SEPTEMBER 5, 2011. If you want to talk about Ultimates…


All metaphysics is a lie.


All theories of universe are lies.


All cosmologies are lies.


They are all A SUMMING UP of what exists at the highest and deepest levels. But there is no such thing as “the highest level,” because invention, creation, imagination, improvisation bring into existence what never existed before.


I continue to drive this point home, because it is our certainty about what exists that walls us off from our own creative potential.


What we can create is open, not yet formed, not fixed, not settled.


And that is where titanic energies are possible and that is where magic truly occurs.


Some people will do everything in their power not to understand this, because they have invested all their chips in being sure about what exists at the highest level.


I have no quarrel with this. I merely point out that reality, at any level, is astonishingly expandable and astonishingly create-able. It isn’t fixed, no matter how interesting or ultimate the fix might be.


Face it, most metaphysics ends up including the individual as PART OF SOMETHING LARGER. This approach is obsessive with humans. They love to consign themselves to a role in the play where the prime elements are towering above the individual.


This is how they diminish their own potential and power and imagination. It’s a fascinating piece of theater.


I once had a brilliant professor client who had written a tome about what he called Force X. He had composed a metaphysical tract that laid out a complex series of frequencies and entities, organically evolving, feeding into a universal force that radiated consciousness, arcane knowledge, and spawned “the energy of life,” pouring down into the physical universe.


He came to me because he felt he had reached the end of the line with his research. He was, in a way, stymied. He had achieved his goal. He wanted something else, but he didn’t quite know what it was.


He was very sure of himself. He could fence, intellectually, with the best of them. He rejected every approach that didn’t merge with his own explorations. He, in fact, made me promise I would never reveal the fact he had come to me, because that would indicate some deficit on his part. And he “knew” he had discovered the secret of life.


So, after some fruitless conversation, I convinced him to play the role of his Force X in a dialogue with me. I would play “a skeptical interviewer.” His job was to speak FROM the cosmic mind of Force X.


It took us three hours, and then the egg cracked. He finally got in touch with the immense power he had assigned to Force X. He felt it. It was no longer independent of him. He was embodying it—and then energy fireworks exploded all over the place.


The migraines he had been experiencing for years turned on and off like a light bulb. The pain went down into his belly and legs, and he reported it flowed out of his body like a long river. The chronic tightness in his shoulders and neck blew apart.


He began laughing—and he confessed he hadn’t laughed like that in a very long time. Color rushed into his cheeks.


And then we switched. I was now Force X and he was the skeptical interviewer. In this part of the dialogue, he challenged every principle he had built up in his own work. He attacked mercilessly. The more he drove home his points, the more serene I became.


Finally, he said, “Ultimate reality just took a hit.”


He was done.


He immediately wanted a good meal. We went out to a restaurant and ate. He was ravenous. He felt as if he’d been starving. He said, “You know, I’ve always wanted to write poetry.”


That night, he went home and wrote for ten hours. He told me it was the most cleansing experience of his life. He was launched in a new direction.


You’re not going to tell me what to write, are you?” he said on the phone the next day.


Are you kidding?” I said. “It’s your world.”


That’s what I thought,” he said. “I just had to make sure you weren’t going to come in with a kicker at the end of all of this and try to make me go somewhere…”


I’ve got no agenda,” I said. “Just create. That’s my only advice. And you don’t need it because you’re already doing it.”


The whole experience was a perfect example of what happens when reality becomes consciously theatrical. Dialogue. Roles. Switches.


WHAT EXISTS is the obsession.


CREATING is the life without end.


What I learned from that client is: metaphysics and cosmology are theatrical, when you break through their webs of explanation. At the end of the road of WHAT EXISTS is theater, if you can frame it in terms of spontaneous dialogue.


As I’ve written before—and it should be clearer now—religion is a poem that froze in mid-stride, after which it was used as cosmology to recruit adherents. But it was really a poem.


And if it had continued, the poet would eventually have gone into all sorts of different spaces, none of which implied the settling of the question about “ultimate existence.”


If you want ultimate existence, look to the poet himself. He’s the one who is creating.


I have worked with many writers, and the common denominator of what is called “writer’s block” is some idea, conscious or subconscious, that sums up “the way it is.” With such an idea in tow, the writer stalls. He begins to believe he’s gone as far as he can, because he already knows what is at the end of the road. This is patently false, and the proof is in the fact that the writer moves on. He keeps writing. He keeps imagining and creating.


Focusing on the block isn’t the answer. It’s just a convenient way of postponing the act of creating. It’s a “complaint,” and complaints never end, until the writer simply takes off in a new direction and keeps on inventing.


One such writer and I engaged in a dialogue between “writer” and “publisher.” The character of the publisher was highly critical and snobbish and of an elite nature. We each took both roles in the piece of theater, and finally the wall split in a torrent of energy and the writer found a cache of buried power.


In this case, there was a lot of anger mixed in with the power.


Some people believe anger is a “negative.” Creatively speaking, nothing could be further from the truth. It’s just another face of energy and it plays its part. Fear of anger is a cultural artifact, nothing more. It’s part of the vague “new age” and pop psychology nonsense.


In the magic theater of reality, a creator reaches out in many directions and improvises. He becomes a riverboat gambler, shoving in all his chips on his work—and he eventually discovers he has an unlimited supply of chips.


Social reality is limited theater, a series of small stage plays. But that’s only the beginning of the story, because a person can crack through that format and find open waters.




In the magic theater, it happens. A person plays a role and speaks as something that, under ordinary circumstances, we are quite sure cannot speak at all.


A table.


A painting.


A sky.


A weapon.


A minotaur.




A dead relative.


A glass of ice.


A cave.


A wall.


A city.


A star system.


An ant.


A microorganism.


If questioned, a person could make a list of a million things that can’t speak. This is, in a real sense, how he defines (sets boundaries on) reality.


And then, in the magic theater, he speaks AS several of these things. Imagination and improvisation take over.


And then, everything changes.


Here’s another example. A person shows up and says he feels a vaguely ominous cloud of anxiety that moves with him through life. Okay. That’s his role: “cloud of anxiety.” That’s who he speaks AS. That’s his part in the magic-theater dialogue. And who am I? A radiant being of infinite magnitude who has achieved cosmic consciousness. That’s my part. And we talk from those characters to each other. And then after a time, we switch roles.


And something happens. Something happens in the magic theater. He breaks through and sees and feels a wider reality. He can’t put a name to it because it has no name. But he gets out of the space which formerly defined reality for him. He moves out of all the thinking he was doing that was relevant to that old space.


He now has new thoughts and new feelings and new energies. How did it happen? Through theater. Through dialogue.


Or a person shows up who says his feelings are boxed in. His role in the magic theater? That box. That’s who is he going to play. Not the repressed feelings, but the repression itself. The box. He will speak as the box. And who am I? The mighty ever-flowing Orinoco River. I will play and speak as the River. And after a time, we’ll switch.


