Why do they try so hard to end freedom?

Why do they try so hard to end freedom?

By Jon Rappoport

August 26, 2013


I have several answers to that question.

The people who run the people who run things want to own everything.

To them, freedom is another thing to own. So they want it. And they want it all for themselves.

Second, they realize that people who have freedom will not want the kind of world being lowered on them, and with freedom, those rebels may just find a way to keep the planned future from happening. So…better to close all doors.

All the phony political talk about “we’re in this together” is a blatant attempt to promote the idea that freedom is a small thing that must be sacrificed. For the greater good.

The people who run things from the top believe that freedom can be owned, because they can’t think of anything that can’t be owned. That’s their view. That’s the way they see life and the world.

That puts them at a strategic advantage. They focus all their energies on buying and selling. The holdouts among us are those who have values that can’t be displayed like cars in a showroom. Values that can’t be argued for in commercial language. Values that are ultimately non-material.

Holding the value of freedom gives us one advantage. We’re not competing against similar products in the marketplace. We’re competing against one thing only: slavery.

In one way or another, I have been writing about mind control for 30 years. It’s the doorway into slavery. It’s an attempt to wipe out everything that freedom means—most of all, how much it means.

Whatever humans can accomplish, the platform for it is liberty.

To say that freedom carries too much potential for abuse is like arguing that oceans are too dangerous and should be outlawed.

The so-called philosophies that replace freedom try to paint their conclusions with inevitability, and they all fail. From Plato to Marx, they begin with statements of what is possible “if only people would recognize the truth.” Their utopias, when played out, produce tyranny over mind, body, and soul. The cost of perfection.

Behind every good thing you or I or anyone has accomplished, there was the space of freedom. It’s almost a truism, it’s so obvious. But because it’s so obvious, we tend to ignore it.

Now, strong advocates of freedom are looked upon, by the government, as potentially dangerous people. They are demeaned in every possible way. If that doesn’t give you a clue about where government is heading, try reading the piece of paper called the Constitution, and then compare the statements in that document with the present scope of government and come to a decision.

As an aside, try finding a serious college course that does exactly that comparison in great detail. Good luck.

Freedom is out; the collective is in.

Exit From the Matrix

Our petty leaders, the dupes and mules for the future over the hill, are humping the ultimate prize, freedom, which they will lay at the feet of their masters. They will do it gladly, because they can sell all the programs and systems and laws and regulations that add up to no-freedom. It’s easy. They believe it’s workable. And the less freedom that exists, they more power they, the dupes, have, and the bigger their principalities. They’re mercenaries.

Here’s a principle you won’t find in a college economics course: the free market can only exist when the participants have non-material values that conspire to produce good relations among people. In the absence of that, anything and everything can be bought and sold, including the right to be free.

This, of course, ties in with the elite philosophy of ownership.

If we give up our values, some distant future historian will write: “Those people believed in a myth of great men who had much money, much power. Demi-gods. The demi-gods appeared and approached the people with an offer. Sell us your freedom. What is your price? And the people named a price and the bargain was struck. The people were satisfied. They reasoned that what they were trading was a thing, an item, a kind of product, which, were it not for the demi-gods, could never be sold. In a way, the people were mesmerized by what they had been able to accomplish with that sale. Ironically, they were so deluded because they had allowed themselves to grow fat on freedom…”

Mind, body, soul, imagination, and love all exist on the basis that freedom is there—or if it isn’t, it must be fought for.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com

15 comments on “Why do they try so hard to end freedom?

  1. AdamXYZ says:

    You are one heavy dude, Jon; you put me right there. Only thing is, I am tiring of using the “you” pronoun between us, as we are so much alike that we are one, at least at the junctures where we are welded together psychologically/spiritually. Why, then, can’t we simply say, “I,” regarding any thought, as though we are the same person? Ha, ha, ha.

    Of course, as you write so well of the subject itself, Freedom is the Greatest Product, and those that have it are using theirs to enslave others. What is different about this refrain than has ever been the case regarding human beings? I have been to all the “tops” in one way or other, and found human beings all the way “up there” that were trying to enslave all beneath them, whatever the thing to enslave might be. The human being is an enslaver, period, which enslaver is also the enslaved. Can you imagine being enslaved to Greed and other kinds of lusts equally ugly? One enslaves oneself when one enslaves another. It happens every time. And Freedom exists for all those that try their best to allow others to have their way, which is Freedom, too. Having one’s way is freedom.

    The question is: why does the human being appoint itself “The Enslaver?” The answer to that question lies a long way from the physical and is imbedded in the spiritual. Of course, the physical is a manifestation of the psychological, which is a manifestation of the spiritual, and above which only God knows. At any rate, only a spiritual answer could cover the whole situation. We have to talk about “Gods at war” here.

