It was nice knowing you, America

It was nice knowing you, America

by Jon Rappoport

April 5, 2013

There are now an astonishing 90 million people absent from the US labor force.

NPR reports: “Every month, 14 million Americans get a disability check from the government.”

In Hale County, Alabama, nearly 1 in 4 working-age adults is on disability.”

As of December 2012, 47 million Americans were on food stamps. The USDA assesses the annual cost of the program at $71.8 billion.

Separate from food stamps, and apparently not including other members of a household where at least one person is receiving government payments, we have 4.3 million Americans on welfare.

Medicaid, the government medical-care program for the poor, lists 50.1 million people enrolled in 2011. If you include Americans who were on Medicaid for at least one month in that year, the number swells to 70.4 million. As a result of Obamacare, the US Dept. of Health and Human Services predicts 20 million new people will be added to Medicaid in 2019.

Forbes Magazine states the annual cost of healthcare in the US is $2 trillion. And yet, concealed from the public, this money is used to wreak incredible destruction on the people.

In 2001, a landmark article in the LA Times, written by Linda Marsa, reported that 100,000 Americans are killed by FDA-approved pharmaceutical drugs every year, and 2.1 million more people are hospitalized as a result of adverse reactions to the medical drugs. In all, there are 22 million significant adverse reactions each year in the US.

The Times article was based, in part, on a July 26, 2000, review by Dr. Barbara Starfield, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association: “Is US health really the best in the world?”

Starfield stated that the American medical system kills 225,000 people a year, or 2.25 million people per decade. Of these, slightly less than half are killed by FDA-approved medicines, and the rest meet their deaths as a result of malpractice and errors committed in hospitals.

Of course, there are also the untold numbers of Americans exposed to GMO crops, fluorides, and toxic pesticides.

And then there is the number of people US troops have killed and maimed in recent foreign wars. Economic sanctions alone, between the two Iraq wars, killed 500,000 Iraqi children.

How did this culture of death and disability take over?

Could one possibly attribute the great change to a deterioration of principle? And its replacement with a sheer intent to conquer, sell, consume, profit, gorge, and cheat no matter what the outcome?

Given the fact that more and more Americans don’t even know what a principle is, it’s obvious that a deterioration has occurred.

Forget the idea of help from central government. It continues to rot as it expands. It enables spokespersons who wouldn’t be able to wake up in the morning if they didn’t have at least a dozen lies to tell during the coming day.

The commander-in-chief of lies is the president. Bush, Obama, it makes no difference. Lies, obfuscations, omissions, pretenses, excuses, cover stories. They’re a president’s stock in trade. Some presidents lie more convincingly than others.

It’s exactly what you would expect from any major corporate CEO. The federal government is basically a self-generating bank with an army.

The Matrix Revealed

A public official is a person who a) cultivates a corrupt objective and then b) drapes it in false Caring. Heaven slowly reveals itself as Hell.

A public official is a fragment of scum seeking to join a larger lake of scum.

A public official attempts to earn entrance to a circle of people far more corrupt than he ever dreamed he could be.

Media anchors are barnacles on public officials.

Viewer-adherents to the nightly news are androids who, as they sit mute before their screens, experience a weak electric signal they interpret as satisfaction.

Sensorily, telepathically, intellectually, the androids transit to their young the value of these signals.

The official apparatus of information merges with the human nervous system to illuminate a desolate cartoon that plays over and over and produces movements in ligaments, tendons, and muscles called “life.”.

From brain to brain and mind to mind, without sound or word, the affirmation of an existence empty of principle is transmitted at a speed beyond that of light.

The collective consciousness anticipates the next hyper-sentimental tragedy in the circus maximus.

Technocrats are busy designing a machine-brain that will mimic all these reflections, and this machine will be called utopia.

Exit From the Matrix

With eyes averted, the populace studiously ignores the figure standing in the wings:

The individual. The awake individual.

The alive and intensely creative individual, who is free.

The individual who refuses to join the crippled parade.

Why would he join it? For the barely traceable comfort of a wan washed-out hope?