That which doesn’t speak (because we assume it can’t) now speaks. Imagination makes it so, in the magic theater.


A person fervently believes in the ultimate merging of all consciousness into one grand cosmic Allness? Great. That’s his role. My role is the last holdout in the universe, the last man standing who is the rebel, who will not merge. And then we switch. You see, the metaphysics implicit in this is just the stage set, the premise. It’s the fulcrum upon which the dialogue starts. It’s nothing more. This isn’t about what ultimately exists. In the dialogue, we create. We invent. We improvise. We take part in theater.


What ultimately exists is CREATING. And that is a process, that is action, that is dynamic, that is endless. It’s not a structure. Structure looks like it is Answer, but it isn’t. Structure looks like it is the shape of existence, but it isn’t. It is THE SILENCE THAT NEEDS TO SPEAK.


And if our view of reality denies that possibility, then we are stuck with structure. We are stuck with description. We are stuck with boundaries that hem us in.


The key that unlocks the door, finally, is giving voice to what we had assumed could not speak.


And then we discover that reality per se is a lie. It is a prop in a play. It is a starting point from which the silence will be broken.


We animate the silence.


We enter the magic theater, where all things are possible, because we’re inventing it that way. And lo and behold, when we DO invent it that way, we find magic. Energy flows. Power arrives. The impossible is possible.


This is how and why reality is an illusion. This is how imagination creates reality.


That which is dead and neutral and motionless and abstract, it turns out, is that way because we have made it so. That is how we carved out the shape of existence—and then we said, “Well, this is just the way it is. And something somewhere else created it like this.”


But in the magic theater, we reverse all that. And we then experience the extent of our power.


I spoke with a psychologist about some of this material a few years ago. He said, “Are you claiming that a pink and purple monster walking down Broadway is REAL? Is that what you’re saying?”


I told him he was missing the point. I told him that if he played the role of that pink and purple monster in a dialogue with me, and I played a cop with a pair of handcuffs who wanted to arrest the monster—and if we carried on a spontaneous conversation, in an improvised play, and then if we switched roles…something would happen. He, the psychologist, would experience something that would take him out into wider realities he had never felt before.


Well, he said—and I saw a glint in his eye—I don’t know about the monster, but if I were to do something like that, I’d want to play Freud. Who would you play?


I told him I would play God, the Old Testament God, full of sound and fury, a God who thought Freud’s theories were despicable.


He grinned. He like that idea. He liked the idea of going up against the Old Testament God.


Of course, I said, then we would switch. I would play Freud, and he would play a vengeful God.


He laughed. I could see he REALLY wanted to play God and unleash some energy and power and fury.


I could see he felt, at some level, that his own power was bottled up and he loved the idea of finally being able to embody it and project it.


You know, he said, when I was a boy my parents dragged me to synagogue every Friday night, and I hated it. I felt it was unfair. I was being told who to worship, who to bow down to. I was told he, God, had all the cards in the deck and I had none.


In other words, as a child, this shrink had found himself believing he had less power and something called God had much greater power. He had set up an energy-and-power formula, and he was on the short end of it.


And that is exactly where the magic theater achieves it reversal. Not merely by thinking about things, but by inhabiting roles and speaking from them. Then the encased energy breaks out of its cocoon and the “deficit-days” are over.


Reality is defined and bounded by asserting what is impossible.


But, in the magic theater, embodying and inhabiting and speaking AS AND FROM the impossible moves us out into the great ocean of our own being.


Jon Rappoport
















SEPTEMBER 3, 2011. I want to give you further perspective on the energy exercises I offer in two audio seminars—MIND CONTROL, MIND FREEDOM, and THE TRANSFORMATIONS.


The exercises are all about projecting energy across space. It’s a natural capacity we all have, but we’ve largely forgotten it.


Let’s start here. The world, physical reality, ordinary reality, society, civilization—in one sense they are all names for a hypnotic effect that is transmitted to the individual.


The transmission occurs in several ways: as images, as frequencies, as space itself. The underlying purpose is FAMILIARIZATION.


Familiarization causes a person to accept things as they are, which is really the substance of a light trance.


For a mundane example, consider driving to work on the same route every day. You’re so familiar with the process you sometimes blank out and come to, a few seconds later.


Well, life can be like that, too. The light trance is actually a droning interaction between mind, perception, and the “presentation of things as they are.”


Here is a quote from my late friend and colleague, hypnotherapist Jack True: “That-which-is, reality, has a somewhat numbing effect over time. It’s almost like holding a pendulum in front of a person. The pendulum gently swings back and forth, and the person becomes comfortable to the point of being suggestible. But when the pendulum is physical reality itself, the suggestion that is being delivered is: ‘this is life, this is all life is, this is the way it is, accept it more and more, accept it more deeply.’ The person begins to lose energy and vitality. It leaks away. The response to life becomes more automatic. You’re losing energy in the process…”


These energy exercises transcend the trance. They “crack the egg” of ordinary reality. They open up space. They wake up consciousness and cells of the body.


As a person does the exercises, he realizes he’s interacting with ordinary reality, but from a place of power. He’s not being transmitted to. He’s the “operator.” He’s pulling the switches.


This is a very interesting experience.


The trance breaks apart.


In many ways, subtle and overt, we’re being preached to. We’re being told we have a limited amount of energy. This is a fable, but there a consensus around accepting it as truth.


When people wake up to the lie of the fable, they feel better. When people experience new energies, they change many of their old attitudes. They approach life in a different way.


We’ve reduced ourselves, but the condition is not permanent. It can be cracked apart.


I began developing these energy exercises one day, when I was painting in my studio, and I realized I was projecting energy. I felt alive in a way that surprised and excited me. I felt layers of acceptance and “sleep” peel away and disappear, as if I had walked out of a cocoon. An old injury that had been nagging at me for years (to the point where I didn’t even notice it anymore) suddenly showed up like a fire in my arm and then burned off and vanished.


But more importantly, when I left the studio and went out on to the street, I noticed I had a new attitude. I wasn’t inhabiting normal reality anymore. I wasn’t in “neutral space.” Instead, I had power.


After that, I never lapsed back into the old sleep again.


It’s one thing to think about this. It another thing to feel it and know it.


On all levels, the world is moving toward weaker energy exchanges between people. It’s the individual who can reverse the tide.


The civilization we now live in has cast its lot with machines and technology. Projection of energy is thought of purely in those terms. However, this is yet another illusion. The idea that we can only reach across space by physical means is a cultural artifact. It is ingrained now. Waking up from it, to return to our natural power, requires a new attitude and point of view.


This adventure is bracing. It brings us many rewards, including the capacity to span space with our minds and the understanding that we can, in a real sense, be in two places at the same time.


