JULY 19, 2011. First, an appeal to long-time readers. Back in the day, I offered a product called INFOMONSTER. It was a CD that contained miles of my work. I need it now for a project in the making. If you have one, please contact me at qjrconsulting@gmail.com




One of the basic rules of logic is: define your terms. This particularly applies to science. We can talk all day, but if we don’t know what the basic words and terms mean, we’re hopelessly lost.


To get rigorous, a further step is needed when it comes to scientific definition: how did you arrive at it? Where did the definition come from? What experiments were done to support it?


IF YOU ARE A SCIENTIFIC PROPAGANDIST, which is a whole other game, involving deception—you often have to PRETEND to have clear and good definitions of terms.


That’s your job. You’re not doing science, you’re persuading people. You’re trying to slip vague terms past them. You’re claiming these terms are very useful. You’re claiming they represent breakthroughs.


In short, you’re saying non-science is science.


Think about this. In the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual), which is the bible of the psychiatric profession, there are 297 separate mental disorders, each one with its own name and definition.


The DSM is offered as a highly useful map. But where does it lead?


As I’ve explained and documented in prior articles (click here and here and here), not one of these 297 disorders is diagnosed by a biological or chemical test of any kind. No such tests exist.


Instead, lists of behaviors form the basis for the disorder-labels, which are hashed out by committee.


This would be comparable to physicists sitting down in a room and deciding, by debate, whether electrons are real.


So, in psychiatry, we have a new kind of language, and this language claims to be science.


We have 297 new terms, which are used in very strange ways.


They are said to refer to actual mental (brain) malfunctions, and yet there is no proof offered.


Bipolar. Clinical depression. ADHD. ADD. Oppositional Defiance Disorder. Labels—but no unambiguous diagnostic tests.


So how does the propagandist proceed? He uses the fact that people experience quite real suffering, confusion, and pain, and he implies that the 297 mental-disorder labels a) cover the waterfront of human anguish and b) break up the territory of that anguish into distinct sub-areas.


By doing this, he achieves a bonanza for the profession of psychiatry. It works.


A parent will say, “My child lacks focus. He can’t concentrate. He fidgets all the time. There is something wrong. I’m upset, I can’t figure out what to do with him.”


On this foundation of fact, the propagandist builds a little castle in the air called ADHD. And the parent accepts the term as a real designation for her child, because it seems to provide an answer in four quick letters: ADHD. And those letters are pronounced by a licensed “professional” with great surety.


But on looking closer, we see that “ADHD” is a stretching of language. It is a term that claims to be science, and yet no scientific proof is offered. It is supposed to be shining a spotlight on the activity of the brain, but there is no common-denominator brain malfunction among all the millions of children diagnosed with ADHD.


ADHD is promoted as a discrete and real THING, but there is no evidence that such a thing exists at all.


I have pointed this out many times to parents, and the usual response is, “But if ADHD isn’t real, then why is my child out of control?”


This response testifies to the power and success of the propaganda. The parent can’t even imagine that her child’s difficulty could exist UNLESS IT HAS A NAME, A TITLE, A LABEL.


It’s as if a person can’t believe he owns a car unless he thinks of it as a VW or a Honda or a Chevy. Without one of those labels, the car doesn’t exist.


Consider this statement: Many years ago, after much trial and error, humans finally learned how to fly. Planes were built. They got off the ground. This is the way science works. Through experiments. In the same way, scientists have, so far, discovered 297 mental disorders. These disorders are caused by brain malfunctions, and they all have names.


A completely false analogy.


But once you have the 297 mental-disorder labels in your pocket, you can then work backwards and analyze human behavior and apply those labels to aspects of it.


And once you do that, people want to hold on to those labels. They want to wear them. They want “the treatment,” but just as important, they want to know what label they fit into.


Which of these statements do you think a parent would accept more readily?


One: Your child’s ADHD may actually be caused by a serious nutritional deficit, which can be remedied.