The principle of the free and powerful individual was once a barrier against the assault of the government-corporate State. It was a reminder that we could live beyond the shadow of collectivist destruction emblazoned in the statistics I cited above.

The principle offered the promise that groups of such free individuals, without compromise, could band together and embody achievement, strength, and independence from entrenched authority.

But an intense psychological operation was underway and has continued to this day. Its essence is: the collective is everything, the hive is everything, the individual is nothing, the individual is the cause of all our trouble.

Turning the truth upside down and deserting the principle of the individual has done as much harm to the house of this nation as any bomb could. More actually, because of the effect on the mind and spirit.

The answer to this massive crime and its effects has to begin with a renaissance of the individual, no matter how distant the prospects of success may seem.

Waking up isn’t a group phenomenon. The building block is the single human being. The layers and webs and networks of collectivist illusion have to be wiped away from his eyes.

The Group as the basis for all life is the lie that has gotten us this far down the road to perdition. It is the image promoted by the psyop. It is the false dream that has been used and twisted to push an agenda of endless Need which must be fed from Above.

From the earliest days of history on this planet, top-down authority, aided and abetted by a privileged priest or intellectual class, has monopolized power by defining the population as a mass and a group, and that formula has been assiduously followed in every society and civilization.

It is being followed now, to squelch the consciousness of the individual, and demote that from a cardinal principle to an “outmoded and primitive evolutionary dead-end.”

The results, in this country, are there for anyone to see.

So is the solution.

Life, power, and consciousness begin with the individual.

We can try to tap dance our way past that, we can make excuses and proclaim theory after theory of disability, we can raise flag after flag on behalf of “group security,” but nothing will change.

We are at the same gate, the same doorway, the same starting point. And in that place, we have a choice. To live with the spirit, energy, and imagination of the free individual, or to enroll in the amorphous collective and shove in all our chips on the future that will bring.

Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.” Tom Paine, December 23, 1776

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

24 comments on “It was nice knowing you, America

  1. bleak says:

    Absolutely, Jon. It’s the psyops that spread the collectivists’ transmissions that block the hive member from experiencing his/her individuality. And, as an added bonus, making said hive member think it was his/her idea in the first place. Pretty freaking clever of those bastards. So who is behind the psyops? That is what I’d like to hear you talk about. Just my 2¢. Thanks.

  2. David says:

    It is very “surreal” to actually watch it all go down. But, the reality is that it IS happening. All one can do is brace themselves for impact.

  3. […] It was nice knowing you, America | Jon Rappoport’s Blog. […]

  4. PHONEHENGE says:

    …You missed a huge point. Kids today. When I was a kid in the 50’s NO ONE WAS INSIDE! We had the joy of crippling spinal injuries from ‘Slip and Slides’. Facial injuries from ‘Flexxies’ ( Basically sleds with wheels you could stack three kids on then go down steep sidewalks with no brakes ) Or, learn to walk like Frankenstein after hit in the head playing ‘Lawn Darts’ with the five pound pointed ended darts you tossed in the air at each other. Don’t forget Trampolines, Zip guns, Bows and Arrows, BB guns, M-80’s, jumping Trains, hide and seek in junk yards with vicious guard dogs, Tree forts, dirt clod wars, skate boards with steel wheels that pitched you off head first all the time, Banana seat bikes with faulty handlebars, exploring flood control tunnels full of gas with candles. I could go on for hours…

  5. janet says:

    Wow what a succinct and astute assessment of today’s American culture. A heartbreaking reality is upon us. We desperately need to encourage those not yet assimilated to the prevailing mindset, to take hope that the true American spirit yet thrives, undaunted within millions of us. Thank you for giving voice to those with eyes wide open.

  6. Meandmyarrow says:

    Yes Jon R., you are correct in all your assessments and facts. Here’s the rub, unless mankind has a keen awakening and their hearts are suddenly transformed into a heart like God and his son, then we are all going down the proverbial crapper together. Evil is a heart issue, just like good is a Herat issue…Jesus said…evil will continue to do evil, and good will continue to do good. I’m anxious awaiting the end of all this misery and the reign of Jesus to begin. Everything else is just urinating in the wind.