This was the subject of the famous book, Zen in the Art of Archery. The archer could be holding the bow and be at the target simultaneously. In that case, space would change. It would become more flexible, more like an instant of time.


Space also becomes more theatrical, a living stage for the production of energy phenomena. And the individual can turn on and off those phenomena, as if he is holding a switch. Experiencing this is more real than real—you graduate into a mode of improvisation that is “you in action,” at a level that is exceeding natural and creative.


It all starts with working with energy, using it, inventing it, projecting it, moving out of the John Q Citizen apparatus of “the average and normal,” which is only a role played out in a neutral and dead setting. This is where most people are, polishing confined parts in an old play, thinking they are only this and nothing more.


They strive and hope for something better—but it’s all taking place inside scenes from a stage production called The Average. Instead, they need to step out beyond that space and take on the power they actually have…and then things change.


I am now developing exercises that, based on my present energy techniques, allow and initiate new roles and new parts in new plays in much wider spaces, utilizing more power. For these, we need live seminars for small groups…


I call it The Magic Theater. Metaphorically, it is connected to a locale in Hesse’s landmark novel, Steppenwolf, where the main character finds he can live out extraordinary situations and emerge from his restricted cocoon.


In our world, we attribute great power to detestable people, and we end up believing that is where power IS—whereas we are weaker, though righteous and moral. This whole dynamic is like a crystal, a structure that keeps us in one place. The crystal can be blown apart, and we can then discover and regain our own power, our own magic, and use it to live quite different lives, without interfering with the freedom of others.


People don’t grasp the fact that our societies and civilizations are built to create a rigid balance of forces and energies that, ultimately, crystallize and hold the status quo in place. They may see this on an intellectual level, but experientially, they lack the venue in which to work with the forces themselves and break them open, to start the free energies flowing again.


I want to provide such a venue. Fortunately, people like Hesse, JL Moreno, Fritz Perls, and going all the way back, the Tibetan magicians, have laid vital groundwork for a breakthrough.


Again, we need a group to take new steps on this road.


Jon Rappoport









SEPTEMBER 1, 2011. Human beings tend to define themselves. They sum themselves up. They present themselves with a picture of what they are.


They may not do this with precision, but they do it. And the common factor is all about limitation because, after all, definitions involve drawing boundaries. Definitions describe what is inside those boundaries and exclude what’s outside. That’s limitation.


The most pervasive way this process is carried out is through making “the past” the great determinant of the present, as if the past is a series of links that, naturally, shape the ongoing Now.


The past adds up to the present.”


Cause and effect.


It’s a nice neat package.


And if past history isn’t enough, people can resort to a vague idea of genetic determination. Or inherent and permanent IQ. Or the pressure exerted on them by their environment. More cause and effect.


Finally, you can add a cherry on the cake: open possibility for the future, if it exists at all, comes from the universe, or The Force, or the cosmos, squeezed out of a tube like toothpaste and passed to a person by the grace of a Something that responds to good behavior and patience…


The whole notion of cause and effect as a chain is a reality that is perceived at a certain level—and what breaks the chain is entering into a level where that rule doesn’t apply.


This higher level flows from creation. Your creation.


This is where creating and imagination and greater energy combine to produce new realities that exceed any attempt at definition.


This is where and how a life undergoes a great and unprecedented change.


Societies and civilizations operate within a context of cause and effect. They thrive, to the extent they do, on that principle. They promote the principle and educate according to it.


But societies and civilizations, sooner or later, abandon the individual in favor of the group. They explain this preference in many ways, just as a drug addict spools out his reasons for using drugs.


However, the individual can take action on a very different basis.


Imagination has nothing to do with conventional cause and effect. It isn’t interested in adhering to sequential time or “the one and only space.”


Because of this, people believe imagination doesn’t really fit into the world.


People are disposed to using imagination as if it were a cause-and-effect blueprint that mirrors physical reality. This is backwards. Imagination creates its own worlds and these worlds can be fashioned without such limits.


For instance, when you envision a future, you usually see it as if it’s already done, meaning you put “the final effect” first. Why not? Imagination is infinitely malleable.


Energy-imagination-creation is the jumping-off point from traditional cause-and-effect.


This is why, ultimately, philosophy takes a backseat to imagination. Philosophy is an attempt to sum up What Exists. Imagination creates new shapes that didn’t exist before.


Logic, which is an indispensable tool for grasping reality at the level of perceiving cause and effect, may state that A implies B, but imagination can say A implies Z or A implies B, Z, and Q.


Magic is what can be created outside the boundaries of conventional cause and effect.


Imagination is the gateway into magic.


If physical reality could send a message it would be, “Here I stand. I am a chain of cause and effect, and you are part of that chain.”


The individual says, “I create worlds beyond any such message.”


The individual can delete his own knowledge of what his imagination does, and this is what is meant by self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis operates by inducing frequencies and vibrations that bring on amnesia. It’s a parlor trick that shrinks space.


In my e-book, The Secret Behind Secret Societies, I explore these issues. I wrote the book as a reversal of self-hypnosis.


What you imagine and create…you can then insert into the world, and even though the world may view that creation within its hypnotic context of cause and effect, that isn’t how it was produced by you.


We are talking about levels of perception here. On one level, everything is seen through the cause-and-effect lens. On another level, events are seen in a fashion that transcends any such linkage. This second level opens up physical reality and exposes it as a collection of “wholes.” Created wholes.


The physics of energy, space, and time works the territory of various limited types of causation, even when it is speculating about quantum events. Your imagination goes farther. Much farther.


Consider this whole business as a stage play, in which imagination creates reality…and then the human being WHO DID THE IMAGINING steps down his own perception and views what he did within a self-hypnotic space of cause and effect AND PRETENDS REALITY IS COMING FROM SOMEPLACE ELSE.


It’s a joke. A cosmic joke.


When you sleep at night, and dream, when the chains come loose for a little while, you are laughing at the punch line.


If you care to admit it.


Jon Rappoport










AUGUST 31, 2011. When it comes to practical goals and what it takes to achieve them, there are basic strategies that operate well and productively. However, when the work involves bringing the creative impulse and imagination into the scene, the rules are not the same.


They aren’t the same, because you’re swimming in different waters. It’s not only a matter of focusing on the objective and the plan.


Now you’re talking about Desire, which is a large subject that involves hooking your future up to that North Star…and pretty soon what seemed like a simple enterprise includes more energies and dimensions.


For example: what DO you really desire? How big and wide and deep is that desire?


Writers and other artists often come upon this question. They find that what appeared, at first, as a clear picture takes on new aspects.


It’s as if you wanted to explore an iceberg. You’re looking at the part you can see above water…and then you become aware that the bulk of the object lies under the surface. Or you want to explore an ancient pyramid, and as you move into it, you find corridors and rooms initially hidden from view.


How do you proceed?


