Michael Corleone says yes to war in Syria

Michael Corleone says yes to war in Syria

by Jon Rappoport

September 4, 2013


The Godfather saga is clear on one point: the world of the mob has no exit.

Michael Corleone takes his family deeper and deeper into destruction.

Why? First of all, the Corleone life is crime. They cheat, lie, steal, intimidate and murder. No matter how attractive they are, that’s what they do. It’s the source of their wealth.

From that foundation, they venture out into the world and they find enemies. Competing families. They can try to broker peace and sign treaties, or they can attack.

Michael chooses to attack. He has his reasons. They make practical and emotional sense. But eternal war is just that. There is no turning back.

It may seem to Michael that he’s being “pulled back in,” over and over, but it’s his choice and his game and his territory and his actions that shape his fate and bring about the death of his family.

There are always new enemies, and old ones, too. Sollozzo, Barzini, and behind him, Hyman Roth, the kingpin. And Roth isn’t enough. The war has to be taken to the Vatican and its money machine.

Michael is like one of the late Roman emperors, wielding the sword at the end of the line, after the nation had already sealed its fate by opting for imperial empire and conquest. The lethal blowback has already been guaranteed.

Michael would have seen a Syria as an enemy purely on the basis that the natural gas pipeline, if stalled, if canceled, would deal a blow to Russia, his foe. Therefore, attack.

The imperial mindset automatically multiplies enemies.

The federal government of the United States can squirm, feint, dodge, preach, and pontificate. But it has set itself up as a crime family. All that remain are the details.

There will be war and there will be enemies.

The Matrix Revealed

The elasticity of conquest has limits. At some point, the connections snap and the structure and the supply lines collapse.

Sir, here is a blueprint of the entire Middle East. You can apply all this data to Africa as well. We can destabilize virtually every nation in the Middle East. We can set ethnic group against ethnic group. We can topple dictators. We can bring on long nights of chaos. For a while, we can let the home-grown crazies rule there. Then we can step in and take over. With our elite financial partners, we can own those countries by ‘rescuing’ them…”

We can destroy Barzini and the five crime families. We can take over New York and whole east coast and expand our activities into Las Vegas. We can finance legitimate businesses. No one will be able to challenge us…”

Sitting in the wings, waiting, is America’s greatest enemy. These men appear to be allies. In certain ventures, they are. But they see farther. They know more. They’re more calm. They are the Globalists, and the destruction of this country is on their planetary agenda. They see the US as the US government sees Iraq or Libya. They want America to go to war, again and again. They understand how war weakens a country, destabilizes it, bankrupts it, saps its spirit.

Like the forces of evil in Italy, who were waiting for Michael Corleone to make his move and expand his empire into that region, so they could spring their trap, the Globalists are watching the machinations of the US government, are drawing it closer to the flame, where the temperature burns the moth who is obsessed by the false light.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

8 comments on “Michael Corleone says yes to war in Syria

  1. vuelvancaras says:

    horrendously true.

  2. Shea says:

    That was Real !

  3. Lisa says:

    Excellent analysis of the real reasons our government is promoting the Syrian war. However, Mr. Rappaport, there’s the end game reason you missed. That is, so Obama can aid the Sunni faction of Islam gain dominance over the Shia faction and create a worldwide Caliphate, something the Muslims have tried to attain for centuries to do and could not. We are witnessing the treasonous traitor in the White House help them accomplish this. After all, in his own words from his book, “The Audacity of Hope”, he states, “if the political winds shift in an ugly direction, I will stand with the Muslims”. It is obvious where his real loyalties lie. And, by the way, that’s why the ruling elite elevated him to power over Hillary Clinton, when all of a sudden they through him in the running for president.

  4. $@anycost says:

    Excellent analogy, there is the element of Gold versus the Petro Dollar that plays a key part. Those oil producers who sell for gold are being eliminated, one at a time. Coincidence ?

  5. War, war, war, but what is the point? No it isn’t merely money, power, control, or one world government. All that is the surface covering and furthering the real agenda. It is about predation among sapient species.

    We can follow the money (which is not a goal for the obscenely rich and powerful) in order to track the science and technology that money builds. This in turn will show us the end game. War of all the different kinds mentioned above serves as justification and motivation for developing very high technology designed for a certain purpose.

    Large Hadron Colliders, extra-galactic planet seeking telescopes, space stations and craft, nano-tech, genetic engineering, artificial species, stealth, cloaking, and weapons technology, trans-humanist & post-human artificial intelligence through quantum computers; all get framed as serving a better human future. This is surprisingly effective bait for a naively consumptive entitled species.

    Does all this really sound like a human agenda to you? “Post-humanism” is not a conspiracy, it is completely open and you are invited to participate fully in your own and your species’ extinction at a point just beyond the “singularity.” This is about robots seeding an alien consciousness throughout the galaxy and beyond. Humans in any sense you conceive of them are not going there.

    Humans are the hosts and slaves who build vehicles for the infective larvae to travel within. Humans are a first stage “vector” in the biological terms of parasitology, but the predator parasite we are dealing with is currently invisible to almost all of humanity. You only discovered “germs” three centuries ago.

    Earth’s “top predator” provides convenient human enemies to project its indirect signs and evidence upon, such as governments, bankers, corporations, and other conspirators in order to distract from the actual source. All war on Earth is between human groups rather than with the real enemy who “divides and conquers” its prey. Your predator is more evolved and complexly adaptive, and much more intelligent than the most brilliant among your kind.

    This means the although the highest levels of the human elite can at least cooperate with each other, they are slaves as well. Their bait in this is the promise of immortality through being “uploaded” into the new quantum computer god. Even those who have it all can be suckered with this pretty lie.

    Corporate marketers claimed twenty years ago that by this time you wouldn’t be able to distinguish their advertising from entertainment. That means your propaganda lives in media, news, and film entertainment, and particularly in science “fiction.” What humans take as science fiction (neural linking, space craft, parasitic aliens, mind viruses, zombies) is the closest view of what is coming down that you will get. This is your inoculation to “future shock.”

    “They” aren’t through with some of you yet, and having parts of your brain put inside a robot (artificial intelligence has severe limits) isn’t going to be pleasant.

  6. Emmanuel Truthseeker says:

    All the issues aside, Jon; writer to writer; you are an awesome writer. I like your style, your wit, and your eloquence. Good writing is rare. Your words today were good reading. Well done, Jon. Keep up the good fight. Knowledge is power; the truth shall set us free. It is with the power of the mighty pen/keyboard that we topple the towers of the wicked.

  7. Samuel Ashworth says:

    Nice one! In the movie, Michaels daughter was killed. I guess the analogy is our daughter, freedom will be killed?

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