Two: Your child doesn’t have ADHD, whatever that’s supposed to mean. Nobody has ADHD. It doesn’t exist. Your child may well have a nutritional deficit, and this can be corrected.


Obviously, One is the preferred statement. It keeps the label. That label has acquired great value.


It has great value, in concrete terms, for pharmaceutical companies, too, because they can sell a drug to “treat the label.” For every one of the 297 labels, there are several drugs.


The label has great value for the psychiatrist, as well, because he can make a diagnosis. He can then write the prescription that leads to the drug. If he couldn’t do these two things, he would be out of business.


What do you do for a living?”


People come to my office and I apply labels to them. The labels are fictions. I then use those fictions to dispense drugs.”


To close the circle of propaganda, you would have something like this: “Well, some serious charges are being brought against psychiatry here. I think we need an expert opinion. Let’s talk to a professional in the field, a psychiatrist, and see what he thinks.”


Which is, of course, how the low-IQ major media operate.


This is the living equivalent of what, in logic, is called a circular argument. First, self-appointed authorities invent and apply the labels. Second, to confirm these labels are based on anything real, reporters consult the same authorities, who offer arrogant assurance they’re doing actual science.


Media consider this a valid way to do journalism.


If it’s valid, my uncle’s pet parakeet is flying to the moon in a model airplane.



An investigative reporter for 30 years, Jon is the author of an 18-lesson course, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS. To learn more about the course, click here.

Jon is the associate producer on a film in progress, American Addict, detailing the effects of pharmaceuticals on the US population.








JULY 19, 2011. Well, well. We might just have something here!


A few days ago, I wrote a piece (link) detailing the current threat to nutritional supplements posed by:


the FDA NIDA Guidelines 2011,


the Food Safety Modernization Act 2011,


and the new Dick Durbin bill now in committee (S.1310 – Dietary Supplement Labeling Bill 2011).


I suggested strategies. One was: contact nutritional companies you do business with as a customer, and demand action on their part.


These companies are apparently convinced everything is all right and their trade organizations and lobbyists are doing a swell job representing them in Washington.


So one reader took me up on my suggestion. She called a supplement company and had an unpleasant conversation with a rep, who told her, guess what?


These matters are handled by nutritional trade organizations, and the Durbin bill is no threat, and she, the customer, is succumbing to scare tactics.




So my suggestion to her (and to you) is this: call your favorite nutritional company, and if you get such bland assurances, write an OPEN LETTER TO THAT NUTRITIONAL COMPANY and email it out far and wide and post it somewhere. In the letter, demand that the company explain exactly HOW AND WHY new FDA regulations, the Food Safety Law, and the Durbin bill are NO THREAT to them or us. Get it?


I have a feeling this would stir some action and finally open up the can of worms that has been festering under the surface.


As in: let’s drag the debate out in the open. Let’s put cards on the table. You bring your experts, I’ll bring mine.


Because you see, as far as I can tell, the main problem here is that the immediate targets of the FDA, Durbin, and the new Food Safety law—WHICH ARE THE NUTRITIONAL COMPANIES—don’t see this as a problem. Or don’t want to.


And as long as those companies are resting secure in their illusory nook, our side in the war is going to be at a major disadvantage.


Now, if you follow my advice, email me with specifics and details. I want to know how it’s working.


Click here for my prior article on the subject.











re: FDA NIDA Guidelines 2011

re: Food Safety Modernization Act 2011

re: S.1310 Dietary Supplement Labeling Bill 2011


JULY 13, 2011. I just finished interviewing brilliant constitutional lawyer, Jonathan Emord, on my radio show. Emord has taken the FDA to court and beaten them eight times. No other attorney in America comes close.


So when Jonathan talks, I listen.


And I can tell you that the government is coming after your nutritional supplements. Again.


Update, 7/14/11: click here to listen to the interview with lawyer Jonathon Emord.


You need to listen to the full hour. Then, get the link out there to anyone who has a pulse.


The new approach to killing natural health is through the bogus issue of “safety.”