Well, it’s an ongoing process. As you attempt to create, in the world, the fulfillment and realization of the desire, you discover that a large part of that desire was obscured from view—and NOW COMES TO LIGHT ONLY BECAUSE YOU ARE IMAGINING AND CREATING.


It’s as if the desire was waiting for you to trigger your own imagination and creative power, and once you do, it exposes more of itself.


You were operating in a territory, so to speak, that was as big as a house, and now it’s as big as a city.


In my consulting work with clients, and in my audio seminars (The Transformations, for example), I deal with these creative issues. They are resolved, as the person begins to create more and as he begins to create with more power.


As a metaphor, consider the life and career of the Spanish architect, Gaudi. Once he began to gain commissions in the city of Barcelona, he was no longer simply designing apartment buildings. He embarked on a huge cathedral, and he created a magnificent serpentine bench at the top of the city…


In other words, he began to see more possibilities for his art, and he began to realize he could imagine and create with greater power and dimension.


In effect, his desire expanded from its original shape.


He was no longer just an architect working on strict orders from his clients.


He saw more of his own desire.


This is the road of magic. You begin where you begin, and as you create more and more, the territory and your power expand.


So does your energy.


The environment around you and within you changes. Your energy is having effects in new spaces. This isn’t something you can measure with a meter. It isn’t something you can get a grip on by merely “taking a scientific attitude.”


This is a different world.


You see that energy and matter and, in fact, the whole continuum we tend to cherish and accept as the totality of existence, is only a piece of something much, much larger.


You don’t just think about this. You experience it.


You discover that every picture of reality, from the sub-atomic all the way to the cosmic and the metaphysical, is “waiting,” just as your desire is waiting, for you to undertake creative work—at which point, the whole notion of reality “surrenders” to your larger imagination and energy.


It’s not a closed system at all. It’s entirely open.


Jon Rappoport








AUGUST 22, 2011. There is obviously a difference between fitting in and launching independent creative action.


The “normal” thing to do is fit in.


Millions of times in our history, leaders have set the goal of a new enterprise, and then, even though the idea was insane, ludicrous, self-defeating, boring, dreary, and prosaic, followers have jumped on board. They figured out how to play their parts.


But exiting this scene and taking individual creative action, in another direction, seems out of the question. It is unsupported, there is no precedent for it, there are no tight rules to follow, there is no checklist to consult, there is no manual, and who knows where it will lead?


Actually, these are all positive virtues, but people generally don’t see it that way.


People would prefer to discuss, share, criticize, carp, gossip, advise, meddle, remember, and negotiate. This they know. This is familiar. This makes a weird kind of sense to them. This is life.


It roils, broils, simmers, stews, and ends up in mush. But acceptable mush.


Independent creation action implies power, and who wants to admit to that? Who wants to launch from that center? Who wants to say that all the little gods and idols and traditions and conventions and fond remembrances are beside the point?


People live their lives building up layers and shapes of encrusted energies like barnacles, and they imagine that, were they to advance and project one original impulse out into the world, this whole “personal structure” would vanish. And this, to them, is unacceptable.


Of course, the vanishing wouldn’t happen. That’s a fantasy. The structure would actually turn into flowing energy and it would be co-opted into the service of a new kind of life. A creative life.


Every society and civilization has eventually run into a morass and dead-ended because the creative life has been rejected in favor of a calculated average—at which point, you can propose or impose any sort of system or political configuration and it doesn’t really matter. The deal has been made under the table. Average is the standard and the guideline. Humility is morality. When push comes to shove, self-deprecation is the flag that goes up the pole.


I want to thank all those people, without whose support I wouldn’t be here tonight. My life wouldn’t exist except for the contribution they have made. I only hope that, in my own lack of an independent existence, I can pass along to someone else a fraction of what has been given to me…”


Seventeen years ago, when I was running for a seat in Congress from the 29th District, in Los Angeles, I attended a political club gathering, in West LA, to give a short speech, to drum up a few votes. The event was sparsely attended, by seniors. The most live person in the room was a guy who was perhaps 200 pounds overweight, and he was ponderously stalking the food table, picking and choosing from the selection of cookies on paper plates. Everyone else was deep into tranquilized narcosis in their folding chairs.


It was at that point I decided to go a different road. I would run (not for office) on a platform of power and creative action—for the individual. Period.


From one angle, it wasn’t the smartest move. But to me, it was the best thing to do. And it was interesting.


It still is.


















Now we’re talking about something.


Mainly, we’re talking about new worlds. Without end.


Otherwise, it’s all reruns.


Jon Rappoport














AUGUST 21, 2011. When we see pictures of deep space, or when astronauts view it from their craft, the energies at work out there are inspiring.




What makes us engage with it? Why don’t we yawn with boredom?


Ultimately, because it’s a reflection of our own potential. In particular, it reminds us, if only subconsciously, that we have the power to produce energy phenomena on a grand scale.


In the same way, when we watch certain movies in dark theaters, we engage with them by creating the massive energies suggested by the images on the screen. If we didn’t supply that emotional/energetic impact, the movies would fall apart.


If a hero is leaping across a wide chasm with superhuman ability, we’re there, doing it, too.


In other words, we’re imagining that energy. Of course, by societal norms, the fact that we’re imagining it cancels out its reality. “It’s just fantasy, nothing happening, move along, not important.”


Nothing could be further from the truth.


We possess this capacity to imagine great energy and space because we create energy and space—and if we stopped long enough to understand what that means, we would see there is an avenue from the normal to the paranormal.


When the ancients saw their own power reflected back at them by the universe, they invented gods. That was their curious response. They imbued these gods with the potential powers they themselves had buried deep in their own subconscious.


When a person flies a plane capable of smashing the sound barrier, he’s not really bowing down to the plane. He’s connecting with the same kind of power in himself. If he weren’t, that plane would never have been invented in the first place. These machines are an outward expression of what we have.


What we’ve developed amnesia about is our capacity to create these energies directly, without technology. And it’s time to re-engage on that level.


Of course, tons of propaganda have been sent down the pipeline at us, in order to convince us that power=abuse, that power always equals criminal abuse in all times and places. The “best and the brightest” have been arguing from this position for a very long time. Well, they can afford to. They already have positions of societal power, and they want to protect those little thrones.


I am talking about something completely different: the inherent individual power to project great energy—with all its implications.


One of which, by the way, is enhanced health. The cells of the body are essentially paranormal to begin with. That is, their receptors are looking for an influx of energy created by the YOU inhabiting that body. And when it comes, they respond with elation, and they move into wider levels of action and vibration.


In these articles I’ve been writing lately about energy, I’m bringing to the surface something we instinctively know: we create, transmit, and project energy. We can do that. We can do it within the confines of small boring spaces, or we can do on a much greater scale.


Once we do it and experience it in larger spaces, life changes. It isn’t the same anymore. It doesn’t retain its routine hemmed-in quality. It’s the difference between sending a rocket from New York to New Jersey and sending it to Orion.


