Official magic for the walking dead soul

Official magic for the walking dead soul

by Jon Rappoport

May 29, 2014

“The State, with all its people, all its bureaucracies, is working a kind of magic. It’s a desolate magic. It actively conjures up blank spaces and blank minds to convince people that Blank is the meaning of Normal. It’s a ceremony of emptiness. A ritual of nothing and nowhere. And then, out of the void, it brings into being a salvation Machine that will do the right thing. It hails the Machine that can only do the right thing.” — (The Magician Awakes, Jon Rappoport)

The State’s magic is by reduction. Reduce all live fertile thought and feeling, and keep reducing until you arrive at a tiny point of gray dead light. Then pass that light from hand to hand, until all the workers inside the fortress possess it and cherish it.

The State’s obsession is with systems. It dreams of building a Control Center and hooking the whole population up to it.

This is the triumph of the prosaic. This is non-personality at the apex of its performance.

If you have a bigger and bigger class of people who only do the protecting, you eventually have to think of everyone else as the enemy. That becomes a closed system. And the minds operating that system, the managers, have to color their thoughts with constant, invented, official paranoia. So you get television shows and movies that reflect this state of mind. Enemies everywhere. It’s a self-feeding cafeteria.

Society and civilization are based on a limited range of emotions, which is the glue that builds the consensus and holds things together. What is held together is a smaller and smaller space, in which people operate. They come to see this space as The Central Space. That’s a lie. It’s an illusion.

You isolate 15 emotions. You label them and you describe them. You claim this is the full human range. You see that, if people accept these 15 as ‘all there is,’ you can manipulate those 15, you can focus on them, you can play them like an orchestra. It becomes a game. You develop various strategies to make that music. The goal is control. But the whole program and its success rely on the underlying assumption that there is this limited range and that’s all there is. If people were experiencing 150 emotions on a regular basis, and you tried to manipulate them by focusing on 15, what would happen? You would fail.

power outside the matrix

Society has initiation rituals, which are designed to bring people into Organization and Function. The counter-initiation, which is supposed to act as the resistance, champions better organization and better function. The vapid soul of this “resistance,” called technocracy, is really the apotheosis of the ritual—mystical, God-from-the-machine, and humans as electronic receivers of vetted official data.

To make sure humans are, in fact, consenting to the meaning of official data, the Surveillance State is conjured up. This is a public works program. “A job for anyone who wants to spy.”

Priest-class magic was always about control. A pipeline to salvation was offered to the population. Now the magic is about merging with the Machine.

Ablutions: for that day, the human must undergo preparatory exercises, to cleanse his psyche of idiosyncrasy, to attain uniformity preceding the initiation.

To establish a clear channel, so he can receive.

So he can receive the direct opposite of a galvanizing creative life, so he can receive the downloaded zero of empty magic.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

10 comments on “Official magic for the walking dead soul

  1. Gina says:

    Jon you are an amazing writer. I simply love your work. I so wish you’d put some of this crucial insight on YouTube. Reaching an enormous audience and perhaps stimulate the little independent critical thinking so many brains have left. So spot on …repeatedly.

  2. henry says:

    Watching a politician/banker/mafioso is like watching a magic show. You know that the magician is performing tricks. He is not doing magic that is breaking the rules of the universe. When the lady gets cut in half, she is not really being cut in half. Children don’t comprehend this and they think they are seeing magic. The magician knows he is doing a trick. The pretty assistant is waving her arms around so you will miss the actions that the magician is doing to perform the trick.

    When a banker/politician says they are creating money, they are performing a trick. Most adults in America have been dumbed down to have the intellectual capacity of children. They don’t understand that the banker/politician is doing a trick. They are transported into a fantasy land of magic.

    A recent development is that the banker/politician don’t know that they are doing tricks. They cut the lady in half and a new lady is brought out because the first one dies. As long as the audience can’t figure out the scam, they are happy but, little by little, they become poorer and less free. By the time they figure out the trick was on them, a new magician is mystifying them and the old one is out of sight.

    • John Doe says:

      WOW You just blew my mind! Excellent analogy to todays limited reality perceived by the indoctrinated sheeple!

  3. T-bone says:

    Succinct and to the point. Well written.

  4. brad says:

    Having spent 32 years in a large corporation it’s easy to see that the world is being remade in the image of the corporation – rules, procedures and compliance, that’s what maters. Everything and everyone uniform and predictable.

  5. Chris says:

    Mort Saul called this “de-sensitization.”

  6. […] What is held together is a smaller and smaller space, in which people operate […]

  7. […] Così che egli possa condurre l’esatto opposto di una vita creativa, in modo che possa ricevere il download punto zero della MAGIA DEL VUOTO. (Jon Rappoport) […]

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