There are three vectors in the attack—the recently passed Food Safety Law, new FDA regulations, and a bill now in committee sponsored by Senator Dick Durbin.


They are all draconian. They use the issues of “good manufacturing practices” and “potentially unsafe ingredients.” The intention is to drive nutritional companies into the ground via a bureaucratic nightmare that involves inspections, charged fees, red tape, denying the use of many nutrients, and prosecutions.


Nutritional supplements are safest ingested products in the world. On the other hand, the pharma-system kills 106,000 Americans a year with its drugs. (See Starfield, JAMA, July 26, 2000, “Is US health really the best in the world?”, and, click here read my interview with Dr Starfield.)


In the next three years, you will see nutritional products disappearing from the shelves of your health food store, and then you will see a sudden escalation of that process, as funding for these government attacks swells.


The nutritional industry has been asleep at the wheel, scared, blithely wishful, and deferential to government regulators. It has displayed egregious weakness, and the FDA, which is an owned and operated subsidiary of the pharmaceutical business, has moved in for the kill—to eliminate its boss’s competition.


The trade groups that represent the nutritional industry are the most idiotic, fawning, and ineffective bunch of lobbyists Washington has ever seen. To them I say: if I’m wrong, prove it.


The only rescue and hope is a sustained and very aggressive grass roots campaign launched by millions of Americans, who want free access and free choice when it comes to their health.


There is at least one online petition circulating. I believe the best way to go is the old-fashioned way: letters and phone calls. Not emails. When they can delete anything delivered online with a click, they feel nothing. When they have to deal with phone calls and postal carriers delivering tons of letters, they are inconvenienced to the point where they know something is happening to them.


Flood them.


Make yourself known to your representatives, the FDA, and the White House.


In 1994, this worked. I was there. Slicker methods of communicating don’t necessarily mean better ways of communicating.


The difference between what I saw in 1994 and what I see now is the difference between a tiger on the move and a tiger asleep in a zoo cage.


We also need at least one nutritional company with deep pockets to pour finances into this campaign, and to enlist celebrities who care about natural health to step up to the plate and speak out. On television. Celebrities who will be listened to. It isn’t just a Twitter world.


Get the link to the Emord radio interview and this article out there.


In the last 15 years, since the explosive and partially successful Health Freedom movement, the public has been trained in Being Nice. This is operant conditioning. This is useless.


If you want continued access to all the elements of natural health, if you want the marketplace to reflect your needs and concerns, if you want freedom of choice, instead of a corporate statism, in which drug-based medicine will be the all-embracing, all-ruling monopoly it intends to become—step up.


To the degree that the White House has claimed it is an advocate for health, it is a complete and utter fraud. The president should make it clear these new FDA regulations and the Durbin bill will never see the light of day. And the DOJ should take steps to declare major sections of the Food Safety Law unconstitutional. Sorry, but one organic vegetable garden on the lawn of the White House is not enough.


But don’t hold your breath waiting for the federal government to bail us out.


If you’re a consumer of nutritional supplements, write to those companies you buy from and ask them directly what they plan to do about this attack. Demand answers. And don’t settle for “our lobbyists and trade organizations handle this for us.” That’s like saying “we have no answer.” Make it clear that as someone who spends dollars on their products, you expect action now—otherwise, you’ll take your business elsewhere.


If you know, or have connections to, celebrities who are advocates of natural health or rely on nutritional supplements, make every effort to contact them and alert them that their help is needed. Athletes are included as celebrities—many of them rely on supplements for health and performance.










JULY 12, 2011. You’ve probably seen the articles and the calls for action.


I went to the man who has beaten the FDA in court eight times.


Brilliant Constitutional lawyer, Jonathan Emord.


He’ll be on my radio show, tomorrow, Wednesday. 7PM Eastern Time.


To listen live: www.ProgressiveRadioNetwork.com


Archive: www.ProgressiveRadioNetwork.com/the-jon-rappoport-show


Tell your friends.