But it’s personal. It’s you doing it. You, projecting the energy.


Physicists and biologists, if they were interested, would try to explain it in their terms, and they would utterly fail.


You aren’t projecting brainwaves or photons. Your energy is just that: ENERGY. It’s more basic than anything moving on its own around the universe.


It’s time to come to terms with this. It lifts life to a new level, a level we’ve desired for a long time.


We’re paranormal. We were never normal; that’s just a cover story.


Jon Rappoport









Imagination envisions new realities. That’s the starting point.


After that, we come to the fact that, with sufficient deployment of imagination, a person then looks at his own steady-state reality and realizes it is provisional, subject to change.


His chronic reality isn’t as solid and final as he thought it was.


This new understanding isn’t just an intellectual speculation. It’s based on experience.


In my consulting work with private clients, I conduct imagination exercises to bring about this experience.


You could look at it this way: if you want to build up your body, you go to the gym and work out. Most people never think of “going to the imagination gym.” They don’t work on developing this vital and fantastic capacity, this imagination. They let it remain in the background of their lives.


Your imagination contains power that is stunning. It’s a shame to let it go to waste.


My clue about imagination comes from my work as an artist over the last 50 years, my friendship with a man I believe was the most innovative hypnotherapist of his time, Jack True, and my study of the ancient practices of Tibetan magicians.


In Tibet, once upon a time, it was understood that imagination was the key to enlightenment. This was front and center in their spiritual practices and exercises. Their “gym” was intense. It was the core of their commitment.


There are several levels or types of reality. One is what you see around you every day, and what you discover online or on television. Another is your own interior reality, which is less defined, but which exerts a powerful influence on the way you deal with people, relationships, situations, goals, work, and future. A third reality is what you can envision, based on what you truly desire. Some people have only a vague notion about this third level.


It turns out that all three types of reality are subject to change.


In my work with clients, I approach imagination as the key that unlocks all the doors.


I also know that people tend to wonder how they can really USE imagination. It’s not clear to them. They need lots of experience using it. That’s why I spent a lot of years inventing and developing imagination exercises. If you want to understand a tool, an instrument, you need to employ it. You need to employ it extensively.


That’s what happens in my phone sessions with private clients.


My first client, 30 years ago, was a man who described himself as “an engineer with vague pretensions of being an inventor.” He worked for a large corporation in Southern California. He wanted to make a breakthrough and invent…he didn’t know what and he didn’t know how.


So I told him we would have a number of sessions and I would lead him through imagination techniques that could help him.


Three months later, he was telling me his marriage had improved to a fantastic degree. That was completely unexpected. That was the first big change. It wasn’t immediately apparent how these techniques had brought about the change.


But soon he told me. He said he realized he had been looking at his marriage through “a certain kind of lens,” and that lens was HIS OWN INVENTION. He saw this. It was quite vivid to him. Long ago, he had constructed the lens, and by seeing everything in his marriage through it, he was gradually destroying the best relationship in his life.


And now there was no need for that. He began seeing his wife as he had when they’d first met. When they’d fallen in love.


As he and I continued to work, he started making sketches of several inventions he was imagining, and those sketches became drawings and plans and blueprints, and finally, prototypes. One of them, a year later, was his ticket out of the job he didn’t want any longer.


On the day he quit the job, he wrote me a note: “When I was a young man, I came to California because I felt the pull of great energy in the Space program. I was thrilled to enter the scene. It was my great goal to be a part of the effort. Now I realize that was, on my side of things, all about the power of imagination. I was imagining a future so intense and adventurous. And then, as time went by, I let it slip away. I allowed myself to become ground down in the politics, the cynicism, the bureaucracy. Now I’ve got it back. I’m so much more conscious this time around. I’m not going to let it slip away again. But even more, I know my imagination is a key to levels of consciousness I hadn’t dreamed existed. That’s the biggest thing…”


His letter sums up so much of what we go through in life. It starts out high, wide, and handsome, with tremendous energy and purpose, but then, gradually, the vision fades and the emotion loses some of its power. We settle for less. We make “adjustments.” We think of this as “being realistic.”


But the dream of the vision and its fulfillment never really goes away. Some part of us remains on alert for the opportunity to start over, with more wisdom, but with that same boundless and open enthusiasm.


That’s where imagination comes in, because that’s where the enthusiasm lives.


We can get it back, and more, if we start by realizing imagination has never vanished. It’s a potential energy, and it needs to be tapped into.


I’ve been through lots of ups and downs, and I’ve always come out the other side, because I know, in my bones, that ordinary repetitive reality is just a prelude to the main event—which is created through and by imagination at full bore.


Will wonders ever cease?


No, they won’t, if we give them a solid chance.


Jon Rappoport














AUGUST 14, 2011. From time to time, I get emails asking me what independent researchers can do to expose important scandals that reflect the way politics are really done in this country.


Well, I have a suggestion.


Let’s take the year 1950 as a starting point. The challenge would be to document the flow of local, state, and federal aid monies directed at inner cities living in grinding poverty—from 1950 to the present.


And answer the following questions.


How much money, in toto, are we talking about? Excluding welfare $$ given to individuals.


What was done with all that money?


What was built?


Why did the aid money obviously fail to bring about the stated objective?


How much money was diverted into projects for which it wasn’t designated? How much was stolen, and by whom?


Who should have noticed, and why didn’t they speak up?


To the degree that aid monies were supposed to fund local entrepreneurs and their start-up businesses, how did that work out?


Take a close look at several institutions traditionally active in inner cities—churches, community organizations, hospitals, and gangs—and assess how they influenced the aid monies.


Find out whether any of the aid money was targeted for community food farms, and if so, what happened to those urban farms.


And what was the use and outcome of all aid designed to improve education?


Just as a comprehensive history of US foreign aid to nations (governments) around the world would be most informative, we need the same kind of history vis-a-vis inner cities in America.


It’s not enough for pundits to say we must have more federal money for inner cities. We should know what actually happened to all the money that already went there.


To say something is fishy here is a vast understatement.


Since under our present system the endless invention of money has limits, and since severe government spending cutbacks appear to be on the horizon, it would be helpful to know how past monies were used, misused, and stolen.


Once this can of worms is opened, I’m sure the revelations will come spilling out. (And again, we’re not even talking about welfare or unemployment benefits extended to residents of inner cities.)


If you owned a business, and you noticed that allocations to one branch of that business had produced, over time, glaring negative results, wouldn’t you investigate? And suppose, in your investigation, you discover that the funds you sent to the failing branch had been systemically diverted, so that you have, in your midst, what amounts to a money laundering operation? Or a dozen different laundries? Would that be a little unsettling?


