The psychological crossroad of an unhappy life

The psychological crossroad of an unhappy life

by Jon Rappoport

May 3, 2013

There is a point at which a life becomes unsatisfying.  Regardless of the reasons, a person begins to place too much emphasis on:

what already exists;

and what he believes.

That may sound like a strange thing to say.

There is nothing automatically wrong with what exists or with what he believes, but the key term here is “too much emphasis.”

A person makes a castle and fortress out of what was once flowing, energetic, and alive.

This is one of those unfair facts of existence, because it would seem, on cursory examination, that to believe what is good, right, and true should be tethered down with the strongest possible ropes.  It should be permanently imprinted in the mind, engraved deeply.

But then something happens.  The beliefs lose their dynamism.  They sit there.  They turn into dead stars.

The person, from that point on, can speak and act from these beliefs, but his actions and words take on a mechanical hue.  He becomes a one-trick pony.  The people around him know how he is going to respond.  They know what he’s going to say.

He himself knows what he’s going to say.

His life now resembles a machine.

To one degree or another, everyone can fall into this trap.  The sap of life becomes sour.

“Whatever already exists,” rather than “what could possibly be” takes center stage.

And, another irony: what already exists could be the most cogent position in the world, yet it returns no psychological or spiritual dividends.

What happened?  How did things come to this?

The classic case, because it is so visible, is the artist who winds up repeating the same themes again and again in his work, the force of them deadening as he grows more “mature.”

But we could be talking about anyone.

The person becomes bored with himself.  And then, he thinks, he has nowhere to go.  It’s time for old age.

That old age can come at 30, at 50, at 70.  It doesn’t matter when.  The door seems to close.  The walls are permanently set.

The Matrix Revealed

Wisdom, intellectual prowess, success, insight, strength no longer seem to matter.  Being correct and right about the most important things has worn out like old shoes.

A person can tout his own beliefs to the rooftops, but it has no effect, no salutary effect on himself.

The search for what is deeply true and what beliefs are most important has succeeded, but the result is ashes.

What I’m describing here is a central aspect of the Matrix, an aspect most people would rather not consider.

They would prefer to say, “Nothing’s wrong,” and simply turn up the decibel count on their all-too-familiar assertions, which by now have taken on the coloration of slogans.

And there are millions of so-called professionals who are ready to jump into the breach and analyze this existential situation as a collection of symptoms which refer to some pseudo-disorder.

Yet there is help.  There has always been help.  It waits on the sidelines, and if the call comes, everything transforms.  The person mired in his own stagnant juices doesn’t have to consciously change a thing about his beliefs.  He doesn’t have to try to manipulate his mind or reorganize its contents.

This help, which is waiting for the call to action, doesn’t function on the basis of what already exists.  It never has.  That’s why it has been rejected.  It doesn’t seem to be practical.  It doesn’t seem to be the drill that can bore a hole in the lock of the door and let the prisoner out of his cell.

This help isn’t “true” or “right” or “correct.”  It isn’t “harmonious” or “perfect.”

It’s oceanic.

It is the imagination.

Exit From the Matrix

Imagination is the buried key that unlocks the door that exits from the Matrix. EXIT FROM THE MATRIX contains exercises and techniques aimed at expanding the power, range, and scope of the imagination—along with very simple instructions on how to use these exercises. This collection also contains a presentation of the vital philosophy that underpins the limitless power of the individual. This is more than theory. It’s a guide to exiting from the Matrix.

Consigned as a mere toy for children, a distraction, a useless appendage for adults, a minor preoccupation, it is actually the faculty that surpasses what already exists in any dimension.

It doesn’t rely on the past.  It doesn’t operate as a system.  It doesn’t make calculations in accounting books.  It isn’t a pattern.

It’s free.

Imagination wakes up the psyche.  It wakes up the cells of the body.  It invents the space of an open future.  It sweeps the deck clean of morbid boredom.  It solves problems in unforeseen ways.  It moves out ahead of problems and creates new avenues along which old conflicts dissolve.

Imagination can be deployed to express deep beliefs and make them impact the world.  It brings those beliefs back to life.  It develops ingenious strategies to forward plans that were dying on the vine.