    The whole thing is, the enslavers are maniacs. Hell’s Fire, they enslave themselves! But you, Jon, have the whole Big Secret about how to avoid self-enslavement and enslavement of others. I appreciate that you are kind enough to do everything in your power to make it clear for those few thinkers that need to connect the dots but don’t (for whatever reason.) I’m certain that if people such as you and I could somehow connect with others of our kind and weld our thinking together, good and great things would happen toward a mutual enrichment that is ours as a legacy of our consciousness. I make things happen. I am at least “a” creator, if not “The,” and I have reached a pinnacle where I don’t want to employ any further of my mental energies (the driver) to getting anything I particularly want, such as a peaceful or warring world. Both have their attractions. Why, I don’t know, but at some junctures war is necessary and at some, peace. Thus, I don’t know which direction I want my universe to go. Should we put it on auto-pilot?

  2. RockHeavyMetal.Com says:

    One of the fundamental flaws of the U.S. constitution is that it provides no provision for grand jury arraignment in civil cases. This demonstrates a conspiracy to enslave the populace to a ruling elite controlling access to civil courts. The provisions providing grand jury arraignment in criminal cases are ignored by the liars thieves and murderers calling themselves the U.S. courts as are all other provisions of the U.S. constitution. There are no laws here. This place is not a country because the people are superstitious cowards waiting to die and go live with Jesus. They don’t want the responsibilities of citizenship. They despise any recognition of right vs. wrong as contrary to their religion of “judge not lest ye be judged”. Judging others is a basic moral and civic responsibility.
    Democracy is when a lottery is used to select the members of a public body such as a legislature. Democracy has nothing to do with an election.

  3. Silver dot says:

    I’d say Plato’s elitist views have something to do with it.

  4. Chris says:

    Why do they try so hard to end freedom? So they can eventually heard everyone up to rebuild the home planet of satan and the reptilian “snakes in the garden” – Mars.
    Eve and all of her apple-eaters… just gotta love em.

  5. walt says:

    Well said, written and expressed.
    I have, for years thought carefully about my decision to maintain freedom over all things. Not that I like the idea of losing what I possess, I just loath the thought of giving up my soul which belongs to no man.

  6. honeythatsok says:

    Thank you! I’ve been asking this question for years and this is the best answer I’ve found so far. Your writing is a light in the darkness.

  7. kunjabihari says:

    Robert Pirsig (author of ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance’) in his book ‘Lila’ puts forth his theory that the concept of individual freedom came from the NativeAmericans, and was then propagated by the founding fathers of America, who wanted to ‘sell’ it to the rest of the world (democracy). However, ‘old habits die hard’; and the DarkAges (or even worse than it was then) are upon us once again.

  8. Ultimately, the people who manage people, who wish to buy freedom from the rest of us, do not have freedom. Think of the kings and queens immemorial. They are but pieces of furniture, puppets in the old feudal land system where rank and position (in relation to land, castles, real estate, and things) outmaneuver love in marriage, business and family relationships. They have no privacy, are not their own people and remind one of Joan Baez’s song Lady Di, which at one point was censored. The song spoke of Lady Di not being able to wear jeans or sneak a kiss at moonlight from a star crossed lover (foreshadowing her later relationship. Think of later “defectors” such as Fergie. Even going further to the behind the scenes owners of the aforementioned royalty, sitting at round-tables, buying billion dollar condos on Park Ave., traveling everywhere to hang on to every ounce of silver and gold. Ultimately, they want what they cannot have.

  9. Cassius says:

    Well said, Jon. This is, now, an individual’s battle, and War.

    We have learned that groups can be, and will be, infiltrated.

    America resides in the hearts and minds of its Citizens, as well as the Constitution. We have a collective consciousness, and
    many of us are aware of these attempted machinations that continually threaten our Freedom.

    The Truth is written in all of our souls, but we are free to disregard it: Americans must become more alert, attentive and
    ‘disagreeable’ moving forward. No new “revolution” is needed:
    the Original One is part of us, permanently. America will stand.

  10. Eileen Kuch says:

    Freedom is the most precious gift, next to life, that God has endowed humanity with. Its not a commodity to be bought and sold, no matter what the so-called “elites” may say. Therefore, freedom belongs only to God and to humanity, to whom He has given.

    Freedom cannot be taken for granted. Keeping it requires constant vigilance on the part of the populace. It is periodically nourished with the blood of patriots; and, today may require more nourishment.

  11. kozandaishi says:

    Fundamentally speaking (pun intended), America is based on the mythology of Yahweh War God, and the divine mandate of manifest destiny. There’s no business like war business. When you realize that Abrahamic religions are pathologies set up to control humanity through the promise of off-planet salvationist ideologies, you begin to see why we trash the earth and kill each other in the guise of chosen ones and fear-based traditions.

  12. […] Jon Rappoport ~ Why Do They Try So Hard to End Freedom? […]

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