Jon Rappoport









AUGUST 8, 2011. Once upon a time, human beings lived in cultures where images were alive. What we now call superstitions were, to them, gods and demons and intermediary entities that transmitted or stole the juice and the energy and the power of life.


It’s nearly impossible to project ourselves into such an environment and experience the burgeoning passions that infused experience—because a great shift has occurred.


The West entered, with anticipation, a temple of the bald Sampson, where images disappeared, were swallowed up, were replaced by so-called rational faith.


This eventually precipitated a crisis. If you don’t have, or believe in, images that live and breathe and are intimately connected with life-force, how do you replace them? How do you avoid becoming pallid skeletons of science, whose productions never impart that same fire?


This crisis is reflected all around us every day.


We have become liberated, and in this liberation we are left with emptiness. On top of that, we have decided to assume that passions of the soul should be modulated, like elevator music, to somehow join with our advanced knowledge, in harmonic balance.


It’s no balance; it’s timidity, and this attitude makes us prey to an eerie tolerance of all opinion and custom and point of view and aspiration and stretched-out egalitarianism and even criminal action. Giving no offense, under any circumstances, for any reason, is now the coin of the realm.


You might say, with accurate assessment, that these are qualities of the successful salesman. And that is what so many of us have become: ambassadors of the vague and dessicated pulse of our “rational culture.”


We even think of it in religious terms. The message of this church is the honed and blown-dry embrace of Anything. As if this was the message of Jesus and Buddha and Krishna and other teachers of our blurry past.


To counterbalance this bleached present, many of us are drawn into dark theaters to watch suburban humans turned into bloodsucking harpooned-tooth neck fetishists and genetic mistakes and hair-sprouting wolves and irradiated monsters or heroes.


It’s the instant-coffee version of ancient Dionysian adventure. And the depiction of gym-sex on the screen wouldn’t stir the interest of a mouse in a barn.


Was this why and for what we abandoned the mysteries of the epoch of magic?


For freckled children in a British academy laboring over a paranormal costume drama, tricked out with the accoutrement of grottoes and dark halls?


The crisis on our hands now is not one that is going to go away. It is not going to recede as magic once receded. Because there WAS a reason we liberated ourselves from the Middle Ages and even the Renaissance, and until we find it and face it and deeply accept the new struggle, we are going to see this simulacrum culture of ours make endless cartoons of itself in dried out oceans of concrete.


For what we need to do now, pharmaceuticals and brain research and genetic manipulation and cyber-affectation and instant global communication and medical messiahs and worship (or desecration) of profit-making idols hold no answers.


The rise of the global spectator and the Magellan journeying for hidden information are merely symptoms of the grand postponement.


Make no mistake about it, we are dealing with a genuine struggle, and because of that we can discount the possible breakthrough of billions of people—since they have tuned themselves to A Great Arrival of an external force that will, all by itself, pleasantly and forever, alter the landscape. The billions have buried themselves in a mental construct that preaches the doctrine of The Labyrinth Unwinding and Revealing Itself. And given that, the prospect of taking great action, and overcoming massive inertia, is anathema. Is seemingly “a very bad fit.” Is mystifying. Is jolting. Is alarming. Is a “miscalculation.” Is absurd. Is the very opposite of what our culturally accumulated knowledge tells us is right and correct and plausible.


If you are a spectator, you are forced to think the Answer will come in through your receptors, and if you are a hound of arcane information, you are forced to believe you will eventually stumble across a Prime can opener.


In either event, you want to define the terms of the struggle. But suppose it is another sort of animal altogether? Suppose what took us into the age of rationality was, in some way, connected to the realization that we were, all along, inventing our own demons and gods and demigods and entities of great life-force—and although that knowledge has been shoved into the background, as trivial and passe, while technology has soared, it is still with us, and it overshadows all our machines and their power.


It is the message: we are the majestic and wild creatures we built the temples to.


We are the makers; we are the architects of all the dreams—and not through some compensatory impulse, but because WE CREATE. That is our natural inclination and the source of our ecstasy. It is only civilization that seems to cast us in opposite roles. It is only our fear that has impelled us to invent these civilizations, to keep us from being what we are and living it out.


That is the cosmic joke, if you are looking for one.


Our societies and civilizations are arranged to make it seem as if imagination is a preposterous choice—when, in fact, that is what we are here for.


Societies are actually in a parallel satellite universe, and the prime universe is all imagination.


The subconscious, to the degree that it still exists, is mainly composed of two layers: a cultural synthetic which the person himself supplies with what he thinks should be there, and fragments of his own imaginative excursions. In both cases it is art; one, imitative, the other original.


The underlying cry of our age is: HOW CAN I CREATE?


The conclusion is: we will do anything to avoid it.


And the universal compliant is: I DON’T UNDERSTAND.




While, in the deep past, we sucked the marrow out of the bones of the gods we invented and thereby felt enormous passions, we knew there was a missing piece, and that piece was an abyss over which we were hanging. So we came all this way to find out that we authored the labyrinth. We built the paths that gave us joy and terror, and now we can consciously and spontaneously make new worlds without end. Not as engineers, but as magicians.


Swallowing that stark truth may be hard, may be upsetting, but it IS why we made the voyage.


And then pulled our punches.


This is no archaic revival. It’s now, today and tomorrow.


Are we supposed to say that Michelangelo and Leonardo and Piero made their great works along religious themes, but we, who know so much more, can only put up, against that, our machines?


The universe is waiting for imagination for revolutionize it down to its core.

















AUGUST 7, 2011. Long-time readers of mine know I have, many times, asked and answered the question: WHAT IS FREEDOM FOR?


Answer: the widest possible use, with great intensity and power, of endless IMAGINATION.


Freedom is the platform that allows imagination to flourish.


To establish the framework for the triumph of imagination, in a world where repetition and ironclad system are worshiped like gods, we have to re-explore FREEDOM.


That is what this essay does.


The free, powerful, intensely creative, and moral individual is the ideal that flows from the meaning of the American Republic.


When that ideal is abandoned, what replaces it is the individual who has the LICENSE to do anything—to diminish, manipulate, and control the freedom of another.


The difference between freedom and license is the difference between living blood in the veins, versus a synthetic plastic approximation. The android thus created always yearns for the real thing, and in its absence, he drives himself into a state of anarchic frustration, violence, and the desire to enact revenge.


The “man of license,” not freedom, forms a character that is at once servile and self-assertive, meek and bloated, guilt-ridden and criminally aggressive.


And what flows from that? The entirely artificial, enterprising, cheating, skulking, compromising, self-flagellating, miserable, brutal, aggrandizing, masochistic citizen—often found in, among many other places, positions of leadership. In government, business, law, academia.


Do you need a better formula for creating criminals?


A society packed with such persons is going to carry out the vision of a self-sufficient nation and individual at about the same rate of success as a colony of primates is going to give birth to Thomas Paine.