Imagination changes what already exists for the better.  It can leap ahead of reality and build futures that shatter moribund consensus.

Imagination awakens abilities beyond the five senses and beyond structured consciousness.

When a life turns sour, stolid, and old, imagination injects the fire of youth.

Imagination says, “It’s never too late.”

“Late” turns out to be a faulty proposition that was omitting the most powerful force in the individual.

Imagination resides in the individual, not the collective.  A life and a world founded on the collective is actually a covert operation to induce amnesia about the imagination.

The individual can choose to move forward by embodying patterns of the past, or he can step on to an entirely different path.

The universe is waiting for imagination to revolutionize it down to its core.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

14 comments on “The psychological crossroad of an unhappy life

  1. kozandaishi says:

    Thank you Jon – You are awesome, and your writings are an antidote to the materialistic and fundamentalist beliefs and behaviors that kill the spirit. Your post today embodies the core of true human freedom, or as Rumi once said….

    Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing
    there is a field
    I’ll meet you there

    When the soul lies down in that grass
    the world is too full to talk about
    Ideas, language, even the phrase
    each other
    doesn’t make any sense

  2. Very nice points. And imagination is driven by our emotions, passions and desires.

  3. Ellie meckel says:

    This is so perfect . Needed it this morning. Great reminder. Many thanks!!!! 🙂

  4. hybridrogue1 says:


    I like this one. It shimmers.


  5. vuelvancaras says:

    fantastic! thank you.

  6. Mia Morales says:

    Love This. Awesome.

  7. Seaker says:

    Possibly your most powerfully true blog yet, Jon. Brilliant.

  8. ramonthomas says:

    Reblogged this on Motivational Speaker Blog and commented:
    Jon Rappoport knows how to untangle the web of complexity we’ve woven around our lives. This article is so deep and powerful and yet so simple in how to think about your life.

  9. hammerbag says:

    Yes, one wonders about others. I can see a planet without strife. I can see each human being peaceable. That is a reason to breathe. I have had to just abandon friends this year, as I realize how many of them are in the bad kind of autistic bubbles, flailing verbally, often on Second Life of Facebook, against the system while dutifully viewing porn, paying taxes, and worrying not about my neurologic health but whether I can pay my bills. My health is near shot, see, and I don’t give a hoot about money. I have plenty. So I keep reading and writing. Thanks for writing as often as you do.

  10. chipahoy says:

    This essay was what I needed. Jon probably notices the cues that are present in space time seeking to connect and enhance the imaginative life. Nothing EVER stops the Flow of The Creative. Gotta love this one noble reader.

  11. Kimber says:

    This is jaw droppingly beautiful. Thank you.

  12. sistertongue says:

    Thanks. You know, I’ve seen an increasing trend of a lot of bloggers saying “Run, run, run . . . . to safety.” Boring. They are running FROM something (whether their fears of ideas of current limitations into a fantasy land of “new opportunity” – so often defined by our current matrix capitalistic ideas). What they do not realize is that they are still responding from and EXTERNAL source of meaning – and trying to leap off into another external source of meaning.

    Creativity and imagination comes from within. Artists know this, as do you, Jon, being one yourself.

    It’s not about running away from something we do not like. Vision is about sculpting and entering into an idea and source that moves us into greater and deeper levels and meanings of self authenticity.

    I know you know this. And, thank you so much for the post.

  13. Veronica says:

    Dear Jon,

    You won’t remember me, but we used to converse via e-mails during the false-flag panics over Bird ‘Flu, etc. And that gave me the deepest respect for what you say, and what you wrote.

    And I have to say that this essay is a Masterpiece. You seem to have excelled even yourself. Many congratulations, Jon … this is spot on.
    And the Commentors … yes … you are spot on, as well … especially SisterTongue who as also absolutely spot on.

    Many, many thanks … and ever more power to the Spiritual Forces that guide us all.

    Imagination? Intuition? Heart? LISTEN TO IT … it will NEVER lie to you.

    Veronica xxx

  14. s. nelson says:

    absolutely fantastic. thank you for this.

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