JULY 8, 2011. In my constant pressing need to examine false advertising and point the finger at high-IQ androids, and also to demonstrate that my attacks against the foundation of psychiatry are on the money, I recommend that:

the next time you see a shrink—whether in an office or at a cocktail party or an ATM or next to a dumpster or at a rocket launch or in a sushi joint or in the Sahara Desert, you ask him what unambiguous diagnostic tests exist to prove that the 297 listed official mental disorders are real.

Such tests would have to involve drawing blood or scanning the brain. They wouldn’t involve committee discussions in conference rooms among said high-IQ androids hashing over so-called reports or rumors or gossip.

See what happens. Take a chance.

And if the shrink does try to pawn off some nonsense about the existence of actual tests, call for the citations from published studies.

Give him your email address so he can send the cites your way.

Odds are you’ll never hear from him again, which is not a bad thing.

In the presence of a psychiatrist or a pediatrician, narrowing your focus, you could work the same gambit vis-a-vis autism. What is the unambiguous physical diagnostic test which defines and confirms a case? (Note: neurological damage is not the same thing as autism.)

I like to hammer on this issue (See my BIGGEST BULSHITTER IN AMERICA? post) because it wakes some people up. They believe it’s impossible that a whole profession could be lying through its teeth, until they look below the surface.

Analogy: A rocket is about to be launched into space with five astronauts on board. Pressed for a statement, the head of NASA says, “Well, we built this ship from the parts supplied by two hundred companies. We don’t actually know the names of the companies, and we’ve lost the specs for the parts, so we don’t know how well they were machined. We assembled the ship by forcing pieces together that didn’t fit.”

Beware: don’t fall for the “we’re doing the best we can” argument from shrinkoid types. You may counter with, “In that case, put a label on every bottle of drugs sold to treat these so-called disorders. WE’RE NOT POSITIVE THE THING-A-DOODLE FOR WHICH THIS DRUG IS THE REMEDY IS REAL.”

I’m all for honesty in advertising.





And here’s a nice one. On July 3, 2000, Michael Connett, of the Fluoride Action Network, interviewed Dr. William J Hirzy, senior VP of EPA’s Headquarters Union, about the safety of fluorides. Hirzy asserted that tests on rodents fed fluorides turned up enough cancers to cause alarm. In fact, he stated, if the government hadn’t stepped in and downgraded the test findings (arbitrarily), sodium fluoride would have had to be labeled a carcinogen, in which case, that would have been the end of fluorides in drinking water. This, from an EPA chemist, blowing a very loud whistle.







JULY 1, 2011. With an unerring sense of how things are to be spoken of, choose from the following alternatives:


A black man broke into a parked car, stole the steering wheel, and fled.


A non-white man broke into a car and removed the steering wheel.


A man broke into a car.


A creature endowed with DNA probably both entered and exited a car.


A car was entered, and the steering wheel was removed.


Judy Smith went out to her car and noticed the window was broken and the steering wheel was gone.


Judy Smith, an obvious racist, went out to her car and noticed the window was broken and the steering wheel was gone.


Something about a car changed.


It has been reported that something about a car changed.


A piece of matter in the universe was reduced in size, but no energy was lost.


Police are asking for help in locating an observer who may have changed what he was observing by the act of observation.


Depending upon the theoretical formulation, a change in the position of sub-atomic particles or waves, or wavicles occurred.


The ancient philosopher Zeno asserted that the cosmos was a continuous whole, and any attempt to impose divisions or distinctions would result in a reductio ad absurdum. For example, he offered a proof that, in a race between Achilles and a tortoise, Achilles would never catch up if he conceded a small head start to the tortoise.


A police representative said.


A news anchor stated that a police spokesperson said.


Something may or may not have happened in a particular situation.


An investigation is.


An investigation.


An invest.








Precision of language=reduction.













My drawings inspire and are not to be defined. They determine nothing. They place us, as does music, in the ambiguous world of the indeterminate. They are a kind of metaphor.”

Odilon Redon


JUNE 29, 2011. In other articles, I’ve mentioned the potential of new invented languages that don’t adhere to the familiar patterns of subject-object-verb.


