put it into a machine had an accessible BIOS and then [copy off] that hard drive with Linux.

    For expediency none of the bios passwords are set, so even if Snowden did not work maintenance (which he did) this is how it would be done anyway. At least this would have been possible when I was there. The facilities are large, and not all areas are manned at all times. So all Snowden would have had to do if he did not work maintenance is pay attention to when people would be in an area, and in the off shifts just go over and [copy] them. It’s that simple. Once you get through security things get easy, your security clearance really does pretty much do it all.

    You are never limited to a specific area once you get your clearance. You can walk through all of them to get to the operation floor snack table or anywhere else you want to go if you can state even the most tenuous reason, and you won’t be asked anyway, your badge is basically a free pass.

    This is why I never called B.S. on Snowden; screwing an American intelligence agency once inside would actually be quite easy to do. I call B.S. on those who are calling B.S. on Snowden, anyone why says it is not possible has either never been there or a shill.

    • Truth Hertz says:


      Snowden’s released docs say nothing about Israel or about 911 being an inside job. And, as another person pointed out, Snowden (and Wikileaks) have ZERO new information for those of us who have woken up.

      It will take 1000 years, at the current rate, for all the allegedly stolen docs to be released.


  29. Getting hot under the collar about the mechanics of whether or not it could be done seems to miss the point entirely – namely, that is was allowed to happen. That’s surely the point of a limited hang out. It is for the this reason that the long profiling of suitable players in this pantomime is so important. Journalists like Greenwald clearly love all this high jinx and attention in the same way that Tony Blair craves celebrity. The pathological narcissist is extremely valuable commodity for intel psychologists seeking new and effective ways for information dominance. After all, all this shennanigans is about defanging any serious response to the deeper reality of surveillance from the raising awareness in the public and the alternative media. The technology actually goes far deeper than anything we can see in Snowden’s pathetic little offering.

    The stakes are about to get a lot higher I fear.

  30. […] Snowden, Brian Williams: staged amateur night for the suckers. […]

  31. Robert Henderson says:

    Snowden as idealistic innocent is hideously implausible. See

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