  7. Conrad says:

    The French know instinctively that the people can never seize power, especially by voting. It’a a closed shop, cleverly disguised as as Democratic. The French people know that you need to threaten the government to get social justice. In America, we retreat like cowards to our caves with our guns and cans of beans. We’ve been deftly turned against each other, rendered impotent and convinced that anarchy is freedom. We listen to non-issues on TV – abortion, gay marriage, illegal aliens – while our livelihood is sent to slave states abroad, our infrastructure is shabby and looks like a banana republic.

    The pivot is 911. A powerful cabal that can effectively paralyze our justice system and get away with an elaborate murderous scheme, vaporize buildings, convince us that a plane hit the Pentagon where none existed etc. . . .There is no normal remedy for this. If a serious effort is ever made discover the perps, the chess board will be kicked over.

    What’s the solution? There may not be one. We’ve waited too long.

  8. and the sad thing, is that these ‘youth’ who are ‘ensnared’ by the technocrats are ‘addicted’ to these electrical impulses and signals-so much to the point-that ‘normal’ social interaction with these young ‘people’ is all but impossible, beside the few snide remarks, or ‘brush off’ for interfering with this ‘oh so important’ electrical signal. what happens when the commander in thief decides to ‘push the button’ to shut these signals off-and then proceeds to ‘bribe’ them to get the button back on. it will not take much for our digital pied piper to ‘steal’ the children if he thinks he can give himself access to ‘their power button’.that connects these ‘little texters’, i see his insidious plot to steal our children, this at the time he plans to steal from our elders, and dip his hands into the social security that millions of american elders have put into every two weeks for decades, that they are entitled to get back, stealing from elders hard earned money is the lowest form of elder abuse, i for one, as an alaska native find this very offensive, we are raised to respect our elders, and learn from them. not to ‘steal’ from them.

  9. DHayes says:

    Divide and conquere, the damage is done there is no recovery but to start over and that what’s foretold. WE USE TO BE UNITED ON THE GROUNDS OF TRUTH, NOW BEING DECIEVED PEOPLE ARE AT EACH OTHERS THROATS. We dont even speak the same language, truth. One answ one God we follow the Him

  10. Anonymous says:

    It is too late to go back. We can only move forward from here. Where that will take us is up for grabs.
    I don’t have much hope of a positive outcome but one never knows. In the waiting, it is hard to believe the destruction that the Global population and its clamour for more has brought to our beautiful precious Planet.
    We are a sea of fools.

  11. king edward says:

    …and everyone commenting in agreement here, i would wager significantly, will be up bright and early on monday morning to go to work feeding the very system that they’re complaining about… y’all have big mouths and lots of opinions but at the end of the day, NOT ONE of you is willing to walk away from the machine an live his/her own way… you want your cars, you want your tv’s, you want YOUR COMFORT. just like all amerikans – you bitch, you complain and at the end of the day you bend over and take it just like you always have… and always will… it’s easier to blame “them”, the “collectivists” or whoever your latest scapegoat is… but in the end, you’re all gutless fuks who won’t lift a finger to change anything – at least not any finger that might cause even the SLIGHTEST bit of discomfort…

  12. It takes courage to embrace individuality in your personal decisions and actions. Less friends, possible missed opportunities that maybe aren’t that great to begin with. We are always taught and encouraged to conform. Many say they are unique, special, black sheep etc but not in any significant way. Selfishness is not uniqueness.

    Great article and summary of our condition.

  13. Chris says:

    Everyone! Take responsibility for yourself NOW
    Your actions,thoughts,emotions and deeds.
    Such a simple solution really… 🙂

  14. Anonymous says:

    This is one of the best articles I’ve read in a long time, your spot on and people better get a clue and wake up to this dystopian world we live in. Keep up your great work!

  15. IndividualAudienceMember says:

    If a person got a severe injury from Slip N Slide, I think maybe they were worse than retarded. Idiotic, and trying, maybe?

    And lawn darts? Yeesh, “Americans have become a society obsessed with this idiotic notion of “safety.””