For example, languages in which nouns display action characteristics as their prime feature, without the use of adjectives.


Let’s look at the language of psychiatry. It is reductionist. It takes a wide spread of behaviors and encapsulates them under “disorder” labels. “Clinical depression,” “ADHD,” “bipolar,” “oppositional defiance disorder.”


These labels are fictions. Well, why not? A language can be composed entirely of fictions. It’s an interesting idea. However, when these labels are used to make diagnoses that then lead to the administration of highly toxic drugs, that’s another story altogether.


And when the fictitious labels are sold as expert truth, this is also troubling.


But here I want to comment on the reductionist strategy itself. It is very old, and it has always served the same purpose: making complexity simple for simple minds.


People feel relieved to learn that their child’s unpredictable behaviors can be called ADHD. A label to hold on to in a storm. An anchor.


No further investigation is necessary. ADHD comes in and saves the day and answers the question Why.


Just as naming a messiah and indicating how he will bring salvation to the yearning masses is a welcome reduction of experience.


You can always sell reduction. Selling proliferation isn’t as easy.


Here is a VERY interesting example. “The group,” which one would think is more complex than “the individual,” is depicted as the fundamental unit of social and political concern. It is made into a simpler device, by assuming that we all share identical problems and impulses. Through this assumption, there is no longer any need to consider the individual in isolation, because he is merely a copy of the next individual, who in turn is a copy of the next individual, and so on. Reduction.


An empty slogan or generality is another strategy that allows simplification. For instance, Hope and Change. A moment’s calm reflection tells you you have no clue what is actually intended. However, you are invited to plug in your own hopes and your own preferred changes—and when millions of other people do the same thing, the slogan itself operates as a reduction…because in three words, it seems to summarize what everybody wants.


Sometimes, what looks like proliferation is actually reduction. Take the case of the DSM, which is the bible of the psychiatric profession. It lists all the fictional mental disorders which have been cooked up by professional committees. At present, there are 297. The number expands with each new edition of the DSM.


But the overriding message is this: “We are the experts. We can define what is wrong with the mind of any person. You can’t understand what we’re doing, because you aren’t a professional. So let us take over. We’ll simplify your questions and concerns and treat these disorders.”


In the same fashion, the mind-numbing canons and edicts, and the linguistic somersaults that define the cosmology of the Roman Church, conspire to present a clear message: “Let your priest be the judge. He will apply whatever piece of eternal truth is necessary to lead you into a better reality. He’ll boil it down for you.”




When we get into the area of imagination, we are really being taken for a ride, if we think this faculty is simple and straightforward. Nothing could be further from the truth. However, if people have dumbed themselves down to the point where they believe everything important should be reduced to a concentrate (add water and drink), they are barred from entrance. They are applying exactly the wrong standard to penetrate what, to them, has become a mystery.


You might consider this question: in order to serve the repressed need for complexity and variety, what strategy has become most popular in modern society?


The answer is: drugs.


Interesting, though, that after a certain threshold of continued use is crossed, the person finds himself in a gray area where his mind has been REDUCED.

















JUNE 28, 2011. Let us suppose we are standing at a table, and on the table is a machine. We have experts with us.


They turn on the machine, and they turn it off. They take it apart and examine and examine the pieces, and they put it back together again.


They say, “This machine is constructed in a very fine and complex way. We can see that. All the parts are coordinated and their functions interlock. The machine works. There is no doubt of that. But we have no idea what it produces.”


And as hard as they try, they come back to the same conclusion. They know it’s a machine. It works. It works very well. But they haven’t a clue about what it turns out, what it accomplishes.


So they turn on the machine and they leave the room.


The machine runs, without any interference, for ten years.


It’s obviously producing something, but no one knows what that is.


The output of the machine is invisible.


And suppose at some point ten years, 20 years down the line, it becomes apparent that the machine is changing reality. It is introducing new realities.


These new realities aren’t visible, but they are felt very strongly.