From “the man of license” came a parade of crimes:


The rise of the robber barons, the slave-wage conditions in factories; the continuation of black slavery; Indian conquests; the monopolistic practices that led to secret control over entire industries; the capture of the US financial system; the yellow/tabloid American press; criminal corporate adventurism in foreign lands; the support of foreign dictatorships; so-called nation-building; false-flag operations aimed at casting blame on the wrong parties; endless wars; covert intelligence operations targeting both foreign opponents and American citizens; support of death squads to forward US corporate goals abroad; the surrender of our borders; the rise of massive entitlements; the enshrinement of victimhood; rigged elections; the bankrupting of the nation; the manipulation of markets; engineered recessions and depressions; misplaced tolerance shown toward war-making religious fundamentalisms; the descent into state corporatism and socialism; shadow governments…


These and other acts all stem from one basic cause: the flight from the notion and reality of the free, powerful, and intensely creative individual. And the substitution of the man of license.


The doors were opened to manipulation on every level. The crimes and the conspiracies to commit crimes have not ended and will never end, so long as the truly free individual is a dead issue in the eyes of walking dead men.


Few historians have grasped the import of George Washington’s final warning, to the American people, to avoid entangling foreign alliances. The ignorance on this point is staggering.


It is clear that America could have found a way to remove itself from foreign affairs to such a degree that it could have constructed, at home, a society the likes of which has never been seen on the face of the Earth:


A moral and ethical society, devoted to the inculcation of as many free and powerful individuals as possible, none of whom would be tempted to cheat, lie, and steal his way “to the top.” Which is to say, a SELF-SUFFICIENT country, in all conceivable ways. Raw materials, manufacturing, industry, agriculture, technology.


And in this society, there would have been swift and strong punishment for any person, company, or corporation that decided to circumvent the law and commit criminal acts by hindering or fraudulently repressing any individual.


A free and powerful and creative individual, contrary to popular myths, has an ethical stature which legislates against perverse actions undertaken at the expense of others.


Let me present a theoretical, fictional example of what George Washington called foreign entanglement—except I’ll cast it in the form of US corporate action. We have a nation, X. In X, for a thousand years, land ownership has been a matter of tribal squabbles and bloody conflicts, and periodic land takeovers by strong-armed government administrations, many of which administrations have fallen as a result of revolutions. We also have a few powerful families who have owned the bulk of the nation’s arable land for several centuries and employ private armies and death squads to maintain control of the land and the virtual slaves who work it. Into this situation steps US corporation Y. It is seeking to purchase and lease land for the production of grain. It has to deal with the present dictator, who is more than happy to make an arrangement, for the right price (bribe). He will also help defend these lands with his army and repel invaders by killing them.


A fine beginning. Corporation Y also pays off several tribal leaders to stay away from these leased lands. The tribal leaders will, of course, need better weapons. These are forthcoming. The tribes will kill each other with them, on the side. Then the corporation hires a security group which supplies mercenaries. Then the dictator, who is basically a bloodthirsty lunatic, decides he wants bigger bribe money, and a new highway built from the central airport right to his palace. Eventually, corporation Y, which is receiving intelligence from a local CIA bureau, decides the dictator is too large a headache, so discussions begin about a military coup. However, the first choice of a new leader has close ties to a group that wants to nationalize oil fields. In this takeover, new leader would be supported by several terrorist regimes who have already paid him large sums of money…




There was no way to avoid these realities once corporation Y entered the scene, if they wanted to make a handsome profit on their investment. They had come into a society that was brutal and criminal on many levels.


Are we really to believe that Washington, Jefferson, Paine, and Madison would have sanctioned and applauded this kind of dealing as “the expression of free enterprise?”


What is the alternative?


Through the propaganda mills, we are fed a constant stream of persuasion masked as fact, which assures us that, without each other, globally, we will all go down. The whole world. We are one planet with one need—each other. The idea that one people in one country could achieve an overall self-sufficiency is considered dangerous lunacy.


Instead, we must somehow merge with peoples and nations who have a long history of oppression, violence, murder, and a grossly limited or absent concept of individual freedom.


Behind this propaganda operation sits the aim of melting us down into one mass of humanity. No one stands out. We all are reduced down to lowest common denominators. No one has power. No one is truly free, because freedom is ALWAYS taken at the expense of someone else. Freedom means criminality.


This is the myth.


Against all this, let me juxtapose another fictional illustration, an entry written in a journal by an educated American citizen in the year 1880—living in a nation that had rejected ANY business or government dealing with any foreign country, that had remained, yes, completely isolated, and had dedicated itself to the free, powerful, moral, and intensely creative individual, as the ideal of the Republic. In this alternative America, the “man of license” had been squashed and sidelined:


It was apparent to us, from the beginning of the Republic, that, in order to carry out the mandate of freedom, difficult choices would have to be made.


Tom Paine eventually carried the banner of George Washington by convincing us that engaging in foreign trade, any foreign trade, would be a mistake that would compound into further, more serious errors. Not through government, but through business, we would inevitably be drawn back into the circle of corruption and old enmities among groups and nations. How could we walk into a decadent swamp without incurring infection?


The debates on this point were heated. In the end, Paine and Madison gave us a picture of an alternative: We would turn inward and utilize our burgeoning productive capacity to do business within our own borders, thus enriching the lives of our own citizens. It would be a step, Paine said, toward the establishment of the first wholly self-sufficient nation in human history—and this example would shine brightly for the rest of the world.


An equally difficult problem was the so-called Indian Proposition, because it involved negotiating and signing land and border treaties with a number of tribes. The expansion westward had provoked armed conflicts with several of these tribes. In the aftermath, a group of us was able to influence Congress to declare a cessation of warfare, on the notion that no ethical people should countenance bloodshed when diplomacy might carry the day. In the end, diplomacy did, and I firmly believe we are the better for it. Does the new free man on this continent wish to carry on the warring tradition of his European ancestors? Is that what we stand for?


The abolition of slavery in 1807, again led by Paine, who had spoken out against it years earlier, during the Constitutional debates, provoked a radical alteration in the economy of the South. Many cotton plantations were converted into farms, fruit orchards, and cattle ranches, and the South, accepting workers from the North as long-term leaseholders and part-owners of their own acreage, became the Food Basket of the nation, wealthy beyond all expectation.


Now, we have a new enterprise, and it may bring us all into an unimaginable future. Following experiments conducted by several companies off the Northeast Coast, it has been announced that the flow of powerful currents in ocean narrows can be harnessed to produce immense quantities of electricity, and there is the prospect that this electricity can be transmitted considerable distances over land. Nearly a hundred promising locations on the East Coast and along our Southern shores are candidates for the innovation. There is the vision of thus developing enough energy for the entire Republic.