    Or,… some people should stay away from trees or else falling apples and sharp sticks might end their ignorance of the dangers of living?

    “Tree forts, dirt clod wars,…Banana seat bikes” ???

    Gosh, you’ve GOT to be kidding, you just about summed up the joy of my childhood (and many others) in one paragraph

    Are BB guns even legal these days?
    If so, I feel sorry for American Helots, er, I mean, American children.

    Also, ” In America, we retreat like cowards to our caves with our guns and cans of beans. We’ve been deftly turned against each other, rendered impotent and convinced that anarchy is freedom.”

    Wow, if that wasn’t the biggest LOAD I’ve ever seen written.
    Ignorance is blissful, I guess?

    What Is Anarchy?

    One other thing.
    king edward seems like just that.
    Not all People are push-overs and going along to get along.
    It’s “funny” how king edward and those of his kind take this perspective.
    They often confuse ‘informing others’ with that of ‘bitching and complaining’… I doubt they will ever see the difference. Or understand the meaning of the word, multi-tasking. I wonder if they get paid for typing such discouraging words?

    Anyway, Jon Rappoport, your writing is excellent! Every single thing I’ve read so far is extremely insightful.

  16. SoFDMC says:

    “With eyes averted, the populace studiously ignores the figure standing in the wings: The individual… who refuses to join the crippled parade. Why would he join it? For the barely traceable comfort of a wan washed-out hope?”

    Jon Rappoport has this amazing insight that’s hard to fathom. I can identify very well with the picture painted by his words like the quote above.

  17. SoFDMC says:

    The tragedy is that a lot of things seem to not go your way when you choose to live the life of an individual. I am a very direct person by nature who doesn’t have time for BS, so I have a hard time going for job interviews where the interviewer plays these games where they purposely try to piss you off with dumb questions.

    My response is like, do you really want me for this job or you enjoy wasting my time?

    And evidently people around me are like shocked when I tell them that, but this is how society has been structured, to bend down and allow oneself to be victimized and fooled around with by someone who society has perceived he has more ‘value’ than you. The ‘smart’ ones know how to take advantage of it. I personally can’t stand it.

    But most people go along with this because the collective mentality is the carrot and stick that has been trained into them since childhood by the trash propaganda system they call public education. They should just rename it ‘obedience school’ because that’s what it is.

    And you need that job for the money to feed yourself. It doesn’t help that people around me tell me I need to conform to get that job, in the name of survival. Being a true individual in this sick, insane ridden, messed up society is probably one of the hardest things to do and is easier said than done.

  18. Harry Berry says:

    I get $1000 a month working and I had taken food stamps to survive. The good paying jobs had went overseas. I’ve talked to many blind, obedient sheep that are made to conform to an orwellian society. Only sheep follow the herd. Many would drink cyanide if the government told them.

  19. spinchatter5 says:

    I really don’t understand this essay. You rail against the “collectivist”, but don’t really even see that as the real problem. Seems to me the real problem is unabashed greed. You have the puppets (US Govt) and the puppet masters (Wall Street and major corporations) that act only to enrich themselves as whatever cost to the public. I don’t see how collectivism has anything to do with it really.

  20. hybridrogue1 says:

    Ummn..yea, what they said. Lol

    ‘Cept for PHONEHENGE…I ne’er got no spinal injuries, never a concussion from getting thrown from a bike….whattaya gonna do, close yourself up in a padded box and pump oxygen in?
    That is just oh so 21st century dood.

    Ya either live ’till ya die, or there is no use living. Aye?
    Hard knocks growz hard rocks.

    But seriously, I can think of no people more deserving of the fate they have created for themselves than the Amerikans. “Ye reap what ye sow”…and all that.


  21. […] by Jon Rappoport and published at, April 6, […]

  22. Erin says:

    Poignantly written.

    We have to remember that even though a ridiculous majority of those who serve in the system are corrupt beyond all hope, there are still a minority therein who maintain a sense of common human decency. Granted, their positions are worthless because any thinking person knows that the idea of changing the system from within is a fallacy.

    As Gandhi once said, we must (as individuals) BECOME the change we want to see.

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