And one of the experts comes back to the room and looks at the machine and says, “I don’t know what you’re doing, but keep doing it, because you’re proving that reality can change at the most fundamental and profound level.”


The expert wasn’t sure such a change was possible. He believed something basic about reality was absolutely permanent. He was unhappy with that conclusion—but he had long ago accepted it. Now, though, he feels a rising hope. He was wrong.


He realizes that reality was indeed a series of boundaries. However it had been generated originally, that’s what it was.


And now it is disintegrating.


He feels great joy and anticipation.


Why should the former (and now evaporating) reality be permitted to last forever? Why were people disposed to accept that? What made them satisfied with that?


Finally, he feels his own hard dedication to the former reality slip away. No reason to maintain it.









JUNE 28, 2011. When I gave my first two audio seminars on magic, (MIND CONTROL, MIND FREEDOM, and THE TRANSFORMATIONS), I realized I was describing exercises which, if done consistently, could allow people to experience the space-time continuum from a new perspective.


It was no longer necessary to think or assume the continuum was a given. It wasn’t necessary to surrender passively to the idea of an all-encompassing continuum.


The continuum is a kind of fantasy. A myth. It tells people who think they’re living inside a giant tin can what the shell is made of.


Subconsciously, people assume the continuum is WHATEVER THEY USE TO DEFINE THEIR FIELD OF OPERATIONS.


For example, suppose a person has an overriding problem he is constantly wrestling with. Every day, every week, he nudges and massages and moves that problem around. He pats it and kicks it and tries to push it and he seeks to move it out of the way. He denies it and accepts it and contemplates it and forgets it and remembers it and feels it…


Well, that problem is defining his field of operation…and subconsciously he thinks of it as the continuum.


To get outside that conception, the person needs to experience a new kind of action. A new kind of exercise, for example.


Here is another analogy. A runner runs around a track, day after day. He runs that quarter-mile and he does wind-sprints on it and slower intervals. He operates there on that track, that oval. And ultimately, he is trying to shorten the amount of time it takes to go around the track once.


TIME is his continuum. More specifically, the best time he’s ever registered in a race is his continuum, his boundary—and he wants to break through it.


But he keeps doing the same exercises over and over to achieve that breakthrough, and he reaches a limit where he thinks he’s hemmed in. He can’t go any faster.


He needs an exercise that will fundamentally alter his relationship to the continuum, to that idea of the “best time” he can muster.


In a way, life is like that. People do their best to get ahead—whatever that means to them. They do it from the point of view that they are in a space operating according to certain rules and restrictions.


They need two things. One, a new point of view. And two, exercises they do FROM that point of view.


So as I was giving those two seminars, I realized this was what I was providing. I had never seen it quite that way before.


The painter, Odilon Redon, once wrote, “Artists who approach perfection do not have many ideas.”


Translating that statement into my terms, it means: if you are operating within the continuum of your central myth, you will eventually reach a point where you are doing the best you can. You’re approaching perfection along that vector. But it’s not nearly enough…


Physics itself will reach this place of blockage, as long as it keeps looking at the same space-time continuum in the same old way. Atoms, electrons, quarks, waves, quantum entanglement, relativity—they will all have to go the way of an extinct species.


How we conceive of our own energy is a major piece of the puzzle. We tend to fall into habits, some of them barely noticeable. For instance, we view our energy as circulating within us or around us or coming in toward us.


What would happen if we shifted these notions of energy—and we had exercises to back up this shift and make it real and powerful?

















by Jon Rappoport


Headlines you won’t see:


All psychiatric drugs banned; too toxic.


Psychiatric profession judged unstable, unscientific.


Foundation of psychiatry discovered to be a fantasy.


JUNE 28, 2011. I recently learned about a teen whose life was turned inside out and ripped from him. A psychiatrist had diagnosed him at a young age with ADHD, given him Ritalin…and then the parade of newer diagnoses followed—Clinical Depression, Bipolar, Oppositional Defiance Disorder—and the boy ended up on Valproate and Risperdal, two powerful toxic drugs that dropped him over the cliff into psychosis.