I recall some words written by Mr. Paine shortly before his death: ‘There will come a day when we Americans, through our ingenuity, make scientific discoveries that stagger the soul and delight the mind. Our first tendency will be to profit from these inventions by peddling them abroad, in violation of our promise to resist foreign trade of any kind. Instead, this is what I suggest, and I believe it will make a point. Offer the theoretical innovations, the blueprints, in pure unrealized form, to the rest of the world, as our gift, and let them make of it what they will. My calculation is they will further their intentions to benefit the few at the expense of the many, because that is their way, the old way. Let them. To withhold our advances and try to protect them against all outside discovery will only raise the enmity of others toward us, and it will tempt some of us to deliver this knowledge in secrecy—a thing to be avoided at all cost.’


Mr. Paine concluded: ‘We are a nation of builders and creators, and we have inherited this ability from our own joy in discovering what true freedom is, and enshrining it in the highest ramparts of our imaginations. We are close on the time when the entire territory of these United States will be blooming with abundance of every type. The greatness of this present campaign, I note, has come with never a sacrifice of the individual to the mob. In fact, it was and is individual genius that has sustained us all along, and will continue to reflect our devotion to that very principle, against which we may judge the propriety, reason, and common sense of any action. Our nation is alive at the very core, and may it always remain so.’


In certain respects, Mr. Paine’s prediction was correct. As we have made our brilliant scientific inventions available to foreign nations, in blueprint form, those nations have utilized them to the ends tyrannies always do. But gradually, there has arisen, abroad, a notion that America needs to be understood at a more profound level. It is not so much that the fruits from our tree of liberty should be plucked at random; instead, these foreign peoples are learning that they must undergo a revolution of mind. They must dedicate themselves to the free individual, just as we did. They must engage in a new philosophy, whereby Free, Powerful, Moral, Creative, Individual are all the joining fires of their own liberty. They are heartened. They realize this philosophy is more than mere dreaming and useless speculation, because for the first time in human history, a nation has brought these ideas to life and sustained them, on its own soil. Our isolation was never bound in hatred of the human being, but only constituted an aversion to the age-old practices that brought pain, suffering, and destruction, as men considered they had License to commit any crimes and call those crimes just and proper. This is what we built walls against. And now we are the example, the living proof of a different way.


We are strong. Our defenses against invasion and subterfuge are unshakable. (We entertain no illusions that our very example to the rest of the world is alone sufficient to protect us.) We go about our lives and our work, knowing how great our freedom is, and we look forward to the day when other peoples and nations will show us that they, too, have crossed their own chasms of despair. On that day, there will be no need for treaties or alliances. Firm friendship will suffice.


To the rest of the world we say: This is who we are. This is what we have done. Our hopes go out to you. There is no sacrifice we can make to bring you into a new state of mind. That is your own prospect. Your attainments must be your own. There is no other path, because freedom, by its very nature, cannot be a gift. Build your own compass and navigate by it. If we are your North Star, our innate happiness is thereby increased…”


And now, back to the reality of 2011…


As society and government and media produce more turmoil and junk information, it’s easier to forget there are first principles. Well, most of the time, people can manage to forget first principles anyway. Who needs them? They just get in the way of a relatively smooth life, in which authentic thought plays a minor role.


One could say the prevailing philosophy is not to have a philosophy. However, as it turns out, this takes more effort than one might suppose. There is so much to forget, so much to ignore, so much to lay aside in a remote space in the cellar.


With the onset of a pseudo-philosophy called Pragmatism, designed for “the common man,” pundits declared they had found the key to America’s success. Its citizens had unburdened themselves of all the unnecessary mental clap-trap that legislated against pure action. Americans were stripped-down goal seekers.


Of course, emptying the mind meant the founding principles of the republic went begging. This was unfortunate collateral damage—but why worry about freedom when you were already acting on it, when you were already in the heat of the battle to bring the good life to fruition?


A specious argument—and we can see the results of it all around us.


So let us return to principle…


The free individual is moral in the sense that he chooses—as seen through his own eyes—the highest work possible. Therefore, he is not competing for a prize others seek. He isn’t scrabbling for a fake pearl. He isn’t contemplating crimes that will help him arrive at a destination before others can.


And this notion of “the highest work possible” doesn’t involve leaving one’s desire behind, in order to become the servant of a cause. One doesn’t suddenly develop an egoless and empty personality in order to “connect” with a goal that floats in a heavenly sector.


The psychology of the free individual is really no psychology at all. It doesn’t hang on levers of past events. It doesn’t depend on clandestine “negative motives.”


The free individual isn’t shaped. He shapes.


He doesn’t seek compromise. He doesn’t begin with the possibility of public acceptance and rationalize his actions back from that hoped-for outcome.


Meanwhile, the mob, the herd operates on debt, obligation, guilt, and the pretense of admiration. These are its currencies.


The mob, while it seeks some reflection of its unformed desire, struggles to reach a group consensus that will construct a social order based on need—and that need will be supplied, through coercion if necessary, by those who already have More.


This need, and the proposition that the mob deserves its satisfaction, creates a worldwide industry.


Among the industry’s most passionate and venal supporters are those who, a priori, are quite certain that the human being is a tainted vile creature. Such supporters, of course, are sensing their own reflections.


The great psychological factor in any life is THE DESERTION OF INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM. Afterwards, the individual creates shadows and monsters and fears around that crossroad. To vaporize them, he needs to choose his own freedom again. That’s the long and short of it.


Freedom is the space and the setting, from which the individual can generate the thought and the energy- pulse of a great self-chosen objective.


In that place, there is no crowding or oppressive necessity. There is choice. There is desire. There is thought.


This was the starting point of the American Revolution. It is still the starting point.


It doesn’t require consensus. It doesn’t require legislation or any other form of permission.


Being absorbed in a greater whole” isn’t an ambition or philosophical prospect for the free individual. He sees that fixation as an abject surrender of self.


The Collective, whether envisioned as a down-to-earth or mystical group, promises a release from self. This grand solution to problems is a ruse designed to keep humans in a herd. After all, how are you going to control and eventually enslave people if you promote the notion that each individual has freedom and free choice? The abnegation of self is a workable tactic, as along as it is dressed up with false idols and perverted ideals.


The release from self is a fabrication. At bottom, it is choosing another role in the play, the drama. It is a character, called “non-self.” It can be fleshed out and outfitted in a number of ways.


Traditionally, non-self envisions apocalyptic events that will change everything and bring ultimate rewards and/or punishments. Non-self is wedded to “higher mystical forces” because, since self has been rejected, there has to be a different causative principle.


Self is fundamentally creative, dynamic, forward-looking, energetic, powerful, engaged. The Collective looks for those qualities in the government as its source of survival. In turn, the government takes whatever it can from the free individual, to supply the needs of the Collective.


This arrangement is a diminishing vortex that, in time, approaches zero output, like an engine running out of fuel.


But the free individual goes on.


And in doing so, he employs greater and wider imagination to surpass his former view of existence…