Does this seem impossible?


What lies behind the story, one that is happening with increased frequency all over the world—every day.


Psychiatrists are are carte blanche members of an elite club with “diplomatic passports” of the medical variety. Protected by governments and the press. Protected by colleagues. Protected by the public, yes, who blithely accept psychiatric diagnoses as rigorous science.


So let us start here. There is a book called the DSM, and it is the bible of the profession. DSM stands for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In it are listed all the names and descriptions of these disorders. The latest edition, the DSM-4, offers no less than 297 separate psychiatric conditions.


How are the disorders discovered? Well, “discovered” is not the correct word. COMMITTEES of professionals hash over ideas and definitions and reports, and they issue the verdicts. They name the disorders. They describe them.


It’s all committee work. NO disorder finds its way into the DSM through a clear-cut organic biological or chemical test. Those tests DO NOT EXIST. The tests do not exist for ANY so-called mental disorder or disease.


Is this possible? Conceivable?


The latest edition of the DSM, the DSM-4, was led by Dr. Allen Frances. In a January 2011 article in Wired, by Gary Greenberg, Dr. Frances is quoted as saying, astonishingly:


There is no definition of a mental disorder. It’s bullshit. I mean, you just can’t define it.”


This is on the level of stating, “You know, we were quite sure bloodletting was a wonderful way way of treating all illness, and we had all sorts of reasons for recommending the procedure, but then after we sent out the report by horseback and mule all over the land, we met again for an informal chat and realized the entire notion of draining blood from the patient was completely insane.”


But Dr. Frances is not the only psychiatrist to point out the emperor has no clothes.


The late Dr. Loren Mosher, psychiatrist, former chief of the Center for Studies of Schizophrenia at the National Institute of Mental Health, in his resignation letter sent to the American Psychiatric Association(APA), wrote:


Finally, why must the APA pretend to know more than it does? DSM-4 is the fabrication upon which psychiatry seeks acceptance by [the profession of] medicine in general. Insiders know it is more a political than a scientific document.”


Thomas Szaz, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, State University of New York, states:


The designation ‘disease’ can only be justified when the cause can be related to demonstrable anatomical lesion, infection or some other physiological defect. As there is no such evidence for any mental disorder, the term disease is a misnomer; in fact, it is fraudulent.”


Dr. Peter Breggin, psychiatrist, author of “Toxic Psychiatry,” former staff member at the National Institute of Mental Health and faculty at Johns Hopkins University, writes:


No causal relationship has ever been established between a specific biochemical state of the brain and any specific behavior, and it is simplistic to think it is possible.”


Yes, people of all ages and backgrounds have problems. But recognizing that is a far cry from codifying these difficulties under titles and including them in a professional guidebook—and claiming they are actual disorders demanding powerful medication.


However, DSM-4 is out there and it is the Bible. Therefore, for example, its new and improved (and looser) definitions of ADHD, autism, and bipolar disease have allowed for many more diagnoses—and THAT means more widespread use of highly powerful and toxic drugs. Risperdal, Valproate, and yes, even Ritalin, a cheap form of speed.


And the DSM-5 is on the way. It’s due out in May of 2013. So far, the panels of deliberating committees have come up with three new suggestions for disorders:


PSYCHOSIS RISK SYNDROME (PRS). Apparently, this is a “pre” diagnosis, an early-warning signal from the inner landscape that alerts the psychiatrist to impending disaster. Of course, the very real possibility that the drugs he is already prescribing to the patient are the cause of “PRS” is out of the question—because such an admission would amount to professional suicide.


TEMPER DYSFUNCTIONAL DISORDER (TDD): A child blows up now and then. Could this have something to do with the pound of sugar he’s ingesting every day with his his high-speed sports drink? Could he be reacting to the load of artificial colors and dyes in his processed meals? Couldn’t be the kid’s alcoholic father who beats him once a week—certainly not. Or any of a hundred other reasonable causes. A TDD diagnosis simply means he’s very angry, so medicate him to within an inch of his life.


In fact, if PRS and TDD are listed in the new DSM-5, untold numbers of new children will be on heavy drugs every day.


MINOR NEUROCOGNITIVE DISORDER (MND). This one is for the old folks. Well, probably anyone over 50. Find yourself failing to remember a detail here and there? Can’t find your keys? Boom. You could be at risk for Alzheimer’s. And even though there are no meds that can cure the big A, we’ll give you drugs for MND, and we’ll say this will delay the onset of Alzheimer’s. Although we have no idea whether that’s true. In fact, we have no idea whether you are going to experience senility and dementia at any point in your life. But just to be on the safe side…


Adverse effects of Valproate (given for a bipolar diagnosis) include:


acute, life-threatening, and even fatal liver toxicity;


life-threatening inflammation of the pancreas;


brain damage.


Adverse effects of Lithium (also given for a bipolar diagnosis) include:


intercranial pressure leading to blindness;


peripheral circulatory collapse;


stupor and coma.


Adverse effects of Risperdal (given for “bipolar” and “irritability stemming from autism”) include:


serious impairment of cognitive function;




restless muscles in neck or face, tremors (may be indicative of motor brain damage).


In 1986, The International Journal of the Addictions published a most important literature review by Richard Scarnati. It was called “An Outline of Hazardous Side Effects of Ritalin (Methylphenidate)” [v.21(7), pp. 837-841].

Scarnati listed a large number of adverse affects of Ritalin and cited published journal articles which reported each of these symptoms.

For every one of the following (selected and quoted verbatim) Ritalin effects, there is at least one confirming source in the medical literature:

Paranoid delusions
Paranoid psychosis
Hypomanic and manic symptoms, amphetamine-like psychosis
Activation of psychotic symptoms
Toxic psychosis
Visual hallucinations
Auditory hallucinations
Can surpass LSD in producing bizarre experiences
Effects pathological thought processes
Extreme withdrawal
Terrified affect
Started screaming
Since Ritalin is considered an amphetamine-type drug, expect amphetamine-like effects
Psychic dependence
High-abuse potential DEA Schedule II Drug
Decreased REM sleep
When used with antidepressants one may see dangerous reactions including hypertension, seizures and hypothermia
Brain damage may be seen with amphetamine abuse.

A recent survey revealed that a high percentage of kids diagnosed with bipolar had first received a diagnosis of ADHD. This is informative, because Ritalin and other speed-type drugs are given to kids who are slapped with the ADHD label. Speed, sooner or later, produces a crash. This is easy to call “clinical depression.” Then comes Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft. These drugs can produce temporary highs, followed by more crashes. The shrink notices this up and down pattern—and then comes the diagnosis of bipolar (manic-depression) and new drugs, including Valproate and Lithium.


In case you hadn’t noticed, the profession of psychiatry has recruited numbers of celebs and politicians who are dedicated to “removing the stigma attached to a diagnosis of a mental disorder.” These supporters frankly have no idea what they’re talking about. In love with the idea of appearing to do good, they go on and on about how mental illness is no different from diabetes, and we should all give great amounts of love and support to those who…well, you know the script. Some actual knowledge might help everybody concerned.


In the US alone, there are at least 300,000 cases of motor brain damage incurred by people who have been prescribed so-called anti-psychotic drugs (aka “major tranquilizers). Risperdal is one of those drugs. (source: Toxic Psychiatry, Dr. Peter Breggin)


This psychiatric drug plague is accelerating across the land, and gullible adults and children under their roofs are taking the pills.


Where are the mainstream reporters and editors and newspapers and TV anchors who should be breaking this story and mercilessly pounding on it week after week? They are in harness.



An investigative reporter for 30 years, Jon is the author of an 18-lesson course, LOGIC AND ANALYSIS. To learn more about the course, click here.

Jon is the associate producer on a film in progress, American Addict, detailing the effects of pharmaceuticals on the US population.

